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Siolan weapon

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Siolan Weapons were originally released as scripted daggers sold by the merchant Siolan, who is run by GM Xayle. The script was updated by GMs Xayle and Haliste to support a wider range of weapons, including polearms, blunts, and larger edged weapons (both one-handed and two-handed). A shop selling a range of larger weapons bearing this script was released at Briarmoon Cove in February 2016.


The creator has also provided the following information:

The script on this dagger is for zesty weapons and was originally released by Siolan during Ebon Gate 5105.  All alterations (longs and shows) are acceptable for this item within normal alteration guidelines.  It is currently Tier 3 of 3 possible tiers.  Current verbs are: FLIP, PINCH (at), PROD, PULL, PUSH, RUB, SCRATCH, TURN, TOUCH, and WAVE.

Verb Traps


Tier 1
FLIP With a quick flick of your wrist, you lightly toss your stiletto into the air and turn your hand to catch it, momentarily balancing the small blade against the back of your knuckles. To complete the trick, you snag the blade's tip with your thumb and deftly flip the stiletto to catch it again by its hilt. With a quick flick of her wrist, XXX lightly tosses her stiletto into the air and turns her hand to catch it, momentarily balancing the small blade against the back of her knuckles. Completing the trick, XXX snags the blade's tip with her thumb and deftly flips the stiletto to catch it again by its hilt.
RUB You gingerly run your palm over the flat of your stiletto's blade. XXX runs the palm of her hand over the flat of her stiletto's blade, eyes turned thoughtfully downward.
TOUCH You thumb the edge of your stiletto, testing its sharpness, before casting an appraising glance at your surroundings. XXX thumbs the edge of her stiletto before casting an appraising glance at her surroundings.
TURN You deftly turn the stiletto in your palm, reversing it in one smooth move to hold the weapon carefully by its tip. In what looks to be a practiced move, XXX turns her stiletto in her palm, reversing the weapon to hold it by the blade's tip.
Tier 2 PINCH
You idly pick at the edge of your poignard's blade as you turn an impassive gaze to XXX. XXX idly picks at the edge of her poignard's blade as she turns an impassive gaze to you.
SCRATCH You tilt your head to the side and raise your poignard to scratch your temple with the point of its blade. XXX tilts her head curiously, scratching at her temple with the point of her poignard's blade.
Tier 3
Fully Unlocked
PROD You jab experimently at the air with your poignard, testing its balance. XXX abruptly takes several jabs at the air with her poignard, as if gut-stabbing an invisible opponent.
PULL Flexing your fingers around your poignard's hilt, you extend it in front of you in a defensive position. XXX tightens her grip on her poignard's hilt, extending the weapon in front of her in a defensive position.
PUSH Holding your poignard's hilt easily within your grip, you ready the blade in an offensive posture. XXX lightly grips her poignard, readying the weapon in an offensive posture.
WAVE Raising your poignard overhead, you let your hand hover momentarily in that position before you bring it downward in a vicious stabbing motion. With exaggerated movements, XXX raises her poignard overhead before bringing it quickly down in a vicious stabbing motion.


Tier 1
FLIP Passing your hands one over another in a blur of motion, you dexterously flip your vultite lance end over end in a windmilling fashion before abruptly catching it in a firm, wide-handed grip. Passing his hands one over another in a blur of motion, XXXX dexterously flips his vultite lance end over end in a windmilling fashion before abruptly catching it in a firm, wide-handed grip.
RUB You scrub your thumb against a spot of discoloration on the haft of your vultite lance, your brow drawing low in concentration. XXXX scrubs his thumb against a spot of discoloration on the haft of his vultite lance, seemingly lost in concentration.
TOUCH Tightening your grip on the haft of your vultite lance, you brace your weight against it as your eyes narrow. Tightening his grip on the haft of his vultite lance, XXXX braces his weight against it as his eyes narrow.
TURN You shift your grip on your vultite lance effortlessly from one hand to the other in a display of skill as you cut your eyes to the side. XXXX shifts his grip on his vultite lance effortlessly from one hand to the other in a display of skill as he cuts his eyes to the side.
Tier 2 PINCH
You turn your vultite lance in hand, clutching the haft and bracing the upper portion against your forearm as you direct its head toward XXXX. XXXX turns his vultite lance in hand, clutching the haft and bracing the upper portion against his forearm as he directs its head toward you.
SCRATCH As if lost in thought, you scuff the heel of your lance's haft against the floor, your expression distant. As if lost in thought, XXXX scuffs the heel of his lance's haft against the floor, his expression distant.
Tier 3
Fully Unlocked
PROD With a look of feigned innocence, you jab at the air with your vultite lance in a gut-stabbing motion. With a look of feigned innocence, XXXX jabs at the air with his vultite lance in a gut-stabbing motion.
PULL Anchoring your hands on the haft of your vultite lance in a wide grip, you position the weapon diagonally across your body in a defensive posture. Anchoring his hand on the haft of his vultite lance in a wide grip, XXXX positions the weapon diagonally across his body in a defensive posture.
PUSH Assuming an open stance, you grip your lance at half-staff and tap the heel of the haft to the floor before shifting into an offensive posture. Assuming an open stance, XXXX grips his lance at half-staff and taps the heel of the haft to the floor before shifting into an offensive posture.
WAVE With adroit precision, you spin your vultite lance overhead until it blurs, then rapidly execute a series of maneuvers before firmly planting the heel of the haft in the floor at your side. With adroit precision, XXXX spins his vultite lance overhead until it blurs, then rapidly executes a series of maneuvers before firmly planting the heel of the haft in the floor at his side.


Tier 1
FLIP You nimbly toss your steel claidhmore from one hand to the other with practiced ease before swinging it in an elegant arc, bringing it to the fore in a ready pose. XXX nimbly tosses her steel claidhmore from one hand to the other with practiced ease before swinging it in an elegant arc, bringing it to the fore in a ready pose.
RUB You smooth the palm of your hand down the flat your claidhmore's blade as you turn a speculative glance upward. XXX smoothes the palm of her hand down the flat of her claidhmore's blade as she turns a speculative glance upward.
TOUCH You cant your head slightly to one side as you idly rest your hand on the hilt of your steel claidhmore. XXX cants her head slightly to one side as she idly rests her hand on the hilt of her steel claidhmore.
TURN Holding your steel claidhmore at arm's length, you gaze appraisingly down the edge of the blade before giving the claidhmore a half-turn to inspect its finish. Holding her steel claidhmore at arm's length, XXX gazes appraisingly down the edge of the blade before giving the claidhmore a half-turn to inspect its finish.
Tier 2 PINCH
Your chin dips as your raise your sica, meaningfully leveling it at XXX as you settle a darkly hooded gaze on her. XXX's chin dips as he raises his sica, meaningfully leveling it at XXX as he settles a darkly hooded gaze on XXX.
SCRATCH Your eyes adopt a hard expression as you pantomime drawing a line across the ground at your feet with your low steel sica. XXX's eyes adopt a hard expression as he pantomimes drawing a line across the ground at his feet with his low steel sica.
Tier 3
Fully Unlocked
PROD You make a few experimental thrusts at the air with your low steel sica, testing its balance, before nodding with satisfaction. XXX makes a few experimental thrusts at the air with his low steel sica, testing its balance, before nodding with satisfaction.
PULL Stepping back on one foot, you adopt a defensive posture, drawing your sica into a ready position. Stepping back on one foot, XXX adopts a defensive posture, drawing his sica into a ready position.
PUSH Balancing your weight on the balls of your feet, you thrust your low steel sica forward in an offensive stance. Balancing his weight on the balls of his feet, XXX thrusts his low steel sica forward in an offensive stance.
WAVE Whipping your low steel sica in a wide circle overhead, you punctuate the motion with a forceful thrust of the weapon skyward. Whipping his low steel sica in a wide circle overhead, XXX punctuates the motion with a forceful thrust of the weapon skyward.


Tier 1
FLIP Obviously showing off, you abruptly unbalance your grip on the haft of your mace and allow the momentum of its falling weight to swing it from your hand like a pendulum. Effortlessly, you clap your hands one over the other to bring the mace full circle and proffer it out with a broad smile. Obviously showing off, XXX abruptly unbalances her grip on the haft of her mace and allows the momentum of its falling weight to swing it from her hand like a pendulum. Effortlessly, you clap your hands one over the other to bring the mace full circle and proffer it out with a broad smile.
RUB Doing a double-take as your eyes roam over the haft of your mace, you lick the pad of your thumb and scrub at a stain. Is that blood? XXX does a double-take as her eyes roam over the haft of her golvern flanged mace. Abruptly, she licks the pad of her thumb and scrubs at the haft.
TOUCH You run the palm of your hand along the haft of your golvern flanged mace thoughtfully before casting a narrow-eyed glance from beneath your furrowed brow. XXX runs the palm of her hand along the haft of her golvern flanged mace thoughtfully before casting a narrow-eyed glance from beneath her furrowed brow.
TURN With a double-handed grip, you swivel your wrists to sweep your golvern flanged mace from side to side in a wide arc through the air before you. Ending with a flourish, you swing the mace upright in a smart salute. With a double-handed grip, XXX swivels her wrists to sweep her golvern flanged mace from side to side in a wide arc through the air before her. Ending with a flourish, she swings the mace upright in a smart salute.
Tier 2 PINCH
With a sinister curl of your lip, you choke up on the haft of your golvern flanged mace with a one-handed grip and let the heavy head fall level with XXX's face. With a sinister curl of her lip, XXX chokes up on the haft of her golvern flanged mace with a one-handed grip, leveling the heavy head inches from your face.
SCRATCH With a frustrated sigh, you scuff the head of your golvern flanged mace against the floor at your feet and squint upward. With a frustrated sigh, XXX scuffs the head of her golvern flanged mace against the floor at her feet and squints upward.
Tier 3
Fully Unlocked
PROD Bracing the haft of your golvern flanged mace against your forearm, you extend your arm to jab at the air accusingly. Bracing the haft of her golvern flanged mace against her forearm, XXX extends her arm to jab at the air accusingly.
PULL The weight of your golvern flanged mace makes the air howl as you execute a quick crossbody slash before shifting your weight onto your back foot, brandishing the mace from a defensive posture. The weight of XXX's golvern flanged mace makes the air howl as she executes a quick crossbody slash before shifting her weight onto her back foot, brandishing the mace from a defensive posture.
PUSH With ease, you raise your golvern flanged mace with a firm, two-handed grip and settle into a battle-ready stance. With ease, XXX raises her golvern flanged mace with a firm, two-handed grip and settles into a battle-ready stance.
WAVE Arms raised overhead, you whip your golvern flanged mace around in wild, whooshing circuits, affecting a dramatic air as you snarl with feigned bloodlust. Arms raised overhead, XXX whips her golvern flanged mace around in wild, whooshing circuits through the air as she snarls with what you hope is feigned bloodlust.


A fully unlocked Siolan dagger is available on the Return to Black Swan Castle Prize List as a dark crimson kelyn dagger with a black leather-wrapped hilt. It is has enhancive properties exclusive to the quest.

The dagger resonates with your voice, indicating that it enhances its owner in the following ways:
It provides a bonus of 5 to Ambush Bonus.
It provides a bonus of 4 to Combat Maneuvers Bonus.
The dagger looks to have a lot of charges remaining.
You sense that the crimson kelyn dagger will persist after its last enhancive charge has been expended.

See Also

Siolan weapon Information
Type Mechanical
Item Classification Weapon
Item(s) Applied to
Original Release Merchant Siolan
Tiered Yes
Number of Tiers 3
How to Unlock Merchant
Item Verbs