FotFShop:Points and Polish

The official GemStone IV encyclopedia.
Revision as of 21:44, 13 September 2021 by MACILLUS (talk | contribs) ("a grooved ash grey whetstone" was originally left out of the weapon care kit, and added to the shop on 9/12/2021)
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a large crimson silk pavilion, [Map Room #3], Lich #22449, go crimson pavilion

Points and Polish

[Points and Polish - 22452]
Thick poles of ebonwood hold up the walls and roof of this spacious pavilion. A rich carpet of wool covers the ground, its surface woven into a detailed pattern of crimson and gold. A few large racks stand to one side of some opened boxes and crates. Several crystal globes hang from the ceiling, brightening the dark space.
Obvious exits: out
small hoarbeam sign
Enjoy my collection of sharp weapons. Each has some special actions. Each item is four times enchanted or as close as the metal can be. The items in the box are for cleaning, sharpening, and polishing your weapon.

On the racks you see: a thick vultite toporok inlaid with a jade oak leaf, a slender mithril sword-of-Phoen wrapped with amethyst silk, a polished vultite khopesh banded with vaalin wire and a golden vaalorn riding sword inlaid with a crimson wyvern.

a thick vultite toporok inlaid with a jade oak leaf Weight: 5 pounds
Enchant: +20
handaxe Anfelt Weapon 75,000
a slender mithril sword-of-Phoen wrapped with amethyst silk Weight: 9 pounds
Enchant: +20
flamberge Anfelt Weapon 125,000
a polished vultite khopesh banded with vaalin wire Weight: 4 pounds
Enchant: +20
falchion Anfelt Weapon 100,000
a golden vaalorn riding sword inlaid with a crimson wyvern Weight: 4 pounds
Enchant: +18
backsword Anfelt Weapon 60,000

In the boxes you see: a grooved ash grey whetstone, a thick cotton cloth, a small flask of oil, a narrow cotton-topped stick, a small polished brass hammer and a copper-banded polished oak case.

a grooved ash grey whetstone Weight: <1 pound 10,000
a thick cotton cloth Weight: <1 pound 10,000
a small flask of oil Weight: <1 pound 10,000
a narrow cotton-topped stick Weight: <1 pound 10,000
a small polished brass hammer Weight: <1 pound 10,000
a copper-banded polished oak case Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
This item may be freely altered with a long or a show, but the noun must remain backpack, pouch, satchel, sack, pack, bag, or case, subject to the "essence" rules in ALTER 14.

In the crates you see: a slender mithril spadroon with a white oak handle, a slender vultite sheering sword with a basket hilt, a narrow mithglin Niima's-embrace set with a dark sapphire and a wide golden vaalorn slasher etched with a tiny oak leaf.

a slender mithril spadroon with a white oak handle Weight: 4 pounds
Enchant: +20
broadsword Anfelt Weapon 90,000
a slender vultite sheering sword with a basket hilt Weight: 4 pounds
Enchant: +20
longsword Anfelt Weapon 75,000
a narrow mithglin Niima's-embrace set with a dark sapphire Weight: 4 pounds
Enchant: +20
short sword Anfelt Weapon 60,000
a wide golden vaalorn slasher etched with a tiny oak leaf Weight: 4 pounds
Enchant: +18
katar Anfelt Weapon 60,000