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Landing Events - 2021-11-12 - Next on the Grischedule (log)

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Eoantos 12-13, 5121

by Leafiara Autumnwind of the [[::The_TownCrier|TownCrier]]


Grishom Stone returns to re-extend his offer to restore Thrayzar's mind and, if Thrayzar wishes, restore him to his human body. To do so, everyone will visit his mind together; the Landing adventurers will present the choice and then Grishom will deliver. Sir Goldstr says he'll notify the Order of the Silver Gryphon, in whose Holding Thrayzar is currently staying.

Marshal Stormyrain and Fewt inquire further and get the details that his human thought processes and memories would be retained regardless of which option Thrayzar chooses. Meanwhile, Magister Raelee asks Grishom what his purpose is in doing this, and Stone answers that there's no future where Thrayzar has been restored that he doesn't benefit from. He leaves it to everyone to decide on a date.


Stone's Approach

Against the backdrop of falling snow, a crimson light flickers in the distance.

[General] Bexol thinks, "What's with the crimson light flickering."

[Realm] Nyaria asks, "Hail v'tull?"

[General] Squintlee asks, "When was the last invasion?"

[General] Damsall thinks, "I thought there was one before the start of the last festival."

[Town Square Central]

This is the heart of the main square of Wehnimer's Landing. The impromptu shops of the bazaar are clustered around this central gathering place, where townsfolk, travellers, and adventurers meet to talk, conspire or raise expeditions to the far-flung reaches of Elanith. At the north end, an old well, with moss-covered stones and a craggy roof, is shaded from the moonlight by a strong, robust tree. The oak is tall and straight, and it is apparent that the roots run deep. You also see a friendly tidal spirit that is flying around, the Kisun disk, a lonely badland spirit that is flying around, the Yorne disk, a greater snowy owl, an iced almond muffin, the Aramu disk, a slashed velvet armband, an amber-eyed tawny range wolf, the sparkling Treter disk, a frosted raisin cookie, the Arrigal disk, a fresh orange doughnut, some wolifrew lichen, a large acorn, a round silver-banded barrel, an herbal remedy donation bin and some wide stone benches with some stuff on it.

Also here: Town Councilor Leafiara, Curator Kayse, Falvicar, Quilthaias, Tuaheal who is sitting, Great Lord Kisun, Astryd who is sitting, Solmarar, Lord Yorne, Vantiez who is sitting, Aramu, Conquerer of Reim Kippe, Lord Treter, Kalisyn, Arrigal, Lord Enenra, Jabalia

Enenra darkly asks, "Wha...?"

Speaking in Halfling, Maevie softly exclaims something you don't understand.

A red glow appears briefly above Upper Trollfang, then fades away.

Enenra darkly asks, "Who kissed me?"

Speaking to Enenra, Astryd says, "Not I."

Leafiara reminds, "I would just like to say, for the record, that I was in agreement with Hapenlok that we should have gotten Thrayzar far, far away from here."

Speaking in Halfling, Maevie softly says something you don't understand.

Kisun softly says, "Well, I'm gonna go see what's going on."

Kisun softly says, "Cause I'm dumb."

[General] Leafiara slowly thinks, "I believe we have a coming visitor."

Kayani softly says, "Something woke me... unsure of this energy."

Leafiara says, "Heading to the Upper Trollfang."

Speaking in Halfling, Maevie softly asks something you don't understand.

Quilthaias softly says, "I's must go ta sleeps myself.."

Leafiara adds, "Specifically the Deadfall."

[General] Squintlee thinks, "I think I got a ring set there."

[but there's nothing there]

A glow of red light appears above the Lower Dragonsclaw forest, and the shadow of a figure can be seen floating in the midst of the crimson haze. Two imperious sea blue eyes stare out from the scarlet glow.

Kisun softly says, "Dargonsclaw."

Leafiara surprisedly says, "Oh, grand, he's headed to us instead of the other way around."

[General] Squintlee thinks, "Heh."

[return trip]

[Town Square Central]

This is the heart of the main square of Wehnimer's Landing. The impromptu shops of the bazaar are clustered around this central gathering place, where townsfolk, travellers, and adventurers meet to talk, conspire or raise expeditions to the far-flung reaches of Elanith. At the north end, an old well, with moss-covered stones and a craggy roof, is shaded from the moonlight by a strong, robust tree. The oak is tall and straight, and it is apparent that the roots run deep. You also see a pale-faced coppery barn owl that is flying around, a lonely badland spirit that is flying around, the Kezoku disk, a friendly tidal spirit that is flying around, the Yorne disk, a greater snowy owl, an iced almond muffin, the Aramu disk, a slashed velvet armband, the sparkling Treter disk, a frosted raisin cookie, the Arrigal disk, a fresh orange doughnut, some wolifrew lichen, a large acorn, a round silver-banded barrel, an herbal remedy donation bin and some wide stone benches with some stuff on it.

Also here: Town Councilor Leafiara, Maevie, Kisun, Astryd who is sitting, Drektor, Dakkurie who is sitting, Merellien, High Lord Kezoku, Lady Kayani, Quilthaias, Tuaheal who is sitting, Lord Yorne, Vantiez who is sitting, Aramu, Lord Treter, Arrigal, Lord Enenra who is sitting, Jabalia

Kisun softly asks, "Maybe by the mine road?"

Leafiara wryly says, "Well, saves us the walk, I guess."

Speaking to Enenra, Astryd says, "Been a rough day, actually."

Leafiara says, "No, it's Grishom coming for Thrayzar."

Pietra recites:

"Join Leafiara!"

Enenra darkly says, "I bet."

Kayani softly asks, "Why we joining Leafiara?"

Speaking to Kayani, Pietra exclaims, "Cuz I said so!"

Leafiara says, "Not much reason to anymore since Grishom's coming to us."

Kayani softly exclaims, "Eii eii Munchies!"

Speaking to Gutstorm, Pietra exclaims, "Join Leafi, because why not!"

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Dokay."

Kayani softly exclaims, "Death amungst friends!"

Leafiara muses, "On the bright side, I don't think Stone has anything against me."

Kezoku says, "I am curious, as to what's up."

Kayani softly asks, "As in Grishom?"

Leafiara wryly says, "Yes, as in Grishom."

Speaking to Kayani, Pietra says, "He's the worst one."

Enenra darkly asks, "What is happening?"

Kayani softly says, "Appologies, ive been sleeping awhile."

The shadowy figure, engulfed in a haze of scarlet, descends outside of Wehnimer's Landing, floating to the ground outside of the North Gate.

Kisun softly says, "Trying to figure it out."

Leafiara musingly says, "Alright, moving."

[Wehnimer's, Outside Gate]

Citizens, merchants and assorted dregs of society jostle against you before the great wooden gates of Wehnimer's Landing. Harried guards and militiamen try to keep the chaos to a minimum, but it is hard to keep track of those entering, let alone leaving, this large trading post. A dirt path encircling the wooden palisade of the town leads east and southwest. Nailed prominently to the wooden wall beside the gate is a sign you really should read. You also see the Squintlee disk, an amber-eyed tawny range wolf, some reinforced wooden gates and the Wayside inn.

Also here: Squintlee, Conquerer of Reim Kippe, Neopuron, Lord Grishom

Gutstorm, Nisugi, Severine, Pietra, Maevie, Kisun, Astryd, Kezoku, Kayani and Enenra followed.

Neopuron says, "Evening."

Leafiara remarks, "Been a while."

Grishom says, "I have never been far."

Speaking to Grishom, Neopuron says, "You are welcome to enter the gates too."

Speaking softly to Grishom, Kayani says, "Ive been told so much about you, its an honor to meet you finally."

Grishom nods at Raelee.

Grishom smirks. [note: she's invisible at the moment]

Speaking to a red forest fox, Leafiara claims, "He's a lot more talk than action, to be honest. It is what it is."

Kayani softly says, "Aunty spoke highly of you."

Grishom grins at Kayani.

Grishom moves to stand in front of Kayani.

Grishom kisses Kayani tenderly on the hand.

Speaking melodically to Pietra, Yddi exclaims, "Curiousty got the better of me!"

Speaking to Grishom, Astryd says, "Astryd. Pleasure to meet you."

Speaking softly to Enenra, Kisun says, "You, you killed it."

Kayani blushes a red shade at Grishom.

Grishom nods at Astryd.

Speaking to Grishom, Neopuron asks, "So what brings you to our wonderful town?"

Speaking to Enenra, Astryd asks, "What's your deal?"

Grishom says, "An equal pleasure."

Grishom nods.

Speaking softly to Grishom, Kayani says, "Every bit the charmer she mentioned."

Astryd grins at Grishom.

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Yakooti, me like yooz puppersh."

Grishom nods at Xorus.

Enenra darkly says, "I slipped."

Grishom says, "Dreadlord."

Xorus nods to Grishom in greeting.

Xorus says, "It has been some time."

Kayani softly says, "Oh how i wish she were still with us to see your return."

Speaking drunkenly to Xorus, Gutstorm slurs, "Where me better half at?"

Kayse rolls her eyes.

Grishom says, "It has. It will continue to be, until it is time for us to pull at the threads of heaven."

Xorus nods.

Grishom grins at Kayse.

Kayse raises an eyebrow in Grishom's direction.

Grishom says, "It is only natural Kayse."

Grishom nods at Kayse.

Pietra says, "That sounds messy."

Grishom says, "Forgetting, for some, is about survival."

Grishom nods at Kayse.

Tymbrien melodically says, "Oh gosh."

Speaking to Grishom, Goldstr asks, "Wha brings ye here Stone?"

Falvicar whispers something to Kayse.

Speaking wryly to a red forest fox, Leafiara says, "You can see what I mean."

Grishom says, "The orc still dwells with the knights."

Lylia nods in greeting at Grishom.

Grishom says, "I am told."

Fewt says, "You look pretty oily for a dead guy."

Gutstorm taps Lylia lightly on her shoulder.

Grishom grins at Lylia.

Gutstorm waves.

Grishom nods at Lylia.

Lylia grins slowly at Grishom.

Lylia winks at Gutstorm.

Speaking drunkenly to Pietra, Gutstorm whispers aloud, "Lylia winked at me."

Speaking to Gutstorm, Pietra says, "She likes you."

Kayse gazes in amusement at Grishom.

Kisun whispers to the group, "So, what is the business with Grishom? Significance of him being here?"

Grishom says, "I know more than you can dream of."

Speaking lightly to Grishom, Kayse remarks, "Your games will not work on me."

Grishom nods at Kayse.

Leafiara whispers to the group, "He's probably come to make good on his offer to cure Thrayzar."

Speaking to Grishom, Goldstr says, "Thrayzar bein cared fer aye."

Grishom asks, "Do you remember, the offer I brought once, for Thrayzar?"

Falvicar quietly says, "Ronan knows more of dreams than you do."

Speaking to Grishom, Neopuron says, "But do you know what I dream."

Astryd whispers to the group, "Who's Thrayzar?"

Pietra says, "Probably naked gals."

Grishom says, "Ronan is but a rung of the ladder, to be stepped upon or broken."

Leafiara whispers to the group, "Former militia marshal."

Grishom nods at Falvicar.

Grishom says, "You worship the same dirt that your heart beats within."

Grishom nods at Falvicar.

Speaking quietly to Grishom, Falvicar says, "Ill remember you said that when you get buried."

Speaking to Grishom, Neopuron says, "I cant argue with you on that."

Kayani softly says, "They tried that before, didnt work then either."

Grishom says, "It is time for us to consult the orc."

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Me no like orcsh."

Grishom says, "I leave it to you, who wishes to seek out the knights, to arrange a time."

[General] Squintlee thinks, "I'm confused. What was the payoff."

Grishom says, "As I promised before, the choice will be his. But to do so, together, we'll visit his mind."

Stormyrain just came through some reinforced wooden gates.

Stormyrain folds her hands behind her back.

Speaking to Grishom, Goldstr says, "I shall notify da Order members."

Grishom says, "I can help you all reach him. The real him, behind all of the curse, behind the monster."

Speaking drunkenly to Kippe, Gutstorm slurs, "Yooz got da warm en fuzzy feelin agin?"

Grishom grins at Stormyrain.

Grishom nods at Stormyrain.

Grishom nods at Goldstr.

Grishom says, "Then, you present him the choice."

Grishom says, "I shall then deliver for you."

Speaking to Grishom, Neopuron asks, "Oh, a choice? A choice for what?"

Falvicar whispers something to Kayse.

Fewt asks, "If it's not here in 30 minutes, do we get a deal?"

Leafiara says, "Just as a reminder, since we're almost talking about years ago at this point, the choice was to either restore Thrayzar to a sane orc or to the man he was before Raznel's curse."

Grishom nods at Leafiara.

Neopuron says, "Once an orc, always an orc i say."

Lylia says, "There can be no real choice, after all, without speaking to the core of him. The orc cannot decide for the man, nor the accursed decide for the inviolate."

Speaking to Leafiara, Pietra asks, "In both cases, will he be sane?"

Speaking amusedly to Leafiara, Kayse asks, "And what does Grishom want in return?"

Speaking drunkenly to Kayani, Gutstorm slurs, "Pwer."

Stormyrain says, "And if he's an orc, he's fully an orc? Or will he still retain his human thought processes? I do not remember."

Speaking in Faendryl, Thrassus says something you don't understand.

Thrassus says, "Orcs are generally sane."

Speaking to Kayse, Leafiara says, "He already got it, Glethad returned to him."

Neopuron says, "They got good treasure too from time to time."

Lylia says, "Ah, yes. Glethad."

Speaking suspiciously to Leafiara, Kayse says, "I see."

Thrassus says, "I would even go as far as to say the orc thought process is very much like our own, since they are not beasts."

Kisun softly says, "Given a choice, I would return a mind to a man, and not confine someone, sane or not in the body of an orc."

Grishom says, "I will restore him to the orc you knew, with the heart and mind of a man, or to the man none of you knew, only him."

Stormyrain nods understandingly.

Stormyrain says, "Thank you."

Speaking to Grishom, Raelee asks, "Why?"

Fewt asks, "Will he retain all his memories, or does he lose whatever he gained after the restore point?"

Leafiara calls upon the local spirits and directs them through the area...

Leafiara gestures.

A sense of peace and calm resettles over the area.

Grishom peers quizzically at Raelee.

Neopuron glances at Leafiara.

Speaking offhandedly to Neopuron, Leafiara says, "The kobolds and roltons were a bit distracting."

Grishom says, "He will retain his memories."

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Leafi da only town counter to showsh?"

Grishom nods at Fewt.

Speaking to Leafiara, Neopuron says, "Just wait till we see the orc."

Speaking to Grishom, Raelee repeats, "... why? What is your purpose in doing this?"

Speaking softly to Leafiara, Kisun says, "It's a kobolds job to be distracting. Fascinating creatures those are."

Speaking to Gutstorm, Leafiara muses, "This is Gryphon business anyway since he's outside the town gates."

Grishom begins chuckling at Raelee!

Grishom asks, "Would you even believe any answer I gave you?"

Kayani offhandedly says, "Blame the dwarves."

Speaking drunkenly to Leafiara, Gutstorm slurs, "Me no trush dem Shiller Grypinsh, dey never help me onna road when bannitsh jumps me."

Speaking to Raelee, Thrassus says, "I believe it was an agreement he made for Glethad."

Speaking to Grishom, Kayse responds, "Humor the Magister."

Lylia simply says, "I would, yes. With power comes the removal of the need to lie."

Speaking to Grishom, Raelee says, "Possibly, if it followed logically."

Grishom says, "There is no future where Thrayzar is human, or the orc you knew, that I do not benefit from."

Grishom says, "No one wishes Thrayzar to remain in the state he is now."

Goldstr says, "A course."

Speaking softly to Lylia, Kisun says, "But also with power comes the incredible urge to see what one can get away with saying."

Lylia says, "Perhaps."

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Him already crazy, we no want him more crazy."

Grishom says, "Glethad was returned to me. I can return your friend."

Kayani softly says, "Says crazy like its a bad thing."

Pietra whispers something to Kippe.

Kisun whispers to the group, "So, who makes the decision on whether he becomes a man, or remains an orc? Some council? Us?"

Leafiara whispers to the group, "Him."

Stormyrain whispers to the group, "He does."

Speaking to Leafiara, Goldstr says, "I shall inform da Order an we kin set a meet wid da Council."

Kippe whispers something to Pietra.

Leafiara tilts her head at Goldstr.

Grishom says, "I trust you will send word, if there is an agreement this moves forward."

Grishom nods at Stormyrain.

Stormyrain casually glances at Goldstr.

Stormyrain nods at Grishom.

Pietra asks, "If he has no memories of what he was like as a human, why would he choose that?"

Speaking curiously to Goldstr, Leafiara says, "I don't believe the town council is needed for this one."

Grishom says, "By this time next week, we can see him returned."

Leafiara says, "This seems to be militia business and Gryphon business."

Gutstorm offers Lylia a small rose.

Grishom asks, "Is it?"

Grishom peers quizzically at Leafiara.

Stormyrain says, "I believe it is Thrayzar business."

Lylia dryly remarks, "So, you benefit, we benefit, and Thrayzar benefits. How do you believe some people will manage to gin up a quarrel from these facts?"

Speaking to Leafiara, Goldstr says, "Well he was Town Marshal."

Lylia smiles at Gutstorm.

Lylia accepts Gutstorm's small rose.

Grishom asks, "His alliance and friendship trascended titles and territories, no?"

Grishom smirks.

Speaking to Gutstorm, Lylia says, "Thank you."

Gutstorm grunts at Lylia bashfully, averting his eyes.

Grishom grins at Lylia.

Leafiara says, "Either way, my point is no need to delay things with bureaucracy."

Xorus says, "It is rather straight forward. Thrayzar is drowning under the curse, we go under the surface and ask him what he wants."

Grishom says, "I am sure there will be resistance, with Hapenlok and Puptilian waving their banner."

Grishom nods at Lylia.

Grishom smirks.

Speaking to Leafiara, Pietra exclaims, "Yeah, let's do this now!"

Speaking to Leafiara, Goldstr says, "Understood."

Speaking curiously to Grishom, Kayse asks, "And this is--simple for you to do. Which ever option Thayzar chooses?"

Goldstr nods at Leafiara.

Lylia grins at Grishom.

Speaking to Pietra, Leafiara says, "We don't have enough Gryphons here to go get him, I think."

Leafiara turns toward Goldstr and renders a sharp hand salute.

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "We dunt need dem."

Speaking to Leafiara, Pietra says, "We have gryphon adjacent types."

Grishom says, "Simple? I would not call it simple."

Speaking to Gutstorm, Leafiara explains, "He's in their holdings."

Grishom says, "But achievable, yes."

Stormyrain folds her arms over her chest.

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "We kin break in?"

Speaking softly to Pietra, Kisun asks, "If I flap my arms can I become a gryphon?"

Stormyrain raises her eyebrow, the dark bloodjewel half-ring set within only enhancing her skeptical expression.

Speaking simply to Gutstorm, Kippe says, "We can but we won't."

Speaking to Kisun, Pietra says, "Keep trying."

Grishom looks over at Stormyrain and shakes his head.

Speaking softly to Pietra, Kisun says, "One day."

Stormyrain nods understandingly.

Speaking drunkenly to Kippe, Gutstorm slurs, "Shumtime me wunner who shide ye be."

Leafiara clarifies, "All I'm saying is: set a date, but I don't see that the council needs to be consulted on when. I'll be there if I can be there, of course, but it's not necessary. Like the Marshal said, ultimately it's Thrayzar's business."

Kothos kisses Lylia on the hand.

Speaking to Grishom, Goldstr asks, "Da Order meets on Restday, we kin set a meet after then?"

Lylia says, "Indeed. This hardly seems like a Town Council matter at all, although certainly some members of the Council have a personal stake in the outcome."

Speaking slyly to Kothos, Gutstorm slurs, "Me calt dibsh."

Stormyrain gazes in amusement at Grishom.

Stormyrain inclines her head.

Speaking to Gutstorm, Kothos asks, "...on?"

Grishom nods at Goldstr.

Goldstr nods at Grishom.

Grishom says, "He has suffered long enough."

Speaking drunkenly to Kothos, Gutstorm slurs, "Oh, it a joke to meshelf."

Grishom says, "Let us together, truly bring him home, wearing whichever face he wishes."

Goldstr agrees with Grishom.

Speaking to Grishom, Neopuron says, "Spoken like a true team player."

Speaking softly to Grishom, Kisun asks, "Is there any acceptable amount that a man should suffer?"

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Why we werkin wit Grishom agin? him not badguy?"

Fewt asks, "What if he wishes to meet his maker?"

Leafiara shrugs at Gutstorm.

Lylia stresses, "The face he wishes...I do hope that means people will not badger him into the decision they prefer."

Kisun softly says, "Debating what's enough or not seems a bit harsh."

Lylia says, "It is complicated."

Speaking to Lylia, Kothos asks, "The former Marshall, I take it?"

Kothos says, "What a conundrum to face."

Speaking drunkenly to Yakushi, Gutstorm slurs, "What name puppersh?"

Speaking to Kothos, Lylia says, "Thrayzar remains an orc. With Grishom Stone's assistance, he may choose how to reassemble himself -- in the orcish form or the human one, uncursed."

Grishom grins.

Grishom says, "I am sure you will make the best decision."

Kothos says, "I wonder how much the curse itself would influence his mind, at this point."

Falvicar whispers something to Kayse.

Pietra says, "It is not our decision to make."

Speaking to Gutstorm, Yakushi says, "I haven't gotten that far yet."

Lylia asks, "It is difficult to say. Who among us knows who we are without the experiences that shape us?"

Kisun softly says, "But the decision is ours as to when we go seek the answer."

Grishom nods at Kisun.

Fewt says, "Bah, funny man speaks evil in riddles. shoo shoo."

Pietra says, "But so great we have this grand and glorious Stone here to wave his magic fingers and fix everything. That's not suspicious."

Falvicar whispers something to Kayse.

Speaking to Pietra, Stormyrain says, "He spoke freely about his purpose. He benefits in the future if the orc is sane, or if the human is returned."

Speaking to Stormyrain, Pietra says, "Always his benefit."

Grishom says, "Reach out when you are ready."

Speaking to Pietra, Stormyrain says, "He's many things, stupid is not one."

Goldstr says, "Always."

Kothos says, "Perhaps we should not condemn an opportunity to aid the fellow."

Neopuron touches Grishom.

Neopuron exclaims, "Im ready!"

Neopuron chuckles.

Kayse whispers something to Falvicar.

Leafiara wryly says, "Talk about literalists."

Stormyrain adds, "And he's a talented Seer, so I'm sure he's spent significant time weighing the paths forward from here to the future he wants."

Speaking to Grishom, Lylia asks, "Has Glethad's return been all that you had hoped?"

Tymbrien melodically asks, "Perhaps if Thrayzar returns to the Landing, Grishom will take command of all of the monsters of the outpost?"

Speaking to Stormyrain, Pietra says, "Again, nothing suspicious or self-aggrandizing about that at all."

Grishom says, "It is the future we all want."

Grishom nods at Stormyrain.

Grishom grins at Lylia.

Grishom nods at Lylia.

Speaking dubiously to Tymbrien, Leafiara repeats, "...the monsters of the outpost?"

Kothos asks, "The golems?"

Neopuron says, "It sure does seem like a win win for everyone."

Speaking slowly to Grishom, Stormyrain says, "Last glimpse of this path was not one I enjoyed--as your knife was buried in my chest."

Stormyrain can offer Grishom only a blank expression.

Solmarar says, "Lies."

Falvicar whispers something to Kayse.

Grishom says, "I will pull at the threads of heaven for you as much as myself."

Grishom grins at Stormyrain.

Pietra asks, "Can't you just uncurse him.... do we really have to involve threads of heaven?"

Leafiara reasons, "To be fair, that path also involved Raznel having become immortal, so I think we've averted it." [OOC note: Actually, ignore this; I was mixing up the order of the visions. Stormy's correct on this one--the vision in which Grishom stabbed her was after Raznel had been defeated for good.]

Grishom says, "A knife in your chest does not necessarily signify your death."

Grishom says, "It could herald your rebirth."

Speaking dryly to Stormyrain, Kayse offers, "At least it wasn't your back?"

Speaking to Grishom, Stormyrain counters, "I am not a fan of my blood spilling freely within your grasp, if you will."

Stormyrain looks thoughtful for a moment, then shrugs.

Lylia says, "This is the trouble with foreseeing. Signs and symbols are not always as clear as they may seem."

Grishom grins.

Grishom bows.

Grishom steps back into the shadows, which twist and shift to engulf him. A faint red glow remains behind, then slowly fades.