Displace (1409)

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Revision as of 15:30, 10 January 2023 by WHIGHTCNIGHT (talk | contribs) (add savant header)
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On 1/1/23, several Major Mental and Savant Base spells were introduced into the live game. Until this article is updated, be sure to read Mental and Savant Spell Scrolls

This spell is not yet implemented and may or may not currently be under development. Information presented in this article is subject to change.

Savant Base Spell Circle
Circle Potency Pure
Sphere Alignment Mental
Relevant Stats Discipline
Available To Savants
Associated Circles Minor Mental
Major Mental
Savant Base Spells
Not Yet Implemented (1401) TBD
Not Yet Implemented (1402) TBD
Not Yet Implemented (1403) TBD
Not Yet Implemented (1404) TBD
Not Yet Implemented (1405) TBD
Not Yet Implemented (1406) TBD
Not Yet Implemented (1407) TBD
Astral Spear (1408) Attack
Displace (1409) Utility
Not Yet Implemented (1410) TBD
Not Yet Implemented (1411) TBD
Not Yet Implemented (1412) TBD
Not Yet Implemented (1413) TBD
Mana Burst (1414) Attack
Not Yet Implemented (1415) TBD
Not Yet Implemented (1416) TBD
Astral Vault (1417) Utility
Not Yet Implemented (1418) TBD
Not Yet Implemented (1419) TBD
Not Yet Implemented (1420) TBD
Not Yet Implemented (1425) TBD
Convoke (1435) Utility

On 04/13/2021, GM Estild teased messaging for the spell Displace, from the Savant Base spell sphere on Discord. Under this proposed approach, there is no weight limit, however the spell doesn't work with containers or cursed items. At 25 ranks of Mental Lore - Transference, the spell works globally and under that, it is limited to same-zone only.


>prep 1409
You calm your mind and apply the strength of your determination to Displace...
Your spell is ready.
>cast Estild
You gesture into the air.
You attempt to teleport a silver wand to Estild.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.

Soandso is attempting to teleport a silver wand to you.  Click ACCEPT to accept the offer or DECLINE to decline it.  The offer will expire in 30 seconds.
A silver wand materializes in your right hand.

A silver wand dematerializes from your right hand.



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