Renian MagnanImus is a Giantman Rogue of the Grishknel Clan. He has been around the lands on and off since 1999.
Recently, Renian has been exceedingly anal about capping with the experience that makes him into a Grandmaster of the Rogue Guild. However, he started this quest on level 99--and nearly failed, realizing he had a mathematical impossibility due to experience points even with Death's Sting to accomplish his goal. Realizing this, he managed to get the the attention of the GameMasters, asking them to award him -10000 experience. He proved his devotion to this task to the GameMasters--specifically Emeradan--by forcing four consecutive spirit deaths in a row upon himself by using Sign of Healing.
It should be noted that Emeradan did trick Renian into spirit deathing four times by seeming to imply that having more Sting slows down experience absorption even more. It doesn't. Emeradan, clearly having a laugh, told him, "I can't believe you killed yourself that many times over Helga."