Garlic Amulet

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Garlic Amulets are charms made by dwarves and originally created by GMs Mindra Jharra for 2003's Revel of the Anfelt. In 2024, they were updated by GM Xynwen and sold at Tok's Rocks'n'Stuff at Ale Festival. The original purpose was for an item that may ward off ill effects of things. These are fluff amulets with purported but not actual powers (except the power to overpower someone's sense of smell and/or good taste perhaps). There are two tiers.


You analyze the garlic amulet and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions, but the creator has stated that "The item type should not change."

The creator has also provided the following information:
~*~ Garlic Amulets ~*~
Created by GMs Mindra and Jharra for 2003's Revel of the Anfelt, a pungent sage and garlic amulet is a pungent, dwarven-created amulet.  It was updated in 2024 by GM Xynwen for re-release at Ale Fest.  Please read the alter directions carefully.

  * Tier 1:  lick, rub, smell, wave
  * Tier 2:  eat, kiss, twist, turn

Alteration Guidelines:
  * Any merchant who wishes to alter this may do so
  * The noun must remain "amulet," and garlic must be referenced in the base (and long if applicable)
  * You can have a long and/or a show, but there is *always* a prepended show it cannot contradict
  * You can select the color and material of the secondary item wrapped with the garlic.  It must be organic and have some color that contrasts somewhat with the garlic.  It is always dried in messaging
  * You can select the color/description and material of the neckchain, but it will always be long and slim
  * At Tier 2, you can add a READ replacement.  This must be a single, complete sentence and name the three dwarven runes.  It will be readable by dwarves only and should have at least have 1 dealing with protection of some sort
    - Example:  The three dwarven runes etched into the garlic read "Protection, Ale, and Mithril."

Current Settings:
  * Secondary Color and Material:  dark green sage
  * Chain Color/Description and Material:  darkened invar
  * Read:  There is no custom read

~*~ End Custom Analyze ~*~

You get no sense of whether or not the amulet may be further lightened.