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EHShop:Antiquarian Manor

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a sprawling manor, [Map Room 63], Room# 8083005, Lich# L31592, go sprawling manor

Antiquarian Manor, Entry

[Antiquarian Manor, Entry - 8084691]
Stretching both to the east and west, the wide entry has a museum-like feel to it. Cold marble glimmers in the light of dozens of candles housed in polished scones along the walls, while grey marble pillars veined with ebon and gold hold the distant ceiling aloft. Several display cases line the walls, each offering a view of a different treasure. Opposite the entry, and across the broad expanse of glisten tiles, a set of glass-paned double doors leads to a garden. You also see a decorative jewelry case.
Obvious exits: east, west, out
a decorative jewelry case
This is a random prize generator.  Searching costs 10 soul shards.

In the display cases you see: a teardrop of summit agita, a teardrop of ocean agita, a teardrop of dawn agita, a teardrop of dusk agita, a teardrop of aura agita, and a teardrop of storm agita.

Item Type Info Details Price
a teardrop of summit agita gem < 1 lb
Alter fodder
a teardrop of ocean agita gem < 1 lb
Alter fodder
a teardrop of dawn agita gem < 1 lb
Alter fodder
a teardrop of dusk agita gem < 1 lb
Alter fodder
a teardrop of aura agita gem < 1 lb
Alter fodder
a teardrop of storm agita gem < 1 lb
Alter fodder

Antiquarian Manor, East Wing

[Antiquarian Manor, East Wing - Lich#31756 - 8084693]
Covering the center of the marble floor, a crushed velvet runner of gold-filigree and red muffles the sound of passersby as they explore the wing. Ebon veining traces its away across the white marble walls, which glistens in the light of several frosted globes that dangle from the ceiling. Perched upon the tile floor and set back from the central runner, several glass-paned display cases and gold-inlaid linden curious showcase rare finds.
Obvious exits: west

In the display case you see: a branch of gray ko'nag and a branch of blue-black widowwood.

Item Type Info Details Price
a branch of gray ko'nag < 1 lb
Alter fodder

a branch of blue-black widowwood < 1 lb
Alter fodder


In the linden curio you see: a small pane of pale azure aragless, a tiny piece of ivy and azure vergless, an incarnadine arathiel bead, and a small skyglass miniature.

Item Type Info Details Price
a small pane of pale azure aragless < 1 lb
Alter fodder

a tiny piece of ivy and azure vergless < 1 lb
Alter fodder

an incarnadine arathiel bead < 1 lb
Alter fodder

a small skyglass miniature < 1 lb
Alter fodder


Antiquarian's Study

[Antiquarian's Study - Lich#31757 - 8084694]
Surrounded by floor-to-ceiling shelves, the thickly carpeted room has strategically placed frosted globes that illuminate a large black walnut desk. A suit of antique armor rests in one corner, its breastplate reflecting the ambient light while its limbs remain in shadows. Various collection jars, ancient manuscripts, and raw hide-wrapped bundles fill the shelves and give the air a slightly musty scent. You also see an aging grey-haired antiquarian and a heavy golden linden door.
Obvious exits: none

On the black walnut desk you see: a suede-wrapped storage apparatus.

Item Type Info Details Price
a suede-wrapped storage apparatus < 1 lb
Antiquarian's Apparatus

Antiquarian Manor, West Wing

[Antiquarian Manor, West Wing - 8084695]
Covering the center of the marble floor, a crushed velvet runner of gold-filigree and red muffles the sound of passersby as they explore the wing. Ebon veining traces its away across the white marble walls, which glistens in the light of several frosted globes that dangle from the ceiling. Perched upon the tile floor and set back from the central runner, several glass-paned display cases and gold-inlaid linden curios showcase rare finds. You also see a heavy white door.
Obvious exits: east

In the linden curio you see: a small bolt of su'chao silk, a bolt of jade green naraina, and a palm-sized piece of ithaenil.

Item Type Info Details Price
a small bolt of su'chao silk < 1 lb
Alter fodder

a bolt of jade green naraina < 1 lb
Alter fodder

a palm-sized piece of ithaenil < 1 lb
Alter fodder


In the display case you see: a disk of spectral agate, a cabochon of nathala agate, a columnar of dream agate, a spherical blood agate, a nodule of dawn agate, a shard of nathalene, a piece of cinnamon amber, a tiny piece of sunset beryl, and a pebble of storm agate.

Item Type Info Details Price
a disk of spectral agate gem < 1 lb
Alter fodder
a cabochon of nathala agate gem < 1 lb
Alter fodder
a columnar of dream agate gem < 1 lb
Alter fodder
a spherical blood agate gem < 1 lb
Alter fodder
a nodule of dawn agate gem < 1 lb
Alter fodder
a shard of nathalene gem < 1 lb
Alter fodder
a piece of cinnamon amber gem < 1 lb
Alter fodder
a tiny piece of sunset beryl gem < 1 lb
Alter fodder
a pebble of storm agate gem < 1 lb
Alter fodder

Antiquarian Manor, Show Room

[Antiquarian Manor, Show Room - 8084696]
Frosted globes dangle over each of the glass display cases housed in the small show room, while plush carpets muffle the sound in the enclosed space. Golden fleur-de-les decorate the cloth-of-gold fabric that decorates the walls, the symbol echoed in the ornate feet of velveteen chairs arranged in the corners. A heavy white door offers egress.
Obvious exits: none

In the glass display case you see: a bolt of fine elesine and a hefty chunk of ghezyte.

Item Type Info Details Price
a bolt of fine elesine < 1 lb
Alter fodder

a hefty chunk of ghezyte < 1 lb
Alter fodder


Antiquarian Manor, Garden

[Antiquarian Manor, Garden - LIch#31606 - 8084692]
Concentric bands of onyx and white tiles encircle an enruned shadowglass obelisk that sits in the center of the garden. Tufted and manicured blue-green grasses form a small lawn around the tiles before giving way to large and small urns filled with flowering bushes and ornamental shrubs. Smooth marble benches are arranged at various points throughout the small garden, each flanked by pebble-filled glossy ebonwood planters housing a variety of orchids. A small patio rests before the manor, offering firm footing before a set of glass-paned doors.
Obvious exits: none

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