Enhancive item/saved posts
Topic: General Discussion about Gemstone IV
Message #: 4190
Author: GS4-COASE
Date: 7/12/2007 10:52:19 PM
Subject: Re: Enhancives Question
The enhancive system has been updated to properly factor in Constitution enhancive effects when determining a player's Maximum Health level. Previously, an enhanced Constitution score did not cause players to gain (or lose, in the case of Constitution penalties) maximum health. This has now been corrected. One of the more noticeable effects of this change will be its impact on Death's Sting, as its Constitution penalty will now also reduce Maximum Health.
Topic: Benefits
Message #: 7827
Author: GS4-ZYLLAH
Date: 6/7/2008 5:35:07 AM
Subject: Re: Enhancives Question
<<Probably a better place to put this but sense I'm looking at adding enhancives to existing items via my points I'll put it here. What can and can't have an enhancive added? Can items with spells in them have enhancives added? What effects how quickly it's charges are drained? If it's clothing/armor does it go down alittle every day? I just don't know, these are pretty much new to me.
Almost anything can have enhancive properties added. The only item I know for sure off the top of my head that doesn't work with the enhancive system is jewelry for piercings.
Enhancive items have a set number of charges (but how many is different from item to item). The premium enhancives come with a lot of charges compared to most other items in the game. The charges are drained via a random roll system. The chance to lose a charge each time is quite small, but the longer you leave an item activated the more this will catch up to you.
There is a chance to lose a charge when you activate the item (which would be getting it in your hand if it's a weapon or shield or wearing it if it's a worn item). Then while an item is active there are periodic rolls made to see if a charge is lost. So the more you have an item active the more of these rolls take place.
People who keep their item active and are in the game for long periods of time tend to use up their enhancives much quicker than people who only keep theirs active for shorter periods or are not in the game as much. Of course there's also some luck to that and if the rolls go against you your item might seem to lose charges more quickly than someone else's, or if they go in your favor last much longer.