Deity messaging

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Revision as of 20:41, 29 July 2015 by ZHOUY1 (talk | contribs) (1611 and 1613 messaging for Ronan.)
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This page contains the unique messaging for spells and abilities that depend on a character's deity alignment (via CONVERT).


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Major Sanctuary (220)

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Smite/Bane (302)

A scintillating, blue-white aura encompasses TARGET.
  • Tiny filaments of blue-white energy pierce TARGET, lightly agitating TARGET's skin.
  • A scintilla of blue-white energy slightly agitates TARGET.
  • Small globes of blue-white energy crash into TARGET, causing small bruises to form.
  • Prismatic shards of blue-white energy shatter against TARGET, inflicting moderate wounds.
  • A pinpoint of blue-white energy traces its way along TARGET's skin, leaving a blackened line in its wake.
  • A cascade of blue-white energy waves buffets TARGET.
  • An explosion of blue-white energy near TARGET consumes the surrounding area with a blinding light.
  • Multiple rays of blue-white energy ignite several patches of TARGET's skin in a blaze of energy.
  • Large wisps of blue-white energy lash out at TARGET, cauterizing the impact marks on the skin in an instant.
  • A massive beam of blue-white energy engulfs TARGET in a luminous column of light!
A minuscule blue-white star slowly ascends from the floor directly under TARGET, blinking in and out of existence as it passes through the TARGET's skin. Upon reaching its apex just above the TARGET, the star explodes in a brilliant display of sound and light. Tiny sparks of energy shower down upon TARGET, causing the TARGET to writhe in agony as her entire being is covered in a brilliant white glow.
The TARGET falls to the ground dead, its skin still pulsating with a blinding white hue.
A sickly, violet haze encompasses TARGET.
  • The violet haze lightly swirls around the TARGET, inducing light wounds upon TARGET's skin.
  • The violet haze softly swirls around the TARGET, causing tiny abrasions upon TARGET's skin.
  • The violet haze slowly swirls around the TARGET, inducing temperate wounds upon TARGET's skin.
  • The violet haze steadily swirls around the TARGET, discoloring patches on TARGET's skin that came in direct contact with the haze.
  • The violet haze eddies and swirls around the TARGET, lashing out at TARGET's skin with ethereal tendrils.
  • The violet haze quickly swirls around the TARGET, and the velocity causes large pieces of TARGET's skin to peel off.
  • The violet haze rapidly swirls around the TARGET, sparking with pockets of chaotic, plasma energy.
  • The violet haze furiously swirls around the TARGET, striking at TARGET with small flashes of plasma.
  • The violet haze violently swirls around the TARGET, scorching the skin of TARGET.
  • The violet haze chaotically swirls around the TARGET, the tremendous force causing the victim to crumple inward upon itself!
A triad of ebony orbs conjoined by crackling ribbons of violet energy suddenly appear out of nowhere. The pulsating orbs take up a position directly in front of the TARGET, and slowly begin to move apart, stopping when they form a triangular shape of equal height to the creature. Encasing the TARGET within this framework, the triangle begins to rotate with tremendous speed, binding the TARGET with a cocoon of energy ribbons. A blur of violet and black obscures TARGET from view and as mysteriously as the orbs appeared, they fade away.
All that remains of the TARGET is a charred ashen figure of its former self lying upon the floor.

Well of Life (308)

Pantheon of Liabo

As you sense your souls have linked together, your skin tingles with electrical energy.
As you sense your souls have linked together, you smell the aroma of fine wine.
As you sense your souls have linked together, your face tingles briefly with heat like that of a nearby forge.
As you sense your souls have linked together, you hear the faint rustling of autumn leaves.
As you sense your souls have linked together, a pattern of stars flickers faintly before you before fading away again.
As you sense your souls have linked together, a shaft of light like a well-thrown spear flashes briefly across your sight.
As you sense your souls have linked together, for only an instant, you glimpse the flows of mana coursing around you.
As you sense your souls have linked together, the chill of winter spreads slowly through your body.
As you sense your souls have linked together, a few wisps of grey mist drift past you.
As you sense your souls have linked together, the light smell of spring flowers in bloom washes over you.
As you sense your souls have linked together, warmth caresses your skin like the touch of the noontide sun.
As you sense your souls have linked together, a tide of dreamlike lassitude washes through you.
As you sense your souls have linked together, you hear the light sound of two coins clinking together.

Pantheon of Lornon

As you sense your souls have linked together, a deep, rich purring, more felt than heard, vibrates through your body.
As you sense your souls have linked together, the area seems to darken for a moment.
As you sense your souls have linked together, the smell of dry, ancient parchment drifts past.
As you sense your souls have linked together, the smell of tuberose incense twines slowly around you.
As you sense your souls have linked together, a scaly texture rasps slowly over your skin.
As you sense your souls have linked together, an acrid, alien smell creeps slowly through the air.
As you sense your souls have linked together, a phantom pressure briefly encircles each of your wrists.
As you sense your souls have linked together, the cackle of a jackal echoes in your skull.
As you sense your souls have linked together, the coppery scent of drying blood saturates your senses.

Pantheon of Neutrality

As you sense your souls have linked together, a sensation like feathers brushes over your face.
As you sense your souls have linked together, a wild, silvery giggle rings in your head.

Lesser Spirits

As you sense your souls have linked together, the delicate scent of jungle lilies wafts around you.
As you sense your souls have linked together, you feel the hilt of a knife pressing against your palm.
As you sense your souls have linked together, and a sticky feeling, like spiderweb encasing your skin, wraps briefly around you.
The Huntress
As you sense your souls have linked together, you hear the distinct, controlled swish of a long blade cutting through the air.
As you sense your souls have linked together, a light breeze caresses your skin.
As you sense your souls have linked together, the taste of acantha leaf tea fills your mouth.
As you sense your souls have linked together, the dusky, dense smell of drying roses drifts past.
As you sense your souls have linked together, the smell of trillium flowers surrounds you briefly.
As you sense your souls have linked together, the brief sensation of a dagger against your throat flashes past.
As you sense your souls have linked together, the smell of the sea washes gently past.
As you sense your souls have linked together, you hear a few bars of merry, skillfully whistled melody.
As you sense your souls have linked together, the fresh smell of dew-laden roses in bloom drifts past.
As you sense your souls have linked together, you hear the distant clash of sword upon shield.
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Blind (311)

Pantheon of Liabo

[1p] As your faith overcomes TARGET's weakened defenses, you sense the fury and violence of the Lord of the Seas flowing through you.
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[1p] As your faith overcomes TARGET's weakened defenses, you sense the merriment and goodwill of the Jester flowing through you.
[3p] Caster's face shimmers and vanishes, and, in its place, you see the image of a young, golden-haired man with a smile of delight curving his lips. His eyes are the color of the sky, and they sparkle brightly with merriment. Divine radiance blazes around the image, and you are blinded.
[1p] As your faith overcomes TARGET's weakened defenses, you sense the strong will and determination of the Master of the Forge flowing through you.
[3p] CASTER's face shimmers and vanishes, and, in its place, you see the craggy face of a dwarven man. An aura of reddish-golden light, much like the glow of a forge, surrounds his features. His brown gaze bores into you, and the image sears itself into your eyes before everything goes black.
[1p] As your faith overcomes TARGET's weakened defenses, you sense the warmth and healing power of the Lady of the Green flowing through you.
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[1p] As your faith overcomes TARGET's weakened defenses, you sense the tenuous, fleeting beauty of the world as the vision of the Soothsayer flows through you.
[3p] CASTER's face shimmers and vanishes, and, in its place, you see the image of a pale, black-haired young man. Behind him, the night sky shines, thousands of stars shimmering in incredible beauty, but his face is filled with devastating sorrow even as he gazes into the night. Suddenly, the stars blaze with searing silver brilliance, and you are blinded.
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[1p] As your faith overcomes TARGET's weakened defenses, you sense the majesty of the King of the Gods flowing through you.
[3p] CASTER's face shimmers and vanishes, and, in its place, you see the image of an ancient man wearing a majestic crown of pure light. The lines of his face are weary, and a great, snow-white beard flows from his chin, but his heavy-lidded blue eyes transfix you with their power. Divine radiance blazes around the image, and you are blinded.
[1p] As your faith overcomes TARGET's weakened defenses, you sense the somber, majestic power and the caring presence of the Gatekeeper flowing through you.
[3p] CASTER's face shimmers and vanishes, and, in its place, you see the image of a thin woman with alabaster-hued skin. Snowflakes collect in her raven black hair, and winter's chill sweeps over you as her somber gaze meets yours. The image sears into your vision, and then everything goes dark.
[1p] As your faith overcomes TARGET's weakened defenses, you sense the wisdom and knowledge of the Queen of Enlightenment flowing through you.
[3p] CASTER's face shimmers and vanishes, and, in its place, you see the image of a mature woman robed in cloud grey gossamer. A single streak of grey hair mars her black tresses, and her face is serenely calm. Divine radiance blazes around the image, and you are blinded.
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[1p] As your faith overcomes TARGET's weakened defenses, your skin grows warm with the touch of sunlight as the masculine power of the Sun God flows through you.
[3p] CASTER's face shimmers and vanishes, and, in its place, you see the image of a gaunt man with golden hair that shines as brightly as the sun. His smile is confident and proud, and a touch of arrogance blazes in his blue eyes. Divine radiance flares around the image, and you are blinded.
[1p] As your faith overcomes TARGET's weakened defenses, you sense the dark, watchful power of the Lord of Dreams flowing through you.
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Pantheon of Lornon

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[1p] As your faith overcomes TARGET's weakened defenses, you sense the knowledge and intellectual interest of the Grandfather flowing through you.
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[1p] As your faith overcomes TARGET's weakened defenses, you sense the passion and sensuality of the Seductress flowing through you.
[3p] CASTER's face shimmers and vanishes, and, in its place, you see the image of a staggeringly beautiful woman. Shimmering smoke surrounds her face, distorting it slightly, but her long-lashed eyes gaze knowingly into yours, dark with an unmistakable invitation. The image sears itself into your eyes before everything dissolves in a wash of grey.
[1p] As your faith overcomes TARGET's weakened defenses, you sense the cruel malice of the Eater of Souls flowing through you.
[3p] CASTER's face shimmers and vanishes, and, in its place, you see the image of a massive emerald green serpent. The snake's golden eyes transfix you with their power as its forked tongue darts out to taste the air. Darkness wells forth to consume the image, and then you see nothing at all.
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[3p] CASTER's face shimmers and vanishes, and, in its place, you see the image of a gruesome demon. The monster's skin is glistening black, hooked wings arch above his inhuman features, and barbed tentacles lash and writhe restlessly around its body from appendages that bear only the faintest resemblance to arms. Darkness wells forth to consume the image, and then you see nothing at all.
[1p] As your faith overcomes <target>'s weakened defenses, you sense the compassion, pain, and longing of He who is the Sorrow of the World flowing through you.
[3p] CASTER's face shimmers and vanishes, and, in its place, you see the image of a young man with incredibly compassionate eyes. His features are as delicate as an elven child's, but a bloody lash-stroke mars his skin near the collar of his white robe. The image sears itself into your vision before everything dissolves in a wash of scarlet.
[1p] As your faith overcomes <target>'s weakened defenses, you sense the cruel, feral power of the Bringer of Terror flowing through you.
[3p] CASTER's face shimmers and vanishes, and, in its place, you see a pair of feral amber eyes gleaming out of darkness. Faintly, you can discern the outline of a jackal's head, but the proportions are subtly distorted -- the muzzle is too large to properly fit the head, and needlelike teeth gleam menacingly behind black lips. Darkness wells forth to consume the image, and then you see nothing at all.
[1p] As your faith overcomes TARGET'ss weakened defenses, you sense the ecstatic bloodlust of the Berserker flowing through you.
[3p] CASTER's face shimmers and vanishes, and, in its place, you see the image of a giantman with marble white skin. His coal black eyes stare vengefully down at you, an expression of threat made only more dire by the bloodstained armor concealing his vast bulk. The image sears itself into your vision before everything dissolves in a wash of scarlet.

Pantheon of Neutrality

[1p] As your faith overcomes TARGET's weakened defenses, your skin grows cold as the calm, silent power of the Mistress of Eternity flows through you.
[3p] CASTER's face shimmers and vanishes, and, in its place, you see a somber woman swathed in a grey cloak. Her face is as pale as alabaster, and her features are composed with perfect, unwavering serenity. The air grows cold as her ice blue gaze rests upon you. The intensity of the vision overwhelms you, and everything dissolves in a wash of grey, leaving you blinded.
[1p] As your faith overcomes TARGET's weakened defenses, you sense the madness of the Keeper of the Moons rising in you.
[3p] CASTER's face shimmers and vanishes, and, in its place, you see four crescent moons wheeling wildly through a sky that flashes with a thousand different colors. A pair of large emerald eyes stare down on you from above the moons, set in a constantly shifting face framed by long, windblown silver hair. The delighted laughter of a madwoman fills your ears as you grow more and more disoriented, and then the intensity of the vision overwhelms you. Everything dissolves in a wash of grey, leaving you blinded.

Lesser Spirits

[1p] As your faith overcomes TARGET's weakened defenses, you sense the warmth and nuturing comfort of the Mother flowing through you.
[3p] CASTER's face shimmers and vanishes, and, in its place, you see the image of a beautiful human woman with kind, quiet eyes. The leaves, flowers, and vines of a verdant tropical garden twine through her hair and caress her shoulders, with one particularly large lily spreading its milk-white petals across her brow. A faint glow halos her features for only a moment before her face, and everything else, vanishes from view.
[1p] As your faith overcomes TARGET's weakened defenses, you sense the frenzied religious ecstasy of the Executioner flowing through you.
[3p] CASTER's face shimmers and vanishes, and, in its place, you see the image of a cruelly smiling Faendryl man with dark bronze skin and slitted golden eyes. Flowing white hair courses over his lean neck and shoulders. Like blood spilling up from a cut, darkness wells forth to consume the image, and then you see nothing at all.
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[3p] CASTER's face shimmers and vanishes, and, in its place, you see the image of a brash woman with a fighter's build, clad in bloodstained leather armor. One of her eyebrows is slightly raised, and her smirk is distinctly condescending. Superimposed over her face, the image of a black widow spider shimmers into view, then fades away again. As the spider vanishes, everything else falls into darkness, leaving you blind.
The Huntress
[1p] As your faith overcomes TARGET's weakened defenses, you sense the cold, exquisitely controlled anger of the Huntress flowing through you.
[3p] CASTER's face shimmers and vanishes, and, in its place, you see the image of a surpassingly beautiful woman whose face is a mask of carefully controlled anger. A silvery scythe blade curves alongside her face, and the reflection across the mirror-polished surface displays the eight-pointed star Krr'ska. Light flashes from the scythe blade into your eyes, and then everything goes black.
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[1p] As your faith overcomes TARGET's weakened defenses, you sense the sorrowful compassion of the Lovelorn flowing through you.
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[1p] As your faith overcomes TARGET's weakened defenses, you sense the cool confidence of the Master of Martial Arts flowing through you.
[3p] CASTER's face shimmers and vanishes, and, in its place, you see the image of a woman in her twenties with wavy mahogany hair and azure eyes. Calm, unquestioning confidence fills her expression as she gazes directly at you, mitigated only slightly by the concealed shadow of sorrow. The image sears itself into your eyes before everything dissolves in a wash of grey.
[1p] As your faith overcomes TARGET's weakened defenses, you sense the merry, flirtatious delight of the Wavedancer flowing through you.
[3p] CASTER's face shimmers and vanishes, and, in its place, you see a waiflike young woman with shining blue eyes and a dazzling smile. Her pale blonde hair flows over her milk-white shoulders as smoothly as water, and you briefly smell a fresh sea breeze in the moment before everything goes dark.
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[3p] CASTER's face shimmers and vanishes, and, in its place, you see the image of a cracked white skull. Shadows play over the pale bone surface, but never fully resolve into recognizable forms. Abruptly, the skull vanishes into complete and utter blackness -- along with everything else around you.
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[1p] As your faith overcomes TARGET's weakened defenses, you sense the merry pleasure of the Patron of Young Love flowing through you.
[3p] CASTER's face shimmers and vanishes, and, in its place, you see the image of a young man with delicately fair skin, sunlight golden hair, and merry blue eyes framed by long blond lashes. He presses a blood red rose to his cheek as he flashes a mischevious, flirtatious smile. Golden radiance flashes around his face in the instant before everything goes dark.
[1p] As your faith overcomes TARGET's weakened defenses, you sense the grim, determined spirit of the Paladin flowing through you.
[3p] CASTER's face shimmers and vanishes, and, in its place, you see the image of a grim man clad in a full suit of black chainmail. His cold, somber eyes stare straight past you, and the faint halo of white radiance surrounding him only seems to deepen the shadows of his forbidding visage. The image sears itself into your eyes before everything dissolves into blackness.
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Prayer (313)

Pantheon of Liabo

[1p] Turning your thoughts inward, you ask for the wrath of your deity to protect you. The scent of brine and lightning-struck sand surrounds you, and you sense that your prayer has been granted.
[3p] Brilliant white light flickers in CASTER's eyes.
[1p] Turning your thoughts inward, you ask for the humor of your deity to protect you. You taste fine wine on your lips, and you sense that your prayer has been granted.
[3p] Sapphire light dances in CASTER's eyes.
[1p] Turning your thoughts inward, you ask for the labor of your deity to protect you. Your eyes sting as if with the touch of smoke or sweat, and you sense that your prayer has been granted.
[3p] Dark red light glimmers in CASTER's eyes.
[1p] Turning your thoughts inward, you ask for the bounty of your deity to protect you. The smell of ripe wild raspberries swirls around you, and you sense that your prayer has been granted.
[3p] Leaf-green light shines in CASTER's eyes.
[1p] Turning your thoughts inward, you ask for the foresight of your deity to protect you. All hues around you gain brilliance as all shadows around you deepen, and you sense that your prayer has been granted.
[3p] Brilliant white light burns in CASTER's eyes.
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[1p] Turning your thoughts inward, you ask for the justice of your deity to protect you. The ground trembles almost imperceptibly underfoot, and you sense that your prayer has been granted.
[3p] Intense golden topaz light blazes in CASTER's eyes.
[1p] Turning your thoughts inward, you ask for the compassion of your deity to protect you. The delicate chill of autumn's first frost settles over your skin, and you sense that your prayer has been granted.
[3p] Pallid light glows in CASTER's eyes.
[1p] Turning your thoughts inward, you ask for the wisdom of your deity to protect you. Confidence and clarity settle over you, and you sense that your prayer has been granted.
[3p] Opalescent light shines in CASTER's eyes.
[1p] Turning your thoughts inward, you ask for the love of your deity to protect you. The smell of lily-of-the-valley surrounds you, and you sense that your prayer has been granted.
[3p] Violet light sparkles in CASTER's eyes.
[1p] Turning your thoughts inward, you ask for the power of your deity to protect you. The warmth of sunlight caresses your skin, and you sense that your prayer has been granted.
[3p] Golden radiance burns in CASTER's eyes.
[1p] Turning your thoughts inward, you ask for the sword of your deity to protect you. The shadow of night darkens everything around you, and you sense that your prayer has been granted.
[3p] Starry silver radiance shimmers in CASTER's eyes.
[1p] Turning your thoughts inward, you ask for the wings of your deity to protect you. A light ripple passes through the air, and you sense that your prayer has been granted.
[3p] Golden light shines in CASTER's eyes.

Pantheon of Lornon

[1p] Turning your thoughts inward, you ask for the pleasure of your deity to protect you. A low, rumbling purr vibrates through your head, and you sense that your prayer has been granted.
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[1p] Turning your thoughts inward, you ask for the majesty of your deity to protect you. The scent of something burning drifts past, and you sense that your prayer has been granted.
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[1p] Turning your thoughts inward, you ask for the knowledge of your deity to protect you. The smell of dusty parchment tickles your nose, and you sense that your prayer has been granted.
[3p] Pale yellow light flashes in CASTER's eyes.
[1p] Turning your thoughts inward, you ask for the desire of your deity to protect you. Your head swims as if with alcohol or incense, and you sense that your prayer has been granted.
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[1p] Turning your thoughts inward, you ask for the will of your deity to protect you. Something smooth yet hard rasps over your cheek, like the pebbled scales of a great serpent, and you sense that your prayer has been granted.
[3p] Emerald light glimmers in CASTER's eyes.
[1p] Turning your thoughts inward, you ask for the delight of your deity to protect you. Your skin stings as if with the touch of acid, and you sense that your prayer has been granted.
[3p] Lurid orange light gleams in CASTER's eyes.
[1p] Turning your thoughts inward, you ask for the love of your deity to protect you. The softness of silk caresses the back of your neck, and you sense that your prayer has been granted.
[3p] Ruby light glimmers in CASTER's eyes.
[1p] Turning your thoughts inward, you ask for the favor of your deity to protect you. Unbidden, your heartbeat quickens with fear, and you sense that your prayer has been granted.
[3p] Amber light glows in CASTER's eyes.
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Pantheon of Neutrality

[1p] Turning your thoughts inward, you ask for the impartial hand of your deity to protect you. A delicate sensation like the caress of a feathered wing runs over your face from brow to chin, and you sense that your prayer has been granted.
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[1p] Turning your thoughts inward, you ask for the fickle spirit of your deity to protect you. A sudden wind chills your exposed skin, and you sense that your prayer has been granted.
[3p] Brilliant emerald light shines in CASTER's eyes.

Lesser Spirits

[1p] Turning your thoughts inward, you ask for the kindness of your deity to protect you. The smell of jungle rain drifts past you, and you sense that your prayer has been granted.
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[1p] Turning your thoughts inward, you ask for the frenzy of your deity to protect you. The smell of fresh-spilled blood swirls around you, and you sense that your prayer has been granted.
[3p] Blood red light shines in CASTER's eyes.
[1p] Turning your thoughts inward, you ask for the webs of your deity to protect you. Painless heat surges through your bloodstream. The world blurs into eight distinct images before refocusing upon one, and you sense that your prayer has been granted.
[3p] Intense crimson light glows in CASTER's eyes.
The Huntress
[1p] Turning your thoughts inward, you ask for the anger of your deity to protect you. For an instant, all around you is silvered by starlight to your eyes, and you sense that your prayer has been granted.
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[1p] Turning your thoughts inward, you ask for the caring of your deity to protect you. The aromas of pine needles and rich earth drift past you, and you sense that your prayer has been granted.
[3p] Dark green light glows in CASTER's eyes.
[1p] Turning your thoughts inward, you ask for the sympathy of your deity to protect you. The soft, musky scent of roses twines about you, and you sense that your prayer has been granted.
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[1p] Turning your thoughts inward, you ask for the skill of your deity to protect you. A sense of supple vitality flows through you, and you sense that your prayer has been granted.
[3p] Azure light shimmers in CASTER's eyes.
[1p] Turning your thoughts inward, you ask for the mercy of your deity to protect you. You taste sea salt on your lips, and you sense that your prayer has been granted.
[3p] Aquamarine light shimmers in CASTER's eyes.
[1p] Turning your thoughts inward, you ask for the cool decisiveness of your deity to protect you. Nothing impressive happens externally, but your senses and awareness expand subtly, and you sense that your prayer has been granted.
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[1p] Turning your thoughts inward, you ask for the approval of your deity to protect you. The enticing scent of sun-warmed roses twines about you, and you sense that your prayer has been granted.
[3p] Brilliant yellow light shines in CASTER's eyes.
[1p] Turning your thoughts inward, you ask for the shield of your deity to protect you. Something unseen settles around your torso like a suit of massive armor enclosing you. Instead of feeling weighted or weary, however, you feel uplifted, and you sense that your prayer has been granted.
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Censure (316)

In disgust and with a dismissive manner, CASTER speaks an incantation in an unknown language.
As the words capture your attention, you hear a second voice overlapping CASTER's and translating the invocation: "For your carelessness, your spirit shall be shackled by invisible chains, rendering you a lowly slave. You will grovel at the feet of the one who controls your freedom, kissing the jeweled hem of her garments and begging for a chance to redeem yourself!" Your spirit quails involuntarily at the power of the divine censure, and you feel your muscles tightening to disobey your will.
In a lush, seductive voice, CASTER purrs out an incantation in an unknown language.
As the words capture your attention, you hear a second voice overlapping CASTER's and translating the invocation: "For your transgressions, you shall know a hunger with no filling, a thirst with no quenching, and a yearning with no satisfaction. Every need you have will burn without ceasing until your entire body is aflame...." Your spirit quails involuntarily at the power of the divine censure, and you feel your muscles tightening to disobey your will.
Religious fervor infuses CASTER's voice as she speaks an incantation in an unknown language.
As the words capture your attention, you hear a second voice overlapping CASTER's and translating the invocation: "For your trangressions, the greatest of wraths will enfold you. All punishment that you have earned will be portioned out to you, more than any spirit or body or soul can endure...." Your spirit quails involuntarily at the power of the divine censure, and you feel your muscles tightening to disobey your will.

Raise Dead (318), Divine Word (1640)

Pantheon of Liabo

[2p] Moisture beads upon your skin as CASTER's eyes cloud over with the darkness of a rising storm. Power builds upon the air, causing the dead hair upon your arms to rise, and as CASTER utters the last words of her spell you hear the rumble of thunder in her voice. The rolling sound ripples upon the air and collides with your chest an instant before a brilliant flash suffuses you with raw spiritual energy.
[3p] Moisture beads on the skin of CASTER and TARGET as the former's eyes cloud over with the darkness of a rising storm. Power builds upon the air, causing the hair upon your arms to rise, and as CASTER utters the last words of his spell you hear the rumble of thunder in his voice. The rolling sound collides with TARGET's prone form, its very touch creating a brilliant flash that suffuses her in raw spiritual energy.
[3p] Musically, though lyric free, CASTER begins a soft chant in petition to her deity. Rising from the air around her, the sweet sound of a lute begins to accompany her and you discover that the very air seems alive with it. Reaching outward, CASTER touches TARGET on the lips and the blended sounds burst into a wordless chorus that surges between the pair in a shower of colorful lights.
[3p] Chanting slowly, the sound reminiscent of cogs moving through a large machine, CASTER gazes down at TARGET with a sense of greater understanding in his eyes. Briefly touching upon TARGET's forehead, CASTER reignites the spark of life within him.
[1p] Breathing slowly, you extend your senses towards the world around you and draw into you the very essence of nature. You shift your gaze towards TARGET and carefully release the energy you've drawn into yourself towards him. A rush of energy briefly flows between the two of you as you feel life slowly return to him.
[3p] Breathing slowly on the heels of her chanting, CASTER's gaze grows distant for several moments. With the grace of a doe lapping water at a brook, her gaze falls to TARGET and a rush of energy briefly flows between them causing TARGET to return to life.
[1p] Emptying all breathe from your body, you slowly still yourself and close your eyes. You reach out with all of your senses and feel a film shift across your vision. Opening your eyes, you gaze through a white haze and find images of TARGET floating above his prone form. Acts of TARGET's past, present, and future play out before your clouded vision. With conviction and faith, you pluck a future image of TARGET from the air and coax he back into his body. Slowly, the film slips from your eyes and images fade away.
[3p] Slowly exhaling the last syllable of his chant, CASTER closes his eyes for several moments. Upon opening his eyes, hundreds of images appear to hover over the prone form of TARGET. Each image is different from that of the woman that lays lifeless. With firm conviction, CASTER pulls at one of the images in the air and slowly coaxes TARGET's ghostly form back into her body. The film slips from CASTER's eyes as TARGET is filled with the breath of life.
[3p] Deep and resonating, you feel the chant that falls from her lips and watch as she is filled with the strength of her faith. She crouches beside TARGET and gently lifts him into her arms. CASTER's muscles swell with the power of her deity, and she cradles him close to her chest. Strength and life flood from CASTER's body into TARGET's, but CASTER suddenly seems weakened by the experience and is forced to her knees. With a soft sigh, CASTER still manages to lay TARGET gently back down.
[1p] With each passing moment during your slow chant, the thrum of power begins to flood your very being, pulsing through your veins like crackling electricity. The overwhelming sensation liberates your mind from the trivial details of mortal life. You fold your right arm over and rest your chin upon your hand while gazing down at the lifeless corpse of TARGET, contemplating his existence. Blinking once, you thrust your hand over TARGET, and the raw power escapes your body through your fingertips, flowing into him.
[2p] With each passing moment during CASTER's slow chant, his eyes flutter rhythmically. He folds his right arm and rests his chin upon his hand, then gazes down at you, as if contemplating your very existence. Blinking once, CASTER thrusts his hand over you, and crackling, raw power flows from CASTER's fingertips into your body, jolting you back to life.
[3p] With each passing moment during CASTER's slow chant, his eyes flutter rhythmically. He folds his right arm and rests his chin upon his hand, then gazes down at the lifeless corpse of TARGET, as if contemplating his existence. Blinking once, CASTERthrusts his hand over TARGET, and crackling raw power flows from CASTER's fingertips into TARGET.
[1p] Thin at first, a fine layer of rime tickles your hands and fingertips. The hoarfrost smoothly glides between you and TARGET, turning to a light powder as it traverses the space between. The white substance clings to TARGET's eyelashes and cheeks for a moment before it becomes charged with spiritual power, then it slowly melts away.
[3p] Thin at first, a fine layer of rime coats CASTER's hands and fingertips. The hoarfrost smoothly glides across the space between CASTER and TARGET, turning to a light powder in the open air. The white substance clings to TARGET's eyelashes and cheeks for a moment before it becomes charged with spiritual power, then it slowly melts away.
[1p] Lifting your finger, you begin to chant and draw a series of conjoined circles in the air. Each circle turns to mist and takes on a different hue - white, blue, black, red, and green. As the last ring is completed, you spread your fingers and gently allow your tips to touch each color before pushing the misty creation towards TARGET. A shock of energy courses through your body as the mist seeps into TARGET's chest and life is slowly returned to his body.
[3p] Lifting her finger, CASTER begins to chant and draws a series of conjoined circles in the air. Each circle turns to mist and takes on a different hue - white, blue, black, red, and green. As the last ring is completed, she spreads her fingers and gently allows the tips to touch each color and pushes the misty creation towards Body. A shock of energy courses through CASTER's body as the mist seeps into TARGET's chest and life is slowly returned to his body.
[1p] Rich and lively, the scent of wild flowers suddenly fills the air as you finish your chant, and you feel alive with the energy of spring. With renewal at your fingertips, you gently touch TARGET on the brow and revel in the sweet rush of energy that passes through you into her.
[3p] Rich and lively, the scent of wild flowers suddenly fills the air as CASTER finishes her chant, and an aura of energy forms a rose-hued nimbus around herself. Lifting his fingers, CASTER gently touches TARGET's brow and the nimbus drains away from CASTER as it fills TARGET with life.
[2p] A pleasant warmth encircles CASTER's body with a golden nimbus that is reminiscent of a rising sun, her features softened by its presence. As she lifts her right palm you notice a fierce energy fill her hand. The light, driven by CASTER's will, slants in thin lines from her hand across your face and fills you with the vigorous life of a burning sun.
[1p] Weaving your hands as you speak the words of your prayer, you are momentarily mesmerized by the silver nimbus that your movements create. The world around you takes on a dream-like quality and the nimbus at your fingertips turns into the image of a slender blade. Grasping it by the hilt, you plunge the silver light into TARGET's chest and feel the shock of impact tear the blade from your hands. As TARGET draws the breath of life into her lungs, the blade becomes ethereal and disperses into the air.
[3p] Weaving her hands as she speaks the words of her prayer, CASTER is momentarily mesmerized by the silver nimbus that her movements create. The world around you takes on a dream-like quality and the nimbus at CASTER's fingertips turns into the image of a slender blade. Grasping it by the hilt, CASTER plunges the silver light into TARGET's chest and the shock of its impact fills TARGET with life. As TARGET draws her first breath, the blade becomes ethereal and disperses into the air.
This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!

Pantheon of Lornon

[1p] A feeling of deep lassitude overcomes you as your lips part in a soft chant that is no louder than a gentle purr. Deep within your body you feel as though something is stretching languidly and slowly waking. The world takes on a black and white hue as another, deeper purr joins your own and at its climax you touch TARGET on the forehead. You feel a deep contentment at the exchange of raw power that your touch causes within his, and you feel the cat within return to quiet slumber; the experience leaving you to feel slightly weakened.
[2p] Shadows shift and roll around CASTER as his lips part in a soft chant that is no louder than a gentle purr. Taking on definition and contrast, the shadows around CASTER morph into the semblance of a large feline stretching languidly and his eyes take on a yellow cast as he gazes at you. A deeper, louder purr accompanies CASTER's as he touches your forehead and the feeling of raw power that burst over you blinds you. When your vision clears the shadows are long and his eyes have returned to normal.
[2p] Raw energy spills from the shadows that ring CASTER as she begins to weave her hands in complex gestures above you. Narrowing her eyes, Savior issues a sharp command at your spirit as it floats above your body, then you feel yourself slam back into your mortal shell.
[3p] Weaving his hands in complex gestures, CASTER begins to cast his spell and you notice that the shadows lengthen around him. CASTER narrows his eyes, his gaze falling upon TARGET, and issues one sharp command. Raw energy passes between the two and the shadows return from whence they came.
[1p] As you begin to chant you notice the scent of dry, dusty parchment and feel a cool mist cling to your skin somewhere near your feet. You sense the ethereal tendrils of the mist as they coil about your body and notice that the world turns to a yellowish hue as the mist settles about your head. Focusing on TARGET, you feel the transfer of energy pass between you as you return him to life.
[3p] As CASTER begins to chant the scent of dry, dusty parchment fills the air and a topaz mist wreathes her body. The coiling, ethereal tendrils circle about her and slowly rise from her feet to her head where they form a slit-eye. The eye opens, its focus upon TARGET and a surge of energy passes between the two.
[2p] Rolling green mist seeps from CASTER's skin and glides across her fingertips only to swirl through the air towards you. As the mist connects with your prone form, you feel a surge of power igniting your flesh and you writhe beneath its erratic gyrations.
[3p] Rolling green mist seeps from CASTER's skin and glides across her fingertips only to swirl through the air towards TARGET. As the mist connects with the prone form, a surge of power can be seen dancing across his skin and his writhes beneath its erratic gyrations.
[1p] As you begin to chant the air about you takes on the musty scent of an ophidian being shedding its skin and an emerald light clings to your skin. You feel the ethereal tendrils twining around your arms forming slender asps, which punctuate the words of your prayer with their hiss. Pointing towards TARGET, you feel the mist slither off of your arms and watch them slam into her chest at the exact moment that you feel your energy transfer into her.
[3p] As CASTER begins to chant, the air fills with the musty scent of coiling serpents and a mist of emerald light clings to his arms. The ethereal tendrils briefly seem to coil into the shape of asps, which suddenly strike out at TARGET and infuse her with CASTER's energy.
[1p] Murmuring softly, you call upon your connection with the Destroyer and feel your words twist into an alien, spidery chant. Dark shadows laced with crimson swirl before your eyes and at your forceful command sink into the chest of TARGET. The transference of energy is swift and immediate as you bind TARGET back into his body.
[3p] Murmuring softly, CASTER calls out in a harsh, commanding voice that slowly dwindles to an alien chant difficult to follow. Circling darkly around CASTER's body is a series of dark shadows infused with a crimson light. Suddenly, he issues a forceful, sharp command that sends the shadows crashing into TARGET's chest.
[1p] Murmuring softly, a mournful chant slips from your lips and you feel welts appear upon your wrists. Dipping them briefly, you smear the crimson liquid the leaks from these sudden wounds in a thin line down TARGET's face. Tingling with each second that your skin touches his, you feel the transference of your raw energy pass into TARGET and momentarily reel with the pain of its release. Slowly, the wounds on your wrists heal, though a lingering throb remains.
[2p] Murmuring softly, a mournful chants slips from CASTER's lips and crimson rents appear upon his wrist. Dipping them briefly, CASTER smears the crimson liquid that leaks from his wounds in a thin line down your face and the warm rawness of the life begins to bleed into you. The pain of renewal is almost as sharp as the rawness of the energy that suddenly fills you. Slowly, though you are dazed, you watch the wounds upon CASTER's wrists heal.
[1p] Low and monotonous, you begin a chant to draw TARGET back to life and feel the deep shadows of the area rise to meet you. Falling upon you like a cloak of darkness, the twisting, inky blackness transforms into the visage of a jackal from a once forgotten nightmare. Sweeping from your body into TARGET's, the raw energy of your prayer transfers into her prone form. Slowly, the shadows recede back into the surrounding area.
[3p] Low and monotonous, CASTER begins to chant and the deep shadows of the area seem to rise to meet him. Falling upon him like a mantle of darkness, the twisting, inky blackness transforms into the visage of a jackal from a once forgotten nightmare and sweeps from CASTER's body into TARGET. Slowly, the shadows recede back into the surrounding area.
[3p] Harsh and barbaric, the words of CASTER's chant fall from his lips and disappear upon the surrounding air. Blood fills his eyes, and his face transforms into a mask of unholy rage as he stares down at TARGET's prone form. Suddenly blinded by the berserker frenzy that fills him, CASTER lashes out at TARGET and the air crackles with the raw energy of his fury as it restores her to life.

Pantheon of Neutrality

[1p] Wrapped in an aura of chill, you close your eyes and softly begin to chant. As the cold air that surrounds you condenses you feel it slowly ripple outward in waves that turn the breath of those nearby into a fine mist. This mist swiftly moves to encompass you and you feel a pair of wings arc over your back. With the last words of your chant, you open your eyes and watch as foggy wings rise above you and gently brush against TARGET. As they dissipate in a cold rush against TARGET, you feel a surge of power spill forth from you and into him.
[3p] Wrapped in an aura of chill, CASTER closes her eyes and softly begins to chant. As the cold air that surrounds her condenses it beings to ripple outward in waves that turns the breath of those nearby into a fine mist. This mist swiftly moves to encompass CASTER and slowly coalesces into a pair of ethereal wings that settle into a protective arc over TARGET. With the last words of her chant, the wings surge forward and gently caress TARGET, only to dissipate moments later taking the chill of the air with it.
[1p] Silvery and light, your eyes glaze over with a wild, crazed view of the world around you. A strange giggle passes your lips of its own volition as you gaze at TARGET's prone form. As if the carefree sound becomes something visible and substantial, the air around TARGET shimmers silvery and raw, as spiritual energy flows from you into hers.
[2p] Silver and light, CASTER's eyes take on a wild, crazed sheen. Her gaze falls upon you and a strange giggle passes from her lips. The laughter swells upon the air and as the carefree sound falls upon you it seems to swell and gain substance, filling you with its raw, as silvery spiritual energy.

Lesser Spirits

[1p] Chanting softly, you begin to feel the gentle patter of rainfall upon your skin and smell the rich scent of loam fill the air. Lightly brushing your fingertips against TARGET's brow, you feel a warm rush of energy thrum through your feet and rise up through your body only to be transferred through your finger tips into her prone form.
Guttural and primal, the words of Uraag's chant are torn from Uraag throat with enough force to slice the very air. He clenches his hands into tight fists and within moments blood begins to seep from between his fingers. Bending at the waist, Uraag opens his hands and presses his right hand to Strydyr's forehead, and the other to his lips. Power surges through the connected bodies and within moments Strydyr draws his first breath of life.
[2p] Low and soft, the chant that falls from CASTER's lips is suddenly transformed into a sound that resembles the gentle clattering of thousands of tiny feet as they scuttle across a marble floor. Waving his hands over you, you notice that tiny threads of spider silk are leaking from his fingertips, and you realize that you are being blanketed in a cocoon. Moments later, you feel the webbing seep into your skin, and with it comes a feeling of raw energy, which shocks you back into life. As you draw your first breaths, the webbing seems to have completely dissolved.
The Huntress
[1p] Crouching beside the prone form of TARGET, you softly issue the last syllable of your chant. Breathing deeply, you take in the scents around you and let the feel of your surroundings infuse you. With only your gaze, you track the area and recreate the circumstances of TARGET's death within your mind. Touching TARGET, you follow the lines of the web that holds his soul in place and force it back into his body. Raw energy courses through you and you feel your sense of justice and vengeance filling TARGET with life.
[2p] Crouching beside your prone form, CASTER softly issues the last syllables of his chant and takes a deep breath. Calmness steals over his features, and as he lifts his eyes to the surroundings, you are reminded of a wild animal tracking its prey. Slowly, and with deliberate movement, CASTER's gaze slips over your body and you feel him reach out to you. With force, CASTER slams your soul back into your body and the transference of raw energy that brings you back to life is filled with justice and vengeance.
[3p] Crouching beside TARGET's prone form, CASTER softly issues the last syllables of his chant and takes a deep breath. Calmness steals over his features, and as he lifts his eyes to the surroundings, you are reminded of a wild animal tracking its prey. Slowly, and with deliberate movement, CASTER's gaze slips over TARGET's body and you watch as he plucks something that only he can see from the air. With force, CASTER slams his fist into TARGET's body and the raw energy transfers between them is filled with justice and vengeance
[1p] Kneeling beside the prone form of TARGET, you utter the last syllable of your chant and lower your face to xx's ear. Whispering softly, you speak unto her, "With the air in my lungs, I bring you back from death. With the power of Jaston, I draw you into breath." Slowly, you exhale upon TARGET's face, and you feel the gentle pull of the four winds carry your breath over every inch of her body. Standing, you feel the raw energy granted to you by your deity transfer into xx, and it momentarily steals your breath away.
[1p] You chant slowly as you walk a slow circle around the body of TARGET, shimmering flowers and herbs winking into existence. The gentle fragrance of an herb garden rises underfoot, flooding your senses and setting your skin tingling with the power of life. You lean over and pluck an ethereal leaf, placing it on TARGET's forehead. As it sinks into her skin, the garden around her grows higher and lusher, covering TARGET in blanket of calm, yet revitalizing energy.
[2p] CASTER chants slowly as she walk a slow circle around your body, shimmering flowers and herbs winking into existence. She leans over and plucks an ethereal leaf, placing it on your forehead. Sensation begins to return to your body as it sinks into your skin, and you can feel the gentle caress of calm energy blanketing you as the surrounding garden grows higher and lusher.
[1p] As the last syllable of your chant falls from your lips, you feel the need to hum come over you. The soft lullaby that issues from your throat reminds you of young loves that were lost before they had a chance to blossom. Gazing down at TARGET's prone form, you feel a deep connection between the light tune you hum and the loss of the life before you. Channeling your energy toward TARGET, you implore him to return to his body and rejoin the living so that others do not feel that loss.
[3p] Releasing all of the air from her body, CASTER lets the last syllables of her chant fall from her lips and you watch her grow perfectly still. Narrowing the focus of her attention to TARGET's lifeless form, CASTER shifts her stance and carefully lays her hand upon his forehead. Slowly, a deep blue nimbus begins to glow around CASTER's body, and as she withdraws her hand from TARGET's forehead, you notice that the glowing light begins to seep into the dagger-shaped brand seared upon it. Moments later, TARGET draws breath and the brand upon his forehead disappears.
[1p] You weave your hands in a fluid pattern before you, matching the tempo of your soft incantation. The subtle scent of the ocean tickles your nose as power rises within your being like the day's tide. With a wide smile, you caress TARGET's cheek before placing your hand above her heart. Wisps of rainbowed energy flow from your fingertips and into the body of TARGET, washing over her and rescuing her from the clutches of the abyss.
[1p] Almost imperceptible, you chant solemnly before TARGET, and the air around your hands begins to shimmer. Materializing out of nothingness, menacing shadows can be seen clinging to TARGET's cold body. With surgical precision, you strike at each dark tendril with a single finger, cutting them away from him. Slowly, you draw a single line across TARGET's neck, releasing him from the last bond of death.
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[1p] Lowering your eyes solemnly to TARGET's prone form, you utter the last syllable of your chant and are struck by the sudden, overpowering scent of roses. Gently laying your hand over TARGET's heart, you softly pour your energy into his form and implore he to return to life, love, and the acceptance of those around he. You feel your connection with TARGET grow as your energy fills his heart and are relieved to feel a pulse beneath your hands.
[2p] Lowering his eyes solemnly to you, CASTER utters the last syllable of his chant and you suddenly recognize the overpowering scent of roses on the air. Gently laying his hand upon your heart, you begin to feel your body again. Life, love, and the acceptance of all around you draws your soul back towards your body and within moments you feel the raw energy ignite your heartbeat and return you to life.
[3p] Gazing grimly upon the body of TARGET, CASTER chants with a quiet determination to intervene in TARGET's fate. Determination fills CASTER's face and he summons gossamer white energy around his hands. CASTER clutches his fist over his heart and then places his hand above TARGET's lifeless eyes. His once quiet chant grows stronger and louder as the energy rushes forth from his fingertips and into TARGET.
This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!


Pantheon of Liabo

Thunder breaks overhead with a deafening roar, and you are assaulted by the sharp scent of seawater. Blue sparks leap up from the ground, leaving jagged afterimages hovering in your vision for several moments after the lights themselves are gone.
Strains of music pluck at your ears, woven through with the sound of a distant voice raised in joyous laughter. Your heart grows light, the world more colorful to your eyes. In moments, the distant sounds fade and leave you energized in the wake of their merriment.
The air about you fills with a harsh light, every line you view through it sharply defined. A commanding and implacable gaze weighs heavily upon you, humbling you even as it fills you with a quiet pride. The sensation of being watched passes, but in its wake you are stronger and more firm in your resolve.

Pantheon of Lornon

A line of yellow light flows outward from your feet, tracing a pattern of growing intricacy on the air just above the ground. The light branches a multitude of times, each strand writhing in place as though barely held in check by some unseen power.
The threads of glowing amber loop back upon themselves, throwing silver sparks as their ends merge. The image of a stylized slit-pupiled eye completes itself and burns, sourceless, on the air about you for the space of a breath before vanishing into nothing.
A spot of darkness in your vision blooms hazily outward, rippling as it does so with deep violets and sickly greens. Six slender tentacles unfold from the heart of that writhing blackness, barely paler than the void that surrounds them, and form a slowly undulating star. After a moment, the darkness wavers and shreds, sending wisps of shadow curling away into nothing.
Needles of power stab into you, sending white-hot pain coursing through your body. Sorrow fills your heart, but with it comes acceptance, an overwhelming sense of rightness that stays with you even as the agony fades to a dull ache in your chest.
Shadows flood your vision and tinge everything you see a faint bloody red. The clash of battle fills your ears, punctuated by the cries of the dying. Your vision clears in moments and the riotous noises fade to nothing, but you are left with a righteous sense of purpose.

Pantheon of Neutrality

A stillness steals over you, distancing you from yourself. A soothing peace seeps outward from your core and strips away the clamor of daily living. Sounds fade away, divorced from their meaning in the cool grip of complete and utter silence. In moments, the silence is broken as though it never was, but though that crystalline quietude passes on, the peace it imparted remains.
Lights race across your vision, shifting and merging as they flee faster and faster. Crescents flow into full moons and back again, clouding over with crimson whorls before glowing a brilliant white. The sight is highly disorienting, leaving you dizzy from your attempts to track their movement. A dark speck arcs across a crazily spinning ruby dot just before all the lights vanish into silvery smoke, which lazily drifts away.

Lesser Spirits

The Huntress
Anger surges through you, boiling up from within and threatening to burst into violence. You bring your rage under control through sheer force of will and are rewarded by a growing sense of purpose. Though the unnaturally strong emotion drains away in minutes, your newly-won focus remains.
Cold, white light floods your mind, forming a near-solid barrier about your thoughts. Strength courses through your body, bringing with it new resolve and a firm sense of the righteousness of your cause.

Divine Wrath (335)

Pantheon of Liabo

As you pour your soul into an appeal to Charl, you know that you are heard. A briny gust of sea breeze swirls around you, infusing the air with the scent of the sea and droplets of saltwater.
A deafening thunderclap splits the air! Rather than fading away, the sound's echoes grow, and they gather into a rhythmic, crashing pulse like the sound of storm-tossed waves breaking on a desolate shore. The power of Charl has answered your prayer.
The sounds of crashing waves increase to an almost deafening level until, suddenly, a powerful wave surges into the area, violently slamming directly into TARGET.
White sparks flicker around you, and you sense electrical energy gathering in the instant before a massive bolt of lightning spears toward TARGET.
A final rumble of thunder rolls through the area, and, as its last echoes fade away, your skin ceases to tingle as your connection to Charl lessens.
As you pour your soul into an appeal to Cholen, you know that you are heard. Sudden heady joy courses through you, lifting your heart and strengthening your spirit, and your mouth fills with the taste of exquisitely fine wine. You feel yourself grinning in spite of yourself.
The sound of laughter and music dances through the air, and, from the corner of your eye, you glimpse the forms of bright-garbed harlequins turning somersaults and tossing juggling balls back and forth -- but it is impossible to catch even one jester with a straight-on glance, for the celebratory spirits fade into memory as soon as you spy them. The power of Cholen has answered your prayer.
A throwing knife formed of shimmering golden light hurtles from the hand of one of the spirit jesters toward TARGET.
Your connection to Cholen lessens. The airy, brisk trill of a well-played fife and a quick cymbal crash heralds the departure of the spirit jesters.
A sudden smile crosses CASTER's face and broadens into an infectious, easy grin.
The sound of laughter and music dances through the air, and something brightly colored flickers at the edges of your vision.
You glimpse movement at the corner of your eye right before a throwing knife formed of golden light hurtles toward TARGET.
The trill of the fife and the crash of cymbals echo through the air from no apparent source, and then the peculiar, colorful flickering at the edges of your vision goes away.
As you pour your soul into an appeal to Eonak, you know that you are heard. You feel heat against your face like the heat of a forge close at hand as a faint ruddy haze swirls into existence.
The reddish haze shifts and solidifies into the image of a short, stocky, copper-skinned man bending over an anvil. He pays no attention to you or to anything around you, but you know that the power of Eonak has answered your prayer.
Within the reddish haze swirling beside TARGET, the man brings his forging-hammer sharply down upon the anvil, producing a loud clang.
The ruddy haze near you dissipates, and the sound of the forging hammer dies away. As the forge-fire's heat leaves your skin, your connection to Eonak lessens.
(missing manifestation name)
Gazing into the ruddy haze, you see the image of a short, stocky, copper-skinned man bending over an anvil. He pays no attention whatsoever to you as he wields his forging hammer, and the orange light reflecting from his forge fire obscures his features from view.
As you pour your soul into an appeal to Imaera, you know that you are heard. The deep, quiet anger of the wilderness awakens within you, and you smell forest loam and hear the sound of wind passing through tree branches.
As the ground trembles, you know that the power of Imaera has answered your prayer, and you sense the forms of animal spirits running past unseen.
A brown stag materializes in midair, leaping out of nowhere to try to impale TARGET upon its magnificent antlers!
Almost even before the attack is complete, the stag leaps away as swiftly as it came and vanishes into the nothingness from which it sprang, allowing no time for retaliation.
You sense the last of the spirit animals running away unseen, and the aroma of forest loam fades as your connection to Imaera lessens.
The aroma of forest loam drifts softly past as CASTER bows her head reverently, accompanied by the sound of wind passing through tree branches.
The ground trembles slightly, and you hear a rhythm like that of hooves striking the ground swiftly.
A brown stag materializes in midair, leaping out of nowhere to try to impale TARGET upon its magnificent antlers!
Almost even before the attack is complete, the stag leaps away as swiftly as it came and vanishes into the nothingness from which it sprang, allowing no time for retaliation.
(missing end messaging)
As you pour your soul into an appeal to Jastev, you know that you are heard. A deep awareness of the ephemeral quality of the world fills you, and a man's low voice whispers into your ear, "This, like all things, shall pass."
Iridescent lights begin to swirl around you, each as brilliant as the finest paints an artist could buy -- malachite, lapis, ruby, saffron, umber, orchid, and a thousand other shades, as if you were wrapped in the center of a rainbow. The power of Jastev has answered your prayer.
A beam of vermilion light lances away from the rainbow around you to strike TARGET, bathing the TARGET in colored radiance.
A beam of cerulean light lances away from the rainbow around you to strike TARGET, bathing the TARGET in colored radiance.
The iridescent lights surrounding you pop like soap bubbles, one by one, until the last one bursts in a small flare of starry radiance and is gone. Your connection to Jastev lessens.
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An aura of power, health, and vitality settles around CASTER.
A brilliant silver glow encircles each of CASTER's hands and shapes a pair of ethereal silver-hued gauntlets.
CASTER punches at TARGET. A massive bolt of silver light blazes away from his fist!
CASTER looks briefly dejected as the ethereal silver gauntlets vanish from around his hands.
[3p - Look Caster]
A faint, healthy flush tinges CASTER's cheeks, and an aura of power and vitality fills each of his movements. Silver light encircles each of his hands in ethereal silver gauntlets.
As you pour your soul into an appeal to Koar, you know that you are heard. Heady power washes through your body as divine golden light encircles you.
The ground shivers and trembles restlessly underfoot, and you sense incredible power and strength focusing upon your surroundings. The power of Koar has answered your prayer.
An aura of divine golden light blazes into existence around TARGET.
Your connection to Koar lessens, and the divine light fades around you. The ground shudders one last time before falling still.
As you pour your soul into an appeal to Lorminstra, the image of a snow-covered forest with an open ebon gate at its center flashes through your mind, and the cold of winter slowly settles into your bones.
It begins to snow -- small, white, faintly glowing snowflakes that appear immediately overhead and drift delicately down to dissolve as soon as they strike the ground. Several strike your skin, and, instead of melting, they only deepen the icy chill that resides within your marrow. The power of Lorminstra has answered your prayer.
As several faintly glowing snowflakes settle upon TARGET, they ignite with cold white flame.
As your connection to Lorminstra lessens, the snowflakes stop falling, and the few that still cling to you melt away. The icy cold gradually lifts from your body.
As you pour your soul into an appeal to Lumnis, you know that you are heard. As insight floods through you, the world around you seems misty and immaterial.
As divine wisdom illuminates all things around you, you gain a greater understanding of the frail, tenuous nature of existence and the beauty within that fragility. The power of Lumnis has answered your prayer.
Guided by the knowledge within you, you concentrate upon TARGET, and, by strength of will alone, you expose the natural weaknesses of TARGET.
As your connection to Lumnis lessens, the world of divine insight slips away from you, destroying the subtle understanding that you so briefly managed to grasp.
CASTER stares into the distance with an abstracted expression on her face.
Tendrils of soft grey mist curl around CASTER's hands, and a matching pale grey light shimmers in her eyes.
As CASTER stares at TARGET, the grey light in her eyes intensifies, and then tendrils of mist stretch from her hands to caress TARGET.
The grey light dies from CASTER's eyes, and the tendrils of soft grey mist surrounding her hands dissipate.
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As you pour your soul into an appeal to Ronan, you know that you are heard. Dreamlike lassitude fills your body, and everything darkens around you.
Your vision splits and twins -- with one sight, you see the world around you, and, with the other, you see a wide, barren plain stretching away beneath a midnight sky. The silhouetted forms of pure black unicorns run soundlessly toward you across the dreaming plain. The power of Ronan has answered your prayer.
Seen only by your spirit gaze, one of the dream unicorns lowers its head and charges fiercely toward TARGET! Just before impact, the unicorn's horn glows fiercely amber in hue.
You lose sight of the dream unicorns and the barren plain upon which they run as your connection to Ronan lessens. The waking world seems brighter again as the sense of dreamlike lassitude leaves you.
As you pour your soul into an appeal to Tonis, a great wind sweeps into the area, causing everything in the vicinity to blow about wildly.
As the wind continues to whip about, the world seems to slow down around you, and you are aware of a spiritual presence nearby, although you cannot manage to catch more than a fleeting golden blur in your vision. The power of Tonis has answered your prayer.
Accompanied by a particularly impressive gust of wind, a fleeting golden blur flashes past TARGET.
You glimpse the golden blur one last time, but then you lose track of it entirely as your connection to Tonis lessens. The wind's force lessens as well, and then the air falls still.

Pantheon of Lornon

Caster's gaze grows keen and feral as a golden haze streaked with black manifests around him.
Suddenly, the shadows come alive with lithe feline forms, which prowl and stalk around in a wide-ranging circle.
An ethereal (random feline) lunges toward TARGET, slashing out viciously with its claws!
(missing end message)
a shadowy group of lithe feline forms prowling in a wide ring about the area
The glint of a claw, the gleam of a yellow eye, the graceful arch of a proud head, the disdainful flick of a tail in the second before a lightning-swift leap -- it is all that you can perceive of the circling forms. As soon as you try to focus your attention upon any single one of the shadows, it is gone, and an intense feeling of being watched creeps over you.
As you pour your soul into an appeal to Eorgina, you know that you are heard. Your own will shrivels like a dry autumn leaf in a firestorm as the dark Arkati's power sweeps through you.
Midnight black flames, sparkling and shimmering like the darkest diamonds ever mined, rise from the ground in a wide circle around you. You feel the deadly heat, but your skin remains dry beneath it.
Shimmering black flames lash out toward TARGET, encircling the TARGET in their deadly grasp.
Your connection to Eorgina lessens, and the black flames instantly vanish, leaving you stranded and bereft of the presence of the Arkati's power.
CASTER's lips twist in a cruel sneer as she straightens her back and glances around arrogantly. All light seems to dim, and the shadows cluster most densely around CASTER.
Midnight black flames, sparkling and shimmering like the darkest diamonds ever mined, rise from the ground in a wide circle around CASTER. The fire is searingly hot, but CASTER seems oblivious to the heat.
Shimmering black flames lash out toward TARGET, encircling the TARGET in their deadly grasp.
Abruptly, the black flames around CASTER wink out, leaving not even a wisp of smoke behind.
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As you pour your soul into an appeal to Luukos, you know that you are heard. Your skin prickles slightly all over your body, and a deep, resonant hiss echoes through your skull.
An agonized, bitter moan echoes through the area from an unseen source, and a dark emerald radiance ripples through the air around you. The power of Luukos has answered your prayer.
Long, spectral talons materialize from midair to tear viciously at the body of TARGET!
A spectral howl echoes through the air, resonant with pain and anguish. Your skin prickles again as your connection to Luukos lessens.
As you pour your soul into an appeal to Marlu, you know that you are heard. Everything wavers slightly, and your forehead stings as if it were touched by a drop of some caustic liquid, but the pain lasts less than a second.
Tendrils of seeping black mist materialize at a safe distance away from you. A great awareness of their incredibly lethal power presses into your mind as the tendrils begin to shift and coil about in search of prey. The power of Marlu has answered your prayer.
A tendril of black mist suddenly senses the proximity of TARGET. The mist expands into a large, quickly moving, highly lethal cloud that rapidly surrounds TARGET, obliterating it from view.
The tendrils of black mist dissolve back into nothingness as your connection to Marlu lessens.
As you pour your soul into an appeal to Mularos, you know that you are heard. The sting of an unseen triple lash blazes across your face, and, as blood drips slowly down your cheek, you feel the touch of an invisible hand resting lightly against your throat.
The touch of the ethereal hand against your throat grows colder, and the sensation shifts to encircle your neck like a collar. Before this manifestation of divine will, you are helpless, and you are helpless as well as the very air around you solidifies into a barbed whip, coiling and shifting restlessly. The power of Mularos has answered your prayer.
The ethereal barbed whip that lies loosely coiled around you uncoils at terrifying speed. It snaps out toward TARGET!
As your connection to Mularos lessens, the cold, invisible collar locked about your throat fades into a compassionate caress, and a similar caress traces its way across the side of your cheek. Beneath that gentle touch, the wounds upon your face heal immediately. The ethereal barbed whip twitches one last time before dissolving back into air.
As you pour your soul into an appeal to Sheru, you know that you are heard. The world darkens around you, casting everything into a murky shadow.
Visible only at the corner of your vision, you glimpse a pair of dark amber eyes watching from the shadows, and a low, deliberate growl seethes slowly through the air from no discernable source. The power of Sheru has answered you.
TARGET looks distinctly nervous, shifting its weight and peering around.
Suddenly, TARGET tries to bolt away, but instead smashes into a wall of spectral force hidden within the shadows!
Your connection to Sheru lessens, and the murky shadows brought by your appeal fade away, yet the feeling of being watched does not. On any night, in any dream or nightmare, those amber eyes will follow you endlessly... but such is the prize and the price of your devotion.
Darkness settles over the area, spreading outward from CASTER to cast everything into a murky shadow.
A deep, low-pitched growl seethes slowly through the air, and you have the distinct feeling that something is watching you from the depths of the murky shadow.
TARGET looks distinctly nervous, shifting its weight and peering around.
Suddenly, TARGET tries to bolt away, but instead smashes into a wall of spectral force hidden within the shadows!
The murky shadow slowly lifts from the area, and the feeling of being watched passes gradually away.
As you pour your soul into an appeal to V'tull, you know that you are heard. A sudden wave of bloodlust rages through you, and the world drops away into the black haze of a berserker's frenzy.
From within the dark well of bloodlust, you thrill with berserker's ecstasy as you feel the power of V'tull respond to your prayer. The weapon you need to satisfy your bloodlust materializes before you -- a jet black scimitar that hangs in midair and responds to your pure will.
Divine will surges through you, and you command the scimitar to strike at TARGET.
Your connection to V'tull lessens, causing the searing bloodlust to vanish instantly away from you. The scimitar is gone, the haze of berserking hunger has left you, and you feel drained and tired.
CASTER lets out a hoarse, ragged cry of bloodlust, and black haze films his eyes.
A jet black scimitar coalesces in front of CASTER, and he fixes his black-filmed eyes on it with the expression of a fanatic witnessing a divine miracle.
As CASTER lets out a furious, hungry howl, the jet black scimitar hanging in the air beside him whirls through the air to strike at TARGET.
The jet black scimitar beside CASTER vanishes, and he staggers slightly as the black haze vanishes from his eyes.
[3p - Look Caster]
A haze as black as night films CASTER's eyes.
a jet black scimitar hanging unsupported in midair
Other than the fact the black scimitar is floating in midair, it appears to be a normal scimitar.
[3p] CASTER grasps the scimitar firmly by the hilt, but it jerks away from him of its own accord.

Pantheon of Neutrality

As you pour your soul into an appeal to Gosaena, you know that you are heard. Everything around you seems to slow down as a deep, biting chill sinks through your skin and into your very heart.
From the corner of your eye, you glimpse slight motion. Although you still can perceive sound, no sounds seem important when compared to the silence at the center of your being. The power of Gosaena has answered your prayer.
An ethereal pair of feathered white wings materializes from midair and closes around TARGET.
You realize that you had ceased to hear the sound of your own heartbeat only when you become aware of it again, and other sounds filter back into your awareness as well. Warmth returns to your body as your connection to Gosaena lessens.
CASTER's expression grows calm and chill, and ice blue radiance flickers in the depths of his eyes.
The ambient air temperature plummets, and every sound seems slightly muffled as the cold bites into your skin.
An ethereal pair of feathered white wings materializes from midair and closes around TARGET.
The ice blue radiance flickers one last time in CASTER's eyes before vanishing like a candle flame. Warmth returns to the air, and the sounds you hear no longer seem muffled.
[3p - Look Caster]
Ice blue radiance flickers in the depths of CASTER's eyes, and his expression is like fine porcelain in its intense calm.
As you pour your soul into an appeal to Zelia, you know that you are heard. Something inside your head snaps, and with unnatural clarity you see three crescent moons gleen to life just above your head. You sense great wisdom waiting to be unlocked.
Chaotic visions and marvelous images flicker around you as the outside world slips farther and farther away from your awareness. What does it matter, anyway, when you are so close to [the great wisdom is randomized... examples: creating the proper interpretation of chocolate; abdicating the post of moldy cheese]. The power of Zelia has answered your prayer.
Randomized attack messaging... examples:
You notice TARGET nearby. How marvelous! You command the moon Liabo to tattoo blue lines on your ankle.
You notice TARGET nearby. How marvelous! You command some lilies of the valley to set it on fire.
You notice TARGET nearby. How marvelous! You command the bartender to keep it in the aviary.
You notice TARGET nearby. How marvelous! You command seventeen will'o'the'wisps to mop the floor.
Suddenly, the important insights slip away, leaving you drained and exhausted as you plummet back to a more mundane state of mind. Your throat and sides are slightly sore, and your cheeks are wet with tears. Your connection to Zelia has lessened.
CASTER's face suddenly grows transfixed with an expression of awe and wonder, and sourceless silvery light plays in his eyes.
CASTER giggles oddly.
CASTER stares at a zombie for a moment before bursting into a fit of hysterical laughter. As tears stream down his cheeks with the force of his mirth, colorful light shimmers for an instant around the zombie.
CASTER abruptly stops laughing and looks around with a dazed expression.
[3p - Look Caster]
Sourceless silvery light shines in CASTER's eyes, and his expression is contorted with manic glee.

Lesser Spirits

As you pour your soul into an appeal to Aeia, you know that you are heard. You smell the exotic scents of jungle flowers and feel a comforting presence nearby.
As the scent of blossoming lilies fills your senses, a light green glow forms around you and coalesces into living jungle vines that twine over your shoulders and down your arms. They rest as lightly as a second skin, feeling almost like another part of your body. The power of Aeia has answered your prayer.
You sense a surge of vital growth among the vines that cloak your shoulders. Suddenly, a long, leafy vine shoots out and tries to wrap around a hill troll.
As your connection to Aeia lessens, the jungle vines dissolve back into light green radiance, and the radiance seeps softly into your skin.
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The Huntress
As you pour your soul into an appeal to the Huntress, you feel briefly sick and dizzy as you sense a flow of venom pulsing through your arteries and veins. The sickness and venom vanish entirely after only a second, and you feel more awake and alert.
Silvery light briefly glimmers over everything that surrounds you, and a wave of carefully controlled anger that is not your own emotion tunes your pulse to a low, steady thrumming. You are little more than a channel for the source of the emotion that stares around through your eyes. The power of the Huntress has answered your prayer.
A silver-bladed scythe materializes from thin air, spinning end over end as it hurtles toward TARGET!
As your connection to the Huntress lessens, the foreign anger that lent you strength passes from your body as well, and your heartbeat returns to its regular pace.
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As you pour your soul into an appeal to Kuon, you know that you are heard. The smells of herbs and flowers fill your senses, invigorating and uplifting you even as a deep calm settles over you.
The light scents of wildflowers grow stronger as insubstantial brown vines, thick and broad, coil out of the ground around you. Many of the vines sport large, colorful blossoms.
One of the vines suddenly whips about and lashes out at TARGET! Despite its slightly ethereal appearance, the vine moves with every evidence of heavy, solid weight.
As the spiritual peace slowly leaves you, the vines shimmer and vanish one by one, and the scent of wildflowers drifts away as your connection to Kuon lessens.
As you pour your soul into an appeal to Laethe, you know that you are heard. You feel a brief, cool pressure on your brow, like a kiss of benediction.
Ethereal shadowy black roses sprout from the ground in a wide ring around you, twisting and twining about as they grow. The power of Laethe has answered your prayer.
A shadowy black rose touches TARGET and wraps immediately about it, struggling to force its long, barbed thorns into the TARGET.
You feel the kiss of benediction once more upon your brow, and then your connection to Laethe lessens. The shadowy black roses dissolve into tendrils of black, rose-scented smoke that dissipate rapidly.
(Looking at a ring of ethereal black roses) Wickedly sharp thorns glimmer among the shadowy petals and tangled vines.
(Touching a ring of ethereal black roses) The thorns avoid your flesh as you reach past the brambles, and your fingertips caress the silky softness of a rose petal.
As you pour your soul into an appeal to Leya, you know that you are heard. A wave of divine sorrow and anger washes through you, and, on the trailing end of that wave, and a rush of controlled power flows from your heart to your fingertips and toes.
An ivory light blossoms into existence around you.
A dagger of ivory light suddenly flashes away from the aura surrounding you to strike at TARGET.
The ivory light around you fades and glimmers out, and the strength and control of your movements lessens along with your connection to Leya.
CASTER's posture falls into a graceful fighting stance, and her movements are more controlled and executed with greater purpose.
An ivory light blossoms into existence around CASTER.
A dagger made of ivory light suddenly flashes away from CASTER to strike at TARGET.
The ivory light fades from around CASTER, and her movements are somewhat slower and less controlled.
As you pour your soul into an appeal to Niima, you smell the fresh scent of a sea breeze, and you hear the cries of fenvaok overhead.
A shimmer in the air precedes the materialization of a pillar of swirling, blue-green water as tall as a giantman not far away from you. From somewhere in the center of the pillar comes a haunting, wordless threnody. The power of Niima has answered your prayer.
As the song from the pillar of water crescendos, it reaches a pitch that normally only trained bards can achieve, and the intense waves of elegant sound focus upon TARGET.
The singing from the watery pillar begins to fade as your connection to Niima lessens. The pillar thins, then suddenly drops with a great splash! You are utterly drenched in water.
A fresh, sea-scented breeze washes past, and the cries of fenvaok sound overhead.
A shimmer in the air precedes the materialization of a pillar of swirling, blue-green water as tall as a giantman beside CASTER. From somewhere in the center of the pillar comes a haunting, wordless song.
As the song from the pillar of water beside CASTER crescendos, it reaches a pitch that normally only trained bards can achieve, and the intense waves of elegant sound focus upon TARGET.
The singing from the watery pillar beside CASTER fades into silence. The pillar stands for a moment longer before dropping to the ground with a great splash! CASTER is totally drenched, but you manage to avoid anything more than a few stray drops.
a swirling blue-green pillar of water
The pillar stands as tall as a full-grown giantman. It is not possible to see through it, despite its translucent nature, for gazing into the pillar reveals the same cool, blue-green depths that stretch down through the fathoms of a sunlit sea. Shimmering, sleek forms chase one another through the swirling currents at its center, but it is impossible to spy any of them long enough to determine its precise nature.
[1p] The swirling currents yield readily to your hand, and you reach into the pillar of water. One of the shimmering forms darting through the pillar's blue-green depths draws curiously near, and you briefly glimpse the curious silver eyes of the water spirit in the instant before it loses interest and returns to its play.
[3p] CASTER touches the blue-green pillar of water, and his hand sinks easily into its surface. There is a flash of silver within the pillar near him.
As you pour your soul into an appeal to Onar, you know that you are heard. In the depths of your soul, you make the contract that will permit you a chance to obtain the death that you desire.
You sense the power of Onar near at hand.
A bone-shafted crossbow bolt flies out of the shadows toward TARGET!
As it reaches the end of its flight, the bone-shafted crossbow bolt disintegrates into unrecognizable dust.
(missing end message)
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As you pour your soul into an appeal to Voaris, you know that you are heard. You feel a brief, warm pressure on your brow, like a kiss of benediction.
Luminescent golden roses sprout from the ground in a wide ring around you, twisting and twining about as they grow. The power of Voaris has answered your prayer.
A glowing golden rose touches TARGET and bursts into scarlet flame!
You feel the kiss of benediction once more upon your brow, and then your connection to Voaris lessens. One of the glowing golden roses lights with scarlet flame, and the fire spreads rapidly down the vine until every rose is burning. The flames consume the roses swiftly and without smoke, until, in less than a second, the roses are gone entirely.
The image of a stylized scarlet rose appears on CASTER's forehead, glowing softly.
Luminescent golden roses sprout from the ground in a wide ring around CASTER, twisting and twining about as they grow.
A glowing golden rose touches TARGET and bursts into scarlet flame!
One of the glowing golden roses lights with scarlet flame, and the fire spreads with astonishing speed down the vine until every rose is burning. The flames consume the roses swiftly and without smoke, until, in less than a second, the roses are gone entirely. The scarlet rose mark vanishes from CASTER's forehead.
[3p - Look Caster]
A stylized scarlet rose mark glows softly on her forehead.
(missing manifestation name)
Not even one thorn adorns the thick stalks of the gracefully coiling roses. The wide-petalled blossoms are sunlight yellow in hue, and a soft radiance encircles each one.
[1p] Warmth flows up your hand as your fingertips caress the silky softness of a rose petal.
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Symbol of the Proselyte (340)

Pantheon of Liabo

[Cast] You rest your hand atop your Charl symbol. A roiling wave of light crashes over your hand, and the symbol, bathing both in a wash of blue and green.
[Chant] You chant a reverent orison and lightly clasp your emerald trident talisman. A rush of divine power washes over you. Your talisman pulses once and you feel the power of Charl gathering within you like a storm.
[Cast] You rest your hand atop your banded onyx key symbol. The edges of your hand go black, and from the core of the symbol shines a golden light. The effect is not unlike light through a keyhole.
[Chant] You chant a reverent orison and lightly clasp your banded onyx key symbol. A rush of divine power washes over you. Your symbol pulses once and you feel the eternal watchfulness of Lorminstra staring through your eyes.
[Chant] You chant a reverent orison and lightly clasp your crown symbol. A rush of divine power washes over you. Your symbol pulses once and you feel the might of Koar overtake you.
[Cast] You rest your hand atop your ebony symbol of Ronan. A shadow falls over your hand, and the symbol of Ronan, though a few pinpricks of starry brightness shine through.
[Chant] You chant a reverent orison and lightly clasp your obsidian sword symbol. A rush of divine power washes over you. Your symbol pulses once and you feel the sleeping might of Ronan awake within you.

Pantheon of Lornon

[Chant] You chant a reverent orison and lightly clasp your silver vaalin censer. A rush of divine power washes over you. Your censer pulses once and you feel the majesty of Eorgina driving you, like a wall of flames licking at your back.

Pantheon of Neutrality

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Lesser Spirits

[Chant] You chant a reverent orison and lightly clasp your holy symbol. A rush of divine power washes over you. Your symbol pulses once and you feel the comforting presence of Kuon within you, like a healing balm.

Miracle (350)

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Beacon of Courage (1608)

Pantheon of Liabo
Motes of lambent white-gold light appear and begin to swirl around you, coalescing into a radiant aura.
TARGET appears enthralled by the motes of lambent white-gold light.
The aura of lambent white-gold light motes surrounding you dissipates slowly, winking out of existence.
Pantheon of Lornon
Wisps of lucent silvered ebon smoke appear and begin to twist around you, coalescing into an incandescent veil.
TARGET appears enthralled by the haze of lucent silvered ebon smoke.
The haze of lucent silvered ebon smoke surrounding you dissipates slowly, thinning until nonexistent.
Pantheon of Neutrality
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Patron's Blessing (1611)

Unbridled energy surrounds CASTER, dancing off her body without harm.

Guard the Meek (1613)

As CASTER thrusts her WEAPON toward the heavens, a soft night black pulse of pure spiritual energy rises from its apex, washing over herself and those nearby.

Divine Vengeance

Pantheon of Liabo
A lambent white-gold cloud rolls through the area.
TARGET is buffeted by the white-gold cloud and is knocked to the ground.
Pantheon of Lornon
A lucent silvered ebon smoke rolls through the area.
TARGET is buffeted by the ebon smoke and is knocked to the ground.
Pantheon of Neutrality
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Divine Strike (1615)

Pantheon of Liabo

[1p] A pillar of ocean blue radiance manifests around TARGET.
[3p] CASTER's eyes glow with storm grey light, and a glimmering pillar of ocean blue radiance manifests around TARGET.
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A pillar of reddish-orange radiance manifests around TARGET.
[1p] A pillar of verdant radiance manifests around TARGET.
[3p] CASTER's eyes glow with verdant light, and a glimmering pillar of matching green radiance manifests around TARGET.
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A pillar of crimson radiance manifests around TARGET.
[1p] A pillar of gold and topaz radiance manifests around TARGET.
[2p] CASTER's eyes glow with gold and topaz-hued light, and then everything around you shimmers to match the gold and topaz colors.
[3p] CASTER's eyes glow with gold and topaz-hued light, and a pillar of gold-streaked topaz radiance manifests around TARGET.
A pillar of swirling white radiance manifests around TARGET.
[1p] A pillar of glimmering rainbow radiance manifests around TARGET.
[2p] CASTER's eyes glow with rainbow-hued light, and then everything around you shimmers to match the glimmering rainbow hues.
[3p] CASTER's eyes glow with rainbow-hued light, and a glimmering pillar of rainbow radiance manifests around TARGET.
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A pillar of sunlight gold radiance manifests around TARGET.
[1p] A pillar of darkness manifests around TARGET.
[3p] CASTER's eyes glow with silver light, and a pillar of darkness manifests around TARGET.
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Pantheon of Lornon

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[1p] A pillar of dusky red radiance manifests around TARGET.
[3p] CASTER's eyes glow with dusky red light, and a glimmering pillar of matching red radiance manifests around TARGET.
A pillar of grey light manifests around TARGET.
A pillar of smoky green radiance radiance manifests around TARGET.
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A pillar of roiling blackness manifests around TARGET.
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A pillar of blood red radiance manifests around TARGET.

Pantheon of Neutrality

[1p] A pillar of dusky silver radiance manifests around TARGET.
[3p] CASTER's eyes glow with ice blue light, and a glimmering pillar of dusky silver radiance manifests around TARGET.
A pillar of silver radiance manifests around TARGET.

Lesser Spirits

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The Huntress
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A pillar of green-streaked amber radiance manifests around TARGET.
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A pillar of deep blue radiance manifests around TARGET.
A pillar of aquamarine radiance manifests around TARGET.
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This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
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[1p] A pillar of black-streaked white radiance manifests around TARGET.
[2p] CASTER's eyes glow with white light, and then everything around you vanishes into a matching white radiance streaked with pure black.
[3p] CASTER's eyes glow with pure white light, and a glimmering pillar of black-streaked white radiance manifests around TARGET.
[1p] A pillar of grey luminescence manifests around TARGET.
[2p] CASTER's eyes glow with silvery grey light, and then everything around you shimmers to match the argentine color.
[3p] CASTER's eyes glow with silvery grey light, and a pillar of argentine radiance manifests around TARGET.

Aid The Fallen (1620)

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Judgment (1630)

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