Category:What Lurks in the Dark

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This is a GM storyline that took place in the Platinum Instance during 2022 and is ongoing. The official title is "What Lurks in the Dark".

What Lurks in the Dark

25 Eoantos:

As friends gathered at The Sea Hag’s Roost for a nightcap, it was interrupted by a woman screaming about murder!  The friends Vyrshkana, Leiana, and Doj went to investigate, running into the alewife Losaria from the pub, Rising Pint.  Losaria said she tripped over some bodies outside the pub, hidden in the beach grass.  When the trio went to look through the grass, they too stumbled across the gruesome scene.  Three dead men were slashed and torn by something very sharp and strong.  While they had large gaping wounds, no blood flowed from them.  There was a light scent of lilac perfume on one of the bodies, but other than that, there were no witnesses.  Tune in next time friends!

6 Lormesta:

All seemed quiet in the Landing, a lone guard on patrol enters the Town's Square to chat with traveling adventurers.  After some time a cool breeze picked up, causing a thick ominous fog cloud to roll in, obscuring everyone's vision.  A shadow darts by but all remains quiet until a bell begins to toll from South Ring Road, signaling the guards.  All the guards, including the one patrolling the town square, rushed to the area. They put up a barrier to keep townsfolk out, although one guard was persuaded by some adventurers to let them through, saying they'd seen an event like this before and with their word they wouldn't mess any evidence up, the guard let them through.  The scene was a bloody one.  A human male body, brutally mutilated, skin flayed and peeled away to expose muscles and bone.  The other, half-elf male body, was in mostly pristine condition except for its heavily thrashed throat. Through investigative means, the adventurers were able to glean some information.  The bodies had their tongues cut out and put into the other's mouth, the half-elf's throat was gnawed down to the spinal column and esophagus, and a very neat silk scarf tied around both, featuring a very skillfully neat bow.

Two sets of bloodied footprints lead away from the scene, down the road until they finally disappear near Shanty Town. They were humanoid in nature, but it was too difficult to make out if they were made by a male or female.  Soon after, the bodies were carried away just as the rain began to pour down, erasing everything else away.  The town became abuzz with gossip about monsters roaming the streets and wild beasts killing off people, even learning that these aren't the first murders like this in Elanthia.  Shortly after the adventurers moved to gain warmth and cover at Thrak's Inn, an elderly couple barged in frantically looking for their niece.  No one answered and they didn't find her and they ran back into the night looking for her.  Something truly is afoot, stay tuned in for next time!

11 Lormesta:


A trio of locals saunter by, murmuring amongst themselves, "I hear it's someone taking women as a sacrifice to take over the lands with demons."  One of the locals laughs nervously as they continue to walk by.

A duo of women pass by you saying, "I hear it's a beast of a man taking all these girls, getting rid of the uglies in our cities."  The second girl pipes up, "Yeah?  Well I heard the aunt and uncle hired someone to kill their niece because they didn't want to take care of a crippled anymore."  The two girls giggle as they go on their way.

A large group of patrons walk by, murmuring amongst themselves, "I hear the aunt and uncle hired someone to kill their niece, they were tired of taking care of her.  You know she was missing an arm?"  Their voices drown out as they move on.

12 Lormesta:

A lovely start to the evening as Clan Leader Rodverg gave a tour of the newly opened market in Zul Logoth. But it quickly turned to disaster as an ominous figure loomed over the group gathered for the small event. As they wandered the town, the group stumbled upon a body in the Marcasite Tunnel. The body .. or better, the skeleton was horribly disfigured. Dwarven race, but the muscles and organs were gone, all that remained were the head, hands, and feet. 

It was pinned to the ground with silver coins. Even more odd were the victim’s clothes folded nearby. When the adventurers finally made a report to the town guard, the guard was able to name the body from their remaining head and family emblem. The body was that of Yanmus Hornshield, who was betrothed to the Orebreaker Family’s only daughter. Before more questions could be asked, bells tolled and the shout of a fire in the Opal Tunnels sounded. 

The guard remained with the body and waited for the town’s healer to come to collect it while the adventurers went to see what was happening. Javubela Orebreak was outside, watching her house burn down. She claimed that her daughter had escorted her out and had gone back in to save her father, but neither came out of the inferno. Guards and adventurers alike attempted to put out the flames but to no avail. The house collapsed, the flames too high and too hot to go near, all that could be done was the let it burn itself out. 

A town investigator is looking into the murder of Yanmus Hornshield! What will they turn up? Who’s to blame?! What truly is … lurking in the dark these days? Tune in, next time folks!


GM Wylloh