Kraken's Fall signs
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Kraken's Fall has many amazing signs. Some of the signs are located on the structures themselves and not on sign posts.
In the Common language, it reads: __ __ / \ __________________________/ \____ / ^^ \ /=========================/ ^^ \===| / [] \ /=========================/ [] \==| /________\ /=========================/________\=| * | |/==========================| |=| *** | ^^ ^^ |---------------------------| ^^ ^^ |-- *****| [] [] | Academy of the Bos'n | [] [] | | ******* | /_____\ | * | | *********^^ ^^ | ^^ ^^ | | | ^^ ^^ | ***| | ***********] [] | [] [] | | | [] [] | ===***** | ************* | @|__|__|@ |/ |*******| *************** ***********--=====--**********| ********* ***************___*********** |=====| **********|*********** ************* ********* /=======\ ******** | *********
In the Common language, it reads: . ' , . ' , _________ The _________ _ /_|_____|_\ _ Bejeweled _ /_|_____|_\ _ '. \ / .' Booty '. \ / .' '.\ /.' '.\ /.' '.' '.'
In the Common language, it reads: ,.--'`````'--., |'-.,_____,.-'| | | | | |'-.|_____|.-'| |'-.|_____|.-'| | | | | |'-.|_____|.-'| |'-.|_____|.-'| | | | | `'-.|_____|.-'' The Brewmaster's Keg
In the Common language, it reads: _ _ ' "-.__.'.__.-" ` Bushybrow's Collectibles
In the Common language, it reads: _____________ (_____________) ___ | The |/ _ \ | Captain's | | | | Cup |_| | ___| |\___/ / \___________/ \ \_____________________/
In the Common language, it reads: _______________________________________________ | | ________| Chip 'n Dwight's: Master Ship'nwrights |_______ \ | Need a boat? Go find a hermit! Need a ship? | / \ | Enter these hallowed walls and begin! | / / |_______________________________________________| \ /__________) (__________\
In the Common language, it reads: o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Fighting o o o o o o the o o o o o o Helm o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o
In the Common language, it reads: __ ___,.-------..__ __ //\\ _,-'' Grub, `'--._ //\\ \\ ;' Gruel, `: // `( and )' :. Grog ,; `.`--.___ ___.--',' `. ``-------'' ,' -. ,- `-._______.-'
In the Common language, it reads: .--. Intoxicating .--. .'_\/_'. .'_\/_'. '. /\ .' F '. /\ .' "||" l "||" || /\ o || /\ /\ ||//\) r /\ ||//\) (/\\||/ a (/\\||/ ______\||/____________________\||/_______
In the Common language, it reads: Irosah's Armory |`-._/\_.-`| | || | |___o()o___| |__((||))__| \ o\/o / \ || / \ || / '.||.' ``
In the Common language, it reads: _/\_ _/\_ _/\_ _/\_ _/\_ _/\_ _/\_ | || || || || || || | | || || The || || | | || || Lean - To || || | |_ _||_ _||_ _||_ _||_ _||_ _||_ _| \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/
In the Common language, it reads: |~~~ | _ _|_ _ |;|_|;|_|;| \\. . / \\: . / ||: | Maritime ||:. | Defenses ||: .| ||: | \,/ ||: , | /`\ ||: | ||: . | __ _||_ | ____--`~ '--~~__ __ ----~ ~`---, ___ -~--~ ~---__ ,--~' ~~----_____-~' `~----~~
In the Common language, it reads: ___ .-' `-. / \ / _____ \ /.-'" "`-.\ d( )b |`-.._____..-'| | The | | Melting | | Pot | . ( .| ( |. " ) )' ,') | ) . (` ' (( (" ) ;(, (( ( ;) ._'_.,)_(..,( . )_ _' )_') (. _
In the Common language, it reads: _()/^) (^\()_ Mystigoggle's _)\~ ~/(_ Magicorium \\)_ (/\\ \ ` /| `
In the Common language, it reads: .'.' .'.' .'-'. .'-'. . ( o O) . ( o O) \_ ` _, _ \_ ` _, _ -.___'.) ( ,-' The Naked Fauna-.___'.) ( ,-' '-.O.'-..-.. '-.O.'-..-.. ./\/\/ | \_.-._ ./\/\/ | \_.-._ ; ; ._/ ._/
In the Common language, it reads: The Rising Pint ___ |\_________/|/ _ \ | | | | | / | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | \_| | | | | | |\____/ |\_|__|__|_/| \___________/
In the Common language, it reads: ________________________________ | | | /\ /\ o o /\ /\ | |/ \/ \ | | / \/ \| |\ / |--| \ /| | \ / / \ \ / | | \ /_____/ \_____\ / | | \_______ _______/ | | \ / | | | | | | | | | | / \ | | / \ | | / \ | | \/\/\/\/\/\/ | | | |_______The Rock Lobster_______|
In the Common language, it reads: ~. Oo...___|__..ooO . . OOOo OOoo OOOo ( ) OOoo OOoo OOoo `.oo' :OOO :OOO :OOO ( (`-' .---. oOOO oOOo oOOO `.`. / .-._) ooO----|------oO `.`. ( (`._) .-. .-. |.-. .-. .-. ) ) \ `---( O )( O )( O )( O )( O )-' / `. `-' `-' `-' `-' `-' .' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sailcloth Findings
In the Common language, it reads: _________________________ |o o| | The Sea Hag's Roost | | | | est 4998 | |o_______________________o|
In the Common language, it reads: ________ /_______/ Storm /______/ Pestrel's /_____/ Wing
In the Common language, it reads: ,.--'`````'--., (\'-.,_____,.-'/) \\-.,_____,.-// ;\\ //| | \\ ___ // | | '-[___]-' | | | | Swabbing | | Starts | `'-.,_____,.-''
In the Common language, it reads: ._ _. / `""""` \ .-""`'-..____..-'`""-. /`\ /`\ /` | | `\ /` | The | `\ / | | \ / / Threadbare \ \ / | | \ '-._____.| Admiral |._____.-' | | | | '._ _.' `""--------""`
In the Common language, it reads: _____________ /\____________\ | / / `.------------. |\ Unburied \ | |------------| \ | Treasure | \|____________|
In the Common language, it reads: -----------|-------------------------|----------- . | | . * | Vexillology | * _-\ Visions /-_ * . _-~ . \ / ~-_ _-~ `\ /'* ~-_ ~ /`--___ ___--'\ ~ * / --- . \ / * | \ / | * \ . | . | |