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Revision as of 12:15, 29 July 2009 by MOURNE (talk | contribs) (Continuing revision and expansion of the trap types.)
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Traps are typically found on boxes that some creatures drop as treasure or loot when searched. Most traps only require two steps to remove -- the check for traps and then the disarm attempt. Some traps, however, require more steps and/or specific items on hand to disarm them.

Traps found on boxes can be DETECTED to attempt to see the trap, and DISARMED to disarm the trap.

Items needed to disarm various traps include disarming kits, which can be purchased from locksmith shops, dagger-based weapons, and lockpicks.

Types of traps

There are a number of traps found on boxes, and some have a few sub-types to go with them. Notably, scarabs have various different types of scarabs, each having a different effect when triggered.


Scarabs are a two-part trap. First, disarm the box to drop the scarab to the floor. Then, disarm the scarab to render it inert. Skill in Arcane Symbols will help with disarming scarabs, though that help is believed to be negligible for those with high ranks in Disarming Traps.
The message received when disarming a scarab is also not exact, but becomes more precise with more ranks in Arcane Symbols. Sample messaging, which may or may not indicate success:
  • "You feel like you probably rendered the translucent scarab harmless, but can't be sure."
  • "Deciphering the runes is relatively simple, and you're pretty sure you were successful."
  • "*scritch scritch* If that had been any easier, you could have done it blindfolded."
Disarming a loose scarab multiple times is possible and often advisable when one is unsure of their success with the first disarm. However, the value of a scarab drops each time it is disarmed. They can be sold at the gemshop.
Scarabs come in five varieties:
Sky-Blue Glaes
Will bite the person who triggers it and inflict a strong disease before flying away. Box is safe after scarab is triggered.
Sea-Green Glaes
Will bite the person who triggers it and inflict a strong poison before flying away. Box is safe after scarab is triggered.
Spiked Onyx
Will burrow into the person who triggers it and cause damage, heading toward the heart. If it reaches your heart, it will kill you, then erupt from your chest and attack someone else in the room. Neutralize Curse can kill an onyx scarab when it has burrowed, or the afflicted limb can be ambushed off if the scarab hasn't reached the torso yet and the scarab can be attacked like a normal creature. Box is safe after scarab is triggered.
Blood Red
Will latch onto the hand of the person who triggers it and draw blood until the victim is dead, then attack someone else in the room. Neutralize Curse can kill a blood red scarab when it is leeching, or the afflicted limb can be ambushed off and the scarab can be attacked like a normal creature. Box is safe after scarab is triggered.
Casts the spell Evil Eye at the person who triggers it, with a very high casting strength. The scarab returns to the box after it has been triggered. A successfully disarmed translucent scarab can be rubbed for a defensive spell effect.
Glimmering Opalescent
Casts a very strong CS-based spell at the person who triggers it before returning to the box. Spells observed to be cast include Spike Thorn, Dark Catalyst, Boil Earth, and Elemental Blast. A successfully disarmed opalescent scarab can be rubbed for a defensive spell effect.

Poison Needle

A very basic trap that disarms easily after being checked. However, a toolkit with puddy is required to disarm it. Setting the trap off only results in a minor wound to the hand and possibly being poisoned. Needles can be removed and used as a thief trap through the Lock Mastery Rogue Guild skill. The potency of a needle trap is influenced by its difficulty, but the thief's skill has no impact on whether or not the needle is hit.


This trap has a large amount of roundtime associated with disarming it, but generally disarms easily. A pair of springs are left in the box after this trap is disarmed. Setting the trap off severs the hand of the person handling the trap. The jaws can also be extracted via Lock Mastery and used as a thief trap. Nothing about a jaws trap is influenced by its difficulty, and the ability for a thief to avoid it or steal it is strictly based on their training. Only the highest level and highest trained thieves can actually steal them, and even at maximum training the chance is slim.


This trap is unique in being disarmed in that the person disarming the trap must be holding a lockpick when disarming it in order to pry the gem from its set location. Setting this trap off casts the spell, Major Elemental Wave (435), which can have devistating results to all persons in the room. The gem may also be removed with Lock Mastery, and used as a thrown weapon. When thrown, the gem creates a wave similar to the spell mentioned earlier, but to reduced effect.

Additional Information