Perfume-holding jewelry

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Perfume-holding jewelry is a wearable perfume-holding item found at special events such as Ebon Gate.


You analyze your raspberry pendant and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.

The creator has also provided the following information:

The raspberry pendant is a piece of perfume-holding jewelry that currently holds 15 doses of the scent of honey dew and sugar melon mingled with raspberry, loganberry, and flaeshorn berry:
  First-person: You have crisp notes of honeydew and sugar melon clinging to your skin the way condensation lingers on a cold glass on a hot day.  Beneath the cloying scent of melon are notes of tart raspberry, loganberry, and flaeshorn berry touched with a hint of pineapple basil.
  Third-person: Jennora has crisp notes of honeydew and sugar melon clinging to her skin the way condensation lingers on a cold glass on a hot day.  Beneath the cloying scent of melon are notes of tart raspberry, loganberry, and flaeshorn berry touched with a hint of pineapple basil.

When applied via PULL, this pendant will apply the scent with gendered messaging.  RUB will always be gender neutral.

It may be altered with a long or a show, but must remain a piece of jewelry.  The stoppered crystal vial will always remain on the piece.  Please note that acceptable jewelry items are only items worn as pins, around the neck, on the arm (like a vambrace), or on the wrist.  No back pendants, no anklets, no earrings.

You get no sense of whether or not the pendant may be further lightened.


Verb Style First Third
POUR You carefully pour your sky blue bottle into a ruby-tipped grey moonstone briar pin. XXX carefully pours her sky blue bottle into a ruby-tipped grey moonstone briar pin.
PULL Female Withdrawing the stopper from your grey moonstone pin, you swipe it across your wrist, returning it to the vial before rubbing your wrists together. XXX tugs the stopper free from her grey moonstone pin, swiping it across her wrists before returning it to its place. With a diminutive motion, she discreetly rubs her wrists together.
Male You remove the stopper from the vial attached to your grey moonstone pin and pour a small amount of the liquid into your cupped palm. Replacing the stopper, you rub your hands together briefly before briskly patting your neck. XXX removes the stopper from the vial attached to his grey moonstone pin and pours a small amount of liquid into his cupped palm. Replacing the stopper, XXX rubs his hands together briefly before briskly patting his neck."
Gender Neutral You tug a small vial free of your grey moonstone pin and let a few drops of its contents trickle into your palm. After replacing the vial, you rub your hands together briskly and give yourself a thorough pat down from head to toe, ensuring even distribution of the scent." XXX tugs a small vial free of her grey moonstone pin and lets a few drops of its contents trickle into her palm. After replacing the vial, she rubs her hands together briskly and gives herself a thorough pat down from head to toe."
RUB You carefully tug the stopper free of the vial on the back of your grey moonstone pin, discreetly dabbing a bit of perfume behind each ear before replacing it. XXX withdraws what appears to be a tiny perfume stopper from her grey moonstone pin. With deft movements, she dabs the slender glass wand behind each ear before returning it to the pin.
Perfume-holding jewelry Information
Type Fluff
Item Classification Accessory
Item(s) Applied to Jewelry
Alterable Yes
Corresponding Item Scripts Perfume
Restrictions Must remain a piece of jewelry.
The stoppered crystal vial will always remain.
Nouns can only be items worn as pins, around the neck, on the arm (like a vambrace), or on the wrist.
No back pendants, no anklets, no earrings.
Item Verbs