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Isle Designs

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Revision as of 12:13, 4 December 2024 by GS4-XERAPHINA (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Town shops |type=shop |realm=Mist Harbor |article=No |wares=player shop furnishings |addinfo=It is located one north and one east from the arch leading from Wisteria Crossing. |proprietor=sunburned permit official |npcarticle=a |npc=yes |multiroom=yes |roomname=Isle Designs, Entry |desc=Sun bleached driftwood walls frame the entry of this sandstone shop. The warped plank flooring is covered with tracked-in sand and various mementos from the Isle line the thin shelves...")
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Isle Designs is a shop in Mist Harbor that sells player shop furnishings. It is located one north and one east from the arch leading from Wisteria Crossing.

The proprietor is a sunburned permit official.

Isle Designs, Entry

[Isle Designs, Entry] Room: 739511
Sun bleached driftwood walls frame the entry of this sandstone shop. The warped plank flooring is covered with tracked-in sand and various mementos from the Isle line the thin shelves along the walls. From the ceiling drape layers of dried seaweed, giving the room a faint ocean scent. You also see a smooth bamboo ladder.
Obvious exits: north, out

Isle Designs, Permit Office

Directions: up the ladder from Entry

A sunburned permit official is available here for shop needs.
[Isle Designs, Permit Office] Room: 739510
A large white pine desk stretches across the center of the office, covered with scattered papers and pots of ink. A rug-covered plank floor leads to a towering oak bookshelf behind the desk, which is littered with parchments and volumes, as well as a curious collection of bottled starfishes. On the far wall is a framed blueprint of Four Winds Isle covered in tiny, red X's. You also see a sunburned permit official and a smooth bamboo ladder.
Obvious exits: southeast, southwest

Isle Designs, Ceilings

Directions: southeast from Permit Office

[Isle Designs, Ceilings] Room: 739504
Sets of lit torches are placed in sconces about the room, lending light to the otherwise darkened, windowless room. Splintered wooden treasure chests are piled up in the corners, their treasure yet to be revealed. Along the far back wall a huge black skull-and-crossbones pirate flag is displayed, its edges roughly torn from abusive use. Below the flag a colorful, one-eyed parrot is perched on a detailed ceiling sample display. You also see a bleached driftwood sign.
Obvious exits: northeast, northwest


  1. an etched seaglass ceiling                                           45000 silvers
  2. a textured stucco ceiling                                            30000 silvers
  3. a patched wooden ceiling                                             10000 silvers
  4. a billowing silk ceiling                                             25000 silvers
  5. a warped driftwood ceiling                                           15000 silvers
  6. a glass-tiled vaulted ceiling                                        50000 silvers
  7. a cracked slate ceiling                                              20000 silvers
  8. a knotted oak ceiling                                                35000 silvers
  9. a woven seagrass ceiling                                             20000 silvers
 10. a sturdy bamboo-rafter ceiling                                       40000 silvers
 11. a smooth marble ceiling                                              45000 silvers
 12. a low skylight-set ceiling                                           50000 silvers

Isle Designs, Signs

Directions: northeast from Ceilings

[Isle Designs, Signs] Room: 739507
A large ceramic bowl of tropical fruit stands on an iron table on the far side of the room, attracting a host of buzzing insects to the area. From the direction of the table wafts the scents of coconut and lime, drifting across the room on a subtle breeze. Propped up against the whitewashed plank walls are collections of signs and notices, surrounded by cans of colorful paints and oils. Several craftsmen sit along a workbench on the eastern wall, diligently at work with hammers and paintbrushes. You also see a knotted rope and a bleached driftwood sign.
Obvious exits: southwest


  1. an etched glass sign                                                 20000 silvers
  2. a warped driftwood sign                                              10000 silvers
  3. a carved black marble sign                                           30000 silvers
  4. a knotted white pine sign                                            15000 silvers
  5. a splintered wooden sign                                              5000 silvers
  6. a silk-draped haon sign                                              25000 silvers
  7. a rough sandstone sign                                               20000 silvers
  8. a tiny bamboo sign                                                   15000 silvers
  9. a glazed tile sign                                                   10000 silvers
 10. a smooth seaglass sign                                               20000 silvers

Isle Designs, Roofs

Directions: southwest from Permit Office

[Isle Designs, Roofs] Room: 739502
Layers and layers of colorful seashells have been plastered onto the walls, leading up to a low bamboo ceiling. Spotted chitons and spiraled nautiluses join the array of shells that draw the attention of the passing customers. Spindly wooden pedestals rise up next to the walls, each displaying a sample of roofing material for sale in the shop. The room is further lit by jars of twittering fireflies that have been placed on various shelves around the area. You also see a bleached driftwood sign.
Obvious exits: northeast, northwest


  1. a layered tile roof                                                  25000 silvers
  2. a shabby wood-shingled roof                                          10000 silvers
  3. a rough sandstone roof                                               30000 silvers
  4. a thatched grass roof                                                20000 silvers
  5. a thick granite roof                                                 45000 silvers
  6. a whitewashed gabled roof                                            40000 silvers
  7. an ornate seashelled roof                                            45000 silvers
  8. a sun-bleached reed roof                                             15000 silvers
  9. a chipped slate roof                                                 20000 silvers
 10. a woven seaweed roof                                                 35000 silvers
 11. a gold-veined marble roof                                            50000 silvers

Isle Designs, Wall Displays

Directions: northwest from Roofs

[Isle Designs, Wall Displays] Room: 739506
Thick sandstone pillars rise from the sandy floor at selected intervals, supporting the weight of the heavy terra cotta roof. The shop wares are displayed proudly along the dark-stained walls that frame the room and have also been hung randomly along the pillars. From the ceiling hang hollow bamboo wind chimes which jingle harmoniously when the ocean air blows in from a rounded window on the far wall. Next to the window, a cotton tapestry has been placed, displaying the crest of Four Winds Isle. You also see a bleached driftwood sign.
Obvious exits: southeast


  1. a Four Winds Isle map                                                20000 silvers
  2. a wall-mounted blowfish                                              30000 silvers
  3. a framed lighthouse painting                                         25000 silvers
  4. a carved whale tooth                                                 20000 silvers
  5. a painted native mask                                                15000 silvers
  6. a silken sea-themed tapestry                                         20000 silvers
  7. a woven floral tapestry                                              20000 silvers
  8. a white surrender flag                                               10000 silvers
  9. a tattered pirate flag                                               10000 silvers
 10. a glazed shark fin                                                   35000 silvers
 11. a mounted sea monster head                                           40000 silvers
 12. a faded treasure map                                                 25000 silvers
 13. a tiny sand bottle display                                           35000 silvers
 14. a tropical bloom wreath                                              20000 silvers
 15. a painted silk wall panel                                            15000 silvers
 16. a threaded cotton wall panel                                         10000 silvers

Isle Designs, Floors

Directions: north from Entry

[Isle Designs, Floors] Room: 739503
A myriad of different material samples makes up the floor of the room. Tile is inset next to wood planks and cobblestone, each making a different sound as it is walked upon. The surrounding walls have been painted with a colorful mural, vibrant blues and radiant greens tinging the seaside scene. You also see a bleached driftwood sign.
Obvious exits: north, south


  1. a woven seagrass floor                                               20000 silvers
  2. a scattered sand floor                                               15000 silvers
  3. a warped driftwood floor                                             10000 silvers
  4. a sturdy planked floor                                               25000 silvers
  5. a gold-speckled marble floor                                         50000 silvers
  6. a textured sandstone floor                                           40000 silvers
  7. an uneven cobblestone floor                                          20000 silvers
  8. a colorful mosaic floor                                              40000 silvers
  9. a smooth slate floor                                                 35000 silvers
 10. a glazed bamboo floor                                                35000 silvers
 11. a swirled sea glass floor                                            45000 silvers
 12. an intricate patterned floor                                         30000 silvers

Isle Designs, Facades

Directions: north from Floors

[Isle Designs, Facades] Room: 739501
The entire western wall has been made into a giant bay window which reveals an expansive view of the Isle and sea beyond. The splintered driftwood wall directly across from the window is the backdrop for a large saltwater aquarium that stands against it. The water of the aquarium casts a dancing reflection across the room as streams of light shine in through the window. You also see a bleached driftwood sign.
Obvious exits: north, east, south


  1. a warped wooden hut                                                  45000 silvers
  2. a bloom-covered cozy bungalow                                        70000 silvers
  3. a silk-covered white cabana                                          60000 silvers
  4. a salt-crusted driftwood shack                                       55000 silvers
  5. a wobbly pine lean-to                                                35000 silvers
  6. a tall whitewashed deckhouse                                         80000 silvers
  7. a faded beach outpost                                                65000 silvers
  8. an ornate glass-front shop                                           90000 silvers
  9. a plain canvas-sided dispensary                                      40000 silvers
 10. a dark speckled marble storefront                                    85000 silvers
 11. a shrub-lined sandstone cottage                                      95000 silvers
 12. a square steel-paneled shed                                          30000 silvers
 13. a drab pebble-front enclosure                                        50000 silvers
 14. a rounded tiled emporium                                             75000 silvers
 15. a short cobblestone edifice                                          60000 silvers
 16. an elegant limestone store                                          100000 silvers

Isle Designs, Containers

Directions: east from Facades

[Isle Designs, Containers] Room: 739508
A braided sea grass floor spreads across the room in shades of muted greens in a sharp contrast to the pale beige bamboo stalks that line the walls and ceiling. From the walls jut out several polished display stands offering a selection of items for sale. Hanging from the bamboo above the displays are groups of carved native masks, each painted in a popular regional style. Customers point and converse about the masks, noting their authentic qualities. You also see a bleached driftwood sign.
Obvious exits: west


  1. an oversized sea chest (holds 25 inside)                             40000 silvers
  2. a wide knotted oak counter (holds 25 on top)                         40000 silvers
  3. a warped treasure chest (holds 15 inside)                            25000 silvers
  4. a dented iron footlocker (holds 12 inside)                           15000 silvers
  5. a fish hook rack (holds 10 on top)                                   15000 silvers
  6. some carved haon pegs (holds 5 on top)                               12000 silvers
  7. a rusted metal display rack (holds 12 on top)                        18000 silvers
  8. a long mistwood counter (holds 20 on top)                            35000 silvers
  9. a heavy ale barrel (holds 4 on top)                                  12000 silvers
 10. a stiffened seaweed basket (holds 5 inside)                          12000 silvers
 11. a gnarled oak table (holds 8 on top)                                 14000 silvers
 12. a splintered cargo crate (holds 15 inside)                           25000 silvers
 13. a torn sailcloth hammock (holds 10 inside)                           14000 silvers
 14. a woven fishnet basket (holds 8 inside)                              14000 silvers
 15. a salt-crusted sandstone case (holds 22 inside)                      36000 silvers
 16. an aqua-hued seaglass display (holds 10 on top)                      15000 silvers
 17. a pink-edged open clamshell (holds 1 inside)                         10000 silvers
 18. a shell-lined bamboo counter (holds 15 on top)                       25000 silvers
 19. a floral-etched ceramic case (holds 25 inside)                       40000 silvers
 20. some stained driftwood shelves (holds 14 on top)                     22000 silvers

Isle Designs, Walls

Directions: north from Facades

[Isle Designs, Walls] Room: 739509
This area of the building has been made to mock a scene at a relaxing beach. Several layers of fine, white sand cover the floor, dotted with seashells and dried seaweed. In the center of the room, an oversized red and white umbrella has been forced into the sand and is surrounded by sandcastles and tiny bright red crabs. From the fishnet-covered walls protrudes a set of driftwood shelves, the only sign that there are items for sale. You also see a bleached driftwood sign.
Obvious exits: east, south


  1. a glazed bamboo wall                                                 30000 silvers
  2. a white silk-paneled wall                                            40000 silvers
  3. a rough plastered wall                                               15000 silvers
  4. a warped driftwood wall                                              10000 silvers
  5. a textured sandstone wall                                            25000 silvers
  6. a crumbling brick wall                                               15000 silvers
  7. a gold-veined marble wall                                            50000 silvers
  8. a woven grass divider wall                                           10000 silvers
  9. a stained cloth wall                                                 10000 silvers
 10. a whitewashed pine wall                                              35000 silvers
 11. a smooth mistwood wall                                               45000 silvers
 12. a thick slate wall                                                   25000 silvers
 13. a thin seaweed-covered wall                                          20000 silvers
 14. a blue-speckled sea glass wall                                       40000 silvers

Isle Designs, Floor Displays

Directions: east from Walls

[Isle Designs, Floor Displays] Room: 739505
Two giant palm trees rise from pots at the back corners of the room, their glossy leaves just brushing against the ceiling. Between the trees a faded hammock has been tied at each end to both trunks. Around the room heaps of silken pillows are scattered between rolled up rugs and tall statues, all haphazardly displayed for purchasers perusal pleasure. You also see a bleached driftwood sign.
Obvious exits: west


  1. a potted palm tree                                                   35000 silvers
  2. a tropical floral arrangement                                        30000 silvers
  3. a leaping dolphin statuette                                          25000 silvers
  4. a twisted sandstone sculpture                                        20000 silvers
  5. some woven linen pillows                                             15000 silvers
  6. a braided seagrass rug                                               15000 silvers
  7. a plain cotton mat                                                    5000 silvers
  8. some puffed raw silk pillows                                         25000 silvers
  9. an ornate bottled ship                                               35000 silvers
 10. a colorful seashell collection                                       45000 silvers
 11. an intricate sea creatures display                                   50000 silvers
 12. a stuffed octopus                                                    30000 silvers
 13. a wooden lighthouse figurine                                         10000 silvers
 14. a salt-dried seaweed rug                                             10000 silvers
 15. a set of terra cotta jugs                                            20000 silvers
 16. a wooden ship's wheel                                                40000 silvers