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Spin Kick

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Spin Kick
Mnemonic [spinkick]
Activating Verb WEAPON
Category Brawling
Type Reaction
Roundtime ATTACK-2
Offensive Gear Boots, or armor covering the feet
Attributes Flares/Spikes Enabled
Initiator Stance Penalty
Shield Defensive Bonus
Target Stance Bonus
Available To Warriors, Rogues, Rangers, Bards, Monks, Paladins
Rank Cost/acquired at
1 75 Brawling ranks  
2 100 ranks 
3 125 ranks 
4 150 ranks 
5 175 ranks


Spin around, kicking a target.

Reaction Trigger

Requires attacker to have a Recent Evasion. Reaction triggers are removed after activation regardless of success or failure.


Maneuver a target, dealing minor concussion and heavy impact damage. Kick Specialization adds +2 per rank to the roll, and a (Rank * 20)% chance to double kick the target.

Additional Information

This weapon technique is available upon training 75 ranks of Brawling, and ranks in the technique will go up with further training.
