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ICE age
Until Simutronics had to divest themselves from the Shadow World setting for game mechanics, GemStone III was set on the planet of Kulthea using the rules for Rolemaster, a paper-and-pencil game created by Iron Crown Enterprises; thus the reference to the ICE age.
Official word of this split was given to the player community on Friday, 1 September 1995 by GameMaster.1, GM Reline, on the Genie bulletin board system.
The old SHIFT verb
This verb was used to help players recognize the changes from ICE age descriptions to the new descriptions.
Usage: SHIFT <article>
lysaughton | lyshalvaon | urnon |
kregora | krodera | krodera |
keron | kelyn | kelyn |
shaalk | vultite | vultite |
laen | mein | glaes |
star iron | veil iron | veil iron |
eog | ora | ora |
ithloss | imflass | imflass |
mithril | mithril | mithril |
xenium | veniom | veniom |
galvorn | golvern | golvern |
rularon | rolaren | rolaren |
catoetine | coraesine | coraesine |
vaanum | vaalin | vaalin |
iorake | eonake | eonake |
lore | laje | laje |
xeno | alum | alum |
ithilnaur | vaalorn | vaalorn |
dwarven steel | invar | invar |
mcgrail | urglaes | urglaes |
neurolite | razern | razern |
boernerine | zorchar | zorchar |
elrodnite | rhimar | rhimar |
fabrinine | drakar | drakar |
inniculmoid | gornar | gornar |
(Note: Its actual format was ASCII arrows, from left to right, without column headers. Eahnor and faenor were listed with "(new)" in the middle column. Shaalk, Rularon, Iorake, and McGrail were capitalized.)
Inis | Ivas |
Orgiana | Eorgina |
Andaras | Andelas |
Z'Taar | V'Tull |
Scalu | Sheru |
Klysus | Luukos |
Moralis (*) | Mularos |
Kesh'ta'kai | Fash'lo'nae |
Morgu | Marlu |
Omir | Onar |
Zania | Zelia |
Akalatan | Amasalen |
Hrassk | Arachne |
Askylor | Aldemur |
Valtar | Volnar |
Karamon | Carelin |
Trandel | Drevthrel |
Faeldin | Folthren |
Kadaena | Gosaena |
(*) Note: The SHIFT command was actually a typo, listing Moralis incorrectly as Molaris. These were also labeled "Pantheon of Lornon" and "Pantheon of Liabo" as headers.
Eissa | Lorminstra |
Iloura | Imaera |
Valris | Lumnis |
Kuor | Koar |
Phaon | Phoen |
Oriana | Oleani |
Reann | Ronan |
Cay | Kai |
Shaal | Charl |
Jaysek | Jastev |
Kieron | Cholen |
Teris | Tonis |
Vult | Voln |
Iorak | Eonak |
Jaynor | Jaston |
Neela | Niima |
Quen | Kuon |
Talaraine | Tilamaire |
Laia | Leya |
Joy | Happiness |
Wholeness | Wellness |
Partnership | Cooperation |
Communication | Communion |
Possessions | Lucre |
The Harvest | Gathering |
Growth | Bloom |
The Fertile One | Virility |
The Flow | Wave |
Movement | Mobility |
Breakthrough | Spiritlight |
Opening | Disbarring |
Defense | Mystic Shield |
Protection | Ward |
The Wolf | Sylvan Beast |
The Tower | The Keep |
The Runesword | Mana Sword |
The Runestaff | Mana Staff |
The Cleric | The Bishop |
The Wizard | The Mage |
Destiny | The Seer |
Self | Introspection |
Strength | Might |
The Journey | Transferrance |
The Warrior | The Matross |
Initiation | Invisibility |
The Griffin | The Wyvern |
Retreat | Flight |
Standstill | Glacier |
Constraint | Silence |
The Gate | The Portal |
Disruption | Not |
The Pit | Oubliette |
Deceit | Skullduggery |
The Betrayer | The Traitor |
The Goblin | The Gremlin |
Werewolf | Fang |
The Dragon | Leviathon |
Distortion | Warp |
Vortex | Chaos |
This represents the most current information available, but is subject to change.
Fighter | Warrior |
Thief | Rogue |
Bard | Bard |
Healer | Empath |
Mage | Wizard |
Sorcerer | Sorcerer |
Ranger | Ranger |
Cleric | Cleric |
This represents the most current information available, but is subject to change.
windak | modwir |
tonak | tanik |
miran | monir |
dir | fel |
hoen | haon |
navaal | maoral |
thokot | thanot |
This represents the most current information available, but is subject to change.
Akbutege Leaf | Acantha Leaf |
Wifurwif Lichen | Wolifrew Lichen |
Belrama Potion | Bolmara Potion |
Terbas Leaf | Torban Leaf |
Yuth Flower | Woth Flower |
Arnuminas Leaf | Ambrominas Leaf |
Edram Moss | Ephlox Moss |
Dagmather Spine | Cactacae Spine |
Curfalaka Fruit | Calamia Fruit |
Rewk Potion | Rose-marrow Potion |
Arfandas Stem | Aloeas Stem |
Hegheg Root | Haphip Root |
Bursthelas Potion | Brostheras Potion |
Berterin Moss | Basal Moss |
Pasamar Grass | Pothinir Grass |
Tarnas Potion | Talneo Potion |
Wekwek Potion | Wingstem Potion |
Baldakur Potion | Bur-clover Potion |
Siran Clove | Sovyn Clove |
Dugmuthur Berry | Cuctucae Berry |
Yavethalion Fruit | Yabathilium Fruit |
Mirenna Berry | Marallis Berry |
Gariig Cactus | Strigae Cactus |
Cusamar Flower | Cothinar Flower |
This represents the most current information available, but is subject to change.
Constitution | Constitution | Constitution |
Agility | Dexterity | Dexterity |
Self Discipline | Discipline | Discipline |
Eloquence | Logic | Logic |
Reasoning | Intelligence | Intuition |
Strength | Strength | Strength |
Quickness | Reflex | Agility |
Intuition | Wisdom | Wisdom |
Empathy | Aura | Aura |
Presence | Charisma | Influence |
This represents the most current information available, but is subject to change.
High man | Giantman |
Wood Elf | Sylvankind |
Fair elf | Elf |
High elf | Dark Elf |
Half elf | Half elf |
Halfling | Halfling |
Dwarf | Dwarf |
Common Man | Human |
This represents the most current information available, but is subject to change.
Seolfar Strake | Lysierian Hills |
Claedesbrim | Darkstone |
Colewaether | Locksmehr |
Quellbourne | Elanith |
Charon | Lornon |
Orhan | Liabo |
Tlilok | Tilaok |
Mikori | Makiri |
Emer | Finnia |
Dragonsfang | Dragonsclaw |
Kaldsfang | Trollfang |
Stonehold | Cavernhold |
Blototh | Glatoph |
Galtoth | Keltoph |
Smatoth | Sentoph |
Man'Ta Pn'Tairken | The Broken Lands |
Trelkinaark | Glaoveln |
Treklinaark'est | Krelnark |
This represents the most current information available, but is subject to change.
a tatzelwurm | a cave nipper |
a torkaan | a rolton |
a barrow wight | a tomb wight |
a Hrasskian servant | an Arachne servant |
a Hrasskian acolyte | an Arachne acolyte |
a Hrasskian priest | an Arachne priest |
a deathwoode | a darkwoode |
a ghoul king | a ghoul master |
a shadow assassin | a dark assassin |
a wight lord | an arch wight |
a karnelin | a velnalin |
a gemsting | a whiptail |
a threk | a thrak |
a black stalker | a dark shambler |
a zephyr hound | a draken hound |
a dark wispling | a dark vysan |
a bounder | a leaper |
a Scalian herald | a Sheruvian harbinger |
a sea witch | a greater kappa |
a huge laen golem | a huge mein golem |
a sohleugir lizardman | a shelfae soldier |
a krylite worker | a kiramon worker |
a sohleugir chieftain | a shelfae chieftain |
a kral warfarer | a krolvin warfarer |
a kral warrior | a krolvin warrior |
a kral mercenary | a krolvin mercenary |
a minor gogor | a lesser vruul |
a lug'shuk traglaakh | a magru |
a dyar rakul | a dark vortece |
a kiskaa raax | a myklian |
a striped veercat | a mountain snowcat |
This represents the most current information available, but is subject to change.
Elanthian Herald glossary
There was more than one De-I.C.E. conversion list, and they are not entirely consistent. Some words were changed to more than one other word, some were changed but are not any known list, others were missed entirely and never changed. Some had conversions listed, but were not changed, or did not actually need to be changed. Or the changes did not stick, or a bifurcation happened, becoming two different things. Some of these words you will never actually encounter. The following is the list from Elanthian Herald Volume 1 Issue 1, pages 3 and 35, in Winter 1995.
akalatan | amasalen |
akbutege | acantha |
andaras | andelas |
arfandas | aloeas |
arinyark | ahnver |
baeris | voaris |
baldakur | bur-clover |
belrama | bolmara |
berterin | basal |
bladderwrack | gallorwrant |
blototh | glatoph |
bluestar | blaeston |
bursthelas | brostheras |
catoetine | coraesine |
cay | kai |
charon | lornon |
claed(e)sbrim | darkstone |
colewaether | locksmehr |
curfalaka | calamia |
dagmather | cactacae |
dir | fil |
dragonsfang | dragonsclaw |
earthnode | focus |
edram | ephlox |
eidolon | veilmor |
eissa | lorminstra |
gariig | strigae |
emer | finnia |
eog | ora |
feartoth | startoph |
flaeshorn | traesharm |
flimelar | golsemar |
galtoth | keltoph |
galvorn | golvern |
gogor | vruul |
grotti | shopai |
healer | empath |
healers | empaths |
hegheg | haphip |
heralds | ordainers |
hobbit | halfling |
hobbits | halflings |
hoen | haon |
hraask | arachne |
hrassk | arachne |
hudvaark | fenvaok |
hudvaarks | fenvaoks |
iloura | imaera |
inis | ivas |
iorak | eonak |
iorake | eonake |
ithloss | imflass |
jaynor | jaston |
jaysek | jastev |
kadaena | gosaena |
kaldsfang | trollfang |
karnelin | velnalin |
karnelins | velnalins |
kelfour | wehnimer |
kelfours | wehnimers |
keron | kalon |
kesh'ta'kai | fash'lo'nae |
kieron | cholen |
klysus | luukos |
kral | krolvin |
krals | krolvins |
kregora | krodera |
kulthea | elanthia |
kulthea's | elanthia's |
kulthean | elanthian |
kulthean's | elanthian's |
kuor | koar |
laen | mein |
laenstrake | meinstraek |
laia | leya |
larton's | valson's |
lifekeep | lifeweave |
lifekeeping | lifeweaving |
loremaster | sage |
loremasters | sages |
lysaughton | lyshalvaon |
mage | wizard |
mage's | wizard's |
mages | wizards |
man'ta | broken |
mirenna | mylirra |
moralis | mularos |
morgu | marlu |
navaal | maoral |
neela | niima |
nomikos | biblia |
omir | onar |
orgiana | eorgina |
orhan | liabo |
oriana | oleani |
pasamar | pothinir |
phaon | phoen |
pn'tairken | lands |
quellbourn | elanth |
quellbourne | elanth |
quellburn | elanth |
quellburne | elanth |
quen | kron |
raax | myklian |
reann | ronan |
rewk | rose-marrow |
rularon | rolaren |
scalian | sheruvian |
scalu | sheru |
seolfar | lysierian |
shaal | charl |
shaaljin | zhaolmin |
shaalk | vultite |
siran | sovyn |
sirenflowers | mournblooms |
smatoth | sentoph |
sohleugir | shelfae |
stonehold | cavernhold |
strake | straek |
talaraine | tilamaire |
tarnas | talneo |
terbas | torban |
teris | tonis |
thokot | thanot |
threk | thrak |
threk's | thrak's |
threkskin | thrakskin |
tikrek | grak |
tonak | tanik |
torkaan | rolton |
torkaans | roltons |
trelkinaark'est | glaoveln |
vaanum | vaalin |
valris | lumnis |
veercat | voalcat |
veercats | voalcats |
vult | voln |
wekwek | wingstem |
widow-wort | dirge-vaon |
wifurwif | wolifrew |
windak | modwir |
windaks | modwirs |
xenium | veniom |
xeno | alum |
yuth | woth |
z'tarr | v'tull |
zania | zelia |