Sea Troll's Kitchen

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Sea Troll's Kitchen is a food shop in Solhaven. It is located on North Market Pier. The ORDER system does not work in this shop.

[Sea Troll's Kitchen, Counter]
A huge length of driftwood serves as the counter, its surface unpolished and quite rough. Stools padded with leather offer comfortable seating, though the material is slashed in some places and the legs look like they've been mended more than once. Shells and various other nautical trinkets hang along the walls, cast in a moody light from several kraken-oil lamps suspended over the counter. The smell of cooking food wafts from the doors of the southernmost wall. You also see the proprietor Dundren.


On the counter you see:

a plate of boiled lobster 500
a plate of breaded shrimp 500
a plate of boiled crab-claws 500
a plate of breaded squid 500
a plate of juicy seabass 500
a plate of spicy flounder 500
a plate of fried scallops 500
a small cup of hot tea 10
a large mug of dark beer 50
a tall glass of fresh water 10


Dundren is quite a large man, though his portly figure is laid on a clear foundation of thick muscle that speaks of his time at sea.  His left hand appears to be missing, but it doesn't seem to stop him from running the establishment.  His face bears the lines of a man who laughs quite a bit, and he looks middle-aged for a human.  His short dark brown hair is in a perpetual state of disarray, and a dirty apron is draped around his thick waist.

Dundren says, "Ah, the sea's a cruel mistress. But sometimes, ya know, I still can't shake the feelin' a just sittin up in the crow's nest watchin the stars and the world go by. Stuff life's made of, ya know?" He chuckles and holds up his left arm, which is missing a hand. "Maybe its all fer the better, that kraken coulda bit off me head next time!" With a rumbling laugh, he goes back to tending to his business.

The proprietor Dundren grins at you and asks, "Ya see that jawbone out front?" With another wide grin, he says, "I slain dat ugly ting. Ask anyone, bravest man onna ship I was." He makes a few slashing motions with his free hand and chuckles to himself.

Dundren leans on the counter and yawns, then picks up a piece of fried squid from one of the plates and pops it in his mouth. Noticing you glancing at him, he puts a finger to his lips and says, "Shhh!"