The Crimson Moon (storyline)/Chapter 2 (summary)

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A Year Beneath the Crimson Moon - REPORT

9/13/2011 11:09 PM CDT

As time has passed beneath the watchful and ever-present eye of the Crimson Moon, Elanthia has fallen into a dark routine. Reports are flooding in from all over of the activity of Lornon followers in and around all major cities with things such as prayer vigils, study groups, meetings, and open recruiting to join their cause. Fliers can be found in many cities, tacked to the gate posts openly, speaking of social events and prayer meetings. Shop owners report an increase in patrons who openly bear their religious symbols and robings, and citizens have reported that even young teenagers and children have been spotted walking openly with their parents, all clad in their Lornon trappings. This begs the question - Has Lornon become the new majority?

While no temples have been defiled, no Liabo prayer meetings have been disrupted, and no attacks are openly made against Liabo followers, the account of disappearances and sacrifices rise. Several locations of makeshift altars and shrines have been reported as well, some within the city walls, and some in the wilds. Darker, more sinister reports have come in from various cities of Lornon followers being found slaughtered at their sites of worship in what is rumored to be some type of vigilante effort to quell the rising of Lornon followers. Bodies have been found in groups, such as at meetings in the wilds, and in singular or in pairs, such as those found in a Wehnimer's Landing alley recently by an actor leaving the local Bard guild. "I couldn't believe all the blood that was on the ground. It had soaked in some, but there was too much for it to all soak in and it was puddled. Odd, though, there wasn't much of the body itself left. Just a few scraps of emerald cloth, a medallion and some ripped and torn body parts." stated the actor, who wished to be left unnamed for safety.

"While we don't stand behind vigilante acts, we understand the anger and fear of our citizens. We here in Wehnimer's have been through a great deal and many of our people have lost loved ones - in some cases, entire families - to these horrible acts of evil and violence. I would encourage any and all citizens who feel they want to help to join in the rebuilding of the city instead. We have many ways to help and I'm sure that the families affected by these tragedies would be greatly appreciative of whatever can be offered." stated WL official, Izaar on behalf of the Mayor and local government authorities.

As we near the end of the year, when the Crimson Moon would normally rise for just a few weeks as part of the season, we can't help but recall that it was this same time last year when we first laid eyes on this unusual phenomenon, not knowing what it would mean to us just months later. Who knows what is to come as Elanthia continues to be bathed in the bloody light, as the saga of the Crimson Moon continues.

~Elanthian Inquisitor, Dateline Leyan, day 14 of the month Imaerasta in the year 5111

An Afternoon Storm

09/14/2011 06:09 PM CDT

Her back ached more today than before. She paused in her packing, glancing outside of her cottage window as the smell of ozone filtered into her nostrils. She had gained partial sight, but many things were still very blurred and so she still relied upon her other senses the most. She could feel the increased wind and the darkened skies as they prepared for a storm. "I hope it concludes before the moon rises.." she thought to herself, remembering the last time it rained at night and how the empaths said the droplets looked like blood as they plinked on the ground. An involuntary shudder coursed through her aged frame and she shook it off, steeling herself as she turned to finish her packing. "You cannot let your emotions get involved. You know this is the one rule. Do as the path tells you to, nothing more and nothing less. Anything different will cause chaos and destruction in ways that I cannot comprehend otherwise. Just. Follow. The. Path." Her resolve back in place, she closed her bag and tucked the note she'd received from a grubby little child a few days ago. She was glad that they understood her purpose finally, and would allow her to do her job. She expected some resistence, and would meet it with the same resolve of before. She could not do anything else, as it was their decisions that shaped the events unfolding.

A knock came at the door, and she pulled herself from her thoughts, walking over and squinting to make out the form of the driver. Once assured that was who it was, she opened the door and nodded as the driver said, "Seer, its time to go. A storm is coming." Reaching behind her to grab her bag, she cringed a little as her muscles protested weakly. "Here, let me get that. You're still recovering from the poison and we've a long ride ahead of us." Hoisting the bag into the back of the carriage, the driver helped the seer into her seat and climbed into his, cracking a whip to set the horses to moving. Ahead, a crack of lightning forked through the dark, rain-filled clouds and it began to rain lightly just as they took off. The driver glanced up at the late afternoon skies and murmured to himself, "I hope it ends before the moon rises.." as the carriage disappeared down the trail to Wehnimer's Landing.


09/15/2011 02:53 PM CDT

"Place it over in a pile with the others, please."

Nilandia pointed to the sacks of grain and the delivery man added a new addition to the growing heap. She murmured her thanks and pressed a few coins into his hand as he left. Sweeping her gaze over the accumulated foods, she smiled faintly. Almost all of the supplies had arrived and soon they could make the journey.

This trip would have to be taken soon if the food would help the people in need. Subarl, a village south of Ta'Vaalor, was afflicted with a disastrous famine. The cultists had taken advantage of the situation, promising food and relief to those who joined them. Averting hunger would bolster the people's resolve to resist the darkness. Or so she hoped.

Returning to the desk, Nilandia began to compose a series of messages to send to her many contacts. The more people who could help transport the food and contribute their own, the better. Several people had volunteered, including a storm mage to bring rains and help the failing crops. All that was left was to come together and make the journey. If all went well, she would be back in time for her other work to begin. She had just placed the seal on the last message and sent it for delivery when the next delivery arrived.

A Letter To The Combined Liabo Forces

09/16/2011 12:14 PM CDT

To All Who Seek to Protect the Innocent and Hold Back the Darkness:

We all stand strong in our Faiths and desires to what is right in the face of mounting aggression from the Loronites. Yet even as we strive to stand firm under this crimson moon we find ourselves often divided. Bickering over the proper course of action has become the norm and it cannot be allowed to continue if we hope to persevere. Our personal opinions, wants and egos must come second to the greater goal in this conflict. It is with this in mind that I propose a leader for our unified forces. While we all must have our say we need someone to ultimately make a final decision. From this point forward the Delcian, Ronan's Chosen, speaks for me as well. I will follow his lead on non-Military matters regarding the Crimson Moon and Lornonites. On matters of battle I defer as always to the ranking members of the Militia. I encourage others who would not hobble us due to their own pride to do the same.

By My Own Hand,

Brinret Ithillote Lord High Inquisitor Hand of the Huntress Militia Scouts

A Night of Preparations

09/18/2011 10:48 PM CDT

A subtle glow filled the area deep in the heart of the forest, where the foliage of trees is so dense as to block most of the moonlight from touching the ground. The nature of the glow is only perceived by those heavily skilled in the arts of weaving mana. Several trips are made back and forth by stealth, quiet steps and care not to disrupt the quiet of the darkest part of night as stacks of books, supplies and furniture is carried down a faint trail. She stood quietly, a deep cowl shadowing her face as she waited for the end of the deliveries. She was enjoying the peaceful darkness, free of the crimson influence that she normally felt in the deepest part of her bones. She knew it was not entirely gone, as just outside of the boughs of the ancient trees framing the area, the moon's bloody eye continued to stare down upon them. But at least here, amongst not only the protective wards, but the clustering forest as well, it seemed to be a distant thing. She also hoped it would put her aides at ease as well, for they were very tense and it was seeping into her with each meeting she had with them. "Follow your path, that is all that you must do." she repeated to herself once more, one of the many times she'd reminded herself over the past few days.

"Seer, the rooms are ready for you to inspect." came the quiet words, bringing her from her thoughts with a nod and a murmured word of thanks. She was lead down the trail and into the clearing, where the location was set up for her and her aides to handle their translation work. "I'd like two of the chairs placed just outside of the door, please. Oh, and place a sidecart there also for refreshments. I'm sure they will appreciate them." she noted as she took a somewhat blurry stock of the area. Quickly, her requests were accomodated as she wove her fingers together in an intricate fashion, causing a dome of pale blue light to entertwine with the blinding white sparkles already surrounding the building. After a moment, she exhaled, obviously tired from the use of such magic, and she observed the wards to ensure she had taken correct precautions. Once satisfied, she entered and made herself familiar with the surroundings. "Please place the texts over there in the corner, and be careful as some are older than you! And I'll have the quills, parchment and ink set up on the shelves." she directed as she walked from corner to corner, ensuring everything went into its proper place. "Watch those solvents! Put them on the other shelves, away from the books!" "Those tables can be spread apart, please, there will be three of us working in here at once so give us some space please." "Oh don't put that tome with the other, they don't even remotely pertain to one another!" "Watch it, you'll spill the ink! Set it to the side, please! Oh be careful!" "Yes, right there, that's perfect, thank you."

As the last of the supplies were in place, she let out a long breath and nodded to the remaining guards who took their places outside and left her alone to her thoughts. Tiredly, she made her way to one of the three tables and settled down on a chair, taking quill and ink and writing a note with cramping fingers. After completion, she duplicated the letter and sealed them both, addressing them to two of her chosen aides. She then wrote another to her supplier, sealing it as well, and finally she wrote two more to her chosen guards, sealing them with the last of her wax. She gathered the parchments, tucking them into her arm as she wandered into the back area of the building, where the quarters were located. She noted with some satisfaction that two beds had been brought in so that if one of the aides should need rest, it was provided. Reaching over to the pitcher of water, she poured herself a glass and drank long from it, then set it to the side and tucked her letters beneath her pillow. Next came her body as she climbed into the soft bed, her aged frame creaking with protest and tiredness. A snap of her fingers doused the magical flames inside the nearest lamp and she was bathed in darkness as rest finally came.

Outside, the contention of guards stood silently and stoicly at attention, their eyes fixed upon the clearing and above as they kept watch for any signs of disturbance. As the snap of the old seer's fingers extinguished the lamp, the subtly glowing trail also shimmered into darkness, revealed no more to the passerby.

Missions of Mercy

09/19/2011 07:55 PM CDT

The wagons' low drone echoed throughout the morning as a constant accompaniment to the travelers' steps. Some walked beside the carts to guard the cargo against bandits and other mischief, while others guided the animals pulling them to their destination. In the midst of it all wandered a young sylvan woman, endlessly checking on some detail or other. Weeks of preparation had come to fruition in a journey to bring food to a starving village south of Ta'Vaalor.

Thunder rumbled across the sky, drawing gazes upward. The sylvan cast a glance over to the dark elf sitting atop a pile of grain sacks, his arms lifted skyward. She smiled. The storm mage was starting early. She paused to check with the paladin traveling with the party, ensuring the food was kept fresh and unspoiled, before returning to her seat next to one of the drivers.

The village was silent as they entered. Children and adults stood and stared at the entering party, as if not able to believe what they were seeing. The carts circled in the village square and the travelers surrounded them. Now was the time of greatest danger, as hunger drives all people to desperation. Silence settled on the square for two heartbeats before chaos erupted, quenched only by the rains that had been so desperately needed.


A caravan of empty wagons slowly returned to Ta'Vaalor with the exhausted party. The sylvan made sure to thank each traveler personally before she continued on to her apartment in Ta'Illistim. She arrived to find a stack of unread messages waiting for her and sighed. Then she saw the seal on the message at the top of the pile and she immediately picked it up.

"The work begins," she murmured. "And not a moment too soon."

Aiding the Landing

09/20/2011 11:38 PM CDT

Early in the evening, the townsfolk of the Landing were heard to report that jackals were circling the city. The defenders gathered to fight off the threat, but were surprised to see that the jackals were weak and not very numerous. Sheruvian cultists were also observed. Chanting was heard, particularly from the southern end of Lower Dragonsclaw, and a jackal-headed totem was discovered.

Ivasian cultists joined the Sheruvians as the defenders began to work on destroying the totem. Only sorcerers' disintegrate had any effect, and interfering with the totem resulted in the person being poisoned, but it eventually was destroyed. The Ivasians vanished, but the Sheruvians persisted and drew attention away from the Landing. Eventually, a figure was seen in the sky that appeared to be controlling the cultists, and with a few gestures from the figure, the cultists vanished. (It's possible that it was Azorlok, though it wasn't explicitly stated.)

Soon after things quieted down, it was noticed that some places around the Landing had been defaced. The statue in the park, the bank and the Thrak inn had all been vandalized with Lornonite graffiti. The tent in the park had also been painted and pushed over enough that it could not be entered. The food from the cart in the park had been tossed aside and spoiled, while the cart was carved with the message, "For those in need, find solace in the shadows!"

A group of people gathered to try to clean up the graffiti, and after some trial and error, most was removed. The cart and tent were deemed not able to be saved, but the statue, bank and inn were all cleaned. As they were working, Myke gathered signatures of support for his petition to rebuild and strengthen Shanty Town. It was also heard that the cultists had broken into a supply of weapons and armor to steal most of what was stored. They had also poisoned the well's water supply and had disrupted the supply of healing herbs.

It is suspected by some that the cultists are attempting to remove the Landing's ability to support and defend itself, but plans are in motion to counteract what has been done.

- A discarded glass vial of what is suspected to be the poison introduced into the water supply was recovered and is being studied to create an antidote. - Water is being distilled to supply the people in the meantime. - Empaths are being contacted in the guild to grow herbs. - Herbalists in other cities are being contacted to ship the potion herbs to the Landing. - Forgers are requested to begin making weapons to replace the stock that was lost. - Armorers in other cities are being contacted to ship new sets of armor to the Landing. - The merchant's guild in the Landing is being contacted for the name of a reputable contractor to replace the food cart and tent in the park.

It is suggested that all in the Landing keep a close watch of their surroundings in case that more attempts to sabotage the city are undertaken.

Dream a Little Dream

10/04/2011 07:38 PM CDT

Flickering light broke through the darkness, causing her eyes to tighten with the futility of blocking it. "Yuratlya." came the woman's voice, "Yuratlya." again - this time more firmly. "Yuratlya, do you hear me?" came the voice again, persistently invading the cocoon of her unconscious. An inner groan rumbled through her mind as her bones ached in the process of sitting up. "Yes, yes, I'm up.." she grumbled, and managed to squint against the brightness of day enough to see the outline of the empath. "How long have I been out?" "Two days, seer. We were very worried but the clerics have been praying over you vigilantly."

Two days. Her mind ached with the sudden influx of memories as she sat up fully. Nightmares. Visions of fire and flame, of smoke and destruction. Death. The screams of the damned filled her with fear as she remembered the sound and their agonized visages. A shiver ran through her and she felt weakened, almost toppling but for the attention of the empath. "Seer!" the girl exclaimed, and then called out for another to come and help the elderly woman. A guard stepped in, eyes falling upon the old gnome with a friendly and concerned expression. "Seer, you are awake. It is good to see. I will fetch the clerics." and then he was gone before Yuratlya could even bother to nod in response. She felt sick to her stomach and had to swallow down the bile before it rose up from within.

"The visions..." she murmured, and the voice of a cleric repeated her statement as he entered the room. "Yes, the visions. You have been out for two days, seer, plagued with nightmarish visions. We have worked hard over you while you slept, if that is even the right word to describe your torment." He walked over and placed a gentle hand on her frail shoulder, smiling finally as he said "You are very strong, you know. I am positive you are looked over and are meant to stay. But it was touch and go for a bit. That book.." he trailed off, glancing at a locked box guarded by two well-armed clerics in the corner of the room.

The book! She remembered now. The book had taken its toll on her and when she'd been moved to avoid the invasion of Luukosians, she had fallen to its curse. "I've been foolish." she scolded herself inwardly, angry that she had not taken the proper precautions in the effort to translate. She turned her attention to the cleric, who was holding out a pair of gloves to her and speaking quietly. "These have been worked over by all of the most powerful clerics in this area and we have faith it will help you when dealing with the text. You must take breaks, however, Yuratlya. You cannot work on this text as often as you have been and expect not to feel its wrath." She accepted the gloves, glancing at the way the fabric shimmered subtly as she turned them over in her hands. A frown crossed her face and she nodded. She did not want to wait to translate the text, it was so important for them to know of what they faced. Yet, she could not deny the truth in the cleric's words - she was falling to the curse and the only way to prevent it was to space out her time with the book.

"Very well, you have my word that I will take breaks." she acquiesced. "And.. you'l use the gloves." the cleric added, prompting a nod from Yuratlya once more. "Good. Now take a day to rest, and then you can travel back tomorrow once you are looked over." he continued, and then turned to give instructions to the empath as to Yuratlya's care for the remainder of the day. "I'll be back to see you tomorrow, seer. Rest please." he said as he exited the room, and she was ushered back to bed by the empath, who eased her head to the pillow and placed a cool rag on her brow. she thought to herself as her eyes fluttered shut, the gloves still clutched in her small hand.

Translation Begins and Luukosian Attack

10/06/2011 04:54 PM CDT

The seer Yuratlya has been working with her assistants on translating the Dark Requiem for the past few weeks.

The meetings with the seer proceeded quietly the first week, though she began to show signs of fatigue and illness on the second week. She begged time to rest on the 27th, which was readily given. The next meeting, on the 29th, went quite poorly. A guard arrived in the park and notified all present that Luukosians had located where the work was being conducted and flooded the area. The seer had been spirited away unharmed, but the Luukosians had erected a shrine in the area. The guard requested help in purging the location.

After everyone was prepared, Hraus led the group to the location, and they were met by various Luukosians as well as snakes, worms and other sorts of creatures. They appeared to be led by a cultist who was involved in the kidnapping of Myriamie June 28th (named Abran but I don't believe the name is known), who claimed that those present would serve Luukos that night. Myke killed the cultist twice and fogged him to the Voln monastery, though it seemed to have no effect. Instead, he spoke Luukos' blessing on several people.

Instead, all those present dropped one by one to the Luukosians save Caden and Nilandia. As much gear was collected as possible and the dead were returned to the Landing to begin healing and raising them. Requests for help resulted in the arrival of two priests of Lorminstra who likewise did not give their names, but appeared in game as Aldrik and Pyali. They assisted with the dead as they could, and Aldrik also cleansed Luukos' influence from almost all who had received it. Pyali then told those gathered that many trials lay ahead, but emphasized the need for coming together in a unified effort. They departed, but pledged continued assistance should it be needed. The night remained quiet after that.

The seer remained resting after the attack until last night, October 5th, when she arrived in the park to meet with those who had volunteered to assist her. She recounted her her work with the text had taken its toll on her and left her vulnerable to Sheru's influence. Indeed, she had been unconscious for two straight days, afflicted with nightmarish visions until the priests attending her had managed to dispel them. They had also provided her with a pair of gloves to lessen the hold the tome had over her. Reluctantly, she had assented to their demands that she rest and take food and drink.

After some confusion to whom would follow her, she retired with her assistants to resume the translation work, which continued with few troubles within. A few difficulties were noted outside, but not enough to disrupt the translation work.

Creepy Lornonites

11/09/2011 08:47 AM CST

Last night while Mithogras, Ephelysse and Delcian were in the Rivers Rest commons they began seeing movement in the shadows, each one started to see different things. Delcian heard a mocking laughter in his heard and then the scars on his face begaun to hurt.

Ephelysse and Mithogras saw the other with an odd look in their eyes.

A chilling laughter filled the air before a shadowy winged figure was seen in the air.

The Crimson Runs Freely

11/09/2011 05:55 PM CST

After weeks of quiet, with only the occasional skirmish or disappearance to report, citizens all over Elanthia are now reporting concerns over an increase in creature activity. From various places about the continent, citizens are being attacked by packs of roaming creatures, many of which incidents have resulted in injuries and sometimes death. The attacks appear to be random in nature, happening in both daytime and nighttime hours, against young and old travellers alike. In many cases, the packs of creatures attack a group of two or less travelling outside of city limits, and then dissipate afterwards without further issue. Travellers are asked to be cautious while making their way in the wilds as the dangers continue to rise.

In other news, a breakout of what can only be described as mass mental disturbances has been reported from various cities as well. Several citizens report having seen visions of horrifying magnitude, both in the environment and in other people. These attacks of mental disturbance seem to happen only in the evening, and are also random in nature as they attack. Authorities are looking into what might be causing this and have considered the tainted water supply found in Wehnimer's Landing as a possible catalyst. Testing will be undergoing over the next few weeks in an effort to find a solution.

~Elanthian Inquisitor

Darkness Returns

11/10/2011 08:08 PM CST

On the evening of November 8, people experienced a series of strange experiences. As Delcian mentioned, some people saw activity with the shadows, or a winged creature in the air. Others heard laughter, or had their skin feel like it was on fire.

In the park, Nilandia sensed an entity of such overwhelming malice that it sent her reeling. Soon after, Seremela appeared to be overcome by terror and went rigid. Her eyes became black and a deep, cold voice spoke through her. The voice first began taunting Nilandia, but moved to other people. The voice targeted Shilarra, claiming that she had served 'us' so well and that her deeds were of 'Me' and not of Imaera. It also stated that the seer (understood to be Yuratlya) trusted Fjalar, but wondered if Yuratlya knew about Fjalar's wife Sadan.

Over time, Nilandia told the entity to leave Seremela so they could speak directly and Shilarra spoke rather belligerently to it. The voice responded by threatening harm to Seremela. Shilarra persisted, and Seremela's throat constricted so she began to choke. Nilandia was thrown to the ground when she attempted to help Seremela, who succumbed to death soon after. Seremela herself returned upon her death, but seemed to have no knowledge of what had happened. The night was calm after that.

The evening of November 9 brought attacks upon a few people in various places.

A man named Uckle was outside the Landing when he noticed a bloody mist following him as he moved. It tripped him just outside the gate, and he made his way to the park. He found a hiding place, but the other people there noticed the mist dissipating from the shadows where he hid.

Hraus was hunting near River's Rest when he heard scraping sounds. They were accompanied by an overpowering stench and the sound of undead creatures moaning as they crawled out of the ground. He was then attacked by undead men and women either missing eyes or with crimson eyes. They were noticed at one point to pause and face the crimson moon, but they continued to attack as more people arrived. A chill wind blew during the attacks, but it ceased as the attack died down.

Soon afterward, however, Kalyse was hunting arch wights on the Plains of Bone near Ta'Vaalor when the ground shook and she fell. Wolves and wolfshades appeared soon after, which she was able to handle easily. The creatures grew stronger, however, including rotting warriors and a shaman corpse, until she was wounded and forced to fall back. Other people arrived soon after, but the creatures soon vanished.

Ukon likewise reported troubles on the coastal cliffs and a similar attack was observed near the mausoleum and the wrecked village. Others arrived to assist and the attacks dissipated soon after.

Crops Diminishing, Supplies found Ransacked

11/12/2011 08:28 PM CST

Reports of vanquished crops, fallen to disease and victims of pests, are coming in from all over Elanthia. Many farmers are concerned about their ability to maintain throughout the cold winter season as their crops fall one by one to mysterious infestations and what appears to be poisoning of the roots. Local shops are unable to stock supplies for sale as before, and prices are rising rapidly, making it more difficult for the commoner to purchase the necessities. Some shop owners have resorted to using the adventurer's guilds around Elanith in order to replenish supplies with crops grown wild as the focus seems to be on the cultivated crops instead.

During this all, invasions of creatures are on the uprise and travelers continue to run into danger outside of city limits. The Empath's Guild is reporting an amassing of healers that are skilled in growing herbs so that help can be given to the wounded who would otherwise suffer without the much needed plants. The supply is stretched thin, however, as even the stores of the local militias are being found and vanquished by some unknown means, leaving everyone in great need of replenishments. Thankfully, the water supplies have not been reported as of yet as tainted, but this reporter believes it is only a matter of time given the trend of things over the last week.

More as it comes in.

~The Elanthian Inquisitor

...and the Roltons Did Swarm

11/18/2011 12:04 AM CST

A short time later..

Trudging to the south-eastern corner of the town square, Myke released a loud grunt as he dropped several more rolton carcasses off outside of the general store and called inside, "Megorn, I'd say we'll need another couple of salt barrels. I'll go grab Dakris before he leaves for the night, I'm sure he'll have no problem lending a hand butchering these roltons. I'll add the meat to the stockpiles."

Pausing to wipe the sweat from his brow he mumbled off-handedly, "Great idea, Philnia."

The Impending Frost

11/19/2011 04:40 PM CST

A lot had happened while he was away, and from what he could tell not a whole lot of it was good. The rifts seemed wider, opinions more varied, and the opposition to the Lornon threat appeared to be wavering. He couldn't blame them. The tactics that were being applied were textbook. Jaired idly scratched the tips of his fingers into the dark stubble under his chin, his eyes intent as they studied the documents and maps scattered across the table. It was time to finally settle back in as the Marshal. He'd blown a few of the surrounding sconces out to put the Keep's library in a dimmer light. The dark always helped him think. There wasn't enough food to feed them all, and the placement of the Minotaur's forces were perfect to maintain a blockade by land, and a blockade by sea seemed the next logical step. It was going to be a very long winter. Sure, they could find other ways to survive and live off of the land... but for how long? There were too many. The prophecy had given him an uneasy sense of inevitability.

His first thought was to simply go underground. The writing was on the wall. When winter came and all of the food was gone, and all of the water was spoiled... those that had not already given in to desperation would seek salvation wherever they could find it. Those loyal to the Crimson Moon would be ready to offer it. In time, anybody still opposing them would be seen as the enemy. If they'd just stop fighting and give in, everything would be fine. Those that fought would be blamed for the actions of other men, and the thirsty and the dying would believe it all. He'd be targeted along with anyone beside him, made out as villains... and summarily dealt with. And everything would be fine... for a time. Until the last ounce of resistance had been squelched or relegated into mere insignificance. Then everything would change and the true intentions would be made clear. This part was textbook as well.

If they went underground and worked in secrecy, he could avoid much of that... but only for so long. Eventually they'd just be painted in the same light and rooted out. Although... it did give him an idea. His hands brushed aside a few worthless documents until he pulled free a rough map of the catacombs and set it beside a more detailed map of the Landing. One stockpile would be reckless. They'd need many. They'd even need some that they'd be willing to sacrifice. He quickly snagged up his quill and began sketching out various key locations that would be most suitable. He'd need someone to look for alternate springs of water as well. Then he began writing out various proposals to present to the town Officials, as well as to various guild leaders. Stockpiles would need guarding, supplies would need smuggling, spoiling food and water would need purifying, new resources would need scouting, and herbs would need growing. There were many roles that needed to be filled.

He had to account for spies. He was counting on it. They'd endure as long as they could. He even began flirting with the idea that they may succeed, but that was not what he was planning for anymore. Many would suffer, many would die, and eventually... they may very well fall. He grinned a bit in spite of himself as he dropped the quill to the table to give his ink-stained knuckles a well deserved crack. At least they'd go out trying, or at least that is what they'd make it look like. The prophecy was what it was, but if someone knows where a stone is going to fall, it doesn't mean they have to catch it. He'd spent enough time planning for the inevitable. It was time to start planning for what came after.

Where to start...


11/20/2011 02:57 PM CST

He leaned back, half-seated atop a ramshackle pile of crates at the edge of Shanty Town with a hand fishing into the ornate eonake tome case on his hip and fished out a pair of parchment rolls. Unfurling them in his hands, no sooner had he set about starting to peruse them when he heard the creak of cart wheels and the local teens he'd grown so used to employing arrived with the small cart full of supplies.

"Ah, I'm glad you kids are here. Good to see you Bolivar," he inclined his head to each of them in turn, "Yand, Teress." The trio were eager to help, and followed adventurers passing through the area about with that perpetual gaze of admiration and envy.

"We got the extra wood and barrels you wanted, Lord Myke!" Teress and Bolivar spoke over one another, both eagerly declaring the same sentiment in so many words. Yand was already eagerly unloading them beside the small cart. He looked over and saw the papers Myke seemed to be looking over and inquisitively probed, "What's that? More supply lists?"

"Mm? Oh, no, Yand. One page is mostly scribbles, so I can keep track of the supplies we've gathered so far. Not encoded per se, but just something to jog my memory and help me recall what we've gathered so far. We've got the barrels for Laethia's garden idea, we just need to halve them and set them aside for when we fix up the homes, Mayor permitting. Then we've got the food stores.. rolton meat, crops, and some other notes."

"Oleha had a great idea to supplement the foodstores, we've no shortage of water, so I want to run with her idea and get some crude fishing poles made and passed out. Folks can fish steadily, even in winter, and we can pack the fish in salt to preserve them longer." Slipping a small piece of charcoal from his cuff, he made a few marks on the page as if to make a note of that.

"What is the other page, sir?" Teress timidly made her way closer, hands folded behind her back and long slender neck craned to peer towards the pages in his hands. He shuffled the first page behind the second and looked it over with features hardening into a look of concentration.

"Well, the second pertains to matters a bit less easy to manage. We've got the town to consider, but this overall problem extends far beyond it and we can't just wait and react to everything that unfolds. They're going to find new ways to make life hard for us and we need to anticipate it. We need everyone willing lending aid and feeling like their beliefs and views are respected. Someone not long ago told me, you have to lead people the way they need to be led. You can't just bark orders and expect people to care. Right now.. I'm just trying to find the people who will answer the call to help win this war for balance. Then, we need to make sure everyone is being used properly, and to their satisfaction. After that, we put it all into action and see if we can't turn the tide."

He sighed slightly. He knew he was reading off steps he might never come close to actually bringing to life, but the logic was sound. He'd learned a great deal in that capacity, growing as a leader, but a leader he was not yet. May never be. But people had to remain unified, and he had to do what he could at every turn to win this war. Too many people would suffer far worse if they failed, and anything less than his all was a failure of commitment. He had faith they would succeed, he needed to make others believe.

"We need to gather the people who want to make a difference, and give others reason to believe a difference will be made. That a difference IS being made. We can't force people to care, to help, or to believe.. but we can do what we feel we must and hope the example gives them reason to believe of their own accord."

At this point, his awareness of the trio's presence seemed to dim, he was speaking almost to himself. Reassuring himself perhaps? Repeating for clarity? Who knew. His thoughts were clearly burdened by the matter, "We have to lead, not push."

But would anyone rally? Would they all just straggle about doing what they felt they had to separately? There were still issues lingering in the pit of his stomach. So much to do, and it felt like they had so few resources..

Resources. "Hmmm." He stood, pushing the pages away into his case and closing the lid. "You kids keep unloading, I need to look into something."

And with that he was off. But to where?


11/21/2011 03:43 AM CST

Lydanis felt the guard's pulse - weak and erratic but persistent. Though taciturn and grudging in his respect towards a Master of the Order who openly wore the symbol of his devotion to the Lord of the Hunt, the fellow was known to be reliable and Lydanis doubted that simple intoxication was the cause of his unconscious state; there was a strong odour of cheap brandy about him, but a cursory examination had shown that it rose from his clothing and was not detectable on his breath.

Rolling up his cloak as a makeshift pillow, Lydanis made the guard as comfortable as he might and was setting off to find one of the monks to aid when something in the thick vegetation near the moat caught his eye. It was a small glass vial, intact and filled with a clear, viscous fluid. He picked it up carefully in a gloved hand and stowed it in his belt-pouch for later examination.

Some hours afterwards, in River's Rest, he handed over the vial to Lord Mithogras. It was unfortunate that the Lady Ephelysse was unavailable, since neither her father nor her daughter fully trusted Lydanis. They had justification, to be sure - he had caused them considerable trouble in the past - but he would sooner have confided his discovery to the Lady herself. To his sorrow, even the Daughter of Andelas who companioned Laethia treated Lydanis with gruff disdain.

Still, with the exception of the grumbling Shadow, they listened with guarded courtesy as he told of the morning's events and of the batch of bad bread that the Monastery's cook had blamed on the local miller. It was true that the consignment of flour most recently delivered had a greyish colour and a musty smell, so much so that Lydanis had queried the cook's judgment in using it. Questioned by the Grand Master himself, the man had reluctantly owned that on the morning in question, he had overslept and the dough for the day's bread had been prepared by an apprentice. Further questioning revealed that the apprentice had not been seen since that morning.

Feeling that the good monks had been sufficiently alarmed for their present safety, Lydanis had privately decided that the vial in his belt-pouch need not be produced to trouble them further, at least until expert assessment had confirmed its nature.

Lord Mithogras agreed that he would pass the vial to his daughter for detailed analysis, though concurring with the assessment Lydanis himself had made, that it was some form of concentrated toxin. He went on to inform Lydanis of much that he had missed in his travels to Ta' Nalfein on Temple business; the recent spate of poisoning of foodstuffs and water around the Landing and Solhaven, and the rising fear that the Crimson Moon's adherents meant to starve the citizenry into submission.

He and Laethia even suggested that Lydanis might find it advisable in these times to be less open about his own affiliation, since many would assume that a servant of any Immortal but those of Liabo was aligned with the enemy.

Clearly, no self-respecting Paladin would lightly discard the symbol of his Patron. Still, mused Lydanis as he made his way back from River's Rest to the Temple at Solhaven, it would not be a simple matter to persuade those who stood against the Crimson of his good faith should he offer his aid in purifying water and foodstuffs, or in guarding supplies against contamination by stealth. Surely, there must be some way in which he could help - but would he be given a chance, or would he simply find himself staring at the walls of a cell until someone decided that it was not worth feeding a suspect?

Getting the Ball Rolling

11/21/2011 06:43 PM CST

Myke was busy this morning, in particular he was currently at the herbalist's in Wehnimers.

"Alright, here are the copies of the notice, Syiah. If you could get one to the heads of the Empath Guild it'd be great. I talked to some of the local healers, but we need to make sure that we've got a steady source of herb production incase any stores get destroyed. With any luck they can commit the guild to stockpiling and guarding some large stores. Talk to Surtey and see if he has any thoughts on things, if you would. Stay safe, too. If you catch wind of any more cultists hassling the other shop keepers just send word and I'll do what I can."

With a wave he was off, moving through the busy morning streets with a distant look plastered over his face. His thoughts were in a million places at once, and it was only a dim awareness of the tension in his face that made him realize he probably looked a bit angry. He had a tendency to have a natural scowl that formed when he was focused, and when you are a massive heavily-armored giantkin toting a flaming black claidhmore over one shoulder, that's not always the best for reassuring the townsfolk. Trying to shake it off he smiled a bit at a passing family, but the moment of detachment from the gravity of the situation was enough to remind him of just who would suffer if they all failed. He turned down the nearest street, Stormarm. Stepping aside into the back alley of Helga's he reached up and pulled off his visor.

It all seemed to crash in at once. A bead of sweat formed at his brow, and while a voice in the back of his head calmly stated 'All will be well', a torrent of thoughts washed over him. Were they taking the proper steps? Were they doing enough? Was he making sure enough people understood what was taking place? Had he forgotten anything? ...The pressure he fought off with confidence and faith was closing in. His hand instinctively lifted to his chest and found the small white shield amulet there. His thumb rubbed over it, and a faint corona of white light blossomed around its edges.

"They will be fine. We will protect them.."

The crippling anticipation began to fade. He knew he had a habit of attempting too much, too quickly. There were allies now. Their numbers were growing. He was taking the Seer and Hanos' words to heart. Rhyssa had taught him to choose his words more carefully, and not push..

It was as he told the others.. if they set the right example, others would follow.

All would be well.

Sliding his visor back into place, a relieved sigh escaped his burdened chest and his posture straightened.

"Stay focused," he muttered to himself, "There is more work to do. It's time to find more help."

Calling a Meeting

11/22/2011 04:37 PM CST

After a series of discussions, several adventurers are calling for all to gather in the meeting hall of the Militia Keep, the evening of the 27th at nine in the evening. All are encouraged to attend to help coordinate relief efforts for the crop failures and anticipated upcoming famine.

Lighting Candles

11/27/2011 04:33 PM CST

A single night away, toiling as he had been. A single night away and he felt as if he had let his home down. All of his efforts felt momentarily inconsequential, even with the dim lingering knowledge that his presence would likely not have changed anything. He stood side the weatherworn grey marble statue of Rone Wehnimer and surveyed the park.. the rosebush Aurorah had made blush so long ago decaying to the west in the niche. The ground befouled. The knowledge it would happen made it no easier to stomach. Word had only just reached him of Dyhne's passing, and rumor of Azorlok's presence the prior eve.

It was hard to know just what to feel. Rage? Was it worth keeping his temper in the face of such infuriating adversity? Depression? Could he even hold fast to the hope that all would turn out for the best? The odds had grown so steep that they felt like less than a mouse cornered by a cat. It felt as if they were little more than a flickering candle seated at the core of an eternal and endless void. It simply waited for the wick to burn down. A flicker, a puff.. and they would be gone. The consideration sat cold in his chest and for only a moment his eyes grew distant.

A flicker of movement drew his attention. It was not there in the park, but distant. It was to the east, and it danced not within the gaze of his stormy blue right eye, but the paled gaze of his left. Insubstantial and hazy, the world faded pale as the colors bled. The spiritual realm lay before his gaze and there beneath the temple was the flickering light of a trapped soul. A lesser shade beneath the temple.

In the moment he found himself walking the streets of the town until he stood before the shade, there in the catacombs beneath the temple. As the rather pathetic little undead swung out at him mindlessly with that rusted short sword, he stepped aside and drew a glowing symbol in the air. There upon the stair he watched as a white glow seperated itself from the lesser shade's body and rose, accompanied by the sound of joyful weeping.

It was just that simple. There was no emotion to revel in. If all there were was a candle, then their job was to shed light as best they could in the time afforded to do so. Turning, he ascended back into the Temple proper and made his way back through town. He paused to hand a passing runner a letter produced from within his tabard and a brief instruction to deliver it to the Mayor. A few coins exchanged hands and he was moving once more. It was not until he reached the town square's center that he stopped to look around. In just a few hours their intended gathering would take place. They had known this day would come, they had known the darkness would close in.

It was time to light the candles.

Renewed Resolve - Warning the People 11/30/2011 12:12 AM CST

A bundle of wide wooden planks under his arm, his hammering could be heard late into the night. They weren't much, but it was a start. His incessant hammering finished, he left the well and made for shanty town.

He prepared the boards as he moved, stuffing one halfway into his tabard at an awkward angle and clasping one between his hands and looking it over. He grimaced slightly at his hand-writing. It wasn't terrible, but it was certainly not the most even or well-made sign. He set about hanging the signs around his adopted corner of town.

One sign read: "Warning: Town Water Tainted. Seek Distilled Sources. Help is here."

Another depicted the town well with an arrow to the water and a skull and crossbones over it.

Yet another read: "Warning: Lornon Plague Spreading. Food and Water Tainted. Help is coming to provide from stores. - Lord Myke"

Finally, a sign with less of a warning and more a reminder, "Unite. This is our home. Strength in Community."

The last of his signs hung for the time being, he sat down outside of a nearby hut. The second his posture slouched he felt the fatigue and weight he had been struggling against crash against him. His eyes closed and he dozed off almost immediately there in the slums of the town. Sometimes, Ronan was a truly merciful ally. Just a few moments rest.. There was more work to be done. For now, he felt he needed to be here.


11/30/2011 03:53 PM CST

"A typical meal from the grocer runs about 160 silvers. A drink at Helga's to unwind runs about 250 silvers. A night at Frith's Inn only runs about 200 silvers. That, plus a few hundred in incentive could round out to an even thousand coins a day in pay for each additional guard. Putting a pair for day and night watch at both gates and three two-man patrols around town, that comes out to twenty thousand a day in guard fees. To get us through the winter months, that comes out to 1 million and 8 hundred thousand coins for guards alone."

He set aside a few slips of paper and eyed another.

"A heavy slab of steel runs for 150 silvers, and paying the blacksmiths for their time fashioning the fittings and nails to reinforce the gates won't be cheap either. Then we'll need to pay a labor force, which won't be cheap since we'll need additional guard to protect them while they work outside the walls. Even if it's just a few extra hands to keep the roltons and kobolds at bay, it won't be cheap. We'll need the work done quickly as well. The longer it takes the more open we are to sabotage or winter setting in too heavily. This will cost us another million and a half easily. We'll need almost four million to get this all underway and have breathing room for set-backs. Thankfully I think I know a few people who can help raise that money."

He tucked the papers back into the case at his hip and peered out around shanty town from his seat atop a metal-framed crate just barely intact well enough to support his bulk, both his colossal size and heavy armor. "Well, we have workers here in need of a way to line their pockets and feed their families... but they need to be trained. Teaching them to hold a sword rightside-up and cut down a rat or a kobold shouldn't be too hard. We just need to get some folks out here to do it."

Scratching his chin he sat back slightly, still assessing his surroundings. "Some bins for clothing donations, it's getting colder. A bin for donations of wood, stone, and metal.. construction materials so we can keep repairing and reinforcing homes. Maybe another bin for donations of weapons, some steel to arm themselves with. No, this isn't a town of sheep. These people are capable. We just need to make them realize it."

With a satisfied nod he rose to his feet. A passing child looked up at him with a small wave, pausing long enough for him to cram a heavy gauntlet-clad hand into the case at his hip and pull out a red and white peppermint stick and hand it his way. A pat on the head that gave the child's brain a bit of a rattle, and he was wandering off from his adopted corner of town.

Azorlok Appears, Dyhne Killed, Two Meetings, and Collections Begin

11/30/2011 10:20 PM CST

On the evening of November 26, plants around the Landing began to wither, including those in the park and the niche nearby. Animals likewise began to show signs of disease and died, while some stocks of food and supplies were found defaced and covered with writing to encourage others to join the darkness. Azorlok also appeared to taunt the various people there, and hinted that the blight was magical in nature. At that point, the people who informed me of what happened had to leave, and I don't know what happened after.

Later that night, Dyhne and his son Gioh appeared in Monsoon Jungle outside the town of Mist Harbor on Four Winds Isle. They had purchased Gostahl's wagon to carry their wares, but the wagon's wheel had broken, preventing them from getting to the town. After showing the people around and mentioning carrying ingots of rare metals such as adamantine and kroderine, Dyhne left to gather supplies. His death was sensed soon after. His corpse was found nearby, which soon decayed.

A search was taken up to find the killers, who were found to yell jubilantly that they had taken the stash of metal ingots. It was then assumed that the wheel had been broken to get Dyhne in the open so he could be killed for the ingots. After the people had killed a series of bandits, Brunhilde learned in a vision that the metal had been taken from the island and was now in possession of the Sheruvians. The people returned to the wagon, and Reddas arrived. He repaired the broken wheel, allowing Gioh to make it into Mist Harbor. He then left to be on his own.

The evening of November 27, a meeting was called to help coordinate relief efforts with the upcoming famine and food shortages. As ideas were being discussed, an orphan named Mecrion arrived and reported that his sister, Laena, had gone missing. She had drunk the tainted well water and become sick, and he had last seen her making her way to the bath house (which had also been closed for tainted water) to try to get some relief.

After some amount of searching, Laena was found on South Ring Road, gravely ill and feverish. Several people attended to her, using snow to cool her and Aldoran healing gems to give her relief. She was brought to Voln and taken to the purifying spring, where she showed signs of recovery. A cluster of monks left the monastery and said blessings over her, where she regained enough strength to regain consciousness. She appeared to be recovering well and thanked everyone for their help.

One of the monks offered Laena a place to stay in the monastery for her and her brother. Laena mentioned that he liked to be in the tunnels under the Landing, and a quick search found him. He was brought to the monastery, where he went to join his sister inside.

On the evening of November 29, another meeting was taken up to try to continue the work on coordinating relief efforts. This time, the merchant Lectoria joined the meeting and pointed out some ideas to be considered.

Some of the ideas discussed that people may do to help include foraging for food and other supplies from the wilds, distilling water if one is skilled enough in alchemy, paladins purifying food and water, empaths growing herbs to resupply those which had been lost, weapon users guarding travelers or supply stores, educating the people on techniques so they can provide for themselves, and many more. Calls for an organization to the relief met with little success, however.

As the meeting drew to a close, the seer Yuratlya was heard on the amulet, and several people joined her in the park. She spoke for a time, and mentioned that the falling snow appeared to be free of the crimson moon's influence. She also discussed an incident in which a woman had cured her daughter of a blight-related illness by laying her on the forest floor so the snow covered her. Some expressed hope that such a phenomenon might be replicated, and offer an alternative to use of springs at Voln monasteries for healing the sick. When asked about the effort to translate the Dark Requiem, she said that the text after that which had already been worked on was too far damaged to be worked with, and she had gained little else from it.

Yuratlya then went on to hint that much of what had taken place regarding the crimson moon had been brought about because the collective will of the cultists had been so strong. It is unclear if she merely meant that they had been able to work together to bring it about, or that their will itself had made their desires a reality. Nevertheless, she indicated that those who oppose the cultists are capable of the same, if they but work together.

During Yuratlya's visit, she chastized Myke as she regarded his desire to gain recognition overpowering his desire to help others as motivation for his work in Shanty Town. Myke grew upset with her words, threw his sword to the ground, and was heard to say he would then no longer provide aid for others. After a lengthy private conversation between the two, however, they appeared to have mended their differences.

Afterward, she stayed in the park for a time, counseling others. She mentioned that there were three Avatars that the cultists sought to wake, of which Azorlok is only the first. Needless to say, if all three would be found and awoken, very bad things would happen. She also said that the blight itself cannot be stopped, and all that is left to do is to endure it. She then departed for the evening, leaving the others to talk amongst themselves.

On the evening of November 30, Myke asked for people to meet in him the park. After a small group had joined him, he took them down to Shanty Town. There, several bins had been set up to receive donations to help supply the people. Several signs had also been erected to warn the people of the dangers of the well water, building supplies were being collected, and holes in a wall had been barricaded by fence to prevent people from falling into the river. Myke also spoke of a hope to hold events to benefit the Landing as a whole.

Though it was not pointed out, it was noticed that much of the plantlife in the area had been stricken with the blight. The petition Myke had requested on beginning an aid program for Shanty Town has also been removed from Moot Hall.

Attempted Translation of the Dark Requiem

01/28/2012 11:37 PM CST

This is an attempt at a translation of the Dark Requiem as provided by the seer Yuratlya.

Bear in mind that the translation will not be perfect, and meaning will likely be altered in certain places as words will not exactly align. This is also an ancient and religious text written from Sheru's perspective. Some of its phrasing or syntax will likely not make sense. At other times, portions of the text may be missing.

Words in brackets either describe the original text, or offer some interpretation of the translation. A synopsis and a few comments on the text will follow the translation.


[Symbols of the darkness of nothing and an explosion of matter. Suggestion holds that it depicts the creation of Elanith. Symbols follow including light, shadow and life. Death follows behind. Given interpretation as follows.] The world flickered, and came into existence. In all things, balance was created - shadow by day, and life by death.

[Symbols of the Arkati gathered separately, each as if in choosing. One in particular is turned towards a jackal. Assumption is that it represents Sheru.] In the Time of Choosing [significance as yet unknown], the lesser races sprung forth, and the lives of men began to rise. In this, the balance began to unravel, for life must always be balanced by death. The Others of Us [perhaps the Liabo Arkati] wept, and saw images of Themselves in these people... but a Jackal is no man.

Since the day of tears [also of unknown significance], I brought forth My image and influence, and infused it into chosen Men. We called them Avatars. [Appears other Arkati also created Avatars] It has been known to Us that one day, balance would require action. Others were not and did not enact. In this, I am an outcast. I am Sheru, the Jackal.

Our Avatars grew strong, touched by Us and inspired to greatness. Even in this, balance was required. And so when the lives of Avatars grew too strong, they were sealed from Men. Balance was restored at the cost of all Avatars, sealed and forgotten. Power is not a candle's flicker, but a seed planted by Us. The symbols of worship, power and men [...] Many of Us felt loss as Our influence was sealed, but the prayers of Men appeased.

To the rest [perhaps the other Arkati], Avatars are of the past only, never to be remembered as a lingering regret. I am not of Them, and I have not forsaken those blessed by Sheru. The world requires balance, and the time comes to bring forth what was sealed.

The First Step

My work be done, and My image be reunited. Rejoice, for the cry at night is one of the jackal. He is Who Brings Balance!

In the world of change, my Avatar is rejoined to the fold. My eyes see as his, and My will is fulfilled with his voice. The time is coming; a new age of existence will be found. My influence grows, and the lesser beings will find solace in balance I provide. Go forth and spread the word of power, join voices. Exhale My breath and stir the winds of change. Gather followers to aid our song. Seek not the false, the opportunists. My desire for conquest is begun, and it is through devotion and inspiration in which you find brothers.

In the name of Balance, the races are robbed of their power. I allow empowerment again. The cries of agony and pain, the sweetness of blood flowing in My name, makes every moment feel as raindrops hitting the skin.

The Second Step

My strength grows. It is time for the other Avatars to be unleashed upon this world. Gather, bring to Me what I require to bring them forth. Only the most devout will be given this privilege. When I am appeased, and the others [Avatars] are to come, the sky will turn black as night, and the earth will tremble. When My three Avatars stand free of the shackles of the Time of Choosing, the pathetic and mindless will fall to their knees. Rejoice, for the sky is dark with the blood of the sacrifice to the Jackal. He is Who Brings True Balance!

[Symbols of the world interspersed with flame and destruction - the jackal and strength next to it. Appears to translate to the following] The destruction and chaos of the lands strengthen the Jackal. [Suggested that the fires aren't for destruction but purification. Symbols follow indicate Sheru in a pack of jackals and the symbol for strength. Appears that Sheru's followers will be what remains afterward, and they are called to unity.]

[The symbol of separation and the mention of fear. Interpretation follows.] The blood of the guilty will turn in the face of the Jackal's howl. [Implied that those in fear of Sheru will be scattered. With fear, comes doubt.]

The Third Step

[The Seer's interpretation is that the third step is to strengthen their numbers. Build shrines, recruit people and build a strong base of all those who support the cause.] My work be done, and My devotions be proven. Rejoice, for the Pack howls stronger to the Jackal. He is Who Brings Balance!

The Fourth Step

[Symbols representing doubt and fear placed over a jackal's head to indicate it brings him power.] The taste of the [mortals'] doubt of the Others [Liabo Arkati] brings me ecstasy and contentment. We will seal Them as they have sought to separate Me from My place. I say unto thee a sheaf of grain is better burned than to nourish Them.

They infringe on Our rule, and guided by the Crimson, we will punish those who doubt and speak against Me. Those who are not of our Pack must be shown to hardship, and they will break against Our fortitude. You are My pack, and you will not break. Proof is the physical determination of your spiritual desires, and you will terrorize them in My name.

[Another stylized conclusion] My work be done, and My image be feared. Rejoice, for the sky is bleeding of the sacrifice to the Jackal. He is Who Brings Balance!

[At this point, the text was too faded or fragmentary to draw anything further.]

Synopsis of the Text

Introduction - The world was created in balance. Life countered death, and darkness countered light. As the mortal races began to rise, the balance began to erode. The Arkati, especially those of Liabo, saw echoes of themselves in the mortal races, but Sheru did not. The Arkati - Sheru included - infused Their power and influence into selected mortals known as Avatars, but the balance continued to erode. Sheru stood alone as the only Arkati to realize how much the balance had faded and that action would be required to restore it. Eventually, the Avatars were sealed away, seemingly for eternity. While the other Arkati saw the Avatars as figures remaining only in the past, Sheru refuses to forsake those whom He has blessed. He instead sees the Avatars as a mechanism by which to return the balance that had been lost.

The First Step - The first of Sheru's Avatars will awaken, who will carry out Sheru's will in the world. This Avatar will bring about a new age of existence, and the mortal races will take comfort in the balance Sheru brings to the world. Sheru's followers are told to go forth, spread His word and gather together His faithful and like-minded. Where the mortal races had been robbed of power in the name of restoring balance, Sheru will bring power once more.

The Second Step - Sheru's strength grows, and His followers are commanded to bring what is needed to wake the other Sheruvian Avatars so there are three in total. When the others are to wake, the night will turn as black as night and the earth will tremble. Then shall those who oppose Sheru fall to their knees and they will be consumed by fear and doubt, scattered to the winds. Destruction and chaos reign supreme, a purifying force to cleanse the world so only those who join with Sheru will remain.

The Third Step - Those who join with Sheru are to strengthen their numbers, build shrines and recruit new people to build a strong base of supporters.

The Fourth Step - Sheru's opponents will be consumed with doubt and it brings Him delight. Life will become hard for all who oppose Sheru, and the Liabo Arkati and Their followers shall be separated from what they love. Food and other necessities of life will be tainted and spoiled, showing that it belongs to Sheru and His followers, but those joined with Sheru shall be spared. They will instead gather together into a Pack, tightly knit and led by Sheru.

Further Comments - Drawn in part from work with Saska, Ephelysse, Hitch, Rhyssa, Jesira and Yuratlya

The text is written from Sheru's perspective, and it presents a different slant upon the role typically ascribed to Him. In this text, He appears as a keeper and maintainer of the world's balance. Indeed, He claims the epithet "He is Who Brings Balance" several times. He also claims a benevolent role, seeming to show Himself as faithful to His followers, a savior to them even more so than the Liabo Arkati who appear as weak and too emotionally involved with the mortal races.

The first step appears to be accomplished in the awaking of the Avatar Azorlok. It also speaks to a gathering of the faithful which we may surmise refers to the arrival of the cultists.

The second step appears to explain why the cultists are so closely knit, constantly recruiting and strengthening their numbers. It is suggested that their strength, unity and devotion to Sheru is what will spare them from the destruction. It also provides a method of recruiting followers - join and be spared. The shrines being constructed throughout the lands provide an immediate place of worship, further strengthening the cultists in their activities. They don't need to travel far to worship or gather together with like-minded followers.

Given the recent famine and blight sweeping the lands, it would appear that the fourth step is coming to pass. Unfortunately, no clue is given in how to counteract it.

Destruction to the Blood-Seeker

01/29/2012 11:03 PM CST

Dateline ~ Restday, the 29th day of Lormesta, in the year 5112

Destruction swept across the outskirts of the elven nations recently as one known as the Avatar of V'tull, Carhn, fought violently against adventurers who were determined to put an end to the occupation of the wilds by vicious creatures who sought the blood of innocents. After several bloody battles, it is said that the Avatar was slain by a brave dwarven adventurer, who, backed by several other adventurers battling the invading creatures of the environs, was able to take the Minotaur-Avatar Carhn down to his final rest. Rumors have it that the very night of Carhn's demise, the volcano in Teras Isle known as the 'Eye of V'tull' trembled heavily in anger and several locals say the mournful wails of a creature in death were heard momentarily throughout the isle.

Since that fateful event, the occupations have died out around the outskirts of the elven nations, and though precautions are still being taken by local authorities and those who live in the vicinity, there has been no more reports of significant occupations since. Skirmishes upon travellers continue to occur, and all those travelling outside of the protection of city walls are still cautioned to maintain groups of more than three, but no significant invasions have occured. In addition, shrines to V'tull built into the wilds have suffered great losses as reported by those locally, as cultists who once walked the Shining City and its proud companion fortress city Ta'vaalor with heads held high quickly took flight and have been seen leaving the cities daily. Some reports have come in of citizens "helping" with this process in less than amicable ways, but authorities have not confirmed any such thing despite inquiries as to incidents spoken of.

Though it has been a month since the death of the V'tullian Avatar, it certainly has taken its toll upon the followers of the Crimson Moon as they continue to move from their cities in fear of reprisals by those who once tolerated their presence without choice. It will be interesting to see what unfolds in the future as the loss of V'tullian followers is felt by those who support the prophecy of the Crimson Moon and whether or not it will have an effect on the blight still felt so prominently in many towns across Elanthia.

Speaking of the blight, there is some progress being reported by various cities across Elanthia as samples of water, crops and animals are being examined by the most highly educated scholars and alchemists available, joined by adventurers who have risked themselves to provide more information to the cause. The discovery by said adventurers in Wehnimer's Landing of the healing powers of Voln's cleansing pools was a major starting point in the progress made and since then, several people previously afflicted by the blight have regained their health due to that event. There is work in progress regarding the use of the healing springs and how to further their powers, but it is not yet completed. Stockpiles of clean herbs, water, food and supplies continue to be donated by adventurers and are being used rapidly by those who are most in need at this time. Local authorities continue to encourage any and all donations in the wake of this tragic blight as work is being conducted in the background to put an end to the destruction.

~Elanthian Inquisitor

V'tullian Presence Burned Out

01/30/2012 11:19 PM CST

Dateline ~ Tilamaires, the 31st day of Lormesta, in the year 5112

In a spectacular display of smoke and flames, a V'tullian shrine hidden deep in the midst of Shanty Town in Wehnimer's landing was uncovered and ransacked by local adventurers during the night! Talk of cultists rushing to safety from the structure as the adventurers battled their way through has escalated to rumors of demons being found within the shrine itself. Though the buildings surrounding the shrine mostly suffered smoke damage, some did take structural damage from the fire and one in particular is all but collapsed. Local authorities were not available for comment at the time of publication but we will continue to follow this in days to come.

Perhaps there is a silver lining in the blood of the Crimson Moon after all...

~Elanthian Inquisitor

Meeting with Hanos, and Burning a V'tullian Shrine

02/02/2012 03:54 PM CST

On the evening of January 31, Hanos met with adventurers in the courtyard of the Voln monastery in Wehnimer's Landing to share some information that he had uncovered regarding the crimson moon.

Yuratlya continues working on a translation of the Dark Requiem, but has chosen to do so in solitude. This is to prevent the curse that seems to affect those working with the book from spreading to anyone else. The translation will be released when the task is complete.

With the defeat of Carhn, the occupations of certain areas such as Wehntoph and the Badlans have been shattered and returned to their normal state of affairs. Cultist numbers are beginning to decrease, and Hanos reported that he is beginning to discover cultist shrines that are empty. It would appear that the V'tullians, once practicing in open defiance, have been driven into the shadow. Further, defeating Carhn appears to have sowed the seeds of dissent among the cultists, and a growing insecurity is manifesting among them.

In addition, the adventurers' work with the blight is beginning to show results. Signs show that agriculture is starting to improve, and sources of cleaning waters are being used to heal people of blight-related illness. Hanos points to a combination of healthy people and coordinated action as being a key to success.

However, Hanos then mentioned a 'disturbance' in the area that he had sensed for a long time, but up until that point had not posed a major threat. He asked those present to search the area of the Landing and its environs for anything out of the ordinary, but did not elaborate on the nature of what was being sought. He did, however, hint that we might find a trap and suggested that the people be prepared.

After some searching, an alley was located in the Shantytown area of the Landing that appeared intriguing. Following it took the people across a rooftop, through a broken window, and eventually to a fenced-in yard with several dug-out holes. A tunnel was located under some boards in the yard, and soon after entering the space, the people were attacked by V'tullian cultists.

Pressing forward through another concealed tunnel, an altar was discovered with a gold wall set with gemstones depicting the Lornon Arkati. This altar, however, concealed yet another shrine behind that gold wall. When people arrived to investigate, demons known as oculoths arrived that killed most people there. Only through Delcian's after-death calling on Ronan were they defeated.

A series of four weapons were found on top of the altar in the hidden shrine, which were taken as the group evacuated to the Voln monastery to tend to the dead. Candles had also fallen over in the shrine, starting a fire that necessitated a quick exit. As an examination of the weapons began, however, those bearing the weapons began to experience impressions and visions of one in particular, a rhimar flail inscribed with sigils and the word "Lust." These visions centered upon Ivasian worship, and it wasn't long before a desire to possess the weapon had overtaken each of the flail's bearers. It is unknown at this moment if the other weapons also gave similar visions.

The weapons were taken into the purifying spring at the Voln monastery, only to have them wrenched from the bearer's hands to land on the ground outside. After some time of people falling to the flail's temptation, the weapons were gathered together and placed in a secure location for study.

Sanity, Seduction, and Struggle

02/02/2012 10:32 PM CST

The silent fire of daybreak spreads across Wehinmer’s Landing, chasing away the horrific evening. The soggy, hissing corpse of a burned Shanty Town block is revealed in the morning light. Smoke from the black mound curls up to chase fruitlessly after the receding darkness. The solar wave creeps through a window at Thrak's Inn and Oro greets it with a contemptuous sneer. His hemlock eyes are bloodshot and encircled in dark rings.

“Five hundred and seventy two…” He pronounces, a finger tapping the last plank in a long row along the wall. His face scrunches up and in a fit of rage he blurts a series of expletives, cursing any Arkati he can think to name. Exasperated, he pushes himself to his feet and stumbles to the door. Snatching up his overcoat he flings the door open and thunders down the plankboard stairway to the front desk. Upon catching the eye of a clerk he approaches, his head bobbing in a slow nod. Producing a hefty bag of silvers from his pocket he tosses it on the table.

“Hold my room for…” He pauses, staring at the bag of coins. His face is harrowed, the pale tint of exhaustion spread over his features. Even his attempts at forming a coherent sentence seem agonizing. His gaze moves languidly from the bag of coins to the inn keeper- “…A while.” Turning to leave, he steps toward the door, but the clerk pipes up in a stammer,

“Uh, y-yessir! But, what … if someone should ask of you?” Oro stops midstride. Raising his right hand, he waves the man’s question off dismissively and opens the front door- mumbling as he exits,

“Tell ‘em I went to visit my father.”

Stepping through the door and out onto the street Oro immediately squints. The bright cascade of sunlight catches his weary eyes unprepared. Groaning, he slams his eyes shut and rubs at them, trying to achieve some clarity. It was a mistake he’d wish he hadn’t made; for in the darkness green motes of light came to him. They swirled against the blood red flesh of his eyelids, filling his vision, or mind, in a grim emerald glow. She had been waiting.

His ears rang with a sweet sirens song, his face flush and chest swelling to greet the call. Images of flesh on flesh, women writhing, and the alluring promise of pleasure filled him utterly. Oro’s gigantic form began to sway in time with the song. His nostrils flare and he sniffs the air, the scent of sweet perfume filling his nose, which causes a broad smile to stretch over his lips.

All at once, the warm, comforting sensations filling his mind are ripped away. The pit of his stomach lurches and he must clench his jaw to keep from vomiting. An urgent, reckless sense of longing overtakes him. In place of the salacious imagery comes the vision of an enruned flail. Robed monks are examining it, manipulating it, each touch and incantation they pose to the metal causes his mind to fill with the sound of tortured screams.

Gasping for air he forces his eyes open, wide, and bellows a terrified scream. An old woman, her arms filled with bread, is startled by his yell and drops everything she owns to ground. Babbling apologize Oro stoops to help.

"Oh, I'm so sorry! I... I lost my senses there for a moment." His tone is cordial as he shakily attempts to recover both his dignity and poise. Clutching a half dozen loaves in his hands he turns to face the old woman. As his gaze falls on the woman, his jaw goes slack. Her arms have transformed into insidious black tentacles! Screaming, she lunges at him, attempting to ensnare him with her demonic limbs! In a rush of adrenaline he drops the loaves in his hands, screams, and punches the woman square in the head with all his might!

The wet sound of flesh on flesh rings in his ears. He is looming, fist clenched, over a frail old woman. Her trembling figure is curled against the ground, blood pouring from a gash in her forehead. Her thin hands are laced over her face. She is wailing for mercy. In a flutter of confused blinks Oro glances down and discovers that he has the collar of the woman's threadbare shawl clutched in his trembling hand.

“I…” Before he can speak another word, a lilting song begins to ring in his ears. The voice of a woman…

“Oro… you gave me away. Don’t you love me? Don’t you... want… me? They're hurting me, Oro.” A shrill cry leaps from Oro's throat. He drops the old woman and claps both his hands over his ears. Turning, he races away from his stunned victim, barreling toward the North Gate of the city.

Mayor Stennis Addresses Wehnimer's Landing

02/04/2012 12:11 PM CST

Mayor Stennis of Wehnimer's Landing is expected to address the townspeople at 3:30pm Elven time. He will be outside of Moot Hall and rumors have circulated that he has spent all morning in a foul mood.

All law-abiding citizens are encouraged to attend.

Stennis assured the people present that he was not standing idly by during the troubles with the crimson moon. He swiftly declared Jesphian and Caden traitors to the Landing and had them banished. Some of those present mentioned that other people helped Jesphian and Caden, and Stennis responded that those who 'associate' with them would meet a similar fate. Jesphian would appear soon after and was dragged off to be hanged.

Stennis then went on to say that the petition for construction in Shanty Town was successful and work would begin on the area. The town council, working with the official Izaar, has put together plans on how to proceed with construction, which would include purifying the site. Stennis also assured the people that 'every silver' that had been raised last summer by the meeting hall organizations would go toward this effort.

When asked of how to assist with the aid effort, the bins in Shantytown were mentioned as a place to leave material supplies. Nilandia offered the use of her home outside the Landing to shelter the displaced, and though Stennis said he would let the council know of the offer, Izaar said that some of the raised funds would be used to provide shelter for the homeless. Studies were being done into using the blessed waters of Voln's spring as a method of curing the blight in the plants and purifying other water sources.

Brinret asked concerning town defenses, and Stennis promised that work was being done on the matter, including increased guards on the streets and additional towers with archers and mages to defend the walls and surrounding forest. He also said that when the time comes, a lot of lumber would be needed for construction.

Inquiries were also made concerning demons. Stennis mentioned that he would talk to Pherantyr (the mage in Ye Old Magick Shoppe in the northwestern part of the Landing). A few people also mentioned others to speak with, including Jaired for his expertise in combating the demons, as well as Rahsh and Ephelysse for their knowledge of summoning them. Though Rahsh and Jaired were not present at the end of the meeting, Izaar said he wished to speak with Ephelysse at some point in the future.

Brinret requested that people who worship the "dark Arkati" would likewise be thrown out of town, but that was turned down by several people. Stennis said that he would only move against people actively conspiring against the town. Izaar said he would listen to reports of such people, but stressed that proof must be needed before anything could be done.

Brinret also asked for some method of legislation to help lessen the racism against half-krolvin who had chosen to settle in the Landing. Though Hubris noted such racism might be difficult to overcome because of the Krolvin occupation a few years ago, Stennis said that he would look into the matter. He did stress, however, that he couldn't promise anything.

Fjalar offered one of Carhn's horns to Stennis as a donation to the museum, which he accepted.

Taakhooshi asked on whether the Lodge could be reopened, though Stennis said that was a question for the Hall Steward.

Heavy Rain

02/09/2012 09:41 AM CST

A nasty storm started everywhere, which may or may not be connected to the storm problem we had in River's Rest the other night. The light of the crimson moon made the rain resemble blood and undead could be heard wailing as well as the Luukosian champion laughing and taunting us. The ground shook as things dug out of it and this was felt in every major town.

Eventually every town came under attack by relatively weak crimon-eyed corpses of various professions as well as a few crimson worms. Our forces quickly seperated to defend each town individually from these minor assaults. Several small waves were dealt with in almost every town while the Luukosian taunted us.

After approximately an hour of this the rain seemed to let up a bit and the moaning of undead on the wind lessened. At which point dark clouds with darker shapes moving through them rolled in. The sound of leathery wings could be heard and the scream of victims as they were plucked up and taken away, similar to what we saw in Icemule. Our forces gathered mostly back together in the park, decided if these demons were to come down we needed to concentrate on protecting one town.

The Landing defenders, as well as the defenders who chose to keep to Illistim, were simultaneously attacked by ebon horrors and shadowy beings, mixed with a few sheruvian mindflayers and punishers. A small strike force managed to take down the first couple of these creatures in the Landing and, believing the area clear for the time being, proceeded to assist in Illistim. Illistim was harder hit with multiple horrors and beings and it took the better part of an hour to quiet things down. Only the timely arrival of reinforcements kept the second wave of horrors and beings in the Landing from getting out of hand.

All told roughly a dozen combined shadowy beings and ebon horrors were dispatched last evening but from what we saw in the sky it barely scratched the surface. The time it took our small strike force to dispatch any one of these creatures was alarming, even with solid tactics. Should we be attacked by them in force and without aid we will not be able to stand.

The Blight Begins to Lift

04/08/2012 04:47 AM CDT

As previously reported, the blight was discussed during the audience with Argent Mirror Myasara last night. Towards the end of the audience, Myasara decided to hear any reports and requests for her. Fethik, at first a bit overexcited and unsure of protocol, blurted out that he had seen a cow. This was met with some confusion, but he started again and explained that he had seen a cow in the park in the Landing eating new spring growth unaffected by the blight. He happily reported that the blight appeared to be lifting. Indeed, the plants around the park and the surrounding area all appear to be showing signs of recovering.

Myasara said that she had heard of a breakthrough in research, and that the plant life had been showing signs of improvement. She said that they have had elves working on investigating the blight, but also noted Nilandia as having been "an important part of this research." She also said that she hoped to be kept informed of the work towards a cure. Nilandia said that she was honored Myasara had heard of her work, and pledged to send word of any new developments. Myasara then said she would send Caylio Javilerre, a Teacher of Lore some may know, to receive any reports on her behalf.

It appears we have cause to hope after all.

Relief from the Blight

04/09/2012 05:19 PM CDT

After months of intense research into identifying the type of affliction used in the blight that fell across all of Elanthia over the winter months, a small breakthrough has been made. Guild masters, Voln Masters, and scholars from all over have been sharing information in an effort to end the disease killing off all plantlife, livestock and water supplies. Several sources of information are being cited as essential to this progress, including research coming in from River's Rest, Vornavis, Wehnimer's Landing, and Ta'Illistim. We hope to see great results in the coming weeks as signs of flora regrowth spring forth in various testing cities. Here's to spring showers and the cleansing of the soil!

Let it Rain!

04/25/2012 12:49 AM CDT

In an unprecedented move by local guilds, all those who can conjure storms have been called together from Elanthia's guilds to create rain throughout the continent. Several monks and various alchemists have been seen in towns, spreading droplets of an unidentified liquid to the soil and the rains have begun all across the lands. Reports will begin coming in over the next week from various appointed governments and guilds as to the results of these measures and the outlook is hopeful. Guild leaders met this past week with various government officials and have issued a brief statement encouraging citizens and adventurers to report any changes they may see in their environment in the coming days, good or bad.

In related news, Mayor Stennis has confirmed that construction has begun in the city of Wehnimer's Landing to reconstruct Shanty Town, hardest hit of the city during the last several months of war with Lornon. Sites have been set up in the area and bins are open for donations of construction materials, foods, and household items for the coming structures. Plans for a memorial site have also been announced by the Mayor, citing the funds of several donations as the reason it was possible. Though the war is not won, there appears to be some light on the horizon as one witness noticed recently. "Ever since that minotaur was taken down by that famous dwarf near Ta'Illistim, the moon has a crack in it! A silvery crack of light!" What it could mean is yet to be seen, but a break from the bloody gaze of the Crimson Moon is welcomed by all as we try to recover from the blight and move forward towards rebuilding.

Conjured storms continue to wash over the continent in an attempt to help revive diseased plantlife, replenish water supplies and remove the blight from the lands. With the help of locals in every city, the tentative cure for the blight is being placed in key points throughout the cities and their outskirts in an effort to spread it in the most efficient manner. So far, the results are favorable as the plantlife has now come back to its normal status in most cases and the water supplies are tentatively being considered recovered as well. A few more tests are required in order to name this an official recovery, but the outlook is good. Rumors have it that there will soon be ceremonies held in the name of those who have contributed greatly to the research of this horrid affliction, once the official word is given that it is indeed cured.

In other, still related, news, reports are coming in that large groups of Liabo followers have been gathering together in strength, raising their voices in prayer to their Patrons and gathering those who have like minds to them in fellowship. Many of the V'tullian followers that were so openly worshiping before have been run from these towns by the locals now that their Avatar is reportedly dead and the shrines once dotting the environs have been torn down, without rebuilding by followers. Some say the cracks of silvery light in the surface of the Crimson moon are a direct result of the loss of the Avatar and the strenght of the Liabo followers who now sing throughout the night tirelessly, while others claim it is due to the recovery from the blight. Regardless, progress is definitely seen and one now has to wonder, why has the Avatar who started it all not made an appearance? Has he been run off? Have any of his minions remained? Though we definitely do not wish for his chaos to reappear, we have to be concerned about the decided lack of appearance and quiet that has come since the loss of the Minotaur Avatar of V'tull. Perhaps the key to the end of the Crimson Moon has been found already, and simply has to be expanded further. One can hope.

~Elanthian Inquisitor