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Bakery is a food shop in Solhaven. It is located in a modest-sized building on Changeling Bending in the south side of town.

[Baker's Shop]
Smooth tile flooring stretches from one wall to the other of the small quaint shop, and the rich scent of baking wafts from a back room. A variety of breads and other pastries fill the shelves and baskets set along the walls of the bakery. A slender wooden counter stacked with parchment paper sits off to the side with a small, but noticeable sign.


Welcome to the Bakery!

A baker offers his catalog to browse.
A baker exclaims, "Greetings stranger, have a look around!"

  1. a red lobster-shaped cookie           7. a lumpy blaestonberry muffin
  2. a green kraken-shaped cookie          8. a crisp cinnamon funnel cake
  3. a buttercream frosted moon cookie     9. a sweet cinnamon-filled bearclaw
  4. a crisp chocolate tea cookie          10. a nutty fudge starfish-shaped brownie
  5. a shell-shaped cream filled pastry    11. a chewy sea salt-topped bagel
  6. a handful of salty seaweed crackers