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Landing Events - 2018-05-05 - A Symbolic Inspection (log)

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Ivastaen 5-6, 5118

by Leafiara Autumnwind of the [[::The_TownCrier|TownCrier]]


  • Lylia gives the symbol to [[::Xorus_Kul%27shin|Xorus]] and Magister [[::Raelee_Svala|Raelee]], who leave to examine it while the group gathered in the mayor's office discuss the matter. When the two return, Xorus reports nothing "obvious" but says they were wary of more intense examination before it received a loresong; Raelee says only that she would have preferred hours rather than minutes.
  • Next the symbol is given to Stormyrain, whose loresong turns up the following: 1) an image of a woman reading a book while resting her head on Malluch's lap, 2) Malluch receiving a note of apparent bad news while training, 3) Malluch following a trio of figures in white robes and blue sashes into a building, and 4) Malluch bound on a sandstone slab while a white-robed figure makes small cuts in his arms and applies a vial of liquid--and lying next to two other dead men on similar slabs.
  • Next the symbol is given to Cruxophim, who examines it and reports no apparent attunement or "occult trickery."
  • Mayor Lylia decides to deny Malluch's request to have the symbol and says that instead an alternate will be provided. Rovvigen offers his as an option.
  • However, when everyone visits Malluch, he expresses apparent surprise and stated disappointment, saying he risked himself by providing information about the Alchemist to the mayor, her companions, and [[::Wehnimer%27s_Landing_Militia/saved_posts|militia captains]], but his information was not shared and his request was denied. He says his request wasn't a matter of a faith, but that it was gifted to him by Lana. Lylia says that she and the captains were trying to protect Malluch from the risk by not sharing the information about the Alchemist. Malluch says he respects her consideration and was wrong to ask.
  • Afterward the group returns to the mayor's office, where Mayor Lylia asks Shinann and Stormy to report what was learned about the Alchemist, but unreported publicly until now. The two of them summarize that Malluch was abducted and injected by underlings of the Alchemist for "conditioning," having only heard of the Alchemist but not meeting him in person. They say Malluch was coming out of a haze when [[::The_Jailed_Jastevian%27s_Request#A_Visitation_With_Malluch|last they met him]] and that his head was covered, similar to the [[::Sketch_and_the_Missing_Thrayzar|missing]] Thrayzar--but unconfirmed to be the same group.


Symbol of Jastev Delivered For Inspection

[Town Square Central]

This is the heart of the main square of Wehnimer's Landing. The impromptu shops of the bazaar are clustered around this central gathering place, where townsfolk, travellers, and adventurers meet to talk, conspire or raise expeditions to the far-flung reaches of Elanith. At the north end, an old well, with moss-covered stones and a craggy roof, is shaded from the moonlight by a strong, robust tree. The oak is tall and straight, and it is apparent that the roots run deep. You also see an herbal remedy donation bin and some stone benches with some stuff on it.

Thunder rattles in the distance.

A town clerk passes by, walking into Moot Hall and towards the Mayor's Office, carrying something.

[Moot Hall, Mayor's Office]

At the varnished modwir door, a red bear skin rug stretches across the polished hardwood floor. Twin velnalin hide chairs face the Mayor's pine desk, while behind it sits an incurvated bone armchair. A great stag's head and a dark-framed sketch are mounted above a cobblestone fireplace set into the western wall. Refreshments are offered atop an oak bar beside a tall arched window. You also see a town clerk, a basket of sticks, a large detailed map, a large dog bed and a bone-ringed dart board with some stuff on it.

Lylia says, "Good evening, all."

The town clerk says, "Good evening Mayor Lylia Rashere Faendryl."

Evia says, "Oh, hi."

Cruxophim pleasantly greets, "Madam Mayor."

Evia says, "Just passing through."

Speaking teasingly to a town clerk, Cruxophim scolds, "Get in line, buddy."

The town clerk says, "I have the item you requested."

Lylia replies, "Thank you. I appreciate your timeliness."

Beloran says, "Oh the item."

Madmountan says, "Interesting, we were just talking about this."

Chamorr heartily says, "Candygram."

Speaking to Rovvigen, Beloran says, "This is the item you asked about earlier."

Lylia explains, "The item in question is a Jastev symbol belonging to Malluch Burdos."

Madmountan says, "Assuming it's that darn thing that Malluch wants."

Speaking to Lylia, Kembal says, "Impressive timing, I'd say."

Lylia says, "For anyone who had not heard."

Rovvigen softly says, "Yes took 2 days, I believe."

Speaking to Kembal, Ysharra says, "That's one thing this place is known for. A sense of drama."

The town clerk bows and places a grey and red suede cloth on the Mayor's desk and then takes his leave. Or hers. You can't really tell in those uniforms.

Lylia removes a grey and red suede cloth from on a pine desk.

Zosopage asks, "Giving him his symbol or a replica?"

Lylia says, "That remains to be seen."

Lylia unties the bindings and folds back the edges of her red suede cloth to reveal a silver crystal ball pin positioned perfectly in its center.

Gorku deeply says, "Wise."

Maylan says, "Well that's purdy."

Evia says, "Grey and red together makes me very uncomfortable."

Speaking to Lylia, Maylan asks, "Shake it! what's inside?"

Rovvigen softly says, "Nice Jastevian symbol."

Lylia carefully lays a silver crystal ball pin in the center of her red suede cloth.

Zosopage says, "Well if you give him an exact replica and he knows it's a replica, that would lend that there is something special with the original."

Lylia says, "I shall do no such thing. I am not experienced in such matters, compared to others here."

Lylia stands up.

Rovvigen softly asks, "Who has the pleasure of inspecting it?"

Evia says, "Tap on it."

Evia says, "Rub it."

Evia exclaims, "Turn it!"

Chamorr heartily says, "Point it at Crux."

Speaking to Evia, Cruxophim mutters, "Saucy."

Pukk quietly exclaims, "Eat it!"

Madmountan says, "Could give it to Leafiara to turn."

Evia exclaims, "Lick it!"

Speaking to Zosopage, Ysharra says, "That may or may not be true, I think I'd know my chrism-holder from another one just like it."

Pukk quietly says, "Snuggle it."

Lylia asks, "Before I do anything with it, does anyone have questions about the symbol itself? Malluch Burdos? His request?"

Evician says, "Buy it a beer."

Speaking to Madmountan, Evia asks, "Is that like turning over a new Leafi?"

Speaking to Zosopage, Stormyrain says, "As a Jastevian he may have some level of talent in the scrying and prophecy arena. As such, it's possible he's sensitive enough to be able to discern a replica."

Speaking to Pukk, Lylia asks, "Do I look at all snuggly?"

Rovvigen softly asks, "I have a question about the symbol, looking at it does it reveal any special characteristics?"

Pukk quietly says, "Good question."

Zosopage asks, "Loresing to it perhaps?"

Evia says, "It apparently provides a bonus of plus 10 to curiousity."

Speaking to Lylia, Kembal asks, "Has anyone sang to it, by any chance?"

Chamorr heartily says, "Let Stormy sing to it."

Pukk quietly says, "You have to be careful. He father is a gemcutter and knows his jewelry."

Lylia says, "No. No one has sung to it yet, but of course we have an excellent singer here."

Speaking affably to Stormyrain, Cruxophim teases, "Oooh, do hum a few bars."

Maylan says, "Yes, sing us a pretty song."

Stormyrain says, "I'm happy to sing to it, but first I would ask that Xorus or Raelee look at it, I don't want my singing to impede their ability to sense what other energies might be there."

Lylia says, "It does not look special to me, but it might to her -- but she is not the only one to examine it."

Lylia nods at Stormyrain.

Xorus nods slowly.

Beloran says, "Id be interested to see if Stormyrain could find anything."

Lylia says, "Precisely my thoughts."

Lylia offers Xorus a grey and red suede cloth.

Xorus accepts Lylia's red suede cloth.

Xorus removes a silver crystal ball pin from in his red suede cloth.

Speaking to Xorus, Lylia says, "Would you and the Magister see to this, please, while I answer questions? And then return to us, and we shall all hear the song Stormyrain sings."

Speaking amusedly to Lylia, Cruxophim admits, "I'd offer, but somehow I doubt my particular set of skills would be involved in something of this nature."

Evician says, "Perhaps the magic inside is dormant unless it is in Malluch's hands."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Lylia says, "One never knows. I should very much like you to take a look at it as well. The more eyes on it, the better."

Ysharra says, "There are indeed artifacts that attune themselves to one person, as we all know."

Speaking musingly to Evician, you say, "Attuning..."

Speaking absently to Evician, Cruxophim agrees, "That kind of attunement isn't unthinkable."

Speaking to Evician, Zosopage says, "Thats a possibility."

Florania quietly says, "I believe attuning would usually be revealed by a loresong. Though perhaps not the precise person it is attuned to."

Speaking mildly to Irar, Cruxophim advises, "Do try and stay away from the window."

Lylia asks, "Any further questions?"

Raelee adds Xorus to her group.

Rovvigen softly asks, "Who ultimately decides when and how the prisoner receives the symbol?"

Rovvigen softly says, "After inspection of course."

Raelee says, "... excuse us."

Magister Raelee's group just went through a varnished modwir door.

Speaking to Rovvigen, Lylia says, "We all do."

Zosopage says, "No matter if anything is revealed or not, I still think it's a bad idea to give it to him."

Evia says, "I'd reckon judge Renpaw should have a say."

Evician says, "I have an idea."

Lylia clarifies, "Rather, I shall hear all of your voices. The final decision is mine."

Speculation and Discussion

Speaking to Rovvigen, Geijon says, "Th' landing has a strong voice of independence and democracy. It is usually majority."

Evician says, "Have Beldannon put it on the end of his fishing line and coax Malluch with it for 30'll still be in front of him."

Speaking heartily to Zosopage, Chamorr says, "What could possibly go wrong."

Speaking to Zosopage, Lylia says, "That is a possibility, yes."

Rovvigen softly says, "I personally would not ever deny anyone a symbol they hold dear for religious or spiritual reasons."

Speaking pleasantly to Rovvigen, Cruxophim agrees, "Mayor Lylia, ultimately, but I'm sure she is receptive to opinions."

Zosopage asks, "Did you really ask me that question?"

Evia says, "Meh."

Beloran says, "But I'd be wary because they asked for that specific symbol."

Evia says, "If it is only a spiritual symbol then any of the similar type should suffice."

Geijon asks, "Who among us believes this is simply a symbol of Malluch's faith?"

Roelaren says, "Personally I don't think a prisoner of his kind should get any mail."

Irar says, "Can't say."

Maylan says, "I'm not sure I have an opinion until I know more about the pretty bauble."

Lylia says, "Is anyone unclear on what is at stake? On the nature of the request Malluch made? Or about Malluch himself? I know it can be chaotic to follow every piece of news."

Speaking to Rovvigen, Stormyrain says, "Yes, we're all in agreement there. Although it is also noted that the last time we granted a prisoner complete religious freedom the end result was---questionable. We are simply trying to allow the religious freedom while also ensuring the prisoner's safety."

Ysharra says, "The problem here isn't who he would go after in this room."

Lylia says, "The key here is that he did not seek a Jastev symbol. He sought that Jastev symbol."

Ysharra says, "Even Cruxophim found a way out of his dire straits."

Speaking to Lylia, Maylan says, "Now might be a good time for a quick recap."

Evia says, "A symbol is just...a symbol, any of the same type should suffice."

Zosopage says, "A personal relic isn't necessary to practice religious belief."

Gorku deeply says, "Exactly."

Geijon says, "Jastev usually has statues as a status for his faithful to worship. Present him an alternate option to worship."

Speaking to Evia, Stormyrain says, "He was gifted this one by Lana."

Speaking defensively to Lylia, Maylan says, "Of coures *I* have been paying attention."

Speaking softly to Stormyrain, Rovvigen says, "I remember, but I don't think it's appropriate to treat this situation based upon our past experiences."

Ysharra says, "I would worry more about the town clerks that he decides aren't good enough to keep their hands or their lives."

Evia says, "So."

Evia says, "That makes it a sentimental trinket."

Pukk quietly says, "Make sure there isn't a lockpick embedded in it."

You indifferently remark, "Even if he could use it to escape, the worst that would happen is we'd do the same ritual we did before."

Roelaren says, "Indeed."

Speaking to Rovvigen, Stormyrain says, "I believe it's important to be sure we know what we are allowing to be given to a prisoner before we hand it over. For their safety, and that of the town guards and militia that guard him."

Speaking to you, Geijon asks, "Was that not a taxing endeavor?"

Lylia explains, "Malluch Burdos, formerly known as 'Rone' and convicted of murder, is in prison for the next three decades. He does not seek lenience. But he does seek peace of mind and comfort, in the form of this specific symbol."

Rovvigen softly says, "Oh I agree."

Speaking to Geijon, you acknowledge, "It was, but it would be easier the second time, with more knowledge about how to do it."

Rovvigen softly says, "He admitted to what he had done, that is a start there."

Speaking to Lylia, Geijon says, "If I'm ever imprisoned I'll be sure to ask for my maul."

Cruxophim calmly reminds, "He gave up some of his religious freedom when he killed dozens of citizens for his agenda."

Lylia says, "The other evening, he requested an audience with Leafiara and our guard captains to make his plea for this symbol of Jastev, which has great sentimental value to him."

Speaking thoughtfully to you, Stormyrain says, "Not quite true. He might be able to counter it now."

Ysharra says, "He did kill dozens of people the last time he tried to evade capture."

Rovvigen softly says, "But I am with everyone else I am hesitant."

Evia asks, "How shall he recompense the families of the dead for their peace of mind and comfort then?"

Ysharra says, "And as far as I know, none of them were on his "list"."

Deckits says, "Give him nothing, unless he can help us capture whomever made him."

Rhayveign says, "Is there a reason another, just like it couldn't be made and offered in its place? We have many skilled artisans."

Zosopage says, "I believe he does not plan on being incarcerated for that long."

Speaking wryly to Stormyrain, Cruxophim reminds, "He's not a god."

Speaking to Lylia, Geijon says, "For Kai's worship."

Speaking to Geijon, Lylia says, "That request may not meet with the court's approval. Or the mayor's."

Speaking to Stormyrain, you wonder, "How? Something he learned while in prison?"

Speaking to Deckits, Lylia says, "That is another possibility. As Kembal pointed out, dangling a wanted object in front of a prisoner is a good way of securing his cooperation."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Stormyrain says, "No, but the last time it was only successful on my end because I was able to get my blood on him. Easy enough for him to avoid that, as a human."

Ysharra says, "...though. There is the fact that this might be seen as an expression of belief."

Speaking to Stormyrain, you concede, "Oh, now that's a fair point."

Speaking softly to Ysharra, Rovvigen says, "Sorry, evening I wasnt ignoring you earlier."

Speaking calmly to Stormyrain, Cruxophim reminds, "He's just a man, like any other. There are plenty of other ways."

Ysharra says, "Denying it to someone, even a convicted feels wrong."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Stormyrain says, "I did not say there were not; I simply said he might be able to counter the exact same method we tried last time."

Irar says, "I should hardly think using a symbol of one's faith as a bargaining chip is becoming of the values we espouse."

Dergoatean asks, "What do we have to gain by giving him this symbol? Warm feelings?"

Lylia says, "No one wishes to deny him the comfort of his god."

Lylia glares at Irar.

Maylan says, "Nothing to gain, possibly much to lose."

Speaking to Irar, Stormyrain says, "Of course not, Deacon, and we are not asking anything of him in exchange for it."

Evia says, "He can sit in prison praying all day and night long if he is that bent on his religion, none stops him."

Speaking calmly to Stormyrain, Cruxophim agrees, "True, of course. But he doesn't have his fancy toys any longer, I presume."

Kembal asks, "How do we know he's a follower of Jastev to begin with?"

Speaking to Irar, Geijon says, "His request is not simply to worship. It is a specific device to do so."

Ysharra says, "There's an old saying about not being judged by how we treat ourselves or our equals. But by how we treat those in our care and custody."

Speaking casually to Dergoatean, you muse, "Affirming the religious freedom of the Landing for all, I suppose."

Gorku deeply says, "The fact that it is that particular symbol, raises several questions. Seeking the answers to them appears to be driving reason behind even considering something like this."

Speaking to Irar, Lylia counters, "You know less than you think about more than you know."

Rovvigen softly says, "I know last time this symbol was brought up there was talk or possibly recreating it, I think that would be wrong."

Speaking to Ysharra, Deckits says, "Good, then torture the gem dealer's son until he gives up every piece of information we desire."

Madmountan asks, "I may have missed this, but is there a broad spectrum of professions being allowed to examine that pin?"

Deckits says, "Show him our resolve."

Speaking to Kembal, Stormyrain says, "He has professed such for a long time, he's also a member of the Order of Voln, and I have seen him wearing that symbol before."

Speaking to you, Dergoatean says, "He's welcome to pray. We can even get him a replica - not to fool him, but to do the best we can without opening up to risk."

Speaking to Madmountan, you say, "Xorus, Magister Raelee, and Stormy afterward, so--yes."

Madmountan says, "Ahh, excellent."

Speaking to you, Dergoatean says, "But right now we're intentionally depriving him of his freedoms, for good reason..."

Speaking to Dergoatean, Lylia says, "You make a very good point here. Opening up to risk. Those risks are themselves unknown."

Roelaren says, "I would be careful of who made the replica as well."

Speaking to Balley, Geijon asks, "What does your growing vision tell us about this symbol and Malluch?"

Zosopage says, "I just have to wonder why it has to be that specific one and not one exactly the same. If it's to practice religion then it shouldn't matter. Yes I understand it may be sentimental in value but sentiment can breed danger."

Stormyrain says, "He could be lying, of course. But then Jastev might take slight to being used."

You comment, "How much risk there is or isn't--well, that's exactly why it's being inspected now."

Beloran says, "Depriving someone of something could make the situation worse, in my opinion."

Egmund asks, "He'll know his god's comforting embrace soon enough...When he dies, eh?"

Speaking diplomatically to Lylia, Cruxophim opines, "I have faith that once people have had an opportunity to examine said religious symbol, they will be able to ascertain that it doesn't pose a problem... if such is true."

Balley softly says, "I am not sure."

Speaking to Geijon, Evia says, "This symbol has no bearing on his religious freedoms, that is bunk."

Stiana says, "I find it troubling he has more rights as a convicted murderer than his victims did."

Beloran says, "But it is safe to put safeguards in place."

Balley softly says, "I have not sensed it or him today."

You explain, "It's not as if it would ever be given to him blindly, in any case."

Speaking to Zosopage, Ysharra says, "Religion is as personal as it is social."

Lylia says, "The danger here is not solely that of escape."

Speaking to Evia, Geijon says, "Clarify? Many ways to worship."

Speaking to Zosopage, Ysharra says, "If it's from his dead and departed lover, then it means something more to him than even the Seer does."

Speaking to Geijon, Evia says, "What you said. One does not need a symbol to worship."

Speaking to Stiana, you counter, "Well, he has that one way or another just because he was allowed to live, no?"

Balley softly asks, "Has he said why he wanted the symbol?"

Zosopage says, "I understand that but even so it is still questionable."

Geijon says, "I've never been attached to an item in such a way, aye."

Speaking quietly to Evia, Pukk says, "No, but if he believe one of the Lords gave this to him personally, then he would accept no other..."

Cruxophim calmly repeats, "The issue isn't giving him a holy symbol, it's giving him THIS particular holy symbol without investigating it first. He has been known to use many clever devices, it does not seem errant to assume that he might have something up is sleeve with this request."

Speaking to you, Stiana says, "Yes, but he wasn't concerned with their comfort."

Evia says, "Hear hear."

Evia points at Cruxophim.

Zosopage says, "Exactly."

Melikor says, "Another trick."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Irar asks, "His position on this particular one is that he wants it because Lana gave it to him, right?"

Speaking to Lylia, Kembal asks, "Could I suggest someone with lockpicking skill also examine it, just in case it is more of a mechanical device than a magical one?"

Speaking to you, Stiana says, "Or that of their families and loved ones."

Speaking to Stiana, you reply, "Oh, I know, but I wasn't the one on the jury who voted for prison instead of execution."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Irar asks, "Am I correct on that?"

Ysharra says, "I'm back to my other suggestion, then."

You muse, "Perhaps take it up with them."

Ysharra says, "Tell him to choose his symbol or his hands."

Speaking calmly to Irar, Cruxophim agrees, "Yes. But we do not have any assurance that such is not simply a ruse. If it is, we will find out."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Evia says, "As far as I have heard."

Gorku deeply asks, "Is one of the main reasons he is even alive, to gain more insight from him?"

Raelee and Xorus Report

Magister Raelee's group just came through a varnished modwir door.

Chamorr heartily says, "I'm leadin. Let's make a scotch run."

Rovvigen softly says, "I say we wait on the examination and the loresong and go from there."

Speaking to Kembal, Lylia says, "Yes. And I want Cruxophim to examine it as well, as he knows a great deal about blood. Stormyrain as well, of course, but their knowledge is of a --"

Speaking to you, Stiana says, "Nah, what's done is done as far as that goes.... he's alive, but that doesn't mean he should have rights."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Irar says, "Yes, there's that."

Raelee offers Lylia a silver crystal ball pin.

Lylia turns to face Xorus.

Xorus dusts himself off.

Lylia accepts Raelee's crystal ball pin.

Xorus offers Lylia a grey and red suede cloth.

Lylia accepts Xorus's red suede cloth.

Speaking pleasantly to Stormyrain, Cruxophim praises, "Thank you again, by the way."

Lylia carefully lays a silver crystal ball pin in the center of her red suede cloth.

Speaking idly to Stiana, you say, "Maybe you're not so far off from his path yourself."

Zosopage says, "He should expect us to give him a replica."

Stormyrain raises an eyebrow in Cruxophim's direction.

Stormyrain asks, "For?"

Dergoatean says, "I don't think any amount of inspection can assure us that the symbol poses no risk. He clearly has access to devices powered by means with which we have no expertise."

Pukk quietly asks, "Maybe we can get Xorus to wear the symbol and play around with it and see if anything happens?"

Xorus says, "I did."

Speaking amusedly to Stormyrain, Cruxophim explains, "Being able to discuss this now, instead of the issue of more bodies."

Lylia glances between Raelee and Xorus.

Speaking to you, Stiana asks, "Are you suggesting I'm a murderer because I don't think he should be coddled?"

Lylia asks, "Did either of you find anything untoward?"

Speaking patiently to Stiana, you say, "I said 'not far off,' not equal. Anyway, let's hear out this investigation."

Xorus says, "There was nothing obvious about it. We were wary of trying anything more intensive before it was loresung."

Speaking to Lylia, Raelee says, "I would have preferred hours rather than minutes."

Lylia says, "Of course."

Speaking to Chamorr, Evia says, "They should have been brave and tried the push, pull, turn, tap."

Lylia removes a silver crystal ball pin from in her red suede cloth.

Speaking dryly to Evia, you say, "Like Madmountan said earlier, it doesn't always go so well..."

Stormyrain Reports

Speaking to Stormyrain, Lylia asks, "If you would be so kind...?"

Lylia offers Stormyrain a silver crystal ball pin.

Stormyrain inclines her head.

Stormyrain accepts Lylia's crystal ball pin.

Stormyrain focuses her concentration, briefly studying the composition of a silver crystal ball pin.

Madmountan says, "Ahh yes, I'm eager to see what Stormy sees in that thing. Hopefully something."

Rovvigen softly says, "This should be interesting."

Stormyrain murmurs, "Yes there is something here."

Speaking to Stormyrain, Ysharra says, "If that isn't just a symbol of your Patron...well, be wary, my friend."

Florania quietly says, "A bard and Jastevian at once--I would expect this to be fruitful."

Speaking to Balley, Zosopage asks, "Would you be able perhaps to see anything if you were to hold it?"

Geijon asks, "Do we really need a song or a magical indentation to understand that Malluch wants this symbol for a purpose to his benefit beyond some solace in his thirty year sentance?"

Geijon says, "He should be told no."

Speaking to Stormyrain, Ysharra says, "If it's some clandestine device, it may have a ward to keep anyone from doing what you're about to do."

Speaking to Geijon, Maylan says, "Wouldn't hurt to know what the thing does."

Madmountan moves over to Stormyrain and stands ready to protect her from attack.

Madmountan says, "I'll stand here in case."

Speaking to Geijon, Kembal says, "Ah, but could be useful to find out what he wants it for."

Speaking to Geijon, Maylan says, "Use it for our own devices, if necessary."

Madmountan says, "She blows up or something."

Stormyrain sings something in Guildspeak to her crystal ball pin that you don't understand.

The crystal ball pin seems to respond to the magic of Stormyrain's song.

Stormyrain blinks, staring off into the distance.

Stormyrain says, "Your vision blurs, colors melding together before forming a new landscape entirely. Malluch rests with his back against a wide oak tree, the light of the sun breaking through the thick canopy above, causing a myriad of golden light to cascade across the ground. A woman rests her head on his lap, a book open before her, lost in her reading as he strokes her hair gently, smiling as he watches her. The woman idly traces her fingers along a crystal ball pin clasped on her coat."

Xorus says, "I was not going to try to dispel any possible warding due to the hazard it might cause to the object."

Speaking to Geijon, Dergoatean says, "It's certainly possible that it is purely for sentimental value. Not certain, but certainly possible."

From behind Xorus, Cruxophim's voice calmly agrees, "Wise decision."

Cruxophim suddenly fades into view.

Madmountan asks, "Pin belonged to a lover maybe?"

Stormyrain sings something in Guildspeak to her crystal ball pin that you don't understand.

The crystal ball pin seems to respond to the magic of Stormyrain's song.

Stormyrain blinks, staring off into the distance.

Speaking to Maylan, Geijon says, "Rone and the Moon Knight did plenty of damage as a vigilante. He was not easily captured and he may not have even reached his potential. Do we really need to discover what he can do if he's freed to wreck havok? Before this symbol he was just the pawnshop owner's son and then he suddenly become a cloak wearing vanishing monster who dispatched justice on the Landing."

Stormyrain says, "Your vision blurs, colors melding together before forming a new landscape entirely. Malluch stands only in a pair of loose dark pants, his lean yet muscular frame glistening with sweat. A checkered white and black marbled floor stretches out before him, and his glare burrows into a training dummy positioned before him. His head turns at the approach of a young man carrying a sealed note. Malluch opens the note, and the blood drains from his face."

Evician says, "It belonged to Lana."

Speaking mildly to Dergoatean, Cruxophim agrees, "Of course. But plan for the worst, and hope for the best."

Speaking to Geijon, Maylan says, "Seems a safer bet than remaining ignorant of it."

Rovvigen softly says, "Maybe it's telling his story."

Madmountan says, "Seems to have gotten some bad news there."

Speaking to Rovvigen, Ysharra says, "I believe he was just told of Lana's death."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Dergoatean says, "Agreed. I'm not advocating that we give it to him, just that we keep all the possibilities in mind."

Speaking to Maylan, Geijon says, "You like gambling. I do not. I tend to win my bets."

Stormyrain sings something in Guildspeak to her crystal ball pin that you don't understand.

The crystal ball pin seems to respond to the magic of Stormyrain's song.

Stormyrain blinks, staring off into the distance.

Maylan confusedly asks, "I like gambling?"

Rovvigen softly says, "Maybe this is why he admitted to his crime but wasn't in the right frame of mind."

Stormyrain says, "Your vision blurs, colors melding together before forming a new landscape entirely. Malluch follows a trio of white robe figures wearing blue sashes, his eyes never lifting up, but staying intently focused on the crystal ball pin in his hand. His lips are frozen in a scowl, his jaw clenched tightly. He is brought before an ornate double door and is silently ushered in by the robed figures."

Cruxophim calmly confesses, "I'm not unsympathetic to his plight, despite his horrendous actions."

You muse, "The Order of Voln? He said he trained with them."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Ysharra says, "Me either."

Stormyrain sings something in Guildspeak to her crystal ball pin that you don't understand.

The crystal ball pin seems to respond to the magic of Stormyrain's song.

Stormyrain blinks, staring off into the distance.

Rovvigen nods to you.

Rovvigen softly says, "Perhaps."

Stormyrain says, "Your vision blurs, colors melding together before forming a new landscape entirely. Malluch lies on a slab of greyish-white sandstone, his arms drawn down over the side of the rock, and his legs and neck bound by mithril bands. His eyes are closed, his breathing shallow, and two white-robed figures stand watch as a third makes small incisions in Malluch's arms, applying a vial of liquid to the wounds. Nearby, two other men lie on slabs of sandstone, but their bodies are pale and lifeless."

Speaking quietly to Cruxophim, Ysharra reminds, "He still slew a lowly clerk rather than help him."

Geijon says, "That isn't Voln. We're never bound like that."

Thrassus says, "Now that is interesting."

Stormyrain sings something in Guildspeak to her crystal ball pin that you don't understand.

The crystal ball pin seems to respond to the magic of Stormyrain's song.

Osloe says, "Definitely not."

Evia says, "That was almost really bad."

Stormyrain squints.

Kembal says, "Blue sashes mean something."

Speaking suspiciously to Geijon, you say, "Yeah, that took a strange turn."

Beloran says, "Interesting indeed."

Stormyrain glances at a silver crystal ball pin in her hand.

Gorku deeply says, "Very eerie."

Stormyrain shakes her head.

Stormyrain says, "That is all, I believe."

Speaking to Geijon, Dergoatean says, "You mean you didn't do that for step 4? Some of those monks owe me an explanation."

Ysharra says, "Mithril can't be magically sprung."

Rovvigen softly says, "I will gladly try other things with the pin if allowed."

Kembal asks, "Any guesses on that vial?"

Evia says, "Hrm."

Deckits says, "Use the trinket to bend him, to make him remember and divulge everything he knows about his time as Rone."

Speaking to Dergoatean, Geijon says, "Maybe they were trying to warn you off, Goat. You will require halberds of immense power, magic, enhancives and spells to incorporate, but you will still not remain as effective as a warrior with a weapon."

Evia says, "Some dubious concoction of ill-intent."

Zosopage says, "Seems that describes memories of pain, not love."

Stormyrain sings something in Guildspeak to her crystal ball pin that you don't understand.

The crystal ball pin seems to respond to the magic of Stormyrain's song.

Stormyrain blinks, staring off into the distance.

Speaking to Kembal, you say, "Well, it definitely wasn't Everblood, at least. Or if it was then it wore off by the time Madmountan got him."

Speaking to Chaoswynd, Stormyrain says, "No, it's just telling me of Lana again."

Stormyrain says, "I believe that is all."

You wonder, "Not sure there's much to go on..."

Speaking slowly to Stormyrain, Chaoswynd says, "Curious..."

Cruxophim mildly guesses, "A rather remarkable concoction."

Evia says, "Curious about these sashed-robe fellows."

Stormyrain offers Lylia a silver crystal ball pin.

Speaking to you, Lylia says, "Not Everblood, but I shall still have a foremost expert in blood look at it."

Lylia accepts Stormyrain's crystal ball pin.

Cruxophim Reports

Lylia turns to face Cruxophim.

Cruxophim gives Lylia a strong, encouraging smile.

Lylia carefully lays a silver crystal ball pin in the center of her red suede cloth.

Dergoatean indicates a silvery blue mithril pike as a possible option.

Kembal removes a vial of tar-like black salve from in his alabaster backpack.

Lylia offers Cruxophim a grey and red suede cloth.

Speaking to Geijon, Dergoatean says, "I think I've proven myself quite well with this."

Cruxophim accepts Lylia's red suede cloth.

Cruxophim removes a silver crystal ball pin from in his red suede cloth.

Speaking to Lylia, Geijon says, "He needs to be told no per his request."

Speaking sincerely to Stormyrain, Lylia says, "Thank you."

Speaking to Lylia, Ysharra says, "It seems he does have more to tell us, then."

Speaking to Dergoatean, Geijon says, "No doubt. I'm a bit testy and I tease. You remain exceptional sir."

Speaking to Kembal, you request, "Do hang on to that, please? Never know if we might need it for poor Larsya."

Kembal nods to you.

Pukk quietly asks, "Did anybody examine him completely to make sure he didn't have any....items...inside of him...inside of any scars on his arms maybe?"

Kembal says, "Sure."

Speaking to Geijon, Lylia says, "You believe we should deny the request, then."

Speaking to Kembal, you admit, "Others do still have some too, but more can't hurt."

Kembal nods to you.

Kembal put a vial of tar-like black salve in his alabaster backpack.

Speaking to Pukk, Chaoswynd says, "I'm grateful you clarified that at the end there."

Cruxophim brushes his fingers lightly against his crystal ball pin.

Evia asks, "No one has any idea about this ritual he and a couple others were undergoing?"

Speaking to Raelee, Ysharra asks, "Was he receiving a runic tattoo, perhaps?"

Speaking to Lylia, Geijon says, "As leader of the Order of the Silver Gryphon and a protector of th' Landing I feel I've been clear. His request should be denied, Mayor Lylia, and your instinct as a sorceress should tell you this to be true. No bardess or magical lore, foretelling or otherwise should trump gut feeling."

Geijon says, "He makes this request with a definite purpose."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Lylia asks, "Is there any sense that it may be attuned to him in some fashion? Some way that the loresong did not reveal?"

Speaking to Ysharra, Raelee says, "There are numerous methods to go about that."

Geijon says, "And he caused havok on our town. His consolation is to live when he should have been put to death for his crimes."

Madmountan says, "He might just be sad and wanting his dead girlfriend's pin."

Geijon says, "He gets no such condolences."

Speaking absently to Lylia, Cruxophim murmurs, "Not getting anything... yet."

Speaking to Lylia, Maylan says, "We should keep the bauble. At the least, we have a purdy thing. But should it prove to be something more, well it should be kept in our hands."

Speaking to Geijon, Lylia says, "I understand, yes. I wanted you to clarify because if I am to choose, I must choose knowing all the possibilities."

Cruxophim briefly shuts his eyes and listens intently to the a silver crystal ball pin in his hand.

Speaking to Raelee, Ysharra says, "I wouldn't know, mine are all decorative. He didn't appear to be in a salon."

Speaking to Lylia, Maylan says, "I care not for Malluch's comfort."

Speaking to Raelee, Ysharra says, "Thus, I asked you."

Evia says, "Sandstone slab."

Maylan says, "He's alive, that's compromise enough."

Speaking to Lylia, Geijon says, "Our Order will fight him if this leads to his freedom and many will die."

Madmountan says, "I'm not necessarily saying we should give it to him. He is in jail after all. But it may not be to some nefarious end."

Zosopage says, "Perhaps appraising it at the pawn will tell if it is magical or not."

Speaking to Ysharra, Raelee says, "Possible but... I do not know there is enough information to determine for certain."

Speaking to Lylia, Geijon asks, "What does the Magister think?"

Maylan exclaims, "Oh yes! Pawn it for garden funds!"

Cruxophim carefully inspects his crystal ball pin.

(Ysharra carefully eyes Raelee from brow to foot, tracing over the golden lines on her skin.)

Evician asks, "Give it to a rogue, see if it has a secret compartment?"

Speaking to Maylan, Irar says, "I fear of the person who would purchase it."

Geijon says, "Mundane doesn't mean it's not a puzzle."

Speaking to Raelee, Ysharra says, "I assume those serve a purpose."

Pukk quietly exclaims, "It might blow up!"

Speaking to Ysharra, Raelee says, "They do."

You say, "Would be a pretty small compartment."

Speaking to Pukk, Evician says, "I think that's a risk we're all willing to take."

Cruxophim carefully lays a silver crystal ball pin in the center of his red suede cloth.

Cruxophim offers Lylia grey and red suede cloth.

Speaking to Irar, Maylan says, "True. And we'd probably only fetch 35k anyhow."

Lylia accepts Cruxophim's red suede cloth.

Evia says, "Uh."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Lylia asks, "Any indication of irregularity?"

Speaking calmly to Lylia, Cruxophim reports, "If there is any occult trickery to that pin, I certainly did not note any."

Evician says, "I'm kidding Pukk, but seriously, you should check it out."

Evia asks, "Why were there two dead-looking fellows on similar slabs beside him?"

Speaking to Ysharra, Raelee says, "Primarily efficiency. Directing mana to focus points."

Speaking to Evia, you agree, "It really is strange."

Speaking softly to Evia, Chaoswynd says, "Failures."

Speaking to Evia, Evician says, "Because they failed.."

Speaking to Evia, Kembal asks, "Sacrificed?"

Evia asks, "What does that mean...failed what?"

Evician says, "No, their bodies couldn't handle whatever he was being given."

Speaking to Evia, Chaoswynd says, "Failed to survive the process, no doubt."

Evia asks, "So you're guessing that?"

Speaking to Raelee, Ysharra asks, "Conjecture, then? Could we have just seen him receiving a similar tool?"

Evician says, "Malluch had more dsicipline within him I'm sure."

Speaking to Raelee, Geijon says, "Jastev has a new temple in Solhaven. Perhaps we could escort him there so he may pray to his god to appease him."

Speaking to Geijon, Raelee says, "Cholen has a new temple."

Speaking to Geijon, Stormyrain says, "The temple is hardly new."

Speaking to Geijon, Raelee says, "And that seems entirely impractical."

Speaking to Geijon, Stormyrain says, "It's the same one it's been for..well as long as I can remember."

Speaking to Geijon, Ysharra says, "Indeed. Jastev's has stood a while, I was there earlier tonight."

Speaking calmly to Lylia, Cruxophim reports, "I checked and triple-checked, just to be sure."

Speaking to Geijon, Dergoatean says, "I'm not so certain that even his stated purpose is worship, as much as the sentimental value of that specific object."

Evia says, "So what, focus."

Evician asks, "How did Lana die?"

Mayor Lylia's Decision

(Lylia weighs the cloth in her hand and gazes out the window.)

Thrassus says, "Dennet killed her via experimentation."

Ysharra says, "She was experimented by a Grand Magister and melted into soup."

Speaking grimly to Evician, Cruxophim explains, "The integrity of her very body was severly compromised. She... melted."

Geijon says, "Dennet was a horrible monstrosity."

Speaking to Thrassus, Irar says, "Naimorai."

Cruxophim calmly reminds, "Both."

Raelee glances at Geijon.

Cruxophim regretfully reminds, "In a misguided attempt to cure her mother, Reannah."

Speaking to Raelee, Geijon asks, "That surprises you?"

Speaking to Cruxophim, Ysharra says, "Indeed. Dennet with his bone mask on."

Xorus says, "Her eyes also exploded from her head."

Speaking to Geijon, Raelee says, "Not that many would hold that opinion."

Lylia brushes her fingers lightly against her red suede cloth.

Cruxophim calmly states, "While the transfer was ultimately not successful, some fragment of her conscious... lives on."

Cruxophim glances meaningfully at Shinann.

Speaking to Xorus, Ysharra says, "Perhaps, if this bauble is returned, you could do that. And remind him."

Speaking to Xorus, Ysharra says, "Or inform him of it, if he's never known."

Lylia says, "His request is denied."

Rovvigen softly asks, "Denied?"

Speaking to Raelee, Geijon says, "Rank does not grant immunity to judgment of morality as a member of the Hall, recognized as a knight or nobility. An unjust lord must be fought with the utmost fervor for they are unfit to lead their people."

Lylia repeats, "Denied."

Beloran asks, "Why?"

Madmountan says, "I mean, we don't really need to comfort people in jail."

Speaking to Geijon, Raelee says, "He is dead. There little left to judge."

Maylan says, "Send him a fuzzy blanket instead."

Maylan says, "Just not my blanket. I like my blanket."

Speaking to Maylan, Dergoatean says, "That sounds like a nice compromise."

Lylia explains, "He shall be given a symbol to comfort him. To focus his thoughts, to address his prayers to as he chooses."

Speaking to Raelee, Geijon says, "His offspring and his work is not."

Lylia says, "We practice freedom of worship, or not to worship at all, in this town, after all."

Lylia slowly folds the edges of her red suede cloth over her pin and binds it in place with a slender cord.

Speaking to Raelee, Geijon says, "Unless Naimorai is not a time jumped Raznel."

Cruxophim calmly opines, "He gave up the right to such sentimentality when he put on the mask."

Zosopage says, "His reaction to this denial may tell us a bit as well."

Kembal asks, "So his girl gets killed, he goes off the deep end, meets these guys with blue sashes, gets infused with something, turns into a vigilante, kills a whole lot of people - but why does he go meet these guys?"

Ysharra says, "I would say such sentiment is what caused him to wear it in the first place."

Lylia says, "Having decided, I see no reason to wait. Join me. We shall go and bring the news to him."

Speaking to Geijon, Raelee asks, "What response are you seeking, precisely?"

Speaking simply to Kembal, Cruxophim states, "Revenge."

Pukk recites quietly:

"Join Lylia!"

Speaking to Kembal, Dergoatean says, "I expect anger at the death of Lana drove him to seek out an organization that he thought could help him punish those responsible."

Pukk quietly says, "It's so much better when I say it."

Xorus says, "I do not particularly recognize the blue sashes with white robes as an insignia of an order."

Speaking to Xorus, Ysharra says, "Nor do I."

Speaking to Dergoatean, Kembal says, "I guess I should know who he targeted initially."

Meeting With Malluch

[talking while traveling]

Rovvigen softly says, "I have an eerie feeling about denying this."

Rovvigen softly asks, "May I offer my symbol to him?"

Speaking indifferently to Rovvigen, you say, "Feelings are feelings."

Speaking to Xorus, Ysharra says, "Though if you don't recognize it, I surely wouldn't."

(OOC) Evia's player whispers to the group, "Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes?"

Speaking to Rovvigen, Lylia says, "I would like that very much."

Speaking to Rovvigen, Lylia says, "It would surely mean more to him, if his desire for the symbol is sincere, to have one that you cherish."

Speaking pragmatically to Rovvigen, Cruxophim states, "It is not religious oppression, he will be afforded a symbol to worship. That seems like a fine idea."

Rovvigen softly says, "Here is the details of my symbol."

Rovvigen softly says, "The convex lens of the crystal sphere allows you to view the intricate scrollwork of the silver scythe encased within with greater detail. The scythe is engraved with feather scrollwork from the snath of the handle to the toe of the blade. The grip of this tiny scythe is wrapped in grey leather. Beyond the scythe, in the background of the sphere you notice two figures etched in the back side of the crystal. One is a winged woman dressed in robes of grey, opposite an old man dressed in drab colors."

Speaking to Raelee, Geijon says, "For someone of his rank he did not increase th' profile of th' Hall in the north. I suppose for once I'd look for begrudging acknowlegdgement for the damage he's caused, but that seems to be an elusive expectation between you and I. I guess we just continue with our respective duties and responsibilities."

Speaking softly to Lylia, Rovvigen asks, "May I be the one allowed to give it to the prisoner?"

Lylia says, "We shall see."

Mayor Lylia's group just went east.

[Wehnimer's, South Ring Rd.]

Pedestrians and a few carts and wagons move along the cobblestoned road in the shadow of the palisades, most focused on going about some night time business in town. They pass by the low wood and stone buildings, rarely glancing up or at one another. You also see a sapphire-eyed invar verlok'asha that is flying around, a small white-painted boutique and a scalloped ivory wooden sign.

Lylia glances at a small white-painted boutique.

Speaking to herself, Lylia murmurs, "Later."

Mayor Lylia's group just went east.

Xorus says, "I am wary of giving him a crystal ball, he had a talisman sized one on his work table in Drangell's lair."

Evia says, "Search everyone for cakes with files."

Pukk quietly says, "I don't think we should take it near him."

Speaking to Geijon, Raelee says, "I am not a knight and Dennet Kestrel was never my lord. I simply worked for him - and not by choice."

Speaking to Lylia, Stormyrain inquires, "His symbol will be returned to his items, yes? For--someday?"

Deckits says, "Should be giving him nothing, this will not benefit neither justice against him, or those whom made him."

Rovvigen softly says, "There is also something written on my symbol."

Lylia says, "Yes, at some point."

Lylia nods at Stormyrain.

Rovvigen softly says, "To protect. To Preserve. To Predict."


[Prison, Hallway]

The scent of sulphur lies heavy in the air, and a blazing torch brightly illuminates everything. A thick mithril door stands opposite a battered bronze one, with the latter appearing as though it had recently been beat down. A number of stone chips litter the back wall, whereupon a sconce is set. You also see a town guard, a town guard, a town guard, a uniformed Wehnimer's militiaman, a uniformed Wehnimer's militiaman, a uniformed Wehnimer's militiaman and a large steel door with a iron-barred window.

Lylia nods to the town guard.

Speaking quietly to Lylia, Pukk says, "Why don't we keep the pin away from him. Let's not take the pin near him at all. Give it to another to safe keep at another location? If you already haven't thought of that, that is."

Lylia nods to the Wehnimer's militiaman.

Stormyrain says, "His cell."

Ysharra says, "Of course it is."

Speaking to Geijon, Raelee says, "Answering for his sins is not amongst my stated responsibilities."

Speaking to Lylia, Maylan says, "Sleepy could keep it safe. He has strong arms."

From the dark of the mithril cell, Malluch emerges behind the bars, half in shadow, half in torch light. His eyes brighten for a moment, as if expecting something.

Speaking softly to Lylia, Rovvigen says, "Thanks for allowing me this honor."

Lylia turns to face a thick mithril door.

The voice of Malluch asks, "You have considered my request then?"

Speaking politely to a large steel door with a iron-barred window, Cruxophim jests, "We came to offer you Rovvigen instead."

Lylia says, "Malluch. Your request has been denied. But we are not wholly unfeeling."

Speaking gently to Rovvigen, Cruxophim assures, "Joking."

Lylia says, "You are to be gifted another symbol of Jastev to comfort you and focus your thoughts."

Malluch steps back some, more in shadow than light now.

Lylia adds, "By a fellow adherent."

The voice of Malluch asks, "...denied?"

The voice of Malluch asks, "I risked much warning you about the Alchemist, and you denied my simple request?"

Lylia clearly says, "Yes, you made a request. A plea. It was denied."

Thrassus asks, "Alchemist?"

Madmountan asks, "Wait...what?"

Zosopage says, "I don't recall that."

You idly say, "Oh, here we go."

Rovvigen softly says, "I have a symbol I hold very near and dear to my heart if you would accept."

Dergoatean says, "What he said."

Ysharra says, "Perhaps you should rephrase your request, then."

Lylia says, "You risk yourself further."

Ysharra says, "As apparently your risk was taken already."

Madmountan says, "I think you should tell the rest of us about this Alchemist."

Speaking to a large steel door with a iron-barred window, Maylan says, "Did you not hear her? We brought you a different purdy."

Speaking to a large steel door with a iron-barred window, Maylan says, "It's just as good, truly."

Lylia says, "Again, we are not cruel. If it is comfort in your chosen Arkati you seek, you shall have it."

Pukk quietly asks, "Alchemist?"

Evia asks, "We have not come to heckle the prisoner, have we?"

The voice of Malluch says, "I see my information was not shared accurately."

Lylia offhandedly says, "We shall talk about that in a moment."

The voice of Malluch says, "...perhaps only proving my point."

Irar asks, "With whom did you share this, Malluch?"

Cruxophim thoughtfully speculates, "I would guess whatever or whoever injected this."

Thrassus says, "Well, things make a bit more sense now."

Lylia says, "Your point that you exposed yourself to risk, risks that the guard captains and I sought to protect you from."

Speaking slowly to a large steel door with a iron-barred window, Cruxophim continues, "...poor fellow."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Ysharra says, "This makes much more sense, then."

The voice of Malluch says, "The Mayor, her companions, and the captains."

Rovvigen softly says, "Look Malluch the people of the Landing are no cruel or ill intent."

Cruxophim amusedly agrees, "Not wise."

The voice of Malluch says, "It seems an election only changes the name on the desk, but doesn't remove the poison."

The voice of Malluch says, "I do not wish some alternative symbol or participation prize."

Lylia says, "You are young, Malluch, and you are rash. You and I have reached common cause before, but in this, I fear I must deny you."

Zosopage whispers to the group, "I'm assuming this alchemist is who poisoned Sketch."

The voice of Malluch says, "I sought the pin because it was gifted to me from Lana."

Lylia bluntly asks, "Why?"

The voice of Malluch says, "It is less to do with my faith, and more to do with what I lost."

Lylia says, "This, and only this."

Deckits says, "Perhaps you should like to taste poison soon enough, you're nothing but an instrument used and discarded."

The voice of Malluch says, "I am disappointed you denied my request."

Speaking bemusedly to a large steel door with a iron-barred window, Cruxophim warns, "Me, I could understand... bad reputation clings to me like stench to a kobold, but Mayor Lylia? Really now."

Lylia glares at a thick mithril door.

Lylia snarls, "And I am disappointed you slaughtered dozens!"

Madmountan says, "I really hope someone wants to explain this Alchemist business, be it Malluch, or the Mayor."

Lylia hisses, "Do not presume to act like the wronged party here, Malluch."

Speaking sarcastically to a large steel door with a iron-barred window, Maylan says, "Clearly your intentions were to seek peaceful worship. This is why you are denying a perfectly good trinket."

Evician says, "It's not for worship, it's for sentimentality."

Lylia says, "There are families who have no comfort. No pin to ease their thoughts. They are in a prison you created for them, and there is no escape."

The voice of Malluch says, "I would be just as disappointed had she gifted me anything else. It has nothing to do with my faith."

Zosopage says, "Her memory should be in your mind, not a trinket."

Rovvigen softly says, "I will set the symbol by the door if you so wish to take a look and ponder on it a bit."

Rovvigen drops a sphere encased silver scythe.

Lylia says, "He does not wish it."

Speaking offhandedly to Rovvigen, you say, "That 'if' seems to be a 'no.'."

Speaking to Rovvigen, Lylia says, "Keep it."

Rovvigen picks up a sphere encased silver scythe.

Rovvigen nods at Lylia.

Speaking disapprovingly to Rovvigen, Cruxophim consoles, "He isn't worth it."

Rovvigen puts on a sphere encased silver scythe.

Lylia scowls at a thick mithril door.

Speaking to a large steel door with a iron-barred window, Lylia says, "You think only of what you want, and you have expressed no remorse."

Speaking to Rovvigen, Beloran says, "It's ok hun."

The voice of Malluch says, "I respect your time and consideration. I was wrong to ask. Thank you."

Lylia turns around.

Stepping back, Malluch returns to the depths of his cell.

Madmountan says, "For the record, that wasn't a temper tantrum."

Lylia simply says, "You were wrong to assume you were owed so much for so little."

Lylia lets out a long, contemplative breath.

Lylia coolly says, "Now. I believe we have some other matters to discuss. In my office."

Maylan says, "We go, he stays. Seems right."

Shinann and Stormyrain Report: The Alchemist

[talking while traveling]

Rovvigen softly says, "I feel bad for the prisoner in a way."

Evician says, "I don't."

Zosopage whispers to the group, "Well his reaction was more disappointment than anger so that leads me to think it may not be so harmful. That being said I am not changing my mind about giving it to him."

Speaking to Evician, Stormyrain snaps, "Remember that!"

Lylia snaps, "Save your pity for those whose loved ones he slaughtered."

Speaking to Stormyrain, Evician says, "I will."

Roelaren whispers to the group, "That too could be an act."

Speaking gently to Rovvigen, Cruxophim consoles, "Not at all your fault, you tried."

Rovvigen softly says, "I show pity to everyone regardless, it's in my nature."


[Moot Hall, Mayor's Office]

At the varnished modwir door, a red bear skin rug stretches across the polished hardwood floor. Twin velnalin hide chairs face the Mayor's pine desk, while behind it sits an incurvated bone armchair. A great stag's head and a dark-framed sketch are mounted above a cobblestone fireplace set into the western wall. Refreshments are offered atop an oak bar beside a tall arched window. You also see a basket of sticks, a large detailed map, a large dog bed and a bone-ringed dart board with some stuff on it.

Lylia sits down on an incurvated bone armchair and it shifts, the bones reshaping to accomodate her stature.

Dergoatean says, "He did ultimately accept the mayor's decision with a measure of respect. Some small credit to him for that."

Lylia glances between Shinann and Stormyrain.

Speaking to Lylia, Kembal says, "Seriously, redecoration."

Speaking to Kembal, Lylia says, "Not my call, my friend."

Speaking mildly to Dergoatean, Cruxophim suggests, "That should be mentioned at his parole hearing in thirty years."

Xorus says, "He established a bad precedent for himself by heavy use of magical items."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Dergoatean exclaims, "By all means!"

Speaking to Xorus, Dergoatean says, "Precisely."

Rovvigen softly asks, "Where is the symbol going to go at this point?"

Lylia says, "You heard him mention the Alchemist."

Evia says, "Back with his belongings."

Lylia says, "Surely you have questions."

Zosopage says, "Yes but he never elaborated on it."

Evia says, "She said."

Xorus says, "It would seem he possessed this pin before any involvement with these people, but any number of things could have been done to it later."

Raelee says, "... ultimately it could be subjected to a far less rushed analysis."

Evician says, "Oh, I'm sorry, I should go back there and say "Malluch I feel sorry for you that you murdered so many people, and you didn't get your fancy bauble." You can be suspicious, think of me what you will...but the man murdered people, from what I've been told, he wasn't promised consolation prizes while in prison..."

Raelee continues, "And perhaps used as a bargaining chip later on."

Lylia mildly asks, "No questions?"

Kembal says, "Lots of questions."

Kembal asks, "Who is the Alchemist?"

Speaking to Lylia, Maylan asks, "What do we do with the thing now?"

Evia says, "I thought you were going to say something about it."

Kembal asks, "What is his importance?"

Speaking to Lylia, Thrassus asks, "Do we know who or what this Alchemist is at all?"

Speaking to Lylia, Melikor says, "A sound decision."

Speaking to Evia, Lylia says, "I was going to aks that our guard captains talk a bit about that, if they would."

Zosopage says, "It could be a device to communicate with those in the white robes. Who knows."

Stormyrain says, "I would request that it be put with his items as soon as it can be and unaltered, so that if he does live to his release date he will be able to access the memories it contains."

Lylia says, "What we know about the Alchemist is, so far, scant."

Evia says, "Oh."

Speaking to Lylia, Thrassus says, "Besides the fact they are creating warriors to run amok in the city, of course."

Speaking to Stormyrain, Lylia agrees, "It shall be restored to his belongings soon."

Evia says, "One has to wonder how many others might have had the mystery goo rubbed into their blood."

Dergoatean says, "Anyone named the Alchemist is likely to be deranged... just thinking of all the components one must procure from godforsaken corners of the continent to make any progress at all in such a profession."

You nod faintly at Dergoatean.

Kembal groans at Dergoatean.

Ysharra nods at Dergoatean.

Kembal removes a black iron cauldron from in his alchemy kit.

Kembal glances at a black iron cauldron in his hand.

Speaking to Dergoatean, Ysharra says, "That's...quite an assumption, considering how many we have of those in the room at the moment."

Speaking absently to Dergoatean, Chaoswynd says, "Unless this Alchemist is affluent enough to employ people to retrieve said items for them."

Shinann says, "Yes, might as well tell the story. He was abducted, injected by this person... he called it conditioning and was coming out of a haze the last we saw him."

Speaking indifferently to Ysharra, you say, "I'm an alchemist and I agree."

Speaking to Dergoatean, Maylan says, "Some of it's kinda fun. I've been digging in caedera guts all day securing their precious caederine."

Speaking to Shinann, Stormyrain says, "He was injected by goons of the Alchemist. He never met the Alchemist in person."

Dergoatean glances over at Maylan and winces.

Speaking to Ysharra, you clarify, "With Goat, that is."

Evia asks, "Who was abducted?"

Geijon asks, "How do we feel about his reaction?"

Speaking to Maylan, Beloran says, "Funny I'm digging in aivern gizzards."

Ysharra nods to you.

Kembal put a black iron cauldron in his spidersilk longcloak.

Dergoatean points at you!

Shinann says, "They placed a hood over his head. Just like the loresong about Thrayzar."

Cruxophim thoughtfully speculates, "It seems more a moniker than anything else, designed to..."

Shinann nods at Stormyrain.

Lylia explains, "There is a reason we did not mention it before. By acknowledging our awareness of the Alchemist, Malluch himself was endangered, and we very much want him alive in case he knows more."

Speaking to Beloran, Maylan says, "Those are deliciuos."

Shinann says, "Right... never saw the person."

Lylia murmurs, "Not to mention the possibility of a public panic."

Thrassus asks, "Perhaps that is why they want Thrayzar then?"

Evia says, "More confused than ever."

Lylia says, "The way some people see Stone under every stone."

Lylia narrows her eyes.

Stormyrain slowly empties her lungs.

Stormyrain nods faintly at Thrassus.

Speaking to Thrassus, Stormyrain says, "We fear that."

Speaking to Thrassus, Shinann says, "We are not sure they are the same people yet."

Shinann nods at Stormyrain.

Speaking quietly to Lylia, Pukk says, "I like the way you said that."

Evia says, "Who was abducted and who is "The Alchemist"."

Shinann softly says, "But... sounds like it."

Speaking to Lylia, Kembal asks, "Do you think Malluch has any more info?"

Thrassus asks, "The orc is a highly skilled assassin, yes?"

You nod at Thrassus.

Thrassus says, "Well, there you go."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Madmountan asks, "You suppose whatever you were injected with ultimately came from this Alchemist?"

Cruxophim dryly suggests, "Please, do go tell everyone about this 'Alchemist' and endanger him all you like."

Speaking to Kembal, Maylan says, "Absolutely. But I doubt we will be hearing it from him anytime soon."

Speaking to Thrassus, Shinann asks, "There you go... what?"

Speaking to Thrassus, Ysharra says, "Malluch did say he was one of many."

Speaking to Kembal, Lylia says, "I believe he may know more than he knows he knows."

Speaking to Thrassus, Stormyrain says, "He's also --stronger of mind than Malluch if you will."

Speaking calmly to Madmountan, Cruxophim agrees, "I would assume so, yes. It did seem far above Malluch's capacities."

Thrassus says, "It's just something to keep in mind."

Speaking to Kembal, Lylia says, "Perhaps the poison lingers in his blood, for instance."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Madmountan says, "First thing I thought of."

Speaking to Lylia, Kembal says, "Ah. There was no conscious info to be gained."

Speaking quietly to Lylia, Pukk asks, "Can the pin be used in a way to communicate to this alchemist? Magically maybe?"

Speaking to Cruxophim, Madmountan says, "And to be fair, Malluch mentioned it first. They might as well spill the beans now."

Zosopage says, "Too bad no one can hypnotize him."

Speaking to Shinann, Ysharra says, "Just a supposition, but I believe Thrassus is suggesting they were both recruited by the same group. To commit acts of a particular brand of justice."

Speaking teasingly to Madmountan, Cruxophim jests, "You're pretty smart for a warrior."

Speaking to Pukk, Lylia says, "That was our concern. Well, one of them."

Speaking to Pukk, Raelee says, "Nothing in tonight's analysis indicated such."

Thrassus says, "But it makes sense, if the first soldier fails, send in a far more skilled one."

Speaking quietly to Raelee, Pukk says, "Maybe it takes a seer to wear it and meditate on it."

Speaking to Ysharra, Shinann says, "I am aware of what he meant."

Shinann says, "Thank you."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Madmountan says, "You always smell so delicious."

Evia says, "Bleh."

Speaking to Pukk, Raelee counters, "Or more time to analyze it."

Speaking huskily to Madmountan, Cruxophim chides, "You big tease."

Lylia quietly says, "For what it is worth, I took little delight in denying him. I wished to see his reaction, as others mentioned. And now we know."

Pukk quietly says, "Oh wait..I just agreed with Raelee."

Geijon says, "I should have taken those orcs a bit more seriously a few nights ago."

Speaking respectfully to Lylia, Cruxophim states, "Makes perfect sense, Mayor."

Madmountan says, "His reaction seemed pretty measured."

Speaking slowly to Pukk, Raelee says, "You ought to try it more often."

Lylia says, "Now, of course, he has opened himself to greater danger."

Speaking quietly to Raelee, Pukk says, "It might be contagious."

Rovvigen softly says, "His reaction went well."

Cruxophim thoughtfully agrees, "Which is telling in itself. Perhaps whatever was injected in him had some effect on his emotional state, whipped him into a frenzy as it were. Perhaps it's finally wearing off."

Speaking to Pukk, Raelee says, "Agreeing with me? I could only wish it so."

Madmountan says, "I mean, he did spill his own beans, so to speak."

Speaking to Shinann, Lylia asks, "Yes, he did describe himself as being in a heightened emotional state, did he not?"

Speaking quietly to Raelee, Pukk asks, "Did anybody try licking the pin?"

Lylia says, "And yet his thoughts were clouded."

Shinann nods at Lylia.

Shinann says, "Yes."

Speaking to Pukk, Raelee says, "Xorus tested it for most common magical triggers. He did not... lick it."

Zosopage says, "As was mentioned his reaction could well have been well thought out and not spontaneous."

Pukk quietly says, "Maybe you should try."

Lylia removes a crisp white scroll from in her wrap.

Speaking to Cruxophim, Shinann asks, "Why are you agreeing? Was it you in the shadows there the other night?"

Speaking wryly to Shinann, Cruxophim explains, "I'm agreeing to what I just said, and she said."

Shinann says, "Right."

Lylia says, "Taken with the items found in Sketch's bag that he attempted to bury before his death from poisoning..."

Lylia removes a white gear-covered prism from in her wrap.

Thrassus says, "Mhmm."

Stiana asks, "Has anyone thought that the others running around in white robes mimicking Rone could in fact also be under the employ of this Alchemist?"

(Lylia turns the prism in her hand, careful to avoid disturbing the gears.)

Lylia carefully places a crisp white scroll on the floor.

Pukk quietly asks, "Maybe it has some poison or other chemical on it that will end his life or anybody that he sticks with it?"

Speaking thoughtfully to Shinann, Cruxophim continues, "If his reaction was that measured now, it could be a far more insidious effect of whatever this unknown compound was he was injected with to heighten one's emotion state... rage, for example, feelings of revenge."

J>look scroll

The scroll appears to be in pristine shape and holds the crude sketch of a large imperial ship that depicts dozens of mana pylons positioned upon it. Drawn on the scroll, within the bottom of the ship, is a large square with a scribbled mark that reads "plinite charge." Beneath the sketch of the ship is the letter "A" scribbled in the same handwriting.

Pukk quietly says, "I think that pin is suspcious."

Speaking to Stiana, Ysharra says, "Like those playactors who tried to pin Cruxophim for abducting and savaging them."

Speaking to Stiana, Zosopage says, "Always a possibility."

Lylia picks up a crisp white scroll.

Speaking coolly to Ysharra, Cruxophim agrees, "I would never."

Lylia put a white gear-covered prism in her wrap.

Speaking to Pukk, Evician exclaims, "You should likc it!"

Lylia put a crisp white scroll in her wrap.

Speaking to Cruxophim, Ysharra says, "Well. Not that you'd hire actors for."

Stiana says, "We always assumed Rone was the leader, so to speak."

Speaking to Stiana, Lylia says, "Many did, yes."

Stormyrain asks, "If you will all excuse me?"

Speaking calmly to Stiana, Cruxophim admits, "I suspected there may have been some driving force behind him. Now we have a slightly broader picture."

Speaking to Stormyrain, Lylia says, "Thank you once again. For everything."

Lylia smiles at Stormyrain.

Stormyrain places a hand over her heart.

Stormyrain bows to Lylia.

Shinann smiles.

Shinann says, "Night, Stormyrain."

Stormyrain inclines her head.

Stormyrain says, "Merry eve, all. Jastev guide you."

Stormyrain raises her voice in rhythmic song, commanding the aid of the elements.

Stormyrain skillfully begins to weave another verse into her harmony.

Stormyrain sings a song of revelry, reminding you of days long gone. Lost in the song for a moment, your vision blurs slightly and you think you see Stormyrain raise her arm in a toast. You blink to clear your head and find that Stormyrain has vanished!

Evia says, "Can do without him for a time."

Speaking to Lylia, Geijon says, "I am pleased with your denial tonight of course, Mayor Lylia. It is rare I present such a strong stance. I apologize if I lacked finesse in conveying my opinion."

Ysharra says, "Time for me to wander home, as well."

Speaking to Raelee, Ysharra says, "Thank you for the information."

Speaking to Geijon, Lylia replies, "I understand."

Cruxophim thoughtfully states, "Pardon a moment."

Cruxophim snaps his fingers.

Shadowy tendrils rise from the ground and wrap around Cruxophim's legs as they quickly engulf his entire body. The shadows quickly retreat back into the surroundings, leaving no trace of Cruxophim.

Speaking to Geijon, Lylia says, "And it worked out well, for now you know that when you tell me 'you must,' I bite."

Lylia smiles quietly to herself.

Geijon begins chuckling at Lylia!

Evia says, "Have had enough of Jastev and visions to last for oh...years."

Geijon says, "I apologize for that. Fatigue makes diplomacy tricky."

From behind Evia, Cruxophim's voice wryly agrees, "As have I."

Lylia says, "How I feel about a suggestion, or how it is put, and whether it is the best one are two different things, though."

Lylia says, "If you speak sense in a harsh voice, I shall still listen."

Pukk quietly says, "Ok mental note, Lylia bites people who say You must."

Lylia dryly remarks, "I just remember it for later."

Speaking to Geijon, Evia says, "Geezer, you are a crochety old geezer."

Speaking to Lylia, Geijon says, "We've known each other for a long time. I appreciate the candor in your responses."

The voice of Cruxophim casually inquires, "Want I should eat him for his rudeness and impropriety?"

Speaking to Geijon, Lylia says, "And I appreciate the passion in yours. You had the right of it, I believe."

Speaking to Lylia, Zosopage says, "After what he did to you, how he threatened you, you have kept your composure around him better than most would have."

Evician smiles and responds to Cruxophim, "That would take you awhile brother."

Lylia says, "No, no eating is needed, I think."

From behind Evician, Cruxophim's voice nonchalantly retorts, "I'm a hungry man."

Raelee says, "I must return to the Outpost."

Raelee adds, "Good evening."

Evia says, "Too much grizzle and scar tissue."

The voice of Cruxophim politely offers, "Evening, Magister."

Speaking to Zosopage, Lylia says, "Thank you, but composure is a given when dealing with one who is likely to lose his."

Pukk quietly says, "I say we let Cruxy into Mally's cell and Cruxy can eat him slowly."

Geijon says, "Appreciate your insight, Magister."

Evician says, "Or Madmountan."

Speaking to Pukk, Stiana says, "And they said I was mean."

Speaking gently to Evician, Cruxophim suggests, "Drink this."

Cruxophim offers Evician a cup of thick blood.

Evician accepts Cruxophim's thick blood.

Evician takes a drink from his thick blood.

Evician shivers.

Cruxophim chuckles.

Evician nods at Cruxophim.

Speaking to Evician, Geijon asks, "Why?"

Speaking to Cruxophim, Geijon asks, "Who wants that?"

Speaking to Geijon, Evician asks, "Why what?"

Madmountan says, "Though...this is the first time I've been hesitant about eating something. Who knows what all that crap the Alchemist injected him with would do to me."

Speaking curiously to Geijon, Cruxophim clarifies, "Who wants what?"

Lylia says, "What we know of the Alchemist is still quite scant."

Speaking to Lylia, Zosopage says, "Still, you did not react in anger but carefully thought out what to do. What a good Mayor would do."

Lylia replies, "Oh, he saw some anger."

Lylia chuckles.

Lylia says, "That he would dare to dictate terms from a prison cell..."

Zosopage says, "There has to be some of course."

Lylia shakes her head.

Lylia firmly says, "There should be anger. He murdered dozens."

Speaking calmly to Lylia, Cruxophim agrees, "A bit presumptuous, yes."

Zosopage says, "Ok I'll reiterate, not blind anger."

Lylia narrows her eyes.

Lylia nods once.

Speaking quietly to Zosopage, Pukk says, "It's okay if you can't read. I can't either."

Lylia says, "He spoke to others directly about the Alchemist, and not to me."

Lylia nods at Shinann.

Speaking to Pukk, Zosopage asks, "You don't say?"

Lylia nods to you.

You cock your head.

You acknowledge, "He did, yes."

You mention, "Publicly unreported for reasons the Mayor mentioned earlier."

You nod.

Lylia nods to you.