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Isle Dyes
Isle Dyes is a shop in Mist Harbor that sells dyes. It is located on the southern path of Mist Harbor.
Isle Dyes, Foyer
[Isle Dyes, Foyer] | Room: 34252 |
Reddish tiling spreads across the floor in pleasant contrast to the white stucco walls. A trio of curving arches to the west open up into the showroom, while a simple arch to the north leads out into an open-air courtyard. Just adjacent, a large bamboo desk has been commandeered by a massive collection of papers and half-full dye bottles. You also see a large placard, a collection of bamboo chairs covered in red cushions, a small wooden door labeled, "Public Workroom" and an obtrusive sign. | |
Obvious exits: out |
Isle Dyes, Showroom
Directions: through the trio of arches from the Foyer
[Isle Dyes, Showroom] | Room: 34251 |
Dark bamboo tables and chairs sit on the reddish tile flooring that rises up into stucco walls of white. Dangling from hooks set in the stucco, wrought iron lanterns supplement the natural light streaming through several windows to amply illume the showcase of dyes. Tiny bottles sit on shelves along the walls, and swatches of fabric lay across the tables. Several garments, expertly dyed in intricately colored patterns, dress up the walls above the shelves. You also see a trio of curved arches and some small etched placards. |
Isle Dyes, Courtyard
Directions: through the simple arch from the Foyer, east from Sunflower Shades, or west from Sunset Shades
[Isle Dyes, Courtyard] | Room: 34254 |
Walled with heavy white canvas that plummets down in straight lines from the supporting poles, the dyeing area is large, wide, and airy. The roof overhead is also made of canvas, though it is raised several feet higher than the walls on separate poles to allow sunlight to filter in. Billowing in the passing breeze, light drapes, of a sheer white variety that is a lovely contraposition to the blue tile flooring, serve as dividers between the courtyard and the individual dyeing stalls. You also see a set of potted plants, some tiled steps leading through an archway, a wide cushioned bench and a tall bamboo pole bearing a lantern. | |
Obvious paths: north, east, west |
Isle Dyes, Sunset Shades
Directions: east from southern Courtyard room
[Isle Dyes, Sunset Shades] | Room: 34257 |
Visible through a large window set in the stucco structure to the south, the stall's contents consist only of rows and rows of buckets. The buckets show off dyes that range from the lighter shades of orange to the darker shades of red. Obviously too full, their contents have smashed together, causing some vials to shatter and send dye dripping down in haphazard patterns on the blue tile flooring. You also see a wide window box teeming with red and orange tulips, a row of tidy buckets with some stuff on it, a row of wooden buckets with some stuff on it and a row of dye-stained buckets with some stuff on it. | |
Obvious paths: west |
On the tidy buckets you see: a bone white vial of dye, a bright orange vial of dye, a bright scarlet vial of dye, a marine blue vial of dye, a blood red vial of dye, an iridescent white vial of dye, a burnt sienna vial of dye, a mottled black vial of dye, and a steel grey vial of dye.
On the wooden buckets you see: a bright yellow vial of dye, a jade green vial of dye, a misty grey vial of dye, a storm grey vial of dye, a bright celadon vial of dye, a powder blue vial of dye, a warm brown vial of dye, an iridescent blue vial of dye, and a golden yellow vial of dye.
On the dye-stained buckets you see: a carnation pink vial of dye, a dark russet vial of dye, a lemon yellow vial of dye, a silvery green vial of dye, a dark grey vial of dye, a titian red vial of dye, a deep violet vial of dye, a bright silvery vial of dye, and a pearly grey vial of dye.
Isle Dyes, Sunflower Shades
Directions: west from southern Courtyard room
[Isle Dyes, Sunflower Shades] | Room: 34256 |
Set in the sturdy structure to the south, a large window looks out from the back of the shop into the stall, a large sunflower-filled window box just below its lower panes. Bright yellow sunflowers with sienna middles create a striking contrast between the two shades, further highlighting the yellow and brown hues of dyes filling the rows upon rows of buckets lined up against the western and northern white canvas walls. You also see a row of small buckets with some stuff on it, a row of large buckets with some stuff on it and a row of steel buckets with some stuff on it. | |
Obvious paths: east |
On the small buckets you see: a pearly white vial of dye, a bright fuchsia vial of dye, a coral red vial of dye, a mottled blue vial of dye, a dusky mauve vial of dye, a twilight blue vial of dye, a fiery orange vial of dye, a saffron yellow vial of dye, and a stone grey vial of dye.
On the large buckets you see: a frosty white vial of dye, a faded grey vial of dye, a sky blue vial of dye, a deep red vial of dye, a blizzard blue vial of dye, a sunset orange vial of dye, a mottled beige vial of dye, a hunter green vial of dye, and an amethyst purple vial of dye.
On the steel buckets you see: a glossy brown vial of dye, a coppery brown vial of dye, a reddish orange vial of dye, a sunny yellow vial of dye, a verdant green vial of dye, a rosy pink vial of dye, a light red vial of dye, a somber grey vial of dye, and a lavender blue vial of dye.
Isle Dyes, Courtyard
Directions: north from southern Courtyard room, east from Verdant Shades, southeast from Ocean Shades, south from Beyond Shades, southwest from Blossom Shades, or west from Underlying Shades
[Isle Dyes, Courtyard] | Room: 34255 |
High overhead, a white canvas ceiling is supported by thick steel poles adjacent to shorter poles that hold up the lower canvas walls divided into side-by-side dyeing stalls. Several feet of open space remain between the ceiling and the top of the walls, allowing both light and air to suffuse the area. Sheer white drapes separate each stall from the main of the courtyard. Nestled in the center of the blue tiled courtyard, a small fountain burbles quietly. You also see a tall bamboo pole bearing a lantern, a stone plaque, a disgruntled clerk and a curved bench. | |
Obvious paths: north, northeast, east, south, west, northwest |
Isle Dyes, Verdant Shades
Directions: west from the northern Courtyard room
[Isle Dyes, Verdant Shades] | Room: 34258 |
Shiny steel buckets strung by thin twisted ropes hang down from the top of the wall supports to rest against white canvas of the northern and southern walls. Spattered with a wide range of green shades, the lower half of the western wall shows off a vibrant green landscape which, though filled in with brown, red, yellow, and blue paints, is primarily colored with the green dyes in the buckets. You also see some spotless steel buckets with some stuff on it, some neatly ordered buckets with some stuff on it and some shiny steel buckets with some stuff on it. | |
Obvious paths: east |
On the spotless steel buckets you see: a speckled pink vial of dye, a dark brown vial of dye, an icy blue vial of dye, a deep ebony vial of dye, a faded maroon vial of dye, a dusky blue vial of dye, a charcoal grey vial of dye, a moss green vial of dye, and a deep indigo vial of dye.
On the neatly ordered buckets you see: a mint green vial of dye, a marbled pink vial of dye, a ghostly white vial of dye, a dappled grey vial of dye, a muddy brown vial of dye, a steel blue vial of dye, a pale yellow vial of dye, a silvery white vial of dye, and a dingy yellow vial of dye.
On the shiny steel buckets you see: a sea blue vial of dye, a pale orange vial of dye, an olive green vial of dye, a fiery scarlet vial of dye, a honey yellow vial of dye, a pale ivory vial of dye, a silvery grey vial of dye, a pitch black vial of dye, and a dingy blue vial of dye.
Isle Dyes, Ocean Shades
Directions: northwest from northern Courtyard room
[Isle Dyes, Ocean Shades] | Room: 34259 |
Buckets float in the air several feet above the blue ceramic tiling, their weights supported by twisted ropes attached to the canvas ceiling. Hanging several feet higher, papier-mache fish swim through the air via nearly indiscernible wires tied to the ceiling. Creating an ocean of color, the white canvas walls are accented by intermittent wavy stripes of the various shades of blue dyes bordered by thickly painted black lines. You also see some large steel buckets with some stuff on it, some slanted steel buckets with some stuff on it and some dirty steel buckets with some stuff on it. | |
Obvious paths: southeast |
On the large steel buckets you see: a sea green vial of dye, a bright white vial of dye, a dark green vial of dye, a mottled ochre vial of dye, a mottled grey vial of dye, an ink black vial of dye, a deep blue vial of dye, an aquamarine blue vial of dye, and a bright red vial of dye.
On the slanted steel buckets you see: a marbled grey vial of dye, a shiny blue vial of dye, a greyish blue vial of dye, a carnelian orange vial of dye, a pale violet vial of dye, a plain red vial of dye, a pure white vial of dye, a bright crimson vial of dye, and a periwinkle blue vial of dye.
On the dirty steel buckets you see: a dull beige vial of dye, a bleached white vial of dye, a bright blue vial of dye, a pale golden vial of dye, a jet black vial of dye, a burnt umber vial of dye, a twilight grey vial of dye, a dark crimson vial of dye, and a dull red vial of dye.
Isle Dyes, Beyond Shades
Directions: north from northern Courtyard room
[Isle Dyes, Beyond Shades] | Room: 34262 |
Stark and lacking in decor, the canvas walls of the immense stall are a pristine, clean white, and the area immediately opens out into the courtyard. In the center of the stall, a fragrant, lithe faewood tree rises up out of the blue ceramic tile flooring. The tree's permanent presence is further embellished by the elaborately worked bamboo and glaes table that neatly surrounds the tree, where the grey-tinged trunk grows right up through the center of the table. You also see some tidily kept buckets with some stuff on it, some pristine steel buckets with some stuff on it and a short row of buckets with some stuff on it. | |
Obvious paths: south |
On the kept buckets you see: an opalescent white vial of dye, a dove grey vial of dye, a mottled scarlet vial of dye, a plain yellow vial of dye, a faded purple vial of dye, a dusty rose vial of dye, a glittering golden vial of dye, a midnight blue vial of dye, and an opalescent green vial of dye.
On the steel buckets you see: a yellowish grey vial of dye, a garish yellow vial of dye, a lime green vial of dye, a pale pink vial of dye, a coal black vial of dye, a turquoise blue vial of dye, a shell pink vial of dye, a slate grey vial of dye, and a chestnut brown vial of dye.
On the row of buckets you see: a silvery blue vial of dye, a glossy red vial of dye, a cloudy grey vial of dye, a dark maroon vial of dye, a burnt ochre vial of dye, an opalescent pink vial of dye, a mottled green vial of dye, a matte black vial of dye, and a royal purple vial of dye.
Isle Dyes, Blossom Shades
Directions: northeast from northern Courtyard room
[Isle Dyes, Blossom Shades] | Room: 34261 |
Hanging down from the top of the white canvas walls, buckets attached to thin twisted ropes dangle in the air just above the blue tile flooring. Tiny flowers, each a pink or purple shade, hang from nearly indiscernible wires tied to the ceiling. Complementing the ceiling decor, the white canvas walls are dyed pink and purple in several spots, where thinly painted black lines form simple flowering shapes around the color. You also see some swaying steel buckets with some stuff on it, some dye-stained buckets with some stuff on it and some small steel buckets with some stuff on it. | |
Obvious paths: southwest |
On the swaying steel buckets you see: a dull black vial of dye, a burnt orange vial of dye, an ivory white vial of dye, a dingy grey vial of dye, a chalk white vial of dye, a faded orange vial of dye, an alabaster white vial of dye, a cobalt blue vial of dye, and a dingy brown vial of dye.
On the dye-stained buckets you see: a mottled brown vial of dye, a glossy white vial of dye, a vibrant red vial of dye, a plain blue vial of dye, a bright green vial of dye, a dark teal vial of dye, a faded taupe vial of dye, a shiny red vial of dye, and a cloudy white vial of dye.
On the small steel buckets you see: a bright magenta vial of dye, a speckled grey vial of dye, a pumpkin orange vial of dye, an azure blue vial of dye, and a viridian green vial of dye.
Isle Dyes, Underlying Shades
Directions: east from northern Courtyard room
[Isle Dyes, Underlying Shades] | Room: 34260 |
Shiny steel buckets rest against stark white walls of canvas to the north and south, their weights chiefly supported by thin ropes strung to the top of the walls. Anything but plain, the eastern end of the stall looks as though a battle by dye recently ripped across the canvas wall. You also see some small steel buckets with some stuff on it, a canvas wall, some neatly ordered buckets with some stuff on it and some shiny steel buckets with some stuff on it. | |
Obvious paths: west |
On the small steel buckets you see: a grass green vial of dye, an emerald green vial of dye, a dark golden vial of dye, a night black vial of dye, a sanguine red vial of dye, a purplish green vial of dye, a dark amber vial of dye, a chocolate brown vial of dye, and a deep orchid vial of dye.
On the neatly ordered buckets you see: an opalescent red vial of dye, a citrine yellow vial of dye, a wine red vial of dye, a nut brown vial of dye, a cinnamon brown vial of dye, an ultramarine blue vial of dye, a sapphire blue vial of dye, a ruby red vial of dye, and a peacock green vial of dye.
On the shiny steel buckets you see: a shiny black vial of dye, a verdigris green vial of dye, a pale lilac vial of dye, an opalescent yellow vial of dye, a deep auburn vial of dye, a faded white vial of dye, an opalescent blue vial of dye, a bright coppery vial of dye, and a dark silvery vial of dye.