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All That Remains - 2020-05-22 - Fight or Flyte (log)

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Ivastaen 22-23, 5120

by Leafiara Autumnwind of the [[::The_TownCrier|TownCrier]]


  • Vlashandra comes to Lake Eonak to inspect the portal and discuss scenarios for when Aralyte is found--but before that, Balley asks why Vlashandra didn't tell them they'd be changed after donating and Alvyara asks if there's a way they can regain their vitality. Vlashandra says it's possible it'll return, and Chandrellia (who didn't give vitality but is adoptive family of those who did) says it had better.
  • Mayor Leafiara brings up that some are concerned about what their sacrifices for the final part of the ritual will involve. Vlashandra says she understands and asks if she has the essences; Leafi says at least six of each, but there's a concern with the essence of soul; they're created by infusions of spirit, and like Maags' and Cryheart's blood didn't work, the essences might not work if the wrong person creates them. However, these have been made by Gutstorm and his blood worked.
  • Vlashandra beats her to the punch of asking for two of each essence to do preliminary studies on before month's end, when the final step happens. Leafi hands them over, saying the other essences shouldn't have any risk.
  • Lylia brings up the book; Vlashandra asks "what of our book?", and Lylia, Magister [[::Raelee_Svala|Raelee]], and Faerinn question the term; Vlashandra corrects it to her book, but maybe "yours" one day. Raelee asks how it works and if it updates itself with instructions in response to what occurs in the ritual; Vlashandra says yes, it reveals what's needed and there's power in it, and what we seek to do is not easily displayed for any wandering eye.
  • Leafi brings up that some had wondered if the book has a mind of its own; Vlashandra says no. Raelee asks if the book is a vector for communication with another, has its own internal power, or a possession; Vlashandra says she doesn't know.
  • Maags brings worries about not knowing the final outcome; Vlashandra says she has a point, bringing her here tonight. She asks if all agree that we wish Aralyte returned...
  • Chandrellia tells her not to play games and that she's used people for her rituals without revealing potential issues, but it's too late to turn back for some who will see it through no matter what. Vlashandra touches the portal, getting ichor on her fingers that she licks off, and tells her it tastes like Chandrellia's blood--but now she cares about games? She's said from the beginning that we don't know what will occur, but we'll discuss that tonight.
  • Cruxophim asks if there will be a containment ritual in place; Vlashandra says of sorts, since we don't know Aralyte's condition.
  • Vlashandra asks Lylia about Aralyte's soulstone having a strong reaction recently; Lylia affirms that it glowed white and red, pulsing in time with the portal. Mekimin says something on the other side is eager to have the portal opened since it reached through and claimed Chandrellia's face; Vlashandra says that doesn't always make it eager.
  • Vlashandra raises the need for plans for two situations: when things come through the other side to here, or when we need to go through the portal to finish the ritual. She entrusts the portal plans to everyone and doubts they'll be complicated.
  • As for Aralyte, the soulstone activity might confirm her existence, but the question is if she's changed, lost, confused, or corrupted. She asks what our containment options are. [[::Ysharra_Nagorn|Ysharra]] says there are places within New Ta'Faendryl that specialize in this; Leafi says the question is how we transport her there. Crux had said earlier that he'd set up shadow warding to surround the perimeter, so Leafi asks if that can contain her as well; he says most likely.
  • Vlashandra says we still have bane coffins, but she knows they're not well received; Leafiara says the Hall is looking the other way on this, so it's not an option; Vlashandra says she has a coffin or two. Raelee says she uses "we" with flexibility; Vlashandra says she has no idea how flexible she is. Faerinn says it's alarming that she keeps them as a hobby without a total count; she says she never said she didn't have a total count.
  • Chandrellia asks for more details about what the sacrifice in the final phase will entail; Vlashandra says she isn't fully certain.
  • Leafi asks Crux if he thinks it's feasible to contain someone for transport all the way to New Ta'Faendryl. Lylia and Ysharra offer that the Faendryl Enclave has a place near the Alabaster Spire that would suffice; Leafi says that makes sense if she's healthy enough, though we won't know until we see her. Vlashandra says she'll leave it to everyone to decide how best to aid Aralyte.
  • Raelee says it's curious that Vlashandra puts forth all this effort to retrieve her, but leaves her fate up to others. Vlashandra asks if it's curious or just a lost concept, saying others from the Empire come to "do and take, do and take," but she recognizes the importance of others to others. Leafi says Vlashandra's future is riding on this more than anyone's besides Aralyte and that she (Leafi) would think Aralyte had to be alright before Vlashandra can claim victory. Vlashandra says she's failed in more ways than she'll discuss with those here, but if the ritual is successful, she'll have gained what she sought and can wear the face she was meant to.
  • Reiterating, the plan seems to be that Crux can temporarily contain Aralyte here, then she'll be transported to the Faendryl Enclave, then potentially to New Ta'Faendryl.
  • Vlashandra says she hasn't seen Cordarius and it's unlike him to be gone for days. Everyone else gathered says they haven't seen him either. Raelee asks when she last saw him; she says she believes days now, but can't say for certain as it's a blur with her research. Raelee says she last spoke to him on the sixth of the month.


Awaiting Vlashandra

[Town Square, East]

Here in the center of a broad plaza near the commercial area of the bazaar stands the impressive facade of the slate-roofed Moot Hall, where the citizens of Wehnimer's Landing hold various official, religious and social functions. Facing the square are some of the town's more prosperous shops, still doing business with the many customers who still frequent the streets at night. You also see the Balley disk, the Asben disk, the Chandrellia disk, the night watchman, a sleek white mouse, a sinuous bone white serpent that is sitting, a massive snowy white tiger and a large purple wooden barrel.

Also here: Hapenlok, Mayor Leafiara, Conquerer of Reim Ushakaron, Gypsy Scribe Balley, Ycelacie, High Lord Asben, Dergoatean, Lady in Waiting Chandrellia, Paymaster Xecnephias, Lyrna, Eyona, Roelon

A faint thunder echoes in the distance.

Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "You get me the location of Disean Andrews."

Lyrna says, "Or... maybe I'll stay up."

Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "And we take a trip."

Chandrellia softly says, "That's not good."

Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok asks, "Agreed?"

Speaking musingly to Hapenlok, Leafiara says, "That'd be a pretty distant trip if he's still with the erithians, but I can ask with Casiphia."

Speaking in Elven to Lyrna, Eyona says something you don't understand.

Roelon deeply says, "Guess ah will need more ale."

Lyrna says, "I will be."

Lyrna says, "I'll keep her safe."

Vlashandra: "Hello."

Speaking amiably to Hapenlok, Leafiara says, "Well, works for me. I'm honestly surprised Thadston hasn't been asking about him day and night."

Leafiara: "Evening there!"

Lylia: "Good evening to you."

Lyrna: "Good evening."

Roelon: "Greetings to ye."

Speaking coldly to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "I don't care."

Mekimin: "Greetings."

Dergoatean: "Ready to do more violence in the name of rescue?"

Berost: "Eh."

Balley softly asks, "Do you think a storm is coming or was that someone's magic?"

Chandrellia softly asks, "Perhaps both?"

Balley softly says, "Maybe."

Speaking to Balley, Leafiara says, "Well, either way, Vlashandra's talking to us now... finally."

Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "We find him. And if he's out of the box? And he has what was taken from me? He gets put in one."

Xecnephias quietly says, "If it was wizard magic you would not be questioning it."

Leafiara recites:

"Join up for--well, wherever we're going!"

Gutstorm drunkenly asks, "Me late?"

Balley rubs her crystal amulet.

Balley softly says, "What did I mis."

Leafiara exclaims, "Just in time!"

Leafiara says, "Vlashandra greeted us on the amulet."

Xecnephias quietly says, "I love a good mystery death trip."

Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Letsh swing by helgas."

Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "And that's another reason I don't want to go. I might have to control damage when you idiots cross over."

Speaking hurriedly to Hapenlok, Leafiara says, "Oh, I might not cross over. We'll see."

Chandrellia softly asks, "Anyone have an amulet by chance?"

Vlashandra: "I will be to the portal shortly to inspect it. I believe tonight we should spend a little bit of time discussing some potential scenarios and strategies should they arrive. The final part of the ritual is not yet...ready."

Speaking quietly to Hapenlok, Xecnephias says, "Just tell em ya did the best you could, and go have an ale."

Leafiara says, "To the portal we go."

Lylia: "Absolutely. Some of us are already here, in fact."

Leafiara recites:

"Last call to join up!"

Asben whispers something to Chandrellia.


[Melgorehn's Reach, Lake Eonak]

You are on the bank of a beautiful mountain lake that is fed by a waterfall gushing from the mountain side. There is a path which seems to actually lead up the side of the mountain. You also see a small raven that is flying around, a barely visible trail leading into a grove of ancient trees, a cedar chip path, a black-flecked incarnadine portal and a reinforced wooden defense tower.

Also here: Master Sulien, Magister Raelee, Faerinn, Imperatrix Lylia, Xorus, Lord Thrassus

Mongonator, Asben, Alvyara, Dergoatean, Gutstorm, Tsarok, Berost, Hapenlok, Balley, Chandrellia, Xecnephias, Lyrna and Roelon followed.

Lylia says, "Yes, but notably, Vlashandra herself."

Deep in the shadows, you think you see movement: something like a thousand snakes all swarming around each other. By the time you've focused to get a closer look, they are gone.

Cruxophim suddenly fades into view.

Faerinn asks, "Am I the only one seeing snakes?"

Cruxophim affably muses, "Waiting on you-know-who?"

Speaking to Cruxophim, Leafiara confirms, "We are indeed!"

Speaking slowly to Faerinn, Cruxophim urges, "Yes."

Speaking nonchalantly to Faerinn, Leafiara says, "That's just Crux."

Speaking to Leafiara, Faerinn says, "Oh, that's right."

Maags says, "Oh."

Maags says, "I did not expect to land here."

Lylia says, "Well, how fortunate that you have."

Maags whispers something to Fahlo.


Lady Vlashandra just arrived.

Balley softly says, "Hello Vlashandra."

Vlashandra grins crookedly.

Vlashandra says, "Hello."

In a perfect imitation of Vlashandra, Mekimin says, "Hello."

Alvyara nervously says, "Hello."

Vlashandra asks, "Do I still wear it better?"

Vlashandra peers quizzically at Raelee.

Vlashandra smirks.

Balley softly asks, "Why did you not tell us we would be changed after donating?"

Speaking to Vlashandra, Kasgar says, "Hello."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Raelee says, "Define better."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Faerinn says, "No, you put a hole in it."

Speaking thoughtfully to Vlashandra, Cruxophim wonders, "Gold? Or blue?"

Speaking softly to Vlashandra, Chandrellia asks, "So what surprises do you have in store for us tonight Vlashandra?"

Vlashandra peers quizzically at Balley.

Vlashandra asks, "Tell you what?"

Speaking amiably to Chandrellia, Leafiara says, "I believe she wants to discuss... contingencies."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Faerinn says, "That's a very poor facial care routine."

Speaking affably to Vlashandra, Cruxophim offers, "If you want help ripping anyone's face off..."

Vlashandra glances at a black-flecked incarnadine portal.

Speaking hesitantly to Vlashandra, Alvyara says, "Yes, surely there's some way we can.. regain our.. vitality."

Vlashandra nods at Alvyara.

Cruxophim pleasantly purrs, "Freshly squeezed."

Vlashandra says, "It is possible it will return."

Vlashandra nods at Alvyara.

Speaking to Vlashandra, Ysharra says, "Not everyone is as keen on your sort of...personal memory-making."

Balley softly says, "I do not like having wrinkles."

Alvyara asks, "It.. possible?"

Alvyara quietly says, "I see."

Speaking sternly to Vlashandra, Chandrellia says, "It had better."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Ysharra asks, "Do you have anything with a little more hope than that, hmm?"

Speaking thoughtfully to Vlashandra, Cruxophim speculates, "Vitality through blood transference?"

Faerinn says, "I guess worse comes to worse at least Crux gets a new watering hole."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Leafiara acknowledges, "Some are also a bit concerned about what exactly their sacrifices will involve on the final part, whenever that's prepared."

Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Dish went bad."

Speaking flirtatiously to Faerinn, Cruxophim teases, "I got your watering hole right here."

Lyrna says, "Especially after the last round."

Vlashandra says, "I understand the concern."

Lylia adds, "Indeed, and perhaps that book of yours may have more answers, or at least more instructions."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Ysharra says, "I am not exactly sure what that means but I think I'd be blushing."

Speaking wearily to Leafiara, Alvyara says, "Yes, it's possible they could lose their entire skin at this point, I think."

Vlashandra says, "In fact, before we begin our discussions..."

Vlashandra asks, "Do you have the essences?"

Vlashandra peers quizzically at Leafiara.

Speaking to Lylia, Raelee says, "Fortunate that you should bring that up."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Leafiara says, "At least six of each, though even with that there's a... slight concern."

Speaking idly to Vlashandra, Cruxophim inquires, "This book... seems a curious artifact, no? From the Bleaklands, was it?"

Vlashandra peers quizzically at Leafiara.

Vlashandra asks, "What concern?"

Speaking mildly to Vlashandra, Cruxophim inquires, "Am I understanding that correctly?"

Vlashandra says, "Southron Wastes."

Vlashandra nods at Cruxophim.

Speaking to Vlashandra, Leafiara explains, "The essences of soul are created with infusions of spirit, so just like Maags' and Cryheart's blood didn't work, I wonder if the soul essences might not work if created by the wrong person."

Berost deeply says, "No care for those tryin ta help? 'bout done with this crazy one ..."

Speaking amusedly to Vlashandra, Cruxophim mutters, "Well, six one way..."

Vlashandra asks, "Do we know who contributed to the infusions?"

Speaking to Vlashandra, Leafiara adds, "That said, Gutstorm's been creating them and his blood did work, so it might be a moot point."

Leafiara nods at Vlashandra.

Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Dont drink da eshensh."

Speaking wryly to Gutstorm, Leafiara says, "We know."

Vlashandra asks, "Will you please give me two essences of each?"

Vlashandra peers quizzically at Leafiara.

Speaking to Vlashandra, Leafiara offers, "If you'd like one to inspect and report on before we get to the final part--"

Leafiara nods.

Leafiara offers Vlashandra a flask of sparkling soul essence.

Vlashandra says, "I would like to do some preliminary studies before the month's end, when we pursue the final step."

Vlashandra accepts Leafiara's flask of sparkling soul essence.

Leafiara offers Vlashandra a flask of sparkling soul essence.

Vlashandra accepts Leafiara's flask of sparkling soul essence.

Speaking understandingly to Vlashandra, Leafiara says, "Makes sense to me."

Vlashandra put a flask of sparkling soul essence in her black leather satchel.

Leafiara says, "The other essences shouldn't be any risk at all."

Leafiara offers Vlashandra a flask of sparkling body essence.

Vlashandra accepts Leafiara's flask of sparkling body essence.

Vlashandra put a flask of sparkling body essence in her black leather satchel.

Leafiara offers Vlashandra a flask of sparkling soul essence.

Vlashandra accepts Leafiara's flask of sparkling soul essence.

Vlashandra put a flask of sparkling soul essence in her black leather satchel.

Leafiara suddenly says, "Oh, wait, not that one." [that was a third soul essences]

Speaking to himself, Dergoatean says, "If this works, there will finally be proof that alchemy was worth all that trouble at least once in history."

Leafiara offers Vlashandra a flask of sparkling mind essence.

Vlashandra accepts Leafiara's flask of sparkling mind essence.

Vlashandra put a flask of sparkling mind essence in her black leather satchel.

Leafiara offers Vlashandra a flask of sparkling mind essence.

Vlashandra accepts Leafiara's flask of sparkling mind essence.

Vlashandra put a flask of sparkling mind essence in her black leather satchel.

Leafiara offers Vlashandra a flask of sparkling body essence.

Vlashandra accepts Leafiara's flask of sparkling body essence.

Vlashandra put a flask of sparkling body essence in her black leather satchel.

Speaking to Dergoatean, Hapenlok says, "I never had patience for potions. I tried it, but I just couldn't do it."

Vlashandra nods.

Vlashandra grins crookedly.

Vlashandra says, "Thank you."

Speaking bemusedly to Dergoatean, Cruxophim admits, "From time to time."

Leafiara nods at Vlashandra.

Hapenlok says, "Almost as bad as making arrows."

Speaking to Alvyara, Dergoatean says, "Training it is about as exciting as waiting for the trollfang ribbon to reveal more letters."

Hapenlok says, "Actually worse."

Speaking to Hapenlok, Kasgar asks, "Almost?"

Maags says, "Way worse."


Lylia suggests, "Now, about the book..."

Vlashandra peers quizzically at Lylia.

Vlashandra asks, "What of our book?"

Speaking to Vlashandra, Lylia says, "You mentioned that the ritual is not ready. Is it a matter of preparation, then? I know some spells require fasting or assembly of certain reagents."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Raelee echoes, "Our?"

Speaking to Vlashandra, Faerinn asks, "Our book?"

Lylia asks, "Oh, is it ours?"

Hapenlok asks, "So, is anyone not going to bring up the fact that the portal was yanking reapers during the fight last night?"

Speaking to Raelee, Dergoatean says, "I wonder who else is included there."

Faerinn says, "So it's communal then."

Lylia says, "I like that word. It is so congenial. 'Ours.'."

Vlashandra says, "Well, mine. Maybe yours one day."

Vlashandra grins crookedly.

Raelee squints at Vlashandra.

Speaking offhandedly to Hapenlok, Leafiara says, "Getting to it. That's the twelfth scenario on my list of things to prepare for."

Faerinn says, "I would like to peek at our book."

Gidion exclaims, "The people's book!"

Chandrellia softly says, "Aahh how quickly that changed."

Faerinn grins.

Vlashandra touches Faerinn's nose with a slender finger.

Vlashandra says, "I bet you would."

Speaking lightly to Vlashandra, Cruxophim muses, "I do like books."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Raelee says, "Many would."

Vlashandra says, "Yes, the ritual is not yet ready."

Lylia says, "We all would. Well, those of us who are literate."

Faerinn nods at Vlashandra.

Gutstorm drunkenly says, "I got an itch on me nose too."

Speaking nonchalantly to Vlashandra, Cruxophim agrees, "She does too."

Xecnephias quietly says, "I wish I could read."

Vlashandra touches a black-flecked incarnadine portal, and a sticky red ichor clings briefly to her fingers before it melts away.

Speaking to Vlashandra, Raelee asks, "How does it work, the book? It does seem to be reactive as the ritual continues. Is it updating itself with additional instructions in response to what occurs?"

Leafiara muses, "Probably the ones who aren't literate would still be interested in this one."

Lylia says, "I have known some books that write themselves as the reader needs them to be written."

Vlashandra nods at Raelee.

Lylia says, "That is a more straightforward way of putting it, Magister, yes. I wondered the same."

Speaking casually to Lylia, Cruxophim agrees, "The screams of the damned are a real bugger to ink out."

Speaking to Raelee, Dergoatean says, "And would the instructions change depending on how the ritual goes, I wonder."

Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Me like da booksh wit da pop upsh in dem."

Vlashandra says, " reveals what is needed. There is power in it."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Lylia says, "In Common, yes."

Dergoatean asks, "And to that end... could it decide to lead us astray if it doesn't like our previous handiwork?"

Speaking curiously to Vlashandra, Leafiara admits, "Some of us were wondering whether it has a sort of mind of its own."

Vlashandra says, "What we seek to do is not something so easily displayed for any wandering eye to gaze upon."

Vlashandra says, "No it does not."

Leafiara nods understandingly at Vlashandra.

Speaking to Vlashandra, Raelee asks, "How? Is it a vector for communication with another? Or is the power internal to the book itself? A possession?"

Chandrellia softly asks, "Or do you mean the eye of the Hall?"

Vlashandra says, "You know Magister, I just don't know."

Maags says, "I thought it was notes to remind yous what to do."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Raelee asks, "... have you asked it?"

Vlashandra grins crookedly.

Vlashandra says, "Now why would I speak to a book."

Vlashandra grins crookedly.

Xecnephias quietly says, "This demon time zone is killing me."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Raelee says, "It speaks to you."

Lylia says, "Depends on the book."

Leafiara surreptitiously says, "Experimental methods indeed..."


Maags says, "Is it not worrisome that we do not know for sure of the final outcome."

Maags says, "Do this do that expect this but gets that."

Vlashandra says, "Maags has a point."

Lylia says, "There are many things we endeavor to do that are not known successes until we do them."

Speaking softly to Vlashandra, Chandrellia asks, "So you read this book as the pages fill with words from what we have done or things that has ben done n the past?"

Vlashandra says, "Which brings us to my point for tonight."

Leafiara says, "That's what we're here to prepare for--the many possibilities."

Vlashandra just closed a gold-clasped black leather satchel.

Cruxophim slowly agrees, "Generally when one is baking a cake, one follows the recipie with expectation of some common outcome."

Vlashandra asks, "We all agree, we wish Aralyte returned, yes?"

Leafiara says, "Ideally."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Maags says, "Exactlies."

Vlashandra says, "I mean, it's a little late for some of you blood givers to disagree."

Lylia says, "Obviously."

Vlashandra chuckles.

Speaking softly to Vlashandra, Chandrellia asks, "Yes but are our means for return different than yours we wonder?"

Vlashandra peers quizzically at Chandrellia.

Speaking softly to Vlashandra, Balley asks, "The portal seems hungry and grabs out for blood. Would black apples settle it?"

Vlashandra shrugs at Balley.

Vlashandra says, "Black apples, green apples, who knows."

Cruxophim shows a black-flecked incarnadine portal his black apple.

Speaking to Cruxophim, Leafiara whispers aloud, "That's your cue."

Faerinn says, "Proceed until whomever is on the other side of our book lets us in on our secret."

Thrassus says, "I've tried to herd rolton near it. It has so far refused to consume them."

Elbromo says, "All fer a 'vegetarian' response."

Leafiara muses, "On the other hand, it did take in some reapers recently, as Hap mentioned."

Xorus asks, "It is a lovely portal. Will we be keeping it when this Aralyte business is over?"

Speaking coyly to Vlashandra, Chandrellia says, "Please don't play games, you have used us for your rituals without revealing any issues that may come from them, it's too late to turn back now for some us, so we will see through no matter what."

Speaking to Xorus, Thrassus says, "I do hope so."

Berost deeply says, "I hope not."

Vlashandra moves to stand in front of Chandrellia.

Vlashandra stands in front of a black-flecked incarnadine portal.

Chandrellia raises an eyebrow in Vlashandra's direction.

Vlashandra touches a black-flecked incarnadine portal, and a sticky red ichor clings briefly to her fingers before it melts away.

Vlashandra asks, "See that?"

Vlashandra holds up her ichor-covered fingers to Chandrellia, then licks them clean.

Vlashandra says, "Tastes like your blood."

Vlashandra asks, "...and now you care about games?"

Speaking softly to Vlashandra, Chandrellia asks, "Yeah I see it, it ripped my face off, remember?"

Chandrellia softly says, "Yes Vlashandra I do see it."

Balley rubs a glistening black apple in her hand.

Balley softly says, "It was worth a try."

Faerinn says, "Yeah, I hope some unauthorized Reapers fed to it doesn't throw your rites off course."

Speaking nonchalantly to Balley, Cruxophim suggests, "Toss a few in, couldn't hurt."

Vlashandra says, "I've said from the beginning, we truly do not know what will occur when this portal is fully opened and the ritual is ready and all things in place."

(Balley tosses her apple at the portal.)

Vlashandra says, "Perhaps we can begin some initial discussions on that tonight."

Speaking calmly to Vlashandra, Cruxophim inquires, "I presume there will be a containment ritual in place?"

Vlashandra says, "With of course, all official decisions left to you all. I'm but a guest here."

Vlashandra says, "Of sorts."

Vlashandra nods at Cruxophim.

Gidion sarcastically says, "I'm convinced."

Vlashandra says, "We do not know Aralyte's condition."

Maags says, "I am more worried we all get pulled in than things coming out."

Vlashandra asks, "I am told your soulstone had a reaction recently? A strong one?"

Vlashandra peers quizzically at Lylia.

Leafiara says, "Uncharted territory of sorts..."

Lylia replies, "Yes."

Lylia removes a dull white soulstone suspended by a frayed leather cord from in her wrap.

Speaking pragmatically to Vlashandra, Cruxophim clarifies, "I meant for the breach, but quite true."

Vlashandra asks, "That is a good sign indeed then! Yes?"

Vlashandra grins crookedly.

Lylia says, "When I held it aloft and near the portal, shortly after the reapers did their...reaping, it glowed and pulsed in time with it."

Speaking deeply to Vlashandra, Berost asks, "Good for who?"

Lylia says, "White, then red, then white again."

Vlashandra licks her fingers, cleaning up some leftover spots of ichor.

Speaking to Lylia, Alvyara asks, "Did you feel anything?"

Speaking to Leafiara, Maags says, "Easier to defend our home here than in there."

Balley offers Vlashandra a glistening black apple.

Speaking agreeably to Maags, Leafiara says, "That's a good point. Maybe we'll have to split up on the night of the ritual--one group keeping distance just in case."

Vlashandra declines Balley's offer.

Speaking to Alvyara, Lylia says, "Heat. It sometimes feels less like a stone and more like a living thing, warm and full of potential."

Balley softly says, "Try this."

Balley softly says, "It is good."

Alvyara faintly says, "Oh..."

Aralyte Contingencies

Vlashandra says, "So let us begin with the portal."

Xorus says, "I know my way around the shadow world."

Lylia admits, "It is the best way I can explain it. I can feel energy within it, but it is potential."

Speaking to Maags, Leafiara acknowledges, "I'd even been thinking about the risk of the portal somehow closing when more of our people are inside it, so we need some still on the outside who know what they're doing."

Vlashandra clears her throat.

Speaking calmly to Leafiara, Cruxophim offers, "I can lay out the detailing for some shadow-warding to surround the perimeter." [we'll revisit this shortly]

Maags nods enthusiastically to Leafiara!

Maags says, "Yes."

Speaking gratefully to Cruxophim, Leafiara says, "Oh, please do."

Chandrellia whispers something to Balley.

Vlashandra says, "There is a chance things will come through the other side to here. So there will need to be a plan in place."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Mekimin says, "Yes, about the portal."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Mekimin says, "There's no denying that there seems to be something waiting on the other side quite eager to have it opened. It literally reached through and claimed Chandrellia's face."

Asben whispers something to Chandrellia.

Vlashandra says, "There is a chance we will need to go through the portal to complete additional aspects of the ritual. So there will need to be a plan in place."

Vlashandra says, "Just because something claims someone's face doesn't always make them eager."

Lyrna says, "No, there were other indications of that."

Xorus says, "Surely the imperial outpost can provide a human shield."

Speaking to Mekimin, Lylia says, "I heard of that unpleasantness."

Mekimin grins crookedly at Vlashandra.

Vlashandra says, "I trust the portal plans to all of you, and I doubt they will be complicated."

Vlashandra says, "I've seen the battles."

Vlashandra grins crookedly.

Speaking to Vlashandra, Leafiara says, "We'd been discussing the idea of having pylons aimed in the general vicinity, but Magister Raelee brought up the point that a shot directly hitting the portal--on purpose or on accident--might send it out of control. I think we should aim it at a spot to create a chokepoint back to town."

Leafiara agrees, "And no, that's definitely not complicated."

Vlashandra says, "Pylons here, towers there, rolling groups of swords and armor, slash slash slash."

Vlashandra says, "Out here, in there. Easy enough."

Raelee quietly says, "... a destablized portal can collapse, a destablized portal can grow."

Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Jush have Roblar guard da portal."

Speaking confidently to Gutstorm, Leafiara assures, "That's the bare minimum."

Vlashandra says, "Then, there is the matter of Aralyte."

Vlashandra says, "I believe your soulstone's activity confirms her existence still. That is good."

Vlashandra asks, "But is she herself? Is she changed? Is she lost or confused or corrupted?"

Speaking softly to Vlashandra, Chandrellia asks, "On that note may I ask something?"

Vlashandra says, "I hesitate to think she'll wander out and curtsy."

Lylia replies, "None of us know, but I would tell you this -- her 'corruption' is not for someone who is not of her own kind to assess."

Dergoatean says, "I'll bet pretty heavily that she has changed, if anyone wants to take my action."

Vlashandra grins crookedly.

Vlashandra says, "Nothing has stopped you from asking yet. So yes, please."

Vlashandra nods at Chandrellia.

Speaking wryly to Dergoatean, Leafiara says, "Nope, not betting against that one."

Speaking softly to Vlashandra, Chandrellia says, "Yes well, I do seem to open my mouth when I feel the need so anyways."

Speaking hesitantly to a black-flecked incarnadine portal, Mekimin says, "I think that we should be prepared to discuss whether the lost Faendryl will be recognizable. She may be already here, claiming faces."

Speaking softly to Vlashandra, Chandrellia says, "My qustion is this."

Lylia bluntly says, "I do not want her judged by the Hall's standards. She is not human."

Speaking drunkenly to Chandrellia, Gutstorm says, "Dat an unner shtament."

Elbromo says, "Ew."

Speaking pointedly to Lylia, Cruxophim agrees, "Fair."

Speaking softly to Vlashandra, Chandrellia says, "Is there a way to infuse my blood with the portal to help how shall we say heal the portal."

Vlashandra asks, "Is it wounded?"

Ysharra says, "People with experience with those who have been displaced should be her caregivers."

Chandrellia softly says, "To help Aralyte understand who she used to be to calm her soul."

Speaking surreptitiously to Lylia, Cruxophim speculates, "Suppose that all depends on her... condition."

Chandrellia softly says, "Yeah well, I have been displaced three times in a row by your blade."

Lylia says, "Well, obviously if she has a mass of tentacles for a head and shrieks about souls for her unspeakable hunger, we can say she has probably spent a bit too long in the shadows. But there are subtler conditions..."

Vlashandra says, "Of which you offered willingly..."

Vlashandra says, "I am sorry you are having some regrets."

Vlashandra says, "You aren't the first sylvan to."

Speaking to Lylia, Xorus says, "You say that as though it were a bad thing."

Speaking pointedly to Lylia, Cruxophim muses, "I wouldn't exactly call that subtle."

Speaking softly to Vlashandra, Chandrellia says, "I offered my blood not my life but had you asked I would have freely given it for this town."

Alvyara glances sharply at Vlashandra.

Vlashandra asks, "See?"

Vlashandra nods at Alvyara.

Speaking softly to Vlashandra, Chandrellia says, "But you didn't ask you just took there is a difference."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Alvyara asks, "What? What do I see?"

Vlashandra asks, "Did I?"

Alvyara wearily says, "I helped because I love to help others. Live for it, even."

Alvyara says, "That's all."

Vlashandra says, "Now then..."

Vlashandra says, "If we recognize and save Aralyte..."

Maags says, "Run."

Vlashandra says, "But she is...not herself, or perhaps a temporary danger..."

Lyrna quietly says, "It does make one a bit less inclined to assist without knowing more than we did when this started."

Speaking mildly to Lylia, Cruxophim inquires, "What more subtle conditions should we be on the lookout for?"

Vlashandra asks, "What are our containment options?"

Ysharra says, "There are places within New Ta'Faendryl who specialize in this."

Ysharra says, "Those who have been stranded in the valences."

Roelon deeply asks, "Is there ah way to purge the shadow taint from someone...safely?"

Gutstorm drunkenly says, "We can blow al her limbsh off."

Vlashandra glances at Gutstorm.

Ysharra says, "And they are experts in caring for those afflicted."

Roelon deeply says, "Havin' nae been to the otherside mahself.."

Vlashandra asks, "Mayor?"

Vlashandra peers quizzically at Leafiara.

Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Jusg a shugeshtin."

Lylia says, "Immediate containment? That would be a --"

Leafiara says, "But the question is how we get her to New Ta'Faendryl in the first place, if we have to contain her right here, on the night."

Maags says, "Problies the Faendryl can helps with Aralyte. We has to all figure out how to contain the rest."

Ysharra says, "The sorcerer's guild might have some options. For keeping her anchored."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Leafiara asks, "Do you think the warding that you just mentioned could work for this?"

Lyrna says, "And yes, if she's attacking us, for instance, that becomes trickier."

Speaking softly to Roelon, Chandrellia says, "That is basically what I was trying to see if we could with the portal, if it's a link to Aralyte then by 'healing' the portal mayhap it will help calm her as well."

Lylia says, "Yes. That would be a matter for a Palestra Blade, amusingly enough. If we could contact some of the Mahkra Palestra, they may be able to help. Otherwise, I can confer with some people I know."

Speaking plainly to Leafiara, Cruxophim answers, "Most likely."

Speaking softly to Roelon, Chandrellia says, "However Miss Keeper of te Book doesnt seem to agree."

Vlashandra says, "We won't have much time to plan. The ritual will be ready by month's end."

Speaking to Chandrellia, Lylia says, "I think, or at least I hope, the thing that hungered for you and tore at your face was not Aralyte herself -- nor anything related to her. Palestra are trained for decades, and in her case centuries, to withstand such possesions and violations."

Lylia admits, "I am aware. Not enough time to receive word as quickly as we might from New Ta'Faendryl."

Speaking softly to Lylia, Chandrellia says, "I see it as this, and I have said it befpre."

Leafiara says, "Conventional magic won't work, and a bane coffin seems like too much of a last resort--even if we could get one..."

Speaking to Lylia, Mekimin says, "It would be right for her fellows-in-arms to be in attendance, should a painful choice become necessary."

Vlashandra says, "We've still some bane coffins, but, I know they are not well received."

Chandrellia softly says, "Not all dark is eveil and not all light is good."

Thrassus says, "I'd rather not use the coffins, no."

Lylia flatly says, "I am not seeing her in a bane coffin."

Speaking to Chandrellia, Lyrna says, "Very true. But there are trends..."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Leafiara says, "Come to think of it, the Hall is looking the other way on this one anyway... so that's not an option."

Speaking blandly to Lylia, Cruxophim states, "Let us hope she is so inviolate.."

Vlashandra says, "Of course not. They look painful."

Ysharra says, "Especially since finding out more about their history."

Asben whispers something to Chandrellia.

Speaking to Vlashandra, Raelee says, "That is a 'we' you seem to use with some flexibility."

Vlashandra says, "Oh, I have a coffin or two."

Vlashandra nods at Leafiara.

Leafiara looks thoughtfully as Vlashandra.

Leafiara furrows her brow.

Chandrellia softly says, "Yes I agree."

Speaking amusedly to Leafiara, Cruxophim mouths, "She has a coffin or two..."

Vlashandra says, "You have no idea how flexible I am."

Vlashandra grins at Raelee.

Vlashandra grins crookedly.

Speaking in Faendryl, Lylia says something you don't understand.

Vlashandra touches a black-flecked incarnadine portal, and a sticky red ichor clings briefly to her fingers before it melts away.

Chandrellia softly says, "Oh I'm sure you could a wonderful back bend."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Leafiara asks, "You're more familiar with the shadows than anyone else here, probably--do you think it's feasible at all to contain someone all the way for transport to New Ta'Faendryl?"

Speaking to Vlashandra, Ysharra asks, "Are you as skilled with illusions as you are blood rituals?"

Speaking to Vlashandra, Ysharra says, "I would be curious to see your true face. If you remember what it was."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Faerinn says, "The fact you just keep those things as a hobby, but don't have a total count of them is very alarming."

Vlashandra says, "One day."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Leafiara reasons, "It's not like we just have to hold her here for a few moments or like we could use the pillars, since those only affect the local area..."

Speaking in Faendryl, Dergoatean says something you don't understand.

Vlashandra says, "I never said I didn't have a total count."

Vlashandra grins at Faerinn.

Faerinn nods at Vlashandra.

Faerinn says, "I see. More obfuscation for us."

Lylia says, "There are many of us here these days. The region has become known for its congeniality to the Faendryl."

Speaking frankly to Ysharra, Cruxophim speculates, "It would truly depend on her condition. It's true, what Lylia says; that is most likely her best bet. The question remains: does she have a chance?"

Sulien mutters, "A serious hobby, I think."

Speaking mildly to Ysharra, Cruxophim admits, "As would I."

Fahlo says, "Probably best to keep her here till we know what we're dealing with--then transport if required, or if possible."

Vlashandra asks, "I feel the defense of the town, and a possible strike into the portal, is easily enough planned. Yes Mayor?"

Lylia reluctantly says, "We may have a place near the Alabaster Spire that would suffice."

Speaking softly to Vlashandra, Chandrellia asks, "Ok so in preparations for the next ritual, what exactly in detail will be involved, what is the risk versus benefit? What is the worst that can happen to someone that volunteers for this ritual?"

Speaking to Vlashandra, Alvyara says, "I wish I could tell you just how poorly the town has been defended lately."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Leafiara says, "Well, easy enough assuming that Hapenlok isn't right about the risk of corrupting the Reach."

Speaking to Lylia, Ysharra says, "We could do that, yes."

Alvyara says, "There's been.. everything.. coming through the gates."

Lyrna asks, "For that matter, what is the minimum that is likely to be needed from someone?"

Speaking to Vlashandra, Leaiara says, "Or, for that matter, Rodnay... you might be familiar with him since he's the reason we originally clashed with Octaven."

Lyrna says, "Besides blood and probably a few deaths."

Leafiara notes, "And the reapers were dragging bodies to the foot of the Reach in our last battle..."

Faerinn says, "I wonder if the reapers are even of this plane."

Vlashandra says, "I am not fully certain of the sacrifice and risk of the next phase."

Ysharra says, "The Faendryl Enclave offers the Alabaster Spire to our lost Blade."

Roelon deeply says, "And rippin' off everything they kin from people. Alive or dead."

Alvyara says, "I don't think we can assume that we can defend the town from anything that comes out of the portal. But yes, of course I think we should try."

Vlashandra says, "Much of what needed to be accomplished, has been."

Vlashandra nods at Ysharra.

Speaking to Vlashandra, Mekimin says, "If previous trends continue, we can look forward to an escalation to the sacrifice of one's body, mind, and soul."

Ysharra says, "We can keep her safe amongst her kin. And assess her condition. ...and keep everyone else safe, if need be."

Speaking to Lylia, Xorus says, "We might try to call on Harrower Ersix to move her to one of the asylums. I would like to know what he has gleaned from those spore samples regardless."

Faerinn says, "Ah, I can get another roomie in the garden."

The Aralyte Question

Vlashandra says, "I will leave it to you all to decide how best to aid Aralyte, in whatever shape, form, or mindset she is in."

Speaking to Ysharra, Leafiara says, "If she's healthy enough and not a danger, that makes sense to me. The question is if she will be..."

Speaking to Xorus, Lylia says, "A Harrower would be a good choice, but they are hard to find. Notoriously so."

Leafiara concludes, "But that can't be known until, well, we see her."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Raelee says, "That is curious."

Speaking softly to Vlashandra, Chandrellia asks, "Your book hasn't told you? You haven't read about this someplace else? Come on now, so you are telling us that you are doing rituals you have no idea about and expect us to believe you?"

Vlashandra peers quizzically at Raelee.

Vlashandra asks, "What is?"

Speaking to Vlashandra, Raelee says, "You put forth all of this effort to retrieve her, yet you leave her ultimate fate up to others."

Speaking to Leafiara, Ysharra says, "We have...resources for her, should that be the case."

Lylia agrees, "We do."

Speaking deeply to Vlashandra, Berost says, "You doin all thismagickin and sacrificin ... yeah what the magister said."

Speaking to Raelee, Leafiara agrees, "It does seem curious."

Speaking whimsically to Vlashandra, Cruxophim admits, "She makes a point."

Vlashandra asks, "Is it curious?"

Speaking to Cruxophim, Raelee says, "I do frequently."

Asben whispers something to Chandrellia.

Speaking to Vlashandra, Raelee says, "That is what I said."

Vlashandra asks, "Or is it a lost concept?"

Speaking to Vlashandra, Leafiara says, "Your future is riding on this as much as anyone's, other than Aralyte herself."

Lylia says, "She is a person. Her title is 'Blade,' but she is not a tool to be retrieved and then used."

Speaking softly to Vlashandra, Chandrellia asks, "Is your face on backwards that you didn't hear her?"

Speaking to Vlashandra, Raelee says, "It again brings the question of the 'why' behind all of this to the forefront."

Vlashandra says, "I understand many from elsewhere, particularly the Empire, come and, do and take, do and take."

Vlashandra says, "I recognize the importance of others, to others, outside of myself."

Speaking boredly to Vlashandra, Cruxophim wonders, "Intellectual curiosity?"

Vlashandra grins at Leafiara.

Speaking to Vlashandra, Leafiara reasons, "Even if we make the rescue successfully, she has to be alright afterward before you can really claim victory. Or so I'd think."

Vlashandra says, "I have failed in more ways than I will discuss with you."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Leafiara relents, "Well, fair. We all have stories for other nights, I'm sure."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Ysharra says, "Pity. I love an epic."

Vlashandra says, "If everything is successful in this ritual..."

Lyrna says, "Not necessarily. She just has to prove that she can do something of this magnitude sucessfully."

Lylia quietly says, "The Blade, if she remains herself, can be housed safely, if temporarily, with her own people. After that, she is her own, and she may decide what her next steps are."

Lylia says, "Or, if she is a danger..."

Vlashandra says, "I will have gained what I have sought. I can wear the face I was meant to."

Vlashandra says, "Perhaps that is not enough motivation for you, but it is for me."

Speaking mildly to Lylia, Cruxophim prays, "Let us hope she is cognizant enough to make that decision."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Leafiara says, "...I'll send a missive about Rodnay in case you're not caught up on the details, but since Octaven said she'd have eyes in the area just in case, I'm guessing you know. Hopefully we doon't disrupt the Reach energy that he feeds on."

Leafiara concludes, "But answering your earlier question, yes, conventionally defending the portal isn't difficult planning."

Vlashandra says, "If you wear a face you are proud of already, then you cannot understand my motivation."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Lylia says, "That is part of what I hope to learn."

Vlashandra grins crookedly.

Speaking softly to Vlashandra, Balley says, "If you can think of a way to remove the wrinkles from my face let me let me know."

Gutstorm picks up a glistening black apple.

Vlashandra says, "I predict they will fade in time."

Vlashandra nods at Balley.

Gutstorm takes a bite of his black apple.

Gutstorm bites into his apple and blanches, eyes watering from disgust. A few drops of blood trickle down from his mouth.

Gutstorm releases a long, drawn out belch.

Balley softly says, "I hope they do."

Speaking softly to Gutstorm, Chandrellia says, "Please give that back."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Leafiara says, "I've done things to try and regain my pride, thought they looked like successes at first, and then had them go south. ...we'll do our best to keep Aralyte safe."

Mekimin says, "The next sacrifices are likely to leave a deeper mark than those, I'd wager."

Gutstorm offers Chandrellia a glistening black apple.

Chandrellia accepts Gutstorm's black apple.

Speaking softly to Gutstorm, Chandrellia says, "Thank you Gut."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Alvyara says, "Thank you..."

Alvyara says, "Honestly, I don't know what's appropriate to say."

Vlashandra nods at Leafiara.

Vlashandra grins at Alvyara.

Speaking flatly to Vlashandra, Alvyara says, "I don't trust you. But I still hope..."

Vlashandra says, "Sometimes just a smile, even if a crooked one."

Alvyara says, "I have hope that this person can be rescued."

Vlashandra says, "I should tend to some research. Every day is a day closer."

Alvyara quietly says, "A smile.. that, at least, I hope I will always be capable of."

Vlashandra says, "Thank you for the essences. That will help tremendously."

Cruxophim affably states, "Well, that's my cue."

Vlashandra nods at Leafiara.

'Vlashandra taps a gold-clasped black leather satchel that she is wearing.

Lylia says, "I understand something of regret."

Leafiara asks, "So in conclusion--Crux believes we can contain Aralyte temporarily here if we have to, then we transport her to the Faendryl Enclave, then from there to New Ta'Faendryl?"


Vlashandra says, "Oh..."

Leafiara asks, "Was that the plan?"

Speaking calmly to Leafiara, Cruxophim offers, "I'll work on those wards."

Vlashandra says, "And I have not seen Cordarius about recently."

Speaking to Vlashandra, Lylia says, "Mine was that I could not do enough for Aralyte. I hope to change that."

Vlashandra asks, "Have you seen him?"

Speaking to Vlashandra, Leafiara muses, "Nope. Why?"

Thrassus says, "No, I have not."

Vlashandra shrugs.

Faerinn asks, "Have you checked the bathhouse?"

Alvyara says, "I haven't. And I can't say I'm unhappy about his absence."

Vlashandra says, "It is unlike him to be gone for days."

Alvyara says, "He's amusing, but if he weren't a councilman I wouldn't give him the time of day."

Faerinn says, "Maybe he found a new paramore."

Vlashandra says, "Maybe."

Speaking in Faendryl, Dergoatean says something you don't understand.

Lyrna says, "He's much smarter, or at least more cunning, than he acts."

Speaking to Faerinn, Alvyara says, "If there's a woman who could stand to put up with him, she deserves him."

Asben whispers something to Chandrellia.

Lyrna says, "That said... sometimes a smile is just a smile."

Speaking in Faendryl, Lylia says something you don't understand.

Leafiara says, "Well, he is the Regional Envoy, so maybe he's been traveling."

Speaking slowly to Vlashandra, Raelee asks, "When did you last see him?"

Vlashandra nods at Lylia.

Asben whispers something to Chandrellia.

Speaking in Faendryl, Dergoatean says something you don't understand.

Vlashandra says, "Life is full of regrets. Rarely do we get the opportunity to fix one."

Vlashandra nods at Lylia.

Lylia says, "My life is largely empty of regret. But I find even one distasteful."

Lylia says, "Particularly when it is such a grave one."

Vlashandra asks, "Last?"

Vlashandra peers quizzically at Raelee.

Vlashandra rubs her chin thoughtfully.

Vlashandra says, "Days now I believe."

Alvyara says, "It's odd, but becoming a healer gave me a fresh perspective on mistakes, regrets. When so many of my mistakes could be waved away with a hand."

Vlashandra says, "I cannot say for certain. It's a blur with my research."

Alvyara says, "I can't say it's not a welcome perspective."

Vlashandra says, "Goodnight all."

Vlashandra grins.

Vlashandra touches a black-flecked incarnadine portal, and a sticky red ichor clings briefly to her fingers before it melts away.

Raelee quietly states, "... I last spoke to him on the sixth of this month..."

Leafiara wishes, "Until next time, be well."

Alvyara says, "Until next time, then, I suppose."

Speaking softly to Vlashandra, Chandrellia asks, "It is tasty yes?"

Vlashandra nods at Chandrellia.

Alvyara asks, " don't think he's in danger, do you?"

Lady Vlashandra just went southwest.