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Elemental Saturation (413)
Elemental Saturation causes a target to incur a -25 penalty to elemental target defense (TD). It has automatic success unless the target is more than 10 levels above the attacker. Ascension creature targets and grizzled creature targets can go up to level 20 higher, but there's a 10% chance of failure for each level past 10. Subsequent attempts against the same Ascension target increases the odds of success by 20% for each attempt.
Elemental Saturation is an autosuccess spell and will automatically succeed when cast on a target no more than 10 levels above you. Against a bounty boss or ascension creature, it can succeed up to 20 levels above you, with a 10% failure chance per level difference over 10. Failing due to the failure chance will grant a stacking 20% decrease to the failure chance.
Lore Benefit
Training in Elemental Lore, Fire will increase the persistent TD penalty applied to the target by 1 per seed 5 summation of ranks.
Elemental Lore, Fire ranks 0 5 11 18 26 35 45 56 68 81 Total TD penalty 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Elemental Lore, Fire ranks 95 110 126 143 161 180 200 221 243 Total TD penalty 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43
- Start
A dark shadow passes over you.
- End
A dark shadow passes away from you.
Alchemy Recipes
A shadowy dark crystal wand | |
Eastern version | Western version |