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Much like pipes, cigars are available to those smokers in a variety of flavors and have been found in Thurl's Leaf and Drink in Kharam Dzu as well as other special event venues. Unlike pipes, cigars require the use of a match from a matchbook in order to be properly lit.


You analyze your rolled ebon cigar and sense that there is no recorded information on that item.  It may or may not be able to be worked on by a merchant alterer.

Verb Traps

With match
You inhale deeply on the cigar. The area fills with a spiced rum smoke. XXX inhales deeply on her cigar as she lights it. The area fills with a spiced rum smoke.
PULL Drawing lightly on the cigar, you are rewarded with a flavorful bouquet of aromas.
You purse your lips and blow a stream of smoke out between them.
XXX draws lightly on her cigar.
XXX purses her lips and blows a stream of smoke out between them.
You put the cigar to your lips and puff lightly, letting the spiced rum aroma surround you.
You purse your lips and blow a stream of spiced rum smoke out.
XXX puts her cigar to her lips and puffs lightly, a spiced rum aroma surrounding her.
XXX purses her lips and blows out a stream of spiced rum smelling smoke.
Taking short puffs off your cigar, each inhalation changes the overall flavor on your tongue.
Parting your lips in a taut oval, you blow the spiced rum smoke out in a steady stream that floats up to hang in a cloud before you.
XXX's takes a few short puffs from her rolled ebon cigar.
XXX parts her lips and blows a steady stream of spiced rum smoke into the air before her.
Puffing slowly on your cigar, you roll the smoke over your tongue, savoring the different nuances of flavor.
Exhaling in a steady stream, the rich flavors of the cigar linger against the lightest background of spiced rum scented smoke.
XXX puffs slowly from her cigar.
XXX exhales some spiced rum scented smoke in a steady stream.
Taking a puff of your cigar, you cause the tip of it to burn with a brilliant orange-red for a moment before fading.
You pucker and blow a ring of spiced rum smoke into the air.
Taking a puff of her rolled ebon cigar, XXX causes the tip of it to burn with a brilliant orange-red for a moment before fading.
XXX puckers and blows a perfect circle of spiced rum smoke into the air.
PULL messaging has a variety of with the exhale portion.
Ash buildup
You tap the cigar, knocking a clump of ashes to the ground. XXX taps her cigar, knocking a clump of ashes to the ground.
No ash buildup
There's not enough ash buildup on the end of the cigar to warrant that. N/A
SNUFF You snuff out your rolled ebon cigar. XXX snuffs her rolled ebon cigar.

Ambient Messaging

Not a comprehensive list.

A thin stream of blue-grey smoke streams from the cigar in your hand, drifting upward in a loose coil.

Thin threads of smoke trail from the smoldering end of your cigar.

Moving your right hand around idly, you leave a wavy line of spiced rum scented smoke in the air.

You slowly roll your cigar between your thumb and index finger.

A light breeze cuts a swath through the cigar smoke around you, making it eddy and whirl.

Your cigar begins to smoke badly.  Ash build-up!

Hazy curls of smoke escape the tip of the cigar, forming a transparent curtain around you.

See Also