Naamit (prime)/Kelleron

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This is a creative work set in the world of Elanthia, attributed to its original author(s). It does not necessarily represent the official lore of GemStone IV.

Title: Kelleron, artifice of an Issimir Giantkin's kegritsha in pieces

Author: Naamit DMVMD-Braggiani and the Bloody Harpies

The working title for this Issimir giantkin short story is called Kelleron, artifice of an Issimir Giantkin's kegritsha in pieces


Stay tuned :)

Chapter One: A Bard's Tale

Atmakina, her weathered face illuminated by the warm glow of the fireplace, surveyed the room. Children perched on stools, eyes wide with anticipation, while seasoned adventurers leaned in, eager for a taste of the tale.

"Gather 'round, yougins, adventurers and seasoned caribou salt licks," Atmakina rasped, her voice a comforting rumble of weird humor. "Tonight, I weave a tale of three sisters, a hidden treasure, and a test that chilled even the bravest hearts – the legend of the Kelleron and the Kegritsha." A hush fell over the room. Atmakina chuckled wetly.

"Lonmala, Bolbeli, and Nolkari," she began, her voice dropping to a thick whisper, "these weren't ordinary names, mind you. In the forgotten tongue, they meant something quite curious – Three Wishes, Two Secrets, and One Trial..."

A giantkin nursing a mug of ale in the background let out a chuckle, yielding a delicious tingle of unease in the children. Atmakina, ever the bard, paused for effect. "These sisters," she continued, her voice painting a vivid picture, "were giantkin, strong and adventurous, each possessing a magnificent, magical orb. Now, these orbs held immense power, but also a touch of mischief."

You see," Atmakina explained, "the orbs loved to test those who sought them. They'd hide in the most unexpected places, leading brave adventurers on merry chases, and for each one you found, you could have a wish!" A relieved sigh escaped the young listeners.

Atmakina grinned, her smile lined with wisdom. The children, rapt with interest, scooted closer. "But there was a catch," she said, her voice dropping a notch lower. "The true treasure, the sisters promised, could only be claimed by those who solved the secret of Lonmala, Bolbeli, and Nolkari."

The giantkin laughed heartily in the background.

"And that's the origin of the tradition we now celebrate as Kelleron, my little ones.

Though the three sisters are long gone, we celebrate the blood bond of kegritsha with you through a chance to reunite the orbs. But remember," she warned, her gaze sweeping across the room, "even the most beautiful treasures can have a hidden challenge."

The children and adventurers exchanged curious glances. "What kind of secrets are these, old Grinny Atmakina?"

Atmakina concluded, her voice laced with a hint of mystery equal to mirth, "Well, that's for when you deliver the first orb to me."

Chapter Two: Never Go To Bed Mad

On their way home, Nokki relayed stories he'd heard from other children. When darkness set in, Nikka, Nirri, and Nokki huddled around their pathetic little fire of dung, a stark chill settled upon them. Nokki's words about the legend's origin still tainted the area like a brume of hope, were such a thing ever to exist. Having taken matters to heart, Nikka however, retained a beaming smile her face had gripped for hours. "We can do this, because we ask someone who can read them when we find them!"

"Okay," Nikka finally said, her voice firm despite the adolescent tone, "we need a plan. First things first, what are we even looking for?" Nirri, ever the thinker, furrowed his brow. "Maybe there's something in Atmakina's story we missed."

"We heard it twice. It's just a silly tale about sparkly balls and wishywitches," Nokki complains shortly, his impatience obvious.

"Maybe not," Nikka countered. "Why orbs? Why not some fancy sword or a pile of uh......silver?"

Nokki shrugged. "Magic, I gue.... Oh!" Suddenly, a memory flickered in Nokki's mind. He remembered his grandfather, weathered hands calloused from years of mould and dye making, meticulously designing coin stamps for the One Elanthian Mint. "The etchings ...!"

"The etchings!" Nirri echoed, his voice laced with mirth. "Maybe the orbs aren't just any orbs. I mean, they're made of silver, with etchings that tell SOMEONE, something! Magic, I guess though..."

Nikka's eyes widened. "That makes sense! Silver is our currency, right? And the fancy coins have markings." Her subsequent physical reaction was far too loud for comfort, covering the complete vocal range of a young child's dawning epiphany. 'WORDS! DATES! CLUES!!! THIS IS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!WE GOTTA GO NAAAAOOOOWW!!'

Nokki's jaw long ago drooped, eyelids heavy, "What are we even talking about anymore?"

The children had nearly tipped over with exhaustion -- or hypothermia. It could be difficult to tell.

Chapter Three: Morning Machination

Far too early the next morning, the trio once again brought light to their bleak existence by blathering possible meanings of the bard Atmakina's tale. Nokki crouched by the flickering fire, which cast playful shadows on the faces of the younger children huddled beside him. The usual excitement for his stories was replaced by a nervous tension. He glanced at Nikka, still working off energy from the last night's excitement. Beside her, Nirri, the smallest of the three, seemed preoccupied.

"So that story the old woman told at the tavern?" Nokki began, his voice quiet beneath his threadbare blanket. "About the kegritsha's sisters and their treasure hunt?" "Well," Nokki continued, leaning closer, "the truth about the sisters and their hunt is... different."

Nikka and Nirri exchanged nervous glances. The whimsical image of sparkly orbs and hidden treasures felt a lot less fun now, after Nokki's goading before their senses were fully awakened.

Nirri's eyes widened. "But the hunt..." Nikka stammered, "isn't it part of Kelleron's celebration?" Nikka murmured in confusion, "Different how?"

Nokki's voice dropped to a flat note, "The sisters weren't kind, and those weren't just any magic balls. They craved power, a darkness that demanded a terrible price."

Nokki shook his head. Nikka and Nirri looked at each other as a seed of uncertainty blossomed. Could they be those people? Were they strong enough, brave enough? More importantly, could they work together well enough to win at Kelleron?

"The whispers say," Nokki continued, "the kegritsha's power requires perfect balance, like a three-legged stool. If one leg is weak, the whole thing falls apart."

A thoughtful silence descended upon the three children amid the burgeoning din of the morning. They knew each other well, they knew each other's strengths and they knew each other's weaknesses. Nikka was affable, quick, and resourceful, Nirri was clever and good at solving puzzles, and Nokki, the eldest, possessed a wisdom of age and leadership (a protective bully, truly).

Maybe, just maybe, they could be the right combination?

"Ummm," Nirri finally spoke, his voice small but determined, "if we find the orbs, if we work together, could we..?" he trailed off, unable to finish the question, though it ended on an up note.

Nokki leaned over with a grin, "Maybe," he said. "Maybe the orb's wealth can be ours. But it's really filled with danger, and if you really think you are strong enough, united enough, with ME...AS US, to face the darkness and...?"

The fire sputtered, casting a brief flashing glow on their three faces. The playful game of hide and seek was gone, replaced by a daunting challenge. Could their friendship be the key to unlocking the kegritsha's bond, or would the darkness tear them apart? The quandary settled into in the children's morning breaths, but time was ticking, they were not getting any younger.

Finally, Nikka nodded and said with a tone too determined for her age, "We can do this!" and the two boys followed suit in an echo of repetition. The matter was then sealed upon a six-fingered pinky swear. Just as it should be.

Chapter Four: The Cavernous Vault

The morning sun cast long shadows as Nikka, Nirri, and Nokki approached the imposing structure known as the Cavernous Vault. Carved from imposing brutalist limestone, it loomed over the bustling marketplace like a bulwark. A scale-shaped bronze plaque above the heavy doors proclaimed itself as a bank.

Banks are where trust is forged in silver.

Nirri, ever the cautious one, swallowed hard. "Are we sure this is the right place? We're looking for information about magic orbs."

Nokki scoffed. "You scared of a little stone building? Besides, who else keeps track of ancient traditions better than bankers and actuaries?"

Nikka squinted her eyes, still questioning the order of operation. "Maybe a wizard, or a historian? Or the bard named Atmakina?" she murmured under her breath, energy waning with the blooming day.

Taking a deep breath, Nikka pushed open the heavy doors with a creak. Inside, the air was still and thick; it smelled faintly of parchment and polished metal. Twin black marble counters gleamed on either side of a huddle of gruff-looking Issimir giantkin, some with thick beards and even thicker account ledgers, negotiating in adult language about adult things, like money, grain, war, and ores.

At the far end of the vast hall was a towering figure in formal attire, pacing back and forth, partially obscured by a half-walled privacy screen. A forward-jutting beard added severity to his already imposing, heavy gaze. This, they assumed, must be the bank manager.

Nikka cleared her throat, trying to sound confident. "Excuse me, sir? We were hoping to speak with someone about the tradition of Kelleron."

The manager blinked, his expression unreadable. "Kelleron? Do you mean the annual interest rate adjustment for high-yield silver deposits?"

Nokki: "There is?" Nirri piped up, his voice squeaky. "No, no, not that kind of Kelleron! It's about the hunt for the three orbs and the Kegritsha's power!"

The manager's eyebrows shot up in surprise. He cleared his throat with a dry cough that sounded suspiciously unnecessary. "Ah, yes," he finally boomed, his voice echoing in the cavernous hall. "The whimsical children's tale about sparkly balls and wishes? Didn't realize anyone still believed those old stories."

Nikka protested, "It's not a story! It's a tradition! We are here to discover the secret of the Kelleron!"

The manager chuckled again, this time openly. He sat back down in his chair, placing his hands behind his head. "Alright, alright, settle down young vaultlings. Tell you what. There might be a dusty old scroll buried somewhere in our archives that mentions this... Kelleron thing. But it'll cost you."

Nirri's eyes widened. "Cost us what?"

The manager grinned, a glint of mischief in his eye. "An orb."

Nikka burst out, "B..But we haven't even FOUND any!"

The banker continued right over top of her, "If you answer correctly, I'll see what I can dig up. Fail, and you'll be signed up for a lifetime of high service fee junior savings account rates faster than you can say 'A Pea Why'."

Nikka exchanged a worried glance with Nirri. This wasn't quite what they expected. But before they could back out, the manager delivered his booming his riddle with surprising diction and deftness of meter:

"I flow freely, yet have no form.
I can enrich or leave you in great harm.
I am the blood of trade and war,
The clink in a merchant's purse,
the weight of a warrior's score.
What am I?"

Silence filled the Cavernous Vault, as by now the stuffy men in the middle had vacated the area for a remarkably early lunch break.

Nikka and Nirri racked their brains, their confidence dwindling. Before they doomed to poorly performing savings accounts, Nirri spoke up, a hint of pride in his voice. "Silver!" he declared.

The manager's grin widened further. "Excellent deduction, youngins! Alright, I'll see what I can unearth for you. Wait here."

The sharply bearded banker disappeared behind a heavy curtain at the back of the vault, leaving the children staring after him, unsure if they'd just gotten closer to their goal or stumbled into a kindred version of a twisted joke. Before long, the bank manager reappeared and gave each child a small sack and instructed the guards liberally stationed around the bank to assist the children in finding the door.

Just as lunchtime was nearly upon them, too, they found the door and reentered the bustling marketplace to blanket their senses in the odor of natural habitation. Nikka, Nokki, and Nirri's quest for Kelleron, it seemed, was only getting more interesting, and perhaps a little more confusing...

Chapter Five: Secrets in Silver

Nikka, Nirri, and Nokki hiked far away from the Cavernous Vault after being ejected in a firm, but friendly fashion. That perplexing encounter with the banker - a riddle for a dusty scroll? And what were they supposed to do with these small sacks they now clutched in their hands?

"Hey, what's in these?" said Nikka as she untied the drawstring of her sack. Inside, nestled amongst shredded documents with official looking penmanship, was a huge chocolate egg wrapped in silvery foil. Nirri and Nokki, equally curious, peeked into their own sacks to find identical treats stowed carefully away.

"What is it?" Nirri questioned, his eyes wide with wonder.

Nokki scoffed, a playful jab aimed at his brother. "Don't tell me you've never seen a chocolate egg before! It's a treat, silly."

Unwrapping the silver foil, Nirri brought the chocolate orb to his nose and inhaled deeply. "It smells amazing! Like... like..."

Confusion washed over Nikka, which turned quickly into incredulity until, "Ooooh ....! Like rich milk chocolate with a hint of mint?" Nikka finished for him, a smile spreading across her face as she succumbed to the sumptuous sweet.

With a shared look of agreement, the three devoured their chocolates, the sweet relief momentarily pushing back the weight of their quest.

Nokki mumbled through his chocolate, "Maybe it was his way of apologizing for wasting our time. Or maybe he could tell we were hungry after all his talking." He suddenly stopped eating, his eyes widening as he unfolded the crumbled silver wrapper. "Wait a minute! Look!" Peering closely each child found marked into the underside of the foil, a thinly inked symbol. It resembled a stylized eye with a teardrop beneath it.

"What is it?" Nirri asked, peering over Nokki's shoulder.

"Maybe these aren't just snacks after all," Nikka whispered before he could answer. "That symbol... I think I've seen it before. In the tavern, on Atmakina's cloak!"

A spark of excitement ignited in their eyes with a newfound sense of urgency. Could this seemingly insignificant symbol be a clue? Perhaps the banker knew more about the Kelleron tradition than he let on, and these chocolate orbs were a subtle way of passing on a message! The trio decided to revisit Atmakina at the tavern that evening.

Nirri also offered, "maybe I can pick up some clues about that symbol on my messenger route this afternoon too?"

Nikka nodding in agreement added, "Ya I will ask the fishwives what they know too!"

Perhaps the symbol on the chocolate foils, and the information they gleaned from the banker's riddle, would unlock another piece of the puzzle of this Kelleron business.

Chapter Six: Overture

The late afternoon sun cast long shadows across the bustling marketplace as Nikka, Nirri, and Nokki hurried towards the familiar glow emanating from the tavern. Tonight, they weren't just there for company – they carried a newfound clue and a burning purpose. Pushing open the creaky door, they were greeted by a wave of warmth, spiced aromas, and Atmakina's droning lute. Finding a corner table, they ordered steaming mugs of milk, waiting for the bard's final notes.

Seeing an entrance, Nikka scrambled up to Atmakina and retold their encounter with the banker and the curious silver chocolates adorned with a symbol – an eye weeping a single tear.

Atmakina's eyes widened. "The Weeping Eye of Celiel," she breathed. "A powerful symbol of the snowy labyrinth, where whispers of forgotten dreams dance on the frosted air."

Nirri shivered as he cupped his frothy mug of milk. "A snowy labyrinth? Sounds even spookier! Could this be where we find the orbs of Kelleron?"

Atmakina replied vaguely, "Perhaps. Legends rarely reveal their secrets easily. But," her eyes twinkled, "the snowy labyrinth holds echoes of the past. Celiel, a great elemental, is said to be sleep within its heart, and her stillness prevents avalanches."

Nokki scoffed. "Another riddle? Another quest?" Nirri punched Nokki in the hip. "STOP IT!"

Atmakina chuckled. "Patience, young ones. You already have a clue – the Weeping Eye." She eyed their empty mugs and the discarded napkins on the table. "Speaking of the symbol," she continued, her voice taking on a mischievous tone, "those chocolate orbs you enjoyed – did you notice anything else on the wrapper besides the symbol?"

The children exchanged sheepish glances. Realization dawned on Nikka's face. "The silver wrapper! We... we ate everything!"

Atmakina chuckled, a glint in her eye. "A valuable lesson learned, wouldn't you say? But luckily, I happen to have a spare." Reaching into a hidden pouch on her belt, she revealed a single, glimmering silver orb identical to the one that encased delicious chocolate treats. The Weeping Eye symbol gleamed proudly on its surface, interconnectedness of its linework clearly matched up in a way nearly impossible to reconstruct from their treats..

The children's eyes widened with excitement. Nikka grasped the orb carefully, a sense of wonder washing over her, but she noticed it had a particular nose tingling odor.

Atmakina's smile turned enigmatic. "This orb is not made of chocolate, if that’s what you are thinking child," she said, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper, "It may hold the key to navigating the snowy labyrinth. Legends speak of its power as a beacon, guiding you through the icy maze where secrets whisper in the wind that drives men mad."

A heartbeat of surprised silence followed. Nokki, skeptical, chimed in, "But Atmakina, it smells like choc...!”

Atmakina's eyes flickered with something bordering on impatience as she cut the girl off, "Ah, that's the beauty of legends, little one. The power lies in believing. This orb could be a key, a beacon, or perhaps… just a delicious treat. But the magic unfolds only if you're willing to take a chance, and I will tell you now you will not succeed without this silver orb."

The weight of the orb felt heavier in Nikka's hand as she contemplated her options. Far too many potential scenarios for a child to reasonably muddle through, yet there was a potential it really a powerful tool. Or a playful trick? The uncertainty thrummed through her, but it was overshadowed by a thrill of anticipation. Collective grins erupted upon both Nirri and Nikka's faces as they scrambled to their feet.

Atmakina's words ignited a spark of determination within the two younger children -- But not Nokki. Cut off, he suddenly grew silent, allowing everything to play out at a generous arm's length.

"Excellent!" Atmakina rasped wetly, her voice regaining its usual cheer. "The snowy labyrinth awaits, and stories it holds for brave adventurers like yourselves."

With hearts pounding with anticipation, the two younger children allowed Atmakina back to her task. Nokki had little to say as they re-entered the setting sun cast an orange glow across the horizon as the children reentered fresh air. The silver orb, a tangible piece of their quest, felt quite warm in Nikka's hand now. No longer just children seeking answers – they were explorers, ready to face the unknown and icy challenges of the snowy labyrinth with the wisdom of their new and powerful friend, the bard Atmakina.