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Cobbling punch

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The cobbling punch first debuted Ebon Gate 2016 in the Come To Heel and were created by GM Elidi through her merchant character, Lady Airisu. While imprinting either the cobbler's custom hallmark (a small design) as well as the owner's and or cobbler's name to the bottom of master cobbled shoes is the primary feature of these items, they can also be used to add zests to certain shoe or boot styles when unlocked.

Five punches, one for regular shoes and four different types for boots, were part of the original release. A sixth punch specific to chopines was released as part of Ebon Gate 2017, a seventh punch specific to sandals was released as part of Ebon Gate 2018, and an eighth punch specific to riding boots was released as part of Ebon Gate 2019, all debuting at The Glass Slipper. The General, Chopine, and Sandal punches require multiple unlocks. Thank you to Eruheran for his original compilation of this information.

Genuine Punch

This punch will work with all kinds of footwear and came off the shelf as an ivory-inlaid steel punch.


You analyze your steel punch and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions, but the creator has stated that "The item has restrictions on changing the noun."

The creator has also provided the following information:

This punch is a master cobbler's hallmark punch.  You can cycle through the options via TURN and apply the hallmark to a cobbled shoe via PUSH.

This item may be altered with a long or show description, however, the noun must remain PUNCH.  You may request a merchant add a custom hallmark to the punch.  The design must make sense to be imprinted on to the bottom of a shoe (e.g., "a smiley face").  No embellishments or materials may be added to the hallmark.

In addition to adding your hallmark, this steel punch will apply "Genuine Punch" zests, which will add some kick to your cobbled creations and allow the wearer to TAP, PULL, POKE, PUSH, STARE, DANCE, RUB, or TURN the footwear.

You get no sense of whether or not the punch may be further lightened.


Verb First Third
PUSH This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
TURN This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!



You analyze your dark turquoise clogs and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.

The creator has also provided the following information:

This is footwear crafted by a skilled artisan.  You recognize your own craftsmanship in these dark turquoise clogs!  You remember making these clogs for yourself.

Additional scripts have been applied to the dark turquoise clogs and may have separate alteration restrictions.

A pair of charming dark turquoise clogs inset with vaalin snowflakes has been modified by a fully unlocked metal punch to allow you to TAP, PULL, POKE, STARE, DANCE, RUB, TURN, or PUSH the clogs.

You might be able to have a talented merchant lighten the dark turquoise clogs for you or deepen its pockets.


Tier 1

Verb First Third
POKE You lift your foot and carefully examine the bottom of one of your thrak hide boots. You poke your finger at something stuck to the sole. Ew! What is that!? XXX lifts his foot and examines the sole on one of his thrak hide boots.
PULL Lodging a finger in your thrak hide boots, you give it a good pull. Feels tight today! XXX pulls at one of his thrak hide boots, adjusting the fit.
PUSH Pushing one foot forward, you trace figure-eight patterns with the toe of one of your thrak hide boots. XXX pushes one foot forward and traces figure-eight patterns with the toe of one of his thrak hide boots.
TAP You tap the heels of your thrak hide boots together with a satisfying click. XXX the heels of his thrak hide boots together.

Tier 2

Verb First Third
DANCE Standing on the toes of your thrak hide boots, you dance a few quick steps. Standing on the toes of his thrak hide boots, XXX dances a few steps.
RUB You rub your hands over your thrak hide boots, brushing away all traces of dust and dirt. XXX rubs his hands over his thrak hide boots, tidying their appearance.
STARE Holding one foot out in front of yourself, you flex it back and forth, admiring the craftmanship of your thrak hide boots. XXX holds one foot out in front of himself, admiring his thrak hide boots.
TURN You quickly turn on the heel of one of your thrak hide boots. XXX quickly turns on the heel of one of his thrak hide boots.

Buckled Boots

This punch works on boots with buckles and came off the shelf as a matte black metal punch.


You analyze your black metal punch and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions, but the creator has stated that "The item has restrictions on changing the noun."

The creator has also provided the following information:

This punch is a master cobbler's hallmark punch.  You can cycle through the options via TURN and apply the hallmark to a cobbled shoe via PUSH.

This item may be altered with a long or show description, however, the noun must remain PUNCH.  You may request a merchant add a custom hallmark to the punch.  The design must make sense to be imprinted on to the bottom of a shoe (e.g., "a smiley face").  No embellishments or materials may be added to the hallmark.

In addition to adding your hallmark, this black metal punch will apply "Buckled Boots" zests, which will add functional buckles to boots, which will allow the wearer to LATCH, UNLATCH, POLISH, or TILT the boots  There are no additional tiers to unlock.  This punch will only work on types of boots.

You get no sense of whether or not the punch may be further lightened.


Verb First Third
LATCH You wrap the straps around your boots and buckle them together. XXX wraps the straps around his boots and buckles them together.
POLISH You wet the end of your thumb and rub it over the metal of the buckle on your thrak hide boots to create a nice, polished shine! XXX wets the end of his thumb and rubs it over the metal buckles on his thrak hide boots, creating a nice, polished shine.
TILT You undo the straps securing your thrak hide boots and give them an good upward tug, further tightening the fit. You wiggle your toes within the toe of your boots and quickly buckle the straps back into place. XXX unbuckles the straps securing his thrak hide boots and gives them an good upward tug, tightening the fit before buckling the straps back into place.
Note: TILT will not work unless the boots are LATCHed.
UNLATCH You unbuckle the straps wrapped around your thrak hide boots and let them hang loosely. XXX unbuckles the straps wrapped around his thrak hide boots and lets them hang loosely.

Laced Boots

This punch will work on boots with laces and came off the shelf as a fel-handled silver punch.


You analyze your silver punch and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions, but the creator has stated that "The item has restrictions on changing the noun."

The creator has also provided the following information:

This punch is a master cobbler's hallmark punch.  You can cycle through the options via TURN and apply the hallmark to a cobbled shoe via PUSH.

This item may be altered with a long or show description, however, the noun must remain PUNCH.  You may request a merchant add a custom hallmark to the punch.  The design must make sense to be imprinted on to the bottom of a shoe (e.g., "a smiley face").  No embellishments or materials may be added to the hallmark.

In addition to adding your hallmark, this silver punch will apply "Laced Boots" zests, which will add functional laces to boots, which will allow the wearer to OPEN, CLOSE, PULL, or REMOVE the boots in special ways.  There are no additional tiers to unlock.  This punch will only work on types of boots.

You get no sense of whether or not the punch may be further lightened.


Verb First Third
CLOSE You tightly lace up your thrak hide boots. XXX tightly laces up his thrak hide boots.
OPEN You carefully unlace your boots. XXX carefully unlaces his boots.

Laced only

You pull the laces tighter on your thrak hide boots. XXX pulls the laces tighter on his thrak hide boots.

Laced only

How do you expect to remove your thrak hide boots when they're laced up? N/A

Bloody Boots

The punch used to created bloody boots is a blood red ruby-inlaid ora punch.


You analyze your ruby-inlaid ora punch and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions, but the creator has stated that "The item has restrictions on changing the noun."

The creator has also provided the following information:

This punch is a master cobbler's hallmark punch.  You can cycle through the options via TURN and apply the hallmark to a cobbled shoe via PUSH.

This item may be altered with a long or show description, however, the noun must remain PUNCH.  You may request a merchant add a custom hallmark to the punch.  The design must make sense to be imprinted on to the bottom of a shoe (e.g., "a smiley face").  No embellishments or materials may be added to the hallmark.

In addition to adding your hallmark, this ruby-inlaid ora punch will apply "Bloody Boots" zests, which will add bloodstains to boots, which will allow the wearer to CLEAN or RUB the boots.  If the shoes were made to fit a specific person, that person could TOUCH them.  There are no additional tiers to unlock.  This punch will only work on types of boots.

You get no sense of whether or not the punch may be further lightened.


Verb First Third
CLEAN You try to wipe some of the blood off of your boots. Your attempt is futile. XXX tries to wipe some of the blood off of his boots. It's a futile attempt.
RUB You try to rub off some of the blood from your boots. Better luck next time. XXX tries fruitlessly to rub off some of the blood from his boots.
TOUCH You gently touch your thrak hide boots, fondly remembering a particular kill that contributed to the stained and splattered blood. XXX gently touches his thrak hide boots with a look of nostalgia in his eyes.
NOTE: TOUCH will only work for the person that was measured for the boots.

Dagger Sheath Boots

'This punch was raffled off at Ebon Gate 2016 and required no unlocks. It is also worth noting that only small, dagger-like weapons will fit into the boots and only one dagger will fit. Typical master-cobbled footwear has enough room for two small items.


You analyze your gold punch and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions, but the creator has stated that "The item has restrictions on changing the noun."

The creator has also provided the following information:

This punch is a master cobbler's hallmark punch.  You can cycle through the options via TURN and apply the hallmark to a cobbled shoe via PUSH.

This item may be altered with a long or show description, however, the noun must remain PUNCH.  You may request a merchant add a custom hallmark to the punch.  The design must make sense to be imprinted on to the bottom of a shoe (e.g., "a smiley face").  No embellishments or materials may be added to the hallmark.

In addition to adding your hallmark, this gold punch will apply "Dagger Sheath Boots" zests, which will adds a small sheath to a pair of boots, allowing the user to hide a dagger within.  There are no additional tiers to unlock.  This punch will only work on types of boots.

You get no sense of whether or not the punch may be further lightened.


Verb First Third
PUT (dagger in) You discreetly slip your knife into your boots. XXX quietly slips his skinning knife into his thrak hide boots.
TAKE (dagger) You quickly and quietly slip your skinning knife out of your thrak hide boots. XXX quickly slips his skinning knife out of his thrak hide boots.


This punch is for chopines and came off the shelf as a ribbon-tied silver punch


You analyze your silver punch and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions, but the creator has stated that "The item has restrictions on changing the noun."

The creator has also provided the following information:

This punch is a master cobbler's hallmark punch.  You can cycle through the options via TURN and apply the hallmark to a cobbled shoe via PUSH.

This item may be altered with a long or show description, however, the noun must remain PUNCH.  You may request a merchant add a custom hallmark to the punch.  The design must make sense to be imprinted on to the bottom of a shoe (e.g., "a smiley face").  No embellishments or materials may be added to the hallmark.

In addition to adding your hallmark, this silver punch will apply "Chopine Punch" zests, which will add some kick to your cobbled creations and allow the wearer to PUSH, PULL, LEAN, POINT, ATTEND, NUDGE, TURN, or TILT the footwear.

You get no sense of whether or not the punch may be further lightened.


Tier 1

Verb First Third
LEAN Shifting your weight, you wobble slightly on your towering fel chopines and almost lose your balance. XXX shifts her weight, wobbling slightly on her towering fel chopines.
POINT Adopting an elegant pose, you stand with one foot slightly in front of the other, the toes of your towering fel chopines pointed outwards for perfect balance. XXX adopts an elegant pose, standing with one foot in front of the other, the toes of her towering fel chopines pointed outwards.
PULL After a few tugs, you manage to pull your feet free from the tight uppers of your towering fel chopines and remove the chopines with a sigh of relief. You rub your aching feet and slip them back into the chopines, adjusting the vamps for comfort. XXX tugs on her towering fel chopines and manages to pull her feet free of the uppers with a sigh of relief. She rubs her feet and slips them back into her chopines.
PUSH Pushing off of the floor with one foot, you succeed in balancing on the tiptoes of your towering fel chopines. You inch forward a few small steps before planting the pedestals of your chopines firmly back on the floor. XXX pushes off of the floor with one foot, managing to balance on the tiptoes of her towering fel chopines. She inches forward a few small steps before planting the pedestals of her chopines firmly back on the floor.

Tier 2

Verb First Third
ATTEND Closely examining the pedestals of your towering fel chopines, you notice a few small scuff marks and rub them away. XXX stoops down to examine the the pedestals of her towering fel chopines and buffs away a small scuff.
NUDGE Nervously glancing down at your towering fel chopines, you take a tentative step forward and feel somewhat relieved that you managed to stay upright! XXX glances nervously down at her towering fel chopines before taking a tentative step forward.
TILT With a slight tilt of your ankle, you elegantly display the fine craftsmanship of your towering fel chopines. XXX tilts her ankle, elegantly displaying the fine craftmanship of her towering fel chopines.
TURN You manage to turn with considerable grace, despite the height of your towering fel chopines. XXX turns gracefully on the toes of her towering fel chopines.


This punch will only work with sandal type footwear and came as a nacre-inlaid bronze punch.


You analyze your bronze punch and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions, but the creator has stated that "The item has restrictions on changing the noun."

The creator has also provided the following information:

This punch is a master cobbler's hallmark punch.  You can cycle through the options via TURN and apply the hallmark to a cobbled shoe via PUSH.

This item may be altered with a long or show description, however, the noun must remain PUNCH.  You may request a merchant add a custom hallmark to the punch.  The design must make sense to be imprinted on to the bottom of a shoe (e.g., "a smiley face").  No embellishments or materials may be added to the hallmark.

This punch currently has a custom hallmark of: XXX.

In addition to adding your hallmark, this bronze punch will apply "Sandals Punch" zests, which will add some kick to your cobbled creations and allow the wearer to PUSH, DANCE, LEAN, POINT, ATTEND, NUDGE, TURN, or TILT the footwear.

You get no sense of whether or not the punch may be further lightened.


Tier 1

Verb First Third
DANCE You quickly dance backwards, a loud clip-clopping sound emanating from the heels of your chainsil sandals. XXX quickly dances backwards, the heels of his chainsil sandals making a loud, clip-clopping sound.
LEAN You shift your weight from one foot to the other, trying to ignore an uncomfortable pebble that's lodged in one of your chainsil sandals. XXX shifts his weight from one foot to the other with an uncomfortable look upon his face.
POINT You slip off one of your chainsil sandals, and holding it between your thumb and forefinger, cock your arm back. Narrowing your eyes, you heft the makeshift boomerang a few times before dropping it to the ground and wriggling your foot back into it. XXX slips off one of his chainsil sandals and picks it up, holding it between his thumb and forefinger. Narrowing his eyes, he cocks his arm back, hefting the makeshift boomering a few times before dropping it to the ground and wriggling his foot back into it.
PUSH You bounce lightly on the balls of your feet, the heels of your chainsil sandals slapping the ground beneath you. XXX bounces lightly on the balls of his feet.

Tier 2

Verb First Third
ATTEND Extending your leg, you rotate your ankle slowly, modeling your chainsil sandals for everyone to see. XXX extends his leg and slowly rotating his ankle, models a pair of ultra-fine chainsil sandals.
NUDGE Adopting an awkward flamingo-like pose, you raise one foot and scratch at your leg with the toe of one of your chainsil sandals. Adopting an awkward flamingo-like pose, XXX scratches his leg with the toe of one of his chainsil sandals.
TILT You lift your foot slightly, raising one of your chainsil sandals to adjust the fit. Satisfied, you lower your foot and examine the other in turn. XXX lifts his foot slightly, grazing his fingers against one of his chainsil sandals. After adjusting the, fit, he lowers his foot and then examines the other.
TURN You take a confident stride forward, twisting your heel to show off one of your chainsil sandals. Fancy! XXX takes a confident stride forward, twisting his heel to display one of his chainsil sandals.

Riding Boots

This punch is for riding boots and came off the shelf as a muted gold punch.


You analyze your gold punch and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions, but the creator has stated that "The item has restrictions on changing the noun."

The creator has also provided the following information:

This punch is a master cobbler's hallmark punch.  You can cycle through the options via TURN and apply the hallmark to a cobbled shoe via PUSH.

This item may be altered with a long or show description, however, the noun must remain PUNCH.  You may request a merchant add a custom hallmark to the punch.  The design must make sense to be imprinted on to the bottom of a shoe (e.g., "a smiley face").  No embellishments or materials may be added to the hallmark.

This punch currently has a custom hallmark of: a pair of musical notes with leaf-shaped heads.

In addition to adding your hallmark, this gold punch will apply "Riding Boots Punch" zests, which will add some kick to your cobbled creations and allow the wearer to PUSH, PULL, LEAN, KICK, ATTEND, NUDGE, TURN, or TILT the footwear.

You get no sense of whether or not the punch may be further lightened.


Tier 1

Verb First Third
KICK Galloping around in a tight circle, you make clip-clopping noises with your tongue in time with the thud of your silk riding boots. Galloping around in a tight circle, XXX makes clip-clopping noises with her tongue in time with the thud of her silk riding boots.
LEAN Turning one of your silk riding boots to the side, you place a hand on your hip, drop your shoulder, and strike a lackadaisical pose. XXX turns one of her silk riding boots to the side, places a hand on her hip, drops a shoulder, and strikes a lackadaisical pose.
PULL With a sharp tug, you pull the short laces taut across the vamp of your silk riding boots to ensure a snug fit. With a sharp tug, XXX pulls the short laces taut across the vamp of her silk riding boots to ensure a snug fit.
PUSH Bending slightly at the knees, you flex the calves of your silk riding boots to loosen them a little. Bending slightly at the knees, XXX flexes the calves of her silk riding boots to loosen them a little.

Tier 2

Verb First Third
ATTEND You spit into the palm of your hand, and reaching down, proceed to shine your silk riding boots. How uncouth! XXX spits into the palm of her hand, and reaching down, proceeds to shine her silk riding boots.
NUDGE Reaching down, you adjust the buckle at the back of your silk riding boots so that they fit closely around the knee. Reaching down, XXX adjusts the buckle at the back of her silk riding boots so that they fit closely around her knee.
TILT You stamp your feet firmly on the floor in an attempt to dislodge a particularly stubborn clod of dirt from your silk riding boots. XXX stamps her feet firmly on the floor in an attempt to dislodge a particularly stubborn clod of dirt from her silk riding boots.
TURN You turn the toes of your silk riding boots inward and lean back, shifting your weight to your heels. XXX turns the toes of her silk riding boots inward and leans back, shifting her weight to her heels.

Shoe Punch

This punch is a master cobbler's hallmark punch and will work with only shoes (shoes, moccasins, batts, brogues, pattens, revelins, poulaines, or yatane). It came off the shelf as a patinated copper punch.


You analyze your copper punch and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions, but the creator has stated that "The item has restrictions on changing the noun."

The creator has also provided the following information:

This punch is a master cobbler's hallmark punch.  You can cycle through the options via TURN and apply the hallmark to a cobbled shoe via PUSH.

This item may be altered with a long or show description, however, the noun must remain PUNCH.  You may request a merchant add a custom hallmark to the punch.  The design must make sense to be imprinted on to the bottom of a shoe (e.g., "a smiley face").  No embellishments or materials may be added to the hallmark.  Colors are okay.  It should be less than 10 words.

In addition to adding your hallmark, this copper punch will apply "Shoe Punch" zests, which will add some kick to your cobbled creations and allow the wearer to PUSH, DANCE, LEAN, BOW, ATTEND, NUDGE, TURN, or STOMP the footwear.

You get no sense of whether or not the punch may be further lightened.

Wedding Punch

This punch is a master cobbler's hallmark punch and will work with all kinds of footwear. It came off the shelf as a filigreed rose gold punch.


You analyze the rose gold punch and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions, but the creator has stated that "The item has restrictions on changing the noun."

The creator has also provided the following information:

This punch is a master cobbler's hallmark punch.  You can cycle through the options via TURN and apply the hallmark to a cobbled shoe via PUSH.

This item may be altered with a long or show description, however, the noun must remain PUNCH.  You may request a merchant add a custom hallmark to the punch.  The design must make sense to be imprinted on to the bottom of a shoe (e.g., "a smiley face").  No embellishments or materials may be added to the hallmark.  Colors are okay.  It should be less than 10 words.

In addition to adding your hallmark, this rose gold punch will apply "Wedding Punch" zests, which will add some kick to your cobbled creations and allow the wearer to TAP, RUB, KICK, POKE, RAISE, TURN, BOW, or SNAP the footwear.

You get no sense of whether or not the punch may be further lightened.

Let's Dance Punch

This punch is a master cobbler's hallmark punch and will work with all kinds of footwear. It came off the shelf as a polished vaalin punch.


You analyze your vaalin punch and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions, but the creator has stated that "The item has restrictions on changing the noun."

The creator has also provided the following information:

This punch is a master cobbler's hallmark punch.  You can cycle through the options via TURN and apply the hallmark to a cobbled shoe via PUSH.

This item may be altered with a long or show description, however, the noun must remain PUNCH.  You may request a merchant add a custom hallmark to the punch.  The design must make sense to be imprinted on to the bottom of a shoe (e.g., "a smiley face").  No embellishments or materials may be added to the hallmark.  Colors are okay.  It should be less than 10 words.

In addition to adding your hallmark, this vaalin punch will apply "Let's Dance" zests, which will allow you to dance, alone or with a partner, with music or without.  Unlocks are handled via dance card, not via the punch.

You get no sense of whether or not the punch may be further lightened.

Additional Information


Available hallmark and/or name options:

  1. Display no crafting mark or engraving
  2. Display an engraving of the owner's name and cobbler's name
  3. Display the cobbler's full name and title
  4. Display the cobbler's name
  5. Display the cobbler's crafting mark and the owner's name
  6. Display the cobbler's crafting mark


Imprinted on the sole, you notice a soaring drake overlaying a jagged mountain peak.  Inside, the name 'Eruheran' is engraved in elegant script.

See Also

Cobbling punch Information
Type Fluff
Item Classification Clothing
Item(s) Applied to Footwear
Original Release Merchant Airisu
Original Release Venue Feywrot Mire
Original Release Year 2016
Tiered Yes
Number of Tiers 2
Item Verbs