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Shielded Brawler

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Shielded Brawler
Available To Warriors, Rogues, Paladins
Mnemonic [BRAWLER]
Cost Passive
Requirements a shield of the focused size
Prerequisites Shield Focus rank 3
Rank Cost
1 6  
3 10 
4 12 
5 14

Shielded Brawler is a passive shield specialization that can benefit unarmed combat attacks by reducing the multiplier modifier (MM) penalty, when holding a shield. There is a prerequisite of 3 ranks in the appropriate Shield Focus specialization.

Multiplier Modifier Shield Penalties

Mulitiplier modifier (MM) shield penalties are affected by both the level of training and the shield size. This table gives the MM penalties for holding a shield with 0 ranks, 1x and 2x ranks per level in the shield use skill. Ranks greater than 2x per level will not further reduce these penalties.

Training in the shielded brawler specialization will reduce these penalties by 2 points per rank, with a maximum MM penalty reduction of 10 points at rank 5.

Shield Size MM Penalty
0x train
MM Penalty
1x train
MM Penalty
2x train
Small -30 -22 -15
Medium -32 -24 -17
Large -34 -26 -19
Tower -36 -28 -19


A rogue with 1x shield training, 3 ranks in shield focus (sfocus) and 3 ranks in shielded brawler will have an unarmed attack MM penalty of 16 (22 - 6) when holding a small shield.

A warrior with 2x shield training, 3 ranks in shield focus (lfocus) and 5 ranks in shielded brawler will have an unarmed attack MM penalty of 9 (19 - 10) when holding a large shield.

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See Also