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Keeping Up With the Kestrels (storyline)/2017-12-04 - Suspect Circumstances (log)
Eorgaen 4-5, 5117
by Leafiara Autumnwind of the [[::The_TownCrier|TownCrier]]
- Drandea says Reannah seems to be getting better.
- Drandea says she wants nooses for [[::Dennet_Kestrel|Dennet]], Quinshon, and [[::Naimorai_Kestrel|Naimorai]], saying she has Naimorai's journal and evidence against the three of them regarding "the murder and experimentation of Lana among other town citizens, the murder and cover up of Sir Michol, the framing of Hapenlok, and the kidnapping and torture of Osment."
- Drandea requests protection from the [[::Wehnimer%27s_Landing_Militia/saved_posts|militia]] but Shinann requests the evidence first; Drandea says that she's sent for it and it's on its way. (There's some speculation I cut out about whether a red-haired militiaman who passed by earlier in the night was the intended delivery man, but he wasn't found any other time that night.)
- Drandea takes a drink of whiskey Kayse gave her earlier in the night and falls into a euphoric state; Kayse attempts to give her what seems to be an antidote, but is too late as Drandea dies, and giving her the antidote after death does nothing.
- Militia men carry Drandea's corpse off and muse about her having spent time with an "Andrew". (Seems to be the same red-haired man who passed by earlier.)
- Kayse worries that she's suspected for murder and Shinann says she has no choice but to take her into custody until this is sorted out; Kayse goes along willingly and Shinann calls Hapenlok and Subarashi with her as witnesses and leaves the area. (Later in the night she also calls Leafiara over as a witness, but I've left this out of the log.)
[Note: A larger number of lines are left in tonight than usual since after a certain point it becomes far more player-driven.]
Drandea's Reannah Updates
[Stone Baths, Hearth]
The hearth room is dimly lit by brass lamps mounted along the dark mahogany walls. A trio of deep blue cushioned chairs faces a grey sandstone fireplace in the corner, while a slate-topped bar runs the length of an entire wall. A cluster of dark oak tables rests in the center of the room, not far from a brass archway. You also see a basket of sticks, a flight of stairs, a polished brass-banded bin and a pair of dark oak double doors.
Kipa bows to Drandea.
Drandea nods at Kipa.
Drandea says, "Get to work lad."
Drandea nods at Hapenlok.
Drandea says, "Ye look like a stick rubb'r."
Drandea snickers.
Kayse offers Drandea a stein of smooth honeyed whiskey.
Drandea accepts Kayse's honeyed whiskey.
Drandea says, "Thank ye for the whiskey Kayse."
Drandea says, "Yer good to me."
Kayse winks at Drandea.
Drandea slowly empties her lungs.
Drandea says, "Well the circus is all here."
[baby pause or AFK pause or something]
Drandea flails her arms about.
Drandea says, "Sorry...where was I.."
Speaking to Drandea, Kayse suggests, "You were insulting the mayor."
Drandea swears long, loud and well at Cruxophim.
Speaking relievedly to Drandea, Cruxophim remarks, "Much better."
Drandea plants the tip of her cane on the ground firmly, leaning against it.
Speaking calmly to Drandea, Cruxophim repeats, "I presume you will want to wait until Dennet cures dear Reannah before pursuing charges aggressively, yes?"
A young militiaman with green eyes and red hair comes marching down the stairs, his uniform a little uneven. Drandea briefly looks his way, and he hers, and he walks off quickly.
Drandea peers quizzically at Cruxophim.
Drandea asks, "She's cured, isn't she?"
Drandea asks, "In her little pylon prison?"
Speaking surreptitiously to Drandea, Cruxophim wonders, "Is she?"
Drandea says, "She's gettin' better, aye."
Drandea says, "She's askin' a lot o' questions."
Speaking surreptitiously to Drandea, Cruxophim wonders, "Then what is Dennet's final step, then?"
Speaking to Drandea, Irar asks, "Questions?"
Drandea says, "It sure as hell bett'r be."
Drandea says, "Aye, where is her son..."
Drandea says, "I haven't the heart to tell her yet."
Charges Against Dennet, Naimorai, and Quinshon
Drandea says, "So I want to move against the Grand Magister."
Hapenlok mutters, "Which one."
Drandea says, "Dennet."
Drandea says, "That icy [woman] from the Hall doesn't get to kill him."
Drandea says, "I want to also lay charges against Naimorai and Quinshon."
Drandea says, "I want three nooses, and your town's protection for me and my daughter Reannah."
Drandea nods.
Shinann says, "I will have to hear the charges."
Drandea says, "Captain Shinann."
Shinann asks, "Yes?"
Drandea says, "I have Naimorai's journal and I have all of the evidence you need against the three of them."
Drandea says, "And even more."
Shinann says, "I see."
Drandea says, "Some you would not even suspect."
Shinann says, "Maybe..."
Speaking curiously to Drandea, Kayse inquires, "Do you have it on you now?"
Drandea says, "The journal is safely guarded."
Drandea says, "No."
Drandea glances at Kayse.
Speaking to Drandea, Irar asks, "What charges do you intend to levy against Lady Naimorai?"
Speaking to Drandea, Shinann says, "I would like to read it, if at all possible."
Drandea says, "The murder and experimentation of Lana among other town citizens, the murder and cover up of Sir Michol, the framing of Hapenlok, and the kidnapping and torture of Osment."
Drandea says, "I will need your promise of protection Captain."
Cruxophim nods slowly at Drandea.
Drandea says, "For me, and Lady Reannah."
Drandea says, "Don't nod to me Mayor, yer word is as valuable as that sandpisser's piss."
Speaking to Drandea, Shinann says, "I would have to see the evidence."
Shinann says, "Before I can make a promise like that."
Speaking calmly to Shinann, Cruxophim agrees, "Your call then, Captain."
Shinann says, "I just called it."
Drandea says, "I've had the evidence sent for."
Drandea nods.
Drandea says, "He'll be back soon enough."
Shinann nods at Drandea.
A Grandmotherly Aside
Speaking thoughtfully to Drandea, Cruxophim wonders, "Does it trouble you, to accuse your granddaughter?"
Drandea says, "It does."
Drandea says, "Or, it did."
Drandea says, "She's got the blood of that sandpiss'r."
Drandea says, "She's dead to me."
Shinann says, "But, she is your daughter's daughter."
Drandea says, "A mistake."
Drandea says, "Nothin' more."
Drandea says, "When ye..."
Drandea says, "She's done things..."
Drandea shakes her head.
Sudden Death
Speaking to Drandea, Irar asks, "Are there any crimes of which you suspect either Quinshon or Lady Naimorai being guilty, but have no proof yet?"
Drandea leans back in her chair.
Drandea says, "I've all the proof needed in the journal."
Drandea glances at a brass archway.
Drandea seems to be waiting for something.
Drandea takes a drink from her honeyed whiskey.
Drandea says, "Where did you get this whiskey? It's delicious."
Drandea nods at Kayse.
Drandea suddenly seems to fall into a state of relaxation, a pleasant smile on her face as she lets out a contented sigh.
Speaking simply to Drandea, Kayse says, "A garden hidden in the Cooper's shop. I can get you more if you wish."
Drandea blinks.
Drandea gazes in wonder at her surroundings.
A dreamy, euphoric expression comes over Drandea's visage as her eyes glaze over and her skin takes on a faint greenish tinge.
Kayse blinks at Drandea.
Drandea quietly asks, " that you?"
Drandea's veins glow a dark green, nearly black, hue as her eyelids droop slightly and she gently, quietly slumps to the floor. Her body repeatedly twitches.
Drandea quietly says, "You''re just as handsome as I remember...."
Kayse drops a snifter of dark cherry brandy.
Kayse removes a small ebony velvet bag from in her oval vanity case.
Kayse kneels down.
Kayse just opened a small ebony velvet bag.
Kayse stares at Goblyn.
Drandea's twitching decreases to a subtle, but continuous, shiver, her eyes staring straight ahead and completely unseeing despite her rapturous expression. The blackish green glow suffusing her veins seems to leak out into the rest of her body.
Drandea drops dead at your feet!
Kayse removes a swirling rusty red algae-infused elixir from in her ebony velvet bag.
Lylia stares unwaveringly at Kayse.
Kayse narrows her eyes, her dark sclera reduced to mere slits.
Lylia asks, "The whiskey...?"
Speaking to Lylia, Kayse says, "I didn't do anything."
Speaking to Kayse, Irar asks, "Where'd you get it?"
Cruxophim calmly inquires, "Who gave her the whiskey?"
Lylia asks, "No, no, I am sure of that -- but did someone else have access to it?"
>look corp
The corpse is that of an old woman with heavy-lidded bluish-black eyes that stare up and with an absence of life. Her limp grey hair is as lifeless as her body, her willowy frame seeming even smaller in death. A smile is frozen across her pale face, perhaps an indicator that she felt no pain.
Speaking to Irar, Kayse insists, "I drank out of that whiskey earlier, there was nothing in it."
Speaking desperately to Shinann, Kayse says, "I wasn't fast enough with the antidote."
Speaking quickly to Goblyn, Kayse asks, "Was that it?"
Goblyn blinks at Kayse.
Kayse attaches a small ebony velvet bag to her belt.
Kayse stands up.
Shinann says, "By the gods."
Speaking baffledly to Kayse, Goblyn asks, "Was... what it?"
Kayse frets.
Speaking quickly to Goblyn, Kayse asks, "Will the antidote work after death?"
Goblyn blinks at Kayse.
Kayse hisses a number of obscenities between her teeth before taking a deep breath and composing herself.
Goblyn whispers something to Kayse.
Kayse nods once at Goblyn.
Kayse angrily mutters, "Naimorai."
Speaking to Kayse, Goblyn notes, "You are maybe too slow, Kayse."
Speaking frustratedly to her algae-infused elixir, Kayse says, "Months for nothing."
Goblyn shrugs at Kayse.
Speaking to Kayse, Irar asks, "Was the drink out of your posession for any length of time ?"
Kayse looks over at Irar and shakes her head.
Speaking to Kayse, Irar asks, "Where did you get it?"
Goblyn nods slowly at Kayse.
Goblyn grins at Kayse.
Goblyn whispers something to Kayse.
Goblyn shrugs at Kayse.
Speaking to Irar, Kayse says, "The whiskey is in a decanter in the Cooper Shop. In the garden where Rodnay is staying."
Kayse kneels down.
(Kayse opens the mouth of the corpse and pours some of the algae-infused elixir into its mouth.)
Kayse glances sternly at Goblyn.
The corpse is unaffected.
Goblyn flashes a wide grin at Kayse.
(Kayse watches the woman's corpse waiting for any movement.)
Kayse glances at Shinann.
Kayse whispers something to Shinann.
Goblyn whispers something to Kayse.
Kayse eyes Goblyn with a stern expression, her dark sclera reduced to mere slits.
Kayse stands up.
Kayse put a swirling rusty red algae-infused elixir in her ebony velvet bag.
Cruxophim rubs Kayse gently.
Kayse just closed a small ebony velvet bag.
Speaking to Cruxophim, Kayse snaps, "Don't touch me."
Kayse removes a small ebony velvet bag from her belt.
Kayse put a small ebony velvet bag in her oval vanity case.
Goblyn looks over at Kayse with obvious disappointment.
Goblyn whispers something to Kayse.
Kayse narrows her eyes.
Some town militia arrive and carefully lift up the old woman's corpse. One militia member comments, "Hey...isn't that..wasn't Andrew and her....." The others shoot him glares and he quiets. Another militia member says, "We cart off too many bodies these days...." They all walk off, carrying Lady Drandea's body.
Poisonous Questions
Speaking flatly to Cruxophim, Kayse says, "Apparently everyone thinks I'm a murderer."
Speaking confusedly to Kayse, you say, "I don't."
Speaking to Kayse, Ysharra says, "No. Not everyone."
Speaking calmly to Kayse, Cruxophim agrees, "I don't."
Kayse glances skeptically around the room.
Speaking dryly to Kayse, Lylia says, "You get used to it. Try being Faendryl in this town."
Speaking to Kayse, Lornieh says, "I don't either."
Kayse slowly says, "The only person who has access to that poison besides me was Naimorai. I gave her the vial back."
Shinann says, "Exactly. I also know that Kayse has an antidote for that and was trying to use it."
Kayse nods slowly at Shinann.
Lylia asks, "I saw you hand her a vial of something. I can attest to that. But what was in it?"
Speaking to Lylia, Kayse says, "It was the same poison I drank a few weeks ago."
Kayse removes a flute of cherry-apple blood wine from in her oval vanity case.
Lylia nods at Kayse.
Kayse darkly says, "I can prove it too."
Kayse gives a sidelong glance at a flute of cherry-apple blood wine in her hand.
Goblyn raises an eyebrow in Kayse's direction.
Thrassus folds his arms over his chest and stares Kayse down, looking totally unimpressed.
Speaking curiously to Kayse, Goblyn asks, "You gave her -her- vial back?"
Kayse nods once at Goblyn.
Goblyn nods slowly at Kayse.
Kayse removes a small ebony velvet bag from in her oval vanity case.
Kayse attaches a small ebony velvet bag to her belt.
Kayse just opened a small ebony velvet bag.
Kayse removes a swirling rusty red algae-infused elixir from in her ebony velvet bag.
Shinann says, "However... even though I know you have the antidote."
Shinann sighs.
Kayse smirks.
Kayse put a swirling rusty red algae-infused elixir in her ebony velvet bag.
Kayse says, "The vial I gave her only had one dose."
Kayse says, "I suppose she could get more....."
Shinann says, "I have no choice but to have you taken in, Kayse. Until we can straighten this out."
Kayse put a flute of cherry-apple blood wine in her oval vanity case.
Closing the lid of her case, Kayse manipulates the pieces of its clasp, and it clicks softly as the locking mechanism is once again secured.
Shinann slowly empties her lungs.
Ysharra glances between Kayse and Shinann.
Subarashi blinks at Shinann.
Speaking firmly to Shinann, Kayse says, "Do what you need to do, Captain."
Ysharra asks, "How can you take her in?"
Speaking calmly to Shinann, Cruxophim states, "I'm sure she'll go peacefully."
Speaking to Shinann, Irar says, "I don't believe Kayse is responsible for this, Captain."
Shinann says, "I do not want to... but I think it will be safer for you, honestly."
Ysharra says, "There's nothing to directly implicate her."
Shinann says, "I do not believe it for a second."
Shinann says, "No."
Goblyn glances at Irar.
Irar glances at Goblyn.
Shinann asks, "Do any of you think she did it?"
Shinann glances around the room.
Thrassus shrugs.
Kipa shrugs.
Subarashi says, "No."
Madmountan says, "Nah."
Lylia gently says, "It is a necessary precaution, considering the provenance of the drink. Of course we do not think she did it."
Ysharra glances at Kayse.
Speaking to Kayse, Ysharra asks, "Is this what you want?"
You frankly ask, "Why would this be the night where we suddenly act on vague, incredibly circumstantial evidence?"
Kipa says, "I don't know her enough to say one way or the other."
Speaking to Shinann, Marijka says, "As such? No. But one wonders what could possibly have convinced her that returning the vial to Naimorai was good sense."
Lylia says, "But the law must be upheld."
Lornieh says, "Kayse has no motive."
Shinann says, "I do not want this, either. She has the antidote on her and she was trying to give it to her."
Speaking diplomatically to Ysharra, Kayse says, "I will not get in the way of the Captain's duties if she needs to do what she is required."
Ysharra sighs.
Lornieh says, "There were three people she named tonight though that do."
Shinann says, "I know this for a fact."
Lylia nods at Lornieh.
Ysharra says, "I killed Carenos in front of most of you, and I walked off afterward to my own devices."
You add, "Don't get me wrong, I would have liked to act on circumstantial evidence several times in the past. But I want some consistency."
Ysharra asks, "And you're going to take her into custody?"
A snow white raven suddenly releases an ear-piercing shriek!
Speaking to Lornieh, Lylia says, "They are Imperial citizens."
Ysharra nods.
Speaking to Ysharra, Marijka offers, "I can take you into custody if you're that broken up about it."
Speaking to Ysharra, Xorus says, "Yes. That was well executed."
Speaking calmly to Ysharra, Cruxophim reminds, "That was an authorized mercy killing."
Lornieh shrugs at Lylia.
Speaking to a snow white raven, Ysharra says, "Thank you, Munin. I'm glad someone else sees how mad this is."
Speaking offhandedly to Xorus, you agree, "It really was."
Ysharra stares at Xorus.
Kayse whispers something to Shinann.
Kayse glances meaningfully at Shinann.
Speaking reassuringly to Kayse, Cruxophim states, "We will sort this out."
Lornieh says, "Not saying we go after them, just saying there's no motive for Kayse."
Speaking to Kayse, Shinann asks, "Will you promise me not to leave town?"
Goblyn glances between Kayse and Shinann.
Cruxophim gazes in amusement at Shinann.
Kayse squints at Shinann.
Shinann sighs.
Speaking to Shinann, Hapenlok asks, " you happen to know if anything from Drandea's was left behind in the barracks?"
Speaking resignedly to Shinann, Kayse says, "Fine."
Speaking wryly to Shinann, Cruxophim mutters, "No one likes being the bad guy."
Cruxophim gives a half-hearted grin.
Ysharra glances at Cruxophim.
Speaking to Kayse, Hapenlok says, "I've been there. I sympathize with you."
Hapenlok slowly empties his lungs.
Shinann says, "No... it is just that the room is divided..."
Kayse nods once at Shinann.
Speaking to Shinann, Hapenlok says, "I can't remember that man's name, can you? That red-headed fella. I've seen him around..."
Speaking to Kayse, Shinann says, "For your safety, I am going to have you taken in."
Ysharra glances at Kayse and folds her arms over her chest.
Speaking to Shinann, Hapenlok says, "Just not tonight I haven't seen it."
Madmountan says, "Andrew."
Speaking wryly to Shinann, Cruxophim suggests, "Make sure to check under her tongue."
Hapenlok mouths, "Andrew."
Ysharra nods once at Kayse.
Kayse nods firmly at Shinann.
Hapenlok says, "Nobody around in the barracks."
Hapenlok says, "I walked the woods. I've yet to go underground." [earlier Hap had left the group to go look for the man Drandea exchanged glances with]
Kayse glances at Ysharra.
Ysharra sighs at Kayse.
Shinann slowly empties her lungs.
Shinann says, "I am sorry."
Goblyn cocks her head at Shinann.
Speaking affably to Shinann, Kayse says, "I hold nothing against you."
Shinann says, "I have no choice at the moment."
Cruxophim nods approvingly at Kayse.
Goblyn looks thoughtfully at Shinann.
Kipa shakes her head.
Chaoswynd mutters under his breath.
Shinann says, "I called to have someone take you."
Kipa says, "Better keep a trusted guard on her."
Shinann slowly empties her lungs.
Speaking amusedly to Shinann, Kayse responds, "I heard you." [because the call was over the amunet]
Speaking sardonically to Kayse, Cruxophim jests, "Prison's not so bad, I've been there a few times and I still retained my youthful good looks."
Cruxophim flashes Kayse a toothy grin.
Goblyn whispers something to Shinann.
Ysharra nods slowly at Kayse.
Goblyn peers quizzically at Shinann.
Goblyn surreptitiously glances at Kayse.
Kayse glances sharply at Cruxophim.
Speaking simply to Cruxophim, Kayse says, "As if I had the perfect record before coming to this town."
Shinann says, "Hapenlok, since you are here."
Cruxophim winks at Kayse.
Shinann asks, "Will you go with me and take her to the barracks?"
Cruxophim flashes a quick grin at Kayse.
Shinann says, "I want a witness."
Shinann glances around the room.
Speaking resignedly to Shinann, Hapenlok says, "Very well."
Hapenlok joins Shinann's group.
Shinann points at Subarashi.
Subarashi blinks.
Shinann says, "Will you come along."
Subarashi nods at Shinann.
Subarashi joins Shinann's group.
Shinann says, "To witness we took her."
Speaking to Shinann, Hapenlok says, "...I was going to say, more reliable witnesses are required."
Subarashi says, "Gladly..."
Subarashi shakes her head.
Shinann nods.
Shinann slowly empties her lungs.
Shinann's group just went through a brass archway.