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Mist Harbor Library Lectures - 2021-03-13 - Magic Theory (log)
The following was the fifth lecture in the Mist Harbor Library lecture series, where Yukito was the guest speaker, given on 3/13/5121. The topics must be lore based but otherwise are at the discretion of the invited speaker. This lecture is based around Magic Theory, and a Potential Symbiotic Relationship between the Spiritual Magic and Mental Magic Circles.
This discussion was in lecture format, so audience participation was encouraged, and is mostly included in this log. The lecturer communicates his points via chalkboard and journal.
Rohese softly exclaims, "Welcome all, it's so lovely to see our regulars again and so many new faces!"
Rohese softly says, "Please do help yourselves to refreshments and find yourselves a seat."
Rohese softly says, "I recommend one that has a good view of the chalkboard."
Rohese reaches out and touches a large black slate chalkboard.
Lazaryth raises an eyebrow.
Kothos glances at a large black slate chalkboard.
Lazaryth says, "A chalkboard? I should turn around and walk straight out of here."
Lazaryth chuckles.
Sothog smiles.
You grin at Lazaryth.
Lazaryth says, "This brings me uncomfortably back to my schoolboy days."
Lazaryth sighs.
Teaberry says, "I think I want to buy a chalkboard for the wizards' guild."
Speaking to Lazaryth, Yardie asks, "School?"
Speaking to Lazaryth, Kothos says, "You'll have to say more about that, later. Now I'm curious."
Speaking to Yardie, Lazaryth says, "School."
Elaejia wrinkles her nose in distaste.
Lazaryth snorts derisively at Kothos!
Yardie gazes blankly at Lazaryth.
Rohese walks to stand behind a small podium.
Rohese sharply claps her hands together twice, calling for attention.
Rohese smiles quietly to herself.
Speaking to Kothos, Lazaryth says, "There's nothing special about it, I assure you."
Lacing her fingers together, Leifa's body stiffens as she listens quietly.
Rohese graciously greets, "Good afternoon all."
Grelana turns an inquisitive ear toward Rohese.
Rohese clears her throat.
Raeshya cocks her head at Rohese.
You cock your head.
Rohese softly says, "As the Library's Loremaster, it gives me great pleasure to welcome you all to the fifth in our lecture series."
[Library, Meeting Hall]
A trio of wide stairs lead down from a wide archway into this brightly lit room. A small podium stands atop a small dais opposite the archway, and several cushioned benches have been arranged throughout the space, each offering an excellent line of sight. A number of elliptical windows line the walls of the hall, and a rich crimson-patterned carpet covers the entirety of the floor underfoot. You also see a red-throated saffron hibiscus, a large black slate chalkboard and a small table with some stuff on it.
Also here: Lady Landrai who is sitting, Sothog who is sitting, Lazaryth who is sitting, Artans, Beldarran, Raeshya, Lord Tolwynn who is sitting, Chatelaine Traiva who is sitting, Teaberry who is sitting, Master Porfidat, Lady Kyaloria, Lady Elaejia who is sitting, Kippe who is sitting, Yardie who is sitting, Lord Kothos, Loremaster Rohese, Jurist of Eye Leifa who is sitting, Magister Raelee, Grelana who is sitting
Obvious exits: none
Elaejia gazes with interest at Rohese.
Grelana smiles at Rohese.
Kothos smiles warmly at Rohese.
Kippe settles his gaze on Rohese, watching her intently.
Rohese softly says, "It is so lovely to see so many of you here."
You nod firmly.
Rohese lightly explains, "As I'm sure you are all aware by now, the aim of this series is to provide a platform for imparting knowledge and encouraging discussion."
Landrai smiles at Rohese.
Raeshya nods slowly.
(Rohese lightly grips the side of the small podium as she glances over the crowd before her.)
Grelana tilts her head down.
Rohese gently reminds, "I ask that everyone be considerate to our speaker as well as those who comment or ask questions."
Rohese wrinkles her nose.
Grelana nods slowly at Rohese.
Rohese softly continues, "All opinions are welcome and encouraged, as long as they are courteously expressed."
Kothos smiles at Rohese.
Grelana smiles.
Rohese warmly says, "I am especially delighted that today's presenter accepted my invitation to be with us and it gives me great pleasure to formally introduce him to you all - although I'm sure he is no stranger to many."
Rohese smiles quietly to herself.
Rohese surreptitiously glances at you.
Rohese delightedly introduces, "Please give Yukito a very warm Library welcome."
You flash a wide grin.
Rohese claps her hands together in delight!
You bow.
You bow to Rohese.
You take a few steps toward a small podium.
Rohese selects a spot on one of the cushioned benches and settles into its soft cushions.
Rohese runs her hand down the front of her olivine wool cotehardie, discreetly re-arranging the drape.
Rohese folds her hands in her lap.
You remove a large piece of chalk from in a large black slate chalkboard.
Holding your black slate chalkboard steady in your left hand, you tighten your grip on a large piece of chalk and write the following message upon the slate in the Common tongue: "I would like to thank everyone for attending the discussion today. We will be sharing ideas on a topic that I am very excited about."
You tap a large black slate chalkboard.
Rohese nods appreciatively to you.
You vigorously rub the surface of your chalkboard with the palm of one hand, rapidly cleaning the slate to make room for a new message.
Holding your black slate chalkboard steady in your left hand, you tighten your grip on a large piece of chalk and write the following message upon the slate in the Common tongue: "I'll be using a board to keep particular points in mind, but also to keep my regular communication book free."
You tap a slim burgundy leather journal, which is in your left hand.
You carefully remove your ivory feather quill from behind your ear.
You bend over your journal and begin writing in Common. As your quill glides smoothly over the page, your words seem to fade into view as if magically aided. Upon finishing, you scan back over the page with a critical eye.
You carefully place a slim burgundy leather journal on the floor.
Sothog peers quizzically at you.
Rohese leans forward.
Rohese gazes thoughtfully at a slim burgundy leather journal.
You bend over your journal and add some additional thoughts to the page.
The page, written in Common, reads as follows:
MAGIC THEORY A neat diagram is splayed across the chalkboard, depicting one of the more commonly known figures of the Circles of Magic. The sphere of the Elemental Magic Circle is at top of a triangle, with the Spiritual and Mental Magic Circles at the bottom two positions.
Rohese softly reads, "Oh, Magic Theory."
You tap a slim burgundy leather journal.
Rohese claps her hands together in delight!
Holding your black slate chalkboard steady in your left hand, you tighten your grip on a large piece of chalk and write the following message upon the slate in the Common tongue: "This will be a talk on Magic Theory, and will be based on the exploration of ideas, and the free exchange of thought. Let's begin!"
Grelana nods to you.
Elaejia gazes with interest at a slim burgundy leather journal.
Rohese nods slowly.
You point at a large black slate chalkboard, trying to draw attention to the message written upon it.
Kothos smiles at you.
Holding your black slate chalkboard steady in your left hand, you tighten your grip on a large piece of chalk and write the following message upon the slate in the Common tongue: "The idea that I am going to put forth to everyone today will be thus:."
Grelana beams!
You bend over your journal and add some additional thoughts to the page.
The page, written in Common, reads as follows:
MAGIC THEORY A neat diagram is splayed across the chalkboard, depicting one of the more commonly known figures of the Circles of Magic. The sphere of the Elemental Magic Circle is at top of a triangle, with the Spiritual and Mental Magic Circles at the bottom two positions.
Proposal: The Circles of Mental and Spiritual Magic have a symbiotic relationship, and are dependent on one another to function properly.
Sothog blinks at you.
Lazaryth settles his gaze on you, watching you intently.
Kothos smiles at you.
Rohese nods faintly.
Traiva looks thoughtfully at you.
Grelana nods slowly.
Holding your black slate chalkboard steady in your left hand, you tighten your grip on a large piece of chalk and write the following message upon the slate in the Common tongue: "The statement that I have written here will be the base of what we are working with today. It may be expanded on, or even proven to be untrue during the course of the lecture."
Rohese gazes thoughtfully at a large black slate chalkboard.
Lazaryth squints at a large black slate chalkboard.
Holding your black slate chalkboard steady in your left hand, you tighten your grip on a large piece of chalk and write the following message upon the slate in the Common tongue: "The entirety of Sequential Interdependence in Magic Theory will hopefully be a discussion for another time."
You grin impishly.
Speaking gratefully to you, Traiva says, "Thank you."
Rohese giggles at you.
Grelana stares off into space.
Elaejia chuckles to herself.
Grelana grins at you.
Holding your black slate chalkboard steady in your left hand, you tighten your grip on a large piece of chalk and write the following message upon the slate in the Common tongue: "The point today is free thought and discussion, so I will allow pauses for questions. I humbly admit to not being a storied scholar, but rather a student eager to learn."
Speaking embarrassedly to you, Rohese echoes, "Thankfully."
Holding your black slate chalkboard steady in your left hand, you tighten your grip on a large piece of chalk and write the following message upon the slate in the Common tongue: "I might even be using this opportunity to check my work."
Sothog blinks.
You wink.
Kothos grins at you.
Rohese smiles at you.
Grelana giggles.
Teaberry giggles.
Speaking softly to you, Rohese exclaims, "That's what we're here for!"
You blush a nice shade of pink.
Rohese wrinkles her nose.
Speaking to you, Kothos says, "You've certainly engaged my interest, though I'm no scholar myself."
(Rohese smiles at Kothos.
Yukito taps the drawn sphere of the Spiritual Magic Circle within the journal.
Speaking quietly to Rohese, Kothos says, "Just attentive to the scholarly sort..."
Rohese smiles at Kothos.
Kothos gazes admiringly at Rohese.
Holding your black slate chalkboard steady in your left hand, you tighten your grip on a large piece of chalk and write the following message upon the slate in the Common tongue: "It is a commonly held belief that the Arkati provide access to Spiritual Magic. Further exploration of this particular concept would be to examine the nature of the Arkati. In this discussion, we will focus on emanation."
Rohese simpers at Kothos.
You glance at a large black slate chalkboard.
Rohese turns to face a large black slate chalkboard.
You nod firmly.
(Raeshya mumbles something about texts and references.)
Artans nods.
Teaberry says, "Emanation..."
Teaberry frowns.
Grelana furrows her brow.
Rohese nods faintly.
Holding your black slate chalkboard steady in your left hand, you tighten your grip on a large piece of chalk and write the following message upon the slate in the Common tongue: "For example, Charl is the Lord of the Sea. Therefore, if you pay him homage, or if you wish to perform magic that has anything to do with that domain, you would have to draw from his power."
Porfidat glances at a large black slate chalkboard.
Grelana nods slightly.
Raeshya nods to you.
Yardie raises an eyebrow in your direction.
Holding your black slate chalkboard steady in your left hand, you tighten your grip on a large piece of chalk and write the following message upon the slate in the Common tongue: "What benefit could there be in this practice? This begs the question of a symbiotic relationship from such a link. Are there ways to prove such a thing?"
Porfidat furrows his brow.
Rohese thoughtfully taps a finger against her lips.
Elaejia raises an eyebrow.
Grelana looks lost in thought.
Holding your black slate chalkboard steady in your left hand, you tighten your grip on a large piece of chalk and write the following message upon the slate in the Common tongue: "A secondary question that comes to mind in this base observation, is that if a being is able to emanate a domain, are they also able to access Spiritual Magic?"
Elaejia raises an eyebrow.
Holding your black slate chalkboard steady in your left hand, you tighten your grip on a large piece of chalk and write the following message upon the slate in the Common tongue: "Does anyone have any questions so far? Or any comments about the current topic? Does anyone wish to dispute anything that has been said?"
(Kippe looks thoughtfully at you.
You fold your arms over your chest.
Rohese gazes thoughtfully at a large black slate chalkboard.
Yardie glances at you and raises his hand.
Grelana looks thoughtfully at you.
Rohese glances around the room.
You point at Yardie.
You nod.
Holding your black slate chalkboard steady in your left hand, you tighten your grip on a large piece of chalk and write the following message upon the slate in the Common tongue: "Feel free to chare your thoughts and debate."
Kothos smiles at you.
Rohese smiles at you.
(Yukito smudges a letter on the board with his thumb.)
You blush a nice shade of pink.
Speaking to you, Kothos says, "I have always felt Her in the midst of my greater magic, I suppose."
Speaking nervously to you, Yardie says, "You mentioned that in order to draw from that field in magic, you would draw from that Arkati. Does this connect in some way to matters such as favor? I'm not magic borne, but I can do things...I suppose...based on asking for their will, at least the undead."
You ponder the meaning of Yardie's existence.
Speaking to you, Yardie says, "I apologize for the dumb question....but....I don't think that would be considered magic in my case."
Speaking to you, Kothos says, "In casting Divine Fury, or restoring life to one of my friends. The skin of either body is wreathed in Her smoke."
Yardie's cheeks flush with a deep shade of red.
Grelana says, "Any skill in magic I have comes from the favor of Gosaena, but I must serve her wishes in order to have the ability."
Grelana clasps her hand over her mouth.
Grelana blushes a nice shade of light pink.
Elaejia says, "It seems in the case of Voln's favor, He requires a more concrete signal of devotion to be convinced to act as a channel for magic."
Holding your black slate chalkboard steady in your left hand, you tighten your grip on a large piece of chalk and write the following message upon the slate in the Common tongue: "There is no dumb question. There is just wanting to know something. I might say for that question, it would be part of domain. We will explore that."
Speaking curiously to Yardie, Porfidat asks, "Why would it not?"
Speaking to you, Kothos says, "Though I suppose an argument could be made for it being more my vision than truth. My truth."
Speaking softly to Yardie, Rohese assures, "No question is ... dumb. Your thoughts are equally valid."
Rohese touches Yardie.
Yardie blinks at Rohese.
You nod at Kothos.
You agree with Rohese.
Yardie nods once at Rohese.
Grelana nods at Yardie.
You grin at Kothos.
Leifa removes some polished honey amber prayerbeads from in her honeycomb case.)
Rohese smiles at Yardie.
You point at Kothos.
Kothos smiles at you.
Holding your black slate chalkboard steady in your left hand, you tighten your grip on a large piece of chalk and write the following message upon the slate in the Common tongue: "Exactly. We will expand. I will continue."
Yardie nods to you.
Elaejia says, "Many of the others seem content to act a channel even when the practitioner doesn't spare them a thought."
You flash a wide grin.
Rohese nods to you.
Rohese agrees with Elaejia.
Grelana nods slowly at Elaejia.
You bend over your journal and add some additional thoughts to the page.
The page, written in Common, reads as follows:
MAGIC THEORY A neat diagram is splayed across the chalkboard, depicting one of the more commonly known figures of the Circles of Magic. The sphere of the Elemental Magic Circle is at top of a triangle, with the Spiritual and Mental Magic Circles at the bottom two positions.
Proposal: The Circles of Mental and Spiritual Magic have a symbiotic relationship, and are dependent on one another to function properly.
A being that is able to emanate a domain, can access Spiritual Magic.
Speaking to you, Kothos says, "You feel that my faith in Her Grace causes the manifestations of my magic to...
Kothos nods to you.
You tap a slim burgundy leather journal.
Rohese leans forward.
Rohese gazes thoughtfully at a slim burgundy leather journal.
Teaberry peers quizzically at you.
Holding your black slate chalkboard steady in your left hand, you tighten your grip on a large piece of chalk and write the following message upon the slate in the Common tongue: "I will go directly to the Mental Magic Circle."
(Yukito gently taps the circle depicted at the bottom left of the triangle in the journal with his fingertip.)
Rohese nods thoughtfully to you.
Lazaryth glances between Kothos and yourself.
Laehna shifts her weight.
Holding your black slate chalkboard steady in your left hand, you tighten your grip on a large piece of chalk and write the following message upon the slate in the Common tongue: "Practitioners of Mental Magic directly alter the world around them, or how the world is perceived."
Speaking to Porfidat, Yardie says, "I....don't know."
Raeshya nods to you.
Leifa prayerfully rubs her fingers across her honey amber prayerbeads.
Grelana blinks.
Holding your black slate chalkboard steady in your left hand, you tighten your grip on a large piece of chalk and write the following message upon the slate in the Common tongue: "To do this, the object or person being manipulated must be within control of the practitioner. To be more precise, they have to be within their range of emanation, or inside of their domain."
Rohese furrows her brow.
Speaking to himself, Yardie whispers aloud, "Mental magic frightens me."
Holding your black slate chalkboard steady in your left hand, you tighten your grip on a large piece of chalk and write the following message upon the slate in the Common tongue: "A bard can effect objects and people within the range of their voices. A monk can impart their spiritual essence into people through a tattoo needle. Empaths can heal the wounded across far flung distances. "
Porfidat says, "Oh. I see."
Grelana looks thoughtfully at you.
Porfidat nods to you.
Speaking softly to you, Rohese queries, "Control, really?"
You glance at a large black slate chalkboard.
Lazaryth gazes in amusement at Yardie.
Grelana nods to you.
You nod slowly.
Yardie raises an eyebrow in Lazaryth's direction.
Holding your black slate chalkboard steady in your left hand, you tighten your grip on a large piece of chalk and write the following message upon the slate in the Common tongue: "These are examples of emanation, though it is arguable that they are on the same level as use of domain."
Leifa murmurs, "Rangers can whisper great distances."
Kothos nods to you.
Lazaryth dismissively says, "Nothing."
Rohese uncomfortably muses, "That's an unsettling thought."
Holding your black slate chalkboard steady in your left hand, you tighten your grip on a large piece of chalk and write the following message upon the slate in the Common tongue: "It would stand to reason, then that Mental Magic practitioners would have an innate ability to use Spiritual Magic. To what degree, would be the question."
Yardie raises an eyebrow in Lazaryth's direction.
Rohese nods at Leifa.
Grelana shifts her weight.
You grin at Rohese.
Speaking curiously to Rohese, Traiva asks, "To be under the control of something else?"
Holding your black slate chalkboard steady in your left hand, you tighten your grip on a large piece of chalk and write the following message upon the slate in the Common tongue: "Therefore, I could say that all Mental magic users have the ability to use Spiritual Magic, but does anyone else see the issue with that?"
Teaberry raises her hand.
Rohese nods at Traiva.
Yardie glances at Traiva and begins to sweat.
You point at Teaberry.
Yardie hangs his head.
Porfidat raises his hand.
Leifa violently shakes her head in the negative, causing several strands of manelike hair to fall free from its bindings.
Yardie glances at Traiva and begins to sweat.
You cock your head.
Teaberry says, "I'm a wizard. My magic is all elemental. But it can affect things in range of sight."
Speaking to Yardie, Traiva mouths, "What?"
Grelana nods slowly at Teaberry.
Teaberry asks, "How is my magic different from this?"
Speaking to Traiva, Yardie says, "Something you me thinking."
Rohese looks lost in thought.
Holding your black slate chalkboard steady in your left hand, you tighten your grip on a large piece of chalk and write the following message upon the slate in the Common tongue: "I would explain it as thus. If I wanted to change a bowl, would I change the chape of a bowl, or shatter it?"
Elaejia frowns.
Elaejia slowly says, "Either is a change."
Holding your black slate chalkboard steady in your left hand, you tighten your grip on a large piece of chalk and write the following message upon the slate in the Common tongue: "Would I alter its texture by fire, or change how you observe the bowl?"
Grelana nods slightly.
Traiva says, "Both are a change."
You nod
You point at Porfidat.
Rohese cocks her head at Porfidat.
Porfidat charmingly asks, "I'm not a scholar... But are you trying to imply that a mental sphere practition is similar to the Arkati who bequeath their power to individuals through the spiritual sphere?"
Elaejia says, "If your intent is to change how I react to the bowl then you could do the latter."
You nod at Porfidat.
Holding your black slate chalkboard steady in your left hand, you tighten your grip on a large piece of chalk and write the following message upon the slate in the Common tongue: "Allow me to continue."
You flash a wide grin.
Rohese smiles at you.
You beam happily at Porfidat!
Teaberry says, "Please continue."
You swap a large piece of chalk to your left hand and a flora-tied ivory feather quill to your right hand.
You bend over your journal and add some additional thoughts to the page.
The page, written in Common, reads as follows:
MAGIC THEORY A neat diagram is splayed across the chalkboard, depicting one of the more commonly known figures of the Circles of Magic. The sphere of the Elemental Magic Circle is at top of a triangle, with the Spiritual and Mental Magic Circles at the bottom two positions.
Proposal: The Circles of Mental and Spiritual Magic have a symbiotic relationship, and are dependent on one another to function properly.
A being that is able to emanate a domain, can access Spiritual Magic.
Bards do not use Spiritual Magic.
Holding your black slate chalkboard steady in your left hand, you tighten your grip on a large piece of chalk and write the following message upon the slate in the Common tongue: "This would mean that not all Mental Magic Practitioners have the ability to use Spiritual Magic, or that Bards are not Mental Magic Practitioners."
Holding your black slate chalkboard steady in your left hand, you tighten your grip on a large piece of chalk and write the following message upon the slate in the Common tongue: "We know that bards are Mental Magic Practitioners, so!"
Rohese nods slowly.
You bend over your journal and add some additional thoughts to the page.
The page, written in Common, reads as follows:
MAGIC THEORY A neat diagram is splayed across the chalkboard, depicting one of the more commonly known figures of the Circles of Magic. The sphere of the Elemental Magic Circle is at top of a triangle, with the Spiritual and Mental Magic Circles at the bottom two positions.
Proposal: The Circles of Mental and Spiritual Magic have a symbiotic relationship, and are dependent on one another to function properly.
A being that is able to emanate a domain, can access Spiritual Magic.
Bards do not use Spiritual Magic.
Some Mental Magic practitioners have the ability to use Spiritual Magic.
Teaberry asks, "We do?"
You grin at Teaberry.
Speaking to Teaberry, Yardie says, "I found out the hard way."
Grelana nods slowly.
Teaberry says, "Thought bards had elemental magic."
You swap a flora-tied ivory feather quill to your left hand and a large piece of chalk to your right hand.
Speaking to Teaberry, Traiva says, "And Mental."
Speaking to Teaberry, Yardie says, "Xanthium's voice....I still feel it in my head at times."
Kothos nods once at Yardie.
Kothos says, "I was just mentioning her, in fact. You're right."
Holding your black slate chalkboard steady in your left hand, you tighten your grip on a large piece of chalk and write the following message upon the slate in the Common tongue: "There could be other variables at play here. Are there any other ideas we can explore before we continue?"
Traiva raises her hand.
Speaking to Yardie, Kothos says, "I feel it, as well, long after we go our own path for the day."
You point at Traiva.
Rohese cocks her head at Traiva.
Speaking to Kothos, Yardie says, "I couldn't tell you what she sang, I just remember her pulling me up and waking me. I never felt so vulnerable. But it's still there in my head."
Speaking softly to Yardie, Rohese says, "That is an excellent example."
Porfidat says, "I'm curious if this means I need to start praying to monks."
Porfidat grins.
Grelana nods understandingly at Yardie.
Speaking to Yardie, Kothos says, "We have much in common, then."
Speaking to you, Traiva says, "For many years, the healing arts had been thought to come from the Spirits around Elanthia, and were thus the source of the Empath's power."
Leifa grasps a single bead between her forefinger and thumb, a look of intense devotion on her face.
You grin slowly at Traiva.
Grelana gazes with interest at Traiva.
Traiva says, "Bards, however, are manipulators, in tune with Elements as much as an Empath is with the Spirits."
Speaking to Kothos, Yardie asks, "In what, the voice? Or the fear?"
(Yukito bounces on his toes for a moment.)
Kothos smiles at Yardie.
Speaking to Yardie, Kothos says, "Your answer is yes."
You nod at Traiva.
Yardie's face turns slightly pale.
Yardie nods once at Kothos.
Holding your black slate chalkboard steady in your left hand, you tighten your grip on a large piece of chalk and write the following message upon the slate in the Common tongue: "Exactly so, Traivia."
Holding your black slate chalkboard steady in your left hand, you tighten your grip on a large piece of chalk and write the following message upon the slate in the Common tongue: "Let's go further and add some statements:."
Rohese leans forward and rests her chin in her hand, a thoughtful expression on her face.
You bend over your journal and add some additional thoughts to the page.
Sothog ponders.
Leifa frowns at a slim burgundy leather journal.
Leifa raises her honey amber prayerbeads adoringly to her lips.
Grelana says, "If you do not give the Arkati their due, you run the risk of punishment or worse."
Holding your black slate chalkboard steady in your left hand, you tighten your grip on a large piece of chalk and write the following message upon the slate in the Common tongue: "Do these statements change how we view our growing argument?"
Lazaryth chuckles to himself.
Grelana folds her arms over her chest.
Leifa nods sagely at Grelana.
You agree with Grelana.
You bend over your journal and add some additional thoughts to the page.
The page, written in Common, reads as follows:
MAGIC THEORY A neat diagram is splayed across the chalkboard, depicting one of the more commonly known figures of the Circles of Magic. The sphere of the Elemental Magic Circle is at top of a triangle, with the Spiritual and Mental Magic Circles at the bottom two positions.
Proposal: The Circles of Mental and Spiritual Magic have a symbiotic relationship, and are dependent on one another to function properly.
A being that is able to emanate a domain, can access Spiritual Magic.
Bards do not use Spiritual Magic.
Some Mental Magic practitioners have the ability to use Spiritual Magic.
A person does not need to pay homage to an Arkati to use Spiritual Magic.
Everyone is not Mental Magic user.
Arkati allow people to use their domains without oversight.
There may be alternative methods to access Spiritual Magic than through the Arkati.
Tolwynn says, "Just ask Solhaven."
Speaking softly to Grelana, Rohese says, "Interesting."
Traiva begins chortling at Tolwynn.
Speaking to Tolwynn, Yardie repeats, "Solhaven."
Porfidat points at a slim burgundy leather journal.
Faerinn asks, "Which one of y'all are speaking?"
Speaking softly to Faerinn, Rohese exclaims, "Do join us, Yukito is expounding on his Magic Theories and it's fascinating!"
Holding your black slate chalkboard steady in your left hand, you tighten your grip on a large piece of chalk and write the following message upon the slate in the Common tongue: "Here, I would like us to consider what fuels our magic, and our world. I tend to think of it like a circle that feeds itself. Mental Magic being the Baker, Spiritual Magic the Oven, and the product from that use, is the Bread."
You feel your face flush to the tops of your ears.
Faerinn nods.
Speaking softly to Faerinn, Rohese says, "Pay close attention to the chalkboard and his journal."
Traiva looks thoughtfully at you.
Faerinn nods at Rohese.
Leifa gazes thoughtfully at a large black slate chalkboard.
You nod to the black slate chalkboard.
Speaking softly to you, Rohese says, "A fascinating concept."
Holding your black slate chalkboard steady in your left hand, you tighten your grip on a large piece of chalk and write the following message upon the slate in the Common tongue: "The Baker has the tools to operate the Oven, and gives others access to use the Oven. In turn, the Oven creates many wonderful things that fill our world. Spells of all types and varieties pop out of it... in cookie cutter shape."
You tap a large black slate chalkboard.
Rohese nods slowly to a large black slate chalkboard.
Kothos nods to you.
Kothos smiles.
Traiva laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.
Holding your black slate chalkboard steady in your left hand, you tighten your grip on a large piece of chalk and write the following message upon the slate in the Common tongue: "The Baker has the ability to change the patterns. The people operating the Oven generally do not. They do not have that power."
Kothos says, "I like that analogy."
Rohese softly giggles.
Rohese agrees with Kothos.
Sothog nods to you.
You nod to the black slate chalkboard.
Holding your black slate chalkboard steady in your left hand, you tighten your grip on a large piece of chalk and write the following message upon the slate in the Common tongue: "The things that we produce from the Oven, the Bread, nourish the Bakers. And as such, we continue to work together to mutual benefit."
Elaejia says, "So then the Arkati are themselves mentalists."
Grelana's face turns slightly pale.
Rohese softly says, "Oh my, yes."
You grin at Elaejia.
Rohese looks thoughtfully at Elaejia.
Speaking to Elaejia, Traiva says, "That would make considerable sense, yes."
Holding your black slate chalkboard steady in your left hand, you tighten your grip on a large piece of chalk and write the following message upon the slate in the Common tongue: "Thus, the opening statement that Mental and Spiritual Magic have a symbiotic relationship."
Kothos smiles quietly to himself.
Leifa lets out a long, contemplative breath.
You observe your surroundings very slowly, not wanting to miss a single detail.
Rohese nods understandingly to you.
Holding your black slate chalkboard steady in your left hand, you tighten your grip on a large piece of chalk and write the following message upon the slate in the Common tongue: "But how would I prove this? After all, that is only a metaphor."
(NOTE -- Pardon. Kothos was correct, and this was an analogy.)
Holding your black slate chalkboard steady in your left hand, you tighten your grip on a large piece of chalk and write the following message upon the slate in the Common tongue: "Does anyone have any thoughts on what I've just said, or any ideas of their own to put forth?"
You grin slowly.
You nod once.
Holding your black slate chalkboard steady in your left hand, you tighten your grip on a large piece of chalk and write the following message upon the slate in the Common tongue: "I offer the idea that Arkati require people use spiritual magic, within their domain, so that they can thrive and gain power."
Speaking to you, Yardie asks, "So...would the Arkati's connection be the fire that fuels the oven?"
You grin at Yardie.
Elaejia says, "They can opt to break or burn the bowls contained within their spheres of influence, because their intent is to alter the perceptions of mortals."
Rohese smiles at Elaejia.
Sothog asks, "One thought... perhaps belief itself is a fueling energy... either belief via faith in other, or belief via faith in self... thusly we have spiritual and mental magics, perhaps?"
Kothos nods at Sothog.
Grelana says, "We are their tools, their puppets, their servants."
Holding your black slate chalkboard steady in your left hand, you tighten your grip on a large piece of chalk and write the following message upon the slate in the Common tongue: "That is also an excellent way of viewing it, Yardie. And you as well, Elaejia."
Deep in thought, Leifa laces her fingers before her.
Kothos says, "The pathos of our faith. We are convinced because we feel it is connected, and vice versa."
You nod at Sothog.
Elaejia sniffs.
Porfidat raises his hand.
You nod at Porfidat.
You grin at Kothos.
Speaking to Grelana, Yardie says, "Then, perhaps since I lack the ability to kindle that fuel....I'm not as useful a tool to them. I suppose it would explain a lot."
You point at Porfidat.
Rohese smiles quietly to herself.
Porfidat asks, "This is all far over my head. I'm a simple sailor. What do you think is our bread that we're creating to fuel the Arkati or mentalists?"
Speaking to Yardie, Grelana says, "Or they have not gotten around to using you yet."
Teaberry says, "I think being an elementalist is better. It's not faith-dependent."
Speaking softly to Yardie, Rohese mouths, "Yet."
Kothos glances at Raelee.
Laehna agrees with Teaberry.
Speaking to Teaberry, Traiva asks, "Is it not?"
Teaberry looks over at Traiva and shakes her head.
Sothog chuckles.
Speaking knowingly to Rohese, Yardie says, "Perhaps for sport....or to delight one one's torment. I do not know."
Holding your black slate chalkboard steady in your left hand, you tighten your grip on a large piece of chalk and write the following message upon the slate in the Common tongue: "Yardie summed it up perfectly."
Speaking to Teaberry, Traiva counters, "You have never had the elements backlash at you before?"
Speaking knowingly to Rohese, Yardie says, "Or rather, I do...but....yeah."
You nod at Porfidat.
You point at Yardie.
Yardie blinks at you.
Teaberry looks over at Traiva and shakes her head.
Speaking confusedly to you, Yardie asks, "I did?"
Holding your black slate chalkboard steady in your left hand, you tighten your grip on a large piece of chalk and write the following message upon the slate in the Common tongue: "It would be counter to their interests to disallow practitioners to use magic in their domain, if this statement is true."
Traiva glances between Teaberry and Tolwynn.
Porfidat dispiritedly says, "I don't understand."
You bend over your journal and add some additional thoughts to the page.
The page, written in Common, reads as follows:
MAGIC THEORY A neat diagram is splayed across the chalkboard, depicting one of the more commonly known figures of the Circles of Magic. The sphere of the Elemental Magic Circle is at top of a triangle, with the Spiritual and Mental Magic Circles at the bottom two positions.
Proposal: The Circles of Mental and Spiritual Magic have a symbiotic relationship, and are dependent on one another to function properly.
A being that is able to emanate a domain, can access Spiritual Magic.
Bards do not use Spiritual Magic.
Some Mental Magic practitioners have the ability to use Spiritual Magic.
A person does not need to pay homage to an Arkati to use Spiritual Magic.
Everyone is not Mental Magic user.
Arkati allow people to use their domains without oversight.
There may be alternative methods to access Spiritual Magic than through the Arkati.
Arkati require people use spiritual magic, within their domain, so that they can thrive and gain power.
You point at a slim burgundy leather journal.
You flash a wide grin.
Elaejia cocks her head.
Leifa gazes in rapt meditation at her honey amber prayerbeads.
Speaking softly to Teaberry, Rohese says, "Jaston and Aeia might agree having domain over air and earth, for example."
Leifa closes her eyes for a moment.
Sothog says, "Another thought: belief fuels Arkati; Arkati creates miracles, thus restoring belief. A cyclical relationship. Perhaps these erratic behaviors are simply there to remind us they exist."
You nod at Sothog.
Holding your black slate chalkboard steady in your left hand, you tighten your grip on a large piece of chalk and write the following message upon the slate in the Common tongue: "Observe the written statements in the journal, please. Which do we believe to be true? Which false? Which are conditional? Finally, are they enough to prove this closing statement:."
Leifa looks at Sothog and hums.
Rohese leans forward.
Rohese gazes thoughtfully at a slim burgundy leather journal.
Traiva looks thoughtfully at you.
Grelana rubs her chin thoughtfully.
Yardie says, "For a long time, I did not believe....yet....things happened to people, to friends. To family. I would like to think that it's not all just lack of belief."
Holding your black slate chalkboard steady in your left hand, you tighten your grip on a large piece of chalk and write the following message upon the slate in the Common tongue: "Conclusion: The Mental Magic Circle and the Spiritual Magic Circle have a symbiotic relationship because its practitioners rely on the magic provided by their counterparts."
You bend over your journal and add some additional thoughts to the page.
The page, written in Common, reads as follows:
MAGIC THEORY A neat diagram is splayed across the chalkboard, depicting one of the more commonly known figures of the Circles of Magic. The sphere of the Elemental Magic Circle is at top of a triangle, with the Spiritual and Mental Magic Circles at the bottom two positions.
Proposal: The Circles of Mental and Spiritual Magic have a symbiotic relationship, and are dependent on one another to function properly.
A being that is able to emanate a domain, can access Spiritual Magic.
Bards do not use Spiritual Magic.
Some Mental Magic practitioners have the ability to use Spiritual Magic.
A person does not need to pay homage to an Arkati to use Spiritual Magic.
Everyone is not Mental Magic user.
Arkati allow people to use their domains without oversight.
There may be alternative methods to access Spiritual Magic than through the Arkati.
Arkati require people use spiritual magic, within their domain, so that they can thrive and gain power.
Lazaryth folds his arms over his chest.
Rohese smiles at Yardie.
Kothos smiles at Raelee.
Raelee nods slightly at Kothos.
Cordelia adopts an agreeable expression.
Porfidat raises his hand.
Traiva calmly flutters her wings at you to an unheard rhythm.
You point at Porfidat.
Rohese nods thoughtfully to a large black slate chalkboard.
Grelana wrings her hands.
Grelana folds her arms over her chest.
Elaejia says, "In this discussion, the theory posits that it is not belief but magic that nourishes them. The relationship is symbiotic because they provide the channels to access that form of magic, and they benefit from its flowl."
Porfidat says, "In reviewing the statements.... "Arkati allow people to use their domains without oversight." I think this is one that is dependent upon how you are using the power."
Lazaryth appears to be trying hard not to grin.
You nod slowly at Porfidat.
Speaking concernedly to Grelana, Rohese asks, "You seem troubled, my friend, are you alright?"
Yardie glances at Porfidat.
Speaking to Porfidat, Yardie says, "That's....tricky."
Faerinn says, "Considering the things done in Koar's name I think the no oversight fits."
Sothog ponders.
Grelana coughs.
Holding your black slate chalkboard steady in your left hand, you tighten your grip on a large piece of chalk and write the following message upon the slate in the Common tongue: "Then that statement is conditional."
Speaking to Faerinn, Yardie says, "Or in Zelia's name."
Speaking to Rohese, Grelana says, "I'm okay."
Rohese smiles at Grelana.
Elaejia looks thoughtfully at Grelana.
Speaking to Faerinn, Teaberry says, "I always heard that Koar is either dead or sleeping. Either way, he's not paying attention."
Holding your black slate chalkboard steady in your left hand, you tighten your grip on a large piece of chalk and write the following message upon the slate in the Common tongue: "Was the proposal proven? Is everything listed completely true? I think we can all agree that some of these statements would have to be critically examined before we state that they are utterly true."
Faerinn says, "Koar simultanously wish the destruction and the salvation of my homeland."
You flash a wide grin.
Speaking to Teaberry, Faerinn says, "Dead sounds about right."
Leifa shakes her head, clucking her tongue.
You tap a large black slate chalkboard.
Holding your black slate chalkboard steady in your left hand, you tighten your grip on a large piece of chalk and write the following message upon the slate in the Common tongue: "Is the reasoning sound, though? Have we thought this through? Do each of the statements make sense? Can we agree that this statement is reasonable and valid, even if we cannot prove it to be true?"
Speaking to Faerinn, Raelee says, "But there is often a different between actions taken an actual drawing upon their power. I believe 'utilization of their domain' refers to the actual power and not merely the invokation of a name."
Sothog says, "Perhaps certain key interventions are required to keep the momentum of this flow going without having to constantly approve every usage of power from a follower..."
You point at a large black slate chalkboard, trying to draw attention to the message written upon it.
Porfidat grins at Yardie.
Speaking softly to you, Rohese posits, "But will we ever all agree?"
You grin at Rohese.
You point at Rohese.
Rohese wrinkles her nose.
Sothog begins chuckling at Rohese!
Speaking to Sothog, Grelana says, "Or they merely play with their followers on a whim."
Leifa wraps her honey amber prayerbeads around her hand with a look of intense devotion on her face.
Porfidat whispers something to Yardie.
Leifa looks over at Grelana and shakes her head.
Porfidat glances away from Yardie.
Holding your black slate chalkboard steady in your left hand, you tighten your grip on a large piece of chalk and write the following message upon the slate in the Common tongue: "That is the crux of it. We will likely never all agree. We probably cannot prove it to be completely true. We may be able to prove the arguement valid."
Leifa posits, "Not all Arkati are cruel or retaliatory."
Speaking to Grelana, Sothog says, "Perhaps. Hard to assume motive with them."
Speaking to Leifa, Traiva says, "It is not unheard of."
Rohese smiles at you.
Leifa nods sagely at Traiva.
Sothog agrees with Leifa.
Kothos grins at Lazaryth.
Speaking to Raelee, Faerinn says, "In the case of Talador, Koar gets the credit for setting up Talador's destruction and the little pockets of nature that remain. While people really did all of that."
Leifa adds, "Just not all."
Grelana glances at a wide archway.
Faerinn nods at Leifa.
Speaking brightly to you, Rohese exclaims, "But it certainly makes for an interesting discussion!"
You agree with Rohese.
Traiva mouths, "Yet."
Grelana agrees with Rohese.
Grelana smiles.
Faerinn says, "Some Arkati are just indifferent and lazy."
Teaberry nods at Rohese.
You snicker.
Rohese stands up.
Yardie nods once.
Leifa blinks at Faerinn.
Yardie nods once at Porfidat.
You applaud.
Holding your black slate chalkboard steady in your left hand, you tighten your grip on a large piece of chalk and write the following message upon the slate in the Common tongue: Thank you for sitting in on this discussion. Thank you also to Lady Rohese for inviting me to speak here today. I hope to be able to do so again in the future."
You bow.
Rohese walks to stand behind a small podium.
Rohese softly says, "I am sure you will all join me in thanking our presenter, Yukito, for such an engaging presentation and a fascinating insight into his thoughts on Magic Theory."
The following is a list of texts or physical evidence specifically being referenced by the speaker.