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Ebon Gate Festival/services 2023

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< Ebon Gate Festival
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Item Draw Date Time Ticket Price Location
Eviscerating Transference Raffle - 5 winners Friday, 10/13 10p Wrencrest Manor
5x Globus Naidem Friday, 10/13 11p Wrencrest Manor
Custom Food Raffle - 5 Winners Saturday, 10/14 1:30p Wrencrest Manor
Custom Food Raffle - 5 Winners Saturday, 10/14 3:30p Wrencrest Manor
Magma Flare Tokens - 5 Winners Saturday, 10/14 6p Wrencrest Manor
5x Globus Naidem Sunday, 10/15 12a Wrencrest Manor
Premade WerePuppy - 8 winners Saturday, 10/14 9p All Dogs Go to Naidem, Yard
Bloodletting Leech Jar, Unlimited Leeches Per Day - 2 Winners Sunday, 10/15 10a The Four Humours, Office
Fully Unlocked Auction block - 3 winners Sunday, 10/15 12p 50k Gable of the Rook
Forehead gem Sunday, 10/15 12:10p 50k Gable of the Rook
Pair of erithi hairsticks with 5x starsong daggers Sunday, 10/15 12:15p 150k Gable of the Rooks
Teadragon pet - 2 winners, *attuned to winner* Sunday, 10/15 12:30p 100k Gable of the Rooks
Shifting perfume vial Sunday, 10/15 2:00p 50k The Witching House, Study
Finvale's Crystals - 3 winners, *attuned to winner* Monday, 10/16 7:30p Wrencrest Manor
Fully Unlocked Blacksmith's Companion Monday, 10/16 8:30p 250k Ironmonger's Smithy, Scrapyard
Fully Customized Basic Dreamfire Panel - 3 winners Wednesday, 10/18 8:00p 50k Illusory Dreams, Backroom


Date Time Location Merchant Service Method
Friday, 10/13 9p Wrencrest Manor Jehckle Jehckle Works on Divination Devices
Saturday, 10/14 11a Beneath the Philtrum Tufeeti Altering Cosmetics
Saturday, 10/14 3:30p - 4:30p Wrencrest Rookery, Garden Zveris Cosmetic Spirit Beast Alterations Spin
Saturday, 10/14 2:30p Wrencrest Manor Seynne Altering Basketifier and Small Boards
Saturday, 10/14 6:30p Wrencrest Manor Aneela Altering Weapons, Armor, and Armaments
Saturday, 10/14 10:30p Beneath the Philtrum Tufeeti Altering Feature Changing Items
Sunday, 10/15 12:30a Wrencrest Manor Jehckle Mandrake, Lamb and Retser Cat Alterations
Sunday, 10/15 11a - 12p Wrencrest Rookery, Garden Zveris Cosmetic Spirit Beast Alterations Spin
Sunday, 10/15 12:45p Gable of the Rook Teadragons for 50k soul shards - 10 winners Spin
Sunday, 10/15 1p Gable of the Rook Teadragons for 500k silvers - 10 winners Spin
Sunday, 10/15 1p Beneath the Philtrum Tufeeti GALD
Sunday, 10/15 5p Wrencrest Rookery Rodnir Twisted Weapon Script Add Spin
Sunday, 10/15 7p Wrencrest Manor Seynne Altering Food-related Items
Sunday, 10/15 9p - 10p Wrencrest Rookery, Garden Zveris Cosmetic Spirit Beast Alterations Spin
Sunday, 10/15 9p All Dogs Go to Naidem, Yard Change WerePuppy Curse Type/Description - must own puppy, 3 winners Spin
Sunday, 10/15 9p A Vague Inkling Cheryan Unlocking Discreet Containers - 10 winners Spin
Monday, 10/16 9:30a Ironmonger's Smithy, Scrapyard Blacksmith's Companion Pattern Adding Spin
Monday, 10/16 8p - 8:30p Wrencrest Manor Tufeeti 30-minutes of Divination Device Altering
Monday, 10/16 8:30p Ironmonger's Smithy, Scrapyard Blacksmith's Companion Pattern Adding Spin
Monday, 10/16 9p Wrencrest Manor Jehckle Subscripting Evermore Hollow Music Cases with Wavedancer Music Cases - Bring your own case. Also doing Instruments
Monday, 10/16 11:30p - 12:30a Wrencrest Manor Jehckle Just One Thing
Wednesday, 10/18 9p Wrencrest Rookery Rodnir Twisted Weapon Script Add Spin
Thursday, 10/19 9:30a Wrencrest Rookery, Garden GALD Spin
Thursday, 10/19 8:30p Wrencrest Rookery, Garden GALD Spin



Item Draw Date Time Ticket Price Location
Eviserating Transference Raffles, 2 winners Friday, 10/6 9p Wrencrest Manor
Custom Food Raffle Saturday, 10/7 1:30p Wrencrest Manor
Premade WerePuppies - 4 Winners Saturday, 10/7 9p All Dogs Go to Naidem, Yard
Bloodletting Leech Jar - Unlimited Leeches Per Day Sunday, 10/8 10a The Four Humours, Office
Fully Unlocked Blacksmith's Companion Monday, 10/9 8:30p 25k Ironmonger's Smithy, Scrapyard
Finvale Crystal Wednesday, 10/10 11p
T5 Whodoo Doll Thursday, 10/12 6p 100k Goblin King Dolls, The Room
Uncommon Rune Teachings - Sorcerers level 25 and up Friday, 10/13 7:25p Both Sides Now
Uncommon Rune Teachings - Sorcerers level 25 and up Friday, 10/13 7:25p Innoscents Lost


Date Time Location Merchant Service Method
Friday, 10/6 9:30p Wrencrest Manor Jehckle Divination Device Alterations Spin
Saturday, 10/7 11:30a Beneath the Philtrum Tufeetti Altering make-up, dyes, and yarn
Saturday, 10/7 1p Wrencrest Manor Seynne Basketifier and Small Boards Customizations
Sunday, 10/8 7:30p Wrencrest Manor Jehckle GALD
Sunday, 10/8 9p A Vague Inkling Cheryan Unlocking Discreet Containers Spin
Sunday, 10/8 10p - 11p Wrencrest Rookery, Garden Zveris Cosmetic Spirit Beast Alterations Spin
Monday, 10/9 9:30a Ironmonger's Smithy, Scrapyard Blacksmith's Companion Pattern Adding Spin
Monday, 10/9 11:30a Beneath the Philtrum Tufeetti Customizing Feature Changing Items (2 fields)
Monday, 10/9 7:30p Wrencrest Manor Jehckle GALD
Monday, 10/9 8:30p Ironmonger's Smithy, Scrapyard Blacksmith's Companion Pattern Adding Spin
Monday, 10/9 9p All Dogs Go to Naidem Change WerePuppy Curse Type/Description (Delayed Service) - Current Puppy Owners Only Spin
Tuesday, 10/10 3:30p - 4:30p Wrencrest Rookery, Garden Zveris Cosmetic Spirit Beast Alterations Spin
Tuesday, 10/10 8p Jehckle GALD, but she will also offer a special service for 50,000 silvers where she will subscript the Evermore Hollow Music Case w. the Wavedancer Music Case. You must bring an Evermore Hollow Case with you for this service.
Wednesday, 10/11 9p Twisted Ways Rodnir Twisted Weapon Script Add - up to 5 winners Spin
Wednesday, 10/11 10p Tufeetti GALD
Thursday, 10/12 9:30a Wrencrest Rookery, Garden GALD Spin
Thursday, 10/12 8:30p Wrencrest Rookery, Garden GALD Spin
Thursday, 10/12 9p Wrencrest Manor, Sitting Room Aneela GALD - Arms, Armaments, Shields, Runestaves
Friday, 10/13 7p Twisted Ways Rodnir Twisted Weapon Script Add - up to 5 winners Spin
Friday, 10/13 11a - 12p Wrencrest Rookery, Garden Zveris Cosmetic Spirit Beast Alterations Spin