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Category:Verara's Quest

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Nicknamed "Verara's Quest," this questline started in 2024 at Ebon Gate in Evermore Hollow. Information is fairly vague at this point.


This is a roleplay event that is not part of the primary storyline for 2024 (The Ivsenra's Fate). It is also not to be confused with any of the simucoin-based offerings (Trick or Treat, Arena of the Abyss, or Undergrowth of Bittermere Woods).

  • 10/8: The stable opened up. Verara mentioned she had some plans for the ponies but was still thinking on it. The teacup pig got many hugs--so did Skelly-Belly.
  • 10/12: Verara met with fellow "residents" of Naidem and discussed her hopes to lure ponies to the pasture. She said there used to be a lot of ponies, that all arrived within a short time, but they were scared and ran away. She doesn't remember how long ago this was. Regardless, she indicated Skelly-Belly needs some friends, and she has a plan. Verara asked residents to gather clover, alfalfa, hay, and thistle from local neighborhoods. She also asked for people to nick some carrots from the orchard but not to get caught. She hopes that having food will entice the always-hungry ponies.
  • 10/15: Verara announced that everyone helping her has gathered plenty of food. However, the ponies still have not shown up. She thinks it probably has to do with the fact there's no fresh water running in the stream. Verara is now asking for people to help her dig out the stream, to get it flowing again. She has shovels for anyone who asks.
  • 10/17: The "residents" cleared out the stream, but the ponies did not arrive. Verara let everyone know there was a gjenganger scholar she had been trying to get to come help, but so far she'd been unsuccessful. She advised he usually is in the graveyard. Residents spoke with the scholar (known as Jaelanien) for her, but he insisted that in order for him to have time to help, they would have to help him first. Thus began a tedious quest to dig up proper research materials from a hidden library in the graveyard.
  • 10/26: Satisfied with the amount of research materials brought to him, Jaelanien agreed to go help Verara. An hour later, he arrived at the pasture. There, he explained his theory to the "residents" and Verara about why the ponies have not arrived yet. He explained that the neighborhood of Vigil's End is the home of people that had their previous existence ended violently, and he suspects that is the same for the ponies. As such, the ponies are likely caught in an emotional state tied to their violent end, and they are simply scared. Residents suggested that they create a calming place to help bring the ponies out of this emotional turmoil. Jaelanien agreed that this would be a good idea to try.

Cast of Characters

  • Skelly-Belly, a skeletal pony
  • Verara, a di penates equestrian
  • Jaelanien, a gjenganger scholar

Additional Information

Pages in category "Verara's Quest"

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