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Helden Hall's 5118 Landing Mayoral Candiate Combat Debate

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18 Charlatos, 5118, coverage by TownCrier Correspondent Irar

Helden Hall hosted Wehnimer's Landing mayoral candidates Lylia and Leafiara in a question and answer session with a twist. The candidates' answers to audience questions were submitted to a vote which determined which candidate would attack the other in combat. The candidates would face each other at the conclusion in trial by combat.


[Helden Hall, Great Hall] Rushes are strewn across the floor of this enormous room with a lofty ceiling, and elaborate tapestries adorn the walls. Opposite the entrance is a raised dais dominated by a massive table overlooking scores of smaller tables. In the center of the Hall lies a large hearth providing warmth and light, and a few comfortable leather chairs are scattered about. A display case rests against the east wall, flanked by trophies of conquered beasts. Stairs lead up the north wall to a railed balcony. You also see an archway, an embroidered tapestry, a wooden door, a grey steel door, a refreshment tray with some stuff on it, a serving maid, a granite trophy, the Commons, a short marble counter with some stuff on it and some oaken doors. Also here: Hall Envoy Sasathi, Suprie, Lady Authriea, Maiden Leafiara, Kasgar, Matriarch Berkana, Master Fromer, High Lord Gnaeusprimus, Lady Lylia, Lady Lornieh, Marshal Madmountan, Lord Nazarr, Commander Roblar Obvious exits: north, east

Leafiara grins at you.

Lylia grins at you.

Suprie grins at you.

Madmountan grins.

Leafiara flashes a wide grin at Madmountan.

Leafiara greets, "Evening!"

Roblar smiles.

Lylia waves to Roblar.

Roblar deeply says, "Allos all."

Suprie nods to Roblar in greeting.

Lylia says, "Hello there."

Fromer nods to Roblar in greeting.

Roblar waves to Lylia.

Roblar nods at Leafiara.

Leafiara says, "Ah... and there's the most famous one."

Leafiara grins at Roblar.

Suprie says, "Evenin Commander."

Leafiara waves to Roblar.

Lornieh waves to Roblar.

Berkana nods in greeting at Roblar.

Lornieh grins.

Roblar nods curtly to Fromer.

You nod to Roblar in greeting.

Fromer flashes a quick grin at Roblar.

Roblar nods.

Roblar nods with satisfaction.

Roblar applies a degree of force to some oaken doors and they slowly part, leading through to the great hall beyond.

Lylia clears her throat.

Roblar deeply exclaims, "Welcome to Helden!"

Madmountan grins.

Lylia gazes admiringly at her surroundings.

Fromer grins.

Leafiara applauds.

Kasgar nods.

Speaking to Roblar, Madmountan asks, "Want me to prepare the cart for the viewing chamber?"

Roblar deeply says, "Our brave new candidates for town mayor av graciously decided to meet wid us today."

Roblar nods at Madmountan.

Roblar deeply says, "Sure."

Leafiara grins at Roblar.

Roblar smacks his lips.

Madmountan nods.

Lylia inclines her head.

Sasathi attempts to hum a merry little tune.

Roblar deeply says, "In meantime, der are snack and drinks der."

Roblar deeply says, "Whoever wins, da town appears to be in guud hands."

Roblar smiles.

Leafiara grins at Roblar.

Leafiara pleasantly says, "Very much so."

Lylia agrees, "Absolutely."

Roblar deeply says, "Well, normally we do a tour and spend some time trainin in da fighting pit."

Lylia asks, "Will we get to choose our weapons?"

Deep in thought, Lylia laces her fingers before her.

Roblar deeply says, "Sadly, cud not get da tug of war setup wid grease in time."

Roblar smiles.

Lylia insincerely says, "Pity."

Leafiara grins crookedly at Roblar.

Fromer laughs softly, trying to hide his amusement.

Roblar deeply says, "But perhaps Goblyn will bring one out for us at some point."

Roblar chuckles to himself.

Lylia leans against her clockwork staff, casually wrapping a hand around the apparatus perched on its tip.

Roblar nods at Lylia.

Leafiara bemusedly says, "Ah... if anyone could do that, it would be her."

Leafiara nods.

As Suprie shakes his head, small flakes of ash fall slowly toward the ground.

Lylia agrees with Leafiara.

Suprie carefully brushes the volcanic ash and soot off himself.

Explanation of the Debate Rules

Roblar deeply says, "So today we though we's av da candidates and others spend some time in da pits."

Lornieh grins.

Leafiara grins at Roblar.

Roblar deeply says, "Perhaps questions will be yelled down."

Roblar flashes a quick grin.

Leafiara nods understandingly.

Suprie nods.

Fromer grins.

You chuckle.

Lylia clarifies, "The fighting pits, you mean."

Roblar deeply says, "A vote on best answers may lead to pain for da other."

Roblar hums a seemingly random tune.

Roblar chortles softly at some secret joke.

Lylia says, "Interesting."

Lylia raises her voice in merry laughter.

Speaking to Roblar, you say, "I'm not sure I want to take you on in combat, Roblar."

Leafiara agrees, "A very different take!"

Leafiara nods at Roblar.

You say, "Oh... them."

Roblar winks at Lylia.

You duck your head.

Roblar nods at Leafiara.

Madmountan grins.

Madmountan says, "This is my kind of game."

Speaking coyly to you, Leafiara asks, "Nothing ventured, nothing gained?"

Roblar smiles at Madmountan.

Speaking to Leafiara, you say, "I wouldn't want to hurt him too badly."

You snicker to yourself.

Leafiara skeptically says, "Uh-huh."

Fromer laughs softly, trying to hide his amusement.

Roblar deeply says, "Will leave it to you two on hard you bite, or sratch."

Roblar deeply says, "Kin always choose nibblin."

Roblar makes a purring sound.

You grin at Roblar.

Leafiara glances dubiously at Roblar.

Fromer says, "Lets see some waggling."

Roblar flashes a wide grin at Leafiara.

Lylia narrows her eyes.

Fromer nods.

Roblar walks over to the seats and settles down.

Lylia nods.

Madmountan says, "For those not familiar, you peer into this pit, the same way one peers or watches the Area on the balcony of the moot hall."

Lylia waggles her fingers mystically at Fromer. How nice.

Fromer ducks his head.

Madmountan says, "Or gaze."

Madmountan shrugs.

Lornieh sits down.

(OOC) Roblar's player whispers to the group, "For anyone new to hear, you can PEER PIT to see the activities and words inside the pit."

Authriea sits down.

Leafiara nods understandingly.

You nod.

Roblar agrees with Madmountan.

Fromer walks over to the seats and settles down.

Gazing into the pit, you see... [Helden Hall, Fighting Pit] This huge, circular, deep stone pit assaults the nose with the odor of sweat and blood. The sand floor still bears traces of the last battle that took place here - obviously a place where warriors can fight honorable battles for practice and pleasure. Above are seat indentations within the stone walls so that spectators can watch and cheer without being hit accidentally, or sprayed with the combatants' bodily fluids. You also see a set of oak double doors. Obvious exits: none

Fromer helps himself to a dark chocolate warrior.

Roblar smiles at you.

Madmountan says, "Please, help yourselves to the refreshments on the cart."

Speaking quietly to his chocolate warrior, Fromer exclaims, "Im little Roblar, eat me!"

Fromer nods to a dark chocolate warrior.

Leafiara begins chortling at Fromer.

Madmountan says, "I tried to pick out an eclectic mix."

Fromer takes a bite of his chocolate warrior.

Sasathi chuckles.

Lylia says, "I shall celebrate with champagne or console myself with chocolate after the fact."

Lylia smiles.

Leafiara takes a moment to observe an elk antler-handled cart.

Leafiara tucks a glass of orange juice into a small pocket inside of her red silk cape.

Lylia says, "Until then, I must prepare for battle."

Leafiara pours herself a cup of golden jasmine tea.

Leafiara sniffs at her golden jasmine tea.

Gnaeusprimus lets out a cheer!

Lylia runs the back of her hand along her neckline and dramatically flips auburn hair off of her shoulders.

Lornieh begins chuckling at Fromer!

Fromer flashes a quick grin.

Roblar begins chuckling at Fromer!

Roblar deeply asks, "Did anyone want to com,bat first?"

Roblar surveys the area.

Suprie winces.

Fromer flashes a quick grin.

Leafiara gazes hopefully at her surroundings.

Fromer says, "I might..."

Suprie says, "Not after that last time."

Lornieh says, "Against the candidates? Um... no."

Leafiara grins at Fromer.

Lornieh snickers.

Kasgar says, "I'm much better at spectating."

Madmountan grins.

Brutish quietly says, "Ellos all, sorry for my tardiness."

Brutish adopts an agreeable expression.

Lylia bows to Brutish.

Roblar and Brutish bash their forearms in greeting.

Fromer asks, "Anyone wish to battle me?"

Fromer wiggles his eyebrows.

Leafiara says, "I do hope we're not interrupting the normal fighting pit traditions too much, at least. They're time honored."

Brutish chuckles.

Suprie chuckles.

Leafiara grins.

Roblar smiles at Leafiara.

Lornieh chuckles.

Suprie says, "If ya drink, and ya hit someone, I think ya've got most of it covered."

Brutish quietly asks, "Would it be suitable to offer the pit in case of a voting tie-breaker?"

Leafiara chuckles.

Fromer grins at Brutish.

Lylia begins chuckling at Brutish!

Lornieh grins.

Brutish grins.

Roblar deeply says, "For dose entering, a warnin dat certain spells may cause fatalities."

Leafiara curiously asks, "Oh?"

Fromer beams happily at Roblar!

Roblar deeply says, "Such as clouds or spells dat affect one outside da arena."

Leafiara rubs her chin thoughtfully.

Lylia asks, "Are the only spells allowed those that one casts on oneself?"

Lylia raises an eyebrow.

Roblar shakes his head.

Madmountan says, "Basically, don't cast something that's gonan follow someone out."

Roblar deeply says, "Very few spells cause issues metinks."

Leafiara nods understandingly at Madmountan.

Brutish quietly says, "Aye, dey can't leave the room."

Brutish nods.

Lylia says, "Of course. That is always the way of things; sorcerers' hands are tied."

Lornieh says, "Just no wide area affect spells or something that can follow someone out."

Lylia sighs wistfully.

Roblar deeply says, "Call swarm, weapon fire, focused implosion, meteor storm dose kind of things."

Leafiara nods understandingly.

Roblar deeply says, "Carn's cry."

Madmountan says, "I can think of plenty of sorcerous spells that work just great in there."

Madmountan grins.

Berkana asks, "Are we debating by combat?"

Berkana starts chortling.

Fromer says, "Bah no implosion."

Fromer waves his hand in a dismissive gesture.

Roblar smiles at Berkana.

Brutish looks over at Lylia and shakes his head.

Roblar nods.

Leafiara grins at Fromer.

Roblar deeply says, "Hope you av guud questions."

Roblar gazes heavenward.

Lylia says, "Indeed. But there are some I quite like that I shall miss."

Lylia replies, "I hope we have good answers. Otherwise..."

Lornieh asks, "So they here to answer questions or fight?"

Lornieh grins.

Lylia flashes a quick grin.

Madmountan says, "Here's what happens when you implode someone in there: they get vaporized, fake die, and transport to TSC with the full wounds on, and then die again for real a few seconds later."

Madmountan says, "Kinda funny."

Leafiara says, "Or both."

Roblar deeply says, "Ya kin yell support down or thumbs up or down."

Roblar surveys the area.

Leafiara gazes in amusement at Madmountan.

Roblar flashes a wide grin.

Fromer starts chortling.

Fromer nods at Roblar.

Kasgar chuckles.

Lornieh grins.

Leafiara says, "I like it. A very creative new type of debate."

Leafiara flashes a quick grin.

Roblar deeply says, "If da two ladies wud head down da steps and through doors below."

Roblar nods.

Lylia nods.

Lady Lylia just climbed down some steep stone steps.

Lady Lylia just came through a set of oak double doors.

Leafiara renders a sharp salute with her golden jasmine tea.

Maiden Leafiara just climbed down some steep stone steps.

Maiden Leafiara just came through a set of oak double doors.

Brutish quietly says, "This is gonna make my day."

Lylia surveys the area.

Fromer starts chortling.

(Lylia gears up for battle by removing jewelry… and shoes)

Lylia removes a pair of tiered violet feystone earrings set in silver from her earlobes.

Roblar smiles at Brutish.

Lylia put a pair of tiered violet feystone earrings set in silver in her wrap.

Lylia smiles at Leafiara.

Lornieh begins chuckling at Brutish!

Leafiara grins at Lylia.

Lylia wobbles slightly on her perch and shakes her foot, loosening the fit of her onyx damask shoes until they slip off, one after the other. She quickly picks them up from the ground with an audible sigh of relief.

Lylia put a pair of onyx damask shoes set on slim glaes heels in her wrap.

Suprie nods at Brutish.

Lylia runs her fingers over the surface of her full-skirted gown. A soft *WHIR* accompanies the metallic gnashing of gears as her gown transforms into some strappy black casting leathers.

Leafiara says, "Very practical."

Leafiara nods approvingly.

Lylia replies, "I am nothing if not prepared."

Leafiara grins at Lylia.

Lylia turns around.

Fromer starts chortling.

Lylia smiles and waves to the crowd.

Roblar chuckles to himself.

Fromer lets out a cheer!

Madmountan yells, "Howdy!"

Leafiara twists her head slightly, cracking her neck. She looks relieved.

Leafiara greets, "Howdy to you! Again!"

Leafiara flashes a quick grin.

Questions and Combat

Lornieh: How to Handle Rone

Lornieh yells, "First question! How does each of you feel about Rone and how do you intend to handle him?"

Roblar yells, "First question coming, the one with least votes gets a magical or physical hit from her opponent!"

Brutish chuckles.

Suprie grins.

Roblar points at Lornieh.

Lornieh grins.

Brutish quietly says, "Jumpin da gun der."

Brutish nods at Lornieh.

Suprie says, "No reason to start off easy I suppose."

Leafiara nods understandingly.

Lornieh chuckles.

Lylia bows to Leafiara.

Lornieh says, "I asked."

Lornieh pokes Brutish in the ribs.

Lylia says, "Please proceed."

Leafiara offers, "Would you like to go--ah."

Leafiara nods.

Berkana nods.

Leafiara replies, "There's a lot more we need to understand about Rone. What his mist is, where he's found those exploding prisms, what exactly is his definition of justice and corruption."

Leafiara says, "While I understand the Town Council's dead or alive bounty, I think we'd be much wiser to make every effort to take him alive so we can learn more about all the weapons he's been using against the town and be better prepared for anyone who might use similar magic or tools in the future."

Brutish adopts an agreeable expression.

Brutish quietly says, "Very Fash'lo'nae...ish answer."

Roblar nods.

Leafiara assures, "And I'm sure we're getting close to doing just that. I trust that our militia, mayor, and other town defenders are working very hard on plans to take him in."

Fromer grins at Brutish.

Leafiara smiles in the direction of the crowd and dips into a formal curtsy.

Brutish adopts an agreeable expression.

Fromer says, "Knowledge at all costs."

Roblar chuckles.

Lylia counters, "Rone has threatened my campaign advisor and my mayor. I take this as a personal slight as well as an affront to the law. While I agree that we need to understand him, we must first apprehend him."

Leafiara nods at Lylia.

Fromer nods in agreement.

Lylia adds, "Alive."

Lornieh smiles.

Brutish rubs his chin thoughtfully.

Roblar scowls.

Suprie mutters under his breath.

Brutish agrees with Roblar.

Suprie says, "Everyone wants him alive."

Brutish quietly says, "Dat's not da warrior way."

Roblar deeply says, "Well, same answers."

Lylia says, "Clearly, his armor is his aid. I noticed this when he took me -- the way he glanced at his gauntlets."

Roblar rubs his chin thoughtfully.

Roblar ponders.

Brutish quietly asks, "May I?"

Leafiara looks thoughtfully at Lylia.

Brutish yells, "Well, if you HAD to take him dead or a dead, which way would you choose to do it?"

Lylia says, "This is not some urchin. This is a wealthy and privileged man, I suspect -- and as such, the law must not only be followed, but applied equally. He has killed and must pay for this."

Lylia flashes a quick grin.

Roblar smiles at Brutish.

Lornieh asks, "Dead or a dead?"

Kasgar grins at Brutish.

Brutish adopts an agreeable expression.

Suprie grins.

Lylia says, "Dead or dead? I would choose dead, I think."

Brutish quietly says, "Dead or a dead."

Lornieh giggles.

Lylia winks.

Suprie says, "Spoken like a true warrior."

Leafiara chuckles.

Lornieh giggles.

Lylia says, "If dead, there are ways to make a corpse talk. But I prefer to speak to a living Rone, not some phantom."

Lylia inclines her head.

Brutish adopts an agreeable expression.

Leafiara nods.

Leafiara nods in agreement.

Brutish quietly says, "Dat's more de answer I expected from her."

Brutish nods at Fromer.

Lylia says, "That is all."

Roblar grins.

Fromer nods in agreement at Brutish.

Fromer says, "There are more ways than just simply dead OR alive."

Fromer grins wickedly.

Roblar deeply asks, "Want to yell down support or thumbs up or down here?"

Roblar surveys the area.

Lornieh begins chuckling at Fromer!

Brutish quietly says, "I'm leanin' Lylia for dat set of answers."

Lylia narrows her eyes.

Roblar deeply says, "For best answer, seems they are similar in response."

Brutish adopts an agreeable expression.

You whisper, "I'll abstain from voting on this, as I am covering the event for the Crier. Bias, you know." to your group.

Leafiara glances expectantly around the room.

Suprie shrugs at you.

Roblar nods at Lornieh.

Brutish rubs his chin thoughtfully.

Roblar yells, "Ok, we shall vote!"

Leafiara nods approvingly.

Speaking to Leafiara, Lylia remarks, "I am beginning to think they have no thumbs."

Leafiara lightly says, "Awaiting the audience's decision, then."

Lylia grins.

Leafiara gazes in amusement at Lylia.

Roblar yells, "Great replies from you both, very similar!"

Brutish casts his vote with an emphatic "Aye!"

Brutish gazes heavenward.

Fromer laughs softly, trying to hide his amusement.

Roblar deeply asks, "Ok, thumbs up or down for Lylia?"

Brutish quietly says, "Up."

Fromer ponders.

(Roblar thumbs up.)

(Sasathi thumbs up.)

(Nazarr thumps up for Lylia.)

(Fromer thumbs up.)

(Gnaeusprimus thumb up.)

(Lornieh thumbs down.)

(Kasgar thumbs up.)

(Brutish thumbs up.)

(Madmountan indicates a thumbs up.)

Roblar deeply says, "8-1."

Roblar deeply asks, "Ok, thumbs up or down for Leafiara?"

(Lornieh thumbs up.)

(Gnaeusprimus thumb up.)

Brutish holds up his hand and tilts it side to side in a so-so gesture.

(Nazarr thumbs down for Leafiara.)

(Madmountan indicates a thumbs down, because he's mischievous and wants someone to get hurt.)

Fromer says, "Cant vote twice im sure."

Fromer laughs softly, trying to hide his amusement.

Roblar smiles at Madmountan.

Leafiara folds her hands behind her back.

Brutish chuckles.

Madmountan says, "We voting for each person."

(Suprie thumbs up.)

Roblar ponders.

Roblar deeply exclaims, "Fewer!"

Brutish quietly says, "Abstained."

Brutish adopts an agreeable expression.

Roblar smiles.

Suprie grins.

Lylia shifts her weight.

Roblar yells, "Da first round goes to Lylia! Proceed upon your opponent!"

Roblar yells, "We are bloodthirsty lot ere after all!"

Roblar cackles!

Lylia grins.

Leafiara carefully says, "I suppose it's to be expected since certain people in our town have conspiracy theories about Rone and I colluding, or some such."

Leafiara chuckles.

Leafiara glances expectantly at Lylia.

Speaking apologetically to Leafiara, Lylia says, "This will hurt me more than it --"

Lylia says, "...wait. No."

Fromer laughs softly, trying to hide his amusement.

Suprie grins.

Roblar bursts out in loud, raucous laughter.

Brutish yells, "Kaplorf!"

Shadows dance between Lylia's outstretched fingers as she issues a command in archaic Faendryl.

Lylia gestures at Leafiara.

The evanescent shield shrouding Leafiara fades briefly.

 CS: +548 - TD: +428 + CvA: -6 + d100: +5 - -5 == +124
 Warding failed!

Leafiara is wracked with painful spasms!

  ... 46 points of damage!

You snicker.

Leafiara begins to twitch.

Sasathi grins.

Lylia says, "It hurt you more."

Roblar nods approvingly.

Lylia bites her lip.

Leafiara twists her head slightly, cracking her neck. She looks relieved.

Fromer applauds.

Fromer says, "Sadly no blood."

Fromer pouts.

Roblar yells, "Very funny and well done!"

Leafiara weakly says, "Not... -too- bad..."

Leafiara wobbles, looking a bit faint.

Irar: Advisors

Roblar yells, "Next question!"

You raise your hand.

Roblar surveys the area.

Roblar points at you!

Roblar nods.

(Leafiara shakes her head quickly as if trying to regain balance.)

Leafiara breathes very slowly and looks much calmer.

Leafiara nods once.

You belt out, "Have you two made up your minds on who your advisors will be, should you be elected? Names, please, if so."

Lylia nods.

Roblar smiles.

Brutish quietly says, "I has a question, if noone else has thought up one yet."

Leafiara offers, "You have the floor first this time, it seems."

Leafiara grins.

Speaking to Leafiara, Lylia says, "Shall I take this one first as you -- yes."

Lylia smiles at Leafiara.

Speaking deeply to Brutish, Roblar says, "Next."

Lylia says, "Thank you."

Roblar nods.

Brutish nods.

Lylia tilts her head up.

Suprie shakes his head.

Roblar deeply says, "How polite dey are to each other."

Roblar grins.

Suprie says, "They know their in a fightin pit, yeah? No need ta be so civil."

Suprie nods at Roblar.

Fromer starts chortling.

Lornieh exclaims, "They're friends!"

Lornieh mutters something about warriors.

Lornieh chuckles.

Suprie says, "No friends in a pit."

Fromer exclaims, "Frenimies!"

Brutish quietly says, "I'm suprised neither has cried over losin' a nail or two yet."

Roblar chuckles.

Roblar nods in agreement at Lornieh.

Brutish nods at Suprie.

Lornieh tries to pinch Brutish, but he grabs her hand just in time and pinches Lornieh instead!

Speaking to Brutish, you say, "Don't let Lylia hear you say that. You'll be down in the pit with her next if so."

Lornieh pinches Brutish!

You wink at Brutish.

Lornieh grumbles.

Brutish starts chuckling at you!

Lornieh nods to you.

Lylia says, "Yes, for the most part. My campaign advisor, Xorus, shall remain as my chief advisor, if I should be elected. I would call upon the previous mayor, Cruxophim, as an advisor as well. Irar, I would like as my advisor in matters of faith."

Fromer snickers.

Brutish quietly says, "Let's face it, Lylia likes a good scuffle, as long as her hair stays done."

Brutish nods to you.

You say, "See? Bias. This is why I can't vote."

You chuckle.

Fromer grins at you.

Roblar chuckles.

Lornieh chuckles.

Madmountan says, "We don't care about bias here."

Roblar deeply says, "Collusion."

Roblar points at you!

Lornieh says, "I'm biased too, it is what it is."

You agree with Roblar.

Lornieh grins.

Madmountan says, "Vote your heart out."

Madmountan chuckles.

Suprie shakes his head.

Brutish quietly says, "Only bias here is the weight of a blade versus its handle."

Lylia says, "Of course, if I am elected, I would hope to keep Leafiara on as well, given her extraordinary ability to organize and her boundless energy."

You shake your head.

Brutish nods to you.

Suprie says, "Bias and bad taste."

Roblar deeply orders, "Cut off his head an throw down in da pit."

Suprie grins.

Lylia smiles at Leafiara.

Leafiara smiles at Lylia.

Madmountan groans.

Roblar appears to be trying hard not to grin.

Speaking deeply to you, Roblar says, "Fine fine no."

Kasgar agrees with Madmountan.

Madmountan yells, "Demerits for policticking."

Leafiara gazes in amusement at her surroundings.

Brutish begins chortling at Madmountan.

Lornieh chuckles.

Lylia smoothly counters, "It is not politicking if I answer honestly."

Suprie nods.

Fromer laughs softly, trying to hide his amusement.

Madmountan appears to be trying hard not to grin.

Suprie says, "She should start a vote down for bein that soft."

Sasathi chuckles.

Lylia asks, "Should I leave her name off because she is a rival, or should I speak plain truths?"

Lylia looks thoughtful for a moment, then shrugs.

Suprie yells, "The former!"

Lylia says, "At any rate, I shall turn over the floor."

Lylia flashes a quick grin.

Lornieh yells, "Ignore them, plain truths!"

Brutish chuckles.

Lylia bows.

Leafiara lightly says, "Politicking is -literally- the job, anyway."

Leafiara chuckles.

Madmountan says, "You shoulda yelled, the Fromer. Just for pun's sake."

Brutish cackles!

Lylia admits, "It is."

Fromer snickers at Madmountan.

Lylia chuckles.

Suprie chuckles.

Lornieh chuckles.

Suprie says, "Words ain't my best weapon."

Roblar yells, "Yes truths iz da best!"

Leafiara replies, "Most of the advisors I have in mind would take on multiple roles, or wear different hats as it were. To name a few..."

Suprie says, "Uh-oh, he's goin to set somethin straight."

Brutish agrees with Suprie.

You nod to Cruxophim in greeting.

Speaking to Brutish, Fromer asks, "Think my choice was too weak?"

Cruxophim amicably greets, "Evening, all."

Fromer chortles softly at some secret joke.

Brutish agrees with Fromer.

Roblar yells, "Sorry, stepped away to usher Cruxophim in!"

Speaking to Cruxophim, Fromer says, "Good eve to you, Mayor."

Lornieh says, "Evenin' Mayor."

Leafiara says, "Current Mayor Cruxophim and Captain Stormyrain for their expertise in blood magic and their very... differing perspectives from one another. Captain Stormyrain, of course, would also be an advisor regarding town defense, and I'd like to ask Captain Shinann as well."

Leafiara nods understandingly.

Cruxophim raises his blood wine in a toast!

Suprie nods in greeting at Cruxophim.

Lylia nods.

Brutish quietly says, "Best drink on da cart."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Fromer says, "Your very popular with these two candidates, they both want you as their advisor."

Brutish nods at Fromer.

Speaking deeply to Cruxophim, Roblar says, "We are askin dem questions."

Cruxophim laughs softly, trying to hide his amusement from Fromer.

Roblar smiles at Madmountan.

Leafiara says, "Lord Xorus has, in my opinion, been the Mayor's most exemplary advisor in his fields of expertise--which are too many to name--and I would be happy to have him as an advisor should I win."

Speaking lightly to Fromer, Cruxophim explains, "I'm just full of advice."

Suprie says, "And they're bein nice."

Suprie grumbles.

Speaking deeply to Cruxophim, Roblar says, "In our own way."

Roblar smiles quietly to himself.

Madmountan sighs.

Cruxophim nods understandingly at Roblar.

Fromer flashes a quick grin at Cruxophim.

Brutish quietly says, "Dey don' really understand how da pit works."

Madmountan says, "So basically, they answered effectively the same again."

Brutish adopts an agreeable expression.

Suprie nods at Madmountan.

Speaking vaguely to Roblar, Cruxophim muses, "I like... questions."

Speaking deeply to Cruxophim, Roblar says, "The best answer gets to attack her opponent."

Suprie says, "Seems liek we don't really have a choice in mayors, just in dresses."

Speaking to Madmountan, you say, "Leafi left me out, so no."

Lornieh laughs!

You nod at Madmountan.

Madmountan grins at you.

Brutish quietly says, "Oh, I got a question that they can't possibly have da same answer fer."

Brutish nods at Suprie.

Lornieh says, "She also included the Captains though."

Speaking to you, Madmountan says, "I'll accept taht as a good point."

Cruxophim gazes in amusement at Brutish.

Roblar deeply says, "If dey done, both answers seemed guud agin."

Brutish nods.

Suprie says, "Votin time."

Speaking disagreeably to Brutish, Fromer says, "This rum is a bit much for my tastes."

Lylia agrees with Leafiara.

Brutish quietly says, "House of warrior, deserves rum of warriors."

Brutish nods at Cruxophim.

Leafiara says, "As noted at last night's debate, Lady Lylia would be a perfect advisor in that she can fill in areas where I'm weak--namely diplomacy with other regions."

Fromer hums a seemingly random tune.

Brutish chuckles.

(Madmountan gives a tumps up to Lylia and a thumbs down to Leafiara.)

Cruxophim laughs softly, trying to hide his amusement from Fromer.

Lornieh asks, "Who we voting on?"

(Gnaeusprimus thum up.)

Lylia inclines her head.

Leafiara admits, "And greater experience in the world as a whole."

Leafiara grins at Lylia.

You say, "I'm not sure Leafi is done yet."

Gnaeusprimus ponders.

Brutish quietly says, "More politickin'."

Suprie nods at Brutish.

Cruxophim whispers, "That's generally true."

Cruxophim chuckles.

Brutish quietly says, "Like two puppies gettin' ta know each other."

Brutish nods at Suprie.

Roblar yells, "Ok we shall vote!"

Brutish starts chortling.

Lylia nods once.

Fromer shrugs.

Leafiara nods once.

Fromer says, "Their answers are so similar its hard to vote."

Brutish adopts an agreeable expression.

Roblar deeply says, "Leafiara, votes thumbs up or down."

Suprie asks, "Can we vote for both of them ta take a shot?"

Roblar surveys the area.

Fromer nods.

Brutish adopts an agreeable expression.

(Gnaeusprimus thumb up.)

(Suprie thumbs up.)

(Roblar puts his thumb.....up.)

(Lornieh thumbs up.)

(Fromer thumbs up.)

(Authriea thumbs up.)

Roblar looks thoughtfully at Suprie.

(Madmountan gives a thumps down.)

Brutish stares unwaveringly at Authriea.

Cruxophim removes a rotting severed finger from in his articulated gauntlets.

(Nazarr thumbs up for both Lylia and Leafiara.)

Cruxophim raises his severed finger skyward!

Roblar deeply says, "Ah mostly votin her to tie it since felt too close to call."

Fromer begins chortling at Cruxophim.

Roblar chuckles.

(Brutish thumbs down.)

Authriea stares at Brutish.

Brutish stares unwaveringly at Authriea.

Roblar deeply exclaims, "Sure we can see more fighting!"

Suprie says, "Same answers, same results I figure."

Suprie shrugs.

Authriea pinches Brutish!

Speaking to Cruxophim, Fromer says, "You have such a nice toy box."

Cruxophim wiggles his eyebrows.

Lornieh says, "Yeah, was pretty close answer."

Roblar nods.

Roblar yells, "We feel it iz too close to call..............and you should both hit each other!"

Roblar laughs!

Leafiara gazes in amusement at her surroundings.

Fromer laughs!

Lornieh giggles.

Suprie nods.

Brutish agrees with Roblar.

Sasathi chuckles.

Leafiara pleasantly says, "Very well then."

Leafiara laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.

Cruxophim laughs softly, trying to hide his amusement.

Lornieh begins chuckling at Brutish!

Lylia chuckles.

Roblar leans forward.

Lylia beckons Leafiara closer with a slow curl of her forefinger.

Leafiara flashes a quick grin at Lylia.

Lylia purrs, "Bring it."

Roblar chortles softly at some secret joke.

Greenish-black flames spring to life in Lylia's hand...

Leafiara lightly says, "I'll try not to make this... too overbearing."

Leafiara nods.

Leafiara hums a cheerful tune! Pure white and bold red mana wisps dance about her like wind-borne leaves, then pulse brightly as she sings a sylvan phrase in a strong, clear voice.

Leafiara gestures at Lylia.

Two dim, green globes spring to life in Leafiara's open hands. The orbs leap from Leafiara's hands and dance through the air toward Lylia!

The dull golden nimbus surrounding Lylia suddenly begins to glow brightly.

 CS: +507 - TD: +459 + CvA: +4 + d100: +21 - -5 == +78
 Warded off!

The dull golden nimbus fades from around Lylia. The evanescent shield shrouding Leafiara fades briefly. The dull golden nimbus surrounding Leafiara suddenly begins to glow brightly.

 CS: +548 - TD: +461 + CvA: -6 + d100: +44 - -5 == +130
 Warding failed!

Lylia exhales a virulent green mist toward Leafiara, instantly infecting her. Leafiara convulses violently!

  ... 23 points of damage!
  Left hand quakes as several fingers disappear one by one.
  She is stunned!

Madmountan turns toward Cruxophim and renders a sharp salute with his millipede pie. Pustules break out all over Leafiara causing 5 points of damage!

  ... 8 points of damage!
  Small patches of left forearm disappear into red mist.

Roblar chuckles.

Lylia bites her lip.

Lylia gestures at Leafiara.

Lylia hurls a ball of greenish-black flame at Leafiara!

 AS: +192 vs DS: +445 with AvD: +38 + d100 roll: +65 = -150
  A clean miss.

Leafiara laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.

The sickly green miasma around Leafiara flares causing 4 points of damage!

  ... 8 points of damage!
  Finger on left hand vaporized, leaving Leafiara unable to count quite as high.

Lylia gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid... Lylia gestures at Leafiara. Nothing happens.

Cruxophim chuckles.

Suprie laughs!

Leafiara's skin hardens into a black rot and begins to crumble causing 2 points of damage!

  ... 1 point of damage!
  Eyebrow and eyelashes of left eye melted off.

The virulent green mist surrounding Leafiara disperses.

Kasgar winces.

Fromer delightedly coos, "Very nice!"

Lylia asks, "No longer stunned?"

You say, "Oh dear."

Leafiara admits, "Maybe I tried a little too hard to tone it down."

Leafiara flashes a quick grin at Lylia.

Leafiara nods at Lylia.

Roblar yells, "And wid one strike, both resuilts achieved ha!"

Lylia inclines her head.

Cruxophim raises his voice in merry laughter.

Lornieh chuckles.

Suprie says, "Not a good showin there."

Suprie shakes his head.

Leafiara laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.

Fromer wiggles his eyebrows at Cruxophim.

Roblar deeply says, "Beware of pestilence."

Roblar nods sagely.

Brutish: Discrimination in the Landing

Roblar yells, "Next question!"

Brutish yells, "Given the Landing's history of being open to all races, but still discriminatory towards few, as Mayor, do you have any plans to combat the injustice brought towards citizens who may not be.... the 'nominal' Landing Citizen?"

Roblar nods at Brutish.

Speaking affably to Cruxophim, Fromer says, "Why, thank you Mayor."

Roblar smiles.

Brutish coughs.

Cruxophim gives Fromer a strong, encouraging smile.

Suprie looks over at Brutish and shakes his head.

Leafiara nods understandingly.

Suprie says, "Lots of big words in that."

Lylia says, "Yours to answer first."

Madmountan rubs his chin thoughtfully.

Lylia nods graciously at Leafiara.

Brutish quietly says, "Gotta make it understandable for dem politickers."

Leafiara smiles at Lylia.

Brutish nods at Suprie.

Suprie adopts an agreeable expression.

Leafiara answers, "If you're talking about the discriminatory pricing from some of our merchants, yes, I'd certainly like to address it."

Suprie says, "I'll ask the next if ya don't mind Commander."

Cruxophim adopts an agreeable expression.

Leafiara says, "At the previous event held by Moonshine Manor, I said that I'd like to consult with Lady Alendrial of the Town Council about our options to combat that, which is still true, since she is Steward of the Coffers."

Brutish quietly says, "I can defend dis town, but I still can't avoid a silly markup at the pawnshop."

Fromer nods in agreement at Brutish.

Suprie shrugs.

Suprie says, "They charge ugly people more."

Speaking disgustedly to Brutish, Fromer says, "Terrible."

Lylia chants in an arcane language which causes her skin to turn shadowy for a brief moment.

Brutish adopts an agreeable expression.

Suprie grins at Brutish.

Brutish quietly says, "And also Faendryl."

Brutish nods at Suprie.

Speaking lightly to Madmountan, Cruxophim reminds, "Told ye!"

Leafiara acknowledges, "The answer might be punishment or a ban on discriminatory pricing--and we -will- know about the pricing, since word gets around--or it might be something else. I can't say without more information about our town's financials."

(Leafiara nods once to the crowd.)

Leafiara turns to face Lylia.

Lylia firmly says, "Discriminatory pricing is an archaic practice -- one I propose to end outright."

Lylia says, "Merchants will charge everyone the same, or they will pay fines with the additional silvers collected from certain citizens."

Lylia dryly remarks, "Including me."

Fromer nods in agreement.

Lylia says, "I could go on, but really, this sums it up. It must end."

Leafiara nods.

Lylia folds her hands.

Lylia says, "I await your vote."

Speaking surprisedly to Cruxophim, Fromer exclaims, "Im still working on my first one!"

Fromer starts chortling.

Lylia smiles up at the crowd.

Brutish quietly says, "Dey are so nice wit dey ideas."

Roblar smiles.

Suprie says, "Well, same answers again. Least one of them had firmer plans than the other."

Fromer says, "Once again their answers are too similar."

Roblar deeply says, "Damn politics."

Fromer says, "I say they hit each other again."

Fromer nods approvingly.

Roblar nods in agreement.

Lornieh says, "Well, Lylia didn't specify HOW she'd do that though."

Suprie nods at Lornieh.

Brutish quietly says, "At least Lylia said 'nu uh ain't gonna happen' vs. well, we gotta see how our money is."

Brutish quietly says, "Leafi was kinda wishy washy on it."

Brutish nods.

Suprie says, "I'd give it to the one with an idea of how to fix it."

Brutish agrees with Suprie.

Speaking amusedly to Lornieh, Cruxophim remarks, "Seems pretty simple, prohibit such outright."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Lornieh asks, "Do you have the power to do that right now?"

Roblar deeply says, "Vote thumbs up one of the two won or scream for them to both hit."

Roblar lets out a scream of rage.

Lornieh screams!

Brutish quietly says, "I'm votin' thumbs up on Lylia."

Madmountan screams!

Leafiara whispers something to Lylia.

Lornieh chuckles.

Leafiara flashes a quick grin at Lylia.

Authriea screams!

Suprie chuckles.

Gnaeusprimus screams!

Lylia inclines her head.

Speaking amusedly to Lornieh, Cruxophim remarks, "It would take some doing, and not in a week."

Cruxophim chuckles.

Roblar grins.

Fromer screams!

(Suprie thumbs up for Leafi.)

Cruxophim amicably states, "Thumbs up to Lylia."

Roblar smiles at Suprie.

Kasgar says, "I'm here to see them hit each other soooo."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Lornieh says, "That's my point."

Kasgar screams!

Lornieh giggles at Cruxophim.

(Sasathi thumbs up for Lylia.)

Fromer dubiously says, "I think the screams have it."

Roblar yells, "Da masses av spoken!"

Brutish begins chortling at Fromer.

Speaking amusedly to Lornieh, Cruxophim wonders, "Is it?"

Cruxophim flashes Lornieh a toothy grin.

Lornieh nods at Cruxophim.

Lornieh chuckles.

Roblar yells, "Or rather screamed der choice - a strike for each of you once agin!"

Leafiara furrows her brow.

Lylia raises her voice in merry laughter.

Lornieh says, "Easy enough to say it must end, it will end.... but a bit harder to actually do it."

Lornieh giggles.

Leafiara gives a short little hum of surprise.

Lylia says, "I think they are just toying with us now."

Leafiara bemusedly says, "Maybe so."

Roblar throws back his head and roars with laughter!

Suprie grins.

Brutish yells, "We would never!"

Speaking lightly to Lylia, Leafiara offers, "You first this time, then."

Lylia tilts her head up.

Lylia flashes a quick grin.

Leafiara nods encouragingly at Lylia.

Shadows dance between Lylia's outstretched fingers as she issues a command in archaic Faendryl.

Lylia gestures at Leafiara. The evanescent shield shrouding Leafiara fades briefly. The dull golden nimbus surrounding Leafiara suddenly begins to glow brightly. Starburst patterns of pale blue light sweep forward from Leafiara's chest and infuse the deep blue glow with their energy.

 CS: +548 - TD: +428 + CvA: -6 + d100: +46 - -5 == +165
 Warding failed!

A ragged wound rips open Leafiara's jugular, which begins spurting blood.

Fromer laughs softly, trying to hide his amusement.

Suprie yells, "We were just sayin the same bout the two of you!"

Sasathi winces.

Fromer applauds.

Leafiara sets about preparing herself to be as presentable as possible.

You furrow up your face and wince.

Leafiara begins to do her best to bandage her wounded neck.

Leafiara grins.

Speaking wryly to Lornieh, Cruxophim muses, "You don't say."

Cruxophim leans softly against Lornieh.

Lornieh pokes Cruxophim in the ribs.

Lylia beckons Leafiara toward her with a fancy flourish of the hand.

Brutish starts chortling.

Lornieh nods at Cruxophim.

Leafiara murmurs, "Now let's see if I can make up for that last slightly embarrassing display..."

You say, "Going to be tough to answer questions with that wound."

Leafiara chuckles.

Leafiara hums a cheerful tune! Pure white and bold red mana wisps dance about her like wind-borne leaves, then pulse brightly as she sings a sylvan phrase in a strong, clear voice.

Brutish quietly says, "Eh, she can still talk."

Leafiara gestures at Lylia. Nothing happens.

Leafiara squints.

Roblar winces.

Lylia closes her eyes for a moment.

Leafiara gazes in wonder at her surroundings. Leafiara hums a cheerful tune! Pure white and bold red mana wisps dance about her like wind-borne leaves, then pulse brightly as she sings a sylvan phrase in a strong, clear voice.

Brutish yells, "I think dat was a no!"

Leafiara gestures at Lylia. Two dim, green globes spring to life in Leafiara's open hands. The orbs leap from Leafiara's hands and dance through the air toward Lylia!

 CS: +507 - TD: +459 + CvA: +4 + d100: +40 - -5 == +97
 Warded off!

Starburst patterns of pale blue light sweep forward from Leafiara's chest and infuse the deep blue glow with their energy.

 CS: +548 - TD: +461 + CvA: -6 + d100: +74 - -5 == +160
 Warding failed!

Lylia exhales a virulent green mist toward Leafiara, instantly infecting her. Leafiara convulses violently!

  ... 18 points of damage!
  Raking blast eliminates portions of neck and head!
  She is stunned!

Lylia clears her throat.

Fromer laughs softly, trying to hide his amusement.

Lylia gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid... Lylia gestures at Leafiara. The glazed look leaves Leafiara. Leafiara's skin hardens into a black rot and begins to crumble causing 10 points of damage!

  ... 10 points of damage!
  Wide segment of skin disappears from chest.

Brutish cackles!

Cruxophim amicably remarks, "They were both good answers."

Leafiara's skin hardens into a black rot and begins to crumble causing 8 points of damage!

  ... 3 points of damage!
  Strips of flesh disappear from Leafiara's back.

Leafiara amusedly says, "That was a -worse- no."

Leafiara starts chortling.

Pus-filled sores erupt on Leafiara causing 7 points of damage!

  ... 8 points of damage!
  Small patches of right forearm disappear into red mist.

Leafiara sheepishly says, "Just a moment."

Painful, pus-filled bumps begin to appear on Leafiara causing 5 points of damage!

  ... 3 points of damage!
  Surface of left leg etched to little effect.

Leafiara unwraps her bandages.

The bandages on Leafiara's neck come loose and she begins to bleed more.

Brutish yells, "Step out da door, an get patched up!"

Leafiara wails as painful boils form and erupt causing 4 points of damage!

  ... 3 points of damage!
  Surface of left leg etched to little effect.

Lylia helpfully says, "It only lasts a little while."

Leafiara's skin hardens into a black rot and begins to crumble causing 2 points of damage!

  ... 10 points of damage!
  Wide segment of skin disappears from chest.

The virulent green mist surrounding Leafiara disperses.

Roblar chuckles.

Leafiara begins to do her best to bandage her wounded left leg.

Cruxophim flashes a wide grin.

Brutish quietly says, "We has nurses on call."

Leafiara concedes, "I suppose I'd better, so I don't die while answering the next question."

Leafiara chuckles.

Leafiara assures, "I'll be back shortly."

Leafiara nods.

Brutish quietly says, "You'd think dey would use em."

Noticing Leafiara's condition, some medics quickly restore her to health and return to their duties.

Leafiara nods approvingly.

Surpie: Why shouldn't your opponent be the next mayor?

Roblar deeply asks, "Anyun av a question next?"

Fromer contentedly remarks, "This is a nice event."

Suprie nods.

Roblar casually glances around the room.

Lylia nods.

Brutish points at Suprie.

Fromer nods once.

Suprie says, "I've got one for them."

Roblar yells, "Radies for a new question?"

Suprie grins.

Leafiara enthusiastically nods her agreement, causing her hair to flutter around her face in a bright red halo.

Leafiara pleasantly assures, "Always."

Roblar nods at Suprie.

Cruxophim yells, "I wanna bite of that!"

Leafiara adds, "It's that mist I'm not ready for."

Leafiara starts chortling.

Roblar smiles at Fromer.

Suprie yells, "Why shouldn't your opponent be the next mayor?"

Brutish cackles!

Lylia grins.

Suprie says, "See if they can make those the same."

Suprie grins.

Lornieh chuckles.

Leafiara nods understandingly.

Roblar applauds Suprie.

Roblar chuckles.

Brutish yells, "Talk about her bad eyebrows!"

Fromer laughs softly, trying to hide his amusement.

Brutish quietly says, "That'll stir the pot."

Lylia nods at Leafiara.

Suprie starts chortling.

Lylia says, "I believe I field this one first."

Cruxophim laughs softly, trying to hide his amusement.

Leafiara nods at Lylia.

Lylia simply says, "She lacks the experience right now."

Lornieh smiles.

Lylia says, "No more need be said."

Madmountan snaps his fingers.

Madmountan snaps his fingers.

Lylia bows to Leafiara.

Suprie ponders.

Brutish snaps his fingers.

Fromer snickers.

Lylia says, "I welcome your reply."

Suprie says, "Wonder if that lack of experience is why she saved her life."

Brutish yells, "OOOOOOOOH BURN!"

Brutish quietly says, "I'm tryin' my best."

Cruxophim laughs softly, trying to hide his amusement.

Lylia murmurs, "And your eyebrows are fine."

(OOC) Brutish's player whispers to the group, "Dis the worst battle rap I've ever seen."

Leafiara lightly says, "I hardly take that as the insult that I think some do."

Leafiara starts chortling.

Roblar chuckles.

Leafiara says, "But... another discussion for another time. As for the question..."

Lylia says, "Good. It is not meant as one."

Lylia smiles.

Cruxophim leans softly against Lornieh.

Suprie says, "If she says somethin about lackin experience back..."

Suprie mutters under his breath.

Fromer sniffs at Cruxophim.

Brutish quietly says, "She better say somethin' about somethin'."

Roblar stands up.

Fromer begins to twitch.

Cruxophim glances at a fighting pit and yawns.

Brutish quietly says, "If I was Lylia, I would say 'She can't dodge a spell to save her life."

Brutish nods at Suprie.

Suprie chuckles.

Suprie nods.

Leafiara says, "There is no reason Lady Lylia shouldn't be mayor--this year or another year, whenever the voters decide. I just believe that our citizens who aren't quite the night owls that the two of us are would like a Mayor who is with them even by day."

Leafiara says, "Which I certainly would be."

Fromer ponders.

Brutish quietly says, "That's... actually pretty true."

Leafiara bobs down and back up in a quick curtsy.

Fromer nods in agreement at Brutish.

Leafiara smiles toward the crowd.

Lylia nods.

Cruxophim amusedly counters, "Yes, but... most things tend to happen in the evening. Landing is largely nocturnal, it seems, for... reasons that aren't completely understood."

Cruxophim snickers.

Brutish chuckles.

Suprie glances at Cruxophim.

Lornieh says, "Well, she's there then too."

Lornieh grins.

Madmountan yells, "Give us just a minute."

Fromer flashes a quick grin.

Lylia nods.

Brutish quietly says, "Kennie time is too late for me."

Leafiara amicably says, "Of course."

Suprie says, "People follow their leaders Is uppose."

Cruxophim nods sympathetically.

Kasgar agrees with Brutish.

Lylia whispers something to Leafiara.

Sasathi agrees with Brutish.

Lylia grins at Leafiara.

Madmountan rubs his chin thoughtfully.

Leafiara flashes a quick grin at Lylia.

Roblar nods at Madmountan.

Lornieh laughs at Cruxophim!

Roblar whispers to the group, "Got them both pins."

Lornieh agrees with Cruxophim.

Brutish nods at Roblar.

Cruxophim chortles softly at some secret joke.

Roblar deeply asks, "Anyhone av a clear favorite?"

Roblar smiles.

Cruxophim amicably states, "Pardon, be right back."

Brutish quietly says, "Eh."

Lornieh says, "I do, but as I said, think I'm bias."

Lornieh giggles.

Roblar deeply says, "So inexperience, or time around."

Madmountan says, "I don't care about the night time thing, so I'm voting Lylia again."

Roblar yells, "Let us vote!"

Fromer ponders.

Suprie chuckles.

Brutish rubs his chin thoughtfully.

Leafiara folds her hands.

(Lylia turns her bare feet in the sand, seeking purchase.)

Lylia notes, "Glad I polished my toes to match."

Lornieh says, "I'm voting Leafi... she is around a lot more, thus I know her a lot better."

Lylia examines her fingernails.

Brutish yells, "Watch out for da leftover teeth on yer toes!"

Leafiara grins at Lylia.

Roblar deeply asks, "Lylia thumbs up or downj?"

(Brutish thumbs up.)

Leafiara uncertainly repeats, "Leftover... teeth."

Lylia says, "Thank you for the warning. I found on earlier. Molar, I believe."

(Suprie thumbs down.)

Leafiara glances dubiously around the room.

(Fromer thumbs up.)

(Madmountan give a thumps up.)

(Roblar extends his tumbs,, up.)

Leafiara's face turns slightly pale.

Roblar coughs.

(Sasathi thumbs up.)

Lylia nods at Leafiara.

(Lornieh thumbs down.)

Roblar deeply says, "5-2."

(Authriea thumbs down.)

(Leafiara surrepetitiously lifts each leg in turn to dust off her sylvan sandals.)

Roblar deeply says, "5-3."

Suprie grins.

Roblar nods.

Roblar deeply says, "Ah 4-3."

Suprie says, "Hasn't matter much anyways. No matter who hits, Leafiara seems to take the pain."

Roblar glances sternly at Lornieh.

Roblar smiles.

Brutish quietly says, "Da udder way."

Brutish snickers.

Lornieh grins.

Brutish quietly says, "Lylia won dat one, methinks."

Speaking to Roblar, Lornieh asks, "Why am I getting a look?"

Lornieh chuckles.

Suprie nods.

Lylia points her clockwork staff at the area directly in front of her.

Lylia says, "That looks like an incisor."

Leafiara grins crookedly.

Roblar deeply says, "Don't knowq."

Roblar smiles at Lornieh.

Roblar deeply says, "Was told you voted twice."

Lornieh chuckles.

Brutish chuckles.

Lornieh says, "Ok."

Roblar yells, "By a single vote - Lylia! Please attack yer opponent!"

Leafiara nods approvingly.

Roblar deeply asks, "Any other questions?"

Leafiara turns to face Lylia.

Roblar deeply says, "If so, last one."

Leafiara folds her hands behind her back.

Leafiara grins.

Lylia smiles at Leafiara.

Suprie says, "Should let them ask each other a question."

Suprie grins.

Brutish nods at Suprie.

Brutish quietly says, "Great one."

Roblar nods at Suprie.

Shadows dance between Lylia's outstretched fingers as she issues a command in archaic Faendryl. Lylia gestures at Leafiara. The evanescent shield shrouding Leafiara flares to life and absorbs the essence of the spell, dissipating it harmlessly.

Brutish quietly asks, "After da blows, can I announce it?"

Lylia raises her voice in merry laughter.

Leafiara lightly says, "Ah... I'm sure they want to see something."

Leafiara offers, "Do try again."

Leafiara nods.

Suprie says, "Or, we throw the current Mayor down there and make it a free for all. Winner gets everythin."

Fromer starts chortling.

Leafiara flashes a quick grin.

Brutish agrees with Suprie.

Roblar nods at Brutish.

Lylia says, "Excellent."

Sasathi grins.

Shadows dance between Lylia's outstretched fingers as she issues a command in archaic Faendryl. Lylia gestures at Leafiara.

 CS: +548 - TD: +438 + CvA: -6 + d100: +25 - -5 == +134
 Warding failed!

Leafiara is suddenly engulfed in brilliant white fire!

... and hits for 22 points of damage!
  ... 18 points of damage!
  Nasty burns to right leg.  Gonna need lots of butter.
  She is knocked to the ground!
  She is stunned!
  ... 18 points of damage!
  Cold blast rends muscles from bone!
  ... 28 points of damage!
  Horrid jolt of electricity smokes a shoulder blade!
  ... 23 points of damage!
  Strong blow to back!

Fromer laughs softly, trying to hide his amusement.

Roblar throws his head back and howls!

Lylia gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid... Lylia gestures at Leafiara. The glazed look leaves Leafiara.

Lylia pulls Leafiara to her feet.

Roblar flashes a wide grin.

Suprie lets out a cheer!

Leafiara coughs.

Lylia sets about preparing Leafiara to be as presentable as possible.

Lylia says, "A showy spell."

Leafiara marvels, "Quite a strong one!"

Leafiara nods at Lylia.

Leafiara begins to do her best to bandage her wounded right arm.

Lylia inclines her head.

Leafiara begins to do her best to bandage her wounded right leg.

Leafiara begins to do her best to bandage her wounded back.

Roblar points at Brutish.

Brutish yells, "Now, dis a little different. You each get to ask each other a question, and You both has to answer it! Don't pull any punches, that ain't the Warrior Way!"

Lylia admits, "I do practice."

Leafiara airily says, "But... nothing I can't handle."

Leafiara grins at Lylia.

Lylia nods once.

Lylia says, "I like this one."

Leafiara nods in agreement.

Lylia says, "I believe you are first this time."

Leafiara says, "I believe it's my turn to go first..."

Leafiara nods.

Leafiara thoughtfully taps a finger against her lips.

Roblar smiles at you.

Speaking thoughtfully to Lylia, Leafiara asks, "You've talked a lot aboout soft power, and making the Landing a town so valued that others' armies will protect it on our behalf. Could you elaborate on how you intend to change perceptions of the Landing in the world around us so drastically?"

Cruxophim pleasantly states, "Sorry, had a bit of business to attend to."

Roblar presses his fingers to his belt. A brief spasm wracks his shoulders in shivering.

Cruxophim bites Roblar!

Cruxophim leans on Roblar.

Lylia nods.

Leafiara gives Lylia a strong, encouraging smile.

Roblar grins at Cruxophim.

Cruxophim grins at Brutish.

Suprie says, "It's okay, we volunteered you ta go down and fight them both to prove they're worthy."

Suprie nods at Cruxophim.

Cruxophim tosses a knowing glance toward Brutish, taps his nose, and then points at him.

Cruxophim raises his voice at Suprie in merry laughter.

Suprie says, "Should be a good show."

Brutish quietly says, "Ooooo dat's a good question."

Suprie grins.

Lylia says, "Perceptions change over time, but change must start somewhere. The change will not be drastic -- not at first."

Leafiara nods slowly.

Lylia admits, "This is always the challenge with larger plans. People do not see the entirety of them at first, and they think little is occurring."

Lylia continues, "And at first, we may need to rest more on economic power than on cultural power. Trade. Access. Making full use of our port."

Brutish quietly says, "Dat's.... a good answer."

Roblar nods.

Fromer grins.

Cruxophim nods absently at Brutish.

Brutish quietly says, "We don't exactlly bleed culture out our seams."

Brutish adopts an agreeable expression.

Suprie grumbles.

Suprie says, "I'm cultured."

Lylia says, "To put it bluntly, hiring forces to fill in our own when needed. Because we are simply not going to be capable of fielding armies that can fend off entire nation-states."

Brutish snickers.

Lylia says, "Nor should we have to."

Leafiara looks thoughtfully at Lylia.

Cruxophim mischievously remarks, "Me too."

Lornieh asks, "Hiring forces from where?"

Lornieh rubs her chin thoughtfully.

Lylia says, "Would you like me to explain further, or do you think that covers it? I could talk for hours, but I doubt anyone's patience is so durable."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Suprie says, "Ya might be a little too cultured."

Lornieh says, "Don't wanna depend on the Empire to defend ourselves."

Lylia smiles at Leafiara.

Brutish quietly says, "Apparently Vaalor might attack, and dey won't be enough eager participants to bash them elves' faces in."

Lornieh snickers at Brutish.

Leafiara pleasantly says, "I think that's as comprehensive an answer as we should expect in a short time."

Leafiara nods at Lylia.

Speaking amicably to Lornieh, Cruxophim states, "There are many free-standing mercenaries and such, sellswords and the like."

Speaking to Brutish, Lornieh says, "You'd be surprised."

Lylia inclines her head.

Speaking to Cruxophim, Lornieh asks, "Like Hlendril?"

Lornieh appears to be trying hard not to grin.

Leafiara admits, "It was a pretty broad question."

Leafiara grins.

Brutish starts chortling.

Brutish quietly says, "Dat'n's special."

Brutish nods at Lornieh.

Lornieh snickers.

Speaking wryly to Lornieh, Cruxophim mutters, "Yes, we could just wind him up and point him at our enemies."

Cruxophim snickers at Lornieh.

Lornieh laughs at Cruxophim!

Fromer laughs softly, trying to hide his amusement.

Lylia asks, "Then my question to you is this: How would you define the difference between administrative capabilities and true leadership? If, indeed, you feel there is a difference?"

Cruxophim leans softly against Lornieh.

Brutish quietly says, "Dat's... not as good a question."

Suprie frowns.

Brutish quietly says, "She jus asked if Leafiara was a secretary..."

Brutish adopts an agreeable expression.

Lornieh laughs!

Leafiara rubs her chin thoughtfully.

Fromer impatiently says, "Wonder when someone is going to die..."

Brutish quietly says, "Soon."

Brutish nods.

Roblar begins chuckling at Fromer!

Cruxophim amusedly chides, "I don't think that's what she was asking."

Cruxophim laughs softly, trying to hide his amusement.

Roblar deeply says, "Silly questions and poltics."

Brutish adopts an agreeable expression.

Brutish quietly says, "She shoulda played to da crowd."

Suprie nods.

Roblar deeply says, "Whatever her reply, metinks dis can only be settled in a combat to death."

Roblar nods once.

Brutish quietly asks, "Been like... so, you wanna take yer shirt off an fight it out?"

Fromer nods in agreement at Roblar.

Roblar smiles at Fromer.

Fromer shakes his head at Brutish and clucks his tongue.

Suprie laughs!

Brutish starts chortling.

Speaking wryly to Roblar, Cruxophim lectures, "Politics are the burden of those who must lead. I won't miss it, honestly."

Cruxophim chuckles.

Roblar grins at Cruxophim.

Suprie says, "Rule one of bein in charge. Know your people."

Suprie nods in agreement at Brutish.

Brutish adopts an agreeable expression.

Cruxophim snickers at Brutish.

Leafiara says, "I'd say administrative capabilities are more about organizing people to do what they're already inclined to do, directing them where their natural talents are, while leadership is about organizing people for causes and actions they didn't understand were important."

Brutish quietly says, "When in da warrior's hall.... you gotta be a warrior ta win."

Lylia gazes with interest at Leafiara.

Sasathi grins.

Leafiara admits, "Though I hadn't really thought about it in those terms until you asked."

Brutish quietly says, "Dat question was meant to get a bad answer."

Roblar smiles.

Speaking idly to Suprie, Cruxophim reminds, "But people are quite diverse and also quite often at odds with one another, especially here. How does one sort that out?"

Brutish nods.

Speaking wryly to Suprie, Cruxophim reminds, "Especially here."

Suprie shrugs.

Speaking quietly to Cruxophim, Brutish says, "Easy, let em duke it out."

Fromer dismisses, "You can never please everyone."

Suprie says, "I find, deep down, everyone's got somethin in common."

Speaking amicably to Brutish, Cruxophim muses, "Good answer."

Brutish nods at Suprie.

Cruxophim raises his voice in merry laughter.

Brutish quietly says, "Sometimes you have to clash... in order to communicate."

Suprie says, "Just gotta strip away enough ta get ta it."

Speaking nonchalantly to Suprie, Cruxophim agrees, "Bones, certainly."

Cruxophim flashes Suprie a toothy grin.

Brutish quietly says, "I fought Suprie in da pit when he was fresh back from Vacation."

Suprie chuckles.

Leafiara curiously asks, "Does that answer your question? Or should I say anything more?"

Fromer grins wickedly at Cruxophim.

Leafiara cocks her head at Lylia.

Brutish quietly says, "He proved himself a good warrior verra quickly wit us."

Suprie says, "Little higher up then that, but sure."

Lylia replies, "And I find your answer thought-provoking in its own right. What an eloquent way of putting it."

Suprie nods.

Lylia shakes her head.

Leafiara smiles at Lylia.

Leafiara nods understandingly.

Lylia says, "I think you answered amply. And admirably."

Lylia says, "Now, we await the votes."

Leafiara gratefully says, "Thank you. I appreciated your answer too."

Leafiara nods at Lylia.

(Leafiara turns again to the crowd.)

Suprie shakes his head.

Lylia says, "It was an excellent question."

Cruxophim amicably remarks, "Good answer on Leafi's part."

Lornieh agrees with Cruxophim.

Suprie says, "Like watchin two kittens down there."

Brutish quietly says, "I think we're all voting 3, 2, 1, mash."

Cruxophim laughs softly, trying to hide his amusement from Suprie.

Brutish nods at Suprie.

Suprie says, "I have ta say. No matter who we get, they're goin to be less interestin than the current Mayor."

Brutish agrees with Suprie.

Cruxophim looks at Suprie and breaks into a devilish grin.

Speaking amusedly to Suprie, Cruxophim purrs, "Why, thank ye."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Fromer marvels, "Blessing the arena with your blood?" Suprie ponders.

Brutish quietly asks, "So who votin' Lylia?"

Speaking to Leafiara, Lylia confides, "I think we have given them much to debate and think about."

Roblar yells, "Great questions and answers again!"

Lylia grins.

Leafiara grins at Lylia.

Suprie says, "I wonder how long they'll sit there and wait."

Suprie grins.

Brutish chuckles.

Speaking disappointedly to Suprie, Cruxophim notes, "They need to stop moving about."

Cruxophim chuckles.

Lornieh says, "You guys are so mean."

Lornieh chuckles.

Cruxophim glances at Brutish and raises his hand.

Brutish adopts an agreeable expression.

Brutish quietly says, "Lylia presented a very good answer, and a very boring question."

Cruxophim amicably admits, "Tough call, though... I think I would be more than fine with either candidate as Mayor."

Brutish adopts an agreeable expression.

Brutish quietly says, "I think Leafi came out swingin, but lost da backpedal."

Suprie says, "She had a good answer, but her question makes me wonder if she's thinkin about the right things."

Brutish quietly says, "On dat particular set."

Suprie shrugs.

Speaking to Cruxophim, Fromer jests, "A very politically correct answer."

Brutish adopts an agreeable expression.

Leafiara states, "And thank you all for your continued interest, by the way. So many events this month have been well-attended."

Lylia nods in agreement.

Leafiara adds, "Despite the sheer number of them."

Leafiara flashes a quick grin.

Speaking nonchalantly to Fromer, Cruxophim assures, "Tis naught but the truth, I think they both certainly have uses."

Cruxophim grins.

Fromer nods understandingly at Cruxophim.

Lylia says, "It has been a marvel to see the level of civic interest, both on a personal level and an organizational one."

Votes Irrelevant, Election by Combat=

Roblar yells, "Votes are dis election der iz only one way to handle leadership and power!"

Leafiara nods in agreement at Lylia.

Brutish adopts an agreeable expression.

Leafiara raises an eyebrow.

Suprie grins.

Speaking to Cruxophim, you say, "Uses? That sounds ominous."

Roblar yells, "Der can be only ONE - trial by combat - on 3!"

You chuckle to yourself.

Lylia says, "Exciting to see the inside of so many halls and homes."

Leafiara gasps.

Sasathi chuckles.

Lylia narrows her eyes.

Lylia gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid... Lylia gestures. A wall of force surrounds Lylia.

Brutish quietly says, "Remember, Mash on 1."

Brutish nods.

Suprie says, "Time for the surprise."

Roblar grins.

Leafiara lets out a long, contemplative breath.

Speaking teasingly to you, Cruxophim muses, "As does Father."

Cruxophim flashes you a toothy grin.

Roblar yells, "Or, on GO!"

Roblar yells, "3!"

Roblar yells, "2!"

Fromer offhandedly says, "I like uses."

Roblar yells, "1!"

Cruxophim whispers, "Or do you prefer Daddy?"

Cruxophim glances down coyly, fingers absently attending to his crow skull ornament, as an enigmatic expression plays across his face.

Roblar bellows at an ornately carved bleached bone goblet!

Brutish yells, "Mash!"

Cruxophim looks at you and breaks into a devilish grin.

Roblar yells, "And go!"

Shadows dance between Lylia's outstretched fingers as she issues a command in archaic Faendryl. Lylia gestures at Leafiara. The evanescent shield shrouding Leafiara fades briefly. The dull golden nimbus surrounding Leafiara suddenly begins to glow brightly. Starburst patterns of pale blue light sweep forward from Leafiara's chest and infuse the deep blue glow with their energy.

 CS: +548 - TD: +428 + CvA: -6 + d100: +37 - -5 == +156
 Warding failed!

Leafiara is suddenly surrounded by a blood red haze. The pale glow of the verlok'asha's feathers glints off a facet of its eye, shining forth in a momentary flash.

Leafiara chants a reverent orison and lightly clasps her note symbol. A rush of brassy light flows out of her symbol, attaching itself to her like a second skin of tiny metallic motes. Leafiara hums a cheerful tune! Pure white and bold red mana wisps dance about her like wind-borne leaves, then pulse brightly as she sings a sylvan phrase in a strong, clear voice. Leafiara channels at Lylia. A blood red haze swirls in Leafiara's eyes and she winces in pain. Nothing happens. Leafiara chants a reverent orison and lightly clasps her note symbol. A rush of brassy light flows out of her symbol, attaching itself to her like a second skin of tiny metallic motes. Leafiara hums a cheerful tune! Pure white and bold red mana wisps dance about her like wind-borne leaves, then pulse brightly as she sings a sylvan phrase in a strong, clear voice. Leafiara channels at Lylia. A blood red haze swirls in Leafiara's eyes and she winces in pain. Nothing happens.

Fromer cackles!

Shadows dance between Lylia's outstretched fingers as she issues a command in archaic Faendryl. Lylia gestures at Leafiara. The dull golden nimbus surrounding Leafiara suddenly begins to glow brightly.

 CS: +548 - TD: +438 + CvA: -6 + d100: +22 - -5 == +131
 Warding failed!

Leafiara shudders and twists in intense pain!

  ... 51 points of damage!

Leafiara ponders.

Brutish throws his head back and howls!

Roblar grins from ear to ear.

Shadows dance between Lylia's outstretched fingers as she issues a command in archaic Faendryl. Lylia gestures at Leafiara. The dull golden nimbus surrounding Leafiara suddenly begins to glow brightly.

 CS: +548 - TD: +438 + CvA: -6 + d100: +49 - -5 == +158
 Warding failed!

Leafiara contorts in excruciating agony!

  ... 56 points of damage!

Turning inward, Leafiara focuses and appears to ground herself. A shimmering wave ripples outward from where she stands, expanding the evanescent shield about her. Shadows dance between Lylia's outstretched fingers as she issues a command in archaic Faendryl.

Lylia gestures at Leafiara. The evanescent shield shrouding Leafiara flares to life and absorbs the essence of the spell, dissipating it harmlessly.

Suprie grins.

The blood red haze dissipates from around Leafiara. Turning inward, Leafiara focuses and appears to ground herself. A shimmering wave ripples outward from where she stands, expanding the evanescent shield about her.

Roblar sighs contently.

Shadows dance between Lylia's outstretched fingers as she issues a command in archaic Faendryl.

Roblar deeply says, "So wanted this ending for all those debates."

Brutish yells, "Get dem hands up!"

Lylia gestures at Leafiara. The evanescent shield shrouding Leafiara fades briefly. Lylia stares deeply into Leafiara's eyes.

 CS: +548 - TD: +488 + CvA: -6 + d100: +68 - -5 == +127
 Warding failed!

Leafiara collapses to the ground screaming! Leafiara is stunned!

Roblar snorts!

Suprie says, "That's more like it."

Turning inward, Leafiara focuses and appears to ground herself. A shimmering wave ripples outward from where she stands, expanding the evanescent shield about her.

Cruxophim applauds wildly!

Shadows dance between Lylia's outstretched fingers as she issues a command in archaic Faendryl. Lylia gestures at Leafiara. The evanescent shield shrouding Leafiara flares to life and absorbs the essence of the spell, dissipating it harmlessly. Before fading, it flickers with a pale incandescence.

Brutish nods at Roblar.

Suprie nods at Roblar.

Shadows dance between Lylia's outstretched fingers as she issues a command in archaic Faendryl. Lylia gestures at Leafiara. The evanescent shield shrouding Leafiara fades briefly.

 CS: +548 - TD: +438 + CvA: -6 + d100: +96 - -5 == +205
 Warding failed!

Leafiara is suddenly engulfed in brilliant white fire!

... and hits for 32 points of damage!
  ... 48 points of damage!
  Permanently debilitating burns across stomach.
  ... 68 points of damage!
  Icy blast deep freezes one perfectly good heart!
  ... 43 points of damage!
  Surprisingly large electrical arc destroys neck and moves up around head making a flashy halo.  Rather classical death occurs.
  ... 48 points of damage!
  Massive blow to chest collapses sternum!

Leafiara becomes solid again. The powerful look leaves Leafiara. The deep blue glow leaves Leafiara. Deep blue motes swirl away from Leafiara and fade. The misty halo fades from Leafiara. The dull golden nimbus fades from around Leafiara. The white light leaves Leafiara. The very powerful look leaves Leafiara. The dim aura fades from around Leafiara. Leafiara begins to breathe less deeply. The air shivers about Leafiara, glistening faintly before stilling to normalcy. Leafiara appears less confident. The brilliant aura fades away from Leafiara. The opalescent aura fades from around Leafiara. A white glow rushes away from Leafiara. A subtle light fades from Leafiara's eyes. The air about Leafiara shimmers momentarily before the evanescent shield surrounding her collapses. The silvery luminescence fades from around Leafiara. The bright luminescence fades from around Leafiara. The brilliant luminescence fades from around Leafiara. The glowing specks of energy surrounding Leafiara suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away. Leafiara seems a bit less imposing. Leafiara returns to normal color. The light blue glow leaves Leafiara. The air about Leafiara stops shimmering. Leafiara seems to lose some dexterity. Leafiara appears to lose some internal strength. Leafiara becomes unbalanced for a second, then recovers. Leafiara seems hesitant, looking unsure of herself. Leafiara seems slightly different. An ethereal golden collection bowl drifts out of Leafiara, then vanishes. The shade of Leafiara's skin changes, as if some light has gone out of her.

* Leafiara has fallen unconscious!

Some medics scurry over and drag Leafiara's limp form away.


Fromer yells, "Thank you ladies for a memorable evening!"

Fromer applauds.

Roblar winces.

Kasgar hoots.

Sasathi applauds.

Through a set of oak double doors, you hear Leafiara yell, "Very memorable!"

From nearby, you hear Leafiara yell, "Very memorable!"

Brutish yells, "WINNER!"

Lylia struts about.

Suprie hoots.

Roblar yells, "Well dun Lylia!"

Cruxophim applauds encouragingly.

Suprie yells, "Come get a prize!"

Maiden Leafiara just came through a set of oak double doors.

Roblar begins chuckling at Suprie!

Leafiara dusts herself off.

Lylia gives Leafiara a firm handshake.

Leafiara and Lylia shake hands.

Lylia smiles.

Sasathi smiles.

Fromer laughs softly, trying to hide his amusement.

Roblar yells, "If ya two wud climb up to da viewing chamber!"

Fromer applauds.

Cruxophim raises his voice in merry laughter.

Roblar deeply says, "Or."

Roblar smiles.

Roblar deeply says, "Allos."

Cruxophim kisses Lylia tenderly on the hand.

Cruxophim gives Leafiara a lingering kiss on the hand.

Lylia mildly says, "No need to shout, Roblar."

Speaking to Lylia, Leafiara concedes, "It seems you're much more talented with magic than I, in the end."

Leafiara chuckles.

Leafiara hugs Cruxophim, who wraps her in a warm embrace.

Suprie nods.

Lylia places a hand over her heart.

Brutish chuckles.

Speaking to Cruxophim, Leafiara says, "Mayor! Glad you could make it."

Leafiara grins.

Lornieh hugs Leafiara, who wraps her in a warm embrace.

Speaking to Roblar, Suprie says, "Women come when I call."

Lornieh snuggles Leafiara, who responds by cradling an arm around her.

Brutish places a hand over his heart.

Leafiara hugs Lornieh, who wraps her in a warm embrace.

Roblar deeply says, "Well dun and a much more, active debate."

Cruxophim grins at Leafiara.

Roblar chortles softly at some secret joke.

Lylia says, "Sorcery is a devastating art."

Cruxophim gives Leafiara a lingering kiss on the cheek.

Leafiara rubs Lornieh tenderly.

Leafiara nods in agreement.

Leafiara nods in agreement at Lylia.

Lornieh smirks at Suprie.

Fromer nods in agreement at Lylia.

Speaking amicably to Leafiara, Cruxophim admits, "Barely, but as am I!"

Speaking to Lylia, Fromer adds, "And devious."

Roblar clears his throat.

Cruxophim nods approvingly at Lylia.

Fromer stands up.

Speaking knowingly to Cruxophim, Leafiara says, "Oh, I will remember last year..."

Leafiara starts chortling.

Lylia fans herself.

Brutish chuckles.

Speaking amusedly to Leafiara, Cruxophim inquires, "Last year?"

Speaking to Cruxophim, Leafiara explains, "The boulder duels."

Leafiara grins at Cruxophim.

You say, "Well fought."

You say, "Literally."

You grin.

Leafiara turns toward you and renders you a sharp hand salute.

Lylia inclines her head.

Speaking affably to Leafiara, Cruxophim muses, "Oh, yes... of course."

You nod at Leafiara.

Cruxophim laughs softly, trying to hide his amusement.

You nod at Lylia.

Roblar deeply states, "Helden Hall's motto is: Strength, Honor, and Loyalty."

Leafiara nods approvingly at Roblar.

Speaking amicably to Leafiara, Cruxophim requests, "May I?"

Cruxophim clasps Leafiara's hand tenderly.

Leafiara nods at Cruxophim.

Cruxophim presses the edge of his jawbone dagger against Leafiara's right palm, clearly intending to cut it.

Cruxophim runs a finger along the edge of his dagger's blade.

Lylia smiles at Roblar.

Leafiara curiously asks, "Wait, may you what?"

Leafiara starts chortling.

Lylia begins chuckling at Leafiara!

Roblar deeply says, "You have both surely showed strength in your answers and mettle in da pit, as well as honor and loyalty toward each other."

Lylia says, "Always an important question."

Brutish adopts an agreeable expression.

Lylia nods at Leafiara.

Leafiara smiles at Roblar.

Speaking pleasantly to Leafiara, Cruxophim states, "Annoint the pit in honor of your duel."

Fromer shifts his eyes to Cruxophim.

Fromer ponders.

Speaking carefully to Cruxophim, Leafiara says, "I think Lady Lylia anointed it very well. I lost more blood than I knew I had."

Leafiara starts chortling.

Speaking sincerely to Roblar, Lylia says, "Thank you. It helps a great deal to have an opponent I respect and count as a friend."

Cruxophim nods.

Cruxophim nods in agreement at Roblar.

Roblar deeply says, "Regardless of da upcomin election, we find you to both be fine women an t'ank you for answering and appearin at our venue."

Lylia gazes fondly at Leafiara.

Leafiara nods in agreement at Lylia.

Cruxophim begins chuckling at Leafiara!

Cruxophim nods understandingly at Leafiara.

Leafiara smiles at Lylia.

Roblar smiles.

Brutish adopts an agreeable expression.

Brutish quietly says, "Verra nice showing of you all."

Cruxophim turns to face Lylia.

Roblar deeply says, "We av somethin to remember today by."

Speaking pleasantly to Lylia, Cruxophim inquires, "May I?"

Fromer respectfully rejoices, "Thank you all for the entertainment and answers, such an amusing evening!"

Lylia nods at Cruxophim.

Speaking sincerely to Roblar, Leafiara exclaims, "It was an honor to be here, and may Helden Hall stand for centuries to come!"

Leafiara applauds.

Cruxophim applauds Fromer encouragingly.

Lylia bows to Fromer.

Suprie grins.

Cruxophim presses the edge of his jawbone dagger against Lylia's right palm, clearly intending to cut it.

Fromer inclines his head.

Lylia says, "Thank you all for the excellent questions."

Cruxophim gives Lylia a strong, encouraging smile.

Leafiara nods in agreement at Lylia.