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Gnomish Repair Toolbelt/saved posts
Topic: Ebon Gate
Message #: 13223
Author: GS4-MIKOS
Date: 10/06/2017 04:29 AM EDT
Subject: Better late than never...Chisel, Peen and Chamfer, Esqs.
The establishment of Chisel, Peen and Chamfer, Esqs. is pleased to open its doors.
Look for it on the High Plateau, where you see, "Descending from high above and disappearing deep into the cobblestone path, a large ragged fissure..."
There is now, also, "a coral-encrusted building."
The shop features several gnomish items, but its primary offerings are a gnomish toolbelt and a gem-eating eisenruck.
>analyze my toolbelt You analyze your brown leather toolbelt and sense that the creator has provided the following information:
Looking over the toolbelt and inspecting its finer details, you realize that it will always need to be "a/n (whatever)/(whatever)/toolbelt". The item's article and adjective CAN be changed, but "toolbelt" is the only valid noun.
This is a Gnomish Repair Toolbelt, which means it is scripted to interact both with run-of-the-mill, generic items and with items which have "damaged" text strings stored in them. This toolbelt provides standard messaging when working on generic items, and specific messaging when working on items which are part of the Gnomish Repair System. Items can be set up with "damaged" text strings so that they can interact with the Gnomish Repair System without being scripted. IF SCRIPTED, such items will state in their analysis text that they are part of the system.
If you were to play with the toolbelt, then you'd find that you can analyze, wear, remove, clean, pinch, poke, pull, and twist it.
Clean, pinch, poke, and pull provide standard interactions for generic items. G.R.S items need to be "damaged" in order for the toolbelt to interact with them. TWIST will set a G.R.S. item's long description to one of its four damaged descriptions. When a G.R.S. item is damaged, the same verbs will provide specific messaging as the item is "repaired."
NOTE: This toolbelt currently supports interaction with a limited variety of generic items. These include: shields, goggles, crossbows (mechanical and otherwise), longbows, composite bows, short bows, runestaffs, swords, and axes.
SCRIPT NAME: Gnomish Repair Toolbelt
You might be able to have a talented merchant lighten the brown leather toolbelt for you or deepen its pockets.