User talk:LEAFIARA

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Revision as of 08:44, 9 May 2024 by HOST-GSKEBECHET (talk | contribs) (Response)
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Recent Edits to Character Page

Hello, LEAFAIRA. I wanted to reach out to you to an update to the Gswiki:Policy that was just made for item #4, associated with character pages. Previously, there were no circumstances where character pages (and their subpages) were allowed to be modified by anyone other than the character's player or someone to whom they had given permission. This had the unfortunate result of not allowing for circumstances where a player from our community has passed away. The policy update now makes allowances where this is permitted, but with specific parameters. Those parameters are now outlined in the Gswiki's style guide for character pages.

While all of your edits to Saraphenia's page were made fully in good faith, I am moving forward with the steps outlined in the updated policy for how a character page is handled when a player passes away. I am locking further edits to the character page. I am adding a new template to the top of the page, identifying that it is locked to further edits out of respect to the player who has passed away. The template includes a link to a new subpage, which has not yet been created, Saraphenia (prime)/Memorial, which may be freely created or edited by you or anyone else who wish to preserve memories of her player. In seven days, I will revert your recent edits to Saraphenia's character page to the last version by the original author. This is intended to preserve the character page in the original voice intended by her player. This should give you ample time to move any edits you would like to preserve to the Memorial page.

I realize that this is a difficult time for you and Saraphenia's friends. Please let me or the wiki team know if you have any questions or concerns about this policy update. This can be done via email to or via Gemstone's Discord forum's wiki thread. HOST-GSKEBECHET (talk) 09:53, 8 May 2024 (CDT)

Thank you so much. For obvious reasons, I haven't been thinking clearly by any stretch, but this is a very well thought-out solution. It gives me peace of mind about nobody else touching the main page and the subpage idea actually leaves me feeling like I have more leeway, not less, to honor my friend. Feel free to revert the main page changes I made sooner than later, as I've already copied all of the new elements from my edits to the Memorial subpage. LEAFIARA (talk) 14:26, 8 May 2024 (CDT)

Thank you for letting me know. I have completed the manual revert of Saraphenia's character page to the last version prior to your edits while preserving the In memorium template. HOST-GSKEBECHET (talk) 08:44, 9 May 2024 (CDT)

May I ask why your links end up with two colons at the front like [[::CharacterName (prime)|CharacterName]] in your logs? Examples: A Knight To Remember - 5120-12-03 - Coreful Consideration (log). I am aware of the use of a single colon to exclude a file or category from populating and remaining a link, but I'm not aware of this convention with two colons. MOD-GSMOTTE (talk) 20:57, 26 December 2020 (CST)

Hmm... I actually don't know where I picked up the habit. My best guess is that I was looking at some other GS wiki page while trying to figure out how to display different text to the end user than what the end of the linked URL is, saw that that page used double colons, assumed they were necessary, and then did it that way for years without seeing what would happen if I left them out. That's a little embarrassing, since now I see it still works without them! I'll leave that out in the future. LEAFIARA (talk) 01:39, 1 January 2021 (CST)

Please, no embarrassment necessary. I am still learning, and I make mistakes or do things in an odd way all the time! We all are always learning and growing (including me). I just wasn't sure if this was one of those things that I didn't know. Thank you for all of your hard work documenting GemStone history and sharing your time and efforts with other people. It is truly appreciated. MOD-GSMOTTE (talk) 01:55, 1 January 2021 (CST)