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Blood Son - 2020-07-07 - Showing of Good Faith (log)
Koaratos 7-8, 5120
by Leafiara Autumnwind of the [[::The_TownCrier|TownCrier]]
- Wehnimer's Landing adventurers gather outside the north gate for the arrival of the Blood Son as their group of dozens come into view, including civilian men and women as well as grey-armored soldiers. A grey-robed figure in a carved red oak mask approaches, with blue eyes peeking out. He apologizes for the delay, but says he couldn't leave behind those in whom their truth has grown and sparked.
- He asks Mayor Leafiara if his letter was received in time; she says yes, though some of the details were unclear. However, the town welcomes travelers at all times and can accommodate; the Blood Son says most of his group prefers to remain outside town, but some may seek an inn. He asks if everyone is safe to set up their tents and she says yes. Kothos offers hospitality as the Temple of Ivas in the Vipershroud, but the Blood Son calls Ivas a lie. Sir Bristenn brings up that the Blood Son might need to clear the tent request with Lord Breshon, and the Blood Son says he'll make all necessary requests and that they expect no trouble and bring none.
- Chandrellia asks if the Blood Son can have his followers clean up the blood markings on buildings; he seems surprised that happened but says it bodes well for enlightenment.
- Leafi asks how long he's staying and he says a week, maybe two. He'll spend the next few nights visiting with townspeople and those who wish to hear the truth, then hold a great revival on Feastday. He says he's the harbinger of the Blood God, bringing healing of the flesh, of life, and destiny. Kothos asks if that means Grishom Stone and he affirms it, saying Grishom will pull back the falsehood of the heavens and reveal the truth of our greatest potential.
- He says the Blood God brings restoration of ailments and the mind, saying he was reborn, then takes off his mask to reveal: Malluch Burdos! Magister [[::Raelee_Svala|Raelee]] asks how he encountered Stone; Malluch starts to say "My f..." but then says life has a way of connecting us all. Balley asks if he can heal or is just advertising; Malluch says he can heal, as the Blood God answers when he's called upon. Grishom is close, which is why the revival will take place here.
- Lylia notes that he no longer has his Jastev symbol and he says he's free from the slavery of the Arkati. Goblyn asks if he's the Blood God's slave instead; Malluch says no, he carries his word and serves but is no slave, and could defy him if he were naive enough.
- Alvyara challenges Malluch to show his power if he's real, so he approaches her as nearby townspeople watch. He stretches out a hand and the skin along his palm peels away, then he spreads the blood along Alvyara's face where wrinkles had been left after aiding in Vlashandra's ritual--and it seeps in, leaving the wrinkles faded.
- Kathralynn says there's always a price and asks what it is; Malluch says there is none and freedom has no strings, as the wound on his palm seals up. Chandrellia asks the same aid for Balley, who had also wrinkled up after Vlashandra's rituals, so Malluch nods and heals her.
- Malluch says he'll let everyone know they can prepare their tents and reiterates that he'll be around for a few nights before the revival. Delyorik asks what Malluch can offer him and he says his greatest potential, bound to no Arkati, and asks instead what he (Delyorik) can offer once unshackled.
[Town Square Central]
This is the heart of the main square of Wehnimer's Landing. The impromptu shops of the bazaar are clustered around this central gathering place, where townsfolk, travellers, and adventurers meet to talk, conspire or raise expeditions to the far-flung reaches of Elanith. At the north end, an old well, with moss-covered stones and a craggy roof, is shaded from the moonlight by a strong, robust tree. The oak is tall and straight, and it is apparent that the roots run deep. You also see the translucent Ciampa disk, the Gherraltis disk, a massive snowy white tiger, some sprinkled leaf-shaped cookies, the Richland disk, a large Gnollish mushroom, a well-muscled black stallion, a large Gnollish mushroom, the Vynce disk, the sparkling Pheon disk, a large raven that is flying around, the Nizana disk, the Guarrin disk, the Bronzebottom disk, some dirty orange lint, an indignant forest spirit that is flying around, a wooden arrow, a wooden arrow, the Balley disk, a pale-faced coppery barn owl, the Zaneon disk, an herbal remedy donation bin and some stone benches with some stuff on it.
Also here: Ciampa, Shinann, Gherraltis, Gilandrial, Elphieya, Roelon, Richland, Great Lord Draphik, Gnomageddon, Whahmo, Felita, Bernadette, Sir Bristenn who is riding a well-muscled dun charger, Zazziel, Diamondelille, Grand Lord Asben, Kippe, Pheon, Vynce, Enervation, High Lord Balzighast, Ellottos, Mayor Leafiara, Nizana, Sir Cryheart, Guarrin, Bronzebottom, Great Lady Chandrellia, Yukito, Berost, Gypsy Scribe Balley, Zaneon who is sitting, Haleran
The sky begins to fill with huge clouds, dark and grey on the bottom, pale and white atop, their puffy crowns ascending toward the heavens.
Leafiara yells, "Pukk, get over here!"
Cryheart says, "Rain."
Leafiara musingly says, "Well, no Pukk..."
Leafiara curiously asks, "Who wants to be Pukk for the night?"
Roelon deeply says, "Someone has to say it."
Shinann says, "No one."
Cryheart says, "Nae necessary."
Felita asks, "Who kin bees misser Pukk?"
Leafiara recites insistently:
"Everybody join Cryheart!"
>join cry
Cryheart is already a member of Guarrin's group.
Leafiara says, "Or in this case Guarrin, apparently."
Telare says, "What have I walked into."
Speaking curiously to Goblyn, Leafiara asks, "I'm guessing that Crux already gave you the news about the Lich King returning and asking about Lich's Landing?"
Asben whispers something to Leafiara.
Balley softly says, "Goblyn I must show you my beautiful new tattoo."
Speaking to Goblyn, Asben says, "Nice to meet you."
Bialstoc softly says, "The kiramon thought I was a snack."
Speaking dramatically to Telare, Leafiara says, "The Landing craziness."
Speaking to Shinann, Goblyn asks, "That will not be a very smart thing to be thinking... maybe not so loudly, yes?"
Speaking to Leafiara, Telare says, "I am quite well-versed in it."
Speaking to Balley, Goblyn asks, "You are telling the fortunes and this future, Balley?"
Balley softly says, "It is my scrying Bowl."
Speaking to Shinann, Goblyn says, "Maybe we will speak of this in some time, Shinann. You are--"
Shinann asks, "What?"
Speaking to Shinann, Goblyn says, "You are yourself in this minute."
Speaking to Goblyn, Shinann says, "Yes."
Speaking to Goblyn, Madmountan asks, "Do you already know this so called Blood God? He's your uncle, isn't he?"
Speaking to Madmountan, Goblyn exclaims, "You are very funny, Madmountan!"
Leafiara exclaims, "Blood Son!"
Madmountan says, "Okay, Cruxophim's uncle."
Alvyara says, "I heard about this blood son, but other than that, I don't know a thing."
Speaking to Madmountan, Goblyn says, "I do not know that Cruxophim is having this 'uncles'..."
Speaking eagerly to Cruxophim, Leafiara says, "Knew ya wouldn't miss a guy named the Blood Son."
Cruxophim cheerfully remarks, "It's a mystery."
Cruxophim whispers something to Goblyn.
Madmountan says, "Oh Blood SON, not god. I'm out of my mind tonight."
Goblyn whispers something to Cruxophim.
Leafiara amusedly says, "Yeah, not meeting Grishom Stone tonight or anything."
Leafiara musingly adds, "Probably."
Speaking to Leafiara, Madmountan says, "Exactly."
Speaking to Leafiara, Guarrin says, "You never know."
Madmountan says, "I guess Grishom could have offspring."
Speaking grimly to Madmountan, Cruxophim suggests, "Bloodlings."
Guarrin whispers something to Bristenn.
Speaking to Kothos, Alvyara says, "Oh, you are still in town."
Alvyara says, "I thought for sure you'd have gone to bed."
Speaking to Alvyara, Kothos says, "That is precisely where I should be, indeed, and I shall pay for this at Service tomorrow."
Guarrin whispers something to Cryheart.
Speaking to Alvyara, Kothos says, "But...someone mentioned there might be a visitor.."
Speaking to Kothos, Alvyara asks, "Have you come to see this Blood Son?"
Lylia says, "Fortunately, there are some services one can recline throughout."
Leafiara admits, "Right now I'm mostly curious about that rumored 'face of red oak' and if he's actually a treekin."
Speaking lightly to Goblyn, Cruxophim notes, "Oh, be right back."
Cryheart whispers something to Guarrin.
Speaking to Goblyn, Thrassus exclaims, "Long time no see!"
Goblyn whispers something to Thrassus.
Alvyara whispers something to Kothos.
Speaking slowly to Thrassus, Goblyn asks, "Maybe this is true for you, yes?"
Speaking to Goblyn, Lylia says, "It has felt like an eternity. It is far too long."
Speaking to Lylia, Goblyn says, "Maybe in some times it -is- this eternity, Lady Lylia."
Balley softly says, "I am very happy to see you Miss Goblyn."
Cruxophim offers Goblyn a macabre bone-strung gown.
Goblyn accepts Cruxophim's bone-strung gown.
Goblyn glances at a macabre bone-strung gown in her hand as if it really needs a hug.
Speaking amusedly to Cruxophim, Leafiara says, "The perfect fit."
Speaking happily to Cruxophim, Goblyn exclaims, "You did find this!"
Speaking to Goblyn, Leafiara says, "Of all the nights for Alisette not to be here... she was really interested in meeting you when we told her how you and Crux are the perfect fit."
Onaver says, "Geez."
Speaking to Leafiara, Goblyn says, "Leafiara, I have maybe met this Alisette in past times."
The flickering light of a distant torch light appears beyond the environs of town.
Speaking to Leafiara, Goblyn asks, "She is here in this night in other nights?"
Onaver says, "A little distance please."
Alvyara says, "Alisette is a very nice person."
Leafiara musingly says, "Oh, how odd..."
Speaking to Goblyn, Leafiara exclaims, "Usually!"
Cryheart says, "Hmmm...perhaps we should head to the north gate."
Kothos says, "She's a capable healer, it's true."
Speaking to Draught, Guarrin introduces, "Ah, this is Sir Mires."
Balley softly says, "Maybe."
Goblyn asks, "I do not know you, I do not think?"
Goblyn peers quizzically at Alvyara.
Alvyara says, "She seems.. cheerful and.."
Speaking eagerly to Cryheart, you exclaim, "Onward to--well, something!"
Alvyara says, "Oh, I'm Alvyara."
Some townspeople begin to whisper amongst each other. "He's coming, he's here, he's coming."
Cryheart says, "Leaving to the north gate in five..."
Speaking casually to Bristenn, Guarrin introduces, "This is my squire, Draught."
Cryheart says, "Four...."
Cryheart says, "Three....."
Speaking in Faendryl, Kothos says "something you don't understand.
Speaking cheerfully to Alvyara, Goblyn exclaims, "Hello, Alvyara!"
Cryheart says, "Two......."
Speaking in Sylvankind to Goblyn, Alvyara asks something you don't understand.
Cryheart says, "One."
Cryheart says, "Here we go."
[Wehnimer's, Outside Gate]
Citizens, merchants and assorted dregs of society jostle against you before the great wooden gates of Wehnimer's Landing. Harried guards and militiamen try to keep the chaos to a minimum, but it is hard to keep track of those entering, let alone leaving, this large trading post. A dirt path encircling the wooden palisade of the town leads east and southwest. Nailed prominently to the wooden wall beside the gate is a sign you really should read. You also see the Wayside inn.
Speaking to Leafiara, Guarrin asks, "Did we ever get numbers from those scouts?"
[General] Brewtonwolf thinks, "'Sio hard to stay humble when the townsfolks keeep annuncing all of my movements."
[General] Leafiara thinks, "The Blood Son appears to be on his way to the Landing! Come by if you're interested in his entourage."
Draught says, "Perhaps I should go to the other gate to keep watch."
Speaking to Guarrin, Leafiara says, "Dozens, we've heard."
Shinann says, "Several dozen..."
Guarrin says, "We can certainly handle a few dozen."
Shinann asks, "Who knows who has joined since the report?"
Guarrin says, "Plenty of room for that."
[General] Cryheart thinks, "We hae a group by the north gate."
[General] Leafiara adds, "We're gathering outside the north gate to greet them. way or another."
Speaking curiously to Balley, Leafiara asks, "Are you still hoping he can fix the wrinkles?"
Draught says, "Nothing so far."
Balley softly says, "I am."
Balley softly says, "Vlashandra told me they should fade and have not."
Another torch light glows in the distance.
Speaking musingly to Balley, you say, "I do think it'll be good to at least put him to the test..."
Cryheart says, "I rather fancy the idea we are keeping a watchful eye."
Balley softly says, "You may ask."
Balley softly says, "You can use me Mayor."
Speaking lightly to Balley, Leafiara says, "It's your call. No need to be too hasty and decide now when we haven't even met him."
Speaking to Alvyara, Goblyn says, "It is good for practicing leading in this town. Many die in man--"
Balley softly says, "I am fair game."
Alvyara says, "That wasn't so hard."
Kothos says, "Yes. You have all the qualities, including the most important one."
Alvyara asks, "Die?"
Speaking to Alvyara, Kothos says, "You don't want to."
Speaking to Kothos, Alvyara says, "I hardly think my shiny hair counts."
Speaking to Alvyara, Goblyn exclaims, "There is always this room for new leaders, yes? This is why you will practice leading!"
Leafiara musingly says, "I guess we can send them a signal flare."
Leafiara petitions the local flame spirits as flickers of pale flame surround her hands...
Leafiara gestures.
A flare leaves Leafiara's hand and shoots up into the sky where it hangs for a few moments before exploding into a breathtaking array of colors. The sheer brightness of the image before you lingers in your sight for several seconds after the explosion can no longer be seen.
Balley softly says, "Leafi if you want to put him to task, you may use me."
Speaking to Goblyn, Kothos says, "Wise and pretty. And a biter."
Speaking shyly to Kothos, Goblyn asks, "Maybe this... first and last, yes?"
Speaking to Goblyn, Kothos says, "How is it we haven't been introduced? I am Brother Blud."
Alvyara says, "Oh, I should have introduced you."
Balley softly says, "Worst case I have to wait for surgery for the wrinkles."
Thrassus whispers something to Goblyn.
Alvyara says, "Brother Blud is a very kind man who works at the temple in the Vipershroud."
Speaking to Kothos, Goblyn asks, "Maybe you will be calling me 'Goblyn', yes, Blud?"
Speaking confusedly to Goblyn, Cruxophim wonders, "Why would he call you Goblyn-yesblood?"
Speaking to Goblyn, Kothos says, "Of course. My friends sometimes call me Kothos, save the ones who really like saying Blud over and over again."
Cruxophim dryly remarks, "Thanks, I'll be here all night."
Speaking amusedly to Cruxophim, Goblyn says, "You are very funny, Cruxophim."
Speaking to Goblyn, Lylia says, "It is part of his charm."
Telare says, "That he is."
Speaking to Cruxophim, Kothos says, "It's a pity that Faerinn isn't here, you'd get to smother him now."
Speaking curiously to Kothos, Cruxophim wonders, "What is it with you and pillows?"
Draught asks, "Here to meet the empath supreme?"
Mekimin excitedly squeaks, "Well? Has anyone seen him yet?"
Goblyn impatiently asks, "Is this 'Blood Son' coming in this night, or he is not?"
Speaking to Draught, Alvyara says, "You don't have to talk me up that way. I'm just a simple healer."
[General] Cruxophim thinks, "Welcome, Blood Son."
Speaking to Draught, Shinann says, "I did not hear he was an empath."
Speaking to Goblyn, Lylia says, "By the time he arrives, he may be a blood grandfather twice over."
Speaking wryly to Goblyn, Leafiara says, "If you think this is bad, you should have heard the original reports that he was coming four days ago."
Speaking to Lylia, Goblyn asks, "You do know who this father of this son is?"
Leafiara lightly says, "Let's hope he's better with healing than being on time."
The Truth of the Matterr
At the edge of the forest, a row of torches comes into view, held by a patchwork crew of men and women. Standing among them are some soldiers who are bedecked in grey armor from head to toe and a sphere of blood smeared on the breast of their armor. They come to stop at the edge of the forest and halt.
Xorus says, "We will have a Son of Blood, as well as our Brother Blud. This has the potential to grow very confusing."
Draught says, "Soldiers."
Draught says, "Hmm."
Lylia diplomatically says, "I have learned, my dear, never to ask who the father is in any circumstance other than --"
Cruxophim bemusedly notes, "Quite an entourage."
Speaking to himself, Guarrin mutters, "Don't like the look of that."
Mekimin hopefully asks, "Bodyguards?"
Speaking helpfully to Xorus, Cruxophim offers, "And a Blood Reaver."
Telare slowly says, "Good to see not much has changed here."
Speaking softly to Leafiara, Chandrellia says, "We weren't informed of armed soldgers."
[Realm] Yukito asks, "Did they say Blood Son or Blood Sun?"
Madmountan says, "Blood smeared armor? Welcome to 5095."
Leafiara curiously says, "They wanted safety from *us*? Maybe Alendrial received the wrong letter, by the looks of it."
Kothos says, "Everyone makes salutations. In the form of dirty jokes and double entendres."
Kothos says, "It's the Landing's version of Common."
Thrassus asks, "It's only sensible for them to have some means of protection, isn't it?"
Speaking casually to Kothos, Cruxophim suggests, "I'll double your entendre, if you know what I'm saying."
Speaking to Cruxophim, Kothos says, "As a matter of fact, I do."
Speaking amusedly to Madmountan, Guarrin asks, "Can you make out if there's the image of a scary sorceror standing over some kobolds on it?"
Xorus wryly says, "The menace that may only be expressed by not taking care of one's armor."
Speaking to Kothos, Alvyara says, "You don't need to give me sympathy for putting up with your terrible humor."
Some townspeople begin to gather at the edge of the northern gate, some watching from inside, some pressing through the gate to stand near the Wayside Inn.
Speaking to Alvyara, Kothos says, "I wasn't the one with the wordplay earlier."
Goblyn abruptly asks, "Rekarth is not here in this place in this night?"
Speaking wryly to Goblyn, Cruxophim admits, "Hard to say."
Speaking to Kothos, Alvyara says, "That's not a very good excuse."
Guarrin whispers something to Draught.
The row of torchbearers and guards begins to stir and two of the guards part. Emerging from the forest and torchlight steps a grey robed figure who wears a carved red oak mask with blue eyes peering out from behind it.
Speaking to Cruxophim, Goblyn says, "... I do not think so, Cruxophim."
Speaking to Cruxophim, Kothos says, "But, he's pretty enough to get away with it, and you're pretty enough for me to beg forgiveness."
Kothos says, "Hm."
Mekimin excitedly whispers aloud, "It's him!"
Leafiara muses, "Well, at least that part wasn't literal."
Balley softly says, "Those eyes."
Balley softly says, "Something about them."
Leafiara yells, "Hello out there!"
Ycelacie asks, "What is going on?"
Speaking to Vaikeses, Mekimin whispers aloud, "The Blood Son!"
Cruxophim yells, "Come on over, don't be shy!"
The grey robed figure begins to step forward, when two of the guards stop and whisper something. The Blood Son nods and two of the guards fall in line behind him as he steps closer to the gathered crowd.
Kothos asks, "Should I explain to him that the Blud name is already taken in this town?"
Speaking to Vaikeses, Mekimin whispers aloud, "They say he's a powerful healer who can grant immortality!"
Alvyara exclaims, "Kothos!"
Chandrellia softly says, "That is rumored."
Kothos says, "Perhaps I should ask him for his registration."
Xorus whispers something to Lylia.
Speaking softly to Leafiara, Balley says, "Those eyes, I have seen then before."
Speaking to Alvyara, Kothos says, "Perhaps I could adopt him."
Two grey-robed bloodguards fall in beside the Blood Son.
Speaking calmly to a grey robed figure wearing a carved red oak mask, Leafiara greets, "Well, hello there."
Speaking quietly to Kothos, Alvyara says, "Shush."
Speaking curiously to Balley, Leafiara asks, "Where?"
Balley softly says, "I do not remembr."
Berost deeply says, "I'll get tha one on tha right."
Balley softly says, "The piercing blue."
Speaking to a grey robed figure wearing a carved red oak mask, Kothos says, "Good evening. Or morning. I'm Brother Blud. No relation."
The red masked figure says, "I offer my deepest apologies, people of Wehnimer's Landing, for the delay in our arrival."
Speaking understandingly to a grey robed figure wearing a carved red oak mask, Leafiara says, "Given the... size of your group, it's understandable."
Speaking softly to a grey robed figure wearing a carved red oak mask, Chandrellia says, "We do hope your travel was met with ease."
Speaking to a grey robed figure wearing a carved red oak mask, Mekimin chirps, "Better late than never!"
Mekimin hesitantly asks, "Right?"
Speaking to a grey robed figure wearing a carved red oak mask, Ycelacie asks, "You have a group?"
Speaking warmly to a grey robed figure wearing a carved red oak mask, Cruxophim greets, "Welcome. We come largely in peace."
Gnarles asks, "What kinda party is this?"
The red masked figure says, "Indeed. Our truth has grown and sparked in the hearts of others. I could not leave them behind."
Speaking to a grey robed figure wearing a carved red oak mask, Leafiara says, "Many in town have been eagerly awaiting your arrival, while others are simply interested to see what you're bringing to us."
The red masked figure says, "I know you come in peace, I am all too familiar with the way of Wehnimer's."
Speaking to a grey robed figure wearing a carved red oak mask, Kothos says, "I am also a healer of sorts. We are all very curious to see what your talents and mission are."
Speaking to Asben, Delyorik asks, "'What did I just walk into?"
Speaking deeply to a grey robed figure wearing a carved red oak mask, Berost asks, "How ya familiar wit us?"
Roelon deeply asks, "Familiar eh?"
Speaking mildly to a grey robed figure wearing a carved red oak mask, Cruxophim notes, "Oh? Intriguing."
Asben whispers something to Delyorik.
Gnarles says, "Jus what I was thinking."
Delyorik asks, "Blood? Son?"
Roblar whispers something to Delyorik.
The red masked figure says, "My letter was received in time Mayor Leafiara?"
Leafiara nods at the red-masked figure.
Speaking amiably to a grey robed figure wearing a carved red oak mask, Leafiara says, "It was, although we weren't sure of the size of your group."
Speaking to a grey robed figure wearing a carved red oak mask, Leafiara adds, "Nor whether you wanted to camp in the wilderness or stay in town."
Leafiara says, "Either way, though, we're a town that welcomes many travelers all times of the year."
The red masked figure says, "There are many who have come with me. Most prefer to remain outside of town. Some may seek the comforts of a warm inn and cold ale."
Speaking mischievously to Leafiara, Cruxophim suggests, "Silvergate?"
Speaking to a grey robed figure wearing a carved red oak mask, Leafiara says, "So we're well equipped to accommodate."
Xorus says, "We only have cold inns and warm ale."
Berost deeply says, "Icemule jest up tha glacier."
Speaking frankly to a grey robed figure wearing a carved red oak mask, Cruxophim inquires, "Have we met, pray tell?"
Leafiara offers, "There's the Wayside Inn right over there, of course--the foundation of our town."
Leafiara indicates the Wayside inn as a possible option.
The red masked figure says, "I know the wilds are outside of your laws, but they are safe to setup their tents?"
Speaking to a grey robed figure wearing a carved red oak mask, Kothos says, "I am from She who is Passion, Her Temple in Vipershroud. We have experience in caring for the afflcted, should any of your party wish to have our hospitality."
Leafiara nods at the red-masked figure.
Speaking helpfully to a grey robed figure wearing a carved red oak mask, Cruxophim answers, "Unless you've much to fear from kobolds, certainly."
The red masked figure says, "She who is Passion is a lie, Brother Blud."
Roelon deeply says, "As long as they don' cause trouble outside."
Speaking to a grey robed figure wearing a carved red oak mask, Leafiara says, "Naturally. We don't have any quarrel with travelers without reason."
Leafiara muses, "...usually, anyway."
Speaking to a grey robed figure wearing a carved red oak mask, Kothos says, "Regardless of your belief, it is available to those who need it."
Xorus says, "This has the makings of a blood feud."
Bristenn dryly ventures, "I wager they would have to clear such a request with Lord Breshon and his men, as well."
Speaking softly to a grey robed figure wearing a carved red oak mask, Chandrellia says, "I do have a question."
Kathralynn softly asks, "So have I missed the fun?"
Gnarles says, "No more fun to be found."
Felita says, "We is havin it."
Kathralynn softly says, "Ahh."
Speaking to Bristenn, Leafiara says, "Interesting point, but... the Empire more or less ignored the elven settlement until just a couple of years ago and this is similar. A less permanent settling, even."
Speaking to Bristenn, Guarrin asks, "I think that would depend on proximity to his keep, no?"
Leafiara muses, "Or is it?"
The red masked figure says, "We will make all the necessary requests. We expect no trouble, and bring none."
Speaking softly to a grey robed figure wearing a carved red oak mask, Chandrellia says, "Now that you have arrived, would you kindly have a few of your followers clean our marked buildings, we have worked hard to keep our town clean."
Kathralynn softly asks, "Ok have I missed mayhem then?"
Cruxophim pleasantly notes, "Fair enough. Disappointing, though."
Speaking curiously to a grey robed figure wearing a carved red oak mask, Leafiara asks, "How long do you intend to stay here for your revival?"
Kothos whispers something to Lylia.
The red masked figure says, "Buildings have been marked? This bodes well for enlightenment."
Speaking softly to a grey robed figure wearing a carved red oak mask, Chandrellia says, "I'll take that as a no you won't get em cleaned then."
Speaking amicably to a grey robed figure wearing a carved red oak mask, Cruxophim jokes, "I've been saying this for years."
Felita says, "We has lotta bloody buidins."
The red masked figure says, "A week, two at the most."
Tsukiki says, "Enlightenment is always a fun concept."
Leafiara affirms, "Yes, some of your more interested followers have, ah--prepared the way for you."
Delyorik says, "This is cute."
Mekimin cheers, "Enlightenment AND immortality! The whole package!"
The red masked figure says, "I will spend the next few nights visiting with the townspeople, and any of you whom wish to hear the truth."
Speaking deeply to a grey robed figure wearing a carved red oak mask, Berost says, "Our buildin getting mark bode well fer yer "no trouble" bein a lie."
Speaking to a grey robed figure wearing a carved red oak mask, Guarrin asks, "....and then? Heading elsewhere?"
Kothos asks, "The truth?"
Delyorik asks, "Truth?"
Speaking to a grey robed figure wearing a carved red oak mask, Asben asks, "Truth?"
Roelon deeply says, "Truth..."
Bernadette softly asks, "Truth, eh?"
Speaking to a grey robed figure wearing a carved red oak mask, Delyorik says, "'Enlighten me."
Berkana says, "Another zealot."
The red masked figure says, "On Feastday eve, I shall hold a great revival."
Xorus says, "Ah, yes. Truth. The one and only, I am sure."
Gnarles asks, "Revival?"
Roblar deeply says, "Truth is always da one in da middle."
Roblar deeply says, "Like a bar fight."
Speaking amicably to Xorus, Cruxophim adds, "Many splendored."
Leafiara prompts, "A revival of..."
Speaking softly to a grey robed figure wearing a carved red oak mask, Chandrellia says, "Yeah, and they vandalized our buildings, it doesn't show a good report on you as a leader to allow such audacuries."
Lylia says, "Ah, will you be erecting your little tent in the field over there? It is where Chaston Griffin did the same."
Speaking to Xorus, Kothos says, "A wise woman just reminded me of the last time I was told something along that line."
Diamondelille asks, "Wot is trut?"
The red masked figure says, "I am the harbinger of the Blood God, and I have brought healing not just of the flesh, but of life and destiny."
Thrassus says, "Ah."
Kothos whispers something to Xorus.
Speaking to a grey robed figure wearing a carved red oak mask, Goblyn asks, "You are this harbinger or you are this son?"
Speaking softly to Leafiara, Chandrellia asks, "Can we change our minds?"
Balley softly asks, "The blood god?"
Speaking to herself, Ceilia says, "Oh, that sounds sane."
Alvyara says, "The blood god? Does your god have a name? Other than that."
Speaking deeply to a grey robed figure wearing a carved red oak mask, Berost says, "Then jest be on yer way, done had enough o' blood gods, blood portals, blood witches."
Speaking to a grey robed figure wearing a carved red oak mask, Asben asks, "You can heal destiny?"
Lylia asks, "Is this the 'Blood God' we all know so well, or someone different?"
Leafiara musingly says, "Well, okay then."
Speaking to a grey robed figure wearing a carved red oak mask, Kothos asks, "Do you mean Grishom Stone?"
Speaking to a grey robed figure wearing a carved red oak mask, Delyorik says, "Truth is subjective. However, I'll listen."
The red masked figure says, "Grishom Stone."
Alvyara quietly says, "...oh."
Lylia murmurs, "I see."
Gnarles asks, "I'm so confused. Do we all get red masks or just this guy?"
Speaking to a grey robed figure wearing a carved red oak mask, Kothos says, "He was the last person to call Her such."
Speaking to a grey robed figure wearing a carved red oak mask, Delyorik says, "'That is, if you're willing to share."
Speaking to a grey robed figure wearing a carved red oak mask, Ycelacie asks, "Can we call you wildlings just for fun?"
Leafiara ventures, "Well, that explains why they call you the Blood Son."
Speaking softly to Leafiara, Chandrellia says, "Yeah this isn't a good idea."
Bernadette softly asks, "Ye son of Stone?"
Speaking blithely to Leafiara, Cruxophim muses, "It's all coming together now."
Alvyara quietly mutters, "I'm not sure I care to hear this 'truth.'."
Draught says, "I thought he was a mage."
The red masked figure says, "He will pull back the falsehood of the heavens, and many who stand among you now will see the truth of it. The truth of our greatest potential."
Speaking to Chandrellia, Delyorik says, "'I'll listen."
Xorus says, "The world beyond the Arkati."
Speaking to a grey robed figure wearing a carved red oak mask, Delyorik says, "And you can try to convince me."
Chandrellia whispers soomething to Leafiara.
The red masked figure says, "Beyond the Arkati."
Berkana says, "Uh huh..."
Leafiara offhandedly says, "There might still be a copy of it in a library near you."
The red masked figure says, "The Blood God brings not only restoration of all ailments, but he is a restorer of the mind."
Kathralynn softly asks, "Trying to overthrow the Akarti?"
Cryheart whispers something to Guarrin.
The red masked figure says, "I know, because I was reborn."
Speaking to a grey robed figure wearing a carved red oak mask, Kothos says, "So you don't doubt their existence. Just their importance. Relatively speaking."
Gnarles asks, "Is there going to be like a blood orgy?"
Speaking to a grey robed figure wearing a carved red oak mask, Asben asks, "And what does this Blood God ask for in return?"
Speaking to a grey robed figure wearing a carved red oak mask, Kothos asks, "Could you tell me your true name?"
Ycelacie says, "So basically... there is a new god..."
Speaking to a grey robed figure wearing a carved red oak mask, Shinann asks, "Who were you?"
Speaking to Asben, Delyorik says, "This one's boring me now."
Speaking slowly to a grey robed figure wearing a carved red oak mask, Leafiara asks, "So... do you have similar power to Stone or are you a sort of middleman?"
Speaking to a grey robed figure wearing a carved red oak mask, Kothos says, "You sound familiar."
The grey robed figure reaches up for his red oak mask.
Speaking gently to Kothos, Cruxophim guesses, "The reborn do not need names."
Speaking to a grey robed figure wearing a carved red oak mask, Delyorik says, "Take off the mask."
Cryheart whispers something to Guarrin.
Speaking to Cruxophim, Kothos says, "Maybe not, but I'm young yet and have curiosity."
Chandrellia softly says, "Yeah we are really tired of masks lately."
Roblar deeply says, "Prolly looks like Wlkar's chest."
Speaking to Alvyara, Ycelacie says, "I already stopped listening to the pitch."
Leafiara absently asks, "What color were Glethad's eyes again?"
Speaking to a grey robed figure wearing a carved red oak mask, Delyorik says, "If you're sharing truth, stop hiding."
Speaking nonchalantly to Kothos, Cruxophim offers, "I've a cat for you, then."
Roblar deeply says, "Always a price to pay."
Cryheart whispers something to Leafiara.
Speaking to a grey robed figure wearing a carved red oak mask, Delyorik says, "Otherwise, come back with your dad."
Speaking curiously to Leafiara, Cruxophim offers, "Sea blue?"
Roblar deeply says, "Or maybe was born ugly and why needs a new god."
The figure peels away his mask and reveals a youthful human face with cobalt blue eyes and smooth dark blonde hair. Malluch Burdos smiles and attaches the red oak mask to his belt, letting it hang at his side.
Roblar deeply says, "Kerse."
Lylia dryly remarks, "Oh, of course!"
Speaking to Malluch, Kothos says, "Welcome home."
Cryheart says, "Ahhhhh."
Speaking musingly to Malluch, Leafiara says, "Oh, you're--huh."
Xorus says, "Intriguing."
Gnarles says, "So sad.....soooo emmpty...."
Lylia says, "I understand much better now."
Thrassus says, "Well, this is a surprise."
Bristenn blandly mentions, "I'm not certain I've met this chap before."
Leafiara admits, "You're one of the first people I *was* thinking of introducing the Blood Son to, but apparently no need..."
Speaking to Malluch, Kothos asks, "You do cling this bit, don't you?"
Speaking softly to Leafiara, Chandrellia asks, "Is this a good thing?"
Speaking to Bristenn, Lylia explains, "This is the son of Murdos Burdos, the local gem dealer."
Speaking bemusedly to Malluch, Cruxophim remarks, "I was wondering when you'd come to claim what you lost."
Speaking to Chandrellia, Leafiara acknowledges, "That I don't know."
Delyorik says, "Everything I've read... this makes sense."
Speaking to Malluch, Shinann says, "Your father has been worried about you."
Felita asks, "Misser Malluch ye gonna work with yer pap?"
Malluch says, "What I have lost pales in comparison to what I have gained."
Roblar deeply asks, "Should we whip him?"
Speaking generously to Malluch, Cruxophim notes, "Seems you've learned your lessons well."
Alvyara murmurs, "It seems as though going into the family gem trade would have provided more tangible rewards."
Roelon deeply says, "Hrmm."
Speaking casually to Lylia, Bristenn replies, "Still not ringing a bell."
Speaking to Bristenn, Lylia says, "Have you ever met someone whose knees were affixed so they could only bend? He is one of that ilk."
Speaking to Roblar, Ycelacie says, "No, maybe he means well."
Speaking to Malluch, Kothos says, "I am sorry for your loss. She was a charming young woman."
Balley softly says, "Now I see why the eyes looked familar."
Malluch looks over at Shinann and shakes his head.
Roblar deeply says, "Ah don't care bout intentions."
Malluch says, "I have not lost myself, Captain Shinann."
Speaking amiably to Malluch, Leafiara says, "Well, in any case welcome back. Somehow I take it not everyone's going to approve of your methods now, as they didn't then."
Roblar deeply says, "Only result."
Shinann says, "Hmm."
Bristenn teasingly adds, "Wager he's fine enough if he's here to bring your commons truth and healing and campfire shanties."
Malluch says, "On the contrary, the Blood God has made me whole. He has restored all that I was, and I have discovered all that I had missed."
Speaking to Roblar, Ycelacie says, "Honestly, I am not really interested in any gods."
Speaking quietly to Kothos, Alvyara asks, "Fanatics are all alike. Aren't they?"
Cruxophim silkily muses, "This promises to be... interesting."
Shinann shakes her head.
Speaking to Malluch, Kothos asks, "So he gave your eyes back. But what of your grief?"
Delyorik says, "As I said. I'll listen. When you're ready. Not sure I'll bite. But, as always... I'll keep my mind open."
Lylia replies, "Yes, well, he did go through a rough bout with blindness too. That seems to have cleared up nicely."
Speaking softly to Malluch, Balley asks, "Are you the one who does the healing arts? Or are you the one to proclaims and advertises?"
Speaking jokingly to Goblyn, Cruxophim whispers aloud, "Awwwkward."
Speaking to Malluch, Thrassus says, "I look forward to hearing your talks."
Gnarles says, "Whoooo....."
Gnarles asks, "Has booze?"
Speaking abruptly to Malluch, Raelee asks, "How did you come to encounter Stone?"
Speaking pleasantly to Malluch, Cruxophim suggests, "Let us celebrate your transformation, then."
Speaking to Raelee, Leafiara admits, "Good question."
>l mal
You see Lord Malluch Burdos the Blood Son.
He appears to be a Human.
He is tall. He appears to be youthful. He has bright grey-speckled cobalt blue eyes and tanned skin. He has shoulder length, smooth dark blonde hair worn in a slender ponytail. He has a clean-shaven face, a straight nose and a trimmed dark blonde goatee.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing a carved red oak mask hanging from his belt, a flowing grey robe, some dark leather pants, and some weathered dark shoes.
Berost offers Gnarles a dark stone stein with a conical gold cap.
Berost deeply says, "Drink up."
Malluch says, "My f..."
Malluch says, "Life has a way of connecting us all."
Kothos says, "Your father."
Malluch says, "It was destiny."
Berost deeply says, "Rum or whiskey or... scotch er somethin."
Speaking affably to Malluch, Cruxophim notes, "I'll drink to that."
Leafiara observes, "I did notice Murdos freshly painted up his shop recently."
Chandrellia softly exclaims, "Welcome to Landing!"
Malluch says, "I can bring healing, yes. When I call upon the Blood God, he answers me."
Speaking to Cruxophim, Delyorik says, "'I'll drink to anything."
Chandrellia softly says, "Oh I see."
Raelee flatly says, "An actual answer would have included a time and location."
Speaking to Malluch, Alvyara challenges, "Show us."
Speaking to Alvyara, Goblyn whispers aloud, "I did say that you should be practicing, yes?"
Malluch says, "He is close here. Just beyond the woods in the dark forest there after."
Kathralynn softly asks, "So you're here to what? Take over Landing?"
Speaking to Malluch, Lylia says, "You no longer have that symbol of Jastev you cried for, until someone took your eyes from you. Or at least, it is no longer on display."
'Malluch says, "That is why the revival will take place here. Others will come when they hear the call."
Speaking pleasantly to Malluch, Cruxophim offers, "Cheers."
Malluch says, "I am freed from the slavery of the Arkati."
Kathralynn softly asks, "What others?"
Speaking deeply to Malluch, Berost says, "Go elsewhere, be gone; yer freed from sanity."
Speaking softly to Leafiara, Chandrellia says, "I say we just be done with him and get back to our lives."
Speaking to Malluch, Alvyara says, "I'm definitely not coming to this revival unless you show us, here and now, that you're not just some charlatan."
Malluch says, "They offer baubles, when the Blood God brings true freedom and power."
Lylia simply says, "I see."
Alvyara says, "Go on. Show us some of this healing."
Shinann says, "Lana gave you that."
Delyorik says, "On the contrary..."
Kothos says, "...slavery seems a rather radical interpretation. But, you were mad as a hatter last I saw you."
Speaking musingly to Chandrellia, Leafiara says, "Well, it's up to you. This is still a bit interesting..."
Speaking to Malluch, Goblyn asks, "You are.... this Blood God's slave now instead, yes?"
Malluch nods at Cruxophim.
Speaking to Pfarrah, Gnarles exclaims, "Youza bess!"
Kathralynn softly says, "Lackey."
Balley softly says, "Oh good it is not me his slave this time."
Malluch says, "No. I carry his word."
Roelon deeply says, "Sounds like it to me."
Malluch says, "I am not enslaved to him."
Speaking curiously to Malluch, Goblyn asks, "You do not serve this person?"
Speaking to Kothos, Alvyara asks, "I think he's just a charlatan. Don't you?"
Malluch says, "Service is not slavery."
Leafiara offers, "There is a difference between--"
Speaking to Alvyara, Kothos says, "Perhaps. Charlatans know they're a fake."
Delyorik says, "I've never been an Arkati... slave."
Leafiara says, "Right, a servant and a slave--different matters."
Malluch says, "The Mayor serves Wehnimer's Landing, but wears no chains." [OOC: You all showed amazing restraint by not tying in some off the cuff wisecrack after this line. I guess we have an unspoken agreement, an unspoken bond to restrict our speech to relatively safe words so we don't get roped into whipping up a series of endless comedic gags that would lock us in to a mood-destroying chain reaction. Even if we sometimes feel like we're tying ourselves in knots having to bite our tongues, it's better to tether the conversation with at least a pinch of earthbound solemnity, securing some seriousness so we can stay wrapped up in the story.]
Speaking slowly to Malluch, Goblyn says, "In some times, yes. In some times, no."'
Speaking sardonically to Malluch, Cruxophim jokes, "It is if there's whips involved."
Speaking to Malluch, Ycelacie says, "That's not true."
Speaking to Malluch, Asben asks, "Are you free to leave?"
Malluch says, "I serve the Blood God, but I could openly defy him, were I naive enough to do so."
Malluch nods at Asben.
Speaking to Malluch, Ycelacie says, "She has to be nice to people even when she doesn't want to."
Putting to the Test
Speaking loudly to Kothos, Alvyara says, "If he were for real, he'd show us some of his power tonight."
Speaking to Malluch, Goblyn asks, "What will be happening to you if you did this defying?"
Speaking slyly to Leafiara, Cruxophim offers, "Do you need some chains? I can get you some change, I can get you some chains by three o'clock."
Malluch glances at Alvyara.
Speaking to Alvyara, Delyorik says, "He has power. I can feel it."
Speaking to Alvyara, Kothos says, "Since he came so late and all. Yes, right you are."
Speaking offhandedly to Cruxophim, Leafiara says, "Like I'm ever not carrying a bunch with me..."
Malluch moves to stand in front of Alvyara.
Some townspeople near the gate lean forward, eyes on the Blood Son.
Speaking jokingly to Malluch, Cruxophim notes, "All eyes on you."
Leafiara says, "Well, this should be interesting..."
Speaking to Cruxophim, Delyorik says, "Not mine."
Roelon deeply says, "Don' let them down."
Speaking quietly to Malluch, Aristes says, "Speak your truth now."
Roblar deeply says, "Sounds like slave to me."
Roblar deeply says, "At least of da mind."
Speaking softly to Malluch, Chandrellia says, "Let me tell you something, there is a little girl who lost her mother, and she believes you can bring her back, she has her hopes up, she believes in you, if you are not what you say you are and you disappoint her, you'll see my wrath."
(Alvyara fidgets, running a hand over her hair, then her wrinkled cheek.)
Malluch stretches out a hand and the skin along his palm begins to peel open on its own like wax melting away. Blood seeps from the wound and he gently smears it along Alvyara's face, spreading the sanguine liquid along the creases of her wrinkles. As the Blood Son steps away, the blood seeps into her flesh and the wrinkles of her face fade away.
Alvyara gasps.
Speaking to Lylia, Gnarles says, "You go ahead and hold onto that one."
Speaking affably to Alvyara, Cruxophim observes, "Handy."
Speaking disappointedly to Alvyara, Goblyn notes, "This is... not practicing. Maybe the opposite."
Roelon whispers something to Roblar.
(Alvyara brings both hands to her face, feeling the skin of her cheeks, her forehead.)
Alvyara stares at Malluch.
Kathralynn softly says, "There's always a price."
Delyorik says, "Any gypsy can do that."
Speaking to Alvyara, Kothos says, "They are gone."
Alvyara removes an oval-framed pearly white mirror from in her red cloak.
Alvyara gazes at her reflection in the pearly white mirror.
Speaking musingly to Alvyara, Leafiara says, "You are indeed looking better."
Kathralynn softly asks, "What's the price for this miracle?"
Alvyara breathes, "They are."
Balley softly asks, "What is the price?"
Malluch says, "There is no price."
Speaking to Malluch, Alvyara says, "..thank you. You did it."
Malluch says, "Freedom has no strings."
Speaking softly to Malluch, Chandrellia says, "Vlashandra did the same to my mother, Balley, can you take hers away."
Shinann says, "There is always a price."
Balley softly asks, "Can you undo mine as well?"
Kathralynn softly says, "There is always a price."
Speaking to Tsarok, Ycelacie asks, "Who are you?"
Speaking to Malluch, Kothos says, "Oh, I doubt that. Very much."
Malluch looks down at his hand as the bloody wound upon his palm slowly seals up.
Speaking to Malluch, Kothos says, "Thank you for helping her."
Delyorik says, "I'll mull this over for a few minutes. Don't go anywhere."
Speaking quietly to Ycelacie, Tsarok says, "Ima Tsarok."
Alvyara quickly interjects, "For those who say there is always a price.. there is, if the healer wishes it."
Many townspeople speak amongst themselves, some of them in disbelief and awe.
Leafiara says, "There's not always a price. I supply chrisms to most of you at cost."
Gnarles says, "They do those same tricks all day and night in TSC."
Alvyara says, "But I am one who heals without demanding a price. And perhaps he is too."
Speaking to Tsarok, Ycelacie says, "Lacie."
Xorus whispers something to Lylia.
(Alvyara touches her face again, the look of wonder still in her expression.)
Guarrin whispers something to Bristenn.
Kathralynn softlty says, "There is always a price."
Speaking softly to Alvyara, Chandrellia says, "I have never asked for a single silver, I am given trinkets like trolls' teeth and cookies and bits of string, I do it because I enjoy it."
Speaking to Tsarok, Ycelacie asks, "And what is your position with respect to all this?"
Balley softly says, "I never ask for anything either never have."
Speaking quietly to Ycelacie, Tsarok says, "Alas, I have none of the above. Just observing."
Lylia says, "Sometimes the price is paid by the one doing the work, out of weakness."
Speaking to Alvyara, Kothos says, "The only thing I worry about is the source. But perhaps we can just enjoy the fact that you are healed, without being so suspicious."
Lylia corrects, "Forgive me. Out of mercy. The Common word is 'mercy.'"
The bloodguards turn and head back to their ranks within the forest.
Felita says, "Misser Malluch is an empaff."
Balley softly says, "I did not ask for these wrinkle just offered to help."
Speaking lightly to Kothos, Cruxophim teases, "Surely not."
Speaking to Cruxophim, Kothos says, "I'll worry you."
Speaking softly to Malluch, Chandrellia says, "Please."
Speaking softly to Malluch, Chandrellia says, "For my mother's sake."
Malluch asks, "Please what?"
Kathralynn softly says, "I always look a gift horse in the mouth."
Speaking softly to Malluch, Chandrellia says, "Heal her wrinkles that Vlashandra has given her."
Speaking to Tsarok, Ycelacie says, "Very neat."
Speaking to Malluch, Leafiara explains, "Balley was afflicted by the same person as Alvyara was."
Delyorik says, "Parlor tricks."
Speaking softly to Delyorik, Chandrellia says, "I dont care, if they will heal mama then fine."
Malluch says, "Who? I may have missed your request, lost in the noise of the townspeople's murmurs of awe."
Balley frets.
Malluch nods.
Malluch moves to stand in front of Balley.
Berost deeply says, "Ya would think folk would learn tha first time someone comes offerin ta toy wit their blood."
Speaking to Chandrellia, Delyorik says, "'Watch your soul."
Cruxophim lightly proclaims, "I do declare, I think I have the vapors."
Shinann says, "The bragging did sound a bit like the old you..."
Speaking softly to Malluch, Chandrellia says, "My mother Balley was inflicted with the same thing Alvyara was, please help her."
Balley frets.
Asben whispers something to Chandrellia.
Speaking to Balley, Leafiara offers, "If it worked once, surely it'll work twice, right?"
Chandrellia softly begs, "Please."
Malluch reaches out one hand, a bloody fissure peeling open on his palm as he paints blood upon Balley's face, pressing it into the wrinkles of her face and then stepping away as the glistening blood soaks into the skin, smoothing out the wrinkles.
Mekimin admits, "Parlor tricks, perhaps! But ones that no other healer has pulled off yet!"
Balley softly says, "Thank you."
Speaking softly to Balley, Chandrellia exclaims, "They are gone mama!"
Speaking deeply to Malluch, Roblar says, "Me blood god now too."
Speaking relievedly to Balley, Leafiara says, "Oh, finally back to yourself. Physically."
Balley softly says, "Thank you."
Balley smiles at Malluch.
Roblar deeply says, "Tell yer master."
Roblar deeply says, "Me killed a Tehir in desert, and so am."
Roblar deeply says, "He can be blood god of healing and miracles."
Asben whispers something to Delyorik.
Speaking to Roblar, Guarrin says, "You know, that's a good point."
Roblar deeply says, "True blood god is of battle and war."
Roblar deeply says, "Am ready to make it one."
Speaking softly to Malluch, Chandrellia asks, "I do have a question, this magic healing, what is the cost, everything has a cost, if you give healing does someone else pay for it with their blood?"
Speaking to Roblar, Leafiara recalls, "They even had a statue of Grishom out in that desert, if I remember..."
Roblar deeply says, "His champion."
Draught says, "Probably a question to be asked beforehand."
Speaking to Roblar, Kothos asks, "There are a plethora of those who call for that sobriquet, are there not? Blood God?"
Lylia says, "There was once a statue of the former mayor in this town. I do not put too much stock in carven idols."
Cruxophim playfully remarks, "Blood is currency, seems I'm an early adopter in the market."
Speaking to Roblar, Kothos says, "But yes, I recall first hearing it for V'tull."
Speaking softly to Draught, Chandrellia says, "Yes well, I was thinking of my mother."
Speaking to Roblar, Kothos says, "And Mularos."
At the edge of the gathered townspeople stands a lone man, watching the crowd. Someone next to him says, "What say you Adam? Believe it?" The man says nothing and walks back into town.
Alvyara quietly says, "Not everything has a price. Truly."
Speaking thoughtfully to Kothos, Cruxophim suggests, "The Sanguine Icon?"
Leafiara yells, "Come on over. There's nothing to do but try."
Cruxophim yells, "Adam's a skeptic!"
Speaking to Cruxophim, Leafiara says, "He is."
Cruxophim yells, "Don't listen to him!"
Tsarok quietly says, "Adam's the worst."
Speaking to Cruxophim, Kothos says, "There's apparently a lot of us around. I'm not divine, though. Not in that sense."
Delyorik says, "Fine."
Speaking to Tsarok, Ycelacie says, "You are thinking about Gary."
Delyorik says, "I'm curious."
Chandrellia softly says, "He may have his reasons! Don't judge just because he has his own beliefs."
Mekimin muses, "Can't win em all."
Malluch says, "I shall let those who have come know they can prepare their tents."
Roblar deeply says, "Blood Sons and Gods should pay da masses in bloodscrip not healins."
Malluch nods at Leafiara.
Leafiara nods at Malluch.
Speaking grumpily to Tsarok, Cruxophim complains, "What kind of a minstrel name is Steve, anyways?"
Speaking to Malluch, Delyorik asks, "What can you offer me?"
Malluch says, "I shall be about for a few nights, before the revival."
Malluch asks, "Offer you?"
Malluch says, "Your greatest potential."
Malluch says, "Bound to no Arkati."
Lylia says, "Some might argue that potential is already within us, not something others grant."
Speaking softly to Leafiara, Chandrellia says, "Will we have our own guards standing ready at the gates? No offence to Mall here but I still don't trust anyone."
Speaking to Asben, Delyorik says, "He doesn't know."
Malluch asks, "More so, what can you offer, once unshackled?"
Speaking to Lylia, Kothos says, "Not one like him."
Speaking to Chandrellia, Leafiara says, "I'll... have to think about that."
Delyorik exclaims, "The Blood Son doesn't know!"
Speaking to Chandrellia, Leafiara says, "This is... a more complicated situation than I was expecting."
Gnarles says, "Well I."
Speaking softly to Leafiara, Chandrellia says, "Yeah I gathered that Mayor, if ya need any help just let me know I'll do what I can."
Roblar whispers something to Delyorik.
Speaking to Kothos, Alvyara murmurs, "I still can't quite believe it. After all those months of being.. changed."
Speaking to Alvyara, Kothos says, "I need to trek home to Her swamp, dear."
Roelon deeply says, "As long as the town is nae in be it."
Berost deeply says, "Not complicated, everytime someone be comin speakin o blood gods an blood rites, folks is hurt. Simple."
Alvyara says, "Of course."
Speaking to Alvyara, Kothos says, "I'm happy for you."
Malluch says, "We shall meet again."
Speaking to Alvyara, Kothos asks, "We'll talk soon, yes?"
Speaking to Malluch, Delyorik says, "'Yes. We will."
Speaking to Malluch, Ycelacie says, "Wait."
Speaking pleasantly to Malluch, Cruxophim implies, "I'm sure we shall."
Leafiara say, "I'd say we'll look forward to it, but I'll at least go as far as we'll look to it."
Malluch says, "It is good to be home and I look forward to the enlightenment."
Speaking to Malluch, Leafiara says, "For right now, I'm mostly glad you're alright."
Malluch says, "I am beyond alright."
Lylia says, "Then welcome home, I suppose."
Speaking deeply to Malluch, Roblar asks, "Were you given power to only heal people's wrinkles?"
Malluch says, "I am perfect."
Roblar deeply asks, "Or can you heal land?"
Speaking to Malluch, Ycelacie asks, "Where are you camping? Do you have oils for the bugs?"
Xorus says, "Your enlightenment is a refreshing change of heart, I look forward to hearing the revival."
Mekimin squeakily exclaims, "This is exciting!"
Leafiara slowly says, "Okay then. Well.. confident, at least."
Speaking deeply to Malluch, Roblar says, "Cure the Bleaklands and we talk."
Mekimin cheerfully chants, "Blood god! Blood god!"
Speaking to Roblar, Delyorik says, ""Rob... this one's not to be trifled with. Be careful."
Delyorik says, "There's..."
Malluch says, "Goodnight."
Delyorik says, "Something."
Speaking quietly to Malluch, Tsarok says, "Toodles."
Balley softly says, "Good night Malluch."
Leafiara musingly wishes, "Rest well."
Speaking to Malluch, Thrassus says, "Rest well."
Delyorik says, "Not sure what... yet."
Speaking deeply to Malluch, Berost says, "Aint no sech thing as perfect. Yer out yer damned head. Blessed on yer way crazy one."
Speaking quietly to herself, Raelee mutters, "... perfect."
Delyorik says, "But I'll find out."
Speaking to Malluch, Ycelacie says, "And also... the west gate guard charges silver, but there is no fee at the north gate... for when you do want to see civilization."
Roblar deeply asks, "Why, he report to cuttin gems too?"
Speaking to Malluch, Ycelacie says, "Thank me later."
Roblar deeply says, "Resort."
Speaking to Roblar, Delyorik says, "'Something familiar."
Speaking obliviously to Malluch, Mekimin chirps, "A pleasure to meet you, Mr. Son!"
Xorus whispers something to Cruxophim.
Malluch leaves the red oak mask hanging from side, not thinking to wear it, as he returns to the gathered people and bloodguards waiting in the woods. They disappear into the dark of night where moments later you hear the sound of tent poles being hammered into the ground.
Alvyara politely says, "If you need anything while you're here.. just ask."
Raelee quietly says, "... perfection of the self is an abstract concept. To truly know that one is without flaw or ability to improve requires a degree of omniscience and knowledge beyond the self..."
Speaking to Asben, Ycelacie says, "Oh.... he said they were camping..."
Delyorik says, "Something... strange."
Speaking diplomatically to Raelee, Leafiara says, "Maybe he's being metaphorical."
Raelee quietly continues, "... and not even a blood god has achieved that."
Balley softly says, "I thought he was still locked up."
Roblar deeply says, "Anythin wid Stone usually iz."
Draught says, "Well then."
Speaking to Ycelacie, Asben says, "He is.. but he still knows about the landing."
Balley softly asks, "When did he escape?"
Speaking to Asben, Ycelacie says, "I thought maybe they didn't know, I was just trying to help."
Roblar deeply says, "He keeps his cards close."
Balley softly says, "How did he get his mind back."
Speaking to Roblar, Delyorik says, "'It's been a while."
Speaking to Asben, Ycelacie asks, "Should well tell his dad?"
Speaking confusedly to Chandrellia, Mekimin whispers aloud, "What's a grizzum stone?"
Goblyn helpfully yells, "Malluch, maybe you will consider taking your eyes back out, yes? You did look much handsomer this way!"