Saddle Me Up saddle
Saddle Me Up saddles were first introduced at Rumor Woods in 2019 with the release of horses. They come in three different styles, Finnian, Kannalan, and Minstrel, which determine how certain messaging handles certain aspects of the saddle. FinnianFinnian-style saddles are the lightest of the 3 saddle styles and feature a low-rise pommel, normal cantle, loose stirrups, and has a billet and buckle girth-type system for saddling. It will usually include a pad or not use anything underneath it at all. Per GM Kaikala, the closest real world equivalent would be an English riding saddle. While it can be altered, part of the LOOK will always retain reference to the pommel and stirrups.
--------- SADDLE ME UP SADDLES - ANALYZE INFO --------- This saddle is a saddle (hopefully obviously), meant for use with "horse" mounts. Verb Sets active on this saddle: *Verb Set 1: DROP/PUT, GET, MOUNT (with styles), and DISMOUNT (with styles). MOUNT styles -- MOUNT {STYLE} {target horse} -- that are valid for this saddle's current setup are: RIGHT; LEFT; POMMEL; MANE; JUMP; GRACE-L; GRACE-R DISMOUNT styles -- DISMOUNT {STYLE} -- that are valid for this saddle's current setup are: POMMEL; MANE, JUMP, SLIDE, GRACE-L, GRACE-R --------- ALTERATION INFORMATION --------- The noun cannot change. Saddle styles not covered by these are not currently to be named and put on these particular items. So what can you do? Any merchant may alter the article, adjective, long, and/or show description of the saddle. Any merchant may toggle the pad/blanket status and descriptor. All alterations must be in keeping with the saddle's style (see below). All saddles are made of leather as their underlying base material. Note that some aspects of the LOOK are hard-coded (such as the length of the stirrups) and cannot currently be modified by a merchant. This saddle's style (which is not currently eligible to be changed to another style) is set to Finnian. For alteration purposes, keep the following in mind: The pommel is low-rise (doesn't really jut up vertically), and the cantle is what you'd expect from a "normal" saddle. The stirrups are loose (no flaps). It utilizes a billet and buckle girth type system for saddling. It is lighter than the Minstrel's and Kannalan (heaviest) styles. It will usually include a pad or not use anything underneath at all. The saddle can have pad/blanket as part of its description (and for a few messages). Currently the available styles are: none, single pad, single blanket, pad + blanket. A brief descriptor of any pad/blanket can be added (for example: "sheepskin pad" and "folded blanket" are the defaults; "red and blue-checkered blanket" "vine-embroidered blanket and pale green pad" "thick woolen pad" are a-okay. Avoid anything much longer than those. Don't use any descriptor or material that would not allow the pad/blanket to lie flat on a horse's back. This saddle is set to have a single pad and it is set to use *bone white fleece pad* as its descriptor. -----------------------------------------------------
KannalanKannalan-style saddles are the heaviest of the 3 saddle styles, and feature a horn, stirrups with flaps, and a cinch/latigo/D-ring type of system for saddling. It will commonly utilize a blanket or pad and blanket combination. Per GM Kaikala, the closest real world equivalent would a Western saddle. While it can be altered, part of the LOOK will always retain reference to the pommel and stirrups.
--------- SADDLE ME UP SADDLES - ANALYZE INFO --------- This saddle is a saddle (hopefully obviously), meant for use with "horse" mounts. Verb Sets active on this saddle: *Verb Set 1: DROP/PUT, GET, MOUNT (with styles), and DISMOUNT (with styles). MOUNT styles -- MOUNT {STYLE} {target horse} -- that are valid for this saddle's current setup are: RIGHT; LEFT; HORN; MANE; JUMP; GRACE-L; GRACE-R DISMOUNT styles -- DISMOUNT {STYLE} -- that are valid for this saddle's current setup are: HORN; MANE, JUMP, SLIDE, GRACE-L, GRACE-R --------- ALTERATION INFORMATION --------- The noun cannot change. Saddle styles not covered by these are not currently to be named and put on these particular items. So what can you do? Any merchant may alter the article, adjective, long, and/or show description of the saddle. Any merchant may toggle the pad/blanket status and descriptor. All alterations must be in keeping with the saddle's style (see below). All saddles are made of leather as their underlying base material. Note that some aspects of the LOOK are hard-coded (such as the length of the stirrups) and cannot currently be modified by a merchant. This saddle's style (which is not currently eligible to be changed to another style) is set to Kannalan. For alteration purposes, keep the following in mind: It has a horn. Its stirrups have stirrup flaps. It utilizes a cinch/latigo/D-ring type of system for saddling. It is heavier than the Finnian (lightest) and Minstrel's styles. It will most commonly utilize a blanket or pad + blanket combination. The saddle can have pad/blanket as part of its description (and for a few messages). Currently the available styles are: none, single pad, single blanket, pad + blanket. A brief descriptor of any pad/blanket can be added (for example: "sheepskin pad" and "folded blanket" are the defaults; "red and blue-checkered blanket" "vine-embroidered blanket and pale green pad" "thick woolen pad" are a-okay. Avoid anything much longer than those. Don't use any descriptor or material that would not allow the pad/blanket to lie flat on a horse's back. This saddle is set to have a single blanket and it is set to use *padded orange wool blanket* as its descriptor. -----------------------------------------------------
Minstrel'sMinstrel's saddles are the mid-weight saddle option and feature an upright pommel and cantle, loose stirrups, and a billet and buckle girth-type system for saddling. It is most common to not have anything underneath it, but can have a pad if anything is used for that purpose. Per GM Kaikala, the closest real world equivalent would be a 14th c. jousting saddle. While it can be altered, part of the LOOK will always retain reference to the pommel and stirrups.
--------- SADDLE ME UP SADDLES - ANALYZE INFO --------- This saddle is a saddle (hopefully obviously), meant for use with "horse" mounts. Verb Sets active on this saddle: *Verb Set 1: DROP/PUT, GET, MOUNT (with styles), and DISMOUNT (with styles). MOUNT styles -- MOUNT {STYLE} {target horse} -- that are valid for this saddle's current setup are: RIGHT; LEFT; POMMEL; MANE; JUMP; GRACE-L; GRACE-R DISMOUNT styles -- DISMOUNT {STYLE} -- that are valid for this saddle's current setup are: POMMEL; MANE, JUMP, SLIDE, GRACE-L, GRACE-R --------- ALTERATION INFORMATION --------- The noun cannot change. Saddle styles not covered by these are not currently to be named and put on these particular items. So what can you do? Any merchant may alter the article, adjective, long, and/or show description of the saddle. Any merchant may toggle the pad/blanket status and descriptor. All alterations must be in keeping with the saddle's style (see below). All saddles are made of leather as their underlying base material. Note that some aspects of the LOOK are hard-coded (such as the length of the stirrups) and cannot currently be modified by a merchant. This saddle's style (which is not currently eligible to be changed to another style) is set to Minstrel's. For alteration purposes, keep the following in mind:The pommel sits just upright (pretty much vertically) from the trunk, as does the cantle. The stirrups are loose (no flaps). It utilizes a billet and buckle girth type system for saddling. It is typically heavier than the Finnian style but lighter than the Kannalan style. It will most commonly not utilize anything underneath it, but if it does, a pad is the most likely choice. The saddle can have pad/blanket as part of its description (and for a few messages). Currently the available styles are: none, single pad, single blanket, pad + blanket. A brief descriptor of any pad/blanket can be added (for example: "sheepskin pad" and "folded blanket" are the defaults; "red and blue-checkered blanket" "vine-embroidered blanket and pale green pad" "thick woolen pad" are a-okay. Avoid anything much longer than those. Don't use any descriptor or material that would not allow the pad/blanket to lie flat on a horse's back. This saddle is set to have no pad or blanket. -----------------------------------------------------
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