Bluerock Brewery

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Bluerock Brewery is a shop in Zul Logoth that sells food and general goods, and specializes in brewery-themed gifts. It is found in a massive stone building in the Emerald Tunnel. It contains a gift shop and it is also possible to take a tour of the brewery.

[Bluerock Brewery, Entrance] Room: 13014001
The foyer of the brewery flares out to the north, a smooth granite archway inset into the far wall, opening up into a large room filled with detailed informational signs and notices. A length of braided white cordon winds its way throughout the area, serving as a way to direct the flow of visitors. In the center of the room, a large chunk of bluerock rises up from the floor, its jagged contours resembling a form of primitive art. You also see a large red-painted sign and a bright yellow notice.
Obvious exits: east, west, out
>read sign
In the Common language, it reads:
Welcome to Bluerock Brewery!  We have recently opened the brewery for public tours, so if you are curious about how beer and ale are made, please head east.

>read notice
In the Common language, it reads:
Please visit our brand new giftshop on your way out of the brewery!

Bluerock Brewery, Tap Room

Directions: through the archway from the Entrance

[Bluerock Brewery, Tap Room] Room: 13014007
Smooth grey stone rises from the unadorned flooring to form a curving dome ceiling. At the center of the ceiling is an invar cage filled with glowing mushrooms that gives the room a soft greenish glow. Bisecting the room evenly in half is a polished grey marble bar lined with barstools, its surface covered with several copper-bound oak barrels set with iron spigots. A smooth granite archway offers passage to the east. You also see a pair of steel double doors.


  1. a stein of Silver Ore stout      6. a stein of Hollow Leg Bock
  2. a stein of Miner's mead          7. a stein of Invar Premium draft
  3. a stein of Logoth lager          8. a stein of Cave Dwarf porter
  4. a stein of Bluerock beer         9. a stein of DragonSpine ale
  5. a stein of Goldmist amber brew   10. a stein of Rainbow Snail braggot

Bluerock Brewery, Giftshop

Directions: west from Entrance

[Bluerock Brewery, Giftshop] Room: 13014050
Smooth grey stone walls have had numerous niches and shelves carved out of their very rock, creating natural display areas for the wares in this giftshop. A variety of glassware and other novelty items are neatly arranged on the available space. Behind an immaculate speckled marble counter is a cheery dwarven clerk ready to assist customers.
Obvious exits: east


  1. a gleaming mithril stein           6. a cotton stein-patterned shirt
  2. a tall bluerock-edged glass        7. a chunk of bluerock pin
  3. a bold blue stone mug              8. a Bluerock Brewery miniature
  4. a Bluerock Brewery-stamped stein   9. an invar and bluerock belt buckle
  5. a Bluerock Brewery-etched glass