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Steam critical table

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Steam critical table:

Steam is a combinative damage type caused by the interaction of the two elements, fire and water. The damaging effects of steam can occur from specially infused flaring weapons, spells such as Minor Steam (1707), Minor Water (903) when evoked with a minimum of 20 Elemental Lore, Fire ranks, Nature's Fury (635) (when appropriate climate and terrain conditions exist), and from environmental effects.

The damage values (hit points) associated with the critical ranks in this table are AS based taken from the Minor Steam spell.


  • Damage values associated with messaging should be correct even though some of the values seem a bit odd (22, 26, 32 etc.).
  • The rank 4 right/left leg status effects and injuries are different. This is probably an original coding error.
  • There are several typos in the messaging [scaldling (scalding), The (the), leave(s) etc.]


  • A - Amputation (limb loss)
  • F - Fatal critical
  • K - Knockdown
  • R - Injury level (rank 1, 2 or 3)
  • S - Stun w/number of rounds
  • x - Unknown stun round


Rank Damage Message Status Effects Wounds
0 0 Steam billows around the [target]. Invigorating. none none
1 4 Burst of steam to the head leaves the [target]'s face flushed. none R1
2 10 Hot steam strike to face made the [target] flinch! S1 R1
3 16 Hot vapors to face leave the [target] gasping. S2 R1
4 22 Hot steam to the face causes the [target] to grimace in pain! S4 R2
5 28 Spray of hot water vapors to face causes large blisters. Painful, but at least it obscures the acne. S9 R2
6 34 Exposure to overheated steam removes wrinkles along with face! S12 R3
7 40 Scalding blast removes hair and peels back scalp to show bone! F R3
8 46 The [target]'s head is engulfed in a hot ball of steam. Brain is nicely cooked! F R3
9 52 Superheated blast turns facial complexion to a curiously unhealthy pallor. F R3
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Rank Damage Message Status Effects Wounds
0 0 Wisps of steam make the [target] hot under the collar. none none
1 3 Hot steam raises the hair on the back of the [target]'s neck. none R1
2 5 Steam catches the [target] in the neck causing minor discomfort. S1 R1
3 10 Hot burst to to neck leaves the [target] a li'l steamed! S2 R1
4 13 Hot vapors cause noticeable discoloration in neck. S4 R2
5 16 Scalding steam leaves the throat feeling sore but sterilized. S6 R2
6 20 Over exposure to hot steam leaves neck feeling stiff. S9 R3
7 27 Seething steam strike to neck leaves it tender and juicy. F R3
8 35 The [target]'s neck is parboiled, leaves throat a li'l parched. F R3
9 41 Blast of superheated steam cauterizes carotid artery, leading to instant death! F R3
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Rank Damage Message Status Effects Wounds
0 0 The [target] barely notices the puff of steam. none none
1 1 Hot vapors cause the [target]'s eyes to water profusely. S1 R1
2 4 Steamy gust to the right eye causes the [target] to blink repeatedly. S1 R1
3 7 The [target]'s right eye swells from hot gust of steam! S2 R2
4 15 Right eye boiled in skull to a soft consistency! S3 R2
5 22 Extended exposure to hot steam fuses eyelid to cornea! S5 R3
6 30 Hot steam blast causes cornea to blister! Visual acuity noticeably diminished. S10 R3 eye/head
7 35 Right eye bursts from pressure of boiling ocular fluid. F R3 eye/head
8 40 Scalding jet eviscerates right eye! F R3 eye/head
9 45 Steaming ocular fluid cooks eyeball evenly. Hors d'oeuvres anyone? F R3 eye/head
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Rank Damage Message Status Effects Wounds
0 0 The [target] barely notices the puff of steam. none none
1 1 Hot vapors cause the [target]'s eyes to water profusely. S1 R1
2 4 Steamy gust to the left eye causes the [target] to blink repeatedly. S1 R1
3 7 The [target]'s left eye swells from hot gust of steam! S2 R2
4 15 Left eye boiled in skull to a soft consistency! S3 R2
5 22 Extended exposure to hot steam fuses eyelid to cornea! S5 R3
6 30 Hot steam blast causes cornea to blister! Visual acuity noticeably diminished. S10 R3 eye/head
7 35 Left eye bursts from pressure of boiling ocular fluid. F R3 eye/head
8 40 Scalding jet eviscerates left eye! F R3 eye/head
9 45 Steaming ocular fluid cooks eyeball evenly. Hors d'oeuvres anyone? F R3 eye/head
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Rank Damage Message Status Effects Wounds
0 0 Steam billows around the [target]. Invigorating. none none
1 4 Hot gush of steam to the chest startles the [target]. none R1
2 8 Sweltering vapors to upper body cause noticeable discomfort. none R1
3 15 The [target] fails to avoid the steam fumes. Strike leaves chest simmering. S1 R1
4 20 Steamed ribs make fine soup bone! S2 R2
5 26 Solid strike of steam peels back epidermis in large chunks! S4 R2
6 30 Steaming strike turns lungs to pudding! S5 R2
7 45 Boiling steam strike to the [target]'s chest causes major heartburn.. and lungburn.. S7 R3
8 55 The [target]'s chest is cooked to tender perfection. White meat or dark? F R3
9 65 Superheated steam boils internal organs! The [target]'s heart is boiled.. not broken. F R3
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Rank Damage Message Status Effects Wounds
0 0 Warm mist covers the [target]'s abdomen. Feels damp. none none
1 4 Hot steam makes the [target] feel warm all inside and out. none R1
2 8 A hot gust of vapors to stomach reheats meal. none R1
3 15 The hot steam exposure causes skin to blister and redden. S1 R1
4 20 Seething vapors cause severe abdominal pains. S2 R2
5 26 Boiling vapors cooks abdomen evenly. Haggis anyone? S4 R2
6 30 A steaming burst to the stomach sends the [target] reeling backwards. S5 R2
7 45 Direct strike to abdomen leave the [target] simmering, stewed in its own juices! S7 R3
8 55 The [target]'s abdomen is parboiled. The smell is nauseating. F R3 abdomen/nerves
9 65 Superheated steam turns the [target]'s intestines into a fine delicacy! F R3 abdomen/nerves
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Rank Damage Message Status Effects Wounds
0 0 Mist envelops the [target]'s back. Made it sweat. none none
1 4 Hot steam causes the [target] to squirm uncomfortably! none R1
2 10 Hot vapors to back cause the [target] to squirm in discomfort. none R1
3 15 Close proximity to scalding mist cause minor burns to back side! S1 R1
4 20 Boiling steam reduces backside to blistering pulp! S2 R2
5 26 Strike to back leaves it simmering! S4 R2
6 30 Scaldling blast peels large layers of skin off the [target]'s back! S5 R2
7 45 Boiling strike to back leaves nerves raw and everything else steamed. S7 R3
8 55 The [target]'s back is cooked to tender perfection. White meat or dark? F R3 Back/Nerves
9 65 Superheated steam cooks the [target]'s spine and fuses nerves! F R3 Back/Nerves
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Rank Damage Message Status Effects Wounds
0 0 Sprinkle of mist. Not much else. none none
1 3 The [target] flinches from the spurt of hot steam to its right arm. none R1
2 7 Excoriating vapors cause chafing of right arm. none R1
3 8 The [target] jerks right arm away from the hot steam. S1 R1
4 10 Scalding steam blisters right arm with painful splotches. S1 R1
5 17 Boiling vapor strike leaves right arm quivering uncontrollably! S3 R2
6 20 The [target] cringes from a scalding blast to right arm! S3 R2
7 26 Torrid steam blast to right arm cooks it to the bone! S6 R2
8 32 Boiling stream strikes right arm! Steamed, not fried. S8 A R3
9 45 Overexposure to superheated steam reduces right arm to simmering tissue! S10 A R3
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Rank Damage Message Status Effects Wounds
0 0 Sprinkle of mist. Not much else. none none
1 3 The [target] flinches from the spurt of hot steam to its left arm. none R1
2 7 Excoriating vapors cause chafing of left arm. none R1
3 8 The [target] jerks left arm away from the hot steam S1 R1
4 10 Scalding steam blisters left arm with painful splotches. S1 R1
5 17 Boiling vapor strike leaves left arm quivering uncontrollably! S3 R2
6 20 The [target] cringes from a scalding blast to left arm! S3 R2
7 26 Torrid steam blast to left arm cooks it to the bone! S6 R2
8 32 Boiling stream strikes left arm! Steamed, not fried. S8 A R3
9 45 Overexposure to superheated steam reduces left arm to simmering tissue! S10 A R3
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Rank Damage Message Status Effects Wounds
0 0 Moisturizing vapors cover the [target]'s right hand. none none
1 1 The [target] jerks its right hand back as hot steam envelops it. none R1
2 3 Brief exposure to hot vapors on right hand startles the [target]. none R1
3 5 Blistering mist leaves The [target] holding its right hand tenderly! S1 R1
4 7 The [target] grimaces as hot droplets scald its right hand. S1 R1
5 8 Boiling vapor strike to right hand causes loss of feeling in fingers! S2 R2
6 10 Boiling steam causes fingers to shrivel! S3 R2
7 15 Overheated steam blast boils the [target]'s right hand! S4 R2
8 26 Accurate steam gust severely burns the [target]'s right hand! S5 A R3
9 28 Blast of superheated steam shrivels the [target]'s right hand! S6 A R3
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Rank Damage Message Status Effects Wounds
0 0 Moisturizing vapors cover the [target]'s left hand. none none
1 1 The [target] jerks its left hand back as hot steam envelops it. none R1
2 3 Brief exposure to hot vapors on left hand startles the [target]. none R1
3 5 Blistering mist leaves The [target] holding its left hand tenderly! S1 R1
4 7 The [target] grimaces as hot droplets scald its left hand. S1 R1
5 8 Boiling vapor strike to left hand causes loss of feeling in fingers! S2 R2
6 10 Boiling steam causes fingers to shrivel! S3 R2
7 15 Overheated steam blast boils the [target]'s left hand! S4 R2
8 26 Accurate steam gust severely burns the [target]'s left hand! S5 A R3
9 28 Blast of superheated steam shrivels the [target]'s left hand! S6 A R3
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Rank Damage Message Status Effects Wounds
0 0 A tepid mist clings to the [target]'s right leg. Feels clammy. none none
1 5 Hot steam spray to the leg makes the [target] jump back. none R1
2 10 Hot vapors cause reddening of skin on right leg. none R1
3 15 The [target] shakes its right leg trying to cool off hot clinging mist. S1 R1
4 17 Scouring steam strips skin from right leg! S1 A K R3
5 20 The [target] staggers from hot steam blast to right leg! S3 K R2
6 24 Fuming water vapors make the [target]'s knees all wobbly. S4 K R2
7 30 Exposure to broiling vapors render right leg barely usable! S8 K R2
8 38 An accurate strike renders the [target]'s right leg to a steaming lump of flesh! S10 A K R3
9 43 Exposure to superheated steam renders right leg useless but fat-free! S11 A K R3
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Rank Damage Message Status Effects Wounds
0 0 A tepid mist clings to the [target]'s left leg. Feels clammy. none none
1 5 Hot steam spray to the leg makes the [target] jump back. none R1
2 10 Hot vapors cause reddening of skin on left leg. none R1
3 15 The [target] shakes its left leg trying to cool off hot clinging mist. S1 R1
4 17 Scouring steam strips skin from left leg! S1 R1
5 20 The [target] staggers from hot steam blast to left leg! S3 K R2
6 24 Fuming water vapors make the [target]'s knees all wobbly. S4 K R2
7 30 Exposure to broiling vapors render left leg barely usable! S8 K R2
8 38 An accurate strike renders the [target]'s left leg to a steaming lump of flesh! S10 A K R3
9 43 Exposure to superheated steam renders left leg useless but fat-free! S11 A K R3
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See Also

Noncorporeal critical table for messaging with steam based attacks against Noncorporeal creatures.