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Greater Felcour Gauntlets

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The "Greater Felcour Gauntlets" are a new item found in February 2025's Duskruin Arena Battle Vault, created by GM Xynwen. They are inspired by, and share similarities with, the original Felcour dueling gauntlets released several years ago (originally designed by GM Ozias). You can THROW a gauntlet at someone to challenge them to a duel, or you can WAVE your gauntlets at someone. Waving will create a portal, and the challenger and challenged can GO PORTAL and be transported to a fighting arena. Everyone else who does GO PORTAL will be transported to a viewing room. See FAQ #13 below for specific information on viewing room restrictions.

At initial release, there are 2 "arena themes" -- a black sand arena and a shipwreck grotto arena. Future expansions are possible and in the planning stages.


You analyze the etched metal gauntlets and sense that the creator has provided the following information:
~*~ Greater Felcour Gauntlets ~*~
Created for Duskruin Arena's 10th Anniversary, these gauntlets can be used to challenge another player to a duel.  You can either simply THROW your gauntlets at your opponent if you wish to duel on the spot, or you can WAVE your gauntlets at them if you wish to fight them in an arena.

  * Fluff verbs:   clench, raise, slap, toss
  * THROW GAUNTLETS AT {TARGET} to set your opponent for a non-arena challenge.
    ** Note:  This creates a "pseudo-gauntlet" on the ground that only you or the person you challenged can get.  It will stay there for 30 seconds.
  * GET GAUNTLET:  for the 'pseudo-gauntlet' - you can pick it up to remove the challenge.  The challenged can get it to accept the challenge.  No one else can.
  * WAVE GAUNTLETS AT {TARGET} sets your opponent for an arena challenge (see details below).
  * LOOK will show the reason and the rules for your challenge.
  * WHISPER will allow you to change the reason, the rules, or the arena appearance
    ** Reasons and Rules are for roleplay purposes.  Arena-based duels will always be to unconsciousness, unless someone SURRENDERs during a fight.]
  * BREAK will allow a battle vault-created pair of gauntlets to be permanently destroyed and give an account-bound EXP orb
    ** POKE will allow you to permanently remove the option to BREAK your gauntlets for an exp orb
    ** REMINDER:  BREAK is permanent...the item is gone.  POKE is also permanent.  You will no longer be able to BREAK your gauntlets.
    ** This item is no longer breakable

Arena Fighting:
  * Up to 4 times a day (resets at midnight server time), you can challenge a single person to a duel in a mobile arena.
  * When you WAVE your gauntlets at someone, a magical portal is set up, and for the next 15 minutes, you and your challenged can GO PORTAL to enter a fighting arena.  Spectators will GO PORTAL to get to a viewing area.
  ** If your fight is quick, you and your opponent can go back through the portal until the 15 minutes are up

  * Supports a base, long, and show within the restrictions here
  * There is a hard-coded LOOK that appends and mentions jeweled cuffs.  Alters cannot contradict this
  * The jeweled cuffs have hard-coded gems used in WHISPER for reason/rule, so take that into account
  * This is a pair of gauntlets, so you must use 'some' or 'a pair of' and the noun must stay gauntlets
  * When THROWn, it will be temporarily altered to be a single gauntlet that can have an optional long  but not a show.  It must match the plural version
    ** For example: a pair of blue gauntlets could be 'a single blue gauntlet' but not 'a red gauntlet'
  * The SHOW is only visible on the plural gauntlets, and the hard-coded LOOK still applies
  * Item must be made out of leather or metal.
~*~ End Custom Analyze ~*~


Verb Style First Third
BREAK (First use) You hold a pair of etched metal gauntlets cuffed with gems and contemplate breaking it apart!

[Doing this to a pair of etched metal gauntlets cuffed with gems is a permanent decision and will result in not having it anymore. If you really want to do this, BREAK gauntlets again within 30 seconds.]

(Confirming) You rip apart the gauntlets, throwing the pieces to the ground. You discover a shimmering violet orb hidden in the debris and pick it up. A tiny clockwork spider appears and gathers up the remaining pieces before disappearing.
Requires confirmation. This allows you to DESTROY YOUR GAUNTLETS and get an account-bound EXP orb instead. The item is GONE FOR GOOD if you do this.
CLENCH Held You clench your hands about your etched metal gauntlets, bashing the gauntlets together defiantly. Xynwen clenches her hands about her etched metal gauntlets, bashing the gauntlets together defiantly.
Worn You clench your fists, then bash your etched metal gauntlets together defiantly. Xynwen clenches her fists, then bashes her etched metal gauntlets together defiantly.
RAISE Held You raise your gauntlets over your head, clashing them together as you give a warlike growl. Xynwen raises her gauntlets over her head, clashing them together as she gives a warlike growl.
Worn You raise your fists, issuing a warlike growl punctuated by the clash of your gauntlets coming together. Xynwen raises her fists, issuing a warlike growl punctuated by the clash of her gauntlets coming together.
SLAP Held/Worn You slap your etched metal gauntlets together and glare about the area. Xynwen slaps her etched metal gauntlets together and glares about the area.
TOSS Held You stare straight ahead, tossing a pair of etched metal gauntlets cuffed with gems in the air with casual menace. Xynwen stares straight ahead, tossing a pair of etched metal gauntlets cuffed with gems in the air with casual menace.
THROW <at person> You throw an etched metal gauntlet cuffed with gems to the ground at Valyxia's feet, daring her to accept your challenge. Xynwen throws an etched metal gauntlet cuffed with gems to the ground at your feet, daring you to pick it up and accept her challenge.
WAVE Slapping the gauntlets together abruptly, you wave them at Valyxia, miming a slap to the face.

A glimmering blood red portal sparks into existence.

Slapping the gauntlets together abruptly, Xynwen waves them at you, miming a slap to the face.

A glimmering blood red portal sparks into existence.

WHISPER Arena is out You currently have an open arena set via WAVE. Please try again after that is completed. N/A
Gauntlet is down You have a challenge issued via THROW. Please wait until after that is completed to proceed. N/A

Additional Information

Throw vs Wave

When you throw down a gauntlet, a pseudo-gauntlet is created and tossed to the ground. Your pair of gauntlets will temporarily look like a single gauntlet. You can either GET your own thrown gauntlet and cancel your challenge, or the person you issued the challenge to can get it. In either case, the gauntlet on the ground will shimmer out of existence and "re-pair" itself with your gauntlets, re-pluralizing their look. And no worries, if you leave the area, or get booted, etc., it's okay -- that pseudo-gauntlet disappears after 30 seconds, and your real gauntlets will assume their proper look after 30 seconds as well.

THROW is meant to just say, "Hey, let's duel." There is no limit to how many times you can do this. You can even WHISPER to your gauntlets to change the reason and the rules of your duel (such as a reason of sport and rules of to the pain). The reason and rules, however, are NOT binding or mechanically done in any way -- so managing that is purely an RP situation.

When you WAVE your gauntlets at someone, it creates a portal. The portal will be open for 15 minutes. You and your opponent can GO PORTAL, and you will be in a fighting arena. This works like other mobile arenas, such as the ones found on the flotilla and at the Festival of the Fallen. Anyone else can GO PORTAL and be transported to a viewing area, where they can PEER <window object> to watch the fight. They can YELL in that room as well, and those fighting in the arena can hear it.

You have 4 uses of WAVE per day. This resets at midnight server time.

Arena Themes

All gauntlets will have access to the Black Sand Arena and the Shipwreck Arena. Future themes will be released.

Black Sand Arena

Arena Room:

[Black Sands Arena]
Rough-hewn stone walls surround an expanse of firmly packed black sand.  Several open windows carved into the walls high above look down onto the arena, fluttering banners of various fighting organizations hanging between each opening.

Viewing Room:

[Black Sands Arena, Viewing]
Rough stone benches are set in tiered semicircles around a stone-framed window, which looks down upon a black sand arena below.  You also see a glimmering blood red portal.
Shipwreck Grotto

Arena Room:

[Shipwreck Grotto]
Brilliant light slants in bands across the high travertine walls that surround a turquoise-watered grotto.  Bright white sands form an ovoid dueling arena, the level surface glittering as bits of mica reflect the golden light.  Appearing like the broken toys of some giant being, seafaring vessels lay scattered in the water, their rent-open hulls and snapped masts bespeaking an untimely demise.

Viewing Room:

[Beached Ship, Viewing Stands]
Pitched at an angle, the floor of the beached ship is scarred and splintered.  Heavy gouges, likely from the weight of cannons, trace across the sun-bleached wood towards fragmented railings and wrecked gunwales.  Driftwood, knotted and bound together with hemp, is piled along the edges, creating benches that are able to look out over the railings railings towards an arena in the sand.  You also see a glimmering blood red portal.


Taken from the pinned FAQs in the discord forum.

  1. Yes, the original Felcour gauntlets may get some updates at some point as well. No, they won't have an arena option. This is unique to the Greater Felcour Gauntlets.
  2. Yes, you can BREAK it to destroy the gauntlets and get that EXP orb if you really want it.
  3. Yes, Greater Felcour Gauntlets will get some additional expansions. Possibly some this run, and definitely some for August.
  4. No, there are no plans for Greater Felcour Gauntlets to be available outside February 2025's DR battle vault.
  5. Planned expansions include: panels you can get that will add different arena themes, extra fluff verbs, extra times/day to use WAVE, extension of each WAVE's time --- there is no additional information yet as to when/how this will be done.
  6. Yes, you run the risk of losing things if you put them on the ground. When the portal closes, everyone in the arena and viewing area get returned to where they went in.
  7. The settings on the gauntlets for rules and reasons are purely fluff at this point -- there is no way to make sure the arena knows you want to duel to first blood only.
  8. Yes, it's the exact same as Festival of the Fallen and the flotilla -- these all run off the same coding under the hood for the arenas, so the spell restrictions remain the same. This does mean though that if/when those get updated, these arenas will get it as well.
  9. Yes, the gauntlets are character-attuned to the person who OPENS the battle vault.
  10. WAVE LIMITATIONS: You cannot use this in rooms that block teleportation or magic. You cannot GO through the portal if you are in combat or injured.
  11. This only allows 2 people in to fight. Sorry, no groups at this time!
  12. When you are knocked unconscious, you are teleported out of the arena and back to where the portal is. You are automatically healed.
  13. If you are NOT in a room that is considered by the system to be in town or near town, then there are some restrictions in place. In the viewing rooms, you won't be able to give, exchange, or drop anything. In addition, you won't be able to disarm boxes, pick locks, or do magic. No one will be able to go through the portal injured either. These restrictions do not apply if the portal sets up in a room that is in town or near town. For the fighting arena combatants, and this change applies to all fighting arenas using this system (Festival of the Fallen, the flotilla, etc), you can no longer disarm boxes or pick locks, nor can you drop, give, or exchange anything.


  • Kudos to APMs Thandiwe and Tivvy, and GMs Elysani and Casil for helping design a variety of arena themes
  • Major thanks to APM Isten and GM Tamuz for their QC prowess

See Also

Greater Felcour Gauntlets Information
Type Fluff
Item Classification Accessory
Item(s) Applied to Gauntlet
Alterable Yes
Original Release Venue Duskruin
Original Release Year 2025
Attunement Permanent
Attunes to Character
Restrictions Cannot contradict hard-coded show description.
Item Verbs