Casey's Club

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Casey's Club is a food shop in Solhaven. It is located on Red Dog Plaza in the Market Bend neighborhood.

[Market Bend, Casey's Club] RNUM: 14266
Swirls of tobacco smoke eddy about the high ceiling of this windowless room. A highly polished modwir bar surrounded by several sturdy oak bar stools, does brisk business along one wall of the room. Inconspicuous guards are perched at either end, their eyes inspecting the crowds with an unrevealing air.


Welcome to Casey's Club!

Casey the Bartender offers his Menu to browse.
Casey exclaims, "Greetings stranger, have a look around!"

  1. a mug of Casey's golden beer         4. a shot of Casey's boot lacquer
  2. a glass of wildflower mead           5. a glass of Casey's weed rum
  3. a glass of Casey's spiked milkweed  

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