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BVShop:Wild Instinct/August 2024
a sunken stone edifice decorated with animal bones, [Map Room 18], Room# 8214518, Lich# L26874, go stone edifice
Wild Instinct, Entry
[Wild Instinct, Entry - 8212727] | |
With much of the exterior structure partially buried in the ground, the cracked stone walls of this edifice are covered in a mixture of clinging dampness and dirt that stain them a murky brown. Guttering candles, their flames a livid green, are scattered around a cracked stone altar and the armor stand next to it, the eerie light glinting off the items arrayed on top of them. The air is stuffy and still, the accumulated dirt and mold creating a musty smell that clings to everything. You also see a dark opening and a chipped stone sign. | |
Obvious exits: out |
a chipped stone sign In the Common language, it reads: The armor in this room contains the trapped spirit of an animal. Be warned - they are wild and untamed, often lashing out in anger at those they do not know. Tame them and partner with them, however, to soothe the wild spirit within. When you are hit in combat, the spirit within will lash out defensively with Animalistic Instinct flares that will disorient and knock down your attacker, the spirit's bestial power increasing as its trust in you grows. Flare changes can be found at the High End Scrip Shop. Visit the shrine through the opening to unlock their further potential. In the shop next door, you will find weapons and shields to pair with these items.
Items sold in this shop may be purchased with account attunement for a discounted price (Prime only). Attunement is permanent and cannot be removed.
Attunement Discount Legend
* Account attunement available for a 25% discount.
On the stone altar you see: some moonlight silver silk robes with flared wing-like sleeves, some oiled casting leathers dyed in crimson red hues, a mottled vultite coat-of-plates with turtle shell pauldrons, a glossy snakeskin gambeson fringed with curved fangs, and a leather cuirass embossed with a bear paw on the left breast.
Item Type Info Details Price some moonlight silver silk robes with flared wing-like sleeves flowing robes 8 lbs
Material: cloth
shirt-worn (functional)Animalistic Spirit Armor - luna moth
Enchant: +20AnalyzeAnalyze:Spirit: luna moth (Insect (Flying)) Spirit Descriptor: fuzzy Spirit Color: moonlight silver Spirit Call: buzz Spirit Group: swarm Hood: voluminous cowl Sleeves: flared wing-shaped sleeves Material: moonlight silver silk Verbs: Tier 1 (of 3) - WEAR, REMOVE, RUB, WHISTLE Animalistic Instinct Flares: Tier 1 (of 4) Revenge Flares = Locked Bestial Barrier = Locked Feral Whirlwind = Locked Untamed Vitality = Locked10,000* some oiled casting leathers dyed in crimson red hues full leather 13 lbs
Material: leather
shirt-worn (functional)Animalistic Spirit Armor - ladybug
Enchant: +20AnalyzeAnalyze:Spirit: ladybug (Insect (Crawly)) Spirit Descriptor: tiny Spirit Color: misty green Spirit Call: chitter Spirit Group: swarm Head Coverage: not customized Neck Coverage: None Arm Coverage: black-speckled leather sleeves Leg Coverage: not customized Verbs: Tier 1 (of 3) - WEAR, REMOVE, RUB, WHISTLE Animalistic Instinct Flares: Tier 1 (of 4) Revenge Flares = Locked Bestial Barrier = Locked Feral Whirlwind = Locked Untamed Vitality = Locked10,000* a mottled vultite coat-of-plates with turtle shell pauldrons brigandine armor 20 lbs
Material: vultite
shirt-worn (functional)Animalistic Spirit Armor - turtle
Enchant: +20AnalyzeAnalyze:Spirit: turtle (Turtle) Spirit Descriptor: smooth-shelled Spirit Color: misty green Spirit Call: growl Spirit Group: bale Head Coverage: vultite-studded leather helm Neck Coverage: riveted leather gorget Arm Coverage: vultite-plated leather arm greaves Leg Coverage: vultite-plated leather leg guards Verbs: Tier 1 (of 3) - WEAR, REMOVE, RUB, WHISTLE Animalistic Instinct Flares: Tier 1 (of 4) Revenge Flares = Locked Bestial Barrier = Locked Feral Whirlwind = Locked Untamed Vitality = Locked10,000* a glossy snakeskin gambeson fringed with curved fangs double leather 16 lbs
Material: leather
shirt-worn (functional)Animalistic Spirit Armor - snake
Enchant: +20AnalyzeAnalyze:Spirit: snake (Snake) Spirit Descriptor: sinuous Spirit Color: misty green Spirit Call: hiss Spirit Group: mass Head Coverage: fang-fringed snakeskin helm Neck Coverage: oiled snakeskin gorget Arm Coverage: cuffed snakeskin sleeves Leg Coverage: layered snakeskin leg guards Verbs: Tier 1 (of 3) - WEAR, REMOVE, RUB, WHISTLE Animalistic Instinct Flares: Tier 1 (of 4) Revenge Flares = Locked Bestial Barrier = Locked Feral Whirlwind = Locked Untamed Vitality = Locked10,000* a leather cuirass embossed with a bear paw on the left breast leather breastplate 16 lbs
Material: leather
shirt-worn (functional)Animalistic Spirit Armor - bear
Enchant: +20AnalyzeAnalyze:Spirit: bear (Ursine) Spirit Descriptor: burly Spirit Color: misty green Spirit Call: growl Spirit Group: band Head Coverage: not customized Neck Coverage: None Arm Coverage: not customized Leg Coverage: not customized Verbs: Tier 1 (of 3) - WEAR, REMOVE, RUB, WHISTLE Animalistic Instinct Flares: Tier 1 (of 4) Revenge Flares = Locked Bestial Barrier = Locked Feral Whirlwind = Locked Untamed Vitality = Locked10,000*
On the armor stand you see: a suit of vultite full plate dyed in stygian black tones, a long chain haubergeon covered in overlapping vultite scales, a polished vultite breastplate embossed with curled ram horns, some silk-lined vultite chain body armor with delicate links, and a fitted vultite chain shirt accented with feather designs.
Item Type Info Details Price a suit of vultite full plate dyed in stygian black tones full plate 60 lbs
Material: vultite
shirt-worn (functional)Animalistic Spirit Armor - valravn
Enchant: +20AnalyzeAnalyze:Spirit: valravn (Avian (Magical)) Spirit Descriptor: hollow-eyed Spirit Color: misty green Spirit Call: shriek Spirit Group: band Head Coverage: tall vultite helm with a beak-shaped visor Neck Coverage: segmented vultite aventail Arm Coverage: plume-etched vultite arm greaves Leg Coverage: matte black vultite leg guards Verbs: Tier 1 (of 3) - WEAR, REMOVE, RUB, WHISTLE Animalistic Instinct Flares: Tier 1 (of 4) Revenge Flares = Locked Bestial Barrier = Locked Feral Whirlwind = Locked Untamed Vitality = Locked10,000* a long chain haubergeon covered in overlapping vultite scales augmented chain 21 lbs
Material: vultite
shirt-worn (functional)Animalistic Spirit Armor - pangolin
Enchant: +20AnalyzeAnalyze:Spirit: pangolin (Armored) Spirit Descriptor: squat Spirit Color: misty green Spirit Call: snort Spirit Group: band Head Coverage: not customized Neck Coverage: None Arm Coverage: chainmail arm greaves Leg Coverage: chainmail leg greaves Verbs: Tier 1 (of 3) - WEAR, REMOVE, RUB, WHISTLE Animalistic Instinct Flares: Tier 1 (of 4) Revenge Flares = Locked Bestial Barrier = Locked Feral Whirlwind = Locked Untamed Vitality = Locked10,000* a polished vultite breastplate embossed with curled ram horns metal breastplate 18 lbs
Material: vultite
shirt-worn (functional)Animalistic Spirit Armor - ram
Enchant: +20AnalyzeAnalyze:Spirit: ram (Hooved (w/ Horn) Spirit Descriptor: burly Spirit Color: misty green Spirit Call: bellow Spirit Group: stampede Head Coverage: not customized Neck Coverage: None Arm Coverage: not customized Leg Coverage: not customized Verbs: Tier 1 (of 3) - WEAR, REMOVE, RUB, WHISTLE Animalistic Instinct Flares: Tier 1 (of 4) Revenge Flares = Locked Bestial Barrier = Locked Feral Whirlwind = Locked Untamed Vitality = Locked10,000* some silk-lined vultite chain body armor with delicate links chain hauberk 22 lbs
Material: vultite
shirt-worn (functional)Animalistic Spirit Armor - teadragon
Enchant: +20AnalyzeAnalyze:Spirit: teadragon (Lizard/Frog) Spirit Descriptor: sleek Spirit Color: misty green Spirit Call: growl Spirit Group: band Head Coverage: tightly-linked vultite coif Neck Coverage: dark vultite chain gorget Arm Coverage: chainmail arm greaves Leg Coverage: chainmail leg greaves Verbs: Tier 1 (of 3) - WEAR, REMOVE, RUB, WHISTLE Animalistic Instinct Flares: Tier 1 (of 4) Revenge Flares = Locked Bestial Barrier = Locked Feral Whirlwind = Locked Untamed Vitality = Locked10,000* a fitted vultite chain shirt accented with feather designs chain mail 20 lbs
Material: vultite
shirt-worn (functional)Animalistic Spirit Armor - sparrow
Enchant: +20AnalyzeAnalyze:Spirit: sparrow (Avian (Small)) Spirit Descriptor: plump Spirit Color: misty green Spirit Call: chirp Spirit Group: flock Head Coverage: not customized Neck Coverage: None Arm Coverage: not customized Leg Coverage: not customized Verbs: Tier 1 (of 3) - WEAR, REMOVE, RUB, WHISTLE Animalistic Instinct Flares: Tier 1 (of 4) Revenge Flares = Locked Bestial Barrier = Locked Feral Whirlwind = Locked Untamed Vitality = Locked10,000*
Wild Instinct, Shrine
[Wild Instinct, Shrine - 8212728] | |
Little light filters into this tiny alcove, making the only illumination the various green-flamed candles set into several nooks along the uneven walls. There is not much room for anything besides a flat stone shrine, which stretches across the entire space. Abandoned offerings of feathers and animal bones litter the floor, creating a narrow pathway of treacherous footing. The overwhelming scent of moist earth, mixed with a faint aroma of incense, permeates the damp air. You also see a cracked stone sign. | |
Obvious exits: out |
a cracked stone sign In the Common language, it reads: Unlock the further potential of the spirit within your armor. * Animalistic Instinct flares Reacting defensively to being hit, the spirit within sends out a sonic attack to disorient and knockdown your attacker. Using the provided papers raises the power of this attack, as well as how long attackers can remain disoriented. * Revenge flares Unlock a chance to unleash Animalistic Instinct flares on a successful evade. NOTE: You must be in forward or greater stance, as well as be an active participant in combat to properly enrage the spirit to retaliate. * Bestial Barrier When unlocked, the spirit can shroud you with a barrier whenever Animalistic Instinct flares hit defensively. This increases your physical defenses for 30 seconds or until the next creature attacks you. The more powerful your flares, the better this barrier will become. * Untamed Vitality Draw upon the power of your spirit to increase the regeneration of your mana, health, and/or stamina for 15 minutes every hour. Unlock only one or go for all three, but choose which benefits you the most by choosing the appropriate slips. * Feral Whirlwind Once unlocked, gain access to unleash Animalistic Instinct flares offensively once an hour against 3-5 creatures in the room with you, knocking them down and disorienting them. * Fluff Actions and Spirit Change Unlock the tricks your spirit can do, or the tricks you can do with your armor, with the provided scrolls. As well, you can change the type of animal in your armor with the provided note (TURN to find the one you like), which will morph the spirit within.
Items sold in this shop may be purchased with account attunement for a discounted price (Prime only). Attunement is permanent and cannot be removed.
Attunement Discount Legend
* Account attunement available for a 25% discount.
On the flat stone shrine you see: a twisted Feral Whirlwind certificate, a sturdy Bestial Barrier certificate, a tattered Revenge certificate, a stamina Untamed Vitality slip, a mana Untamed Vitality slip, a health Untamed Vitality slip, a wide fluff scroll, a slim fluff scroll, a spirit change note, a large flare paper, a medium flare paper, and a small flare paper.
Item Type Info Details Price a twisted Feral Whirlwind certificate unlock certificate Animalistic Spirit Armor
This will unlock the Feral Whirlwind feature on a set of Animalistic Spirit armor.
15,000* a sturdy Bestial Barrier certificate unlock certificate Animalistic Spirit Armor
This will unlock the Bestial Barrier feature on a set of Animalistic Spirit armor.
20,000* a tattered Revenge certificate unlock certificate Animalistic Spirit Armor
This will unlock the Revenge Flares on a set of Animalistic Spirit armor.
30,000* a stamina Untamed Vitality slip unlock certificate Animalistic Spirit Armor
This will unlock the Untamed Vitality feature on a set of Animalistic Spirit armor and add Stamina Recovery
20,000* a mana Untamed Vitality slip unlock certificate Animalistic Spirit Armor
This will unlock the Untamed Vitality feature on a set of Animalistic Spirit armor and add Mana Recovery
20,000* a health Untamed Vitality slip unlock certificate Animalistic Spirit Armor
This will unlock the Untamed Vitality feature on a set of Animalistic Spirit armor and add Health Recovery.
10,000* a wide fluff scroll unlock certificate Animalistic Spirit Armor
This will unlock fluff actions on a set of Animalistic Spirit armor from T2 to T3.
2,500* a slim fluff scroll unlock certificate Animalistic Spirit Armor
This will unlock fluff actions on a set of Animalistic Spirit armor from T1 (OTS) to T2.
2,500* a spirit change note unlock certificate Animalistic Spirit Armor
This will change the spirit within a set of Animalistic Spirit Armor to a Large Feline. NOTE: You will lose any custom spirit descriptions already present when using this. This only changes the spirit's overall type - TURN the note to change the type.
1,000* a large flare paper unlock certificate Animalistic Spirit Armor
This will unlock the flares on a set of Animalistic Spirit armor from T3 to T4.
10,000* a medium flare paper unlock certificate Animalistic Spirit Armor
This will unlock the flares on a set of Animalistic Spirit armor from T2 to T3.
10,000* a small flare paper unlock certificate Animalistic Spirit Armor
This will unlock the flares on a set of Animalistic Spirit armor from T1 (OTS) to T2.