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Blood Son - 2020-07-18 - Hot Summer Nights (log)

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Koaratos 18-19, 5120

by Leafiara Autumnwind of the [[::The_TownCrier|TownCrier]]


  • Landing adventurers gather outside of Malluch Burdos' tents in the forest to await either him or the coming caravan, while [[::Brotherhood of Rooks|Rooks]] gather on the rooftops back in town.
  • As everyone waits for Malluch's arrival, Balley confirms with Lylia and Mayor Leafiara that neither of them were informed of whenever he escaped jail--and on cue, he emerges to say that some wouldn't classify it as much of an escape. Rather than explain when asked, he says that greasing a wheel does not negate the fact it was built to turn.
  • Leafi tells him that Murdos now wants to meet with Malluch and Malluch says he'll do that soon. For now he needs assistance, as the scheduled caravan is late. He has three scouts out and suspects there's trouble. Leafi suggests heading out now, but Malluch doesn't know what direction they're in. She says the Rooks wanted to stop their arrival and likely already have; he asks why; she and Faerinn explain the concen over another Chaston Griffin scenario. Leafi asks Malluch if his abilities extend to resurrecting the dead; he says it is not his gift and the Blood God offers awareness, ascension, and immortality to the living.
  • A silver light flickers in the distance and Malluch says he'll get information from the scout, then return. He asks if he has everyone's aid and most seem to agree, so he leaves.
  • When he returns, he says the scout brought word that the wagons were being escorted by bandits, suspected to be led away. Thrassus asks if they're hostages; Malluch suspects so. Sir Cryheart asks if it's bandits or Rooks; Malluch says the scout only said bandits. He draws his blades and says to head to the Trollfang, but which part of it is anyone's guess.
  • Eventually the adventurers are besieged by bandits. As they battle through the area, eventually snipers begin firing steel arrows at the group. Another flicker of silver light is spotted, but then soon snuffed out. One bandit's voice calls out to target the healers and, as the battle rages, Malluch says he feels like they're distracting us. Hapenlok says the wagon is already gone.
  • Gear-covered prisms begin to fly into the area in the next waves of attack, explosive devices previously used by Praxopius' forces, and eventually manage to kill off about half of the adventurers. Malluch says to get the bodies up and that they're trying to keep everyone busy.
  • While much of the group is back at triage areas, Malluch says this is senseless. Eventually flames rise up near the Sentoph and screams fill the night. Dergoatean, Hap, and Leafi scout in advance while Sir Cryheart leads the rest of the group. Town defenders assemble a makeshift fire brigade as Malluch asks if those who went ahead saw the wagons, so they point him in the right direction. He trembles at the sight of the scorched wagons and burned corpses, and one blackened hand briefly reaches up in a gesture or muscle spasm.
  • Malluch says these people came to hear his message and find hope, just wanting a chance. Leafi asks who they were and what could explain what the Rooks fear; Malluch just says they were living people, some blind at birth, and he's heard they're lost and hopeless. He says this won't deter him, the Rooks are butchers, and Leafiara is just as dangerous if she keeps company with them. He growls and storms off with his [imflass] swords, wisps of red light coiling from his hands.
  • Leafi speculates that he's heading for the tunnels and the group heads back to town. However, instead they're met by Mother outside Moot Hall. Mayor Leafiara guesses that her message to the Rooks to stand down tonight didn't reach in time, but Mother says it did and the Brotherhood is not responsible. Many ask who, then, while Leafi and Crux ask if she's claiming a setup. She says she doesn't know who it was, but the Rooks stood their ground on the roofs and the wagons never arrived.
  • As a split crowd discusses the situation, with some skeptical of the setup claim, others agreeing it seems likely, and logistics argued either way, Mother says that many have seen Chaston's cruelty and that the Brotherhood are the Landing's families, friends, and children who won't allow those seeds to take root again--but also didn't do this. They were prepared to bar entrance to town and aren't sheep who will see our townspeople swayed, but lions. She says there was nothing to gain by butchering the caravan far from town. She says they'll work to uncover who did this.


Dergoatean whispers to the group, "I suppose we default to finding foes to kill. A nail for which we have a hammer."
Xorus says, "On the bright side, burning down the forest on Sentoph will make the Obsidian Tower feel more like Sharath."
[Upper Trollfang, Sentoph]
A thick fog clings to Sentoph on this side. Chilly grey tendrils of fog wind through the rocks and in between the branches of the half-dead trees. They remind you of ghostly grey tentacles, and send a shiver down your back. You also see a crackling fire, a crackling fire, a crackling fire, a crackling fire, a crackling fire, a crackling fire, some blackened smoldering corpses, some blackened smoldering corpses, a scorched covered wagon, a scorched covered wagon, a scorched covered wagon and obvious signs of someone hiding.
Xorus says, "This is fine."
Malluch says, "The Rooks are butchers..."
Xorus says, "I would fire a butcher for this kind of charring."
Xorus says, "When Thrayzar is back we can have all three Rones battle it out in a tournament of champions."


Trepidation in the Air

[Town Square Central]

This is the heart of the main square of Wehnimer's Landing. The impromptu shops of the bazaar are clustered around this central gathering place, where townsfolk, travellers, and adventurers meet to talk, conspire or raise expeditions to the far-flung reaches of Elanith. At the north end, an old well, with moss-covered stones and a craggy roof, is shaded from the moonlight by a strong, robust tree. The oak is tall and straight, and it is apparent that the roots run deep. You also see the Gilandrial disk, a massive snowy white tiger, the Vynce disk, the Viva disk, the Teddemaus disk, the Tazziel disk, a pale-faced coppery barn owl that is flying around, a lanky grey wolf that is sitting, the fiery red Hapenlok disk, a large acorn, the Chamorr disk, the Nuc disk, the Draelor disk, the Vaemyr disk, a large acorn, a large acorn, some ambrominas leaf, a rolton pelt, some clear spring water, some stone benches with some stuff on it and an herbal remedy donation bin.

Also here: Lady Alisette, Tythis, Gilandrial, Roelon, High Lord Layndin, Pheon, Vynce, Hamlet, Viva, Justah, Teddemaus, Bernadette, Tazziel, Magister Raelee, Aythius, Pukk, Mayor Leafiara, Maelkyth, Sir Cryheart, Erinaya, Lord Umbazi, Lord Chamorr, Great Lord Elanthil, Gypsy Scribe Balley, Nuc, Draelor, Apprentice Yavs, Squire Legionnaire Iskandr, Vaemyr, Zosopage, Yardie, Littlespell, Great Lord Falthian, Haleran

The sky begins to fill with huge clouds, dark and grey on the bottom, pale and white atop, their puffy crowns ascending toward the heavens.

Viva says, "Hmm."

Chamorr heartily says, "And so it begins."

Leafiara says, "Soon we'll find out just who got my messages and who didn't, or at least who agreed and who didn't."

Speaking to Iskandr, Yardie asks, "What? What did I do?"

Speaking to Yardie, Iskandr says, "I'm still angry you don't think I pulled it off."

Leafiara says, "There are at least half a dozen factions in play tonight...."

Speaking to Iskandr, Yardie says, "It was a valiant effort."

Leafiara says, "Malluch and bloodguards, caravan, Rooks, town guard, militia, and adventurers."

Speaking to Yardie, Iskandr says, "I looked pretty damn good. I would have won awards if I wasn't late."

Speaking to Leafiara, Maelkyth says, "And the Sylph'nar."

Vaemyr says, "Well we can always embrace the chaos."

Leafiara says, "It might even be seven factions if Malluch has his own agenda."

Speaking to Leafiara, Alisette says, "Hard to keep all in check."

Pukk recites:

"Everybody join Cryheart!"

Roelon deeply says, "And much chaos it will be."

Speaking to Iskandr, Yardie asks, "Who DID win?"

Pukk exclaims, "If you haven't already that is!"

Speaking to Yardie, Iskandr says, "Pretenders."

Leafiara says, "Ideally we can resolve this through talk, Malluch heals who he heals, and we end the night peacefully."

Speaking to Pukk, Maelkyth exclaims, "I'm already joined! I can't join any more!"

Leafiara confides, "Worst case scenario... is a lot uglier."

Speaking to Umbazi, Pukk says, "Except you. You doubting Umbazi you."

Roelon deeply says, "Might need alot more of that healing."

Speaking to Yardie, Iskandr says, "My only sadness was the boots were a little wench-ish, but I just like to keep a knife around."

Speaking to Leafiara, Vaemyr says, "Best case we even convince him to have a little chat with his father."

Roelon deeply says, "Let's hope it does nae turn to that."

Speaking to Cryheart, Maelkyth says, "Hey."

Speaking to Cryheart, Maelkyth asks, "Did you put her up to that?"

Cryheart looks over at Maelkyth and shakes his head.

[General] Leafiara thinks, "Good eve all. Town defenders, town guards, militia, diplomats, Rooks... I hope all are ready for anything tonight."

Speaking to Cryheart, Pukk exclaims, "Okay you. Get to walking!"

Speaking to Cryheart, Maelkyth says, "I won't fault you if you did."

Speaking deeply to Leafiara, Roelon says, "Ah am leanin' towards diplomacy. If it kin be helped."

Speaking to Leafiara, Tolida says, "I'm ready for coffee... I'm getting too old to stay awake for this."

Speaking to Maelkyth, Alisette says, "He would never."

Speaking to Roelon, Leafiara says, "We'll try. That was always the first option."

Alisette says, "I did it all on my own."

Speaking to Roelon, Viva says, "And if not, you can kilt them good."

[General] Darcena thinks, "I'm sure you've got it, Leafiara."

Razanetika wiggles her ears at Felita.

Cryheart asks, "Mayor, should we not be outside to watch the goings on, and to hope citizens remain safe?"

Speaking to Cryheart, Leafiara says, "I think we should move into the forest."

Leafiara nods at Cryheart.

Roelon deeply says, "Kilt flare to the eye always works."

Leafiara says, "Yes, just what I was thinking."

Nuc asks, "The forest?"

Speaking to Felita, Pukk says, "That is her famous ear wiggle. It is how she courts the one she plans to marry."

Cryheart yells, "Moving out!"

Leafiara says, "I've told the guards to stay posted in town for the citizens' safety."

Speaking to Felita, Pukk exclaims, "Congrats!"

Pukk exclaims, "Noes!"

Felita says, "But Ise alreadies goin steadies."

Leafiara says, "So as long as we cut off whatever happens outside, the civilians should be relatively safe."

Cryheart recites:


Pukk says, "Wait...I'm already married."

Cryheart recites:


Alisette exclaims, "Ready!"

Cryheart recites:



[Lower Dragonsclaw, Forest]

Your ears are becoming more attuned to the sounds of the forest surrounding you. Over your footsteps you hear the sounds of small birds overhead, comfortably nested in the sturdy oak trees. You also see a red canvas tent, a red canvas tent, a covered wagon, a grey-armored bloodguard and a grey-armored bloodguard.

Viva says, "Hard to see the forest for the trees with this Blood Son business."

Speaking to Razanetika, Pukk says, "I just can't kiss your ear. I might get you pregnant."

Speaking absently to Viva, Leafiara says, "Yeah, tell me about it."

Faerinn yells, "Mr. Blood! You out here?"

Speaking softly to Pukk, Razanetika exclaims, "Nooo babies!"

Speaking to Viva, Alisette says, "True statement, there."

Elanthil exclaims, "YO! BLOOD BOY!"

Yardie says, "Mr. Blood."

[General] Cryheart thinks, "Group is by the tents west of Landing."

Yardie asks, "Why antagonize him?"

Leafiara says, "Malluch, if you're here... we do still want to talk."

Nuc says, "A portal."

Pukk yells, "Olly Olly oxen-free!"

Faerinn yells, "Blood boi!"

Leafiara adds, "Some are more, uh... cheeky about it than others."

Dergoatean just arrived.

Speaking to Leafiara, Iskandr exclaims, "My costume was GREAT!"

Dergoatean says, "Didn't realize we were already forming up."

Speaking raspily to a rolton, Yavs says, "Be calm, wild one."

Cryheart says, "Seems folks are eager."

Speaking to Dergoatean, Pukk exclaims, "I announced it a couple of times!"

Iskandr says, "Anyway....yes, Blood Son things..."

Speaking to Leafiara, Yardie says, "His legs were hairy."

[General] Leafiara thinks, "We've gathered outside Malluch's tents in case he wants to talk. And even if not, we can meet the caravan sooner here."

Speaking to Pukk, Dergoatean says, "I figured I'd just sit in front of Moot Hall until something happened."

Speaking to Cryheart, Vaemyr says, "Eager, antsy, nervous same thing really."

Speaking to Dergoatean, Pukk exclaims, "That will teach you!"

Speaking to Asben, Leafiara asks, "I trust you're filled in on the latest version of the plan?"

Speaking to Yardie, Iskandr asks, "Whatever, where was your costume?"

Leafiara says, "I suppose I should go over it just in case..."

Speaking to Yardie, Iskandr says, "You come in and eat all the free shrimp but no costume."

Chamorr heartily says, "Of course, there's always plan B."

Leafiara says, "We're hoping to talk Malluch into a meeting with Murdos, either before or after tonight's revival."

Speaking to Iskandr, Yardie says, "Whoa now. I ate no free shrimp. I drank."

Chamorr heartily says, "Kill dem all, ask questions later."

Leafiara says, "The Rooks want to turn away the caravan from approaching, but I think it's better if we simply keep them outside the gates while letting them settle right here."

Leafiara cautiously says, "We might come into conflict at some point, so be ready."

Speaking to Iskandr, Yardie says, "And I'll have you know, I wore no costume, because I feared getting blood stained on a new dress."

Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "I say we convince them to go to Solhaven instead."

Leafiara says, "Obviously... ideally we could talk this out."

Chamorr heartily asks, "Where is the Rooks?"

Speaking to Pukk, Leafiara says, "They'd only go if Malluch was there."

Speaking to Chamorr, Leafiara says, "Same place they always are. Everywhere."

Pukk recites:

"Everybody smooch Ysharra!"

Speaking to Leafiara, Iskandr says, "Yeah, I don't think they're going to go anywhere their 'healer' isn't."

Speaking to Pukk, Ysharra says, "You never change. And don't."

Leafiara pragmatically says, "If Malluch doesn't emerge soon, it might be better to meet the caravan first. But I've seen no signs of them approaching yet anyway."

Yavs raspily says, "Whoops."

Speaking to Bernadette, Pukk says, "Smooch, but a hug will do in this case."

Faerinn yells, "Blood Boi, let's go put a circle on your Blood Dad's shop and then you can toss the ole pig skin."

Speaking to Faerinn, Ysharra asks, "What did the pig do to you?"

[General] Leafiara thinks, "If any scouts spot the approaching caravan, please let us know and we'll head out to meet them."

Ysharra kisses Cryheart tenderly on the cheek.

Ysharra asks, "Caravan?"

Ysharra asks, "Who's in this caravan?"

Bernadette softly says, "Some folks is comin to be healed I tink."

Speaking to Ysharra, Leafiara says, "People seeking healing."

Speaking to Ysharra, Faerinn says, "Probably worshipped in a way someone didn't like. The pig that is."

Yardie asks, "Is it in sight?"

Lylia says, "People with less health than hope."

Leafiara speculates, "Probably with ailments others can't heal."

Ysharra asks, "Ah, sickly people. Poor things, when are they due to arrive?"

Leafiara says, "So they've turned their hopes to Malluch."

Speaking to Lylia, Guarrin says, "That is a good way of putting it."

Speaking to Ysharra, Maelkyth says, "'e has great moisturizer, too... got rid of my wrinkles right good."

Leafiara says, "This very night."

Speaking to Elleryk, Pukk says, "Have you thought about not dying? I heard it's bad for your health."

Speaking to Ysharra, Faerinn says, "And hopefully we run into them before Mother does at this point."

Ysharra asks, "What?"

Leafiara says, "...though I'm getting concerned about the lack of signs on the horizon..."

Ysharra asks, "...why would Mother murder sick people?"

Speaking to Cryheart, Leafiara suggests, "Maybe we should move further south."

Lylia asks, "Has she taken it into her head to attack the sick and desperate?"

Bernadette softly says, "We kin call it a welcomin committee."

Bernadette softly says, "Er somepin."

Leafiara says, "No, she wanted to send them away peacefully."

Leafiara says, "But I'm not inclined to do even that."

Balley softly says, "That rain hurts the face."

Yavs raspily says, "Ooh. That bitter rain."

Speaking to Ysharra, Faerinn says, "To prevent another Chaston she says."

Ysharra asks, "The Rooks were doing something peacefully?"

Vaemyr says, "The weather certainly is cooperating with our feelings tonight."

Speaking to Leafiara, Faerinn says, "Though she seemed perfectly fine with putting arrows in their wagons."

Lylia says, "I have rarely seen 'Mother' when she was not issuing some manner of threat or ultimatum."

Speaking to Leafiara, Maelkyth says, "He's been sobbing into the dirt for the last eight or so minutes."

Speaking to Faerinn, Leafiara says, "If they lashed out, right... so was the plan."

Speaking to himself, Guarrin mutters, "Can't always be looking back in fear."

Leafiara says, "Either way, if Thadston got my message, the militia should be here to keep the peace."

Lylia dryly remarks, "My own mother is kinder."

Speaking to Leafiara, Iskandr asks, "Why do you think Mother will hold to her end of the deal?"

Ysharra says, "People who are in search of a cure are desperate, like many of us, when we first arrived here."

The voice of Thrassus asks, "What do you expect from those that profit from problems?"

Leafiara says, "And if not, that's what we're here for."

Cryheart says, "If the Rooks begin shooting arrows at the caravan, we can walk alongside of the wagons."

Speaking softly to Pukk, Razanetika says, "She's busy organizing chaos."

A boom of thunder echoes across the night.

Ysharra says, "I can't believe that Mother would treat visitors to the Landing to such a choice."

Speaking to Razanetika, Pukk says, "Chaos just don't organize it..."

Speaking to Razanetika, Maelkyth exclaims, "But people are DEAD!"

Speaking amusedly to Cryheart, Guarrin says, "Shame my shield's not ready."

Leafiara says, "I told them to stand down in this situation, but whether they listen is another story."

Speaking softly to Pukk, Razanetika says, "Leafi does."

Speaking to Lylia, Berkana asks, "Is she still alive?"

Pukk asks, "Wait..if she organizes it still chaos?"

Tsarok quietly asks, "Someone leading?"

Speaking to Pukk, Maelkyth says, "Chaos is always becoming."

Speaking to Pukk, Viva says, "Certainly is when you are around."

Speaking to Tsarok, Leafiara says, "Sir Cryheart."

Lylia says, "This 'Mother' of Rooks, or my own mother? The latter is well; the former is presumably so."

Speaking to Pukk, Maelkyth says, "Once it is, it is order."

Speaking to Viva, Pukk exclaims, "I knew I liked you!"

Speaking to Ysharra, Melikor says, "Bandits will be bandits."

Leafiara loudly exclaims, "Malluch, if you're here, either come out to speak with us or we'll go to look for the caravan!"

Viva says, "Well that person has quite the figure."

Dark hooded figures can be seen creeping along the rooftops of Wehnimer's Landing, the grey steel of their beaked masks glistening from the rain.

Dergoatean says, "Going to prepare. In case...."

Dergoatean exclaims, "Here's hoping it'll be a waste!"

Razanetika softly says, "We're in the wrong place."

Hapenlok quietly says, "I have a feeling what's going to happen to these people if we allow them to stay."

Roelon deeply says, "Well...."

[General] Randosa thinks, "That can't be a good sign."

Vaemyr says, "And there's the Rooks."

Ysharra says, "It's a shame he's so opposed to the Temples, then they could come to the Vipershroud and thus not run the risk of this Mother's 'hospitality.'"

[General] Leafiara asks, "Mother. What's your choice this evening?"

Balley softly says, "She did not get your message."

Goldstr says, "Der be dem Rooks."

Yardie says, "I'm tense."

The voice of Thrassus asks, "I have to wonder how many times this will make that the Rooks have provoked unneccesary violence?"

One of the Bloodguards speaks, "The Blood Son will be along shortly. He has been dealing with a situation."

Speaking to Balley, Leafiara says, "We don't know that yet."

Leafiara says, "A situation.. grand."

Balley softly asks, "What kind of situation?"

Vaemyr asks, "Uh oh, were we too late?"

Iskandr says, "Great, a situation...."

Asben says, "Hmm."

Leafiara says, "Let's find the caravan then."

Draelor says, "Dealing with...not ominous at all."

Umbazi says, "Well, Leafiara's always supported them before. Mother probably thinks that she'll forgive her again, no matter what she does."

Ysharra says, "I'm very disappointed that we would treat sick and cursed people with anything remotely threatening. Or even escalation."

Mongonator exclaims, "So sayth the shepard!"

Roelon deeply says, "They may need ah bit of protection."

(OOC) Zosopage's player whispers to the group, "He had to change a diaper."

Faerinn says, "I'm sure Mother is perfectly suited to reasoning with sick and desperate people, looking for religious succor."

(OOC) Pukk's player whispers to the group, "I was thinking the exact same thing."

(OOC) Cryheart's player whispers to the group, "Most likely."

Leafiara says, "She's overly scared of another Chaston situation. I understand the concern, but that doesn't mean we can overreact or move too quickly."

Lylia says, "I have never forgotten the guards they murdered at their posts."

(OOC) Pukk's player whispers to the group, "Cryheart, you better take this time to change your depends too!"

Malluch's Greetings

[General] Malluch thinks, "Good evening."

(OOC) Leafiara's player whispers to the group, "Ah, good point on how to interpret that."

Lylia says, "I had no love of Chaston. I still do not; the slime he became when he died stained a perfectly good pair of my boots."

[General] Zosopage thinks, "Good evening, Malluch."

Cryheart says, "Malluch on the think net."

[General] Ysharra thinks, "Hello, Malluch."

Mongonator says, "Yakushi's here, I can go now."

[General] Lylia thinks, "Good evening to you."

Balley softly says, "Lylia I have a question for you."

[General] Leafiara thinks, "Good eve Malluch."

[General] Faerinn asks, "Evening, Mr. Blood. What's the situation?"

[General] Leafiara thinks, "If you have time tonight, we'd appreciate if you'd speak with your father."

[General] Pukk asks, "Malluch, how would you like an all expense paid trip to Sol Haven?"

[General] Bernadette thinks, "Gooda eve to ye Malluch."

Balley softly asks, "Were you told while you were Mayor that Malluch had escaped?"

(OOC) Pietra's player whispers to the group, "Question here too. Do we like Malluch?"

[General] Ysharra thinks, "I hear you're due to have some visitors."

(OOC) Leafiara's player whispers to the group, "Debatable."

(OOC) Mongonator's player whispers to the group, "I do."

(OOC) Umbazi's player whispers to the group, "I don't."

Yardie says, "Murder seldom starts with such pleasantries."

Lylia says, "No."

(OOC) Mongonator's player whispers to the group, "Crazy people tend to be more insteresting."

[General] Leafiara thinks, "And we're already gathered outside your tents."

Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "I asked him if he wants to go to Solhaven. Cross your fingers."

Goldstr whispers to the group, "He's comfused and brainwashed by Stone."

Balley softly asks, "Ok I am wondering why no one noticed.. Are we sure we can trust all the guards?"

Lylia says, "I was not informed of his escape. He was meant to serve a thirty-year sentence."

Speaking to Yardie, Draelor says, "Treachery does though."

(OOC) Vaemyr's player whispers to the group, "He's interesting at least, hoping he's not just a pawn."

Ysharra says, "Yes. Most of us came here through some set of poor circumstances. Poverty, exile, being turned out when our abilities outstripped our control, or vice versa."

(OOC) Tolida's player whispers to the group, "Tolida hates anyone related to Stone, so no. Heh."

Speaking to Balley, Hapenlok says, "Everyone has a price."

Balley softly says, "Or the Rooks for that matter."

Malluch emerges out of the woods, stepping closer to the crowd and the bloodguards bow in respect.

Speaking to Balley, Pukk says, "Happy's price is a really really chocolaty tart."

Leafiara adds, "I wasn't informed of his escape either, so the timeline of when Malluch escaped or who got him out is in question."

Speaking to Pukk, Hapenlok says, "Pukk, I am in no mood tonight."

Malluch says, "Some would not classify it as much of an escape."

Speaking to Hapenlok, Pukk asks, "When are you ever?"

Speaking to Malluch, Leafiara says, "Ah, Malluch. I hope you received my message."

Speaking to Malluch, Pietra says, "Well, you're rather attractive."

Speaking curiously to Malluch, Leafiara asks, "No?" [in regards to the escape, not whether he received a message]

Bernadette softly says, "Ixnay."

Hapenlok says, "Young Burdos, ...getting yourself in over your head again."

Speaking to Malluch, Ysharra says, "I don't know about that."

Malluch grins at Pietra.

Speaking to Malluch, Leafiara asks, "How did you get out then?"

Speaking to Malluch, Faerinn says, "It was legal wasn't it."

Umbazi says, "I suppose your father bribed someone to let you out."

Malluch says, "Over someone's head joke is ironic."

Speaking to Malluch, Ysharra says, "I'm glad to hear that your father helped you."

Leafiara says, "Murdos claimed he bribed no one, but people do lie."

Malluch nods at Hapenlok.

Malluch smirks.

Umbazi says, "Often."

Speaking to Pukk, Mongonator asks, "What night is he ever in the mood?"

Pukk exclaims, "Right!"

Faerinn says, "The better question is who would still accept a bribe from Stone."

(Hapenlok doesn't rise to the insult, continues speaking.)

Malluch says, "Greasing a wheel does not negate the fact it was built to turn."

Speaking to Mongonator, Maelkyth asks, "Which mood?"

Malluch says, "It just moves it along better."

Speaking to Malluch, Ysharra says, "I was never pleased with you being left in a cell after what happened to you."

Faerinn asks, "Though I suppose he does have more than money to offer these days, doesn't he Malluch?"

Speaking to Mongonator, Maelkyth says, "Seems there's plenty of mood, just nothing enjoyable."

Lylia says, "A wheel that takes thirty years to turn and turns in only one is surprising. Efficient, even."

Speaking to Malluch, Leafiara says, "Platitudes and metaphors aside, your father has told us he's changed his mind and does want to meet with you."

Speaking to Lylia, Ysharra says, "Or broken beyond repair."

Umbazi says, "Overly efficient, I would say."

Speaking to Lylia, Faerinn says, "That's a lot of oil."

Malluch nods at Leafiara.

Speaking curiously to Malluch, Leafiara asks, "Will you, then?"

Malluch says, "Good. I will meet with him soon then."

Leafiara nods at Malluch.

Ysharra whispers something to Faerinn.

Malluch says, "But first, I am afraid I am in need of some assistance."

Leafiara pleasantly says, "Ah, excellent news."

Elanthil says, "It's a trap."

Malluch says, "If there is any to be given."

Pietra offers Malluch a gilded glass of opalescent green absinthe.

Lylia asks, "Oh?"

Vaemyr asks, "Assistance?"

Speaking to Malluch, Pietra says, "That will help."

Speaking to Malluch, Thrassus asks, "With what?"

Speaking to Malluch, Faerinn asks, "What was that situation you meant?"

Maelkyth asks, "More blood rituals?"

Malluch declines Pietra's offer.

Umbazi says, "We don't help Stone."

Speaking softly to Malluch, Razanetika asks, "What kind of assistance are you looking to receive?"

Leafiara muses, "This shoould be good."

Malluch says, "I am sure you are aware a caravan was scheduled to arrive this evening."

Iskandr says, "I find it interesting that the man pontificating last week to everyone like a god suddenly needs help, but I bite my tongue."

Ysharra says, "Just now, in fact."

Speaking to Malluch, Hapenlok says, "Ah."

Zosopage says, "We can't help but not know that."

Speaking to Malluch, Alisette asks, "Aye, are they on their way?"

Malluch says, "Some among them sick or diseased, many from the coasts, who came to see me and hear me."

Speaking to Malluch, Faerinn asks, "Didn't make it, did they?"

Malluch says, "They are late."

Zosopage says, "Can't not help."

Cryheart says, "That is apparent."

Leafiara says, "We aren't aware of all the details, so for safety reasons I don't want to let them into the gates as of yet--"

Leafiara glances at Malluch.

Faerinn says, "I don't think they are coming."

Umbazi says, "So go look for them, Burdos."

Malluch says, "I've three scouts out. I should hear back soon. I suspect there is trouble."

Umbazi says, "They want to see you."

Cryheart asks, "Think they got waylayed?"

Malluch nods at Cryheart.

Cryheart nods at Malluch.

Leafiara says, " We should move now."

Leafiara asks, "What direction are they in?"

Ysharra asks, "Perhaps some of their number have worsened from their journey?"

Faerinn says, "Trouble that wears bird masks."

Ysharra asks, "Could we bring them empaths?"

Malluch says, "I am not sure. The scouts should return shortly."

Speaking to Malluch, Faerinn says, "Rooks got to them first."

Speaking to Malluch, Leafiara says, "The Rooks wanted to stop their arrival and it's likely they already have."

Malluch says, "Striking out without an idea of where, hinders us."

Ysharra says, "I have some number of herbs with me..."

Iskandr says, "We have at least one empath with us."

Roelon deeply says, "Trouble we hae to try to ...displace."

Malluch asks, "Why would the Rooks seek to do so?"

Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "Leave it be, Leafiara."

Speaking nervously to Leafiara, Pukk says, "I have a bad feeling about all this."

Speaking to Iskandr, Maelkyth says, "Half the crowd is empaths."

Speaking to Hapenlok, Leafiara says, ", I can't do that. Not this time."

Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok sighs, "I knew you'd say that."

Yavs raspily says, "I worry what may come."

Speaking to Malluch, Faerinn says, "To keep you and the caravan from meeting. They are afraid you are another Chaston."

Cryheart says, "Good question...why would they strike an alleged caravan of sick folk."

Balley softly says, "Many of us healers will aid."

Speaking to Malluch, Leafiara says, "The curent Rook leader is... almost unreasonably worried over another Chaston situation, yes."

Ysharra says, "Chaston and sick people are different."

Speaking to Cryheart, Zosopage says, "Depends on how communicable and deadly their sickness is."

Maelkyth says, "Sure."

Vaemyr says, "I find it hard to believe the Rooks would actually harm the caravan, but they certainly could keep them away."

Pukk says, "Remember if something happens and a fight breaks out, throw the halflings at them first. While the enemy is confused we can then attack."

Malluch frowns.

Umbazi says, "The Rooks have killed before, Burdos."

Tolida whispers to the group, "So let me get this straight. We either choose the caravan or turn our backs against the Rooks?"

Speaking to Pukk, Maelkyth says, "Not ALL halflings, just the irritable ones."

Ysharra says, "A bunch of white-robed crusaders with swords and lances are markedly different from those being carried in stretchers and wagons."

Lylia says, "The desperately ill will always seek healing; they must. They have no other choice. To blame the healer for this, even if we do not share their touching faith...well."

Speaking to Malluch, Thrassus says, "They are likely still bitter over the number you did on them in times past."

Dergoatean whispers to the group, "Depends on what you mean by choosing the caravan."

Speaking to Thrassus, Leafiara says, "That too."

Leviathoar whispers to the group, "First blood.... we should head."

Hapenlok says, "And potential subjects, willing ones for ....whatever his 'friend' wants to do."

Umbazi whispers to the group, "The missing caravan is such an obvious trap."

Leafiara says, "...we move out as soon as those scouts return."

Balley softly asks, "Maybe some of us go and some can stay here at the gate?"

Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "They're not walkin' back."

Speaking to Leafiara, Vaemyr says, "IF they return."

Roelon whispers to the group, "If they are truly innocent sick people in the caravan. Kin we ignore their safety? Even if for misguided hope that they seek."

Pukk exclaims, "Okay, Gutstorm is here. We can go now!"

Ysharra says, "Murdering the desperate patients and their families will only escalate the violence, not deter it."

Speaking to Hapenlok, Leafiara says, "...right, even the scouts might not..."

Speaking to Leafiara, Faerinn says, "I guess she didn't get your letter to stand down after the initial agreement."

Hapenlok says, "I'll go look."

Speaking to Laralana, Pietra exclaims, "That's a kiss moment!"

Speaking to Malluch, Leafiara asks, "Which way did they go?"

Umbazi whispers to the group, "If they are. We have only Malluch's assurance, and he has lied to us before."

Speaking to Faerinn, Leafiara says, "Or ignored it."

Speaking to Lylia, Pukk says, "Gutstorm has a crush on you. He is smitten."

Speaking to Pietra, Laralana exclaims, "Fair enough!"

Speaking to Faerinn, Leafiara says, "Or, worse, took my request to stand down as a reason to act faster."

Iskandr whispers to the group, "Sick non citzens vs powerful citizens."

You hear an unpleasantly wet slurp and faint crunching in the shadows.

Speaking to Pukk, Ysharra says, "Water is wet. Print them both in the TownCrier."

Malluch slowly empties his lungs.

Speaking to Ysharra, Pukk says, "Good thinking."

Speaking quietly to Laralana, Tsarok says, "Congrats."

Pietra asks, "Is that the sound of Crux?"

Zosopage says, "That crunch must be from Crux."

Cryheart says, "If they are truly sick, we should assist them in getting here safely."

Speaking to Malluch, Leafiara asks, "Can you restore the dead? Do your abilities extend that far?"

Speaking to Tsarok, Laralana exclaims, "Thanks!!"

Speaking to Pukk, Lylia says, "It is a tragedy."

Speaking to Malluch, Leafiara says, "If they do, you might need to put them to use."

Lylia says, "Masquerading as romance."

Umbazi whispers to the group, "Alleged sick non-citizens. We really know nothing of who is in the caravan or if the caravan is even more than a rumor."

Malluch says, "It is not my gift."

Tolida whispers to the group, "I am kind of in agreement of Umbazi. How can we trust Malluch?"

Deep in the shadows, you think you see movement: something like a thousand snakes all swarming around each other. By the time you've focused to get a closer look, they are gone.

Cruxophim suddenly fades into view.

Speaking wearily to Malluch, Leafiara asks, "Semantics, yes. Can Grishom's power through you restore the dead?"

Malluch says, "The Blood God offers awareness, ascension, immortality to the living..."

Iskandr whispers to the group, "They could be a 'trojan horse' of sorts, which is what the Rooks may fear?"

Leafiara whispers to the group, "I agree, but regardless of who or what they really are or might be, they are still free people approaching a free town."

Malluch frowns at Faerinn.

Leviathoar says, "I say attack."

Yavs whispers to the group, "Aye. We cannot ignore the fact that innocents hang in whatever balance settles."

Speaking quietly to Malluch, Nightflame asks, "Really, Immortality, where do I sign?"

Maelkyth whispers to the group, "We should find out what they're like after we abandon all caution and invite them among us."

Guarrin whispers something to Cryheart.

Leafiara says, "What I don't understand is why they were more interested in stopping the caravan than directly attacking the camps here, if they're truly worried."

Roelon deeply says, "Ah dinnae believe in yir blood god, for he is nae such ah thing. If ah help, it is nae for that mans sake."

Speaking softly to Malluch, Balley asks, "You talk about Stone, what is in this for you? What do you get for helping him?"

Hapenlok asks, "Does anyone not remember what Stone has done in the past to power his rituals? And you wonder why I and others don't want this caravan to arrive?"

Tolida whispers to the group, "I just truly hope they are 'innocents', but I do trust you Leafie."

Hapenlok says, "It's not just a matter of mind control."

Pukk says, "If anybody here is innocent, please raise your hand."

Speaking to Hapenlok, Leafiara says, "I completely understand why anyone wouldn't want them to arrive. But that doesn't mean we give up our ideals."

Cryheart whispers something to Guarrin.

Elanthil says, "Fash'lo'nae finds this all...very interesting."

Speaking to Pietra, Pukk exclaims, "Liar!"

Iskandr whispers to the group, "Seeing what the caravan entails would be a good idea. We have no idea how free and innocent they are beyond rumor."

Scout's In

There is a flicker of silver light in the distance, like the glow of a moon-hued firefly.

Speaking to Pukk, Zosopage says, "Depends on innocent of what."

Leafiara says, "When it's freedom or safety, I've always chosen freedom."

Ysharra says, "I saw that."

Maelkyth says, "Hmmm... my proclamation goes unchallenged."

Malluch says, "I'll be back. A scout is nearing the area."

Malluch says, "Stay here and I will bring what information I learn."

Chamorr heartily says, "Welp."

Malluch asks, "Do I have your aid?"

Speaking to Malluch, Faerinn says, "Good luck."

Speaking to Malluch, Leafiara says, "In seeking the caravan? Yes."

Speaking idly to Malluch, Cruxophim inquires, "Aid with what?"

Pukk yells, "Remember, to aim for Malluch and not the rest of us!"

Ysharra says, "He may find some sick people who are now even sicker."

Pukk says, "I mean."

Malluch says, "In seeking the caravan and protecting them from danger, if something befell them."

Pukk quietly says, "No, watch out."

Vaemyr says, "The caravan has my aid, we'll see about the rest later."

Speaking nonchalantly to Ysharra, Cruxophim insists, "I didn't do it."

Malluch says, "The Wehnimer's Landing I remember would not turn away."

Leafiara says, "It's possibly already too late, but we'll follow regardless."

Cryheart whispers something to Guarrin.

Nightflame quietly says, "All for immortality, you got mine."

Speaking to Malluch, Leafiara says, "It still wouldn't. It won't."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Ysharra says, "You would never."

Leafiara says, "We won't."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Lylia says, "Mother wants to kill a group of desperately ill and needy stragglers because she fears that Malluch here may be another Chaston Griffin."

Umbazi says, "I am not making any hasty promises based on anything you say, Burdos."

Malluch says, "I'll be right back."

Malluch rushes off.

Lylia says, "That is the long and the short of it."

Gutstorm drunkenly asks, "War he goesh?"

Speaking to Leafiara, Iskandr asks, "I don't know how things work in the Landing anymore, but it seems you may cross the Rooks with this, yes?"

Speaking to Lylia, Pukk says, "Cruxophim can just eat him if so."

Ysharra says, "That sort of thinking would be akin to killing the half-elves and half-kral before Chaston could get to them."

Chamorr heartily says, "This is gonna get ugly."

Speaking to Iskandr, Leafiara says, "I already have, most likely."

Speaking to Lylia, Faerinn says, "Though if she is looking for another Chaston then maybe she should look in a mirror."

Yardie says, "This is rather unsettling."

Speaking to Gutstorm, Pietra says, "He'll be back."

Speaking to Gutstorm, Lylia says, "This is going to be delicious with venison. Thank you."

Laralana Caps!

A bolt of lightning streaks down from the sky and strikes Laralana!

... 8 points of damage!

Heavy spark to chest. Bet that hurts.

A tremendous crack of thunder follows instantly!

Cruxophim grins at Laralana.

Tsarok grins.

Leafiara glances at Laralana.

Pietra glances up.

Pietra lets out a cheer!

Tsarok nods approvingly.

Laralana glances up.

Leafiara hoots at Laralana.

Maelkyth begins chuckling at Laralana!

Cruxophim glances up.

Dergoatean whispers to the group, "If the Rooks get there first, we might see the caravan entrails instead."

Speaking heartily to Leafiara, Chamorr says, "We are screwed whatever we do."

Pietra throws a handful of silver and gold confetti up into the air, and it floats down in a cloud around Laralana!

Bernadette turns to Laralana and cheers!

Pukk turns to Laralana and cheers!

Pietra throws a handful of silver and gold confetti up into the air, and it floats down in a cloud around Laralana!

Pietra throws a handful of silver and gold confetti up into the air, and it floats down in a cloud around Laralana!

Ceilia narrows her eyes.

Bernadette turns to Laralana and cheers!

Bernadette turns to Laralana and cheers!

Speaking drunkenly to Chamorr, Gutstorm says, "How come yooz not get fanshy fer da bawl t'nite."

Elanthil asks, "Larana been a bad girl?"

Tolida grins at Laralana.

Tsarok turns to Laralana and cheers!

Cruxophim turns to Laralana and cheers!

Pukk yells, "You missed!"

Cryheart applauds Laralana.

Leafiara whispers to the group, "Yes, but Malluch might be able to restore them if that's the case."

Leafiara gives Laralana a strong, encouraging smile.

Pietra yells, "Weak!"

Laralana dances around the area to music only she can hear.

Laralana dances around the area to music only she can hear.

Laralana dances around the area to music only she can hear.

Laralana dances around the area to music only she can hear.

Pukk yells, "Try striking her again!"

[Towncrier] Dergoatean: "Congrats on capping, Laralana!"

Ysharra applauds Laralana.

Vaemyr asks, "So... besides the Rooks, who else might want to stop the caravan?"

Laralana says, "Hey I lived..."

Xorus holds up his hand and tilts it side to side in a so-so gesture.

Leafiara amiably says, "Congratulations. Some good news tonight at least."

Laralana beams!

Pietra shakes her head at Laralana and clucks her tongue.

Umbazi whispers to the group, "He just said that he can't bring back the dead."

Speaking to Vaemyr, Leafiara says, "Hapenlok. Berost."

Felita exclaims, "Ye won yer hat!"

Cruxophim turns to Laralana and cheers!

Cryheart smiles at Laralana.

Felita smiles at Laralana.

A bolt of lightning streaks down from the sky and strikes Pukk!

... 3 points of damage!

Light shock to head. That stings!

A tremendous crack of thunder follows instantly!

Pukk yells, "Come on! That was a weak strike!"

Speaking to Laralana, Pietra says, "I'll do it."

Gutstorm gazes up into the heavens.

Pietra laughs at Pukk!

Lylia tilts her head up.

Razanetika laughs at Pukk!

Pukk exclaims, "Hey! Wrong person!"

Cryheart says, "That was for good measure."

Gutstorm yells, "Bad aim!"

Hapenlok intones a phrase of elemental power while raising his hands...

Lylia narrows her eyes.

Pukk points at Laralana.

Cryheart nods at Pukk.

Laralana dances around the area to music only she can hear.

Roelon snickers.

Razanetika softly says, "Hit him again."

Yardie says, "I do not like this lightning striking from on high."

Pukk yells, "You're blind!"

Yavs raspily says, "I got you, fam."

Razanetika nods vigorously!

Kippe surreptitiously glances up.

Pietra bursts out in a sudden snort of laughter.

Elanthil exclaims, "Strike her again!"

Yavs winks.

Laralana giggles.

Lylia nods in agreement at Yardie.

Eyona ponders.

Elanthil says, "I am...amused."

Leviathoar says, "A street brawl brewing."

Pietra dances with Laralana.

Razanetika skips in a circle around Pukk.

Maelkyth grins.

Laralana dances with Pietra.

Speaking calmly to Leafiara, Cruxophim inquires, "What opposition do the Rooks have to this caravan? Their infected?"

Leafiara says, "Believe it or not, the crowd from two nights ago was mostly in favor of turning away the caravan--peacefully, I should add. There were always disputes over the... methods."

Speaking to Yardie, Iskandr says, "I'm deciding whether meeting mother would be a good step for your career or if you'd just soil yourself."

Maelkyth exclaims, "Hey! Who wants to play Gem of Fate?!"

Umbazi says, "I think we did not do what Stone wanted or expected, so he's lashing out with lightning."

Maelkyth exclaims, "This is a great crowd for it!"

(Zosopage sneaks up behind Pukk and places a lightning rod in his belt.)

Speaking dubiously to Cruxophim, Leafiara says, "I think it's simply an overreaction based on fear."

Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "That's right, I'm not advocating wholesale slaughter, but their salvation isn't going to be here. Even if he does heal them."

Cruxophim nods once to Leafiara.

(OOC) Gutstorm's player whispers to the group, "I wonder if I cap if they are gonna vaporize me."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Leafiara says, "I can't make sense of it otherwise."

Speaking dryly to Leafiara, Cruxophim remarks, "Surely not."

Leviathoar says, "I wanna kill something."

Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "I have a feeling how it's going to end for them."

(Pukk twirls in a circle trying to get the lightning rod.)

(OOC) Pietra's player whispers to the group, "I sure hope so."

(OOC) Bernadette's player whispers to the group, "You can count on it."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Leafiara says, "Every other move Mother's made for the past year and a half has made sense to me. And almost all of them I'd even go so far as to say it's exactly what I would have done."

Umbazi asks, "Well?"

Leafiara says, "But not this one."

Lylia indifferently says, "Salvation is not ours to give, but it is not ours to withhold, either. This is all outside our jurisdiction, at any rate."

Speaking to Umbazi, Pukk says, "Deep subject."

Speaking to Iskandr, Yardie says, "Iskandr, I don't even know my OWN mother. Why would I wish to meet this horror story that goes by Mother? I think I'm fine with being orphaned, thank you."

Lylia asks, "Why does 'Mother' think her reach extends beyond the mayor's?"

Speaking to Leafiara, Iskandr says, "I think it may be important to see the caravan itself."

The ground begins to rumble slightly with a disconcerting humming sound, as if something were digging beneath you. Suddenly, several tiny mounds push upward, each revealing a set of pincers emerging from within!

A spotted deep crimson beetle bursts forth from its mound, chittering and testing the air with its antennae!

A long-horned deep crimson scarab bursts forth from its mound, chittering and testing the air with its antennae!

A stubby-legged shadowy black beetle bursts forth from its mound, chittering and testing the air with its antennae!

Speaking to Iskandr, Leafiara says, "Hopefully soon, if the scout returns with word."

A long-horned deep crimson scarab turns a slow circle, monitoring its surroundings.

A stubby-legged shadowy black beetle suddenly darts forward several inches before stopping and chittering angrily!

A spiked and sharpened wooden log suddenly whooshes from overhead in a deadly arc and a stubby-legged shadowy black beetle is struck!

... 30 points of damage!

Strike to abdomen punctures stomach!

The shadowy black beetle collapses to one side, then flips completely over, legs flailing weakly at the air before it expires.

The beetle is slammed south! The log shatters into a shower of splinters and is completely destroyed!

Speaking to Lylia, Faerinn says, "Why indeed."

Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Bugsh."

Yavs raspily says, "Uhhhh."

The voice of Yardie asks, "What the?"

Vaemyr asks, "Bugs?"

Leafiara slowly says, "Okay then."

Pukk says, "Cruxophim ate them."

Dreaven's group just arrived.

Dreaven's group just went northeast.

Speaking to Alisette, Maelkyth says, "I bet more would want to play Gem of Fate if they knew what it was."

Speaking quietly to Gutstorm, Nightflame says, "Most likely instead of a bolt of lightning, it will be a hurricane of water for you."

Tolida says, "So tired of the bugs...."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Pukk asks, "Tasty?"

Bernadette softly asks, "Scarabs?"

Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok asks, "Do you see what I mean?"

Alisette says, "I don't know what it is."

Cruxophim nonchalantly remarks, "I've had better."

Lylia says, "I am in no mood for games."

Iskandr says, "Hey, that other cult just went by."

Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "It's time for them to leave."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Pukk asks, "Could use some butter?"

Xorus says, "Not the style of the 'Blood God', those scarabs..."

Speaking to Hapenlok, Leafiara says, "...about what? I might have missed what you were saying in the noise."

Speaking to Hapenlok, Leafiara asks, "Who?"

Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok repeats, "ALL OF THEM."

Speaking wryly to Pukk, Cruxophim jokes, "Garlic."

Speaking to Hapenlok, Leafiara asks, "The bloodguards?"

Leviathoar asks, "There a mage joined that could cast some blurs?"

Speaking to Alisette, Maelkyth asks, "Explanation or demonstration?"

Yavs raspily says, "So, those bugs..."

Umbazi says, "Malluch returned for a moment. He hung his head. And then suddenly...bugs."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Pukk asks, "Wait..I thought garlic was poisonous to you?"

The voice of Yardie exclaims, "Ugh!"

Speaking to Maelkyth, Alisette asks, "Depends. Is it dangerous?"

Speaking thoughtfully to Xorus, Cruxophim guesses, "Infection originating in Bleak?"

Alisette says, "Explanation."

Berkana says, "He's an aberration, not a werewolf."

Speaking to Alisette, Maelkyth says, "Frequently deadly.. but hilariously so."

Speaking to Nightflame, Pukk says, "Good job. We are safe now."

Xorus concedes, "There is always the Bleaklands."

Speaking to Xorus, Faerinn says, "No place like home."

Speaking quietly to Pukk, Nightflame says, "Perhaps."

Leafiara slowly notes, "Malluch sure is taking his time..."

Balley softly says, "I was thinking that."

Viva says, "We'll have to reset that trap of course, good to know they are sensitive enough even to catch a bettle though."

Elanthil says, "Maybe he had to go potty."

Iskandr asks, "Yardie, Draelor, do either of you have any of the delightful drinks I could not fit in my dress during the ball?"

Ysharra says, "I believe this bodes ill for the caravan."

Draelor says, "Or setting up his next move."

Iskandr says, "I need a drink."

Leafiara asks, "...did the Rooks get to him too?"

Leafiara says, "If anyone can break off to check Murdos' shop--"

Speaking to Leafiara, Faerinn asks, "That was part of the deal, wasn't it?"

Speaking to Alisette, Maelkyth says, "So, it involves a gem - preferrably of high value, call lightning, and panic."

The voice of Razanetika softly asks, "Maybe we should go look Leafi?"

Speaking to Alisette, Maelkyth asks, "Make sense?"

Umbazi says, "I will go."

Ysharra says, "I doubt it."

Speaking to Alisette, Maelkyth says, "Whoever gets tagged gets the gem."

Leafiara says, "...I'll go as well and return shortly."

Umbazi says, "I'm the youngest and most expendable."

[travel; comments back with the group in the woods are italicized]

Speaking to Draelor, Iskandr says, "Somehow, I knew it would be this one."

Pukk says, "There....a trap."

[Gemcutter's, Front Room]

Inside the Gemcutter's shop, you see two glass showcases holding jewelry and precious stones. Directly ahead of you is a low desk with several racks holding tools of the Gemcutter's trade. You also see a blackened narrow door and the gem dealer.

Alisette says, "Sounds scary."

You peer east and see ...

[Gemcutter's, Salon]

Set aside from the hustle and bustle of the front room, this cozy salon has an atmosphere of luxury and comfort. A warm fire crackles in the hearth, and thick, colorful carpets cushion your steps. Sparkling display cases show off the finest gems, exquisitely crafted and faceted to catch the warmth and brilliance of reflected light. You also see a wide doorway and a gold veined marble counter with some stuff on it.

Leafiara says, "No sign of Malluch..."

Speaking to the gem dealer, Leafiara says, "He's tentatively agreed to a meeting."

Leafiara nods to the gem dealer.

[travel back]

[Lower Dragonsclaw, Forest]

Your ears are becoming more attuned to the sounds of the forest surrounding you. Over your footsteps you hear the sounds of small birds overhead, comfortably nested in the sturdy oak trees. You also see a cowled figure, the fiery red Hapenlok disk, a pair of small steel jaws, the Vaemyr disk, a short sword, a raven, a sinuous bone white serpent, the Ysharra disk, a snow white raven that is flying around, a lanky grey wolf that is sitting, the Draelor disk, the Chamorr disk, the Viva disk, a massive snowy white tiger, a red canvas tent, a red canvas tent, a covered wagon, a grey-armored bloodguard, a grey-armored bloodguard and obvious signs of someone hiding.

Also here: Mayor Leafiara, Melikor, Hapenlok, Paymaster Xecnephias, Vaemyr, Grand Lord Asben, Cruxophim, High Lord Gutstorm, Lord Leviathoar, Ceilia, Dergoatean, High Lady Laralana, Pietra, Tsarok, Lord Thrassus, Ysharra, Xorus, Imperatrix Lylia, Maelkyth, Grand Lord Mongonator, Nightflame, Faerinn, Guarrin, Felita, Goldstr, Luminary Berkana, Tolida, Kippe, Lady Alisette, Roelon, Viva, Bernadette, Pukk, Lord Chamorr, Great Lord Elanthil, Gypsy Scribe Balley, Draelor, Apprentice Yavs, Squire Legionnaire Iskandr, Zosopage, Yardie, Sir Cryheart

Leafiara says, "No sign of him in Murdos' shop."

Yardie says, "That's not good."

Maelkyth recites:

"Someone's about to get tagged!"

Maelkyth drops an uncut ruby.

Maelkyth gestures at an uncut ruby.

You notice a small cloud form over an uncut ruby.

Speaking to Viva, Pukk says, "It's a pair of small jaws, so it should be good enough for beetles."

You notice the storm cloud begin to churn rapidly!

Speaking to Ysharra, Melikor says, "I did not see it nearby."

The storm cloud begins to build into a thunderhead!

You hear the rumbling of thunder as the cloud turns an ominous dark hue!

Speaking to Guarrin, Ysharra says, "It does seem the implication is that to keep security, we have to change everything about what the Landing is. I mislike sadistic choices like that."

Suddenly a lightning bolt explodes from the small thundercloud and strikes an uncut ruby with a brilliant flash! As the bolt strikes at an uncut ruby, a brilliant blue light surrounds it and deflects the bolt towards Guarrin!

... 15 points of damage!

Heavy shock to right leg. Gonna limp for awhile.

He is stunned!

Draelor says, "Perhaps he took the chance to give everyone the slip."

Vaemyr says, "Storm."

Caravan Chasing

Lord Malluch just arrived.

Malluch slowly empties his lungs.

Speaking quietly to Cruxophim, Tsarok says, "That was so fast."

Speaking cautiously to Malluch, Leafiara asks, "Welcome back. bad is it?"

Speaking to Guarrin, Maelkyth exclaims, "Congratulations!"

Balley softly asks, "SO what news did you have?"

Ysharra looks thoughtfully at Malluch.

Thrassus cocks his head at Malluch.

Iskandr says, "His sudden need of help is certainly strange considering the righteousness he had last week."

Speaking to Guarrin, Pukk says, "Things just seem to happen to you."

Speaking to Malluch, Ysharra says, "Not a good face, there."

Pukk says, "Better you than me."

Yavs raspily says, "This lightning is perilous."

Speaking to Alisette, Maelkyth says, "Not scary. No one even blinked."

Xecnephias quietly says, "Did you know that green and black olives come from the same tree."

Iskandr says, "Last week I felt like blood magic was going to save the world. Now suddenly blood magic needs a helping hand from the mayor and friends."

Iskandr asks, "Odd a bit, no?"

Speaking to Guarrin, Maelkyth exclaims, "It's your fate, though!"

Speaking to Iskandr, Lylia says, "Welcome to the Landing."

Speaking offhandedly to Iskandr, Leafiara says, "He's always been a bit bombastic, but... not quite the concern right now."

Maelkyth says, "A'ight."

Elanthil asks, "Did you find out anything, Malluch?"

Speaking lightly to Iskandr, Cruxophim agrees, "At's about normal, aye."

Ysharra says, "Give him a moment. We'll have all the bad news we can take soon enough."

A rolton ambles in.

Yardie says, "I feel the same about it then as I do now."

Ysharra glances at a rolton.

Speaking to Ysharra, Lylia says, "I feel certain of that."

Leviathoar says, "I say we do some recon."

Ysharra says, "You have terrible timing, you."

Speaking to Leviathoar, Leafiara says, "That's what we're about to hear a report from."

Faerinn says, "Might be processing a lot of grief."

Speaking in Faendryl, Lylia mutters something you don't understand.

Elanthil asks, "I already reconnoitered...can't you smell it?"

Speaking quietly to Balley, Xecnephias says, "I hope recon is the name of a drink."

Iskandr says, "Well it certainly worries me less if I can tell my eastern 'handlers' that the blood magic arisng to the west is a bit of a mess with no threat to anything much."

Speaking in Faendryl, Ysharra says something you don't understand.

Speaking to Iskandr, Hapenlok says, "You'd be lying."

Malluch slowly empties his lungs.

Malluch says, "A scout returned."

Leafiara slowly prompts, "And...?"

Speaking to Malluch, Faerinn says, "Of three."

Goldstr says, "Lil overkill on dat rolton der."

Hapenlok suggests, "Sanctuary, or we'll never get a word in edgewise."

Speaking to Iskandr, Lylia says, "'Blood magic' is a bit of a misnomer for --"

Speaking to Hapenlok, Leafiara affirms, "Done."

Malluch says, "He brought word of the wagons, and those among them. He reported bandits, and the wagons were being escorted."

Speaking to Goldstr, Dergoatean says, "Not the livestock..."

Speaking to Hapenlok, Iskandr says, "Probably, but they don't give much a damn what I say anyway. I could tell them the Drakes have risen here and they'd just feel secure behind their walls. I'm just the guy they send here to get out of their hair."

Malluch says, "But, escorted away by bandits."

Speaking to Malluch, Ysharra asks, "Are they all right?"

Cryheart asks, "Escorted to where?"

Ysharra says, "Bandits, hm."

Yavs raspily says, "Oh dear."

Leafiara says, "...well, that's--less grim than expected."

Leviathoar says, "I love bandits."

Malluch says, "He is not sure if they are alright. It is perhaps they wish to lead them away from here."

Thrassus asks, "Hostages then, is it?"

Malluch nods at Thrassus.

Cryheart says, "Bandits, or Rooks."

Malluch says, "That is my guess."

Thrassus shakes his head.

Leafiara says, "The plan remains the same. We move."

Faerinn asks, "Were they wearing feathers?"

Vaemyr asks, "So where to?"

Malluch says, "He said only bandits."

Leviathoar says, "If it moves.. kill it."

Cryheart asks, "And in what direction?"

The voice of Razanetika softly says, "Well let's go find them."

Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok repeats, "Leave. It. Be."

Cryheart glances at Malluch.

Ysharra says, "Bandits don't normally go to the trouble of hostages."

Thrassus says, "Rooks and bandits are synonymous."

Speaking to Lylia, Iskandr says, "I generally just speak of the Blood Son's laying of bloody hands wrinkle cure approach. I know there are many other forms of blood magic."

Lylia whispers something to Xorus.

Roelon deeply says, "They could of nae gone too far."

Leafiara says, "None of this outside the gates is within our jurisdiction, so whatever any of you choose tonight is up to you."

Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok asks, "If you go after them, what's going to happen?"

Speaking to Hapenlok, Leafiara says, "Like you always say... spring the trap."

Hapenlok says, "We'll start a fight, and they'll wind up dead."

Speaking to Ysharra, Melikor says, "They don't usually plan that well."

Speaking to Hapenlok, Leviathoar says, "Sounds like a plan."

Cryheart says, "....and folks don't attack right away...we need to sort out who is who first."

Hapenlok says, "The innocents."

Malluch removes two curved imflass blades from his robe.

Speaking to Leafiara, Dergoatean asks, "We move... where? They're not at the gates, and we didn't want them here in the first place. Isn't this the outcome everyone settled on?"

Leafiara asks, "Do we have a strong bard to sing a Song of Peace on arrival?"

Elanthil says, "You could....burn them all...then you would be sure."

Malluch joins Cryheart's group.

Speaking slowly to Cryheart, Cruxophim offers, "Wait, I know this... we attack the bad ones, yes?"

Malluch says, "Trollfang."

Malluch clenches his jaw.

[travel all throughout the rest of the log, but I'll generally ignore it]

Speaking to Cryheart, Pukk asks, "Okay, just so I understand what you are saying. Attack right away right?"

Speaking to Dergoatean, Leafiara says, "We wanted them in the camps outside the gates, not turned away entirely."

[General] Hapenlok thinks, "...damn it."

Xecnephias whispers to the group, "I usually start with mentioning their tacky shoes and poor grammar."

Speaking to Dergoatean, Leafiara admits, "We had an emergency town meeting to discuss it further earlier today, after last night's discussion."

Pukk exclaims, "Cryheart is outrunning Happy!"

Ysharra says, "Last person who asked for Leafiara's help was left dead by the Abandoned Inn."

Speaking to Pukk, Maelkyth exclaims, "What a deliciously ironic nickname!"

Cryheart asks, "This the right direction?"

Ysharra says, "Perhaps we could look there."

Leafiara frankly asks, "Do we even know which way we're going?"

Cryheart asks, "Which area of Trollfang?"

Malluch says, "They were nearing town, but now being led away. It is anyone's guess."

Leafiara says, "...all directions it is then."

Gutstorm drunkenly asks, "Can we shwing by Helga'sh?"

Speaking to Gutstorm, Maelkyth exclaims, "We just left there!"

[Upper Trollfang]

You are deep within the forest and the thick cover of leaves blocks most of the available moonlight, making this region dark on even the brightest of days. The seemingly reverent silence at first thrills you with a feeling of awe, but this feeling soon gives way to one of dread and fear as the ominous lack of noise works its way into your soul. You also see a forest troll, a forest troll and obvious signs of someone hiding.

A half-elven mugger suddenly jumps out of the shadows!

[very extended combat ensues]

Speaking to Cryheart, Leafiara says, "Well, so much for holding off."

A half-elven mugger suddenly jumps out of the shadows!


Hapenlok says, "...let it lay,."


Speaking to Cruxophim, Pukk asks, "Why did you do that?"


Gutstorm drunkenly says, "I got banditsh to kill on da way to ishmool."

[General] Cryheart thinks, "We ran into bandits in west of caravansary."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Pukk says, "You killed Viva."

Leviathoar says, "Thats better."

Leafiara speculates, " telltale signs... did they--hire out?"

Speaking dubiously to Pukk, Cruxophim ventures, "I did what?"

Cryheart says, "Get the folks up."

A human highwayman suddenly jumps out of the shadows!

An erithian rogue suddenly jumps out of the shadows!

A human highwayman suddenly jumps out of the shadows!

Leviathoar says, "I fried quick."

A human marauder suddenly jumps out of the shadows!

A halfling robber suddenly jumps out of the shadows!

A halfling marauder suddenly jumps out of the shadows!

An erithian rogue asks, "Where are ya?" while looking around suspiciously.

A gnomish bandit suddenly jumps out of the shadows!


Lylia scornfully says, "Oh, pull yourselves together." [I believe this is in reference to someone's necrotic ring activating undead post-cap bandits, so a bunch of people were stuck in sheer fear]


Leafiara yells, "Stand down! We've come to take this caravan safely to the camps up north!"


Speaking to Malluch, Ysharra says, "I feel sorry for you. And I'm worried about what you've become. But if you're going to go help the injured, I'll come with you."


A thin steel arrow suddenly flies out of the shadows and strikes Cryheart!

... 5 points of damage!

Well aimed shot, punctures calf!

He is stunned!

(OOC) Cruxophim's player whispers to the group, "That's really weird, I deffo didn't target anyone."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Hapenlok says, "I'm fine."

Leafiara yells, "This bloodshed doesn't have to continue!"

Leafiara yells, "Withdraw and we can end it here!"

A thin steel arrow suddenly flies out of the shadows and strikes Leafiara!

... 2 points of damage!

Strike pierces thigh!

She is knocked to the ground!

Pietra yells, "But we can keep doing it all night!"

Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Banditsh are poor."

Hapenlok says, "...let this go. You know how this is going to go."

Ysharra says, "The sick and the cursed are welcome in Wehnimer's Landing."

Leviathoar says, "They capped bandits."

Leviathoar says, "I like em."

Cryheart yells, "Stand down bandits!"

Malluch squints.

Maelkyth exclaims, "That was fun!"

Leafiara painfully yells, "My offer stands. Stop this now!"

Cryheart asks, "Someone attending vViva?"

Thrassus asks, "Perhaps after this is over someone can finally clear these Rooks out of those tunnels once and for all?"

Xecnephias quietly says, "Yer gonna be down a wizard, need to close my eyes, good luck."


Speaking to Leafiara, Maelkyth exclaims, "You're the only priestess around for miles!"


Hapenlok says, "I've no doubt that you're a man of your word, Burdos. I'm sure you think you're doing good work."

[extended combat]

Leviathoar asks, "Cryheart got hit?"

Zosopage says, "Arrow."

Speaking to Yakushi, Ysharra asks, "You're fearsome, you know that?"

A thin steel arrow suddenly flies out of the shadows and strikes Yakushi!

... 1 point of damage!

Minor puncture to the left leg.

Speaking apologetically to Viva, Cruxophim laments, "Terribly sorry."

Iskandr asks, "So, are you killing Rooks?"

Speaking to Yakushi, Ysharra says, "Sorry."

(OOC) Hapenlok's player whispers to the group, "Kinda frustrating here, I know what I want to do, but I probably shouldn't do it. :P So I just stand here doing nothing."

Cryheart says, "Everyone stand."

(OOC) Hapenlok's player whispers to the group, "But I'm having fun."

Cryheart asks, "All ready?"

Cruxophim loudly inquires, "Any other injured?"

Leviathoar whispers to the group, "I'm learning."

A thin steel arrow suddenly flies out of the shadows and strikes Pukk!

... 29 points of damage!

Great shot penetrates thigh and shatters bone!

He is knocked to the ground!

He is stunned!

Leafiara says, "If so, they aren't wearing their traditional clothes. I'm wondering if they've hired out or are just in disguise..."

Pukk exclaims, "Hey!"

A thin steel arrow suddenly flies out of the shadows and strikes Yavs!

... 50 points of damage!

Shot shatters hip and severs left leg!

Yavs screams and falls to the ground grasping his mangled left leg!

He is stunned!

Speaking to Cruxophim, Pietra says, "Yeah, he was."

A thin steel arrow suddenly flies out of the shadows and strikes Maelkyth!

... 40 points of damage!

Strike punctures thigh and shatters femur!

Maelkyth screams and falls to the ground grasping his mangled left leg!

He is stunned!

Nightflame quietly says, "Me, I got a leg scratch."

A thin steel arrow suddenly flies out of the shadows and strikes Pietra!

... 21 points of damage!

Great shot penetrates thigh and shatters bone!

She is knocked to the ground!

She is stunned!

Dergoatean says, "That's going to get old fast."

Pukk exclaims, "I'm not a pin cushion!"

[extended combat]

A thin steel arrow suddenly flies out of the shadows and strikes Pukk!

... 34 points of damage!

Blow shatters knee and severs lower leg!

He is stunned!

A thin steel arrow suddenly flies out of the shadows and strikes Asben!

... 35 points of damage!

Strike punctures thigh and shatters femur!

Asben screams and falls to the ground grasping his mangled left leg!

He is stunned!


A thin steel arrow suddenly flies out of the shadows and strikes Chamorr!

... 45 points of damage!

Shot shatters hip and severs left leg!

Chamorr screams and falls to the ground grasping his mangled left leg!

He is stunned!

A thin steel arrow suddenly flies out of the shadows and strikes Leafiara!

... 29 points of damage!

Blow shatters knee and severs lower leg!

Leafiara screams and falls to the ground grasping her mangled left leg!

She is stunned!


A thin steel arrow suddenly flies out of the shadows and strikes Maelkyth!

... 40 points of damage!

Strike punctures thigh and shatters femur!

Maelkyth screams and falls to the ground grasping his mangled left leg!

He is stunned!


A thin steel arrow suddenly flies out of the shadows and strikes Cruxophim!

... 39 points of damage!

Strike to wrist severs right hand quite neatly!

He is stunned!

Leafiara woundedly yells, "I am not giving up, arrows or no! Stand down and we end this here!"

Asben says, "Ow."

Hapenlok says, "Right now, these are warning shots, Leafi."

Leviathoar asks, "Is the Landing safe?"

Pukk says, "I was getting tired of being tired."

Speaking to Hapenlok, Leafiara asks, "Like I don't know that?"

Hapenlok says, "They'll aim for eyes and throats soon."

Speaking to Leafiara, Dergoatean asks, "So I guess we're not staying out of their way after all?"

Hapenlok says, "Let it go. It's for the best."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Pietra says, "Thanks, that's my dancin' leg. I need it."

Speaking wryly to Dergoatean, Leafiara asks, "What do you think?"

Ysharra asks, "Is this Mother, and the Rooks, shooting the Landing's mayor and its defenders?"

Hapenlok says, "Because if you kill them all, you'll have to pass through me."

Leviathoar says, "Cryheart is our bait."

Cryheart asks, "All ok?"

Ysharra says, "While we're looking for injured travelers."

Asben says, "I need a leg."

Speaking to Ysharra, Iskandr says, "Seems so to me."

A thin steel arrow suddenly flies out of the shadows and strikes Leviathoar!

... 50 points of damage!

Shot shatters hip and severs left leg!

Leviathoar screams and falls to the ground grasping his mangled left leg!

He is stunned!

Ysharra says, "Let's be clar about that."

Speaking to Ysharra, Guarrin says, "It seems to be the case, aye."


Elanthil says, "Im...not recovering mana....strange...."

Speaking drunkenly to Cryheart, Gutstorm says, "Me need a few more to max me energy fer da week."

Cryheart says, "Well..they must be around here...they are shooting at us."

Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "This is about as bloodless as it gets."

Cryheart asks, "Seen any path or such?"


Speaking to Hapenlok, Leafiara says, "I haven't attacked once, despite our bloodthirsty friends here."


Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Shorry."

There is a flicker of silver light in the depths of Upper Trollfang but it shines for just the briefest of moments until it is suddenly snuffed out.

Malluch squints.

Vaemyr asks, "Further in?"

Cryheart says, "Hmmm."

Ysharra asks, "Another scout?"

Leviathoar says, "Close to town."

Leafiara asks, "Was that... the last scout?"

Malluch says, "The second scout."

Leafiara urges, "Move."

Malluch says, "But...that ended quickly."

Ysharra says, "Perhaps they've found more."

Cryheart says, "I am thinking of checking the cabin."

Cryheart says, "Which is west and southwest of here."

Speaking pragmatically to Cryheart, Leafiara says, "Moving in any direction is better than none."

Cryheart says, "Moving."

[again, travel throughout, but not showing it]

Pietra gazes blankly at Leafiara. [she'd been trying to sanct the whole time, but invasion creatures just break though it anyway]

[General] Cryheart thinks, "We are by the cottage in greater orc area."

Yavs raspily asks, "Everyone ok?"

Asben stares at Leafiara.

Maelkyth asks, "So, what if they wanted to make friends?"

Speaking to Lylia, Ysharra says, "I apologize for my half-elf brethren's poor treatment of you."

Speaking heavily to Pietra, Leafiara says, "I try, but it hasn't worked so far."

Roelon deeply says, "Just ah few scratches."

Iskandr says, "So far not dead."

Cryheart says, "Moving."


Speaking to Leafiara, Pietra asks, "What do you try?"

Cryheart says, "Moving."


Lylia says, "We are neither our brothers' keepers nor our half-brothers'."

Cryheart says, "Or not."


A thin steel arrow suddenly flies out of the shadows and strikes Calael!

Some supple eonake-ringed armor partially deflects the onslaught of the puncture attack.

... 1 point of damage!

Strike pierces thigh!

He is knocked to the ground!


A thin steel arrow suddenly flies out of the shadows and strikes Chamorr!

... 40 points of damage!

Strike punctures thigh and shatters femur!

Chamorr screams and falls to the ground grasping his mangled left leg!

He is stunned!

A thin steel arrow suddenly flies out of the shadows and strikes Vaemyr!

... 40 points of damage!

Strike punctures thigh and shatters femur!

Vaemyr screams and falls to the ground grasping his mangled left leg!

He is stunned!

A thin steel arrow suddenly flies out of the shadows and strikes Cryheart!

Speaking curiously to Pietra, Leafiara asks, "...sancting. That was the glance you just gave me, right?"

... 16 points of damage!

Well placed shot pierces knee, that hurt!

He is knocked to the ground!

He is stunned!

A thin steel arrow suddenly flies out of the shadows and strikes Leviathoar!

... 40 points of damage!

Strike punctures thigh and shatters femur!

Leviathoar screams and falls to the ground grasping his mangled left leg!

He is stunned!

A thin steel arrow suddenly flies out of the shadows and strikes Maelkyth!

... 40 points of damage!

Strike punctures thigh and shatters femur!

Maelkyth screams and falls to the ground grasping his mangled left leg!

He is stunned!

Yakushi says, "Nasty arrows."

Speaking to Leafiara, Pietra says, "I was just wondering why."

Dergoatean whispers to the group, "What even is a positive outcome for us tonight? We... help Malluch do Stone's bidding? Stand by for the slaughter of the stepchildren of the poor? Oof."

Vaemyr says, "Oof lost a leg."

Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Get up fatty."

Yavs raspily says, "Working."

Ysharra says, "Sorry."

Speaking to Lylia, Maelkyth exclaims, "Hi!"

A thin steel arrow suddenly flies out of the shadows and strikes Roelon!

... 39 points of damage!

Strike punctures thigh and shatters femur!

Roelon screams and falls to the ground grasping his mangled left leg!

He is stunned!

A thin steel arrow suddenly flies out of the shadows and strikes Pietra!

... 28 points of damage!

Blow shatters knee and severs lower leg!

Pietra screams and falls to the ground grasping her mangled left leg!

She is stunned!

Ysharra says, "Not the hiding people I was looking for."


Roelon deeply says, "Ah bloody kilts."


Leafiara whispers to the group, "This is potentially feeding Stone's ritual, yes, but the alterrnative is sacrificing our ideals."


Tolida whispers to the group, "I don't think there's any good solution here it seems..."


Speaking to Maelkyth, Lylia says, "Forgive me. Uneven ground. Hello there."


Leafiara whispers to the group, "I haven't attacked these bandits at all, but if anyone does, I can hardly blame them."


Speaking to Lylia, Maelkyth says, "No aoplogies."


Leafiara whispers to the group, "Also, since all of this is happening outside our gates, nothing tonight is punishable by our laws."

A thin steel arrow suddenly flies out of the shadows and strikes Maelkyth!

... 50 points of damage!

Incredible shot impales a kidney. Too painful to even scream.

Maelkyth drops dead at your feet!

Cryheart says, "Moving."

Cryheart says, "Ooops."

Cruxophim disapprovingly notes, "Well that's just rude."

Goldstr whispers to the group, "These ARE big capped bandits! Fried my head fast."

Dergoatean whispers to the group, "I suppose we default to finding foes to kill. A nail for which we have a hammer."

Elanthil whispers to the group, "So...I could in theory kill all of you and suffer no consequences? Interesting."

Pietra says, "Excuse me, do I have a big old sign on my chest 'Shoot me!'"

The ghostly voice of Maelkyth says, "Well that sucked."

Leafiara whispers to the group, "That appears to be what we're doing, mostly."

A thin steel arrow suddenly flies out of the shadows and strikes Yavs!

... 50 points of damage!

Incredible shot impales a kidney. Too painful to even scream.

Yavs drops dead at your feet!

The ghostly voice of Yavs raspily says, "Ow."

A thin steel arrow suddenly flies out of the shadows and strikes Cruxophim!

Ysharra says, "Oh dear."

... 34 points of damage!

Beautiful shot pierces both lungs, Cruxophim makes a wheezing noise, and drops dead!

Cruxophim drops dead at your feet!

Asben says, "Thems some bad arrows."

Cryheart says, "Oye."

Berkana says, "Wow."

Calael says, "Hmm."

Roelon deeply says, "Well now..."

The ghostly voice of Yavs raspily says, "I was using that."

Pukk exclaims, "Quick, eat Cruxophim!"

(OOC) Leafiara's player whispers to the group, "I'm talking in a storyline sense, Elanthil, not a GM sense."

Leviathoar says, "Gotta dodge."

Leafiara slowly says, "Well then."

Gutstorm drunkenly says, "They aim gittin better."

The ghostly voice of Yavs raspily says, "Roll us down the hill at th em."

Yakushi says, "It is a good thing we have clerics."

Chamorr heartily says, "Prolly from our towers."

Ysharra says, "So this is what we're down to, now."

(OOC) Elanthil's player whispers to the group, "Oh I know...I'm just kidding."

(OOC) Leafiara's player whispers to the group, ":P."

Speaking to Ysharra, Hapenlok asks, "They're good at this, Ysharra. What'd you expect?"

Maelkyth exclaims, "Thanks!"

A scruffy voice shouts nearby, "Drop the healers!"

Speaking to Hapenlok, Ysharra says, "Them not to murder people looking for help, that's what."

Junarra says, "No."

Leafiara frankly says, "Most of you are killing more of them than they're killing of us."

Jiarine says, "How rude."

Iskandr says, "Oh...."

Gutstorm yells, "Chamorr is a healer, a BIG one!"

Cryheart says, "Protect the healers."

Pukk exclaims, "Guard the empaths!"

Yavs yells, "Do your worst! I won't leave my post!"

Balley softly asks, "Drop the healers?"

Cruxophim recites:

"Kill the archers!"

Leafiara yells, "You've seen how this fight is going! Cut your losses!"

Cruxophim recites:

"I mean... drop the archers!"

Leviathoar says, "I'm fried 6 times over.... good hunting."

Hapenlok says, "I'm about to drop a cleric."

Cryheart says, "Folks are immobilized."

Pietra says, "My friend Junarra just got sniped in town."

A thin steel arrow suddenly flies out of the shadows and strikes Berkana!

... 27 points of damage!

Strike to right arm cleanly severs it at the shoulder!

She is knocked to the ground!

She is stunned!

Pietra says, "After clearing out to safety."

A thin steel arrow suddenly flies out of the shadows and strikes Gutstorm!

... 26 points of damage!

Strike to right arm cleanly severs it at the shoulder!

He is knocked to the ground!

He is stunned!

Yavs raspily asks, "In town?"

Speaking to Lylia, Pukk says, "Berkana just wanted to kneel for you."

Leviathoar says, "They do shoot arrows well."

Cryheart says, "Moving to the cottage."


Speaking to Pietra, Leafiara says, "...we'lll take reports on that later. *That* actually is in our jurisdiction."

[extended combat]

Pietra says, "Yes, she split for safety. Dead."

Yavs raspily says, "Pull me up."

Cryheart says, "Will check the cottage as soon as we are able."

Cruxophim recites:

"You really want to do this all night?"

Speaking slowly to Cruxophim, Leafiara says, "It seems they do."

Pukk exclaims, "Sure!"

Cryheart asks, "Everyone ok to move?"

(OOC) Dergoatean's player whispers to the group, "Maybe it's not the Rooks after all! Maybe it's just a LOT of bandit bounties."

Pukk exclaims, "A bandit hunt that never ends!"

Cruxophim yells, "Bring it on, then."

Speaking to Goldstr, Guarrin says, "I'm genuinely surprised you haven't knocked any of those arrows back."

Malluch sighs.

Cryheart says, "Moving to the cottage."

Malluch says, "I feel like they are...distracting us."

Leafiara yells, "Some of us have been holding back in hopes of diplomacy! Don't push us to our full extent!"

Malluch says, "Keeping us pinned down."

Vaemyr says, "I mean that's obvious."

Vaemyr asks, "But what can we do?"

Speaking to Malluch, Leafiara asks, "Then we move and dodge as we can?"

Cryheart says, "Moving."

Leafiara says, "Avoid the arrows and simply press forward to find the caravan if we can."

Iskandr whispers to the group, "I feel odd that we are now working with Malluch through circumstance."

Pietra says, "And make sure to kill all the trolls and venalin."

Leviathoar says, "I lost a striped lynx like a month ago... if anyone sees it."

Leafiara whispers to the group, "Are we? He hasn't lifted a finger in all of this."

Hapenlok says, "We've done this before with them."

Xorus says, "Diplomacy. Speaking softly and carrying a big stick."

Hapenlok says, "That wagon is gone."

Cryheart asks, "Wagon?"

Iskandr whispers to the group, "But he's here just guiding us along while we keep him alive."

Malluch asks, "What wagon?"

Vaemyr whispers to the group, "He hasn't, but he's either a really good actor or he is legitimately concerned."

Leafiara says, "He means the caravan, probably."

Speaking to Malluch, Hapenlok says, "Sorry, convoy."

Elanthil says, "Diplomacy: Speaking loudly and carrying a massive glaes club."

Pietra says, "There are hundreds to choose from..."

Leafiara says, "Whether it's gone or not, that doesn't mean we stop looking."

Prism of Light

Suddenly a gear-covered white prism suddenly comes flying into the area from the shadows!

Speaking to Cryheart, Leafiara says, "Which way will you move next--"

Leafiara slowly says, "Well then."

Malluch squints.

Cryheart says, "I saw a prism..moved."

Malluch sighs.

Iskandr whispers to the group, "At this juncture, all things are good."

Faerinn says, "A prism."

Xorus says, "Amusing."

Speaking amusedly to Cryheart, Cruxophim notes, "That goblin didn't."

Speaking to Malluch, Ysharra asks, "Any word from that scout?"

Leafiara says, "How? These are Praxopius' and he's gone..."

Thrassus says, "Looks like it might be safe now."

Ysharra says, "Perhaps they kept some."

Leafiara says, "Or they've figured out how to construct them..."

Leafiara says, "When in doubt, prepare for the worst."

Cryheart says, "Think we are at a dead end here."

Chamorr heartily says, "Wastin mana on forest trolls."

Ysharra says, "I noticed that."

Suddenly a gear-covered white prism suddenly comes flying into the area from the shadows!

Speaking to Cryheart, Leafiara says, "Which way are you moving? Maybe some of us break in the other direction to split up."

Leafiara picks up a shaking gear-covered prism.

Pukk says, "Run."

Mayor Leafiara just went west.

The gear-covered prism Leafiara is carrying explodes, savagely tearing apart her body!

Leafiara just bit the dust!

The ghostly voice of Leafiara musingly says, "Close."

Cruxophim just arrived.

Sir Cryheart's group just arrived.


Suddenly a gear-covered white prism suddenly comes flying into the area from the shadows!

Zosopage picks up a shaking gear-covered prism.

Cryheart drags Leafiara east.

Leviathoar asks, "Why are you killing local wildlife?"

The gear-covered prism Zosopage is carrying suddenly explodes, savagely tearing apart his body!

Zosopage drops dead at your feet!

Mongonator drops dead at your feet!

Laralana drops dead at your feet!

Maelkyth drops dead at your feet!

Faerinn drops dead at your feet!

Melikor drops dead at your feet!

Ysharra drops dead at your feet!

Yakushi drops dead at your feet!

Vaemyr drops dead at your feet!

Leviathoar drops dead at your feet!

Goldstr drops dead at your feet!

Kippe drops dead at your feet!

Viva drops dead at your feet!

Pukk drops dead at your feet!

Balley drops dead at your feet!

Draelor drops dead at your feet!

Iskandr drops dead at your feet!

Leafiara drops dead at your feet!

The ghostly voice of Vaemyr says, "Oof."

The ghostly voice of Leafiara musingly says, "Well, it was worth a shot."

[Upper Trollfang]

The trail darts in and out of the deep shadows cast by the thick canopy of leaves that crown the huge trees in this ancient forest. Moss grows thick and hangs from the branches and bark of the trees like a deep green cloak. You also see a sinuous bone white serpent, a fat tabby cat, a tiny angular lilac-point kitten, a lanky grey wolf, an ember-eyed fire wyrdling, a fire wyrdling, the Umbazi disk, the Chamorr disk, the Razanetika disk, a raven, a massive snowy white tiger, an amber-eyed tawny range wolf, a snow white raven that is flying around, a bi-taloned fiery red grik'tval and a translucent mist-shrouded spirit that is flying around.

Also here: Cruxophim, a stunned Lord Umbazi, a stunned Tsarok, a stunned Imperatrix Lylia, a stunned Razanetika, the body of Grand Lord Mongonator who is lying down, the body of High Lady Laralana who is lying down, the body of Maelkyth who is lying down, a stunned Apprentice Yavs who is lying down, a stunned Jiarine who is lying down, the body of Faerinn who is lying down, a stunned Lord Chamorr, Calael, a stunned Xorus, the body of Melikor who is lying down, the body of Ysharra who is lying down, a stunned Bernadette who is lying down, the body of Yakushi who is lying down, a stunned Ceilia who is lying down, Lord Malluch, the body of Vaemyr who is lying down, a stunned Grand Lord Asben who is lying down, the body of Lord Leviathoar who is lying down, a stunned Dergoatean, a stunned Pietra, a stunned Nightflame who is lying down, Guarrin, the body of Goldstr who is lying down, a stunned Luminary Berkana who is lying down, a stunned Tolida who is lying down, the body of Kippe who is lying down, a stunned Roelon, the body of Viva who is lying down, the body of Pukk who is lying down, a stunned Great Lord Elanthil, the body of Gypsy Scribe Balley who is lying down, the body of Draelor who is lying down, the body of Squire Legionnaire Iskandr who is lying down, the body of Zosopage who is lying down, a stunned Sir Cryheart who is lying down

The ghostly voice of Maelkyth exclaims, "Again?!"

Calael says, "Wow."

The ghostly voice of Zosopage says, "Well that wasn't good."

The ghostly voice of Balley softly says, "Ouch."

The ghostly voice of Draelor says, "Ouch."

Calael says, "Hmm."

The ghostly voice of Goldstr says, "Dat prism got me neck good."

Tsarok quietly says, "Hmm."

The ghostly voice of Mongonator says, "Zoso, what was that."

The ghostly voice of Pukk asks, "Zoso did it?"

Xorus says, "One never picks up the exploding prisms."

Bernadette softly says, "Got me inna back."

Berkana asks, "Anyone see my leg?"

The ghostly voice of Vaemyr says, "Well that's a bit of blood."

Chamorr heartily says, "Good grief."


Asben says, "That was a clean shot."

[extended combat]

Speaking to Zosopage, the ghostly voice of Pukk says, "Look at the fine mess you got us into this time."

[General] Nickonai thinks, "Thats a big body count."


Pietra says, "Chest please? My melons are bleeding."


The ghostly voice of Zosopage says, "I did mot mean to do that."

Asben asks, "Any extra legs out there?"

[very extended combat]

[General] Krulgon thinks, "Likely was that one coyote that did them all in."


The ghostly voice of Maelkyth exclaims, "What's the point of that!"


Umbazi says, "Okay, I'm not equipped for this, I'm out."


Cryheart says, "Get the folks up."

The ghostly voice of Iskandr says, "I could have at least died in my sweet dress."

The ghostly voice of Yavs raspily says, "That was nuts."

Speaking to Zosopage, the ghostly voice of Leviathoar says, "Wow."

The ghostly voice of Leafiara offhandedly says, "I can get to work if someone can fix me up."

Malluch says, "Let's get the bodies up. They're trying to keep us busy."

The ghostly voice of Faerinn says, "I feel not great."

The ghostly voice of Draelor says, "Appears that went poorly."

[General] Lazt thinks, "Them coyotes are mighty wily."

Speaking musingly to Hapenlok, the ghostly voice of Leafiara asks, "What was it you said once about missing the old Rooks who would just blow us up?"

Hapenlok says, "You DO realize that if you raise them here, they're only going to kill the freshly raised."

The ghostly voice of Maelkyth says, "I just got the wind knocked out of me... I should be good in just a moment."

The ghostly voice of Ysharra says, "This body would very much like to be up."

Cryheart recites:

"One should not pick up thrown prisms"

Speaking to Hapenlok, the ghostly voice of Leafiara admits, "Funny thing is I agreed."

Speaking to Zosopage, the ghostly voice of Pukk exclaims, "Yeah Zoso!"

Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "Oh, by the way."

Speaking to Cryheart, the ghostly voice of Leafiara says, "I was trying to get it away from everyone and it worked."

Speaking to Zosopage, the ghostly voice of Maelkyth exclaims, "Yeah!"

Speaking raspily to Maelkyth, the ghostly voice of Yavs says, "Wherever it was knocked, it's not over here."

Speaking confusedly to Malluch, the ghostly voice of Leafiara asks, "So you really can't raise the dead, then?"

Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "If you pick up a prism and run back into the room I'm in? I'm going to kill you. Again." [this happened; she did withdraw with the prism only to find Hapenlok just over there]

[General] Nickonai exclaims, "They got the mayor!"

Speaking to Malluch, the ghostly voice of Leafiara asks, "What good is any of your power and trying to surpass the Arkati if you can't even raise the dead?"

[General] Beldannon thinks, "Seems dangerous out."

Speaking to Laralana, Pietra says, "Well we finally got ya dead."

Malluch slowly empties his lungs.

The ghostly voice of Vaemyr says, "That's weird my friend cannot reach us here."

Elanthil recites:

"Severed heads! only 250 silver! Get em before they rot!"

Dergoatean says, "Okay okay."

The ghostly voice of Iskandr asks, "So, any good blood magic there, Malluch? I could use a rise?"

The ghostly voice of Maelkyth exclaims, "Too bad Leafiara's the ONLY CLERGY alive!"

The ghostly voice of Maelkyth says, "And dead."

Speaking amusedly to Elanthil, Cruxophim remarks, "I like you."

[General] Seylia asks, "Is it safe to go rescue?"

Larenusia says, "Moving to safer areas."

Larenusia gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...

Larenusia gestures.

Your surroundings blur for a moment . . .

[Wehnimer's, Land's End Rd.]

Vigilant night guardsmen scrutinize the citizens and travelers arriving and departing through the wide gates spanning the land route into Wehnimer's Landing. The cluttered streets of the city to the south are a far cry from the deceptively calm expanse of the wilds of Elanith outside. Two daunting towers survey the countryside and protect the town, flanking the road to the east and west. You also see the words "Save Us" smeared in blood along the side of a building, the town gates, a large wooden barrel and a sturdy wooden table.

Also here: the body of Zosopage who is lying down, the body of Gypsy Scribe Balley who is lying down, the body of Kippe who is lying down, the body of Goldstr who is lying down, the body of Lord Leviathoar who is lying down, the body of Vaemyr who is lying down, the body of Faerinn who is lying down, the body of Maelkyth who is lying down, Larenusia

Leafiara seriously challenges, "Honestly, I mean it. The old Malluch was overambitious and thought he was the only thing the Landing needed. Now Stone does all the work?"

[General] Umbazi thinks, "No."

[Society] Clunk asks, "We see's ye, but where that is?"

Leafiara says, "...ah, someone's taken us back..."

[dialogue back with the main group is italicized]

[General] Mekimin asks, "What's the situation?"

Novarian says, "I couldn't reach where you all were."

Chamorr heartily says, "When Zoso is up, somebody slap him."

The ghostly voice of Goldstr says, "Aye."

The ghostly voice of Balley softly says, "Malluch is a fraud."

The ghostly voice of Faerinn says, "Yeah, we left."

[General] Umbazi thinks, "Massively overpowered bandits."

[General] Clunk thinks, "Lot folk dead, all callin fer help."

Speaking wryly to Balley, the ghostly voice of Leafiara says, "Ya don't say."

The ghostly voice of Maelkyth exclaims, "Malluch is a jerk!"

The ghostly voice of Balley softly says, "If he was a great healer why could he not heal us all."

Speaking to Malluch, Hapenlok says, "And honestly, I expected more from you, Burdos."

Nightflame quietly says, "Couldn't speak that is."

Larenusia asks, "Anyone else want a ride?"

The ghostly voice of Goldstr says, "True Lady Balley."

The ghostly voice of Maelkyth says, "Half the town is dead and stuck afield."

[General] Clunk thinks, "Worse, clunk be callin fer spells."

From nearby, you hear Beldannon yell, "Sorry you all died!"

Speaking to Malluch, Hapenlok asks, "You grew up around here, you've seen what Grishom has done to this town, and now you're potentially playing a part in it?"

The ghostly voice of Iskandr asks, "So the blood magic night at the museum was all a crock, huh?"

The ghostly voice of Zosopage says, "Was my fault."

[General] Bialstoc thinks, "I did say you ought to have sunk the ship before it got here and then I believe I was for burning the tents."

Malluch begins to twitch.

Malluch says, "This is senseless..."

Speaking to Malluch, Hapenlok asks, "Remember the women, Malluch?"

Speaking to Malluch, Hapenlok asks, "The ones that Grishom murdered?"

Speaking to Hapenlok, Thrassus asks, "We are looking to rescue hostages, remember?"

Speaking to Malluch, Hapenlok says, "You're leading your people to a similar fate. You used to have faith. In Jastev."

[General] Nickonai thinks, "Where is that in town? I don't see them."

[General] Paiyot asks, "So, did that creepy blood god priest guy cause all of this?"

Speaking to Zosopage, the ghostly voice of Leviathoar asks, "I gotta ask.. was that a trap you set off? I'm so confused?"

The ghostly voice of Iskandr asks, "Anyone else got a bit of the white bottle and perhaps a little get up and go juice?"

A lanky grey wolf says, "The old Malluch was overambitious and thought he was the only thing the Landing needed. Now Stone does all the work and you can't even raise the fallen. Even the Rone who came after you could do that much."

[General] Dergoatean thinks, "Indirectly, I guess you could say."

The ghostly voice of Maelkyth says, "Oh dear, Zelia's gonna be jealous."

[General] Umbazi thinks, "I said that looking for the caravan was a trap..."

You hear a goblin yell, "Yoo chooted!", coming from the east.

The ghostly voice of Goldstr says, "Dey was throwin Prisms likes Rysus use to throw red orbs at us."

Speaking to Malluch, Hapenlok says, "And the only reason I've allowed you to live, thus far, is because I gave my word to your father that I'd bring you back to him."

Beldannon quietly says, "I still have one of those somewhere."

Pietra asks, "Chooted? Is that like cheated or farted?"

[General] Thrassus thinks, "It's more the Rooks fault, really."

Speaking to Baloranch, Maelkyth exclaims, "Thanks!"

[General] Leafiara asks, "I don't understand why they're so insistent against this caravan. What do they know that they aren't telling us?"

Speaking slowly to Pietra, Cruxophim speculates, "Both."

[General] Faerinn thinks, "Rooks did this. Mr. Blood is a victim."

[General] Dergoatean asks, "We all agreed it was bad to have a bunch of proto-zealots in town, right? Does it have to be more than that?"

[General] Leafiara asks, "Many did agree, but why does it then have to come to bloodshed?"

[General] Faerinn thinks, "When folks in bird masks kill them yes."

[General] Umbazi asks, "Maybe the caravan is carrying a highly contagious plague that could wipe out the town?"

[General] Leafiara thinks, "Then they could have simply told us that."

[General] Cruxophim thinks, "But that's our chief export..."

[General] Corrig thinks, "It's the Landin'. It always comes to fightin'."

Jiarine says, "This IS making my night when you kill yourselves."

[General] Leafiara thinks, "Mother, if you're out there, this is the first move you've made that I truly can't understand."

[General] Umbazi thinks, "The Rooks are not the most straightforward of people."

[General] Hapenlok thinks, "Yet, so far? The pursuees are alive. Only the pursuers." [I'm actually not sure which way around he meant it, nor whether the pursuees are only the caravan or also the bandits or whether the pursuers are the town defenders or the bandits]

Cruxophim cheerfully reasons, "At least you're not the last one now."

[General] Lylia thinks, "This is the first? I was mystified when she painted herself as a hero of Wehnimer's Landing while attempting to bribe the mayor's office into doing her bidding in exchange for food for the populace as the Blight raged."

Cryheart says, "We had some unexpected turns."

[General] Lylia thinks, "But I may have had a longer acquaintance with her ways."

Speaking calmly to Leafiara, Cruxophim inquires, "Have you parleyed with Mother?"

[General] Leafiara thinks, "Agree or not, I could understand it. This I can't even understand."

[General] Lylia thinks, "Baffling to me as well. I agree."

Fire in the Hills

Plumes of dark smoke rise up from the area of the Sentoph as screams fill the night and the tips of flames lick at the sky.

[by this point all groups are converged at Voln]

Speaking to Cruxophim, Leafiara says, "I tried to send word to her to stand down much earlier."

Malluch's jaw drops.

Maelkyth exclaims, "Aha!"

Roelon deeply says, "We must hurry."

Tolida says, "Er."

Malluch says, "GO."

Cryheart says, "We were close."

The ghostly voice of Iskandr says, "Would love to go."

Speaking to Cryheart, Leafiara says, "The Sentoph."

The Symbol of Need begins to burn in your mind and an image appears before you of Dergoatean...

[Upper Trollfang, Sentoph]

You stand at the base of a harsh, craggy mountain. The few trees in sight are greyish-green, their leaves sparse. The ground here is rocky and uneven, the footing dangerous to the unwary. You also see a crackling fire, a crackling fire, a crackling fire, a crackling fire, a crackling fire, some blackened smoldering corpses, some blackened smoldering corpses, a scorched covered wagon, a scorched covered wagon and a scorched covered wagon.

Speaking to Cryheart, Guarrin urges, "Sir, let's move."

[Leafi fogs ahead]

[Upper Trollfang, Sentoph]

You stand at the base of a harsh, craggy mountain. The few trees in sight are greyish-green, their leaves sparse. The ground here is rocky and uneven, the footing dangerous to the unwary. You also see the fiery red Hapenlok disk, a crackling fire, a crackling fire, a crackling fire, a crackling fire, a crackling fire, some blackened smoldering corpses, some blackened smoldering corpses, a scorched covered wagon, a scorched covered wagon and a scorched covered wagon.

Also here: Hapenlok, Dergoatean

Chamorr heartily says, "Move."

Dergoatean says, "More to the north."

[General] Nickonai asks, "Is anyone lockpicking while all this is going on?"

[General] Umbazi thinks, "Well, it looks like someone did decide to burn the wagons."

Leafiara says, "We can't put out the fires..." [well, couldn't yet anyway; sancted area]

Cryheart says, "Folks, attacking trolls slows us down."

[General] Kashern thinks, "All locksmiths are gone thanks to Voln."

Dergoatean says, "Thanks, though."

Leafiara wryly says, "Well, it *was* worth a shot."

[General] Nickonai thinks, "Hmm, looks like it."

[General] Ysharra thinks, "Lord Morvule probably killed fewer people at this point."

[General] Clunk thinks, "Fires."

[General] Pietra thinks, "There's the locksmith pool..."

Pukk asks, "So, where is Zoso?"

[Upper Trollfang, Dead Path]

At a fork in the trail stands a dead tree. A little clearing opens to the north. You also see a sleek tabby cat, a lanky grey wolf, the Chamorr disk, a translucent mist-shrouded spirit that is flying around, a massive snowy white tiger, a raven that is flying around, a fat tabby cat, an ember-eyed fire wyrdling, a simple tanik coffer and a southeast path.

Also here: Tsarok, Vaemyr, Great Lord Elanthil, Roelon, Luminary Berkana, Guarrin, Pietra, Grand Lord Asben, Lord Malluch, Ceilia, Yakushi, Xorus, Jiarine, Imperatrix Lylia, Lord Thrassus, Lord Chamorr, Bernadette, Calael, Nightflame, Pukk, Sir Cryheart, Dergoatean

Chamorr heartily says, "Time out."

[people getting set on fire, people putting out fires]

Cryheart asks, "What the?"

Speaking to Beldannon, Pukk exclaims, "You're on fire tonight!"

Pietra says, "Fall."

[General] Clunk thinks, "Watch fer fires on Sentoph."

Pukk says, "Stop, drop and roll."

Leafiara says, "Practically the whole mountain is on fire."

Bernadette softly says, "Roll."

Cryheart says, "Drop and roll."

Malluch asks, "Did...did you see the wagons?"

Nightflame quietly says, "Fires on Sentoph."

Cryheart says, "Moving."

Leafiara says, "And the area is too--magically protected for now to put them out with magical water."

Roelon deeply says, "Over there..."

Cryheart says, "Stop attacking the orcs please."

Leafiara says, "The wagons are over there."

Sir Cryheart's group just went west.

[Upper Trollfang, Sentoph]

You stand at the base of a harsh, craggy mountain. The few trees in sight are greyish-green, their leaves sparse. The ground here is rocky and uneven, the footing dangerous to the unwary. You also see a crackling fire, a crackling fire, a crackling fire, a crackling fire, a crackling fire, some blackened smoldering corpses, some blackened smoldering corpses, a scorched covered wagon, a scorched covered wagon, a scorched covered wagon and obvious signs of someone hiding.

Also here: Dergoatean, Pukk, Nightflame, Calael, Bernadette, Lord Chamorr, Lord Thrassus, Imperatrix Lylia, Jiarine, Xorus, Yakushi, Ceilia, Lord Malluch, Grand Lord Asben, Pietra, Guarrin, Luminary Berkana, Roelon, Great Lord Elanthil, Vaemyr, Sir Cryheart

[Merchant] Beldannon: "That was some hot fire."

[Merchant] Beldannon: "Made it back to town alive."

Cryheart says, "Fires."

[fire brigade duty]

Pukk says, "Give Guarrin enough ale and he will eventually be able to put out the fires."

[General] Clunk thinks, "I got back to Voln, seen whol lotta burnin corps's."

Malluch trembles.

Speaking to Pukk, Pietra says, "Or make them worse."

Guarrin responds, "I don't drink."

Speaking to Malluch, Leafiara asks, "Who were they?"

[General] Clunk thinks, "Corpses on Sentoph."

[General] Leafiara thinks, "We could use healers, water buckets, and mages here on the Sentoph."

Maelkyth exclaims, "Why are we fighting?!"

The ghostly voice of Pukk exclaims, "I'm a flaming queen!"

Cryheart says, "Bah."

The voice of Pietra says, "We're fighting fire..."

[General] Cryheart thinks, "Need fire brigade on the sentoph."

Cryheart says, "Pukk is north."

[General] Pietra asks, "There are buckets in Moot Hall, yes?"

[General] Beldannon thinks, "There is a way to fill the buckets at the well isn't there."

[General] Dergoatean thinks, "Getting some."

[General] Clunk thinks, "I gots this thing about avoidin buckets."

Dergoatean recites:

"Grab the buckets!"

Dergoatean recites:

"Pour on the fires!"

One of the scorched corpses twitches still, a blackened hand reaching up, perhaps in one last defiant gesture, or a muscle spasm in death.

[General] Pathragers thinks, "The Landing is full of heathens, let it burn."

Malluch glances at Leafiara.

Dergoatean says, "That's... ugly."

Speaking to Malluch, Leafiara asks, "Who were they?"

Malluch says, "The Rooks....."

Malluch clenches his jaw.

[General] Clunk thinks, "Beware, them burnin corpses will git fire on ye."

Malluch's entire body tenses as he tightens his grip on his imflass blade.

[Society] Clunk thinks, "Beware, them burnin corpses will git fire on ye."

Thrassus says, "As I said before, this is a new low even for them."

Dergoatean asks, "How'd they come up with a prism gear thing like that?"

Roelon deeply says, "There is more..."

Xorus says, "On the bright side, burning down the forest on Sentoph will make the Obsidian Tower feel more like Sharath."

Speaking to Dergoatean, Ceilia says, "Whatever it is, we should source some for defense."

Malluch says, "They came here to hear my message..."

Elanthil says, "Search for survivors."

Leafiara says, "There are more fires all about..."

Malluch says, "To find new hope...."

Lylia says, "Oil. They were burned quickly."

Cryheart says, "Fires northward."

Sir Cryheart's group just went north.

[Upper Trollfang, Sentoph]

A thick fog clings to Sentoph on this side. Chilly grey tendrils of fog wind through the rocks and in between the branches of the half-dead trees. They remind you of ghostly grey tentacles, and send a shiver down your back. You also see a crackling fire, a crackling fire, a crackling fire, a crackling fire, a crackling fire, a crackling fire, some blackened smoldering corpses, some blackened smoldering corpses, a scorched covered wagon, a scorched covered wagon, a scorched covered wagon and obvious signs of someone hiding.

Speaking to Malluch, Leafiara asks, "There's nothing you can do here? Truly nothing?"

Aleyi softly says, "Ugh."

Speaking to Malluch, Ysharra says, "I get the feeling your ability is more for those with special injuries and sicknesses."

Speaking to Malluch, Ysharra says, "You healed Alvyara in seconds. From what she had from Vlashandra's treatment of her."

Xorus says, "This is fine."

Malluch trembles.

Vaemyr says, "So much unneeded death."

Malluch says, "I..."

Malluch lowers his blades to his sides, staring at the soup of bodies.

Speaking to Malluch, Vaemyr says, "If you do have power do something."

[General] Yavs thinks, "How's the triage out there?"

Lylia says, "I can do little with my hands so badly burned."

Speaking to Malluch, Ysharra says, "You think it'd be different, this time."

Cryheart says, "Sad to see all these bodies."

Bernadette softly says, "Aye."

Roelon deeply says, "Children...the elderly.."

Cryheart says, "Sorry this happened."

Malluch says, "They just wanted a chance..."

Viva says, "Bucket brigade is here."

Dergoatean grimly says, "More to the northwest."

Speaking to Malluch, Leafiara says, "We were all wondering why someone rumored to grant immortality would request protection. So that only extends to the living, then..."

Cryheart says, "Moving."

Sir Cryheart's group just went northwest.

[Upper Trollfang, Sentoph]

The path winds through a tumble of boulders, jagged rocks ranging between the size of your fist and the size of the Moot Hall in Wehnimer's. Your range of vision is limited to the next rock, and the trail beneath your feet -- the boulders cut off any sight of the mountain or the slopes, or, in places, even the sky. You also see a grey orc, a grey orc, a grey orc, a crackling fire, a crackling fire, a crackling fire, a crackling fire, some blackened smoldering corpses, a scorched covered wagon, a scorched covered wagon, a scorched covered wagon and obvious signs of someone hiding.

Bernadette softly says, "More folk."

Ysharra says, "Ouch."

Dergoatean recites:

"Fresh batch of buckets on the ground"

Ysharra says, "These aren't the actions of someone worried about a zealot."

Asben says, "Ooo that was fun."

Ysharra says, "This is personal."

Clunk deeply asks, "Nuff?"

Asben says, "Nothing I love more than catching on fire."

Speaking to Ysharra, Leafiara asks, "It seems to be. But if it's about the past history with Malluch, then why not attack... Malluch?"

Roelon deeply says, "Ugh.."

Speaking to Malluch, Ysharra asks, "What's going on, here?"

Faerinn says, "If Mother is looking for the next Chaston she should be checking a mirror. Look at this mess."

Speaking to Clunk, Guarrin asks, "Have I told you how good your timing is lately?"

Malluch trembles.

Clunk deeply says, "Som'n start a fire."

Thrassus says, "Likely because they know they cannot best him directly."

[General] Junarra thinks, "Nevermind."

Vaemyr says, "Mass butchery is what's going on here."

Faerinn says, "This was far too big of cost."

Speaking to Malluch, Leafiara asks, "Who were they? Putting aside what they wanted, who were they? Is there any explanation for what the Rooks fear so much here?"

Leafiara says, "It can't be as simple as they've made it out to be."

Malluch says, "They were, living people."

Chamorr heartily says, "Lost, all lost."

Malluch says, "Some ill from the krolvin fog...."

Clunk deeply asks, "Who needs a bucket?"

The ghostly voice of Elanthil says, "Umm."

Ysharra says, "Who were coming to see you."

Thrassus says, "It is. The Rooks are blind with the desire for vengance, obviously."

The ghostly voice of Elanthil says, "Still dead."

Bernadette softly says, "I gots one thanks."

Malluch says, "Some blind at birth...I...I've heard they are lost. Some even hopeless."

The ghostly voice of Elanthil says, "Still being dragged."

Hapenlok says, "I can't seem to get rid of this dead guy..."

Hapenlok says, "For the love of."

Speaking to Elanthil, Maelkyth says, "That's because no one has raised you."

Speaking to Malluch, Faerinn asks, "And Mother rather see them dead than with you. Why?"

The ghostly voice of Elanthil exclaims, "Well, all you people who wished I would go die in a got your wish!"

Malluch glances at Leafiara.

Leafiara looks thoughtfully at Malluch.

Hapenlok says, "Because I keep dragging him with me."

Cryheart says, "Rain has stopped."

Viva says, "Got more buckets."

Hapenlok asks, "Anyone wanna raise him here?"

Speaking to Faerinn, Leafiara agrees, "That's the question."

Malluch says, "This will not deter me."

Malluch clenches his jaw.

Hapenlok says, "It's safe...ish."

Iskandr says, "I felt strange giving these Rooks this leeway, and after rising from the dead, I now agree with my previous self more than before."

[General] Paiyot asks, "Is the world still on fire?"

Speaking to Malluch, Ysharra says, "Is that so? Then get started."

Cryheart says, "All the fires are out it seems."

[General] Chamorr thinks, "We didn't start the fire."

Hapenlok says, "Incidentally, this wasn't my work. This was what I was trying to avoid."

Clunk deeply asks, "Too late?"

Speaking to Cruxophim, Maelkyth exclaims, "That's pretty snazzy!"

Roelon deeply says, "What good does their death serve..."

Hapenlok says, "I saw that accusatory stare."

[General] Bialstoc thinks, "That was so bad, Bear."

Cryheart says, "Is fine..and thanks."

Malluch clenches his jaw.

[General] Kashern thinks, "Hopefully, this world needs to die."

Malluch says, "The Rooks are butchers..."

Malluch nods at Leafiara.

Clunk deeply says, "This ain't normal."

Cryheart says, "Well..if it is the Rooks."

Thrassus says, "They killed those helpless folk simply to hurt Malluch."

Vaemyr asks, "Are we sure the Rooks did this?"

Speaking to Malluch, Ysharra says, "No argument."

Malluch says, "...and you're just as dangerous if you keep their company."

Malluch glares at Leafiara.

Cryheart says, "We dinnae hae evidence it was the Rooks."

Speaking to Malluch, Leafiara asks, "Can you call Grishom? Can *he* raise them?"

Speaking to Malluch, Ysharra asks, "But why did they do this to helpless pilgrims?"

Xorus says, "I would fire a butcher for this kind of charring."

Speaking evenly to Malluch, Cruxophim remarks, "It would seem any idiot can put on a mask and play Koar."

Cryheart says, "If we find more nice with the Rooks."

Speaking heartily to Leafiara, Chamorr says, "What are you doin."

Speaking to Malluch, Hapenlok adds, "Like any idiot can put on a cape and claim to be a hero."

Malluch growls ferociously!

Speaking deeply to Leafiara, Roelon asks, "What kind of blood god cannae even do something so simple aye?"

Speaking to Roelon, Leafiara says, "That is the question."

Speaking quietly to Malluch, Nightflame says, "Before you leave the Landing, I wanna hear more of dis Immortality offerin God."

Speaking to Malluch, Hapenlok says, "You were just a butcher like whoever was responsible for this."

Speaking to Malluch, Hapenlok says, "And you're bending the knee to one."

Speaking to Malluch, Leafiara says, "I've never kept their company, despite the rampant rumors."

Malluch clangs the curved blades of his imflass swords together and storms off, wisps of red light coiling up from his hands.

Speaking deeply to Leafiara, Roelon says, "One without answers it seems."

(OOC) Vaemyr's player whispers to the group, "We might be in another instance though at the moment, we were before so you might not be able to run here."

Pietra says, "Sexy blades, though."

Leafiara says, "Cast blame where you want and kill me if you want. I probably deserve it, for entirely different reasons."

Cryheart asks, "Someone hiding?"

Leafiara asks, "Where... did he go?"

Vaemyr asks, "He ran off?"

Thrassus says, "Well, now they have made a mistake it seems."

Yavs raspily says, "Where's he off to then."

Vaemyr says, "That's not good."

Vaemyr says, "He's going to start a riot."

Leafiara says, "...he's heading for the town."

Speaking to Leafiara, Viva says, "Can't blame yourself Mayor."

Vaemyr says, "Take out the Rooks."

Leafiara says, "That's the only possible answer."

Yavs raspily asks, "Back to town?"

Speaking casually to Leafiara, Cruxophim jokes, "I'll kill you, if you really want. But don't let him get you down."

Faerinn says, "He's seen enough I guess."

Vaemyr says, "We need to get back to town."

Cryheart asks, "Back to town, Mayor?"

Leafiara says, "Move."

Leafiara says, "He's heading for the tunnels."

Iskandr says, "This town, Gods be damned."

Leafiara says, "Just like in 5118."

Pietra says, "But I have all these buckets."

Clunk deeply asks, "I is in right place fer helpin?"

[someone fogs us back to Voln, then Cryheart heads for Moot Hall]

Clunk deeply says, "Duzznt like it much, but I brung buckets."

Xorus says, "When Thrayzar is back we can have all three Rones battle it out in a tournament of champions."

[Town Square, East]

Here in the center of a broad plaza near the commercial area of the bazaar stands the impressive facade of the slate-roofed Moot Hall, where the citizens of Wehnimer's Landing hold various official, religious and social functions. Facing the square are some of the town's more prosperous shops, still doing business with the many customers who still frequent the streets at night. You also see a large purple wooden barrel, a faded circle of smeared blood along the side of Moot Hall, a burled haon raffle stand draped with Aspis-crested silk with some stuff on it, a trail of glittering platinum musical notes leading east and a fluttering emerald green banner bearing the silver Argent Aspis crest.

Speaking to Clunk, Pietra says, "Buckets are good."

Speaking to Clunk, Maelkyth says, "Help wherever you go, then it's always the right place."

[General] Leafiara asks, "Malluch, if you have an issue with anyone, take it up with me. You've owed me a killing for a while, right?"

Pukk says, "By all the Arkati and Cruxophim, that was fun."

Speaking to Xorus, Ysharra says, "I'll lay coin on Thadston."

[General] Cryheart thinks, "We are back in town by Moot Hall."

Speaking to Xorus, Dergoatean says, "It'll be almost as good as a mayoral candidate duel."

Speaking affably to Xorus, Cruxophim suggests, "A Battle Rone-all."

Speaking to Cryheart, Leafiara says, "The tunnels. He's probably moving on the Rooks."

Speaking deeply to Pietra, Clunk says, "Ye stopp sayin that whne one falls on yer head."

Vaemyr asks, "Should we try and check the tents outside?"

Xorus says, "The one and only proper way to elect mayors."

Speaking to Leafiara, Ceilia asks, "Alone?"

Cryheart says, "Perhaps."

Vaemyr says, "I'm worried he might be gathering an army..."

Hapenlok says, "I think you lot have done enough tonight."

Speaking to Ceilia, Leafiara says, "If he's really immortal, then yes. Of course, alone."

Viva says, "Well guess I can mark one off on my bucket list."

Speaking to Clunk, Lylia says, "Thank you for bringing the buckets."

Speaking to Asben, Jiarine says, "Have fun talking in circles all night with the locals. It usually accomplishes nothing and is a waste of breath."

Speaking to Hapenlok, Pietra says, "Killed bandits? That's what we did..."

Speaking gently to Leafiara, Cruxophim suggests, "Rest, I'm sure there will be more to deal with tomorrow."

Lylia says, "They were quite a help."

Mother of All Problems

Mother emerges from the shadows of an alley.

Maelkyth exclaims, "I think there's still something alive between here and Solhaven... surely we can't give up now!"

Pukk exclaims, "Hi Mother!"

Speaking to Mother, Leafiara says, "I take it my message didn't reach you in time."

Speaking to Mother, Dergoatean says, "Well this is awkward."

Speaking to Mother, Faerinn asks, "Have fun tonight?"

Mother softly says, "It did reach me."

Leafiara glances at Mother.

Cryheart says, "Thanks."

Lylia flatly says, "Oh, good."

Speaking to Mother, Ysharra says, "You just chose differently."

Mother softly says, "The Brotherhood is not responsible."

Speaking to Mother, Leafiara says, "And you chose to act quicker because of that--"

Leafiara peers quizzically at Mother.

Speaking to Mother, Vaemyr says, "Please tell me you didn't do it."

Speaking to Mother, Dergoatean asks, "Who was?"

Speaking to Mother, Leafiara asks, "Framed? That's your claim?"

Speaking to Mother, Faerinn asks, "Then who?"

Speaking to Mother, Cruxophim inquires, "Oh heavens, a setup?"

Leafiara says, "It's true we found no masks out there, I noted."

Speaking to Mother, Iskandr says, "Would love to know who but an arrow in my head."

Speaking insincerely to Mother, Cruxophim laments, "Oh no."

Maelkyth exclaims, "Vlashandra did it!"

Vaemyr says, "Stone..."

Cryheart asks, "Mother, do ye hae evidence of who did it?"

Lylia asks, "And your word on this matters because...?"

Speaking to Mother, Hapenlok asks, "Then ....who?"

Pukk asks, "I didn't get a good look at them. Were they dressed as Rooks?"

Mother softly says, "We do not know."

Vaemyr says, "Stone could of done it."

Yavs raspily says, "Lots of bodies on the hills."

Speaking deeply to Leafiara, Roelon asks, "It did seem convenient aye?"

Clunk deeply exclaims, "Orin!"

Leafiara says, "You have to realize it would be very easy for you to simply tell the Rooks not to wear masks in this situation, and why others are suspicious."

Dergoatean says, "I blame Riend."

Beldannon quietly says, "Honestly I don't think the crooks er excuse me Rooks would have done this."

Viva says, "Perhaps the Blood Son did it himself, knowing he could not actually heal all those followers."

Speaking to Mother, Faerinn says, "I guess find out, and fast."

Speaking to Mother, Ysharra says, "You'd best find out. It sure looked like they were following your suggestion that they be turned back with arrows."

Speaking quietly to Clunk, Nightflame says, "Yes it is."

Bernadette softly says, "Who sent all ems Bannits."

Vaemyr says, "He's always had a thing for backstabbing even his own servants, the Blood Son would be no different."

Cruxophim wryly reminds, "Like I said... anyone can put on a mask and play judge, jury, and executioner."

Speaking to Mother, Ysharra says, "Dead bodies of children. Elderly."

Speaking to Mother, Iskandr asks, "If the Rooks weren't our attackers, what were the Rooks doing this night?"

Speaking quietly to Clunk, Nightflame says, "And I gots special news for you."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Dergoatean exclaims, "Look at me! I'm an entire judicial system!"

Speaking to Iskandr, Pietra says, "Probably playing chess."

Speaking to Mother, Hapenlok asks, "Let me guess, stood down as requested?"

Cryheart whispers something to Leviathoar.

Speaking to Mother, Faerinn says, "Extraordinary claims, require extraordinary evidence."

Speaking cheerfully to Dergoatean, Cruxophim teases, "You're an entire... something!"

Leafiara says, "Of all the times for Balley not to be here."

Mother softly says, "We stood our ground on the roofs, the wagons never arrived."

Speaking to Leafiara, Maelkyth exclaims, "She's sleepy!"

Pukk asks, "I wonder if somebody, Malluch, hired some bandits to attack the group, so he would save the day or some such?"

Mother softly says, "We still had no intention of allowing them entrance."

Speaking quietly to Clunk, Nightflame says, "I've figured out how to enchant it."

Thrassus says, "Convenient."

Speaking to Pukk, Dergoatean says, "Not the best save tonight..."

Leafiara says, "If Mother's claim is true, we need someone like a Balley or Stormyrain to try to divine the past."

Speaking to Mother, Ysharra says, "Children and elderly and injured people."

Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok asks, "Can you have some of the bodies brought back?"

Mother glances at Ysharra.

Ysharra frowns at Mother.

Speaking to Dergoatean, Pukk asks, "Or make Rooks look bad?"

Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "Exactly what I was going to say."

Speaking to Leafiara, Dergoatean says, "Plenty of corpses out there to serenade."

Hapenlok says, "You know."

Speaking to Hapenlok, Leafiara says, "'s probably a bit late, but we can try."

Elanthil says, "Bring me a corpse and I shall study its entrails."

Speaking teasingly to Elanthil, Cruxophim scolds, "Get in line."

Faerinn says, "Doesn't take much to make them look bad. Do most of the work themselves."

Speaking quietly to Leafiara, Beldannon says, "I wouldn't say the Rooks are innocent by any means, just think they might not have done this."

Dergoatean says, "If we could find a piece of that explosive device, that would be worth some research as well."

Speaking to Mother, Pietra asks, "So... what now?"

Speaking heartily to Leafiara, Chamorr says, "Did you see all the bloodguard and wagons."

Leafiara asks, "Even if it were a setup, how could Malluch have anticipated this?"

Mother softly says, "Many of us have seen Chaston's cruelty, the Brotherhood are your families, your friends, your children. We will not allow such seeds to grow root here again, whomever they call themselves."

Speaking to Chamorr, Pukk asks, "You're just in time. Can you cut open my gut and let Elanthil look at your entrails?"

Mother softly says, "But we did not do this."

Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "Stone."

Leafiara says, "If he were still following Jastev, I could understand how he could--"

Speaking suddenly to Hapenlok, Leafiara says, "Good point."

Speaking to Leafiara, Ceilia says, "Perhaps he's a pawn as well."

Speaking to Mother, Ysharra says, "For someone who claims to be wanting to defend the Landing, you appear to want to do it by killing what the Landing is."

Speaking to Mother, Ysharra asks, "What sort of choice is that?"

Speaking heartily to Mother, Chamorr asks, "You dinna do this?"

Speaking deeply to Nightflame, Clunk asks, "Dwarf blades need 'chantin?"

Speaking to Mother, Faerinn says, "And yet it serves your purpose and goals."

Mother softly says, "We were prepared to bar entrance into town. The wagons never arrived."

Speaking to Leafiara, Vaemyr says, "As you said before, this is the only thing you couldn't understand of what Mother has done, it's possible this is all the truth."

Speaking calmly to Mother, Cruxophim inquires, "What do you believe to be the correlation between Malluch and Chaston? Mere zealotry? Raznel?"

Speaking absently to Vaemyr, Leafiara says, "Anything's possible. We have to investigate."

Pukk asks, "Or maybe Malluch got rid of them because he couldn't handle all of them?"

Roelon deeply says, "This does feel ah Stone thing to do. To push Malluch, and give him credibility."

Mother softly says, "More zealotry."

Speaking quietly to Clunk, Nightflame says, "Oh, dey don't need it, its a gift for this one."

Iskandr asks, "So if not Rooks and if Malluch was with us getting shot while the caravans burn....who then?"

Mother softly says, "We will not see our townspeople swayed."

Speaking to Mother, Hapenlok says, "We were under the impression you were going to meet them in the field."

Mother softly says, "We are not sheep."

Speaking to Mother, Faerinn says, "I have your next lead to find a new Chaston."

Speaking to Mother, Ysharra says, "That's not your decision to make."

Mother softly says, "We are lions."

Faerinn shows Mother his obsidian mirror.

Thrassus says, "Buzzards, more like it."

Speaking wryly to Mother, Cruxophim jests, "Some of us are other things."

Clunk deeply asks, "How ye stand GROUND on ROOF?"

Speaking seriously to Mother, Leafiara says, "We will get to the bottom of this somehow. I don't know whether I believe you here, though I'd like to."

Speaking lightly to Clunk, Cruxophim ventures, "Carefully?"

Speaking to Clunk, Maelkyth says, "Rooftop gardens."

Lylia scornfully says, "Lions. You withheld aid so I would do your bidding during the Blight."

Pukk says, "I believe Mother."

Speaking to Mother, Ysharra says, "You disgust me. Saying you're defending a town from ideals, while the sick and the afflicted get butchered outside."

Mother glances at Lylia.

Speaking to Mother, Faerinn says, "Or if you'd rather. I have a bleakstone mirror to gaze into."

Speaking to Mother, Ysharra asks, "What gives you the right?"

Speaking quietly to Clunk, Nightflame says, "Dats known as 'Higher Ground' to some dem believing types."

Lylia says, "I have never forgotten. And I do not forgive it."

Mother peers quizzically at Faerinn.

Speaking to Mother, Ysharra says, "My mother sold me minutes after I was born, and she was kinder than you."

Speaking to Ysharra, Iskandr says, "She has profit margins and influence to worry about."

Speaking ruefully to Ysharra, Cruxophim laments, "I missed that opportunity."

Speaking deeply to Nightflame, Clunk asks, "Mount'ns?"

Speaking to Mother, Faerinn says, "Perhaps the next Chaston is in this one then."

Faerinn shows Mother his blood marble mirror.

Mother softly says, "Zealotry is as dangerous a blight as the witch's disease."

Speaking heartily to Mother, Chamorr says, "Tell us what you did, tonight."

Guarrin adds, "All forms of it."

Cryheart says, "The wagons were going to be outside of town anyway."

Speaking to Mother, Ysharra says, "All you did was escalate it."

Speaking to Mother, Faerinn says, "With your own zealotry."

Speaking to Ysharra, Hapenlok says, "Someone did. Prove it was her crew."

Lylia says, "I do not disagree with you, for what that is worth -- which is why I despised seeing people kneel to you and your ruddy ring."

Speaking to Hapenlok, Faerinn says, "Prove it wasn't."

Mother softly says, "You despised it because they kissed my ring, not yours."

Speaking to Mother, Lylia says, "You seem less inclined to dislike zealotry when it is directed at you."

Speaking to Mother, Iskandr says, "Zealotry is sticking to rooves while people die because you only care about your power."

Cryheart says, "If some Imperials had loved ones in those wagons, there might be lornon to pay."

Speaking to Mother, Leafiara acknowledges, "It does stretch credibility that you didn't see us moving southward with Malluch, or signs of the battles in the woods. Why did you stay in town?"

Mother softly says, "On the stage of Lylia, you left no room for others. A shame."

Speaking to Mother, Ysharra says, "You didn't know what they would do. You just declared sick people unwelcome. They died out there."

Speaking to Mother, Ysharra says, "I bet you didn't even see the bodies."

Speaking to Mother, Ysharra says, "I did. If you go there now, you will, too."

Speaking to Ysharra, Hapenlok says, "And given who that pawn serves? They would have died here."

Lylia replies, "I did not ask for any recompense for what I gave during the Blight."

Speaking to Leafiara, Radeek says, "Plausable deniability...gots no idea what it means, but I heards it once'd."

Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk asks, "Weren't we just talking about this earlier and how people wanted the Rooks to stay out of it?"

Speaking to Mother, Ysharra says, "And you can explain your fears to the children's corpses."

Speaking to Ysharra, Faerinn says, "She should have been able to smell them from here though."

Mother softly says, "We stood our ground in town. I received your word."

Leafiara looks thoughtfully at Mother.

Leafiara nods slowly.

Mother softly says, "Do not warn us to stand down, and then ask why we do not follow."

Speaking vociferously to Mother, Cruxophim suggests, "If you and your kin want to help, you could at least arrange to reclaim the bodies for a proper burial."

Speaking heartily to Leafiara, Chamorr says, "If the Rooks dinna do this, who did."

Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk asks, "I thought you told her to stand down and stay out of it?"

Faerinn shows Mother his glass mirror.

Mother softly says, "We stood down, you question us. If we followed, you would have questioned us."

Speaking to Chamorr, Leafiara says, "A setup, then... that is the claim."

Speaking to Mother, Faerinn asks, "Maybe this one then?"

Speaking to Mother, Pietra says, "Sounds very confusing."

Speaking to Cryheart, Radeek says, "Lemme guess...Rooks took what were a peaceful sit'ation, an' turned it inta a bloodbath."

Speaking to Mother, Leafiara says, "That's fair. I apologize, though as said earlier, we'll find a way to look into this."

Mother glances at Faerinn.

Speaking to Mother, Ysharra says, "You are thieves and killers. And I haven't forgotten the sadistic choice you gave Lylia."

Speaking to Mother, Pukk says, "You would be blamed if you went or if you stayed."

Speaking quietly to Mother, Nightflame says, "You speak in tongues, you protected your assets, thats it."

Lylia insincerely says, "Oh, poor you. You were going to be condemned roundly no matter what? Well, you may as well be mayor, if that is the way of it."

Cryheart says, "We hae no evidence it was Rooks, yet."

Speaking to Mother, Thrassus says, "Those 'bandits' used Rook tactics against us."

Pietra whispers something to Pukk.

Cryheart says, "It was all bandits by appearance."

Speaking to Mother, Hapenlok says, "You know, after Rysus and Drangell? I think I'm actually going to like you."

Mother softly says, "Of course they did."

Speaking to Lylia, Pukk says, "Owlie is going to be mayor next."

Speaking to Mother, Vaemyr says, "Help us investigate then, we can then share some information after we also investigate. If everything is true, our efforts will lead to fruit."

Leafiara says, "The main curiosity in all of this is the prisms."

Speaking to Lylia, Maelkyth asks, "Well, no.. what would Leafi do with all her free time?"

Cryheart says, "But why, that is the question."

Speaking to Cryheart, Guarrin asks, "Weren't some of them wearing those beaked masks?"

Speaking to Cryheart, Radeek says, "Uh'er will neither I reckon. Kinda da way stuff happens here'bouts."

Speaking amusedly to Thrassus, Cruxophim remarks, "At this point, I'd have a harder time believing who's not trying to be a Rook."

Mother softly says, "If you want to frame a lion, you don't squawk, you roar."

Cryheart says, "I was too busy defending myself."

Leafiara says, "Malluch worked with Praxopius, so it does stand to reason he could have learned how the prisms are made."

Cryheart asks, "Did you see masks?"

Speaking to Mother, Pietra asks, "Don't you have to get some wood and canvas first?"

Speaking to Mother, Maelkyth says, "Does chittering work? I'm good at that."

Speaking to Cryheart, Guarrin agrees, "Aye, thought I saw some moving before we went into the trollfang."

Leafiara adds, "And we've never seen the Rooks deploy prisms even against Raznel's armies, only the crimson orbs."

Speaking to Maelkyth, Lylia says, "I believe Leafiara is well acquainted already, as is Cruxophim, with being vilified regardless of choices."

Speaking wryly to Lylia, Leafiara says, "Yeah, it's only every day."

Lylia smiles wryly and adds, "It is one of the perks of the office. Along with a comfortable chair."

Speaking to Mother, Faerinn says, "You are mixing your animal metaphors up something fierce."

Speaking nonchalantly to Maelkyth, Cruxophim muses, "You get used to it over the years."

Speaking to Faerinn, Ysharra says, "You have no room to talk about mixing up animals, my friend."

Speaking to Ysharra, Elanthil says, "Moo."

Speaking curiously to Mother, Cruxophim wonders, "How do spines figure into it?"

Xorus says, "There were prisms in varied states of construction when Malluch was working out of Drangell's old lair."

Speaking to Ysharra, Elanthil says, "Baaah."

Speaking to Mother, Hapenlok says, "You know the world's turning upside down when I'm agreeing with your side."

Speaking to Cryheart, Pietra says, "Sleepy."

Speaking to Ysharra, Faerinn says, "I at least know a lion is a not a bird."

Leafiara says, "I was about to suggest we search the tunnels for prisms, but even if we find them, they could have been planted."

Speaking to Xorus, Ceilia says, "Is that so."

Xorus says, "It is so."

Leafiara says, "I'm beginning to wonder if Malluch holds a grudge against me for not interrupting Stormyrain's ritual to capture him."

Speaking to Ysharra, Faerinn says, "Its a kind of bear-cat hybrid."

Lylia says, "I recall seeing them there, too."

Pietra says, "I'm gonna curl up and pass out..."

Speaking seriously to Faerinn, Cruxophim worries, "Oh, you aren't familiar with birdlions?"

Clunk deeply says, "Prisms gots a way of twistin the Light."

Guarrin whispers something to Cryheart.

Pietra exclaims, "Goodnight everyone and Mother!"

Cryheart whispers something to Guarrin.

Speaking sternly to Faerinn, Cruxophim warns, "It's a real problem round these parts."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Elanthil asks, "Birdlions sure...but what about Jackalopes?"

Speaking wryly to Hapenlok, Leafiara agrees, "Oh, we do indeed know."

Pukk exclaims, "Night Pie eater!"

Speaking to Pukk, Pietra says, "Night punkinpukk."

Mother squints.

Speaking to Melikor, Ysharra says, "I believe it's also my turn."

Speaking amicably to Iskandr, Cruxophim apologizes, "Sorry about all the arrows."

Chamorr heartily says, "Well, all those folks are now martyrs."

Radeek mutters, "Bloodguard, poses as Rooks..wipes out caravan, blames Rooks. Wehnimers Landin' folks take up arms ag'in Rooks, takin em outta da picture...all right a'fore Stone comes ta town..."

Pukk exclaims, "He sees it!"

Speaking to Chamorr, Leafiara says, "Which was what we wanted to avoid, but also it happens to suit Malluch..."

Iskandr says, "I laugh at coming here to discern threats to the east because it seems like damn near all sides are threats to the east."

Elanthil says, "I think you people are overthinking things."

Pukk exclaims, "That is what I was saying!"

Mother softly says, "There was nothing to gain by butchering the caravan far from town."

Chamorr heartily says, "And, Malluch has a rallying cry."

Cruxophim speculates, "Seems a little too easy. Not really Stone's flavor."

Maelkyth exclaims, "Thinking is overrated!"

Speaking to Mother, Hapenlok says, "Get us riled up against your side."

Speaking curiously to Mother, Leafiara asks, "Elaborate?"

Mother softly says, "We promised to protect the town and prevent them from entering."

Speaking to Mother, Ysharra asks, "...there was something to gain by butchering it closer?"

Speaking to Mother, Hapenlok says, "Like Radeek said."

Speaking to Radeek, Vaemyr says, "That's my theory as well, whether Malluch was directly involved or not, this all screams a Stone setup."

Mother softly says, "But they never even came close to town."

Cryheart says, "Could have likely been an outside force attacking the caravan as well."

Speaking to Vaemyr, Ceilia says, "From ship to slaughter."

Leafiara says, "We found them on the Sentoph... a remote location."

Lylia says, "Stone has no need for this kind of roundabout ploy, not at this point. Regardless of whether you loathe him or not, it is far too indirect for a self-styled 'Blood God.'."

Speaking to Radeek, Pukk says, "I was saying the same thing and nobody was paying attention, you come and say it and then everybody listens."

Chamorr heartily says, "Remember our fallen followers, slaughterd by the non believers of the Landin."

Thrassus says, "Any action by Stone would be far more elaborate and impressive."

Speaking to Radeek, Pukk says, "You're good."

Radeek asks, "How many hunnerds a martyrs to da blood god is layin outside da gates a dis town dis time?"

Speaking to Radeek, Iskandr says, "Sounds credible enough, Malluch himself played a confused man well this eve."

Cruxophim sardonically suggests, "Well, take your pick of any number of insane sects around here."

Speaking to Mother, Hapenlok asks, "Tell me something. Have your side riled up any rival troupes, like the Silver Kings, or the Bay Runners?"

Clunk deeply asks, "Where is folk comin from ifn they is comin thru Sentoph?"

Faerinn says, "If Stone did this he would be here gloating right now."

Mother softly says, "No."

Speaking idly to Thrassus, Cruxophim agrees, "It's too neat."

Speaking to Clunk, Leafiara says, "I don't think they were coming from there--they were led there by the bandits."

Speaking to Lylia, Guarrin asks, "Unless you're trying to pull more worshippers in, no?"

Speaking to Mother, Hapenlok says, "Rysus did that once. That was ...interesting. And that was almost painful for me."

Ceilia says, "His writings suggest he bears quite a grudge."

Ysharra says, "Well. We only have Malluch's word they're even in cahoots."

Speaking deeply to Faerinn, Roelon says, "Perhaps, unless it's purpose was to further Malluch's cause."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Thrassus says, "Not enough blazing crimson light and flying godlings."

Mother softly says, "We did not do this. We will work to uncover who did."

Speaking slowly to Leafiara, Cruxophim suggests, "Any number of parties could have paid off thugs and ruffians to do the dirty work, while remaining spotless."

Leafiara says, "As we've been saying, it's possible Malluch is a rogue agent."

Mother slips back into the shadows.