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Chefs of Elanthia Cooking Competition

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Koaratos 19, 5119 Competition: Cultural Dishes

Hosted by member Katze. Judged by Katze, Event Planner Leafiara, and Ambassador Neopuron. (All positions relative to the time.)


Katze recites:

"Alright those of you that intend to compete the rules are simple. You wil ACT make a dish in which you create the dish for us, OR you will provide a created dish and DESCRIBE the steps you took in order to create it"

You are nearly scared half to death when a disembodied voice declares softly but urgently right in your ear, "Visit House Twilight for tonight's Affair, there will be refreshments, friends, and of course PRIZES!"

Katze recites:

"Your dish will consist of creation, flavors, and points will be be awarded for the culmination of your creation"

Katze recites:

"Dishes are not limited to food. Beverages and desserts are also welcome. The IMPORTANT thing to remember is tonight's THEME is "Cultural" it has to represent a culture that has EVER existed in Elanthia."

Speaking heartily to Katze, Dwi asks, "Dragon burgers eh?"

Dwi heartily says, "Rufus wont likes dat."

Katze says, "I was expecting at least someone to throw out some drake flank steaks."

Entry #1: Ordim's Frosted Mocha Muffins

(Ordim nearly trips over himself as he rushes to get a bowl, a small sack of flour, a few eggs and other small ingredients.)

(Ordim liberally dumps the ingredients into the bowl one by one. A small pile of dry ingredients piles up in the center.)

Ordim narrows his eyes.

Ordim nods slowly.

(Ordim cracks the eggs on the side of the bowl and dumps the gooey yolks onto the top of the ingredient mountain, sending the yellow treasure on a journey down the side and coming to a rest at the bottom of the bowl.)

Ordim ponders.

Ordim surreptitiously glances at Katze.

(Ordim sneaks up to Katze and borrows a spatula from his apron. He rushes back to the bowl and begins mixing.)

Ordim hums happily to himself as he rummages through his possessions. His tune takes a sudden upbeat turn when he finds a handful of crumbs which he promptly pops into his mouth.

(Ordim sprinkles a few various crumbs from his pocket into the bowl.)

Ordim nods approvingly.

Ordim exclaims, "Oh!"

Ordim flails his arms about.

Relic Hunter Ordim just went through an oven.

Relic Hunter Ordim just arrived.

Ordim nods.

Speaking confidently to Ordim, Katze insists, "An Ordim doesn't break a borrowed spatula I hope."

(Ordim drops a warm chocolate tart into the bowl and mashes it up good with the spatula, bending it in the process.)

(Ordim sneaks back up to Katze and puts the dirty, bent spatula back in his apron.)

Ordim folds his arms across his chest and with a shrug, grins deviously. He must be up to something!

(Ordim ponders the bowl to ensure everything is mixed before grabbing a muffin tin and filling it with the mixture.)

Ordim removes a cast iron muffin tin from in his dark grey satchel.

Ordim sniffs at his muffin tin.

Ordim adopts an agreeable expression.

Ordim rubs his muffin tin.

(Ordim stuffs the muffin tin into the oven and taps his foot impatiently.)

Ordim glances at his silver pocket watch.

Ordim sighs.

Ordim glances at his silver pocket watch.

(Ordim jumps in surprise as a small bell chimes on the oven.)

Ordim beams!

Ordim put a cast iron muffin tin in his dark grey satchel.

(Ordim flips over his muffin tin and dumps the warm muffins on a cooling rack before heading over to the bench and grabbing an icing bag.)

Ordim beams!

Ordim squints.

Ordim licks his lips.

(Ordim begins slowly piping the icing onto each muffin, taking care to make sure that each detail of some as of yet unknown image onto each muffin.)

Ordim narrows his eyes.

Ordim fidgets.

Using the edge of the sleeve of his dark grey surcoat, Ordim wipe the sweat from his face.

Ordim whines, "It's so hot in here."

Ordim furrows his brow.

Ordim perspires delicately.

Ordim puts the final touches on the last of the muffins. Pleased with his work, Ordim carriers the cooling rack over to the judges, presenting them with some Owl-shaped frosted mocha muffins.)

Ordim beams!

Ordim says, "Just be mindful that when you bite into them, the owl shaped icing decoration might get all over your lips, tasting richly of sugar and complimenting the mild mocha mixture."

Ordim exclaims, "Or you might just enjoy the moist mocha mixture as you merrily munch on the muffin!"

Ordim giggles.

Ordim nods approvingly.

Entry #2: Sarlena's Zycana Raspberry Brandy

(Sarlena flits around the crowd to the stage of judges, rubbing her teardrop-etched scarab nervously she quickly stashes it and ruffles through her cloak.)

Sarlena put a blood red teardrop-etched scarab in her amber locket.

Sarlena wiggles her nose.

(Sarlena inhales slowly and sets a crystal goblet in front of each of the judges.)

(Sarlena smiles nervously, though remaining quiet she gathers a flask from a pocket in her cloak, pouring a ruddy red substance into each of the crystal goblet's before taking a step back.)

Sarlena takes a deep breath.

Sarlena slowly empties her lungs.

Speaking thoughtfully to Sarlena, Katze inquires, "What have we here then?"

(Sarlena takes a deep breath and speaks slowly in practice common "Because it takes long time to make this... I brought you a Zycana infused Raspberry brandy")

Sarlena softly exclaims, "Ya kin try it!"

Sarlena clears her throat.

Speaking softly to Sarlena, Kaseopea asks, "What's a zycana?"

Sarlena slowly says, "Its a very long process to make brandy... you have to distill wines..."

Sarlena slowly says, "With lots of raspberries of course...but the special ingredient.."

Sarlena softly exclaims, "The Zycana is a fine powder... which provides a comfortable numbing sensation... it's sweet and tart!"

Sarlena softly says, "You'll get very...very sweet raspberries...and hints of wood... as its been kept in a cask of zydris."

Sarlena softly says, "Which the zycana is by product too."

Sarlena softly says, "There is also a tartness... citrusy."

Sarlena softly asks, "I think...closest to hibiscus?"

Sarlena's cheeks flush with a soft shade of apricot.

Sarlena removes a sheet of gilded vellum from in her black velvet cloak.

Sarlena offers Katze a sheet of gilded vellum. [this gets passed around and reads...]

>read my vel

In the Common language, it reads:

A Zycana Infused Raspberry Brandy in a snifter of intricately carved zydris.


Whittled from a small branch of zydris, from foot to goblet intricate details have been etched into the wood raised to depict a whorl of feathers along the base spinning up along the spine of an elegant runestaff that cradles the goblet illustrating a summer's eve a great full moon aglow above a great tree coated in silvery bark with dozens of glowing eyes peeking between strews of sky blue blossoms.

Speaking musingly to Sarlena, Leafiara says, "Mmmm, you're someone who knows her creation very well."

Sarlena's cheeks flush with a soft shade of apricot.

Sarlena softly says, "Ah went all da way up ta... Cysaegir."

Sarlena softly says, "Ta get it..."

Sarlena sways back and forth.

Holding the edge of her black velvet cloak, Sarlena dips an elegant bow. The cloak billows out behind her as if caught upon an unfelt breeze. Sarlena glances up and flashes an evil grin. The tips of her black obsidian fangs are clearly visible protruding from beneath her upper lip.

Entry #3: Kaseopea's Salad with Cashew Dressing

Kaseopea smiles as she chops the lettuce and tosses it in a bowl, chops the onion and puts it in the bowl, grates the carrot and puts it in the bowl, places the cover and gives it a good shake. Grabs a handful and tosses it on a plate, throws on a coupla cherry tomatoes then pulls out a bottle from her satchel and dumps the creamy cashew dressing onto the salad, whips around to show you her prize and says, "Ta da!"

Kaseopea smiles and shows you a curly green leaf and carrot tossed salad with cherry tomatoes and cashew cream dressing that she is holding, you see nothing unusual.

Kaseopea grins nervously.

Kaseopea bobs down and back up in a quick curtsy.

Kaseopea smiles.

Kaseopea softly says, "The salad is delicious, the cashew dressing is a secret recipe."

(Kaseopea winks at the judges.)

Kaseopea softly says, "It's light and creamy, made with cashews."

Kaseopea snickers.

Kaseopea softly says, "Like nuts."

Kaseopea softly says, "It's raw, actually, and blended."

Kaseopea softly asks, "So does it count in a cooking contest?"

Kaseopea acts puzzled.

Kaseopea laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.

Kaseopea smiles.

Entry #4: Dwi's Anbil Charred Cheese Sammich

(Dwi spits in her hand and wipes off the anvil which was delivered earlier.)

Dwi recites heartily:

"Recipe fer Anbil Charred Cheese Sammich"

(Dwi taps the anvil.)

Dwi recites heartily:

"Gits Two thick slices o' ten day old Dwarf Barley Bread.

Use a sharp axe or knife to cuts da bread slices at least two finners thick."

(Dwi slaps a massive loaf of bread onto the anvil with a resounding THUMP.)

Dwi recites heartily:

"Gits Two thick slices o' ten day old Dwarf Barley Bread.

Use a sharp axe or knife to cuts da bread slices at least two finners thick."

Dwi heartily says, "No wait...done dat..."

Dwi squints at a piece of dog-eared parchment.

Dwi mutters something about recipes.

Dwi reaches for her dwarven waraxe and it nearly springs into her hand.

Dwi waves her dwarven waraxe in a sweeping arc through the air, a thick viscous mist rolling off the blade and churning in its wake. She abruptly sweeps the weapon back through the turbulent darkness, causing the mist to scatter without a trace.

(Dwi raises her axe and chops into the bread, CLANG!)

(Dwi raises her axe and chops into the bread, CLANG!)

Dwi grunts in satisfaction.

Dwi heartily says, "Needs ta..hoo."

Dwi recites heartily:

"Stoke da forge fer no more den ten to leben seconds... we aint weldin' mithril here!

We're toastin bread!"

Dwi squints at an oven.

Dwi kneels down.

(Dwi opens the oven door.)

(Dwi bends down and blows mightily into the open oven.)

Dwi mutters something about aint-no-forge.

Dwi stands up.

Dwi heartily says, "Gonna haff to do."

Dwi recites heartily:

"Use new-ish tongs (or least some tongs dat ye wiped on yer apron real good) to hol' da bread o'er da forge coals.

Count to tree, fore, or fife fer each slice...

'pendin onna how blackend ye likes yer sammiches."

Dwi grunts and nods.

(Dwi uses her encrusted blacksmith tongs to place her bread into the oven.)

Neopuron exclaims, "I like my sammiches like I like my cherries!"

Neopuron exclaims, "Black!"

Dwi grunts at Neopuron noncommittally and shrugs her shoulders.

Dwi heartily says, "Fraid dis oben aint as hot as Ordim thinks...."

Dwi grunts in annoyance, rolling her eyes.

Dwi heartily says, "Fraid it aint as hot as anyone thinks."

(Dwi counts out loud, finally stopping when she reaches "seben")

Dwi recites heartily:

"Lays yer bread slices side-by-side wit da mos' charred sides facin' down onna yer anbil."

(Dwi places two slices of charred bread on the anvil... a smokey aroma fills the room.)

Dwi recites heartily:

"Use a bit o' rusted chain mail to grate some well-aged bloo (or fer tru-connoisewers, purple) Rolton Cheese onto yer bread.

Don't be 'fraid to pile it on, we'll deal wit any cheese-slag later.

Da Cheese will start to stick to da warm breads.

Take yer time, we wants da anbil to cool down da bread."

Dwi grunts and nods.

(Dwi removes some very fuzzy dark blue cheese from her boot.)

(Dwi sniffs her cheese, her eyes cross.)

Dwi grunts in satisfaction.

Dwi heartily says, "Grate it generously...."

Dwi seems to be waiting for something.

(Dwi continues grating her cheese.)

Dwi seems to be waiting for something.

(Dwi continues grating her cheese.)

Speaking quietly to Dwi, Chemaine says, "Watch ya fingers."

(Dwi continues grating her cheese the pile is quite high now.)

Dwi grunts at Chemaine and nods.

Speaking heartily to Chemaine, Dwi says, "Dat's why ye use ol' armor."

Dwi winks.

Dwi recites heartily:

"Now 'semble yer sammich by tippin' da cheese co'ered breads togedder so's dat mos o' da shredded cheeses issa now 'tween da two slices o' bread.

Quickly build a cage o' bailin' wire around da whole mess!

Ye wont need much wire...

two er tree feet is prolley nuff."

(Dwi does as she described, some cheese shreds fly into her beard!)

Dwi heartily exclaims, "Dont be gentle!"

Dwi recites heartily:

"Grab yer tongs agin, anna pluck da caged sammich frem da anbil.

Carefully stick it inna forge, but dont set it down!

Jus wave it back anna forth o'er da high heat til' da cheese starts to steamin."

Dwi glances at an oven.

Dwi sighs.

(Dwi spends some time with her hand in the oven.)

Dwi seems to be waiting for something.

Dwi recites heartily:

"Remove from forge anna lay it onna anbil den giff it ONE good smack wit da flat o' yer axe!

Da wire cage will pertects da bread from smooshin too much."

(Dwi puts her concoction on the avil.)

Dwi reaches for her dwarven waraxe and it nearly springs into her hand.

Dwi turns over her dwarven waraxe.

Dwi smiles as she slaps her axe against the anvil!

Dwi heartily says, "Whoops!."

Dwi glances at Neopuron.

Dwi heartily says, "Sorry."

Speaking heartily to Neopuron, Dwi says, "We clean ue up later."

Neopuron winks at Dwi and appears to mouth the words, "I love you" to her.

Dwi smirks.

Dwi recites heartily:

"Plate da sammich, wire cage anna all.

Serb wit wire snippers.

Unrappin' a charred cheese sammich issa haff da fun."

(Dwi snips the wire cage from her sandwich, removing the charred dripping creation, and takes a bite.)

(Dwi seems unfazed as molten cheese drips onto her boot.)

Dwi kicks her blue leather boots together, knocking clumps of dirt and mud from the heels.

Dwi recites heartily:

"Any cheese dat squirts out anna hits da walls o' yer shop...

Uh kin be scrapped up anna used inna da next sammich.

Tuck in anna injoy!"

Dwi surreptitiously glances around the room.

Dwi smirks.

Dwi heartily says, "Tastes like Granpappy used to make. Course it all pends on da forge...anna if'n ye used wall scrapped cheese."

Dwi heartily says, "Smoke, traces o' ore, chunks o' barley tween yer teef."

Dwi heartily asks, "Good stuff eh?"

(Dwi wanders over to offer her sandwich to Leafiara, a trail of cheese drips across the room!)

Dwi smiles at Leafiara.

Leafiara smiles and accepts the molten, messy sandwich!

Dwi grunts hungrily as her stomach rumbles.

Dwi heartily exclaims, "Mama used to say, Granpappy puts a lotta rigamarole into a melted cheese which Granpappy would say, Shaddup ye heathen!"

Speaking heartily to a boy, Dwi says, "Tellem I'n done wit da anbil."

Speaking quietly to Dwi, Chemaine says, "Nay even injured yaself."

Dwi grunts at Chemaine in agreement.

Speaking heartily to Katze, Dwi says, "Tanks fer dis."

Katze asks, "Alright so tell me how it taste to you when you enjoy a bite of it Dwi?"

Dwi grunts at Katze, a quizzical look on her face.

Speaking heartily to Katze, Dwi asks, "Like lunch?"

Dwi grunts in annoyance, rolling her eyes.

Katze asks, "What does it make you think of when you eat it anything in particular?"

Dwi stares at Katze.

Speaking heartily to Katze, Dwi asks, "Lunch?"

Dwi mutters under her breath.

(Leafiara goes through several interesting facial expression changes mostly of surprise and confusion as she eats away, and passes what's left of the sandwich to Neo.)

Katze says, "Very well."

Dwi grunts in agreement.

Speaking heartily to Leafiara, Dwi says, "Yeesh...Granpappy mita been rite."

Dwi smirks.

(Dwi hands a coin to each of the nine urchins who have come to collect the anvil.)

Dwi grunts at the boy in annoyance, rolling her eyes.

Speaking heartily to a boy, Dwi says, "Nice scam."

Speaking heartily to Leafiara, Dwi says, "If'n ye let it easier to clean yer boots."

Entry #5: Zaneon's Wake the Dead Biscuits

Zaneon sets about preparing himself to be as presentable as possible.

Zaneon cracks his knuckles!

(Zaneon forages through the kitchen last minute looking for inspiration he pulls out some mixing bowls and a large baking pan.)

Zaneon traces a sign while petitioning the spirits for cognition...

There is a bright flash and some manna bread appears in the air, then falls into Zaneon's left hand.

Zaneon raises his manna bread skyward!

(Zaneon mutters an incantation and drops the manna bread into the bowl. He holds his hands over it, weaving a spell of Adrenal Surge into it, causing the bread to jump in and out of the bowl with life of its own.)

(Zaneon uses his silvery lor staff to bat the bouncing bread back into the bowl, reining it back under control.)

(Zaneon takes a kife from the raffle block and slices his hand with purpose and intent, streaking a droplet or two down into the bread, giving it a radiant glow of red.)

(Zaneon rummages in the cabinets last minute, looking for spices, and pulls out a container of cinnamon and sugar, pouring healthy servings into the bread which seems to jump and churn on its own.)

(Zaneon reaches over and borrows Katze's flask of coffee and adds it to his recipe before handing it back. The bread bounces with renewed vigor.)

(Zaneon pulls out the bread and spreads it across the baking sheet using the knife to cut it into little biscuit sized pieces.)

(Zaneon stares at the oven for a moment before shaking his head he raises his hands again and casts a spell, a controlled fireball blasts the jumping biscuits into well cooked submission.)

(Zaneon picks up a bowl of coffee liquor icing and pours it over the biscuits.)

(Zaneon picks up the cooking tray and walks by the judges offering each to take one before they bounce off the tray themselves.)

Zaneon recites softly:

"I call these "Wake the dead biscuits" name pending....they area funny sort...sometimes they will have enough life within them to take you to your feet when you are sitting....sometimes they will have too much life and perhaps stun you."

Katze smiles in amusement while he throws the biscuit in his mouth, carefully covering to keep it from bouncing out.

Katze smacks his lips.

Katze smacks his lips.

Katze says, "Yep have to wrestle that bad boy down."

Zaneon agrees with Katze.

Zaneon softly says, "They have a habbit of running away into different pockets if you save one for is better to eat them fresh before they sneak away."

(Zaneon offers a special one for Sarlena that is in the shape of a heart.)

Zaneon softly says, "They require a little life...a sacrifice of give them that little bounce."

Zaneon tries humming a joyful tune.

(Zaneon cleans up after himself causing a metal bowl to drop on the floor and spin making a loud sound for agonizing moments before scooping it up and putting it away.)

Entry #6: Mazikaene's Faendryl Rice with Rhoska-Tor Sauce

Mazikaene says, "Ok I have done this a thousand times, but never with an audience, so bear with me."

Mazikaene smiles.

(Mazikaene measures some water and places it into a pot to boil.)

Mazikaene explains, "I made this at home, it's a Faendryl rice dish. Boiling the water and pouring it in when it's hot makes the rice stay more firm once cooked and doesn't get mushy."

(Mazikaene places some olive oil in another pan and lets it get nice and hot.)

(Mazikaene adds the rice and begins stirring that around until it begins to turn golden brown.)

Mazikaene explains, "I just like it to get a nice golden brown color before adding the hot water."

(Mazikaene adds the water into the pan of rice, as the liquid hits the hot oil, steam billows from the pan into the air above until she slams the lid down, capturing all the steam inside.)

Mazikaene adopts an agreeable expression.

(Mazikaene sets a timer and places another pan on the stove.)

Mazikaene says, "That's for 12 minutes."

Mazikaene snickers.

(Mazikaene begins to sautee some chopped onions and minced garlic in olive oil in another pan until the fragrant aroma wafts in the air.)

Mazikaene explains, "I made the sauce at home, out of vegetables, celery and onions mostly, then reduce it to a thick vegetable stew."

(Mazikaene takes a bottle from her cloak, and adds it to the garlic and onions, stirring it slowly as it warms.)

Mazikaene continues, "Then I puree that until it's smooth, add some soy sauce and water and reduce some more, so it would not be timely to prepare the entire dish as we would in New Ta'Faendryl, here."

Mazikaene smiles.

Mazikaene perspires delicately.

Mazikaene looks exceedingly pleased with herself.

Mazikaene smiles warmly and says, "this looks just about finished," just as the timer sounds, "yep, all done!"

(Mazikaene gets a plate and spoons some fluffy fragrant rice onto it, then spoons some creamy Rhoska-tor sauce on top. She prepares a plate for all the judges and gives it to them.)

Mazikaene says, "I love the smooth umami flavor."

Dwi heartily asks, "Yer mommy?"

Mazikaene says, "The Rhoska-tor sauce is rich and creamy making a flavorful topping for the firm fragrant rice."

Mazikaene smiles.

Mazikaene wipes the sweat from her brow.

Mazikaene corrects, "Umami."

Mazikaene ponders.

Mazikaene says, "It's like rich, salty, garlic and oniony."

Mazikaene snickers.

Mazikaene nods.

Mazikaene says, "A dish of fragrant garlic and onion fried rice smothered in creamy dark Rhoska-tor sauce."

Mazikaene looks exceedingly pleased with herself.

Mazikaene nods.

Mazikaene smiles at Katze.

Speaking softly to Mazikaene, Razanetika says, "That sounds heavenly divine..."

Katze exclaims, "Oh the garlic and onion really come out with the sauce!"

Mazikaene appears to be trying hard not to grin.

Katze says, "I could get fat off this."

Mazikaene adopts an agreeable expression.

Katze asks, "Between this and liquor bread?"

Mazikaene asks, "And happy? You like it?"

Mazikaene grins at Katze.

Katze exclaims, "It is very well done!"

Katze says, "Thank you for presenting it."

Mazikaene smiles.

Mazikaene curtsies gracefully.


Katze recites: "Alright after much deliberation from some amazing ideas we have indeed come to a decision!"

Katze recites: "We will work our way up to the champion, yet know that you were all amazing and I implore you to come again next time and continue your creative ideas!"

Katze says, "Alright."

Katze says, "All winners will receive the item of their choosing from the 2nd tier of our prize closet."

Katze says, "I will assist you with that after the winners have been announced."

Katze says, "Now without further delay."

Katze recites:

"Mazikaene with the amazing rice dish! 5th place!"

Speaking to Mazikaene, Neopuron exclaims, "Good job!"

Katze recites:

"Okay coming in at #4 we have Kaseopea with her amazing salad with cashew dressing!"

Speaking to Mazikaene, Leafiara says, "We loved the sauce especially."

Katze says, "Good job."

Speaking to Kaseopea, Leafiara says, "Another fine dish, and we appreciated the speed too."

Speaking to Kaseopea, Neopuron exclaims, "Good job!"

Katze recites:

"Okay coming in at 3rd with his bouncing bread it's Zaneon!"

Speaking sagely to Zaneon, Leafiara says, "Lively and creative, that was the stuff."

Speaking to Zaneon, Neopuron exclaims, "Good job!"

Katze recites:

"Alright ramping up and coming in as 2nd runner up for the title it's Sarlena with her amazing brandy!"

Speaking to Sarlena, Leafiara says, "Great preparedness and attention to detail."

Katze exclaims, "Congrats lil Envoy!"

Speaking to Sarlena, Neopuron exclaims, "Good job!"

Katze recites:

"1st runner up for the title we have Ordim with his delicious and amazing muffins!"

Speaking to Ordim, Leafiara exclaims, "Delightful and delicious and delectable as ever!"

Speaking to Ordim, Neopuron exclaims, "Good job!"

Katze recites:

"Lastly with a great show and a little bit of that extra Dwi managed to literally smack a sandwich into deliciousness and her way to being our Champion!"

Speaking heartily to Katze, Dwi exclaims, "But ye aint e'en gots an abil in yer kitchen!"

Speaking to Dwi, Neopuron says, "Congrats to you."

Katze says, "In addition to a top tier prize from our closet you are our champion, you are entitled to the spell prep I won earlier this night and You get this super sweet hat to show your amazing skills."

Speaking amusedly to Dwi, Leafiara says, "Nothing got us goin' quite like your dish. Maybe we'll have to look into getting an anvil."

Katze offers Dwi a cog-buttoned white chef's hat.

Dwi cackles!

Dwi accepts Katze's white chef's hat.

Dwi waves a cog-buttoned white chef's hat around.

Katze exclaims, "Congrats to Culinary Champion Dwi!"

Dwi heartily exclaims, "Tanks!"

Dwi takes a gaudy baby blue cap off her head.

Dwi scoffs at a gaudy baby blue cap.

As Dwi places her white chef's hat on her head, you hear the whirring and grinding of gears as it unfolds itself and appears to shift, sizing itself to a perfect fit.

Dwi grunts proudly in remembrance.

Dwi heartily says, "Nice fit."

Katze recites: "Once again I want to thank everyone for making this event the awesome night it was!"

Katze recites: "Big thanks to my judges as well"

Eoantos 18, 5119 Competition: Chocolate Edition

Hosted by Ambassador Evician. Judged by Chairman Jastalyn, Event Planner Leafiara, and Historian Sarlena. (All positions relative to the time.)


A kobold with chocolate dribbling from its mouth and a great horned owl perched on its head wanders in droning, "Come to Twilight Hall to celebrate our 23rd Anniversary and take part in our cook off! All are welcome to attend. We'll have snacks and prizes for everyone! This event's theme is chocolate!" Without further explanation, the kobold walks off in the direction from whence it came.

Evician exclaims, "Heh drooling mind controlled kobold goodness!"

Evician says, "I love that so much."

Evician exclaims, "To the kitchen!"

Evician says, "Ahem."

Evician recites: "Welcome to the Twilight Hall Chocolate Let Leafiara taste it all so she can manipulate time and space cook off."

Evician says, "Jastalyn, Sarlena and Leafiara are judges."

Evician says, "I'm the tie breaker."

Jastalyn softly asks, "A tie with three judges?"

Evician says, "You case things."

Leafiara sheepishly says, "He's planning for when I vote everybody first place."

Evician says, "And then I break Leafiara's hands."

Evician says, "Khylynnia said so."

Entry #1: Regwen's Chocolate Tassies

Regwen smiles as she goes to the pantry and gathers the ingredients. Eggs, flour, butter, cream cheese, chocolate, and pecans.

Regwen turns around.

(Regwen, her arms full, lines up her things on the counter and gets a large bowl, a pan that looks like it's for small muffins.)

Regwen says, "Now for a spoon."

Regwen searches around for a moment.

Regwen ponders.

(Evician hands Regwen a giant spoon.)

Regwen beams happily at Evician!

(Regwen measures some dough ingredients into the bowl and mixes it quickly.)

Regwen smiles as she rolls small balls and places them into each hole of the muffin pan.

Regwen smiles as she smashes a hole into each ball.

Regwen grins.

(Regwen mixes the brown sugar, butter, and cocoa and adds it to each hole.)

Regwen says, "Now into the oven."

(Regwen opens the oven and messes with the settings.)

(Regwen now melts some more chocolate and mixes it quickly with a bit of milk.)

Regwen turns an ear toward an oven.

Regwen says, "It dinged."

Regwen grins.

(Regwen finds the hot pads.)

(Regwen places the hot pan on the counter.)

Regwen smiles as she drizzles the melted chocolate over each tassie.

Regwen says, "I've created Regwen chocolate tassies."

Regwen grins.

Regwen says, "Now to taste one."

(Regwen gingerly takes a hot tassie and blows on it.)

Regwen grins.

(Regwen bites the tassie.)

Regwen says, "I can taste the moist filling of brown sugar pecans and cocoa mixes with the eggs and butter."

Regwen nods.

Regwen says, "The shell is flaky and sweet and the chocolate is excellent on the top."

Regwen asks, "Do you want the actual recipe?"

Regwen grins at Jastalyn.

Regwen giggles.

Jastalyn grins at Regwen.

Regwen says, "One cup flour, 3 ouces of cream cheese, tablespoon butter. Mix well for dough."

Regwen says, "Filling is 1/2 cup brown sugar, 1 egg, and a cup of pecans."

Regwen says, "Then melt a big square of chocolate combining it with a bit milk."

Regwen says, "Drizzle on top."

Regwen says, "Bake in a magic over for an instant."

Entry #2: Rainedrop's Triple-Layered Petit-a-Four

(Rainedrop grabs her favorite diamond encrusted mithril mixing bowl of wonder, quickly tosses in cocoa powder, sugar, and four sticks of softened butter, and begins mixing.)

(Rainedrop mixes quickly to make it extra floofy!)

(Rainedrop tosses in an unknown amount of flour making some powder fly in the air.)

Rainedrop wiggles her nose.

Rainedrop grins.

(Rainedrop pours it in a baking dish, tosses it in the fire filled oven, waggles her fingers mystically at the oven. POOF it's done!)

(Rainedrop slices the cake into slices and layers it with a cherry mousse pre-prepared.)

Rainedrop giggles.

Rainedrop smiles proudly as she presents a gilt edged ivory plate. On the plate you see a small triple-layered chocolate deep cherry mousse filled petit-a-four topped with a miniature white chocolate scarlet owl.

Rainedrop giggles.

(Rainedrop presents the judges with their own petit-a-four cake.)

Rainedrop smiles and pops a petit-a-four in Jastalyn's mouth.

Entry #3: Ashreilynn's Banana and Chocolate Hazelnut Creme Sandwiches

(Ashreilynn wanders around the kitchen, opening and closing cabinets and taking miscellaneous things. She hops up to grab a pan off of the wall, careful not to drop any of her ingredients before returning to the counter.)

(Ashreilynn unceremoniously drops everything onto the counter, sorting things around her. The pot is thrown onto the stove with a slab of butter to melt while she turns her attentions to the hazelnuts she has thrown into a bowl.)

(Ashreilynn whips out a dagger from somewhere on her person and begins to mash the hazelnuts into a fine paste. She quickly cleans off the dagger and stashes it away again before mixing some eggs, milk, and cocoa powder in with the nuts in the bowl and whips it finely.)

(Ashreilynn dips a finger into the chocolate and hazelnut creme in her bowl and tastes it briefly before grinning widely. "Perfect!" She hooks the loaf of bread towards her and slices several pieces and sets them aside before finely cutting up some bananas.)

Jastalyn grins at Ashreilynn.

Ashreilynn grins at Jastalyn.

(Ashreilynn places pieces of banana on all of the slices of bread before liberally smearing all of them with the chocolate and hazelnut creme before making sandwiches and placing them one by one into the pan, flipping them as the butter sizzles in the bottom of the pan before taking them out and placing them onto pristine white plates.)

Ashreilynn exclaims, "Judges! Host! I present to you my special banana and chocolate hazelnut creme sandwiches!"

(Ashreilynn quickly passes out a plate to Sarlena and Jastalyn before carefully holding out a plate to Leafiara. She then turns and presents the last plate to Evician.)

Ashreilynn grins at Regwen.

Ashreilynn exclaims, "Do not worry! There is more!"

(Leafiara hurriedly seizes the plate from Ashreilynn!)

Regwen applauds Ashreilynn.

Ashreilynn exclaims, "It's a simple meal but one of my favorites! The mixture of the chocolate and the hazelnut with the banana and the toasted bread... Delicious I think!"

Ashreilynn giggles at Leafiara.

A dreamy smile crosses Leafiara's lips as she stares longingly at Ashreilynn.

Ashreilynn giggles at Leafiara.

(Sarlena gazes hungrily at Ashreilynn, happily taking the plate, she slices a piece of the bread with her claw, delicately plucking it up and popping it into her mouth, chirping excitedly she quickly snatches up the remainder and gobbles it down hastily.)

Ashreilynn beams happily at Sarlena!

(Ashreilynn sneaks a plate of her sandwiches to each of the other observers quietly while she watches Zaneon.) [he'd just started on his dish]

(Cylnthia beams silently as Ashreilynn walks past, greedily grabbing the plate of tasty chocolate goodness.)

Ashreilynn giggles at Cylnthia.

Ashreilynn grins.

Entry #4: Zaneon's Truffles of Voaris

(Zaneon leans his cane against the pantry.)

Zaneon rubs his chin thoughtfully.

Zaneon removes a storm grey iron cauldron from in his spidersilk backpack.

Zaneon rubs a storm grey iron cauldron in his hand.

Zaneon drops a storm grey iron cauldron.

Zaneon cracks his knuckles!

Pinching the toggle on his canvas satchel, Zaneon opens the flap to the ear-shattering shriek of a phoenix.

Glancing at his canvas satchel, Zaneon whispers something. Almost instantly, the phoenix stitched upon its side comes to life and disappears within its confines. Squawking and cawing issues from within, but moments later the tiny beast returns and hands him a dark chocolate heart pierced with a white chocolate arrow before settling back into its customary place upon the side.

Zaneon rubs a dark chocolate heart pierced with a white chocolate arrow in his hand.

Zaneon softly says, "They say that cooking should always be done with a heart full of love to the dish itself and all the patrons that consume it."

Zaneon softly says, "A dish should inspire a memory....a feeling."

Zaneon kneels down.

(Zaneon rummages through his robe and adds many pieces of chocolate sourced from every corner of the lands to his cauldron.)

Zaneon continues to beseech the gods for mercy and guidance.

Zaneon recites softly:

"Tonight with my heart held high I beseech Voaris patron of young and forbidden love...may all who taste this treat remember your vow to bring together the hearts of all and fill them endlessly with love."

(Zaneon, with his prayer to Voaris, fireballs the cauldron till the chocolate boils and bubbles turning a deep shade of red.)

(Zaneon pulls some yellow rose petals from a pocket of his robe and sprinkles them over the boiling mixture of chocolates as each petal touches the chocolate the cauldron churns with a deeper shade of red magicks.)

Zaneon stands up.

Zaneon bows to a storm grey iron cauldron.

(Zaneon pulls out a jar of candied raspberries glimmering with sugar.)

(Zaneon grins widely as he opens the jar as spreads them along a try wavering his dark chocolate heart over them until each candied raspberry beat with a life of their own.)

(Zaneon stows the jar then lifts the cooling cauldron pouring it perfectly over each raspberry making tiny little tasty truffles.)

(Zaneon blows a kiss over each truffle cooling them lovingly.)

(Zaneon offers the Voaris truffle to the judges first then to each other attendee.)

Zaneon recites softly:

"As you bite into the heart-shaped Voaris truffle, multiple layers of chocolate sourced from around the lands blend together which such decadence that it instantly reminds you of your last perfect kiss."

Zaneon recites softly:

"Layers of sinful chocolate fill nearly every sensation as you bite deeper into its candied raspberry heart. The sensation is as welcoming as the arms of a tender lover leaving you breathless and aching for another."

Zaneon bows.

Entry #5: Umbazi's Lava Cake and Ice Cream

Umbazi smiles as he places a stick of butter and the chocolate in an enamel frying pan, simmering them for just long enough to melt them both and then removing the pan from the stove, pouring the mixture into a bowl, and whisking them.

(Umbazi folds in the sugar, stirring until it is well blended with the butter and chocolate.)

(Umbazi breaks the whole eggs into the mixture, then pours in the egg yolks. He then stirs them into the mix.)

Umbazi smiles as he stirs in the flour.

(Umbazi adds a dash of vanilla and then stirs in the flour.)

(Umbazi pauses a moment to rub the four ramekins on the counter with the second stick of softened butter. When the interiors of the tart baking pans are butter coated, Umbazi pours the mixture into the pans and places them in the oven.)

(Umbazi waits until the oven shows that the sides of the small cakes are firm and the centers are soft. He then gets oven mitts from the Head Cook, pulls the pans from the oven, upends each cake onto a nearly transparent porcelain plate, and knifes each one open, revealing liquid chocolate seeping delectably from the harder chocolate shells.)

Umbazi smiles as he scoops blueberry ice cream sprinkled with hard candy strawberry owls on each plate. He then adds forks and offers three plates to the three judges.

Umbazi says, "Chocolate lava cakes, with twilight blue icecream."

Umbazi says, "It seemed appropriate."

Leafiara delightedly exclaims, "It's so pretty it's almost a shame to eat!"

Leafiara mischievously says, "But only almost."

Umbazi says, "Well, please eat them. Think how sad the cakes would be if you didn't."

Umbazi says, "Their whole purpose in life would be destroyed."

Umbazi says, "Also there is an extra cake..."

Umbazi says, "Which I should probably divide into thirds."

(Umbazi cuts up the remaining lava cake into thirds, one for each judge, and adds a mini-scoop of the ice cream and candies to the thirds.)

(Umbazi hands the thirds out.)

Umbazi nods.

Entry #6: Angellos' Cookie Creation

(Angellos starts painting on a piece of paper with careful brushstrokes. Soon the colorful pictures come to life.)

(Angellos puts the easel and paintbrush aside and focuses on the three dimensional life-like cookie.)

(Angellos's cookie looks good enough to eat.)

(Angellos spins the cookie palm facing upwards and adds a dab of cherry like sprinkles.)

(Angellos' cookie is beginning to look more life-like by the second.)

(Angellos adds a little sign next to the cookie that reads,"Frosted.")

(Angellos holds up the cookie for inspection.)


Leafiara declares, "This was an incredibly tough decision!"

Leafiara exclaims, "And aside from our winner tonight, everyone's vote totals were very close!"

Leafiara says, "Before I start naming winners, I want to say..."

Leafiara sincerely exclaims, "We thought every chef tonight did amazingly, and we'll be awarding everyone a small prize from our prize closet!"

Leafiara mischievously exclaims, "Except for our winner, who gets a -bigger- prize from our prize closet!"

Leafiara exclaims, "So!"

Leafiara says, "Working our way up..."

Leafiara recites: "At the back we have Angellos' creative art-come-to-life cookie!"

Leafiara recites: "The judges loved the sheer creativity of the idea!"

Leafiara recites: "Coming up next after him was Rainedrop!"

Leafiara recites: "We absolutely adored the final product!"

Leafiara recites: "One of the fanciest dishes tonight for certain!"

Leafiara recites: "And then beyond her by a mere one point was..."

Leafiara recites: "Regwen!"

Leafiara recites: "We really liked her tassies and the care she put into her cooking process!"

Leafiara recites: "Ahead of her by one point, there was actually a two-way tie..."

Leafiara recites: "And we'll go ahead and give a medium prize to these first-place-but-not-grand-prize winners..."

Leafiara recites: "It's Ashreilynn and Umbazi, whose presentations, cooking processes, and final products blew us away!"

Leafiara recites: "We adored the confections for both taste and delivery!"

Leafiara recites: "And that brings us to our grand prize..."

Leafiara recites: "You already know who..."

Leafiara recites: "But what you don't know..."

Leafiara recites: "Is that Zaneon took the first place vote from every single judge!"

Leafiara recites: "A unanimous decision, we thought your touch of Voaris was simply incredible! Made all the memories you hoped for!"

Leafiara cheerfully exclaims, "And with that... we call this an incredible success!"