Cairnfang Manor/Charter

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Cairnfang Manor Charter

Statement of Purpose

As our pledge reminds us, our mission is three fold. Unhindered thinking reflects the ability to think clearly and act without prejudice of race, religious affiliation, or profession. Our hands to the community, indicates the work we do to make Solhaven a place where both the young and the aged are served to make life better for all. Our spirits to greater loyalty means we do everything within our power to promote our beloved Solhaven for the good of all, not just the individual or a certain group. We use our minds, talents, and hearts towards a better Solhaven.

Statement of Governing

  • The chairman has final authority and overall responsibility for the Manor's activities.
  • The other offices are to be filled by appointees selected by the Chairman.

Officer Terms

The office of the Chairperson is established for life. All unfilled positions are appointed by the Chairperson. An unfilled Chairperson will be immediately assumed by the Co-Chair; failing that, the Treasurer and then Secretary will assume the Chairpersonship in the unlikely event the Chairperson is unable to appoint a new Chair.

The other offices (Steward, Scrivener, Scribe, Chancellor, Chamberlain, Artificer, Historian) will be appointed by the Chairperson. The length of term will be until the Officer appointed leaves the Manor or does not wish to be an officer any longer. They may also be terminated by a decision of the Hearing Board. Reasons for termination include inactivity and failure to meet CHE officer requirements. The Hearing Board consists of the Chair and as many Officers of the Manor that are able to attend.


Article I


The name of the officially recognized Cooperative House of Elanthia is Cairnfang Manor, hereafter referred to as the Manor.

Article II

Membership Services
  • House Pin ~ a golden gemstone-set triad
Cut into the image of an open hand is a sparkling diamond, its palm inlaid with a fiery ruby and scribed with the words, "Flame." Beside it is a sapphire shard in the shape of a slender banner inlaid with a silver star and the word, "Intellect." The final gem of this triad is a vibrant peacock feather cut from a multi-hued stone set with an emerald eye. Gold foil fills the word, "Spirit" etched along the length of the shaft. Each of the carved gems is secured with thin golden bands to a wide metal pin.
  • Members of the manor will be given an 80 item locker on the house grounds, 110 if they are a high tax payer.
  • Members will have full access to all Manor grounds and annexes.
  • Enchanting Workshop ~ An enchanting workshop will be made available to all wizards who have such skills. The wizard is also expected to perform minor enchants for members of the Manor, the fee, if any, to be determined by the two individuals involved. The Manor will not be responsible for stolen items of enchanting misunderstandings. Any Manor wizard who uses the workshop in any negative way may be removed from the Manor after due process is recognized.
  • Etagere ~ Available to Manor members. They may place items in it for other Manor members to use, or take items from it for their own use. It is to be stocked by Manor members.

Article III

Membership and Dues
  • Membership in this Manor is contingent on compliance with requirements specific to these bylaws.
  • Membership is restricted by minimum membership standards set forth by the local government.
  • Each member must be at least in their tenth year of training.
  • Membership is unrestricted by consideration of nationality, race, creed, lifestyle, size, color, or sex. Lifestyle does not include, however, being a known troublemaker.
  • Categories of membership in this Manor are General Members, Founding Members, and Inactive Members:
  • General Member: A player who has met the minimum Manor standards for membership. A General Member is not required to pay dues. An initial flat fee of 25,000 silvers is required to join the Manor.
  • Founder Member: An original member who joined together with other original members to form the CHE called Cairnfang Manor.
  • Active Members: Active membership is applied to those members who make an effort to help with Manor events, whether is be planning or the actual execution of said events. Inactive membership is applied to those members who are currently on extended leave of hiatus; upon their return they will be restored to their previous status as Active Member.
  • Before induction, a player must have read and agreed to the Manor bylaws set forth here.
  • All potential inductees will require a sponsor. A sponsor is a current member of no less than three months. Sponsors must be present at induction. Before induction of a prospective members, the Officers performing the induction will ensure that the player has read the Manor bylaws.
  • Time and place of inductions are determined by the Chairperson.
  • The Chairperson reserves the right to limit membership of the Manor to what he or she deems as a reasonable number of members.
  • The Chairperson may terminate a member for failure to meet membership requirements provided the member was offered an opportunity to have a hearing - if requested - at which the member was permitted to defend against termination.
  • The Hearing Board is to consist of the Chairperson and at least two other officers plus any other officer that can attend.
  • Before a hearing is conducted, all parties involved will be sent a notification to their address on file, and a notice will be posted on the Gemstone IV, Cairnfang Manor folder on the official GSIV message boards with a minimum of one week notice. The Manor folder can be found in the CHE Folder.
  • No penalty will be enacted until after the hearing is concluded.
  • The Chairperson may terminate membership of any member that is caught and confirmed of committing any arrestable offense while within the walls of the Manor.
  • Any current member found to have been put up for sale and purchased by another player will be terminated immediately.
  • If terminated, a member may be allowed to rejoin the Manor by the Chairperson after demonstrating eligibility for membership.

Article IV

  • Membership contributions to the General Fund will be considered donations to the Manor.
Purpose of the General Fund
  • Silver can be drawn upon from the General Fund by any Officer for the purpose of purchasing items for an event or to be given as a prize.
  • Members are not required to contribute to the General Fund.
  • Contributions do not entitle a member to special privileges.
  • Contributions must be reported to the Chairman or the Treasurer so that possible discrepancies in the accounts may be found and clarified.
  • Members may contribute items and equipment to the Etagere.

Article V

Rules and Regulations
  • The Chairperson will be the final judge on what constitutes as noncompliance with these bylaws.
  • Under no circumstance will out of character (OOC) behavior or manner of speech be acceptable in public areas within the confines of the manor. If necessary, OOC behavior and speech will be permitted in private areas (such as tables or locked rooms) as long as all members present are in agreement.
  • The directive of the Manor is to assist with the betterment of Solhaven and its citizens Hence, any act of treason or any action committed willingly that harms the City of Solhaven is considered grounds for expulsion. These include (but are not limited to) willingly aligning with or supporting in anyway the late Baron Hochstib, the Dark Alliance, or any other group that seeks to harm Solhaven or its citizens.

Article VI

Manor Colors

Opalescent white and royal blue have been chosen to represent the spiritual and physical side of us all.


Our minds to unhindered thinking, our hands to the community, and our spirits to greater loyalty.


The peacock