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Sages were the post-ICE Age name for the Loremasters, the organization in the ICE Age history responsible for bringing back civilization. Servants of the Unlife exploited resentment against them to corrupt rulers leading up to the Wars of Dominion. "Sage" when used in the archaic context referred to their mortal members or world traveling Scribes of Nomikos, though both organizations engaged in this activity. The Loremasters do not exist in modern Elanthian history.
The word "Sage" has since been adapted to refer to the Order of Lorekeepers, with the Great University of Nantu replacing the College of Karilon. There are also the Masters of Lore in Ta'Illistim, which is the more modern meaning of "Loremaster." Notable Loremasters (archaic) included Uthex Kathiasas, Andraax, and numerous others. Modern Loremasters (Illistim) included Meachreasim, Hiraani, Maraellynde, Illuvassas, and others, including Linsandrych herself.