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Bamboo Cottage

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Bamboo Cottage is a shop in River's Rest that sells dyes.

Bamboo Cottage, Entry

[Bamboo Cottage, Entry] Room: 34226
This quaint cottage, smelling of rich earth and damp foliage, is home to a hard-packed dirt floor covered in wood shavings and golden hay. When even the slightest breeze blows through the room, dust dances and swirls around the floor while sharp whistling noises serve as musical accompaniments. Many tendrils of bright green ivy drape from the ceiling to the floor along the east wall, creating a delicate curtain leading into the next room. You also see a grouping of wicker chairs, a potted banana plant and a wooden pedestal.
Obvious exits: out

Bamboo Cottage, Orders

Directions: through the curtain from Entry

[Bamboo Cottage, Orders] Room: 34227
Though most of the floor is covered in compacted dirt, some areas have been worn away by the wind and reveal splintering planks underneath. Standing on one side of the room and supported by several wrapped bamboo stalks is a long counter with a wooden top. A clerk stands behind the counter, casually watching the customers come and go. You also see a disgruntled clerk, some simple wooden stairs, a stone plaque, a worn driftwood shelf and a wooden sign.
Obvious exits: out
a wooden sign
In the Common language, it reads:
All orders are FINAL and there will be NO REFUNDS!  Please make sure you have the dye you want in your hand as well as the item you want dyed.  Some items CANNOT be changed due to their properties, and the dye may change the description of your item drastically.  When you have made your choice, the attendant will tell you what the item will look like after the dye is applied.

Bamboo Cottage, Attic

Directions: up the stairs from Orders

[Bamboo Cottage, Attic] Room: 34228
A stiff breeze rattles the bamboo walls of this cramped room, creating a slight whistling noise as the room sways. There isn't much decoration in this room except for a centrally located table and a long shelf that has many vials sitting atop it. You also see an overturned crate with some stuff on it, a large wooden sign and some simple wooden stairs.
Obvious exits: north, east, west
a large wooden sign
In the Common language, it reads:
Please choose your color wisely as there are NO REFUNDS!


On the wobbly wooden table you see: a bright magenta vial of dye, an azure blue vial of dye, a night black vial of dye, a viridian green vial of dye, a purplish green vial of dye, a speckled grey vial of dye, a dark golden vial of dye, a sanguine red vial of dye, and a pumpkin orange vial of dye.

On the overturned crate you see: a blizzard blue vial of dye, an opalescent pink vial of dye, an amethyst purple vial of dye, a glossy red vial of dye, a silvery blue vial of dye, a sunset orange vial of dye, a frosty white vial of dye, a cloudy grey vial of dye, and a matte black vial of dye.

On the long wooden shelf you see: a dark amber vial of dye, a grass green vial of dye, a pale lilac vial of dye, an emerald green vial of dye, a bright coppery vial of dye, a dark silvery vial of dye, a verdigris green vial of dye, a deep orchid vial of dye, and a chocolate brown vial of dye.

Bamboo Cottage, Attic

Directions: west from central attic room

[Bamboo Cottage, Attic] Room: 34233
Tendrils of ivy creep into the room through the wrapped bamboo walls and stretch from floor to ceiling. Hanging from the ivy are several small buckets that carry miniscule amounts of water that most likely drip from the ceiling when it rains. Along the western wall are several overturned crates and barrels holding various items of importance. You also see a large wooden sign and a short three-legged table with some stuff on it.
Obvious exits: east
a large wooden sign
In the Common language, it reads:
Please choose your color wisely as there are NO REFUNDS!


On the overturned barrels you see: a carnation pink vial of dye, a dark grey vial of dye, a dark russet vial of dye, a titian red vial of dye, a steel grey vial of dye, a bright scarlet vial of dye, a bright orange vial of dye, a bone white vial of dye, and a pearly grey vial of dye.

On the three-legged table you see: a turquoise blue vial of dye, a shell pink vial of dye, a chestnut brown vial of dye, a garish yellow vial of dye, and a slate grey vial of dye.

On the overturned crates you see: a bright silvery vial of dye, a charcoal grey vial of dye, a silvery green vial of dye, a dusky blue vial of dye, a moss green vial of dye, a speckled pink vial of dye, a faded maroon vial of dye, a lemon yellow vial of dye, and a deep violet vial of dye.

Bamboo Cottage, Attic

Directions: north from central attic room

[Bamboo Cottage, Attic] Room: 34235
Even the slightest breeze causes a flurry of dust to scamper across the room in delicate spirals. No decorations are apparent other than a solitary bucket that sits upside-down near the northern wall of the room and a small table. You also see a dusty crate with some stuff on it and a large wooden sign.
Obvious exits: south
a large wooden sign
In the Common language, it reads:
Please choose your color wisely, as there are NO REFUNDS!


On the small metal bucket you see: a mottled blue vial of dye, a sunny yellow vial of dye, a fiery orange vial of dye, a stone grey vial of dye, a twilight blue vial of dye, a verdant green vial of dye, a coral red vial of dye, a glossy brown vial of dye, and a rosy pink vial of dye.

On the dusty crate you see: a yellowish grey vial of dye, a pale pink vial of dye, a lime green vial of dye, a somber grey vial of dye, a coal black vial of dye, a reddish orange vial of dye, a light red vial of dye, a coppery brown vial of dye, and a lavender blue vial of dye.

On the worn walnut table you see: a saffron yellow vial of dye, a dusky mauve vial of dye, a pearly white vial of dye, a hunter green vial of dye, a faded grey vial of dye, a sky blue vial of dye, a bright fuchsia vial of dye, a deep red vial of dye, and a mottled beige vial of dye.

Bamboo Cottage, Attic

Directions: east from central attic room

[Bamboo Cottage, Attic] Room: 34234
This small room smells very musty, and its builder did not have enough sense to equip it with any windows. He did, however, decide to build some handy shelves along the perimeter to hold the many vials of dye spotted throughout the room. The eastern wall of the room is made from natural slate rock and seems to be untouched by modern tools except for a solid staircase that emerges from its corner. You also see a large wooden sign.
Obvious exits: west
a large wooden sign
In the Common language, it reads:
Please choose your color wisely as there are NO REFUNDS!


On the lopsided shelf you see: a mottled black vial of dye, a storm grey vial of dye, a blood red vial of dye, an iridescent white vial of dye, a bright yellow vial of dye, a burnt sienna vial of dye, a powder blue vial of dye, a marine blue vial of dye, and a jade green vial of dye.

On the uneven wooden shelf you see: a bright celadon vial of dye, a burnt ochre vial of dye, a royal purple vial of dye, an iridescent blue vial of dye, a mottled green vial of dye, a warm brown vial of dye, a golden yellow vial of dye, a dark maroon vial of dye, and a misty grey vial of dye.

Bamboo Cottage, Basement

Directions: down the staircase from eastern room or through the planks from Orders

[Bamboo Cottage, Basement] Room: 34231
The most prominent thing about this room is the long staircase that winds upward towards the sky. Each step is crafted from the natural rock of the cavern, and no two steps are entirely even. The rock walls are much eroded, and water trickles around several small cubbies created from years of water damage. Several vials, conveniently filled with multi-colored dyes, are neatly placed within the cubbies. You also see a large wooden sign.
Obvious exits: west
a large wooden sign
In the Common language, it reads:
Please choose your color wisely as there are NO REFUNDS!


On the high rock cubby you see: a midnight blue vial of dye, a shiny red vial of dye, a mottled brown vial of dye, a faded taupe vial of dye, a cloudy white vial of dye, a faded purple vial of dye, a dusty rose vial of dye, a mottled scarlet vial of dye, and a vibrant red vial of dye.

On the low rock cubby you see: an opalescent green vial of dye, a pale ivory vial of dye, a honey yellow vial of dye, a glittering golden vial of dye, a dingy blue vial of dye, an opalescent white vial of dye, a dove grey vial of dye, a plain yellow vial of dye, and a silvery grey vial of dye.

Bamboo Cottage, Basement

Directions: west from eastern basement room

[Bamboo Cottage, Basement] Room: 34229
Though stairs have been built to access the cottage upstairs, the rest of the basement resembles an untouched cavern. Moss grows along the rock walls and climbs from floor to ceiling in unfettered majesty, the deep green and rust colors painting a natural picture along the perimeter. Barrels, driftwood, rocks, and crates have been laid out upon the floor, serving as makeshift shelving that sits unevenly on the wet and musty floor. You also see some rickety driftwood planks.
Obvious exits: east, south, west


On the shallow crates you see: a citrine yellow vial of dye, a chalk white vial of dye, a nut brown vial of dye, an ivory white vial of dye, a peacock green vial of dye, an alabaster white vial of dye, an ultramarine blue vial of dye, a cinnamon brown vial of dye, and a cobalt blue vial of dye.

On the pieces of driftwood you see: a bright white vial of dye, a dingy grey vial of dye, a faded orange vial of dye, a dull black vial of dye, a dark green vial of dye, an aquamarine blue vial of dye, a dingy brown vial of dye, a burnt orange vial of dye, and a mottled ochre vial of dye.

On the overturned barrels you see: a burnt umber vial of dye, a dull beige vial of dye, an ink black vial of dye, a deep blue vial of dye, a bright blue vial of dye, a bright red vial of dye, a sea green vial of dye, a mottled grey vial of dye, and a bleached white vial of dye.

On the flat grey rocks you see: a sapphire blue vial of dye, a shiny black vial of dye, an opalescent red vial of dye, a deep auburn vial of dye, a wine red vial of dye, a faded white vial of dye, an opalescent blue vial of dye, an opalescent yellow vial of dye, and a ruby red vial of dye.

Bamboo Cottage, Basement

Directions: west from central basement room

[Bamboo Cottage, Basement] Room: 34230
This room is damp, and mold grows between the natural cracks in the rock on both the walls and the ground. Dripping water slowly trickles down the mossy wall and disappears through a small hole in the rock floor. There are several overturned yellow and orange crates along one wall that serve as display units for many different dyes. You also see a large wooden sign.
Obvious exits: east
a large wooden sign
In the Common language, it reads:
Please choose your color wisely, as there are NO REFUNDS!


On the yellow crates you see: a pale violet vial of dye, a bright green vial of dye, a glossy white vial of dye, a greyish blue vial of dye, a dark teal vial of dye, a plain blue vial of dye, a bright crimson vial of dye, a carnelian orange vial of dye, and a marbled grey vial of dye.

On the orange crates you see: a plain red vial of dye, a pale golden vial of dye, a periwinkle blue vial of dye, a shiny blue vial of dye, a twilight grey vial of dye, a jet black vial of dye, a dull red vial of dye, a dark crimson vial of dye, and a pure white vial of dye.

Bamboo Cottage, Basement

Directions: south from central basement room

[Bamboo Cottage, Basement] Room: 34232
Two small sconces sit upon the wall, delicately nailed to the rock. They send flickers of light dancing around the room and hiss occasionally when small droplets of water fall upon them. A pair of grey stones sits in the middle of this dank room, leaving plenty of space for perusal of the wares. You also see a large wooden sign.
Obvious exits: north
a large wooden sign
In the Common language, it reads:
Please choose your color wisely as there are NO REFUNDS!


On the left stone you see: a silvery white vial of dye, a marbled pink vial of dye, a mint green vial of dye, an icy blue vial of dye, a dark brown vial of dye, a dingy yellow vial of dye, a deep indigo vial of dye, a deep ebony vial of dye, and a ghostly white vial of dye.

On the right stone you see: a fiery scarlet vial of dye, a muddy brown vial of dye, a dappled grey vial of dye, a pale orange vial of dye, a sea blue vial of dye, a steel blue vial of dye, a pitch black vial of dye, a pale yellow vial of dye, and an olive green vial of dye.