The Chandler's Shop

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Solhaven Chandler's Shop is the local general store for the port town of Solhaven. Browsing the wares you will find a vast assortment of customizable containers.


Name Price
1. a cotton backpack
2. a cotton knapsack
3. a cotton haversack
4. a cotton satchel
5. a cotton pouch
6. a cotton belt pouch
7. a cotton herb pouch
8. a small cotton sack
9. a large cotton sack
10. a cotton sheath
11. a mail backpack
12. a mail knapsack
13. a mail haversack
14. a mail satchel
15. a mail pouch
16. a mail belt pouch
17. a mail herb pouch
18. a small mail sack
19. a large mail sack
20. a mail sheath
21. an oilcloth backpack
22. an oilcloth knapsack
23. an oilcloth haversack
24. an oilcloth satchel
25. an oilcloth pouch
26. an oilcloth belt pouch
27. an oilcloth herb pouch
28. a small oilcloth sack
29. a large oilcloth sack
30. an oilcloth sheath