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FotFShop:The Blacksmith/2017

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none, Map Room #16, Lich #24021


[Inner Walkway, Blacksmith]
Piles of wood and scrap metal clutter the open-air smithy that occupies this portion of walkway. A sturdy rock forge and leather bellows sit beneath a brightly striped canvas awning bearing the golden wyvern of House Vaalor. Flickering torches light a heavy weapons rack and a sturdy armor stand that proudly display the blacksmith's wares.
Obvious exits: northeast
In the Common language, it reads:
All of the vaalorn armors on this stand have been specifically crafted with accomodations for the male physique, while the mithril armors are suited to the feminine form.

The vaalorn wares carry the metal's natural enchant and the mithril wares are the equivalent of four full enchants.

In the heavy weapons rack you see:

a vaalorn warsword falchion 44500
a vaalorn longsword longsword 100000
a vaalorn handaxe handaxe 35500
a vaalorn warlance lance 34500
a vaalorn flamberge flamberge 67500

In the sturdy armor stand you see:

a mithril hauberk AsG: 16 350000
some delicate mithril chain mail AsG: 13 250000
some supple mithril chain AsG: 15 330000
some mithril full plate AsG: 20 1000000
a fitted mithril breastplate AsG: 17 350000
some vaalorn augmented mail AsG: 15 218000
some vaalorn full plate AsG: 20 712000
a vaalorn metal breastplate AsG: 17 243000
some vaalorn half plate AsG: 19 424000
some vaalorn chain mail AsG: 13 181000
some vaalorn double chain AsG: 14 200000

On the sturdy rock forge you see:

some green dust 300
some bright orange dust 300
some ice blue dust 300
some crimson dust 300
some silver dust 300
some inky cobalt dust 300
some yellow dust 300
some purple dust 300
some indigo dust 300
some golden dust 300
some pearly white dust 300

Blacksmith, Coal Storage

[Blacksmith, Coal Storage]
Dark and dusty, this small underground chamber holds large piles of coal. Magical globes light a strange contraption formed of a cloth belt on metal rollers that leads from a small pile up to a trapdoor in the ceiling.