Rumor Woods/2021 saved posts

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General Teasers/Information

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 779
Date: 5/1/2021
Subject: A New Tourney on the Horizon...

Siethidi gazed out the tower window, his eyes were drawn towards the distant aspen grove. Chill arctic winds slipped across their burnished tops, causing them to sway and ripple like the flames of a fire. There were less than six weeks until the Tourney unfolded. So many people had been invited, so many new ideas had been put forth, and Summit Academy had been generous in their attentions and care.

The past year had been difficult, so very difficult. Swarms of beetles had caused a deep, fearful stirring in Diriko; threatening her, and her long passed father's, life's work.

He watched the rippling banners of red and hunter green and noted how many of the staff had started to wear their favored team for the Tourney. Some were bedecked in red emblazoned with platinum lions, while others were resplendent in forest green embroidered with gold stags.

As he turned from the window, he felt a pang in his chest. He had hoped that his father would be able to come from Atan Irith this year. He’d hoped to finally show him what he had created in this winter-kissed land, but that hope had faded, and due to an ailment, he would never get the chance to show him.

He still remembered the night when the courier had brought the letter to them. Poor Diriko had been crushed, her son Dirinaar was gone, and she seemed to wilt as the days passed. He was laid to rest, Siethidi's mother had written, with all the proper accruements in the Erithi way. It had been hard, for both of them, to accept that they could not be present for it.

Several of the professors at Summit Academy understood what that loneliness and loss meant. They understood how hard it was to be so far away from those you cared about and so they had suggested that Siethidi reach out to the Elders of Cysaegir. They had spoken of a ceremony that could help ease both of their spirits.

He watched the mountain trail, a sad smile slipping across his lips as the first sight of the Aelotoi contingent could be seen cresting the rise.

To honor all that has passed this year, for all of us, the Ceremony of Remembrance will be coming to Rumor Woods this year.

The new theme is the battle of the Lion and the Stag.

Their colors are:

a platinum lion on a field of red

a gold stag on a field of hunter green

We can't wait to see you all on opening night, June 11th at 9pm.

~*~ Thandiwe ~*~
ASGM of Events

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 857
Date: 6/1/2021
Subject: Rumor Woods 2021 - Shop Announcement
2021 Rumor Woods Shop List
New Shops Refreshed Shops Reopening Shops Last Run Shops
Can't Stop That Weaving Born to Adorn Braid and Mane Stick Your Nose In It
Cervidae Corral Colorful Carapace, The Couturier's Retreat Mane and Tail Above the Rest
Channeled Affections Container Yourself Devout Alloys Horse of a Different Fashion
Charmed, I'm Sure Fanfare Earthtones -
Cog & Zephyr Gallant Groom, The Flypaper Designers -
Deerner Time Galloping Gait, The Grand Stables -
Ferocious Eyes Gift Horse, The Horsing Around -
*Flanked Bag, The Gifts of Atan Irith Irons in the Fire -
*GemStoned Horse of a Different Fashion Mount'N'Cloak -
Girlybird, The In the Loop Ostler's Den -
Goin' Stag Knight Way, The Rollin' In The Greens -
*Greater of Two Weevils, The Mane and Tail Above the Rest Tortoise Enclosure -
Holy Sheaths Poiret & Company, Salesroom - -
ImPressions Quit Stallin' - -
Kindred Plaid, The Robes of Resistance - -
*Lesser of Two Weevils, The Roundabout Racers - -
*Notcher Style Saddle Me Up - -
On the Wing Spellsmith, The - -
Pigments of Memory Stick Your Nose In It - -
Silken Lotus, The Sweetie Pies - -
Spirits Within Tartan Cloth, The - -
Tinkers Toys Tourney Tents - -
View from a Stag Trim and Polish - -
- Unfurling Battle - -
- Vaunt It and Flaunt It - -
- What Remains - -

* Shops with this symbol will potentially have a delayed opening.

~*~ Thandiwe ~*~
ASGM of Events

Pixie Hunt

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 784
Date: 5/2/2021
Subject: Cysaelotar, Garden Descent

She was excited when her mentor told her that they’d be part of the contingent going to Summit Academy. She had endured the fussing of her mother, reminding herself with each statement or pat on the back that she only did it because she loved her. She had not, even though she had wanted to, removed many of the items her mother had insisted she packed. Rubbing her mitten-covered hands together, she was very happy that she’d kept the woolen leggings and heavy, lamb’s wool undershirts.

She diligently helped her elder arrange the small geteld, careful to lay the baskets out along the lowest edges of the walls to block the wind. She made sure to dutifully layer both of their bedrolls the way that her father had explained to do for cold ground, and even moved a small brazier to the center of the space. And though she was diligent in her tasks, her eyes kept wandering to the hillock that they were on.

The horses were below, the tourney track resplendent in forest green and red pennants that snapped in the wind. She could hear their neighing and desperately wanted to go see them, but there was so much to do still.

Turning her gaze, she watched the sedge and blue-green grace that spread through the area as it ruffled in the semi-consistent breeze. One of her friends was higher up the hillock, tending to the bonfire that would be present throughout.

The elder smiled at her, and she grinned broadly up at the aging aelotoi.

"There is a cavern," the elder said. "Just outside that leads to a garden lower down the mountain."

Grinning, the elder reached out to her with an open hand.

"Shall we explore it?"

~*~ Thandiwe ~*~
ASGM of Events

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 787
Date: 5/3/2021
Subject: Cysaelotar, Mirror of the Sky

Eyaeno looked over the glacier, her wide eyes taking in the expanse of glassy ice as a growing sense of wonder and awe-filled her. She had noted during the day that the surface reflected the sky like a polished mirror, the sun glittering off its surface and reflecting in the surroundings with golden flares. At night, she marked how the stars were reflected in it, the sensation making her dizzy and filling her with a fear that she might drown in its depths. She chided herself, knowing that it was frozen and she couldn’t drown, but she was unable to shake the feeling none-the-less.

She was an elder now, inheriting her own elder’s position at his passing, and it was at moments like this, when she felt an unfounded sense of fear, that she missed Elder Gaehn the most.

Stepping to a nearby bench, she scooped up a windracer stored in a bowl there and whispers a soft prayer into its sails. She reverently placed it on the edge of the glacier, past the piles of snow and rough boulders. Within seconds, the windracer shoots across the glassy surface and disappears over the cliff’s edge.

In keeping with our theme of Memory, Cysaelotar has several bowls placed around it that will offer you opportunities to send messages to the wind.

The one that Eyaeno used provides the following:

Holding your message close in mind, you select a red silk-sailed windracer from within a small earthenware bowl and whisper into the sails. You carry it to the edge of the glacier and carefully set it down on the glass-like surface before stepping back with a shiver. Almost instantly, a red silk-sailed windracer surges across the ice as the air current that courses through the area catches its bright sail and sends it racing. It surges over the cliff, only to be lifted by the wind, and disappears in the sky above.

~*~ Thandiwe ~*~
ASGM of Events

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 791
Date: 5/4/2021
Subject: Cysaelotar, Roar of the Stars

Ayleano climbed the simple track that wended its way through the ivory sedge and blue-green grass. She was surprised as she went to note that fireflies and dragonflies lived this far north and this high up, but her understanding of the subalpine meadow was growing with each day that the small entourage went about the task of preparing for the Grand Tourney. There was all manner of life here, despite the pockets of half-melted snow, glaciers, and icicles. Bright, jewel-toned beetles made light work of rotted wood that had laid buried during the months of heavy snow, hummingbirds visited bell-shaped flower the size of her fist, and fat bumblebees hummed their happy tune as they danced from one black-eyed flower to the next.

The meadow in the mountains was alive with life.

When she crested the hill, she lifted her eyes to the night sky and watched as the embers of a nearby fire drifted towards the stars. She smiled at the attendant, a young woman who greeted her in return and dipped her head into a small enclosure fashioned of pine and canvas.

Despite the cold that made her wings ache, she was happy to have joined the contingent. Excited to make new memories, and also pleased to share some of her own memories.

She thanked the old woman that handed her the baking vessel that held her dinner and then ducked back out of the enclosure to sit by the fire. She ate her meal, but not in silence as others of the group she traveled with came to share their day.

Ayleano smiled. It was nice to sit around the bonfire and enjoy a meal with her friends.

This year, Rumor Woods will have a bonfire for guests to share a meal around. This bonfire has a great many interactions that can be taken with it. One might even say that you could ANALYZE it for a deeper understanding of its purpose. One would then also caution guests to be careful of what they FEED it.

~*~ Thandiwe ~*~
ASGM of Events

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 792
Date: 5/5/2021
Subject: Cysaelotar, Giggle Stones

She sat upon the incline, in the space where the sunlight crested the cliff that she was gazing at, and warmed the fertile grass around her. That golden light warmed her in a way that the bonfire could not and she felt the membrane in her wings loosening. She watched the young man before her as he listened to the instructions elder gave him. She could not hear them and when they glanced her way, she pretended not to listen. She busied herself by collecting loose pebbles, dusting the dirt and debris from them, and dropping them into a small clay vessel.

The elder finally left and she returned to her favorite pastime of watching Lynai as he set about hammering drakar spikes into the ice-covered cliff. He was sweating, how that was possible in the breezy subalpine air was beyond her, but there you had it. He was sweating.

She did not mind.

He stepped back to admire his handiwork, which had turned the icy facing into a small, whimsical waterfall that fed into a pool surrounded by large, flat stones.

Dusting her hands and her skirts, she moved to his side with her collected pebbles and placed them on the edge of the pool. She picked one up, held it close in hand for several moments, and then tossed it into the water.

"What did you wish for?" he asked her.

Blushing, she did not answer but instead took his hand in hers.

Cyslaetor has various flowers and grass blades that can be plucked from the ground. Weavers should be sure to bring their weaving tools.

There is also a wishing pool, but you only need to take a provided pebble to make a wish.

~*~ Thandiwe ~*~ ASGM of Events

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 793
Date: 5/6/2021
Subject: Cysaelotar, Garden Descent

Ceha carefully walked down the steps at the side of the elder, her eyes watching as the light played off the granite walls. They hadn’t traveled far when she heard a giggle, but the elder didn’t seem to hear it and so she shrugged and chalked it up to the sound of their feet echoing off the stone. The cave opened, spilling like a basket of fruit into a verdant landscape, causing the pair to share a glance and grin over a gasp of awe.

The air had changed.

There was a consistent breeze that tumbled through the area, its gentle caress creating the appearance of wave in the foliage. And it was warmer, so much warmer than the meadow they had descended from. Within moments, they found themselves tugging their minutes free and loosening their collars.

And the colors! Everywhere that they looked something was in blue. From large-headed flowers to plump berries dangling from bushes and vines.

To the north, where the breeze originated from, was a cliff ringed by large boulders covered in moss, while to the south a mist-shrouded incline butted against a sheer rock wall.

There were tiny streams that slipped down the incline, disappearing for several yards only to pop back up lower in the garden. And there was a pond surrounded on one side by a forest of pine trees and scraggly blueberry bushes, with the other side being home to moss, sedge, elderberry, and aspen.

They wandered through the foliage, taking in the honeysuckles and lilacs, sundew and sweetspire, clematis and azalea, hellebore and hydrangea, and so many more varieties. At one point, the pair parted to enjoy the space alone.

Ceha found a mineral pool that was billowing steam through the area, surrounded by bright azaleas and that’s when she heard it again.

The giggle.

She searched around for the owner of the sound, but it was only when she glanced at the edges of the nearby foliage that she observed the footprints…

~*~ Thandiwe ~*~
ASGM of Events

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 794
Date: 5/7/2021
Subject: Cysaelotar, Garden Descent

… and so, she decided to follow them. It took a little bit of work…

… a keen eye here or there to observe the broken twig or bent leaf in the foliage.

… a bit of patience to track the tiny footprints.

… and a split-second decision to search through the foliage.

Plunging her hand into the underbrush, she wrapped her fingers around…

A Pixie!

Ceha gazed in amazement at the pixie that was wiggling and giggling in her hand.

“Well done, Ceha, you caught me this time," she said as she popped out of Ceha’s hand.

Ceha reached for her again, but the tricksy pixie pushed a flower into her hand so fast that it took the young aelotoi by surprise and she instinctively looked at what she had been given. When she looked up, the pixie was gone.

~*~ Thandiwe ~*~
ASGM of Events

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 795
Date: 5/8/2021
Subject: Introducing Liraflyswn, the Garden in the Sky, at Rumor Woods

The Ceremony of Remembrance is a long tradition amongst the Aelotoi people. For those of you that are unfamiliar with it, here is a small bit of history.

The aelotoi’s love of colors and flowers is well known; however, in their days of servitude, this love was destroyed and greeted with severe punishment. Unwilling to do anything to draw the eyes of their Overlords, the aelotoi began to secret away flowers that could still be found on the torn world. At night, the Elders would collect the flowers and bring them to the tiny cookfires that they were allowed to huddle around. Each member of the group would whisper, as soft as can be so that the Overlords did not hear them, the name of an ancestor that had passed beyond. As the names were shared, the Elders would drop a flower into the fire. This was a sign of respect to those who have passed before them, and a gesture of sending the flowers on to their ancestors, so they may enjoy them in the place beyond in peace and freedom.

Eyaeno was only an assistant when the first ceremony took place in the new world. She helped introduce others to it at the first Dragonfly Festival in Cysaegir. She is now an elder in her own right and Ceha is her apprentice. They will be working the entirety of Rumor Woods to collect flowers for those who work, run, and live in both Rumor Woods and Summit Academy so that over the final weekend they can aid them in performing their own Ceremony of Remembrances.

They are also guardians of Liraflyswn, the Garden in the Sky.

For those of you that find the Fox Hunt distasteful and the Joust not your cup of tea, we have created Liraflyswn, the Garden in the Sky. Within this garden is an elusive pixie who enjoys playing tricks and hiding from adventurers. However, she is not cruel and if you find her, then she will gift you with a rare flower. Even if you do not find the pixie, any of the flowers that you obtain during the hunt can be turned into Eyeano for a prize.

The Pixie Hunt

Identically in almost every way to the Fox Hunt, this is another opportunity to gain raihken, simucoin items, and have a chance at…

Well, we can’t give everything away in one post, so let’s just say there is something unique here, too.

Important things to note:

>Can all the flowers found in Liraflyswn, the Garden in the Sky, be used for weaving?

No, I’m sorry, but they can’t. We did not feel it was fair to add pluckables to an area that you only have 90 seconds to search through. We did, however, make some pluckable mushrooms and berries so that you can have delightful little snacks while you are in the garden.

>But, Thandiwe, you listed all these flowers and now I want them!

I know, that’s why I asked GM Valyrka to create a weaving shop with many of the varieties I listed. I also gave her a little something special, in the way of a new weaving tool, for her shop, but more on that later.

>How do I take part in the Pixie hunt?

Find Ceha at Cysaelotar, Garden Descent. She will accept a sunburst marker and provide you with the following information if you ask her about TASK. Ceha says, "The task is actually quite easy. Once inside the garden, you'll want to OBSERVE your surroundings, if you're perceptive, and TRACK the footprints you find in the foliage, if you're astute. Once you think you've found something, SEARCH. You can OBSERVE and TRACK the same area, since the pixie is tricksy and moves about. If you were able, you'll have caught the pixie and she will gift you with a rare flower! Remember, she may trick you and stuff a different flower into your hand! But don't worry, my elder will reward you for any flowers you retrieve. But, because of the pixie's magic, you'll only have roughly 90 seconds to be in there! Once you search, it's over, so choose wisely."

~*~ Thandiwe ~*~
ASGM of Events

Dragonfly Pet

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 797
Date: 5/8/2021
Subject: Introducing Liraflyswn, the Garden in the Sky, at Rumor Woods

Eyaeno listened to Ceha share her tale and smiled on. Her thoughts were spinning and she was happy to see her young apprentice so animated. They walked together up to the top, pulling on their cloaks and mittens as they ventured back into the subalpine meadow. Ceha animatedly chatting and waving the lovely astrantia around.

“Well, Ceha,” she said, and the apprentice quieted, recognizing her tone as one that meant she was going to say something important.

“We will task visitors with finding the pixie and retrieving the lovely flower she gave you,” Eyaeno said. “And, we will pay them in raihken and bits and baubles. But some few of them, I will gift with a morning glory.” Smiling, Eyaeno displayed the device…

New Pet for Rumor Woods 2021

>look my glory

Gold frames the sapphire-enameled petals of the morning glory pin. Twisted closed, the flower droops slightly downward, while its plump body rests firmly against its backing.

>tap my glory

Twisting the stem of a sapphire-enameled morning glory, you trigger the lever that holds the body of the flower closed and hear a soft mechanical whirring sound. Seconds later, the blossom unfurls and a lithe gold meadowhawk bedecked in red wings zips out.

>exhale meadowhawk

You exhale your breath on the meadowhawk that hovers in front of you, causing her to dip and rise in the currents of your breath.


You also see a lithe gold meadowhawk bedecked in red wings.

>feed meadowhawk

You offer a bright violet feystone to a lithe gold meadowhawk bedecked in red wings, who lands lightly upon the offering. She rests there for several moments, causing the feystone to slowly fade and eventually to disappear. The meadowhawk lifts out of your hand, the feystone gone, and flutters her gold body bedecked in violet wings.

>feed meadowhawk

You offer a lump of eonake ore to a lithe gold meadowhawk bedecked in violet wings, who lands lightly upon the offering. She rests there for several moments, causing the ore to slowly fade and eventually to disappear. the meadowhawk lifts out of your hand, the ore gone, and her eonake body glinting in the ambient light.

>feed meadowhawk

You offer a pale gold firefly saewehna to a lithe eonake meadowhawk bedecked in violet wings, who lands lightly upon the offering. She rests there for several moments, causing the saewehna to slowly fade and eventually to disappear. The meadowhawk lifts out of your hand, the saewehna gone, and flutters her eonake body bedecked in golden wings with ebon veins.

Very much like the bugles in the Fox Hunt, the Morning Glory will randomize the gender, wings, body, article, and noun of your new pet. The first person to use the Morning Glory will attune to it.

The owner, only, is able to feed the pet. Depending upon what is fed to it, the following locations can be customized:

Feeding the Pet a Gemstone will change the wings (and long description) of your pet.

Feeding the Pet an Ore from Duskruin Arena will change the body (and adjective) of your pet.

Feeding the Pet (an undisclosed item) will change the type of your pet. Available options are damselfly, darner, dasher, dragonfly, meadowhawk, or skimmer.

Several People helped to brainstorm this new Pet, but GM Xeraphina handled over 300 possible wing combinations that are possible on the pet, while GM Xayle has been instrumental in handling the ambient messaging.

~*~ Thandiwe ~*~
ASGM of Events

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 804
Date: 5/12/2021
Subject: Introducing Liraflyswn, the Garden in the Sky, at Rumor Woods

I dropped these little tidbits into Discord and wanted to share them here, too.

A plaintive noise escapes a blunt-nosed ridge wombat as a lithe eonake meadowhawk bedecked in golden wings with ebon veins darts past her and hovers just out of reach.

Landing lightly upon a vapid air wyrdling, a lithe eonake meadowhawk bedecked in golden wings with ebon veins crawls across it for a moment or two before launching back into flight.

Gliding on iridescent wings, a lithe eonake meadowhawk lightly lands upon your right earlobe.

You see GameMaster Thandiwe. He appears to be a Giantman of the T'Kirem Clan. He is very short and has a petite frame. He appears to be very young. He has hazel eyes and freckle-dusted skin. He has a shaven head of coppery red hair worn in an unruly mane. He has a youthful face and a pert nose. He has a silver-limned indigo eel-shaped mark on his ankle, a black tattoo on his arm, and an aging woman portrait tattooed on his arm. A lithe eonake meadowhawk bedecked in golden wings with ebon veins rides along with him, her legs clinging to the curve of his right ear.

~*~ Thandiwe ~*~
ASGM of Events

Deer Mounts

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 800
Date: 5/10/2021
Subject: The Corral

Ayeano sipped her tea as she gazed out from the hill she stood on. Behind her, the bonfire warmed her fragile wings, which still ached in the morning from the cold but were slowly getting used to the difference in temperature. She wryly noted that lamb’s wool was an amazing material and was glad that one of the elves that lived with them in Cysaegir had suggested it.

The sky was the color of blue chalcedony with wispy clouds slipping through on unseen winds, each one never large enough to block the golden warmth of the sun. All around her, the hillock was teeming with life, everything from winged insects and crawling bugs to fluffy hares and stoats to humanoids and their pets. Flowers swayed slightly, the early signs of a breeze making its way towards her.

She gazed to the southeast, watching as she had for every one of the past four days the unfolding construction of a corral. Yesterday, they had erected large canvas squares to create a type of covered hallway that stretched between the paddocks. This morning, they had added shepherd's crooks at each of the entries and hung glass-paned lanterns from them.

As she watched on, a swarthy dwarf with a type of bow-ledged, rolling gait emerged from the birch grove that sprung to life along that southern border. In his hands was what she could only assume was a halter strap, but what followed him caused her eyes to grow slightly wide. She had no idea what the barrel-chested animal was, but it was sturdy and heavily muscled.

~*~ Thandiwe ~*~
ASGM of Events

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 801
Date: 5/11/2021
Subject: The Corral

Several people from the Cysaegir contingent had started collecting on the hillock to watch the filling of the corral. Ayleano had to smile when one of the other elders sent a young one down the hill to talk to the bow-legged dwarf. In typical fashion, the animated youth gestured up to those gathered on the hill as he spoke to the other man. The bearded man offered them a toothy grin and waved; a sea of mitten-covered waves greeted him back.

The young man ran back to them, just as a halfling and gnome contingent was venturing out of the same groove. The animals with the pair were very similar but different in coloration and speckling. Horns like corkscrews rose out of their heads like crooked spikes. They were lithe and graceful.

“Muntjacs,” the young man proclaimed when he breathlessly reached the top of the hill. “He says they are part of the what the Illistim Elves call the Cervidae Family.”

A gaggle of the smaller children began to rapidly ask questions of the young man, who grinning answered them all, having obviously had the same ones for the dwarf. When he was done, Ayleano turned to him and pointed at those with the halfling and gnome.

“And what are those?”

Grinning, the young man trundled down the hill again.

~*~ Thandiwe ~*~
ASGM of Events

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 803
Date: 5/12/2021
Subject: The Corral

As the young man was talking animatedly with the gnome and halfling regarding their corkscrew-horned animal, the suddenly very busy birch grove began to rustle with several other beasts and men. This time, they were kilted giantkin in a variety of hues. The animal that followed them was positively enormous, the beasts’ shoulders towering over the heads of their two-legged companions.

Murmurs of excitement rippled across the hillock as the shovel-antlered animals stepped into sight.

A single, excited cry, broke through the murmurs.

“MOOSE!” was the cry.

Ayleano looked down with shock at the young lady who was grinning wide enough to split her face in half.

“Gran Gran sent me a drawing from when she was up north and she said that these are moose. She said that they were big, but I thought she was having fun because in the drawing people were walking under it and…” the child took a deep breath to continue. “I thought to myself, Nealloo, there is no way that there is an animal that big and … Oh no!”

Trying to hide her amusement, Ayleano quietly said, “What is it?”

Dejectedly, Nealloo said, “Now I owe her 5 silvers.”

Laughing, Ayleano turned her attention back to the young man coming up the hill.

“They are called antelope,” he announced with a grin.

~*~ Thandiwe ~*~
ASGM of Events

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 805
Date: 5/13/2021
Subject: The Corral

Everyone was enamored by the other animals that came through the birch grove and were moved into the corral. The day was advancing towards noon when a sylvan contingent came through the foliage leading gazelles in various sizes and hues.

One of the herders came up to explain the difference between horns and antlers to the young aelotoi that gathered in surrounding sedge and grass, while the elders hosted lunch for the new arrivals. The communal feeling was infectious and the herders loved to talk about their charges.

A pall of silence settled on the area when the foliage rustled again. This time, there were so many beasts coming through that the children didn’t know where to look first. And, if she was to be honest, Ayleano didn’t either.

Chuckling, their sylvan guest began to name them as they came through…

“That group over there are deer,” he said pointing to the western edge. “You have stags, which are the old guys like me, and bucks which are the younger guys. There may be a doe mixed in, and that would be a lady deer.”

Shifting slightly, he pointed southerly from his previous location.

“The ones with the velvet on their ears, those are reindeer, the ones with the beards are caribou, and those broad ones with the very impressive array of antlers are elk.”

Smiling, the sylvan started to turn back to the children, but something caught his eye. Glancing to where he was staring with a transfixed expression, Ayleano saw something almost as big as the moose step proudly into the meadow.

Even the herders were stunned into silence at the pair of majestic creatures that had arrived.

Whispering quietly, Ayleano asked, “What are those?”

Never taking his eyes off of them, he replied, “Something out of legend.”

~*~ Thandiwe ~*~
ASGM of Events

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 808
Date: 5/14/2021
Subject: Mounts Announcement for Rumor Woods 2021

We are excited to announce the new mounts for this run of Rumor Woods. It was a team effort getting these animals prepared for you. The team consisted of Haliste, Quilic, and myself, with aid from Kaikala and Isten. Hopefully, I’m not missing anyone as mounts are a huge undertaking each year. This year we have the following available to you:

Common: deer, doe, stag, buck

Uncommon: elk, reindeer, caribou

Restricted Uncommon: Dwarven Only – Muntjac
Halfling and Gnome Only – Antelope
Sylvan Only – Gazelle
Giantman Only – Moose

Rare: Hart (Animal is Male Only), Hind (Animal is Female Only)

These majestic animals like to sharpen their antlers on trees all over Elanthia, which causes bark to fall to the ground. Every tree in the Elanthian Lexicon has a chance to fall prey to their antics. The bark, in a ranger's hands, can be imbued.

It is VERY important to note that given the stature and nature of the two rare mounts, their features can not be changed. As a result, we are releasing their looks here for you to see.

Hart Majestic and regal, the hart stands 60 inches at the shoulder and has a sleek body that is covered in a pristine white coat of downy soft, short hair. Wide, crystalline green eyes dominate his elegant face, which is flanked by pointed, upright ears and crowned by an impressive, golden rack of branching antlers. His powerful frame culminates in golden, cloven hooves and a longish tail that is just a shade creamier in hue than his coat.

Hind Majestic and regal, the hind stands 60 inches at the shoulder and has a sleek body that is covered in a pristine white coat of downy soft, short hair. Wide, crystalline blue eyes dominate her elegant face, which is flanked by pointed, upright ears and crowned by an impressive, golden rack of branching antlers. Her powerful frame culminates in golden, cloven hooves and a longish tail that is just a shade creamier in hue than her coat.

Additionally, due to the nature of some of these animals, the Ostler has had some restrictions placed on him that allow him to ONLY do certain customizations for them. While a large range of options is available, some (indeed many) mount nouns have restrictions on them.

Anticipating that this would want to be viewed prior to purchasing, GM Xeraphina has used her amazing Wiki Talents to provide you with a full list, including restrictions, of the Ostler’s Services. You can find those here:

Deer mount features

~*~ Thandiwe ~*~
ASGM of Events

Slide Ring

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 811
Date: 5/15/2021
Subject: The Making of Memories

Memories are part of the theme for this year’s Rumor Woods event. Reminders of the past, who has been with us, and who may no longer walk at our side. GM Xayle has been instrumental in helping me to create two items that specifically deal with this theme.

The first is an upgrade on an older item that she, myself, and GM Naos created in 2004. It is called the “slide ring”. Originally, you had to have a merchant attune the item to another player so that you could feel a warm pulse or feel that the other person had turned their ring. All slide rings that are in existence will get 2 additional verbs FLIP and RAISE. (This is not live yet)

We have decided to upgrade this item through an unlock certificate and make it tier 2. Not only that but it has been upgraded to provide memories based on the series it is from. The available series are Significant Other, Parent/Child, Sibling, BFF, Mentor/Mentee, and Brother/Sister-in-arms.

The rings are highly customizable, allowing you to add 4 of your own memories to the device. Later this week, I will start sharing some of what that means.

The band and its unlocks are available in Channeled Affection.

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 814
Date: 5/15/2021
Subject: The Making of Memories

Because I intended to do these in pairs...

Slide Ring

You analyze your leaf-etched band and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This is a "slide ring", which can be bonded to another person. When you and the bonded person wear one of these rings, you each can trigger a custom message or memory to one another.
An acorn and leaf-etched band of wedded copper and steel is bonded to no one.
If you wish to give this band to someone, you can RAISE it now to bond it to you. You may only ever do this once.
If you wish someone to bond to this ring, then please give it to them and ask that they raise it. This may only ever be done once.
The custom message for the band is not set.
An acorn and leaf-etched band of wedded copper and steel is of the bond-type a Brother/sister-in-arms.
The band is Tier 2 of 2. It has access to the following special verbs: Fidget, Flip**, Pinch, Ponder, Push, Raise*, Spin, Tickle, Thump, and Turn

  • This may only be done once to bond the ring to someone.
    • This may be repeated until the ring is bonded to someone, then it is permanent.

>ponder my band

Absently spinning the inner band of your band, your mind wanders as your eyes are captured by the flash of ambient light glinting on its surface Not all scars are so shallow as skin and bone, you realize as you fall into memories of battles passed. Heart swelling, eyes warming, you know that some sacrifices and pledges are soul deep.

>ponder my band

Absently spinning the inner band of your band, your mind wanders as your eyes are captured by the flash of ambient light glinting on its surface Not all scars are so shallow as skin and bone, you realize as you fall into memories of battles passed. Heart swelling, eyes warming, you know that some sacrifices and pledges are soul deep.

You can customize up to four memories.

~*~ Thandiwe ~*~
ASGM of Events

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 820
Date: 5/16/2021
Subject: The Making of Memories

Slide Ring – Parent Series Memories

>ponder my band Absently spinning the inner band of your band, your mind wanders as your eyes are captured by the flash of ambient light glinting on its surface. With a mix of nostalgia and longing, you trip over glimpses of remembrance from your childhood.

>ponder my band Absently spinning the inner band of your band, your mind wanders as your eyes are captured by the flash of ambient light glinting on its surface. As you search your soul, a fluttering image dances through your mind. A small hand, yours, reaches out, and your heart touches first upon hope then relief as it is captured in a larger one.

~*~ Thandiwe ~*~
ASGM of Events

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 825
Date: 5/17/2021
Subject: The Making of Memories

Slide Ring - Sibling

ponder my band Absently spinning the inner band of your band, your mind wanders as your eyes are captured by the flash of ambient light glinting on its surface. Colorful pillows, each and every one of them stolen from various beds and chairs scattered across the floor of your childhood memories as you and your sibling tried to avoid the encroaching lava.

Absently spinning the inner band of your band, your mind wanders as your eyes are captured by the flash of ambient light glinting on its surface. A familiar scent catches your attention, and an avalanche of images cascades through your thoughts at the trigger.

~*~ Thandiwe ~*~
ASGM of Events

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 826
Date: 5/18/2021
Subject: The Making of Memories


ponder my band Absently spinning the inner band of your band, your mind wanders as your eyes are captured by the flash of ambient light glinting on its surface. As your thoughts drift into the past, a face coalesces, lips bent in a smile, eyes shimmering. Warmth stirs beneath your ribs, somewhere around the area of your heart.

Absently spinning the inner band of your band, your mind wanders as your eyes are captured by the flash of ambient light glinting on its surface. A familiar scent catches your attention, and an avalanche of images cascades through your thoughts at the trigger.

Absently spinning the inner band of your band, your mind wanders as your eyes are captured by the flash of ambient light glinting on its surface. You remember a stolen moment on the edge of the market, away from prying eyes and whispers.

~*~ Thandiwe ~*~
ASGM of Events

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 827
Date: 5/19/2021
Subject: The Making of Memories

SLIDE RING - Mentor/Mentee Series

ponder my band

Absently spinning the inner band of your band, your mind wanders as your eyes are captured by the flash of ambient light glinting on its surface. Focusing inward, you feel a surge of accomplishment and pride as you recall the first time you felt confident you had replicated the mastery you'd been taught.

Absently spinning the inner band of your band, your mind wanders as your eyes are captured by the flash of ambient light glinting on its surface. You beam with pride at a job well done, your memory of that moment swelling briefly in your chest.

~*~ Thandiwe ~*~ ASGM of Events

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 828
Date: 5/21/2021
Subject: The Making of Memories

I have shared all of the Pigments of Memory tattoos.

I do have one final Slide Ring for you. Best Friends.

ponder my band Absently spinning the inner band of your band, your mind wanders as your eyes are captured by the flash of ambient light glinting on its surface. Something in your chest grows tight as you recall years of shared glances, conversations had without a single word spoken, between two people devoted to each other. Not blood, but the family you chose and that chose you in turn.

ponder my band Absently spinning the inner band of your band, your mind wanders as your eyes are captured by the flash of ambient light glinting on its surface. Faces of long-lost friends and family stolen by time drift before your mind's eye like ghosts fading into mist.

~*~ Thandiwe ~*~ ASGM of Events

Pigments of Memory

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 811
Date: 5/15/2021
Subject: The Making of Memories

The second is a brand-new item called Pigments of Memory. This is a tattoo subscript that can be placed on the body via a certificate like a Flypaper Designer tattoo. And much like the aforementioned tattoos, they are highly customizable, however, this is where the similarities end.

Pigments of Memory can only ever be crafted in portrait form. However, they are highly customizable. Like the slide ring, Pigments of Memory tattoos come in series as well. The available series are Lover, Parent, Child, Sibling, and Comrade-in-Arms.

Each tattoo has five verbs that can be used to trigger memories drawn from the ink. Later this week, I will share what a certificate from each series looks like.

~*~ Thandiwe ~*~
ASGM of Events

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 812
Date: 5/15/2021
Subject: The Making of Memories

This sylvan portrait waxpaper was designed by Pigments of Memory. It will allow you to tattoo your body and will give you special messaging based on who the tattoo has been created in memory of.

There are several customization fields still missing from this sylvan portrait waxpaper, however, a talented merchant can continue to work on the tattoo once it is on your body.

The following customizations are in place for a piece of sylvan portrait waxpaper:

Base Tattoo: a sylvan portrait tattoo
Long Description Tattoo: (Awaiting your Design)
Show Description Tattoo: *Framed by a bounty of marigold, carnations, and goldenrods, the image of a sylvan woman is carefully inked upon the bicep. Titian and ash-blonde hues mingle together to offer a play of light on her elegantly braided hair, which is drawn over one shoulder and banded with thick brown to resemble leather cording. Piercing eyes of hyacinth hues gaze out from an open face that is canted to the side and one eyebrow is arched to complete the quizzical expression. A small smile plays on her thin lips.*
Location of Tattoo: Chest (this can be changed using FLIP)

Your Pigments of Memory tattoo is designed for a comrade-in-arms. You have created the following customizations for it:
Your Comrade's Name is TBA.
Your Comrade is a sylvan (this can be changed using TWIST).
Your Comrade is female (this can be changed using SPIN).
Your Comrade has hyacinth eyes.
Your Comrade has *ash blonde hair*.
A war cry you shared with your Comrade is *"For Honor and Family!"*
Your Comrade's favored weapon is runestaff.

When you use the following verbs, this is how your memories will play out:

(Cover) - You forcefully clap your hand on the (tattoo) of TBA, shouting, *"For Honor and Family!"* before thrusting your fist skyward in tribute.

(Gaze) - As your gaze settles on the (tattoo) of TBA, strands of memory wend through your thoughts, reminding you of all the times you stood side-by-side, shoulder-to-shoulder. A swell of confidence surges through you, and you nod once decisively.

(Stare) - As you stare fixedly at the (tattoo) of TBA, a wave of sobriety cascades on you, borne of the memories of skirmishes and battles that you endured together. You hear your voice join with her own as you shout, *"For Honor and Family!,"* before charging into the fray. You're left somber but bolstered by the passing remembrance.

(Tap) - Without conscious thought, you find yourself tapping the side of your thumb against the (tattoo) of your comrade-in-arms. It takes you only a moment to recognize the rhythm as that of TBA's in training, each tap marking the shift from one form to another, each accented by the whistling swing of her runestaff.

(Touch) - You thumb the cheeks of the (tattoo) of your comrade, TBA, as you gaze into her inked hyacinth eyes, and you feel a bone-deep ache at her absence. Only when your chest starts to burn do you realize that you've been holding your breath and inhale deeply, forcing your eyes elsewhere.

Slogan: You may have words or phrases as part of your portrait tattoo. If you do, then it will appear only when the tattoo is read.

Anything within * * or bolded is customized.

~*~ Thandiwe ~*~
ASGM of Events

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 820
Date: 5/16/2021
Subject: The Making of Memories

Today, we are going to look at the Parent Series for Pigments of Memory and for Slide Rings. Also, I forgot to mention, the certificates are pretty smart. If you SPIN it to change the gender of your portrait, anywhere that he/his/him are listed will change to she/her/her.

This woman portrait waxpaper was designed by Pigments of Memory. It will allow you to tattoo your body and will give you special messaging based on who the tattoo has been created in memory of.

There are several customization fields still missing from this woman portrait waxpaper, however, a talented merchant can continue to work on the tattoo once it is on your body.

The following customizations are in place for an elderly woman portrait waxpaper:

Base Tattoo: *an aging woman tattoo*

Long Description Tattoo: *an aging woman portrait tattoo*

Show Description Tattoo: *Rolling pins, mixing bowls, and wooden spoons create an eclectic frame around the aging face of a human woman whose salt and pepper hair is drawn back from her face in a loose chignon. Stray wisps frame her slightly pudgy face, while crow's feet trace the laughter of her life at the edges of her warm hazel eyes. A small banner of red fitted with the words, "Gran Gran," is inked beneath.*

Location of Tattoo: Arm (this can be changed using FLIP)

Your Pigments of Memory tattoo is designed for a parent. You have created the following customizations for it:

Your favorite place your Parent took you is the *Tartifactory in Icemule Trace*.

Your Child is *a giantman* (this can be changed using TWIST).

Your Child is female (this can be changed using SPIN).

An emotional trigger that reminds you of your Parent is when you *breathe deeply the scent of melted chocolate.*

A favorite task that you and your Parent enjoyed was *learning to bake cookies.*

Your Parent was your *Gran Gran.*

When you use the following verbs, this is how your memories will play out:

(Gaze) - You gaze down at your (tattoo) for a long moment, admiring the clarity of the image, and the realistic depiction of your *Gran Gran*. After a moment, you slowly close your eyes, letting your imagination bring her to life. In your mind's eye, she flashes a wide smile, eyes sparkling with merriment, and you can't help but smile along before slowly opening your eyes once more.

(Grin) - As you *breathe deeply the scent of melted chocolate*, you are suddenly reminded of the first time you *learned to bake cookies* and the way that your *Gran Gran* taught you how to do it. Pausing, you can't help but grin at the memory and briefly touch your (tattoo) as a sign of your quiet thanks.

(Kiss) - You kiss your fingertips and press them to your (tattoo), silently wishing your *Gran Gran* was there.

(Scratch) - You scratch your (tattoo) lightly, and in the back of your mind, you can almost hear your *Gran Gran* scolding you and warning that you might damage the artwork if you "pick" at it.

(Touch) - With a gentle hand, you touch the edge of your (tattoo), feeling a smile creep across your face at a memory of when your *Gran Gran* took you to the *Tartifactory in Icemule Trace*. For a brief moment, you can almost hear her laughter, clear as if she was here with you once more.

Slogan: You may have words or phrases as part of your woman tattoo. If you do, then it will appear only when the tattoo is read.

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 824
Date: 5/17/2021
Subject: The Making of Memories

Someone in Discord asked what the third person looked like:

Thandiwe gazes down at his woman tattoo for a long moment, then slowly closes his eyes. A wide smile tinged with more than a hint of sadness creeps across his face, and he lets out a small sigh before opening his eyes once more.

As Thandiwe breathes, you notice him pause for a moment in thought. A slow grin raises the corners of his mouth and he touches his woman tattoo ever so briefly.

Thandiwe kisses his fingertips and presses them to his woman tattoo, a wistful expression playing on his features.

Thandiwe scratches lightly at his woman tattoo, causing a peculiar expression to play on his features.

Thandiwe gently touches one edge of his woman tattoo, and for a brief moment, a smile creeps across his face.

~*~ Thandiwe ~*~
ASGM of Events

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 825
Date: 5/17/2021
Subject: The Making of Memories

This portrait waxpaper was designed by Pigments of Memory. It will allow you to tattoo your body and will give you special messaging based on who the tattoo has been created in memory of.

This particular waxpaper is fully customized and ready to be placed on your body. You may FLIP it until you find a suitable location for the tattoo, or RAISE it to tattoo yourself.

The following customizations are in place for a string-framed portrait waxpaper:

Base Tattoo: a string-framed aelotoi tattoo Long Description Tattoo: a string-framed aelotoi boy portrait tattoo Show Description Tattoo: Framed in various colors of strings, colorful orbs, and metallic-sheened jacks, the portrait is that of a young aelotoi boy with shaggy brown hair. Larger, ebon eyes stare unblinkingly ahead adding to the serious expression crafted by the artist. Just beyond a set of narrow shoulders, the impression of tangerine and violet wings can be seen. A small banner unfurls at the lower edge and has the words, "Smarty Pants Sithmaith," inked within. Location of Tattoo: Leg (this can be changed using FLIP)

Your Pigments of Memory tattoo is designed for a sibling. You have created the following customizations for it: Your Sibling's Name is TBA. Your Sibling is an aelotoi (this can be changed using TWIST). Your Sibling is male (this can be changed using SPIN). Your Sibling has ebon eyes. Your Sibling has shaggy brown hair. A phrase you shared with your Sibling is "Sticks and Stones, but never our Bones" Your Sibling was your brother. Your fondest memory of getting into trouble with your sibling is set to "There were plenty of scraped knees and falls from trees, but the instance that sticks in your mind is when you both found your mother's forgotten stash of red crystals. All dusty and dull from disuse, her old adventuring days came calling when she found you playing with them. So. Much. Trouble."

When you use the following verbs, this is how your memories will play out:

(Pinch) - (First Person) - Tension straightens your back and uncertainty creases your brow as you glance at the (tattoo) of your brother. From the recesses of your memory, his voice echoes in your mind, as clear and loud as if he were standing right beside you. *"Sticks and Stones, but never our Bones,"* he says to you, and as the words roll through you, your muscles unclench and your brow smooths, and a measure of tension escapes you as a sigh.

(Poke) - (First Person) - You poke at the nose on the (tattoo) of your brother, squishing it in and distorting the remainder of the portrait. In the back of your mind, the distant memory of his voice whines as he used to, and with a soft chuckle, you lower your hand.

(Pull) - (First Person) - You pinch a little at the shaggy brown hair of the (tattoo) of your brother and grin wryly just as you used to when you'd tag along behind him, pulling his hair purely to be an annoyance.

(Smirk) - (First Person) - As you thumb the (tattoo) of your brother fondly, a sly smirk tugs at your lips as you remember how many times the pair of you managed to get in trouble. *There were plenty of scraped knees and falls from trees, but the instance that sticks in your mind is when you both found your mother's forgotten stash of red crystals. All dusty and dull from disuse, her old adventuring days came calling when she found you playing with them. So. Much. Trouble...*

(Touch) - (First Person) - You idly trace the features of the (tattoo) that depicts your brother in exquisite detail. A tapestry of memories unfurl before your mind's eye, and a tangle of emotions coil around your heart. Fondness is the one that sticks, however, and it draws a soft smile on your face.

Slogan: You may have words or phrases as part of your aelotoi tattoo. If you do, then it will appear only when the tattoo is read.

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 826
Date: 5/18/2021
Subject: The Making of Memories


This portrait waxpaper was designed by Pigments of Memory. It will allow you to tattoo your body and will give you special messaging based on who the tattoo has been created in memory of.

This particular waxpaper is fully customized and ready to be placed on your body. You may FLIP it until you find a suitable location for the tattoo, or RAISE it to tattoo yourself.

The following customizations are in place for a scar-framed portrait waxpaper:

Base Tattoo: a dark elven portrait tattoo
Long Description Tattoo: a scar-framed dark elven portrait tattoo
Show Description Tattoo: Traceries of delicate scarring create a thick frame of whorls, the edges accented with azure ink that darkens to cobalt. Within the frame, the aquiline features of a dark elven man are drawn with precision and artistry as the illustrator has captured the small signs of a smile in the corners of his lips and his sky-blue eyes. Bright white hair parts slightly to expose his elegantly appointed ears, while herringbone braids at each temple disappear behind his broad shoulders.
Location of Tattoo: Wrist (this can be changed using FLIP)

Your Pigments of Memory tattoo is designed for a lover. You have created the following customizations for it:
Your Lover's Name is TBA.
Your Lover is a dark elf.
Your Lover is male.
Your Lover has sky-blue eyes.
Your Lover has white hair.
A phrase you shared with your Lover is "The moon is forever jealous of me when you are at my side"
A favorite setting of you and your Lover is strolling along the banks of the Lochsmehr River.
An emotional trigger for you and your Lover is your ring finger.

When you use the following verbs, this is how your memories will play out:

(Touch) - You brush your fingers against (tattoo), following the curve of the dark elf's face towards his temple, and close your eyes as if remembering running your fingers through his white hair.

3rd Person - Thandiwe brushes her fingers against her portrait tattoo, following the curve of the dark elf's face drawn there and tracing a line towards his temple. As she closes her eyes, the white hair seems to rise out of the tattoo to slip through her fingers.

(Gaze) - You glance at your (tattoo), your lips quirking at a half-memory of similar shared glances.

3rd Person - Thandiwe glances at her portrait tattoo and, as her lips quirk in a small smile, you could swear the tattoo's eyes shifted to meet her gaze.

(Cover) - You lay your hand over your (tattoo), your eyes slipping closed as a momentary pang of mourning fills you. That pain is suddenly eased by the memory of his smile and for a brief moment, you could swear you feel his hand upon yours once again.

3rd Person - Thandiwe lays her hand on her portrait tattoo, her eyes slipping closed for a brief moment as an unreadable expression flits across her features. Ethereal and transparent, a spectral hand slips across her and before it fades away, you notice that she seems calmer and more at peace.

(Tickle) - You trace the lines of your (tattoo), your mind wandering to a memory of a time that you and TBA were strolling along the banks of the Lochsmehr River. You can almost feel his lips at your ear as he whispers, "The moon is forever jealous of me when you are at my side."

3rd Person - Thandiwe traces the lines of her portrait tattoo, her eyes distant as some memory softens her features.

(Sob) - As you glance at your ring finger, you feel your throat suddenly constrict as you are reminded that TBA is no longer at your side. You absently lay your hand upon your (tattoo), drawing strength in the fact that you have many, many good memories to draw upon.

3rd Person - As Thandiwe glances at your ring finger, her jaw tightens and she absently lays her hand upon her portrait tattoo. Almost instantly, her tension relaxes as she seems to draw strength from the simple gesture of touching the tattoo.

Slogan: You may have words or phrases as part of your portrait tattoo. If you do, then it will appear only when the tattoo is read.

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 827
Date: 5/19/2021
Subject: The Making of Memories

This portrait waxpaper was designed by Pigments of Memory. It will allow you to tattoo your body and will give you special messaging based on who the tattoo has been created in memory of.

There are several customization fields still missing from this portrait waxpaper, however, a talented merchant can continue to work on the tattoo once it is on your body.

The following customizations are in place for a greyscale portrait waxpaper:

Base Tattoo: a greyscale half-krolvin tattoo
Long Description Tattoo: (Awaiting your Design)
Show Description Tattoo: Snowflakes, pinecones, and juniper boughs laden with berries form an oval circle around the young face of a half-krolvin child whose hair is blue-grey and highlighted with streaks of blonde. Large round eyes of chocolate brown gaze unblinkingly forward, the iris depicted at just the right angle to give the impression that the gaze is following the viewer. A pert nose, wrinkled by the grin that spreads across his lips, decorates his face.
Location of Tattoo: Thigh (this can be changed using FLIP)

Your Pigments of Memory tattoo is designed for a child. You have created the following customizations for it:
Your Child's Name is TBA.
Your Child is a half-krolvin.
Your Child is a boy.
Your Child has chocolate brown eyes.
Your Child has blue-grey hair.
Your Child has a pert nose.

When you use the following verbs, this is how your memories will play out:

(Kiss) - You press a kiss against your fingertips before gently touching them to the forehead of the child lovingly portrayed in your (tattoo). Your fingers linger perhaps a few moments too long before you drop your hand and turn your eyes up and out at a distant point.

(Rub) - You trace your fingertip along the locks of blue-grey hair of the child inked in detail in your (tattoo), and you remember with fondness its silky texture and the way you would curl it around your forefinger when it got too long.

(Tap) - You tap the pert nose of the child lovingly rendered in your (tattoo), your lips quirking as you remember all the times you would do just that when he was being particularly cute.

(Tickle) - As you brush your fingers against the cheek of the child depicted in your (the tattoo), you can hear his voice in your ears, high-pitched and guilelessly merry as he once laughed when you would chase him with threatening, "grabby" fingers only to tickle his sides when caught.

(Touch) - You move as if to touch the face of the child memorialized in your (the tattoo), but your hand pauses a scant distance above your skin. It hovers there, reverently, as your mind recalls how the weight and warmth of his cheek in your palm once felt. The back of your throat grows tight, and you lower your hand without touching the (tattoo).

Slogan: You may have words or phrases as part of your half-krolvin tattoo. If you do, then it will appear only when the tattoo is read.

As a note: Since Half-Krolvin can have one parent that is full-blooded, the option for krolvin is available in all of these.

Giantkin Kindred Garb

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 829
Date: 5/21/2021
Subject: Kindred Garb Expansion

Kindred Garb is getting an expansion for this Rumor Woods.

All Kindred Garb belts will now recognize great-kilt & kilt as nouns when worn. They will also recognize if you are wearing a sporran with your ensemble.

There will be a new shop at Rumor Woods for Male Attire called The Kindred Plaid.


>analyze my cloth

You analyze your winter tartan cloth and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

Welcome to the Kindred Garb clothing line. Each piece is specially tailored to be worn with others of this line. This piece is part of the "Great-Kilt" design and can only be worn by males.

A heavyweight winter tartan cloth cannot support a long description, as it changes when worn, and it cannot have its noun changed.

It is currently tier 1 of 3 tiers. It has access to the following verbs: pull, push, remove, and wear

This particular cloth is fashioned of Winter Tartan, which honors the Wsalamir Wendigo Clan. To gain a better idea of the design, please LOOK at the cloth when it is not worn.


>analzyze my vest

You analyze your ultramarine vest and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

Welcome to the Kindred Garb clothing line. Each piece is specially tailored to be worn with others of this line. This piece is part of the "Vest or Jerkin" accessory.

A tailored ultramarine vest can support a show description, and its noun must be either "vest" or "jerkin". It is tier 1 of 2 tiers. It has access to the following verbs: pull, push, remove, and wear

You can tell that the vest is as light as it can get, but you might be able to have a talented merchant deepen its pockets for you.

At Tier 2, you can switch out the buttons, toggles, etc. There is a small supply provided in the shop.


>analyze my shirt

You analyze your ebon cotton shirt and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

Welcome to the Kindred Garb clothing line. Each piece is specially tailored to be worn with others of its line. This piece is part of the "Plaid Shirt" line of clothing.

A high-collared ebon cotton shirt should be fashioned of cloth only and will never support a long description as you can pull the sleeves up to expose your arms. It can support a show description.

It has access to the following verbs: pull, push, remove, wear The following are the only nouns that are acceptable: blouse, leine, shirt, tunic, or undershirt.

You get no sense of whether or not the shirt may be further lightened.

This is a slightly more masculine version of the lady's shirts.

Lastly, all Kindred Garb items still interact with one another. The brooches and belts work well with these items.


~*~ Thandiwe ~*~
ASGM of Events

Erithi Fashion

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 830
Date: 5/22/2021
Subject: RW Teaser - A Moment's Repose

Vithalan took a last look about The Silken Lotus pavilion, reassuring himself that everything was in order. It had been several years since he had left the comforts of home to travel to Elanith, and the angst that accompanies being in unfamiliar surroundings with new wares had kept him awake sewing for several nights. At last, however, he felt confident everything was as perfect as it could be.

The small stove in the outer room was ready with tea, and guests could bring their own to brew if they liked, he supposed. He had a nice erithi blend on the hob though, wanting to bring a bit of home to any who found themselves away from Atan Irith. It was the same with the designs he brought as well. High time some high erithi fashion made it across the waters.

Wandering over to his displays, Vithalan adjusted a few items than took a moment to gaze at the presentation on the making of lotus silk. He hoped people liked these snippets of history and learning as much as he hoped they liked his wares.

With a start, he realized the lavish xiala exhibition was a bit off-kilter. He tapped the birch-framed glass into place, stepping back to study it:

Hanging behind birch-framed glass, the xiala is made of hand-dyed naraina, its ocean blue hues flecked with bits of silvery green. Gold and cobalt threading create an intricate pattern of xan'ayra blossoms spilling from upper left shoulder to bottom right hem. There appears to be something written on it.

A small gold plaque beneath the exhibition reads: "One of the most famous examples of the xiala, this was created by a master dressmaker a few hundred years ago for the daughter of a prominent family to wear to the social event of the year. When she fell ill and could not attend, her twin brother wore it in her stead, sparking several new fashion trends for the next dozen years."

Vithalan nodded. All seemed in order. Now to send out some missives explaining the formal attire he was going to sell so those not of Atan Irith were aware.

OOC Note: The last time Vithalan came about, he brought the Dress of the Erithi to Elanith. Whatever is he bringing now?

World Team, MHO GM
>Emails for MHO business should go to GS4-MHO@PLAY.NET
"My real name is Mephistopheles, but you can call me baby"

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 838
Author: GS4-XYNWEN
Date: 5/24/2021
Subject: Erithi Fashion From Formal to Casual

OOC NOTE For right now, these new nouns and materials are not available for general alterations, but they will be soon! Master Tailor Vithalan will begin his education of Elanith tailors some time after Rumor Woods (aka, I'll be bringing him around to work on items and ostensibly travel the continent training others in the trade!). Obviously naraina will remain rare as the description implies.


A lotus-embossed scroll tied with malachite silk sent to the Loremasters of Ta’Illistim for immediate dispatch to all interested parties

Several years ago, I sought out one of our talented tailors to provide guidance to the rest of Elanthia on traditional erithi garb. These most common and sought after items have been perfected far and wide, and now, it is time to yet again ask Vithalan to provide details on other erithi styles. Please enjoy some further insights into erithi fashion.

Signed this date 24 Ivastaen 5121
Isienaka, Chief Scholar of Atan Irith

A Note from the Author

In my first missive in 5107, I described some of the most common garb worn by the erithi. I then spent several years working with Elanith tailors to perfect their techniques in fashioning erithi styles, and I am pleased with the variety and new fashions that are developing across Elanthia.

Erithi are no different than other races; we have a wide variety of attire, styles, and tastes. Our more adventurous sorts are now clamoring for a wider availability of erithi fashion in Elanith, so I am writing this to provide additional information on our fashion. In addition, I shall once again travel from Atan Irith and work with tailors with the hopes of teaching others the intricacies of creating authentic erithi fashion.

A Guide to Erithi Fashion

Formal Attire

Atanika, nanjir, kanjir...all of these items can be both casual and formal as already discussed. In addition, there are also several types of erithi formal wear. The items highlighted here are almost always used for formal occasions and there are not typically casual options. For example, one could make our formal jacket style out of burlap but we would never call it anything other than a regular jacket, as it does not meet the criteria for the formal version. Keep that in mind when designing your attire.

The taosan is a formal jacket; it features a stiff collar similar to the isiqiri, and the jacket is always worn open. It also always has a toggle or button system which gives the illusion it is meant to be buttoned up, but the edges are set too far apart to ever do this. Materials are always of the highest quality cloth, linens or silks typically. The toggles can be carved from wood or elaborately knotted materials. The most formal examples of taosan are all one color, sometimes with a visible pattern, such as a black-on-black silk taosan patterned with roses. However, elaborate embroidery is also perfectly acceptable.

Next we have the jirlan. These are formal pants, typically worn with an isiqiri and a taosan. To stay fashion forward, one should match or complement the materials between jirlan and taosan. The pants are loose, but not billowy, with excellent lines and elegant simplicity. If there is any threadwork or embroidery it is simple, subtle, and in the same color as the pant.

When a dress is desired for a formal occasion, none is more coveted than an elegantly cut xiala. The xiala is a form-fitting, sleeveless dress that hits either at or just below the knee. These are most frequently heavily and intricately embroidered, but with the right material and dyes, one may eschew additional adornments.

Lasai are elegant slippers made to accompany the xiala or other dresses. They are flat-soled and can be made of leather, suede, silks, or velvets. Embroidery or adornments are minimal. The intent is to clad the feet in simple style and let the rest of the outfit speak volumes.

Planning a formal outfit
The taosan is typically layered with an isiqiri and paired with jirlan. Formal nanjir may be used, but the jirlan is most common. While richly designed yatane are the footwear of choice, Elanith-style shoes are making an appearance among the erithi elite. Jewelry and headwear vary from person to person.

Most frequently, the xiala is worn alone or with a simple wrap of complementary cloth; in colder weather, a warmer atanika may be worn for travel but is removed upon arrival. The shoe of preference is a lasai or an elegant Elanith slipper for those with access to imported goods. Jewelry is as varied as the wearer. The Tichan Dai enjoy metal-worked upper arm bracelets, for example, while the Nathala tend toward simple jade bracelets and an elothrai.

Casual Attire

Vatajir and vatalik are loose, comfortable garments akin to pajamas (vatalik being the top and vatajir being the bottoms, colloquially can be referred to as vatas - as in, "I am going home and putting on my vatas and reading a good book."). While they are made in a variety of materials and range from simple to decorated, these would never be considered anything but the most casual of clothes. They are typically worn in one’s own home, are often slept in. Slightly dressier versions may be acceptable for a casual run to a market or the beach, but little else.

Tanori are casual sandals woven from rushes. The rush or reed base is often dyed, painted, or accented with embroidery, and the sandal straps can be quite varied. These are acceptable footwear for around the home, casual outings, a day at the shore, and so on.

Satala is an under-robe which can range from casual to formal. Worn alone, it is limited to the home. Typical usage, however, is to layer under other garments, such as an atanika. The satala can be simple or elaborate. The most longstanding fashion is to keep the satala in simple, pale hues such as ivory or the faintest of pastels and then have it hand-painted. The over-clothing is then layered in such a way that key components of the satala are visible-a hint of the hand-painting, the embroidery, the lushness of the material, etc.

Lotus Silk

Erithi enjoy all types of materials, but silk is often a favorite, and no silk is more coveted than lotus silk.

Using the stem fibers of lotus flowers, lotus silk is a luxurious material that is time intensive to weave and much coveted across Atan Irith. The weavers of Atan Irith are well-known for lotus silk, but the process exists anywhere sufficient lotus growth is found. With the increased trade between Elanith and Atan Irith, erithi-woven lotus silk is beginning to make its way into the more forward-thinking of the Elanthian fashion scene.

In addition to the typical freshwater lotuses, Atan Irith boasts the only known saltwater lotuses. The stems of these flowers tend toward a softer, more supple weave and hints of their unusual silvery green coloring dot even the best dye job, creating a unique material we call naraina. The term naraina is only used for lotus silk woven from the saltwater lotus found on the Lotus Sea, and its exportation has been strictly forbidden. At long last, the leaders of Atan Irith have allotted a small amount to be exported for special occasions.

A Note on Lotuses
A botanist friend of mine provided a brief treatise on the erithi lotus flower that I wished to share as well.

The True Lotus - Aquatic Lotuses
Across all of Elanthia, lotuses thrive in still, fresh waters, such as lakes and ponds. There are also several hardier lotuses found in the shallows of streams and rivers throughout Atan Irith. Like their other Elanthian counterparts, erithi lotuses come in a multitude of colors as well as a few petal configurations, such as the spear’s point lotus (a lotus where each petal comes to a sharp point) and the teapot lotus with chubby, rounded petals.

In addition to these freshwater lotuses, however, there is a varietal specific to Atan Irith. Known as the xan’ayra (loosely “blossoming sun”), the saltwater lotus is found only in the Lotus Sea, a shallow bay on the coast of Atan Irith. The xan’ayra have distinctive jagged-edged petals and gigantic, silvery green lotus pads. They come in the same colors as freshwater lotuses, as well as an unusual dappled gold and cobalt blossom.

The Lotus Sea itself, while not an actual sea (being more the size of a moderate bay of the type one may find only on detailed and specific coastal maps), is a fascinating ecosystem in its own right, in no small part to the unusual and unique xan’ayra. There is also a rumor that a deep water "lotus sea" exists, a place where a large patch of the ocean is inexplicably filled with xan’ayra that strand any ship that sails into it. Erithi sailors tell tales of it, and when a ship never returns, it is often said to have been drowned in the Lotus Sea.

Mountain Lotus
Found at high elevations, the mountain lotus (also called the snow lotus by the Yachan) is not really a lotus but a flowering bush whose blossoms closely resemble an aquatic lotus. Left to their own devices, the bushes grow into small trees. The wood of a naturally deceased tree is reclaimed by the people living near it and fashioned into small trinkets and jewelry. It’s considered good luck to have an item made from this wood.

World Team, MHO GM
>Emails for MHO business should go to GS4-MHO@PLAY.NET
"My real name is Mephistopheles, but you can call me baby"

Flower Press

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 831
Date: 5/23/2021
Subject: ImPressions - A Rumor Woods Shop

ImPression is a new two-room shop at Rumor Woods this year. The 1st room of the shop has a flower press in it. These flower presses are a new item.

If you take a foraged item, place it in the press, and PINCH it, then you will transform the flower into a pressed flower. This pressed flower can then be POINTed at any single page from a Wavedancer Journal, Script Paper, or plain, unscripted paper to transfer a design onto the paper. Not only that, but your flower press comes with 2 designs and can be customized for an additional 10.


Fashioned of two placards of lacquered modwir, the flower press has four long screws that are bound by yellow gold bolts. Thin pieces of white tissue paper help to absorb the moisture from specimens placed on its platform, while small straps allow the piece to be worn on a belt. Carved into the center of the lid is a celadon rune that can be used to trigger the drying process once both the placards are pinched in place. Currently, the platform doesn't have anything on it.

Here is the analyze for the flower press:

You analyze your copper flower press and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

A birch and copper flower press is a "Flower Power" flower press that can be used to transform a (foraged item) into a parchment altering device. Simply place a foraged item into the press and PINCH the handles together. It will change the (foraged item) into "a dried and pressed (foraged item)" that can then be POINTed at any acceptable parchment to transfer its designs onto it.

The press has the following design options (which can be cycled through by using TURN):
Stock 1: Colorful depictions of (foraged item) trail down the left-hand side of the (paper), which also has bold whorls twisting throughout the design.
Stock 2: Decorative calligraphy strokes grace the (paper), while heavy lines and delicate pigments create (foraged item) design in each of the four corners.
Custom 1: This design has not been created yet.
Custom 2: This design has not been created yet.
Custom 3: This design has not been created yet.
Custom 4: This design has not been created yet.
Custom 5: This design has not been created yet.
Custom 6: This design has not been created yet.
Custom 7: This design has not been created yet.
Custom 8: This design has not been created yet.
Custom 9: This design has not been created yet.
Custom 10: This design has not been created yet.
It is currently set to transfer the Stock 2 design to the next (foraged item) placed in it and PINCHED.

This item may be altered freely so long as the design makes sense. It does have a STOCK description that will always be present, but that can have the wood, bolts, and rune-color customized.

Wood Options: ash, beech, birch, black willow, cedar, cherry, cocobolo, ebonwood, fel, haon, hazelwood, linden, mahogany, maoral, maple, mistwood, modwir, oak, pine, rosewood, tanik, teak, walnut, white monir, witchwood, and zebrawood
Bolt Options: alum, brass, bronze, copper, faenor, gold, iron, kelyn, laje, mithril, pewter, pink gold, platinum, red gold, rose gold, silver, steel, vaalin, white gold, and yellow gold
Rune Color Options: amber, aubergine, azure, black, blue, brown, burnt umber, celadon, cerise, coppery green, dark green, forest green, garnet, golden, honey brown, indigo, lemon yellow, orange, primrose, rose pink, ruby red, sanguine, silver, tangerine, teal, and violet

Current Wood: modwir
Current Bolt: yellow gold
Current Rune: celadon

Any merchant can do the following in 1 sitting:

Change Custom Wood, Bolt, and Rune based on the provided list of options.
Add 1 design to your press

~*~ Thandiwe ~*~
ASGM of Events

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 832
Date: 5/23/2021
Subject: ImPressions - A Rumor Woods Shop

There were a lot of questions about this in the Rumor Woods channel on Discord. So let me handle them all here:

> Can you still write on the paper?

Yes, if you could always write on the paper then you still can after you put a design on it.

> Can you use it on scrolls?

No, I'm sorry you can't.

> Can you use it on Canvas?

No, I'm sorry you can't.

> I guess I'm not really sure I understand how this works.

Let me show you:

You glance down to see a birch and copper flower press in your right hand and a purple passionflower in your left hand.

>put passion in my press
You carefully place your purple passionflower onto the small platform at the end of your copper flower press.

>pinch my press
Closing the modwir lid, you carefully twist down each of the modwir bolts in the four corners of your copper flower press before activating the celadon rune in the middle. A dry heat emanates from the device as the crimson outline of passionflower slowly illuminates on the lid. It only takes a few moments before the light and heat fade away, allowing you to quickly untwist each yellow gold bolt and open the modwir lid.

>take passion in my press
You pluck a dried and pressed passionflower from off of the platform in your copper flower press.

>analyze my passion
You analyze your pressed passionflower and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

A dried and pressed passionflower has been created using the "Flower Power" flower press on it. When it is pointed at a piece of paper, or any of the accepted nouns, it instill its image upon the paper. This particular passionflower will change the paper's LOOK description to:
Decorative calligraphy strokes grace the (paper), while heavy lines and delicate pigments create a purple passionflower design in each of the four corners.

Once it has done this, it will disintegrate.

Due to the nature of the passionflower, it cannot be altered.

You glance down to see a piece of pink vellum in your right hand and a dried and pressed passionflower in your left hand.

>point my pass at my vellum
You lay your pressed passionflower upon a piece of pink vellum, which instantly responds by transforming the passionflower into a fine mist that slowly settles into the vellum.

>l my vellum
Decorative calligraphy strokes grace the vellum, while heavy lines and delicate pigments create a purple passionflower design in each of the four corners.

>Does it work with Wavedancer Journals?

Yes, but the page has to be ripped out of the journal fist.

>Does it work with Valyrka's stationery?


>What else does it work with?

Any unscripted item with the following noun:

agreement, card, certificate, chart, charter, chit, contract, coupon, deed, debenture, document, flyer, invoice, leaflet, letter, list, memorandum, message, missive, note, notice, page, palimpest, paper, papyrus, parchment, pass, permit, poster, proclamation, recipe, scroll, slip, stationery, sheet, vellum, voucher

If you feel I missed a noun, it isn't too late to suggest it, but please suggest it here.

~*~ Thandiwe ~*~
ASGM of Events

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 833
Date: 5/23/2021
Subject: ImPressions - A Rumor Woods Shop

>analyze my binder
You analyze your saffron suede binder and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

Introduced at the 5121 Grand Tourney at Rumor Woods; this is the Elanthian Binder. It is designed to hold your loose bits of stationery and miscellaneous paper items; the binder can house a total of twenty-five pieces of stationery. Additionally, if there is a blank piece of stationery directly behind a piece of stationery that has either a description or is written on, the binder can be asked to attend and it will make a complete copy of that proceeding item.

Here is some additional information on an azalea-embossed saffron suede binder.

Attend will let you copy onto the current blank page in the binder whatever page is before it.
Flip will bring you to the beginning of the binder.
Look, when the binder is open, will show you the currently visible page.
Pour will let you add ink to the binder, which is necessary to use attend. The binder currently does not have ink in it.
Put (page) in my binder allows you to add up to 25 pages to the binder, which currently is holding zero pages.
Read allows you to read the current page the binder is turned to when open and when closed the spine.
Tear allows you to remove the page you are currently on from your binder.
Turn allows you to turn to the next page in the binder.

An azalea-embossed saffron suede binder currently has 0 pages in it.

To answer the 1st question, yes, it takes special ink that is sold in the shop.

You may alter the binder freely so long as it remains some kind of binder, book, etc. It must make sense for the item. Your alterer will never be able to deepen or lighten the binder, or alter any of the pages you have stored within.

If you feel that the page you are trying to add is not being accepted and you'd like to have it reviewed then please feel free to BUG the binder and mention the noun of the item you are trying to add.

~*~ Thandiwe ~*~
ASGM of Events

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 835
Date: 5/23/2021
Subject: ImPressions - A Rumor Woods Shop

>On a serious note, will there be any way to be able to increase the amount of pieces of stationery each of these binders will be able to hold, hopefully?

Unfortunately, there are too many things that the binder has to store in order for it to be able to let you LOOK at the page it is turned to, READ the page it is turned to, and TEAR the page that it is turned to.

So the binder will never store more than 25 pages.

~*~ Thandiwe ~*~
ASGM of Events

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 853
Date: 5/31/2021
Subject: ImPressions - A Rumor Woods Shop

Good morning,

There have been some interesting questions about this item. Let me clarify a few things for you...

>Can you lock down the binder so that only the author of it can edit it?

No, this isn't a bookbinding item. This is a binder.

>Would you consider it in the future?

Unfortunately, that isn't something that I had ever considered for this. My thought was that many people have letters that take up multiple locker slots. Items that are single pieces that they'd like to have in one place. That and the ability to make a flyer for an event. Or a copy of a contract. Or something similar.

The problem with allowing players the ability to create and bind their own books is that it utterly jumps the QC process. Small little letters and notes to one another are one thing. Entire volumes are a totally different thing.

~*~ Thandiwe ~*~
ASGM of Events

Imbued Shrouds

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 839
Author: GS4-QUILIC
Date: 5/24/2021
Subject: Imbued Shrouds

Her breath caught in her throat as she pelted through the streets. She fought to resist the urge to cough, knowing that she needed to preserve as much air as possible. She risked a glance over one shoulder, but saw no sign of her pursuers. She knew better than to assume that this meant they had given up, however, and redoubled her efforts to put distance between them and herself.

She rounded a corner and darted into a spacious shop, where she was immediately struck by how quiet everything seemed. Her eyes were instantly drawn to five statues positioned around the open space. Each one seemed striking, though each in their own fashion, and each one bore a pair of shrouds, one draped over each of their outstretched arms. In the stillness of the shop, she was certain she could detect the sound of... whispers.

"I held fast, even when they tried to force me to forsake my faith."

"Did the bastard get what he deserved?"

"What use is joy when it is so easily shattered?"

Her jaw fell open as she sensed the sheer presence of the shrouds, and before the sensations could overwhelm her, she dashed back out the door, preferring what might await her to the spirits within those shrouds.

Imbued Shrouds are a new script debuting at Rumor Woods '21. These are neckworn containers, each one containing a 'spirit' which will interact with the wearer, and occasionally, those in the same room in a variety of ways.

The shrouds are unlockable, with a total of four tiers. They come off the shelf at Tier 1, and unlock certificates will be for sale. In addition to unlock certificates to move to higher tiers, there are separate certificates for sale which upgrade the mechanical ability of the shrouds to greater effectiveness, or for more uses per day.

There are five unique spirits on offer for this run of Rumor Woods. Each has their own personality, and their own story. The statues representing each of the spirits will give clues as to their demeanor, and it is recommended that you take careful heed when choosing your shroud, as there will be no exchanges or refunds. The spirit within each of the shrouds will occasionally whisper in the ear of the one wearing it, and the whispers are customized for each of the spirits.

Off the shelf, the shrouds have a single small pocket which will hold one tiny item. Unlocks will increase both the size and number of items that may be held, maxing out at 5 items, or a total of 20 pounds.

The spirit contained within each shroud has a chance to be glimpsed by others from time to time. In addition, the whispers of the spirit will occasionally be heard by those in the same room as the wearer. The odds for both of these go up as the shroud is unlocked to higher tiers.

At Tier 2, the shrouds may be PULLED over the wearer's features, hiding them from view.

At Tier 3, the shrouds become enhancive, enhancing one of the wearer's primary (class-based) statistics. It is worth noting that this is triggered a single time after the unlock has been applied, and will assign the enhancive depending on the class of the one wearing it at that time. It will not change if someone else wears the shroud.

At Tier 4, the shrouds get a second enhancive, for the other primary (class-based) enhancive statistic. As with Tier 3, this is a one-time upgrade, and is dependent on the wearer at the time of upgrade (or first to wear it after the upgrade has been applied.) In addition, at T4, Spirit Shriek is unlocked. This is a wave-based attack, with special messaging, that targets the entire room (similar to Elemental Wave). This ability can be used X/Day (1x to start, with unlocks available for more uses). There is a separate certificate available to unlock Greater Spirit Shriek, which emulates Major Elemental Wave (again, with special messaging).

There are alteration restrictions for the shrouds, as they may never be made into anything ragged, dingy, or torn, and their noun must always remain 'shroud'.

~GM Quilic
ASGM - Premium
Four Winds Isle/Mist Harbor Storyteller
Ruiner of Things

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 842
Author: GS4-QUILIC
Date: 5/25/2021
Subject: Imbued Shrouds

To answer some of the questions that I've seen:

The five spirits on offer for this run of Rumor Woods are: Giantkin Poetess (Female) Halfling Berserker (Female) Elven Soldier (Male) Human Thief (Male) Dwarven Priest (Male)

The Enhancives by class (in T3/T4 format) are:

Warrior (Con/Str) Rogue (Agi/Dex) Wizard (Aur/Log) Cleric (Int/Wis) Empath (Inf/Wis) Sorcerer (Aur/Wis) Ranger (Int/Dex) Bard (Inf/Aur) Monk (Agi/Str) Paladin (Wis/Str)

The enhancive is set at the time of unlock, based on the class of the individual holding the shroud when the certificate is used.

You can only wear one Shroud at a time, and they are functional equipment.

The whispers can be turned off for the room, but never for the wearer. Whispers to the room will adhere to the "No Ambient" flag setting, allowing players to opt out of seeing them at the same time as other ambients.

The script is set up to allow for custom spirits (Custom fields include gender, race, profession, individual whispers, tone of whispers, how the spirit looks when it's glimpsed by others, and the expression that it imparts on the wearer for some of the fluff verbs), but that may not be offered this year. If it is offered, it will be an extremely limited (and likely delayed) service. If it is to be offered, I will advertise it as soon as that determination has been made.

One of the fluff verbs, for the dwarven priest version:

>pull my shroud
You gently lift a fold of your imbued shroud up over your head, feeling its soft folds against your ears. Between the gentle rustles of the cloth settling into place, you catch the barest hint of a strident whisper. A slightly intense expression creeps across your face as you allow the imbued shroud to fall forward and conceal your features.

Note that the tone of the whisper and the expression on your face change depending on the spirit in the shroud. Each of the fluff verbs utilize some form of customization based on the spirit in the shroud.

Both T3 and T4 enhancives are +3 to stat. T4 does not affect T3's enhancive. The enhancives are charge-based, and have roughly 25% of a Premium Enhancive's number of charges.

Spirit Shriek uses reset at midnight, EST, and there is no cooldown on their use. The functionality closely mirrors Elemental Wave (410), and you can reliably use that as a comparison for what Spirit Shriek would affect.

At present there are no limitations on sales or unlocks, and this is likely to be a recurring item (with new spirits offered each year) for Rumor Woods, though that of course can't be guaranteed. If for some reason the item itself does not return, unlocks will still be offered going forward in some fashion.

Pricing will not be disclosed ahead of the event.

The spirits do not have proper names (like Bill, or John, or Anderson, or Keanu).

~GM Quilic
Four Winds Isle/Mist Harbor Storyteller
Ruiner of Things


Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 844
Date: 5/25/2021
Subject: Rumor Woods Weaving and You

Thanks to the lovely work of Valyrka, there will be a weaving shop at Rumor Woods that will feature SOME of the flowers that can be found in the Pixie Quest Area known as Liraflyswn.

It will also feature FIVE new weaving tools. Four of these tools are part of the "Weave a Little Dream of Me" collection.

This first one, featured here, allows you to add zests to your completed anklet or ankle-cuff woven item.

You analyze your woven anklet and sense that the creator has provided the following information:
You analyze your woven anklet and sense that a talented merchant can alter it.

You can guess that when speaking with a merchant, you should bear in mind that the woven items that are detailed when you LOOK at this woven anklet will always remain a part of the anklet's show, and this anklet can have both a long and a show description! The item must also remain an anklet. Some, but not all, merchants might leave some room for synonyms of an anklet.

A densely woven anklet of red roses and creamy spider chrysanthemums has been worked on by an item from the Weave a Little Dream of Me Collection I series. As a result, it has additional actions it can do that the average woven item can't. They are:
Spin, Tap, Turn, and Twist.

You can add a scent to it by pouring perfume on it.

You get no sense of whether or not the anklet may be further lightened.

>wear my anklet
Pointing your toes and somewhat flattening the angle between your ankle and foot, you slip woven anklet on.

>spin my anklet
Tapping out a rhythm upon the floor, you perform a small spin that sets your woven anklet to bouncing on your ankle.

>tap my anklet
Advancing slowly forward, you perform a heel-to-toe dance step that causes your woven anklet to be beautifully displayed.

>turn my anklet
Lightly resting on your left foot, you kick out with your right foot and use it to turn you in a slow circle that is punctuated by additional kicks and the rustle of your woven anklet.

>twist my anklet
Resting on your heels, you lift your toes and pivot them to the left and gracefully two-step on the tips of your toes, your woven anklet jangling as it punctuates your movement.

>rem my anklet
Pointing your toes and somewhat flattening the angle between your ankle and foot, you slip woven anklet free.

>smell bottle
You sniff delicately at the perfume bottle, and detect the faint scent of roses.

>pour bot on my anklet
You carefully pour a small amount of your perfume bottle onto your woven anklet, enhancing it with the scent of roses.

>smell my anklet
Your woven anklet smells like roses.

Special thanks to GM Kaikala who updated the weaving system to allow for subscripting.

~*~ Thandiwe ~*~ ASGM of Events

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 846
Date: 5/26/2021
Subject: Rumor Woods Weaving and You

The second tool in the "Weave a Little Dream of Me" collection will add a subscript to your completed bracelet or wrist-cuff woven item.

>analyze my bracelet
You analyze your woven bracelet and sense that the creator has provided the following information:
You analyze your woven bracelet and sense that a talented merchant can alter it.

You can guess that when speaking with a merchant, you should bear in mind that the woven items that are detailed when you LOOK at this woven bracelet will always remain a part of the bracelet's show, and this bracelet can have both a long and a show description! The item must also remain a bracelet. Some, but not all, merchants might leave some room for synonyms of a bracelet.

A densely woven bracelet of red roses and creamy spider chrysanthemums has been worked on by an item from the Weave a Little Dream of Me Collection I series. As a result, it has additional actions it can do that the average woven item can't. They are: Spin, Tap, Turn, and Twist.

It has the lingering scent of roses on it. This can be replaced by pouring a different perfume on it.

You get no sense of whether or not the bracelet may be further lightened.

>wear my bracelet
Touching your fingers and thumbs together, you fold your palm and pull your woven bracelet onto your wrist.

>spin my bracelet
Arching your back slightly, you weave your arms in the air to a rhythm and tune born of your heart, the bracelet on your wrist flashing in the ambient light. Slowly, you let your feet carry you in a slow spin that emphasizes your carefree dance.

>tap my bracelet
You tap your right elbow with your left hand, followed by your right hand tapping your left elbow, and then tap your right shoulder with your left hand. Seconds after you tap your left shoulder with your right hand, you thrust your arms out in front of you with your palms facing skyward and your woven bracelet bouncing from the movement.

>turn my bracelet
With palms open and flat, you roll your arms together and lift them to the sky. As you move, your woven bracelet flashes in the ambient light.

>twist my bracelet
Crossing your hands, you link your thumbs together and flutter your fingers like the wings of a butterfly. The soft, subtle movement causes your woven bracelet to shift away from your wrist toward your elbow.

>remove my bracelet
Touching your fingers and thumbs together, you fold your palm and pull your woven bracelet free from your wrist.

Like the anklet and ankle-cuff, you can pour perfume on it to change the scent.

~*~ Thandiwe ~*~
ASGM of Events

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 847
Date: 5/27/2021
Subject: Rumor Woods Weaving and You

The third tool in the "Weave a Little Dream of Me" series is for headbands.

analyze my headband
You analyze your woven headband and sense that the creator has provided the following information:
You analyze your woven headband and sense that a talented merchant can alter it.

You can guess that when speaking with a merchant, you should bear in mind that the woven items that are detailed when you LOOK at this woven headband will always remain a part of the headband's show, and this headband can have both a long and a show description! The item must also remain a headband. Some, but not all, merchants might leave some room for synonyms of a headband.

A simply woven headband of red roses and creamy spider chrysanthemums has been worked on by an item from the Weave a Little Dream of Me Collection I series. As a result, it has additional actions it can do that the average woven item can't. They are: Bow, Curtsy, Remove, Twist, and Wear.

Additionally, when you wear a simply woven headband of red roses and creamy spider chrysanthemums, it will change your hairstyle to the following:

She has waist-length, wavy coppery red hair amassing in a riot of unruly curls around a simply woven headband of red roses and creamy spider chrysanthemums.

It has the lingering scent of scorched peppercorns, cinnamon, and caramelized sugar tempered by smoky leather oud and the metallic twang of blood on it. This can be replaced by pouring a different perfume on it.

You get no sense of whether or not the headband may be further lightened.

>twist my headband
You twist a simply woven headband of red roses and creamy spider chrysanthemums in your hand, contemplating the styles you could utilize, and switch the style that it currently provides to you from "Thandiwe has waist-length, wavy coppery red hair amassing in a riot of unruly curls around a simply woven headband of red roses and creamy spider chrysanthemums" to creating "Thandiwe has waist-length, wavy coppery red hair coiled high on the crown of the head and framed by a simply woven headband of red roses and creamy spider chrysanthemums."

>wear my headband
Taking a moment to attend to your hair, you incorporate a simply woven headband of red roses and creamy spider chrysanthemums in your style.

>bow my headband
As you bow, the woven headband on your head releases the scent of scorched peppercorns, cinnamon, and caramelized sugar tempered by smoky leather oud and the metallic twang of blood.

>curt my headband
As you curtsy, the woven headband on your head releases the scent of scorched peppercorns, cinnamon, and caramelized sugar tempered by smoky leather oud and the metallic twang of blood.

There are five stock hairstyles with the ability to get one customization on the headband itself. Please note, this is not the tool that gets customized.

~*~ Thandiwe ~*~
ASGM of Events

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 848
Date: 5/28/2021
Subject: Rumor Woods Weaving and You

The fourth tool in the "Weave a Little Dream of Me" series is for circlets. There isn't much change in how they respond verb-wise, but there are different stock hairstyles.

>analyze my cir
You analyze your woven circlet and sense that the creator has provided the following information:
You analyze your woven circlet and sense that a talented merchant can alter it.

You can guess that when speaking with a merchant, you should bear in mind that the woven items that are detailed when you LOOK at this woven circlet will always remain a part of the circlet's show, and this circlet can have both a long and a show description! The item must also remain a circlet. Some, but not all, merchants might leave some room for synonyms of a circlet.

A simply woven circlet of red roses and creamy spider chrysanthemums has been worked on by an item from the Weave a Little Dream of Me Collection I series. As a result, it has additional actions it can do that the average woven item can't. They are:
Bow, Curtsy, Remove, Twist, and Wear.

Additionally, when you wear a simply woven circlet of red roses and creamy spider chrysanthemums, it will change your hairstyle to the following:

She has waist-length, wavy coppery red hair caught in a side-swept chignon framed by a simply woven circlet of red roses and creamy spider chrysanthemums.

You can add a scent to it by pouring perfume on it.

You get no sense of whether or not the circlet may be further lightened.

>twist my circlet
You twist a simply woven circlet of red roses and creamy spider chrysanthemums in your hand, contemplating the styles you could utilize, and switch the style that it currently provides to you from "Thandiwe has waist-length, wavy coppery red hair caught in a side-swept chignon framed by a simply woven circlet of red roses and creamy spider chrysanthemums" to creating "Thandiwe has waist-length, wavy coppery red hair caught in a labyrinthine network of fishbone braids accented by a simply woven circlet of red roses and creamy spider chrysanthemums".

>wear my circlet
Taking a moment to attend to your hair, you incorporate a simply woven circlet of red roses and creamy spider chrysanthemums in your style.

>bow my circlet
As you bow, the woven circlet on your brow rustles softly.

>curt my circlet
As you curtsy, the woven circlet on your brow rustles softly.

>remove my circlet
You carefully pluck your woven circlet from your head, your hair tumbling free.

This also has 4 stock hair styles and room for 1 customization. Once again, the customization is ON the item itself, not the tool.

~*~ Thandiwe ~*~
ASGM of Events

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 849
Date: 5/29/2021
Subject: Rumor Woods Weaving and You

The fifth tool is part of the "Unbe-Weave-able Tool" series.

This pair of trimmers will transform a woven item, mind you, it is specific kinds, into a mount-worn woven item.

You can buy one for deer, one for horses, or one for tortoises. Or, you can purchase one and use an UNLOCK certificate that will automatically upgrade it to the new mount-type for the year. There really isn't anything to tease more than this as they only have the one verb.

~*~ Thandiwe ~*~
ASGM of Events

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 899
Date: 6/6/2021
Subject: Rumor Woods Weaving and You


It did not occur to me to create a new weaving.belt.tool-holder option. So, unfortunately, no, the new items will not fit into the old belt. That being said, I do have some ideas for this in the future.

These are all brand-new tools with brand-new functions. They do not upgrade/change the old items.

~*~ Thandiwe ~*~
ASGM of Events

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 950
Date: 6/12/2021
Subject: Rumor Woods Opens Tonight at 9 pm EDT

The whetstone is for the trimmers. If you buy a single trimmer and the whetstone, then you unlock the trimmer to utilize the verb FLIP. Flip switches the trimmers from creating horse to deer to tortoise. It also unlocks it for all future mounts that will be able to wear woven items.

~*~ Thandiwe ~*~
ASGM of Events

Aelotoi Wing Jewels

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 854
Date: 5/31/2021
Subject: On the Wing

The lovely GM Galene was kind enough to create a shop for me called, "On the Wing". This shop will feature the "Aelotoi Wing Jewels" jewelry line, which is a light ornament that aelotoi can slip onto the edges of their wings. Once worn, the item hides like a hair bauble does and changes the Wing Quirk of the aelotoi. Please note, this is an Aelotoi only item.

>analyze my ornament

You analyze your sea glass ornaments and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

Welcome to Aelotoi Wing Jewels, designed by and made for Aelotoi. This specially made item can be worn on Aelotoi wings. You can change the way that they are worn by using FLIP to cycle through the style options.

The current style of some cerulean sea glass ornaments threaded with silver wisps will change your sapphire wings to:
decorated with some cerulean sea glass ornaments threaded with silver wisps
Some cerulean sea glass ornaments threaded with silver wisps are tier 1 of 2. They have access to the following verbs: flap, flip, flutter, remove, touch, and wear.

Alteration Rules: You may alter some cerulean sea glass ornaments threaded with silver wisps freely, provided the following rules are adhered to:
1. It must remain some kind of jewelry item and make sense for wings.
2. It cannot pierce the wing as Aelotoi wings are far too delicate for such treatment.
3. It must make sense when being clipped to the wing.

This item will support a long description, but a show description would be wasted on it.

You get no sense of whether or not the ornaments may be further lightened.

>wear my ornaments
Running your hand along the sloping curve of your right sapphire wing, you gently clip some cerulean sea glass ornaments threaded with silver wisps on the thin edge and then repeat the process on the other side.

>flap my ornaments
Your sapphire wings shiver as you gently flap them, causing the sea glass ornaments on them to clink and chime.

>flutter ornaments
Some cerulean sea glass ornaments threaded with silver wisps can use styles.

Valid styles are afraid, annoyed, happy, and scared.

Syntax is FLUTTER {style} ornaments

>I'll let you guys play with these

>touch my ornaments
Reaching over your shoulder, you touch some cerulean sea glass ornaments threaded with silver wisps that decorate your sapphire wings.

>Look Thandiwe
(abridged look) She has a pair of sapphire wings decorated with some cerulean sea glass ornaments threaded with silver wisps.

>remove my ornaments
You reach up over your left shoulder and gently pluck some cerulean sea glass ornaments threaded with silver wisps from your sapphire wing, and then repeat the process on the right.

>flip my ornaments
You flip some cerulean sea glass ornaments threaded with silver wisps around, changing its style when it is worn from sapphire wings decorated with some cerulean sea glass ornaments threaded with silver wisps to sapphire wings with some cerulean sea glass ornaments threaded with silver wisps affixed to their tops.

You flip some cerulean sea glass ornaments threaded with silver wisps around, changing its style when it is worn from sapphire wings with some cerulean sea glass ornaments threaded with silver wisps affixed to their tops to sapphire wings trailing some cerulean sea glass ornaments threaded with silver wisps on their outer edges.

There are 5 styles that you can access through the FLIP verb.

There is a voucher in the store for Tier 2.

~*~ Thandiwe ~*~
ASGM of Events

Erithi Layered Clothing System

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 855
Author: GS4-XYNWEN
Date: 6/1/2021
Subject: Erithi Layered Clothing System - A Sneak Peek

Premiering at Rumor Woods...some special clothing to go along with the new Erithi Fashion document ( Don't worry if you aren't erithi! While you may not be AS elegant in this finery, you can still be quite dashing!


With practiced flair, you pull on your isiqiri, expertly buttoning the sparkling blue sea silk to meet the agate-edged collar.

With a dash of panache, you glide your gleaming ebon lotus silk taosan over your sparkling blue sea silk isiqiri, aligning the garments in complementary elegance and highlighting the fine tailoring.

With precision adjustments, you balance your gleaming ebon lotus silk taosan and sparkling blue sea silk isiqiri into complementary harmony, allowing the isiqiri's excellent tailoring to stand out.

Brushing your hand across the refined tailoring of your sparkling blue sea silk isiqiri, you pull it into place beneath your gleaming ebon lotus silk taosan.


Raising your arms to the sky, you pull your pale satala on, the cloth slithering effortlessly along your sides.

Taking care not to disturb the perfect fit of your pale cloth satala, you slide your arms into your pale cloth atanika and deftly secure the pale silk inner ties.

You gather your pale atanika's cloth and your pale satala's cloth together, quietly reveling in the luxurious tailoring.

Cuddling into the depths of your pale cloth atanika, you take a moment to ensure the pale cloth satala beneath stands out, especially the splendid tailoring.


You slip into your brilliant goldenrod damask xiala, fluttering your hands along your sides until it drapes perfectly across your form.

Like a leaf floating on a breeze, you let the ianthine naraina wrap fall over your shoulders, the ends skimming the elegant xiala beneath

Floating one edge of your ianthine naraina wrap behind your brilliant goldenrod damask xiala, you drift into a graceful curtsy.

Folding your arms together across your brilliant goldenrod damask xiala, you bow deeply, the ends of your ianthine naraina wrap drifting across the ground.

World Team, MHO GM
>Emails for MHO business should go to GS4-MHO@PLAY.NET
"My real name is Mephistopheles, but you can call me baby"

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Rumor Woods
Message #: 860
Author: GS4-XYNWEN
Date: 6/2/2021
Subject: Erithi Layered Clothing System - A Sneak Peek

Here are some more snippets from the ELCS (LotusWear? Cuz I like how it sounds?):

Please note: some snippets are courtesy of an erithi, some are not.

You run your fingers down the sides of your brilliant goldenrod damask xiala, tracing along the incarnadine moonflower pattern.

Taking meticulous care, you wriggle out of your brilliant goldenrod damask xiala and fold it with delicate precision.


Sliding one arm and then the other into your gleaming ebon lotus silk taosan, you adjust its fit until the crimson-corded toggles and silver-threaded collar are optimally displayed.

With an elegant and understated flourish, you push back your gleaming ebon lotus silk taosan, drawing attention to its premium tailoring and crimson-corded toggles.

As you pull off your gleaming ebon lotus silk taosan, you fold it for storage, highlighting the lush tailoring as you do so.

~~ You push at the jade-buttoned cuffs of your sparkling blue sea silk isiqiri, then sheepishly pull them back into place.

You fold your arms across your sea silk isiqiri and bow deeply.

You run your fingertips over the sparkling blue sea silk of your isiqiri, appreciating its luxurious feel.


You wrap your arms around yourself, hugging your pale cloth atanika close.

You snuggle into your many-layered pale atanika, caressing your face with its lotus silk.


Smoothing out any wrinkles, you pull your bright lavender lotus silk satala on over your head and arrange it to best display the silvery chrysanthemum pattern.

You smooth out the lotus silk of your bright lavender satala.

You shimmy out of your bright lavender satala and try to get the lotus silk to fold nicely for storage.

Features: LotusWear sports a detailed ANALYZE for each piece to help take the guesswork out of what can and cannot be done.

Four tiers of fluffy verbalicious goodness (unlocks available at the event)

Customizable components including colour, material, pattern, and scent (only an erithi will notice the scent). Some items have additional customizable pieces (like collars).

**Please note - customizable components require a GM merchant. So buy now, alter later! At first, this will be limited to my merchants, but after I've had a chance to get out there and have some fun with them, it'll be opened up. I don't like keeping my stuff behind a "me wall" so it will be fairly open to anyone comfortable enough to work on them (and I've created a detailed GM cheatsheet behind-the-scenes to assist with that).

World Team, MHO GM
>Emails for MHO business should go to GS4-MHO@PLAY.NET
"My real name is Mephistopheles, but you can call me baby"