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GemStone IV Prime HARDCORE

Welcome to GemStone IV Prime HARDCORE. This contest was created in Gemstone Platinum by Kithus/Brinret and others, and I believe there is enough interest to duplicate the event in Gemstone Prime. Much of the structure of this event will be taken directly from the Platinum instance, which is currently ongoing and can be found here: Platinum HARDCORE.The basic essence of the contest is simple. You make a new character, in GemStone IV Prime, and if the character dies, you are out. With that basic premise out of the way we will get into the various rules that need to be put into place to ensure a fair competition. Please keep in mind that this contest is run primarily on an honor system and we are trusting participants to follow the rules.

Contest Rules

  • All participants, upon creation, must state in the HARDCORE channel of the official Gemstone Discord or in the GemStone IV Prime HARDCORE thread to include their HARDCORE character's name, race and profession. As HARDCORE Channel is archived, just make sure to add character here.
  • Upon death you should submit a post to the thread informing the community of the character’s death and immediately delete the character. Inventory may be transferred to a non-HARDCORE character prior to deletion. Should you wish to create a new character for the HARDCORE competition, you must select a different name than the one used previously. The name of your HARDCORE character may not be used for a non-HARDCORE character, even if re-rolled, if you mean to continue to compete with any new or existing characters in the competition.
  • HARDCORE characters may reroll prior to dying and keep their current name should they wish to do so. After rerolling, new level, race, and profession information should be conveyed via updating the wiki or in a message board post in the appropriate thread.
  • All HARDCORE competitors who have not yet been eliminated from the competition have the option to retire their character. Retirement allows the character to exit the competition, enabling the player to enter new competitors to the competition without having to delete their previous one. Retirement must be announced PRIOR to the HARDCORE character's elimination, and is irreversible. Leaderboard positions earned by the retired character shall remain in place as if they had been eliminated and any prizes won up to that point are theirs to keep.
  • HARDCORE characters are not to be hunted with non-HARDCORE characters. Further, while playing more than 1 HARDCORE character at a time is permitted, MAing HARDCORE characters for group hunting purposes or any other unforeseen benefits is not permitted. (No HARDCORE MA armies, please!)
  • HARDCORE characters must be self-spelled. This means no outside spells may be used. Spells the character can activate themselves from Magic Items or Scrolls are permitted. Automatic group spells such as (but not limited to) Benediction (307), Warding Sphere (310), Kai's Triumph Song (1007), and Song of Tonis (1035) are permitted when hunting with other HARDCORE characters. Group spells that remain once the character leaves the hunting group such as (but not limited to) Mass Blurs (911), Mass Colors (611), and Mass Elemental Defense (419) are not permitted. The half-elven invoker is no longer permitted as it goes against the spirit of HARDCORE.
  • The restrictions on aiding your fellow competitors has been modified to allow the use of the following (self-cast or item cast) spells: Stun Relief (108), Undisease (113), Unpoison (114), Spirit Guide (130), Calm (201), Untrammel (209), Minor Sanctuary (213), Major Sanctuary (220), Breeze (612), Celerity (506) [Group effect only], Traveler's Song (1020), Troubadour's Rally (1040), Adrenal Surge (1107), and Soothing Word (1205). Note that this list is in addition to the other spells allowed during group hunting, not in replacement thereof. You may also attempt to drag your partner(s) to safety should the need arise.
  • PvP deaths in HARDCORE typically do not eliminate a competitor assuming the act was not done in an effort to avoid death via standard game mechanics. Player deaths that DO NOT cause elimination include CvC (in-character conflicts), deaths via fumbled traps (HARDCORE locksmith deaths are considered a legitimate elimination), and accidental non-HARDCORE player deaths in town or afield. Examples include getting caught in someone’s Major E-wave or Nature’s Fury while traveling. Death at the hands of your HARDCORE hunting partner(s) is considered a legitimate elimination, accidental or otherwise.
  • When hunting with other HARDCORE characters, all members of the party should be able to gain experience from at least one of the creatures in the given area. Any member of the party may skin the corpse or loot the creature regardless of whether or not they landed the killing blow. Loot earned solely throughout the hunt may be shared amongst the party as desired within a reasonable period of time during or following the hunt. All members of the hunting party must be active participants in order to receive loot.
  • Should a HARDCORE character receive outside spells from another player, they may dispel themselves using any available means to include an alternate account, fellow HARDCORE characters, non-HARDCORE characters, or dispelling crystals received from any source.
  • Participation in Profession Guilds, to include giving and receiving training is permitted to include the use of both HARDCORE and Non-HARDCORE characters. MAing your training partner is not permitted.
  • Participation in Societies, to include tasks requiring the direct involvement of other characters is permitted, as is the use of both HARDCORE and Non-HARDCORE characters to complete said tasks. MAing the required participants is not permitted, nor is the use of non-HARDCORE characters to make certain tasks easier, such as razing Warcamps.
  • HARDCORE competitors can choose between the Artisan Skills of Fletching OR the Crafting and Forging of no more than two weapon types beginning at level 0. At level 20, your alternate choice of Artisan skill will be available. Training in Cobbling and the remaining weapon types is permitted once the character reaches level 40.
  • The use of secondary characters for the purposes of locker storage, audience repetitions, experience gain, or any other benefit is not permitted.
  • Items and silver may not be obtained from other characters. This means nothing may be received from another character or player shop, including character-to-character sales. All silver and inventory must be earned by the HARDCORE character. NPC shop purchases are permitted. Items the HARDCORE character obtained from a merchant, including raffles and merchant services, are permitted. Use of the pawnshop is allowed. However, no attempts should be made to knowingly buy or sell items to purposefully supply HARDCORE characters.
  • The taking or use of items left on the town bench, donation bin, or other communal containers is not permitted, though HARDCORE characters are free to donate items. HARDCORE characters may not take or make use of any items or silver found laying on the ground unless generated by the game itself (truffles, smooth stones, etc). One exception to this rule is that HARDCORE characters may take acorns from the Town Square bench (or containers on/near it) should the need arise.
  • HARDCORE players may receive roleplay prop items to include (but not limited to) food, foraged items, drinks, and non-functional (no pockets or combat/enhancive related properties) clothing items from other characters. You may not gift any items to a HARDCORE character you control from a separate account or proxy. These items should not be used for any manner of mechanical advantage (quest items, society items, fletching, resale, etc) under any circumstance.
  • Items from a grand auction, Duskruin, Delirium Manor or other "pay to play", or "1 win per account" sources are not permitted. Items from Reim are permitted but only from your daily free Reim run. Prizes obtained from OOG competitions or rewards such as (but not limited to) the Premium Monthly Submission contest, Indiegogo campaigns, GM/Gamehost/Mentor rewards, and CHE/MHO rewards are not permitted. *Use of entries from giftboxes or otherwise found permits you to participate in events and use currency found. Main Point is you can't use real money ever!
  • GM Merchant services, including premium only merchants, are allowed in all forms with the exception of the types of festivals outlined in the rules above. Raffles run by GMs or CHE/MHO organizations are also permitted. Participation and prizes involving all manner of games run by GMs are allowed to be entered by HARDCORE characters. Participation in games or competitions run by CHE/MHOs, groups, or individuals are allowed only if the chance of success is not guaranteed. The HARDCORE character may not receive spells, services, or hunt in groups with NON-HARDCORE characters during the course of these games. Prizes may be accepted for winning said games, but not solely for participation. Always remember the spirit of the HARDCORE competition and use your best judgement when participating in such activities.
  • No outside services from OTHER CHARACTERS are allowed. This includes:
    • Armor skills
    • Artisan Skills
    • Blessing
    • Enchanting/Ensorcelling/Elemental Resistance/Grit/Sanctify
    • Healing
    • Locksmithing (See HARDCORE Locksmithing Exception)
    • Mass spells
    • Society or Adventure Guild resources (Pelts, Gems, Herbs, etc)
  • NOTE: The use of Bards for the purposes of Loresinging is permitted.
  • HARDCORE characters are permitted to open the boxes of other HARDCORE characters. The HARDCORE locksmith may not accept rewards for their efforts beyond the experience gained. Scarabs and trap components are considered the property of the locksmith. As mentioned elsewhere, HARDCORE locksmiths may also offer their services to non-HARDCORE clients as well. Use of the locksmith pool is not permitted.
  • HARDCORE Empaths are permitted to heal non-HARDCORE characters for experience gain. HARDCORE Empaths may NOT heal other HARDCORE characters of any profession. The HARDCORE Empath is not allowed to accept tips of any kind, nor may the Empath receive "clean-ups" or other outside aid of any sort.
  • The use of Login rewards for both standard and F2P HARDCORE characters is permitted.
  • Deaths resulting from PvP, direct GameMaster action, or GAME WIDE outage are exempt. Also any death that is a required part of a task that may or may not exist for a specific society is exempt.
  • GemStone IV Prime HARDCORE characters cannot use any item purchased with Simucoins. Similar items found normally are allowed, including through giftboxes. However, F2P HARDCORE characters may purchase and make use of F2P specific Simucoin items such as (but not limited to) experience, society, inventory, and silver passes. Doing so only disqualifies the F2P HARDCORE character from receiving any extra bonuses associated with the rewards for being a F2P account.
  • HARDCORE F2P characters are allowed to make use of other characters, MA'd or otherwise, to bypass the silver and inventory restrictions inherent to the account status. Approved uses of alternate characters are holding silver, exchanging silver into bank notes, and holding items. However, choosing to make use of these methods disqualifies the F2P character from the silver bonus for achieving levels 20, 40, 70, and 100.
  • Gemstone IV Prime HARDCORE characters cannot use any mechanically beneficial item or service obtained via Premium Points, nor can HARDCORE characters use the free X a day Premium spell items.
  • GemStone IV Prime HARDCORE characters shall at a minimum toggle on the ability to view their level in their profiles. It is recommended that the Strongest Foe toggle also be set, as well as any other applicable toggles such as Warcamps, Lock, Trap, Guild, and Society.


There are currently no sponsors. Any player or organisation wishing to sponsor these or other general progress or monthly competition prizes should post a proposal in the HARDCORE Discord thread.

The biggest reward is the honor and prestige from your fellow GemStone IV Prime HARDCORE players. That said, to make it interesting, I will be offering the following prizes to participants:

  • Upon reaching level 20 a GemStone IV Prime HARDCORE character can show their Lord/Lady title to Lathais or Glanvis for a 1 million silver reward payable to a non-HARDCORE character of their choice. The first character to achieve this level will receive a reward of 2 million silver.
  • Upon reaching level 40 a GemStone IV Prime HARDCORE character can show their Great Lord/Lady title to Lathais or Glanvis for a 5 million silver reward payable to a non-HARDCORE character of their choice. The first character to achieve this level will receive a reward of 10 million silver.
  • Upon reaching level 70 a GemStone IV Prime HARDCORE character can show their High Lord/Lady title to Lathais or Glanvis for a 10 million silver reward payable to a non-HARDCORE character of their choice. The first character to achieve this level will receive a reward of 20 million silver.
  • Upon reaching level 100 a GemStone IV Prime HARDCORE character can show their Grand Lord/Lady title to Lathais or Glanvis for a 25 million silver reward payable to a non-HARDCORE character. The first character to achieve this level will receive a reward of 50 million silver and the adulation of his peers! Additionally the HARDCORE character is now exempt from deletion on death.
  • F2P HARDCORE characters will be awarded the same silver prize as the first character to reach each level milestone regardless of their time to reach said level range (20, 40, 70, 100). Use of F2P only Simucoin items such as spell or society passes is allowed, as is the use of other characters to bypass silver and inventory limitations. However, doing so disqualifies the HARDCORE character from receiving the F2P reward bonus.

HARDCORE - Active Adventurers

To see the increasingly long list of adventurers currently questing, click on [Expand] to the right!

HARDCORE - Inactive Adventurers

To see the list of adventurers enjoying a well-deserved rest, click on [Expand] to the right!

HARDCORE - Fallen Heroes

To see the increasingly long list of our Fallen Heroes, click on [Expand] to the right!

HARDCORE - Leaderboards

To see the leaders of this challenge, click on [Expand] to the right!

HARDCORE - Milestones

To see the lists of all the milestones that our brave adventurers have met, click on [Expand] to the right!

HARDCORE - Profession Achievements

To see the achievements by profession of our brave adventurers, click on [Expand] to the right!

HARDCORE - Free-to-Play (F2P) Leaderboards

To see the Free-to-Play leaders in this challenge, click on [Expand] to the right!

HARDCORE - Community Competitions

To see the winners of the fine Community Competitions, click on [Expand] to the right!

HARDCORE - Pain Olympics

A "competition" to see who can survive a given attack with the largest endroll for each type of damage. To qualify, your character must have survived the entire encounter. To see the "competition", click on [Expand] to the right!

HARDCORE - Soul Tracker

To see the achievements of some of the brave souls in this challenge, click on [Expand] to the right!


To see some statistics of this challenge, click on [Expand] to the right! Current as of 9/3/2019.

Useful Pages

This is a small selection of pages that are particularly useful for HARDCORE. *Heavy slab of iron *Blessing with flower petals


*Seasonal weapon and armor carts

External Links

*Elanthian Forums Thread *Player's Corner Thread *Official Forums Thread